Introdução:A reabilitação protética implantosuportada de espaços edêntulos na região do sorriso é um desafio para o cirurgião-dentista. Para obtenção da estética em próteses unitárias sobre implante é necessário considerar aspectos como o correto posicionamento do implante e sua harmonia com os tecidos moles e duros. Objetivo:relatar o resultado estético e funcional de um tratamento com auxílio de coroa provisória associada ao condicionamento gengival na reabilitação final com coroa unitária implantossuportada. Relato de caso clínico: Paciente MJFA, 36 anos, sexo feminino, compareceu à clínica de Prótese Dentária do Departamento de Odontologia/UFRN queixando-se de trauma dentário com perda do elemento dentário 15 e necessidade de "ficar com sorriso mais bonito". Após instalação de implante com conexão cônica e período de osseointegração, foi realizada a confecção da coroa provisória sobre implante e iniciada sessões de condicionamento gengival por meio de acréscimos com resina acrílica, utilizando a técnica de pressão gradual sob a margem gengival. Observou-se uma melhora no tecido periimplantar e um perfil de emergência adequado. O caso possui proservação de 3 anos. Conclusões:a realização de condicionamento gengival previamente a prótese final é uma etapa importante para alcançar umareabilitação com característicasestéticas e funcionais semelhantes à de dentes naturais (AU).
Introduction:Implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation of edentulous spaces in the smile areais a challenge for dental surgeons. To achieve pleasing esthetics in single implant prostheses it is necessary to consider aspects such as the correct positioning of the implant and its harmony with the soft and hard tissues.Objective:to report the esthetic and functional results of a treatment with the aid of a provisional crown associated with gingival conditioning in the final rehabilitation with a single implant-supported crown.Clinical case report:Patient MJFA, 36 years old, female, attended the Prosthodonticsclinic of the Department of Dentistry/UFRN complaining of dental trauma with loss of tooth 15 and the need to "havea more beautiful smile". Afterinstalling an implant with a conical connection and a period of osseointegration, a temporary crown was made on the implant and gingival conditioning sessions were initiatedby means of acrylic resin augmentations, using the gradual pressure technique under the gingival margin. An improvement in the peri-implant tissue and an adequate emergenceprofile were observed. The case has a 3-year follow-up period.Conclusions:performing gingival conditioning prior to the final prosthesis is an important step in achieving rehabilitation with esthetic and functional characteristics similar to those of natural teeth (AU).
Introducción: La rehabilitación protésica implantosoportada de espacios edéntulos en el áreade la sonrisa es un desafío para el cirujano dentista. Para conseguir una buena estética en las prótesis unitarias sobre implanteses necesario tener en cuentaaspectos como el posicionamiento correctodel implante y su armonía con los tejidos blandos y duros.Objetivo: informar losresultadosestéticosy funcionalesde un tratamiento con ayuda de coronas provisionales asociado al acondicionamiento gingival en la rehabilitación final con corona única implantosoportada.Relato de caso clínico: Lapaciente MJFA, 36 años, sexo femenino, se dirigióa la clínica de Prostodonciadel Departamento de Odontología/UFRN quejándose de un traumatismodental con pérdida del diente 15 y de la necesidad de "tener una sonrisa más bonita". Después de la colocación de un implante con conexión cónica y de un período de osteointegración, se realizó una corona provisional sobre el implante y se iniciaron sesiones de acondicionamiento gingival con aumentos de resina acrílica, utilizando la técnica de presión gradual bajo el margen gingival. Se observó una mejora del tejido periimplantario y un perfil de emergencia adecuado. El caso tiene un seguimiento de 3 años. Conclusiones: el acondicionamiento gingival previo a la prótesis definitiva es una etapaimportante para conseguiruna rehabilitación con características estéticas y funcionales similares a las de los dientes naturales (AU).
Humans , Female , Adult , Tissue Conditioning, Dental/instrumentation , Dental Implants , Esthetics, Dental , Mouth Rehabilitation , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/instrumentationABSTRACT
A estética e estabilidade dos tecidos moles e ósseo ao redor do implante é um componente crítico para o sucesso do implante em longo prazo e pode ser influenciado por fatores como os tipos de conexões protéticas. OBJETIVO: Comparar o comportamento do tecido peri-implantar em reabilitação com coroas implantossuportadas cimentadas na região estética usando um pilar protético pré-fabricado em titânio (GT) e um pilar protético personalizado em zircônia (GZ). METODOLOGIA: Neste estudo longitudinal do tipo ensaio clínico controlado, cego e não randomizado, 30 coroas cimentadas sobre implantes dentários unitários em região estética anterior foram alocados sequencialmente: 15 reabilitados sobre um sistema de implante com pilar protético pré-fabricado em titânio (GT) e 15 sobre um sistema de implantes com pilar protético personalizado em zircônia (GZ). O comportamento do tecido peri-implantar foi avaliado em T0 (início do condicionamento tecidual), T1 (fim do condicionamento tecidual), T2 (7 dias após cimentação final), T3 (6 meses após cimentação final). Índice de Placa Visível (IPV), Índice de Sangramento Gengival (ISG), Sangramento a sondagem (SS), Profundidade de Sondagem (PS), Relação Altura/Largura da papila interdental (AP/LP), Faixa de Mucosa Ceratinizada (MC), Espessura gengival (EG), Fenótipo periodontal (FP), Recessão Gengival (RG), distância radiográfica da crista óssea para o ponto de contato e Pink Esthetic Score (PES) foram avaliados. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando os seguintes testes estatísticos: Friedman, Mann-Whitney e Qui- quadrado/Exato de Fisher, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os grupos para nenhum dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais nos tempos avaliados (p>0,05). Entretanto, a análise intragrupo mostrou uma redução estatística no IPV e ISG entre T1 e T2 apenas para o GZ (p<0,05). Houve diminuição significativa entre os tempos T0 e T3 para o parâmetro de EG (1,67 mm - 1,47 mm no GT; 1,70 mm -1,47mm no GZ) e aumento da razão AP/LP (0,56 0,80 no GT; 0,70-0,83 no GZ) em ambos os grupos (p<;0.001). O PES também aumentou significativamente para ambos os grupos (9 12 no GT; 7 12 no GZ) de T0 para T1, mantendo-se elevado nos demais tempos analisados. CONLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram que os pilares protéticos utilizados não impactaram em diferenças nas variáveis clínicas e estética relacionadas ao comportamento dos tecidos periimplantares ao longo do tempo. Sendo assim, a decisão pela seleção dos componentes para a reabilitação em região estética poderia se basear em aspectos como o custo, fluxo e tempo de trabalho (AU).
The esthetics and stability of the soft tissue and bone around the implant is a critical component to the long-term success of the implant and can be influenced by factors such as the type of prosthetic connections. OBJECTIVE: To compare the behavior of the periimplant tissue of single implant-supported crowns in the anterior aesthetic area using prefabricated titanium prosthetic abutments (GT) and customized zirconia prosthetic abutments (GZ). METHODOLOGY: In this controlled, blinded, non- randomized clinical trial, 30 single cemented crown over anterior implants were sequentially allocated: 15 implants rehabilitated on implant system with a prefabricated titanium prosthetic abutment (GT) and 15 on implant system with customized zirconia prosthetic abutment (GZ). The behavior of the peri- implant tissue was evaluated at T0 (beginning of tissue conditioning), T1 (end of tissue conditioning), T2 (7 days after final cementation), T3 (6 months after final cementation). Visible Plaque Index (VPI), Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI), Bleeding on Probing (BoP), Probing Depth (PD), Interdental Papilla Height/Width Ratio (PH/PW), Keratinized Mucosa Width (KM), Gingival Thickness (PT), Periodontal Phenotype (PF), Gingival Recession (GR), radiographic distance from the bone crest to the contact point and Pink Esthetic Score (PES) were registered. The results were analyzed with the following statistical tests: Friedman, Mann-Whitney and Chi- square/Fisher; Exact test with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences were observed between groups for any of the clinical parameters in any, (p>0.05). However, intragroup analysis showed a statistical reduction in VPI between T1 and T2 only for GZ (p< 0.05). There was a significant decrease between T0 and T3 for GT (1.67 mm - 1.47 mm in GT, and 1.70 mm -1.47 mm in GZ) and increase in the ratio PH/PW (0.56 - 0.80 in GT and 0.70- 0.83 in GZ) in both groups (p<0.0001). PES also increased significantly for both groups (9 12 in GT and 7 12 in GZ) from T0 to T1 and remained high in the other periods. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the prosthetic abutments used did not impact differences in clinical and aesthetic variables related to the behavior of peri-implant tissues during the study. Therefore, the decision to select components an aesthetic area should be based on aspects such as cost, workflow and timing (AU).
Tissue Conditioning, Dental , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Esthetics, Dental , Chi-Square Distribution , Longitudinal Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Crowns , Dental Implantation , Mouth RehabilitationABSTRACT
Objectives: This clinical study was conducted to evaluate the effect of immediate loading on peri-implant soft tissue health using three protocols: I) Immediate functional loading using polymer infiltrated ceramic (PIC) material (IFLV). II) Immediate functional loading using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) followed by delayed functional loading using PIC material (IFLP). III) Immediate non-functional loading using PMMA followed by delayed functional loading using PIC material (INFLP). Material & Methods: 30 Implants were placed in the upper premolar area and divided randomly according to the immediate loading protocol. In the control group (INFLP), CAD/CAM PMMA crowns were placed out of occlusion for 3 months, and then replaced by CAD/CAM VITA ENAMIC crowns in functional occlusion. For (IFLV) group, CAD/CAM VITA ENAMIC crowns were immediately loaded in functional occlusion; while in (IFLP) group, CAD/CAM PMMA crowns were placed in functional occlusion for 3 months, and then replaced by CAD/CAM VITA ENAMIC crowns. Modified pink esthetic score (MPES) and probing depth were used for evaluation of peri-implant soft tissue at base line and follow up periods. Results: INFLP showed higher MPES results compared to IFLV and IFLP. Moreover, the INFLP probing depth at 3 months showed higher results compared to the other groups. Conclusions: Immediate non-functional loading showed the best outcomes. However, peri-implant soft tissue health of the immediate functional loading using the PIC crown material was clinically acceptable (AU)
Objetivo: Este estudo clínico foi realizado para avaliar o efeito da carga imediata na saúde do tecido mole peri-implantar usando três protocolos: I) Carga imediata funcional usando material de cerâmica infiltrada com polímero (PIC) (IFLV). II) Carga imediata funcional usando polimetilmetacrilato(PMMA) seguida por carga funcional retardada usando material PIC (IFLP). III) Carga imediata não funcional usando PMMA seguida por carga funcional retardada usando material PIC (INFLP). Material e Métodos: 30 implantes foram colocados na área dos pré-molares superiores e divididos aleatoriamente de acordo com o protocolo de carga imediata. No grupo controle (INFLP), as coroas CAD / CAM PMMA foram colocadas sem oclusão por 3 meses, e então substituídas pelas coroas CAD / CAM VITA ENAMIC na oclusão funcional. Para o grupo (IFLV), as coroas CAD / CAM VITA ENAMIC foram carregadas imediatamente em oclusão funcional; enquanto no grupo (IFLP), as coroas CAD / CAM PMMA foram colocadas em oclusão funcional por 3 meses, e então substituídas por coroas CAD / CAM VITA ENAMIC. O escore da estética rosa modificado (PESM) e a profundidade de sondagem foram realizados para avaliação do tecido mole peri-implantar no início e nos períodos de acompanhamento. Resultados: INFLP apresentou resultados de PESM superiores em comparação com IFLV e IFLP. Além disso, a profundidade de sondagem INFLP em 3 meses apresentou resultados superiores em comparação com os outros grupos. Conclusões: A carga imediata não funcional apresentou os melhores resultados. No entanto, a integridade do tecido mole peri-implantar da carga imediata funcional usando o material da coroa PIC foi clinicamente aceitável. (AU)
Humans , Tissue Conditioning, Dental , Tooth Crown , Dental ImplantationABSTRACT
Objetivos: Avaliar a influência do tipo de intermediário protético e do condicionamento tecidual sobre a estética de coroas unitárias provisórias sobre implantes instalados na região do sorriso. Material e Métodos: Trinta implantes foram alocados sequencialmente: 15 foram reabilitados provisoriamente sobre um intermediário protético pré-fabricado em titânio (GT) e 15 sobre um intermediário protético preparável provisório (GP). Em ambos os grupos foi realizado condicionamento tecidual (CT) pela técnica não-cirúrgica de pressão gradual e a estética periimplantar foi avaliada antes e após esse processo, por meio do Pink Esthetic Score (PES). O PES também foi aplicado no dente homólogo à reabilitação. A satisfação estética foi analisada pela escala visual analógica (EVA) após o procedimento de CT. Dados clínicos da mucosa gengival também foram coletados. Resultados: 22 pacientes, totalizando 24 implantes, concluíram o estudo, sendo 14 implantes do GT e 10 do GP. A estética periimplantar antes e após o CT, bem como a satisfação dos pacientes foi semelhante entre os grupos, p>0,05. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas para os valores de PES antes e após o CT, e para a comparação com o dente homólogo em ambos os grupos, p<0,05. O processo de condicionamento tecidual não foi influenciado pelo tempo de implantação, tempo de carga e fenótipo periimplantar, p>0,05. Conclusão: O intermediário protético não influenciou nem no processo de condicionamento tecidual e nem na satisfação dos pacientes. A etapa de condicionamento tecidual foi capaz de melhorar os resultados estéticos periimplantares, entretanto, a estética gengival dos dentes naturais homólogos apresenta resultados significativamente superior (AU).
Objective: To evaluate the influence of prosthetic abutment and tissue conditioning on the esthetics of single implants' temporary crowns. Materials and Methods: Thirty implants were allocated sequentially: fifteen implants were provisionally rehabilitated with a titanium prefabricated prosthetic abutment (GT) and 15 with a provisional preparable prosthetic abutment (GP). In both groups, tissue conditioning (TC) was performed by the non-surgical gradual pressure technique and peri-implant aesthetics were assessed before and after this process, using the Pink Esthetic Score (PES). PES was also applied on homologous tooth. Aesthetic satisfaction was assessed using the visual analog scale (EVA) after the conditioning process. Clinical data on the gingival mucosa were also collected. Results: 22 patients (24 implants) completed this study, 14 implants from GT and 10 from GP. Peri-implant aesthetics before and after TC, as well as patient satisfaction was similar between groups, p> 0.05. Significant differences were found for PES values before and after TC, and for comparison with the homologous tooth in both groups, p <0.05. The TC process seems not be influenced by the implantation time, loading time and peri-implant biotype, p> 0.05. Conclusion: The prosthetic abutment seems not influence neither the TC process nor patient satisfaction. The TC step is able to improve the peri-implant aesthetic results, however, the gingival aesthetics of the natural teeth is still significantly greater (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Tissue Conditioning, Dental , Patient Satisfaction , Dental Implantation , Esthetics, Dental , Prostheses and Implants , Radiography, Dental/instrumentation , Chi-Square Distribution , Longitudinal Studies , Dental Prosthesis , Statistics, Nonparametric , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
A provisionalização imediata, em que o provisório é adaptado diretamente no implante recém-instalado, é uma ótima alternativa para temporização. A indicação depende do posicionamento tridimensional correto, estabilidade primária do implante e o perfil oclusal do paciente. O manejo da prótese é essencial para a estética e o desenho do pilar protético (provisório ou definitivo) pode influenciar favorável ou negativamente os resultados.
Immediate provisionalization, in which the provisional is adapted directly into the newly installed implant, is a great alternative for temporization. Its indication depends on correct three-dimensional positioning, implant primary stability and patient's occlusal profile. Prosthesis handling is essential for prosthetic abutment (provisional or definitive) aesthetics and design and can favorably or negatively influence the results.
Humans , Dental Implantation/methods , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Denture, Partial, Temporary , Tissue Conditioning, DentalABSTRACT
Introduction: Convencional resin cements can be used in combination with a total-etch system in a conventional mode or as self-adhesive resin cements. The latter are less technique sensitive and able to bond to dental tissues without previous treatment or adhesive layer and requires only a single step to be applied to dental structures. Objective: To compare qualitatively the adhesive interfaces of two self-adhesive resin cements and one conventional resin cement after different tooth surface treatments under scanning electron microscopy. Material and method: 42 crowns of bovine incisors were sectioned and flattened exposing enamel (E) or dentine (D) substrate. Subgroups were defined according to conditioning type and time: E1—no treatment, E2—37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds, E3—37% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds; D1—no treatment, D2—37% phosphoric acid for 5 seconds; D3—11.5% polyacrylic acid for 15 seconds. A resin block was bonded to each substrate using the self-adhesive resin cements RelyX U100 (3M ESPE) and RelyX U200 (3M ESPE). As a reference hybrid layer, six resin blocks were luted with RelyX ARC and Scotchbond Multi-Purpose adhesive system (3M ESPE) (enamel—EA; dentine—DA). After aging for 7 days in a moist environment at 37±1°C, samples were prepared for microscopy analysis. Result and Discussion: In the ARC specimens, there was hybrid layer formation in both EA and DA. U100 E1 showed gaps at the adhesive interface, while E2 and E3 showed interaction for both self-adhesive cements. There was superficial interaction with bothU100 and U200 in D1, while in D2 and D3, resin tags were only observed in the case of U100. Conclusion: It was concluded that substrate conditioning may enhance the interaction between self-adhesive resin cements and dental tissues, although this is not the case for RelyX U200 and dentine.
Introdução: Restaurações estéticas indiretas são preferencialmente cimentadas utilizando-se cimentos resinosos convencionais e sistema adesivo de condicionamento total ou cimentos resinosos autoadesivos. Estes últimos são tecnicamente menos sensíveis e aderem aos tecidos dentários sem tratamento prévio ou aplicação de adesivo, com um único passo para sua aplicação aos tecidos dentários. Objetivo: Comparar qualitativamente as interfaces adesivas de dois cimentos resinosos autoadesivos e um cimento resinoso convencional, sob microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Material e método: 42 coroas de incisivos bovinos foram seccionadas e as faces vestibulares planificadas expondo esmalte (E) ou dentina (D). Os subgrupos foram definidos de acordo com o tipo e tempo de condicionamento: E1-sem tratamento, E2-37% de ácido fosfórico por 15 segundos, E3-37% de ácido fosfórico por 30 segundos; D1-sem tratamento, D2-37% de ácido fosfórico durante 5 segundos; D3-11,5% de ácido poliacrílico durante 15 segundos. Um bloco de resina foi unido a cada substrato usando os cimentos resinosos autoadesivos RelyX U100 e RelyX U200 (3M ESPE) (n=3). Como referência de camada híbrida, foram cimentados seis blocos de resina com RelyX ARC e o sistema adesivo Scotchbond Multi-Purpose(esmalte-EA, dentina-DA). Após armazenamento (7 dias, umidade, 37±1°C), as amostras foram preparadas para análise microscópica. Resultado: Nos espécimes ARC, houve formação de camada híbrida em EA e DA. U100 E1 mostrou lacunas na interface adesiva, enquanto E2 e E3 apresentaram boa interação para ambos os cimentos autoadesivos. Houve interação superficial com U100 e U200 em D1, enquanto em D2 e D3, foram observadas tags de resina apenas para U100. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que o condicionamento do substrato pode aumentar a interação entre cimentos resinosos autoadesivos e os tecidos dentários, embora este não seja o caso do RelyX U200 e da dentina.
Cattle , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Resin Cements , Dental Enamel , Resins, Synthetic , Tissue Conditioning, Dental , DentinABSTRACT
El objetivo de este estudio comparativo in vitro fue evaluar y comparar el efecto de diferentes métodos de profilaxis y acondicionamiento del esmalte, en la capacidad de adhesión de un sellador de fosas y fisuras fotopolimerizable. La porción coronaria de 50 premolares extraídos se seccionaron en dos mitades (vestibular y lingual) y se incluyeron en bloques de acrílico. Las muestras se dividieron en cinco grupos de acuerdo con los métodos de profilaxis: sin profilaxis, piedra pómez, gluconato de clorhexidina, pasta fluorada y limpiador por bicarbonato (air prophy); y técnicas de acondicionamiento del esmalte: grabado ácido con ácido fosfórico al 37% y adhesivo de autograbado. La fuerza de adhesión del sellador se midió en una máquina Instron® mediante una prueba de tracción. Los resultados no demostraron diferencias significativas en la resistencia a la tracción de acuerdo a las técnicas de acondicionamiento del esmalte utilizadas. En relación con los métodos de profilaxis estudiados, se observó que existieron diferencias significativas en los grupos tratados con pasta fluorada y limpiador por bicarbonato.
The aim of this in vitro comparative study was to evaluate and compare the effect of different methods of prophylaxis and conditioning of enamel, in the adhesiveness of a light-curing pit and fissure sealant. The coronal portion of 50 extracted premolars were sectioned into two halves (buccal and lingual) and embedded in acrylic blocks. The samples were divided into five groups according to the methods of prophylaxis: no prophylaxis, pumice powder, chlorhexidine gluconate, fluoridated paste and air prophy; and enamel conditioning techniques: etching acid with 37% phosphoric acid and self-etching adhesive. The sealant adhesion strength was measured using an Instron® machine for a tensile test. The results showed no significant differences in tensile strength according to the enamel conditioning techniques used. Regarding the methods of prophylaxis under study, a significant difference in groups treated with fluoridated paste and air prophy was observed.
Humans , Dental Enamel , Pit and Fissure Sealants , Tissue Conditioning, DentalABSTRACT
A otimização estética de restaurações implantossuportadas é uma combinação da concordância visual entre prótese e arquitetura do tecido mole peri-implantar. A proposta deste artigo consiste na aplicação do método clínico de compressão dinâmica, de condicionamento tecidual ao redor do nível ósseo peri-implantar, utilizando resina flow para reprodução deste condicionamento no processo de moldagem. A técnica tem sido bastante eficaz e difundida em virtude da estabilização do adequado perfil de emergência, a fim de estabelecer a harmonia do contorno gengival com os dentes adjacentes, incluindo altura e largura dos zênites gengivais, tornando o perfil gengival mais triangular e mantendo a estabilidade das áreas de contatos proximais com dentes adjacentes aos implantes.
The esthetic enhancement for implant-supported restorations is a visual combination between prosthesis and its gingival architecture. The aim of this case report is to demonstrate the use of the clinical dynamic compression technique for peri-implant tissues with a flow composite resin during the impression procedures. This technique has proven its efficacy and been well established because it allows for an adequate emergence profile, generating harmony at the gingival contour of the adjacent teeth, including the position of the gingival zeniths, making the gingival profile more tapered while keeping the proximal contact areas between tooth and implants.
Humans , Female , Adult , Composite Resins/therapeutic use , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Implants , Esthetics, Dental , Gingiva/anatomy & histology , Tissue Conditioning, Dental/methodsABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto del ácido poliacrílico al 15% (APA) aplicado por 10 y 20 segundos (s) en la dentina humana sobre la resistencia de unión de los cementos resinosos autoadhesivos. METODOLOGÍA: Se dividieron aleatoriamente veintisiete terceras molares en nueve grupos Maxcem Elite control (ME1), Maxcem Elite más APA aplicado por 10s (ME2), Maxcem Elite más APA por 20s (ME3), BisCem control (BC1), BisCem más APA por 10s (BC2), BisCem más APA por 20s (BC3), RelyX U200 control (RU1), RelyX U200 más APA por 10s (RU2), RelyX U200 más APA por 20s (RU3). Se cementaron discos de resina sobre la dentina y las muestras fueron almacenadas en agua destilada por 24h, luego se seccionaron para obtener microbarras de un área transversal de 1mm2 (n=30 por grupo). RESULTADOS: Los especímenes fueron evaluados con la prueba de microtensión. Los valores de la media y de la desviación estándar para cada grupo fueron: ME1=10.17MPa (±1.73), ME2=18.62 (±1.60), ME3=22.92 (±2.13), BC1=8.17 (±1.31), BC2=14.56 (±1.94), BC3=17.52 (±1.92), RU1=13.71 (±1.70), RU2=22.91 (±2.26) y RU3=30.42 (±1.50). Estos valores fueron analizados con las pruebas ANOVA de un factor y HDS de Tukey mostrando diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0.001) entre todos los grupos. CONCLUSIÓN: El acondicionamiento de la dentina con ácido poliacrílico al 15% incrementa significativamente la resistencia de unión de los cementos resinosos autoadhesivos, obteniéndose mejor resistencia en la aplicación por 20 segundos. (AU)
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of 15% polyacrylic acid (PAA) for 10 and 20 seconds applied to human dentin on the bond strength of three self-adhesive resin cements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty seven third molars were randomly divided into nine groups: Maxcem Elite control (ME1), Maxcem Elite + PAA applied for 10s (ME2), Maxcem Elite + PPA for 20s (ME3), BisCem control (BC1), BisCem + PAA for 10s (BC2), BisCem + PAA for 20s (BC3), RelyX U200 control (RU1), RelyX U200 + PAA for 10s (RU2), RelyX U200 + PPA for 20s (RU3). Resin disc were luted to dentin; after 24h of storage in distilled water, the samples were sectioned for obtaining microbar specimens whit a cross-sectional area of 1mm2 (n=30 per group). Specimens were submitted to the microtensile bond strength test. RESULTS: The mean and standard deviation result of each group were: ME1 = 10.17MPa (± 1.73), ME2 = 18.62 (± 1.60), ME3 = 22.92 (± 2.13), BC1 = 8.17 (± 1.31), BC2 = 14.56 (± 1.94), BC3 = 17.52 (± 1.92), RU1 = 13.71 (± 1.70), RU2 = 22.91 (± 2.26) and RU3 = 30.42 (± 1.50). These values were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey HDS shown statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) among all groups. CONCLUSION: Dentin conditioning with 15% polyacrylic acid significantly increases the bond strength of the self-adhesive resin cements, obtaining better resistance in the application for 20 seconds. (AU)
Humans , Tissue Conditioning, Dental , Adhesives , Resin Cements , DentinABSTRACT
A relação do pôntico com o tecido gengival é um dos fatores críticos ao tratar pacientes com queixas estéticas e funcionais em reabilitações com próteses parciais fixas. Em situações em que essa relação está deficiente, podem existir alterações estéticas pela formação de espaços negros, perda do contorno do rebordo vestibular e problemas funcionais, como alterações fonéticas e impacção alimentar sob as áreas de pôntico. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar um caso clínico em que a paciente apresentava queixa do aspecto de sua gengiva e da forma e coloração de sua prótese. Por meio de condicionamento tecidual e reabilitação da paciente com prótese parcial fixa, foi possível otimizar o aspecto dentário e o contorno gengival e, consequentemente, obter melhor relacionamento entre prótese e tecido gengival.
The relationship between gingival tissue and the pontic is one of many critical factors in the treatment of patients with esthetic and functional complaints usinf fixed partial dentures. In situations where this relation is inadequate there may be alterations due to the formation of black spaces, loss of buccal contour and functional problems such as phonetic modifications and food impaction underneath the pontic areas. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a clinical case where the patient presented a complaint regarding the gingival appearance and the color and contour of a fixed bridge. Tissue conditioning and patients rehabilitation with a new fixed partial denture allowed the improvement of the gingival and tooth aspect, therefore, obtaining a better relationship between the prosthesis and the gingival tissue.
Humans , Female , Denture, Partial, Fixed , Esthetics, Dental , Tissue Conditioning, DentalABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sealer application and thermal cycling on the bond strength between tissue conditioners and acrylic resin, and to observe the type of bond failure. Two hundred eighty-eight specimens (10x16x3 mm) were made of an acrylic resin (Lucitone 500, Dentsply) using a metal muffle. Specimens were divided into four groups according to the tissue conditioner (Coe-Comfort, GC or Dentusoft, Densell) used and whether or not a sealer (Eversoft Soft Liner Sealer, Myerson) was applied. Each of the four groups was subdivided into other six subgroups (n=12) to undergo thermocycling for 45, 90, 135, 180 or 210 cycles with a dwell time of 60 s, or to be left non thermocycled (control). Tensile bond strength was measured in a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min. Sealant application had no effect on the tensile bond strength of the relined acrylic resin, regardless of the tissue conditioner used (Coe-Comfort: p=0.306 and Dentusoft: p=0.1501). The number of thermal cycles had a significant effect on the tensile bond strength of the relined acrylic resin (Coe-Comfort: p=0.002 and Dentusoft: p<0.001). Both tissue conditioners presented similar bond strength to acrylic resin. For both tissue conditioners, sealer coatings had no influence on bond strength, while different numbers of thermal cycles affected that mechanical property.
Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar o efeito da aplicação de selante e a ciclagem térmica na resistência de união entre condicionadores de tecido e resina acrílica e observar o padrão de fratura. Duzentos e oitenta e oito espécimes (10×16×3 mm) de resina acrílica (Lucitone 500, Dentsply) foram confeccionados utilizando-se uma mufla metálica. Os espécimens foram divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o condicionador de tecido (Coe-Comfort, GC ou Dentusoft, Densell) e com o uso ou não de selante (Eversoft Soft Liner Sealer, Myerson). Cada um dos quatro grupos foi subdividido em seis grupos para a realização de 45, 90, 135, 180 ou 210 ciclos térmicos, ou ausência de termociclagem (controle). Resistência de união por tração foi mensurada em uma máquina universal de ensaios com velocidade de 5 mm/min. A aplicação de selante não afetou a resistência de união por tração da resina acrílica reembasada, independentemente do condicionador de tecido utilizado (Coe-Comfort: p=0,306 e Dentusoft: p=0,1501). O número de ciclos térmicos apresentou efeito significativo na resistência de união por tração da resina acrílica reembasada (Coe-Comfort: p=0,002 e Dentusoft: p<0,001). Ambos os condicionadores de tecidos apresentaram resistência de união semelhante à resina acrílica. Para ambos os condicionadores de tecidos, a aplicação de selante não apresentou influência na resistência de união, enquanto que diferentes números de ciclos térmicos afetaram essa propriedade mecânica.
Humans , Acrylic Resins/chemistry , Dental Bonding , Denture Liners , Dental Materials/chemistry , Tissue Conditioning, Dental/instrumentation , Denture Bases , Dental Stress Analysis/instrumentation , Materials Testing , Phthalic Acids/chemistry , Stress, Mechanical , Surface Properties , Temperature , Tensile Strength , Time FactorsABSTRACT
Objective: To describe the macroscopic changes of titanium and fiberglass posts cemented in human premolars subjected to high temperatures for forensic purposes. Materials and methods: An in Vitro experimental study was conducted to observe the macroscopic physical changes of dental tissues (enamel, dentine and cement), of materials of conventional endodontic use (gutta-percha Wave One® Maillefer Dentsply ®, endodontic cement with epoxic resin Top Seal® Maillefer Dentsply®), posts cement Relyx TM ARC 3M ESPE®) and of the titanium posts (Tenax® Endodontic Post System Coltene®) and fiberglass posts (Tenax® Fiber Trans Coltene®) in 124 human teeth, exposed to five ranks of temperature 200ºC, 400ºC, 600ºC, 800ºC, 1000ºC (three teeth at each temperature). Results: The studied tissues and dental materials used in this study, offer great resistance to high temperatures, exhibiting considerably variation of their macrostructure, in a way that the physical changes (dimensional stability, fissures, cracks, fractures, texture, color, carbonization and incineration) can serve to identify them and to associate such changes to each rank of specific temperature. Conclusion: The titanium and fiberglass posts cemented in human premolars offer great resistance to the action of high temperatures. In the same way, they present specific changes associated to the dental tissues that can contribute with the process of identification and medico-legal necropsy of a corpse or burned, incinerated or carbonized human rests.
Objetivo: Describir los cambios macroscópicos de postes de titanio y de fibra de vidrio cementados en premolares humanos sometidos a altas temperaturas con fines forenses. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental in Vitro para observar los cambios físicos macroscópicos de los tejidos dentales (esmalte, dentina y cemento), de los materiales de uso endodóncio (Gutapercha Wave One® Dentsply Maillefer® y material de obturación Top Seal® Dentsply Maillefer®), material de cementación de los postes (Relyx TM ARC 3M ESPE®) y de los postes de titanio (Tenax® Endodontic Post System Coltene®) y fibra de vidrio (Tenax® Fiber Trans Coltene®) en 30 dientes humanos, sometidos a cinco rangos de temperatura 200ºC, 400ºC, 600ºC, 800ºC, 1000ºC. Resultados: Los tejidos y los materiales dentales estudiados en esta investigación, presentan gran resistencia a las altas temperaturas sin variar considerablemente su macroestructura, de tal manera que los cambios físicos (estabilidad dimensional, fisuras, grietas, fracturas, textura, color, carbonización e incineración) pueden llegar identificarse y asociarse a cada rango de temperatura específico. Conclusión: Los postes de titanio y de fibra de vidrio cementados en premolares humanos presentan gran resistencia a la acción de altas temperaturas, y los cambios específicos asociados a los tejidos dentales pueden contribuir con el proceso de identificación y la documentación de la necropsia médicolegal de un cadáver o restos humanos que hayan resultado quemados, incinerados o carbonizados.
Animals , Dentistry , Forensic Dentistry , Periodontium , Sus scrofa , Hot Temperature , Tissue Conditioning, DentalABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir los cambios físicos macros-estructurales de los tejidos dentales (esmalte, dentina y cemento) y periodonta - les (mucosa oral, hueso compacto alveolar y hueso esponjoso alveolar) de cerdo doméstico sometidos a altas temperaturas. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de naturaleza pseudo-experimental in Vitro para observar los cambios físicos macro-estructurales de los tejidos dentales y periodontales en 25 dientes de cerdo doméstico sometidos a altas temperaturas (200ºC, 400ºC, 600ºC, 800ºC, 1000ºC). Resultados: Los tejidos dentales y pe - riodontales estudiados presentan gran resistencia al someterse a altas tempe - raturas sin variar considerablemente su macro-estructura. A 200°C hay cambios de color y aparecen fisuras en esmalte. A 400°C aumentan las fisuras y hay sepa - ración entre los tejidos duros, iniciando la carbonización. A 600°C las fracturas en los tejidos dentales y hueso son más evidentes. A 800°C inicia incineración de los tejidos. A 1000°C no hay evidencia de tejidos blandos, hay estallido de la corona y fragmentación del tejido óseo. Conclusiones: El análisis macroscópico de los dientes de cerdo doméstico articulados en sus respectivas unidades alveolo-den- tarias se constituye en un modelo experi - mental que simula de manera fehaciente el comportamiento de los tejidos dentales y periodontales al ser sometidos a altas temperaturas, sin embargo, se recomienda realizar un estudio en dientes humanos ar - ticulados en su respectiva unidad alveolar, para determinar si dichos cambios se repi- ten y son extrapolables, para ser empleados en procesos de identificación odontológica y documentación de la necropsia médico- legal en el caso de cadáveres o restos huma - nos quemados, carbonizados o incinerados...(Au)
Objective: To describe the physical chan- gesof macro-structural dental tissues (ena- mel, dentin and cement) and periodontal (oral mucous membrane, alveolar compact bone and cancellous alveolar bone) of domestic pig (Sus domesticus) expose to high temperatures. Materials and methods: This descriptive study observed the physical changes in ma - cro-structural dental tissues and periodontal in 25 teeth of domestic pigs subjected to high temperatures (200°C, 400°C, 600°C, 800°C and 1000°C). Results: Dental and periodontal tissues stu - died show great resistance when subjected to high temperatures without changing sig - nificantly their macro-structure. At 200°C no color changes and cracks appear in the enamel. At 400°C there was an increase of the fissure and no separation between the hard tissues, initiating carbonization. At 600°C fractures in the dental tissues and bone are most apparent. At 800°C burning of the tissues initiated. At 1000°C there was no evidence of soft tissue. Conclusions: Macroscopic analysis of the teeth articulated in their alveolar-dental units constitutes a experimental model that ssimulates the changes of dental and perio - dontal tissues expose to high temperature. It is recommended to conduct astudy on human teeth in their respective unit arti- culated alveolar to determine whether the macro-structural physical changes descri- bed are repeated and can be extrapolated, and which can eventually be used during the process of dental identification and documentation of the medical legal autopsy used in the case of bodies or human remains burned, charred and burned...(Au)
Animals , Dentistry , Forensic Dentistry , Periodontium , Sus scrofa , Tissue Conditioning, Dental , Hot Temperature , PeriodontiumABSTRACT
Las restauraciones con implantes dentales oseointegrados cada vez se utilizan con mayor frecuencia. Este tipo de restauraciones han mostrado un alto porcentaje de éxito. Sin embargo, las mismas pueden presentar complicaciones. Las complicaciones biológicas pueden poner en riesgo nuestro tratamiento restaurador, por tanto debemos estar en capacidad de diagnosticar las diferentes condiciones periimplantares y referir al especialista en el área cuando sea necesario. También, debemos prevenir la ocurrencia de las complicaciones y educar al paciente para que realice un mantenimiento correcto de las restauraciones implantosoportadas
Osseintegrated dental implants restorations are being used more frequently over the years. These restorations have shown high success rate. However, they may have biological complications, which could jeopardize the restorative's treatment. Therefore, dentists must be able to diagnose different periimplantals conditions and refer it to specialists in the area, when is required. Although, dentist must prevent the appearance of complications and educating their patients on the correct maintenance of implant-supported restorations
Humans , Male , Female , Biological Reactions , Metal Ceramic Alloys , Osseointegration , Tissue Conditioning, DentalABSTRACT
Context : The presence of Candida albicans on the fitting surface of the denture is a major causative factor in denture stomatits. A treatment method is by combining tissue conditioner and antifungal agents. Aims : The main objective of this study is to test the efficacy of magnesium oxide combined with two tissue conditioners (Viscogel and GC Soft), in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. Settings and Design : Microbiological study was done in the Department of Microbiology, K S Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University, Mangalore. Materials and Methods : A total of 154 plates were prepared using Muller Hilton with Glucose and Methylene Blue dye medium and inoculated with 24-hr old standard Candida culture. Plates were divided into control and combination. Test discs with different concentrations of MgO were equidistantly placed in MgO Control, while sterile discs embedded with respective tissue conditioner were equidistantly placed in Viscogel and GC Soft controls. For combination groups, the tissue conditioners were mixed and the discs with MgO (1%, 3%, 5%, and 7%) were embedded in the mix. After 24 h of incubation, inhibition diameters were noted. Statistical Analysis Used : The data was analysed using Mann Whitney U Test, ANOVA, Tukey HSD test. Results : The inhibition effect of magnesium oxide 1% combined with tissue conditioners (VGC and GCC) is not significant in both the groups. The inhibition effect of MgO 5% and 7% combined with tissue conditioners (VGC and GCC) is very highly significant ( P < 0.001). Conclusions : Magnesium oxide in combination with tissue conditioners are effective against Candida albicans; GC soft with magnesium oxide showed a better result than Viscogel with magnesium oxide; Increasing the concentration of magnesium oxide increases the zone of inhibition of Candida albicans.
Antifungal Agents/administration & dosage , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Biocompatible Materials/chemistry , Candida albicans/drug effects , Candida albicans/growth & development , Coloring Agents/diagnosis , Culture Media , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Humans , Magnesium Oxide/administration & dosage , Magnesium Oxide/pharmacology , Materials Testing , Methacrylates/chemistry , Methylene Blue/diagnosis , Methylmethacrylates/chemistry , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Phthalic Acids/chemistry , Time Factors , Tissue Conditioning, Dental/methodsABSTRACT
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of disinfectant procedures on the dimensional stability and surface quality of a tissue conditioner used as a functional impression material. Materials and Methods: A tissue conditioner (Visco-gel) used as a functional impression material was disinfected by immersion in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite or 2% glutaraldehyde solutions for 10 or 20 minutes, respectively. The control group consisted of specimens (n=10) that were not treated by disinfectants. For testing the dimensional stability, impressions of an aluminum edentulous arch with three reference points were made. After 24 hours of storage in distilled water, the specimens were treated by one of the disinfection procedures. Impressions were poured and, subsequently, 50 stone casts were measured with a Nikon profile projector. For surface roughness evaluation, disks that contained Visco-gel were pressed against glass slides. The disks were then stored in distilled water for 24 hours. After disinfection, 50 disk-shaped dental stone casts were prepared. Surface roughness values were determined using a profilometer. For each test, data were subjected to two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results: The results of the dimensional stability test showed that immersion of Visco-gel impressions in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution or 2% glutaraldehyde solution did not significantly change the anteroposterior (AP) and cross-arch (CA) distances of the resultant stone casts when compared to the control group (P>0.05). The surface quality of dental stone casts formed by Visco-gel did not change significantly when impressions were immersed in the disinfectant solutions for either 10 or 20 minutes, or when stored in distilled water (P>0.05). Conclusion: The results showed that the disinfectant solutions used in this study did not have a significant effect on the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of Visco-gel as a functional impression material.
Biocompatible Materials/chemistry , Dental Arch/pathology , Dental Disinfectants/chemistry , Dental Impression Materials/chemistry , Dental Impression Technique , Models, Dental , Disinfection/methods , Elasticity , Glutaral/chemistry , Humans , Jaw, Edentulous/pathology , Methylmethacrylates/chemistry , Models, Anatomic , Sodium Hypochlorite/chemistry , Surface Properties , Temperature , Time Factors , Tissue Conditioning, Dental , Water/chemistryABSTRACT
Aims: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate and compare the clinical outcome of infrabony defects following reconstructive surgery with the use of tricalcium phosphate (TCP) alone; TCP and citric acid (CA) root conditioning; and TCP, CA, and oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC) membrane. Materials and Methods: Thirty-nine systemically healthy subjects with vertical infrabony defect were initially selected based on intraoral periapical radiographs and clinical examination to record probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL). Only 21 defects revealed two-walled configuration on surgical debridement. These defects were selected and randomly allotted to the study groups. Group 1 defects were treated with TCP, group 2 with TCP+CA, and group 3 with TCP+CA+ORC. PPD, CAL, defect depth (DD), and level of alveolar crest (AC) were evaluated at the time of initial surgery and after 6 months at surgical re-entry. These measurements were utilized to calculate PPD reduction, CAL gain, defect fill (DF), %defect fill (%DF), and crestal resorption (CR). Statistical Analysis: A paired t-test was used for assessing changes in each group. Unpaired t-test was used for intergroup comparisons. Results: All three groups showed statistically significant PPD reduction, CAL gain, DF, and %DF, but insignificant CR at the end of 6 months. On intergroup comparison, no statistically significant differences were noted between the groups for all the parameters. Conclusion: Efficacy of combination techniques using TCP+CA; TCP+CA+ORC in treatment of periodontal infrabony defects is at least equal to that of TCP alone.
Adult , Alveolar Bone Loss/therapy , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Bone Regeneration/drug effects , Bone Substitutes/therapeutic use , Calcium Phosphates/therapeutic use , Cellulose, Oxidized/therapeutic use , Citric Acid/therapeutic use , Combined Modality Therapy , Follow-Up Studies , Guided Tissue Regeneration, Periodontal/methods , Humans , Membranes, Artificial , Middle Aged , Osseointegration/drug effects , Periodontal Index , Tissue Conditioning, Dental/methods , Treatment Outcome , Young AdultABSTRACT
Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência dos simuladores de tecidos moles na imagem radiográfica digital, da região óssea e dental, pela subtração radiográfica e análise da intensidade de pixel. 30 mandíbulas humanas com 2 dentes posteriores foram selecionadas. Um dispositivo para o posicionamento do cilindro de raios X, mandíbula e sensor CCD eHD Visualix Gendex foi confeccionado. As mandíbulas foram posicionadas no dispositivo e 5 materiais simuladores de tecido mole (Acrílico, Cera, Água, Madeira e Tecido bovino) nas espessuras de 10mm, 15mm e 20mm foram posicionados anteriormente a mandíbula, em seqüência para a realização das tomadas radiográficas com 65 kV, 7mA, distância foco-sensor de 30 cm, e 0,08s. As imagens foram exportadas em 8 e 16 bits para análise. A subtração foi realizada com o programa X-Poseit usando a imagem sem material como referência da imagem com o material, em duas regiões, osso e estrutura dental. A área de ganho de densidade óssea e dental foi avaliada quanto à influência dos materiais e espessuras. A análise por intensidade de pixel foi realizada tanto no osso quanto na estrutura dental, numa área de 100x100pixels, com o programa ImageJ. Foi adotado o nível de significância de 0,05. Os resultados da subtração radiográfica digital e intensidade de pixel mostraram que tanto os simuladores testados influenciaram o ganho de densidade na região do osso. Entretanto, não foi encontrada diferenças entre os materiais e espessuras testados. Na região dental, tanto a analise por subtração quanto a por intensidade de pixel mostraram que os simuladores de tecido mole não influenciaram a densidade dessas regiões. A avaliação da profundidade de bit mostrou que não houve diferença entre os resultados. Podemos concluir que os simuladores de tecido mole influenciaram na densidade óssea e dental.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of soft tissue simulators in digital radiographic image, of tooth and bone, by digital subtraction radiography and pixel intensity analysis. 30 human mandibles with two posterior teeth were selected. A device for positioning the cylinder X-ray, jaw and EHD Visualix Gendex CCD sensor was manufactured. The jaws were positioned on the device and 5 soft tissue simulators materials (acrylic, wax, water, wood, and bovine tissue) in thicknesses of 10mm, 15mm and 20mm, were positioned in front of the jaw line, in sequence to perform the X-ray expositions at 65 kV, 7mA, plate-focus distance of 30 cm and the exposure time of 0.08 s. The images were exported in 8 and 16 bit for analysis. The subtraction was performed with the X-Poseit image without using the image as a reference material with the material in two regions, bone and tooth structure. The gain area in bone and tooth density was assessed and the difference between material and thickness were evaluated. The pixel intensity analysis was performed both in bone and tooth structure in an area of 100x100pixels with ImageJ. Significance level of 0,05 was adopted. The results of digital subtraction radiography showed that both the material and the thickness tested didnt influence the gain of density in bone. Pixel intensity analisys in bone region didnt show these differences, except for lower density observed in the 14 image without material comparing with the materials tested. In the dental region, both subtraction and pixel intensity showed that soft tissue simulators influence the density of these regions. However there was no difference between the materials and thicknesses tested. The evaluation of the bit depth, showed no difference between the results. We can conclude that soft tissue materials influence bone and dental density.
Humans , Tissue Conditioning, Dental , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Alveolar Process , Bone Density , Radiography, Dental, Digital , Subtraction TechniqueABSTRACT
El tratamiento ortodóncico puede producir una estética dentofacial muy agradable, una oclusión funcional superior. Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años se han reportado resultados contradictorios respecto al efecto del tratamiento ortodóncico sobre los tejidos periodontales. Esta revisión de literatura recolecta la información disponible sobre los efectos clínicos, histológicos, radiológicos y microbiológicos del tratamiento ortodóncico.
Orthodontic treatment can produce a very nice dentofacial aesthetic, a superior functional occlusion. However, over the years it had been reported conflicting results regarding the effect of orthodontic treatment on periodontal tissues. This literature review collects the available information about the clinical, histological, radiological and microbiological aspect of the orthodontic treatment.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tissue Conditioning, Dental , Activator Appliances , Orthodontics , Orthodontics, Corrective , PeriodonticsABSTRACT
Denture stomatitis is a common oral lesion following the use of ill-fitting dentures. A layer of tissue conditioner is usually used to improve adaptation of the denture. These liners can support the in vivo adhesion and colonization of the oral Candida. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the two common antifungal agents mixed with tissue conditioner against Candida al bicans. Tissue conditioner disks [Acrosoft] with 5mm diameter and 1mm thickness containing different concentrations of nystatin and fluconazole [1%, 3%, 5%, 10% wt/wt] as well as disks with no antifungal agents [8 disks for each group] were prepared for experimental biofilm formation by inoculation with Candida albicans cell suspensions. The specimens were incubated in cell culture microtiter plate wells containing Sabouraud's broth in a rotator shaker at 30°C for 48 hours. Then, the specimens were rinsed and sonicated in sterile water to remove surface organisms. The attached yeasts were enumerated by inoculation of the yeast suspension on Sabouraud's agar. The data was compared using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests using prism software. P value less than 0.05 was considered significant. The 1% to 10% mixture of nystatin and tissue conditioner completely inhibited the attachment and colonization of Candida albicans, although for fluconazole only a 10% concentration caused complete inhibition. Nystatin showed a potentially higher effect in inhibition of Candida attachment and colonization [P = 0.0001] compared to that of fluconazole and a statistically significant difference was seen between 5% and 1% fluconazole [P = 0.0001]. Tissue conditioner with 1% to 10% nystatin or 10% fluconazole can completely inhibit the adhesion and colonization of Candida albicans