Objetivo: Describir los primeros casos de enucleación de próstata con láser de holmio (HoLEP) en pacientes con agrandamiento de la glándula prostática en Ecuador. Método: Es un estudio prospectivo en el que se evaluaron 200 pacientes que se sometieron a HoLEP con un seguimiento de seis meses posteriores a la cirugía. El equipo de enucleación varió: para los primeros 108 casos fue un HoL de 72 W de pulso corto con los parámetros 3 J 24 Hz 72 W y los 92 casos restantes se realizaron con Cyber laser Ho Qanta 100 w de doble pulso configurado a 1,8 J 45 Hz 81 W. Resultados: La edad promedio de los pacientes fue 69,27 años, el tiempo quirúrgico promedio fue de 59,48 minutos, en el 29,5% de los casos se extrajo más de 80 gramos de tejido prostático, en el 94% de los casos la estancia hospitalaria fue de un día, el 98% de los pacientes no tuvieron complicaciones posquirúrgicas y ninguno requirió trasfusión sanguínea. Conclusión: La HoLEP es un método eficiente, confiable y replicable independientemente del tamaño de la próstata. La tasa de complicaciones, el tiempo de cateterismo intravesical y la estancia hospitalaria son bajas
Objective: To describe the first cases of holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) in patients with an enlarged prostatic gland in Ecuador. Method: We prospectively evaluated 200 patients who underwent HoLEP and followed up to six months after surgery. The enucleation equipment varied, for the first 108 cases was with a HoL of 72 W short pulse with the parameters 3 J 24 Hz 72 W, the remaining 92 cases were done with Cyber laser Ho Qanta 100 w double pulse set up at 1.8 J 45 Hz 81 W. Results: From the accounted patients and procedures, the average age was 69.27 years, the mean surgical time was 59.48 minutes, in 29.5% of the cases more than 80 grams of prostate tissue was extracted, 94% of the cases were a 1-day hospital stay and 98% of the patients had no postoperative complications and none required trans or postoperative blood transfusion. Conclusion: HoLEP is an efficient, reliable, and replicable method independent of the prostatic size. The rate of complications, intravesical catheterization time, and hospital stay are lowe
Humans , Patients , Prostate , Pulse , Time , Tissues , Lasers , World Health Organization , Equipment and Supplies , Lasers, Solid-StateABSTRACT
Cavidad situada en el centro de la fosa posterior, encerrada entre el tronco cerebral y el cerebelo, comunicada por arriba con el tercer ventrículo a través delacueducto de Silvioy lateralmente mediante losforamenes de Luscka, con la cisterna cerebelo-pontina y a través del foramen de Magendie con la cisterna magna. Es un importante referente tomográfico de línea media y de desplazamiento de tejidos en la fosa posterior.Tiene forma romboidea en un plano coronal y de tienda de campaña si se considera un corte sagital. A los fines prácticos se considera que una mitad de la cavidad, la mitad superior se relaciona con el puente, mientras que la mitad inferior lo hace con la medulla oblongata, aunque ya veremos que no es estrictamente así.Vamos a describir un techo, el piso de la cavidad ventricular y el receso lateral con el foramen de Luschka. A lo largo de la descripción anatómica haremos consideraciones prácticas acerca de los abordajes más adecuados a la patología de ésta estructura cerebral.
Fourth Ventricle , Tissues , Cardiovascular System , Cerebellum , AnatomyABSTRACT
O defeito ósseo de Stafne foi considerado por muito tempo como um cisto ósseo por se apresentar radiograficamente de forma radiolúcida, circunscrita, com bordas delimitadas e em quase todos os casos unilateral. Hoje em dia já se sabe que é uma depressão e/ou cavidade óssea causada pelo alojamento da glândula submandibular ou parte dela e/ou seus tecidos adjacentes na região posterior da mandíbula, ou na região anterior em casos mais raros pelo alojamento da glândula sublingual. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma breve revisão da literatura acerca das características mais frequentes e suas variações desta anomalia anatômica. As buscas foram realizas em periódicos de artigos científicos publicado nas bases de dados eletrônicas: PubMed, Scielo e Google Acadêmico, contendo artigos científicos dos últimos dez anos nos idiomas inglês e português. Os dados mostram que o defeito ósseo de stafne tem predileção pelo sexo masculino, é assintomática, pois se trata de uma alteração anatômica, não requer tratamento, portanto cabe ao cirurgião dentista ter conhecimento, uma vez que este é encontrado de forma ocasional em radiografias panorâmicas para investigação de outras circunstancias, e que muitas vezes acaba levando o profissional odontólogo a realizar diagnósticos errôneos ou exames mutiladores como a biopsia que são desnecessários nesta situação pelo fato desta variação anatômica ter características muitos semelhantes aos cistos.
Stafne's bone defect was considered for a long time as a bone cyst because it presents radiographically in a radiolucent, circumscribed form, with delimited borders and, in almost all cases, unilateral. Nowadays it is known that it is a depression and / or bone cavity caused by the accommodation of the submandibular gland or part of it and / or its adjacent tissues in the posterior region of the mandible, or in the anterior region in rarer cases by the accommodation of the sublingual gland. Therefore, the objective of this work is to carry out a brief literature review of the more specific characteristics and their variations of this anatomical anomaly. Searches were performed in journals of scientific articles published in electronic databases: PubMed, Scielo and Academic Google, containing scientific articles from the last ten years in English and Portuguese. The data show that the stafne bone defect has a predilection for males, it is asymptomatic, as it is an anatomical alteration, does not require treatment, therefore it is up to the dental surgeon to be aware, once panoramic to investigate other circumstances, and that many Sometimes it ends up leading the dental professional to perform misdiagnosis or mutilating tests such as a biopsy, which are unnecessary in this situation because this anatomical variation has characteristics that are very similar to cysts.
Submandibular Gland Diseases , Tissues , Bone and Bones , Radiography, Panoramic , MandibleABSTRACT
Introduction: the use of light emitting diodes (LED) in domestic and public vias have increased in the last 20 years. In addition, the LED light has been used as a light source for medical applications. Objective: since humans are increasingly exposed to LEDs, there is an urgency to investigate the possible biological effects on tissues caused by this exposure. So, researchers have been focused their investigations in the application of this light in the health field. Material and method: in this review, a search in important databases was performed on the biological effects caused after application of different LED light protocols in in vitro and in vivo studies. Result: although most published papers have shown positive results, some of them reported negative biological effects of light LEDs technology on humans' cells/tissues. Conclusion: therefore, the comprehension of the biological effects caused by light LEDs will provide a better assessment of the risks involved using this technology.
Introdução: o uso de diodos emissores de luz ("LED") em vias domésticas e públicas tem aumentado nos últimos 20 anos. Além disso, a luz LED tem sido usada para aplicações médicas. Objetivo: pelo fato de seres humanos estarem cada vez mais expostos aos LEDs, há urgência em investigar os possíveis efeitos biológicos nos tecidos causados por esta exposição. Assim, pesquisadores têm focado suas investigações no uso desta luz na área da saúde. Material e método: nesta revisão foi realizada uma pesquisa em bancos de dados conceituados sobre os efeitos biológicos causados após aplicação de diferentes protocolos de luz LED em estudos in vitro e in vivo. Resultado: embora a maioria dos artigos publicados tenham mostrado resultados positivos, alguns deles relataram efeitos biológicos negativos da tecnologia de LEDs nas células/tecidos humanos. Conclusão: portanto, a compreensão dos efeitos biológicos causados pela luz LED proporcionará uma melhor avaliação dos riscos envolvidos no uso desta tecnologia.
Phototherapy , Tissues , In Vitro Techniques , Catchment Area, Health , Cells , Lasers, Semiconductor , Curing Lights, DentalABSTRACT
A recuperação de vítimas de queimaduras é longa e dolorosa e afeta diversas esferas da vida do paciente. A resiliência, que se refere à capacidade humana de enfrentar e se adaptar a eventos adversos, exerce grande importância no processo de recuperação da queimadura. Logo, este trabalho objetiva avaliar a capacidade de resiliência de pacientes queimados, no momento da admissão e da alta hospitalar, em um hospital de emergência e urgência de Goiânia. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo e transversal que utiliza a Escala de Resiliência de Connor-Davidson (CD-RISC) como instrumento de mensuração. Na admissão hospitalar, a média da resiliência foi de 71,35, tendo sido observada uma relação significativa entre o fator Amparo da escala CD-RISC e a presença do(a) companheiro(a). O escore de resiliência encontrado nesta pesquisa é consistente com outros achados da literatura científica internacional e nacional referente à expressão da resiliência em vítimas de queimaduras e outros adoecimentos. A relação entre o fator Amparo e a presença de um(a) companheiro(a) enfatiza a importância da rede de apoio familiar na reabilitação do paciente queimado.(AU)
The recovery of burned patients is long and painful and impacts on different areas of people's lives. Resilience, which refers to the human capacity to face and adapt to adverse events, plays a major role in the process of recovery from burns. Therefore, the present study aims to assess the resilience of burned patients, on admission and hospital discharge, in an emergency and urgency hospital in Goiânia. This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study that uses the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD RISC) as a measuring instrument. At hospital admission, the mean resilience was 71.35, with a significant association between the Support factor on the CD RISC scale and the presence of a partner. The resilience score found in the present study is consistent with other findings in the international and national scientific literature regarding the expression of resilience in victims of burns and other illnesses. The relationship between the Support factor and the presence of a partner emphasizes the importance of the family support network in the rehabilitation of the burned patient.(AU)
La recuperación de los pacientes quemados es larga y dolorosa e impacta en diferentes esferas de la vida de las personas. La resiliencia, que se refiere a la capacidad humana para enfrentar y adaptarse a eventos adversos, juega un papel importante en el proceso de recuperación de las quemaduras. Por tanto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la resiliencia de los pacientes quemados, en el momento del ingreso y el alta, en un hospital de emergencia y urgencia en Goiânia. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo y transversal que utiliza la Escala de Resiliencia Connor-Davidson (CD RISC) como instrumento de medida. Al ingreso hospitalario, la resiliencia media fue de 71,35, con associación significativa entre el factor Amparo de la escala CD RISC y la presencia de pareja. El puntaje de resiliencia encontrado en el presente estudio es consistente con otros hallazgos en la literatura científica nacional e internacional sobre la expresión de resiliencia en víctimas de quemaduras y otras enfermedades. La relación entre el factor Amparo y la presencia de pareja enfatiza la importancia de la red de apoyo familiar en la rehabilitación del paciente quemado.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Social Support , Burns , Resilience, Psychological , Anxiety Disorders , Pain , Preceptorship , Prejudice , Psychological Phenomena , Psychology , Recovery Room , Rehabilitation Centers , Safety , Self Concept , Skin , Social Perception , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Suicide , General Surgery , Surgery, Plastic , Tissues , Baths , Wounds and Injuries , Behavior , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Technical Cooperation , Unified Health System , Body Image , Traumatology , Burn Units , Burns, Chemical , Burns, Electric , Accidents, Home , Accidents, Occupational , Accidents, Traffic , Explosive Wastes , Inflammable Wastes , Mental Health , Morbidity , Cicatrix , Nursing , Panic Disorder , Employment, Supported , Statistics, Nonparametric , Human Body , Intuition , Wit and Humor , Hydrogels , Counseling , Critical Care , Disaster Vulnerability , Personal Autonomy , Death , Stress Disorders, Traumatic, Acute , Depression , Discrimination, Psychological , Education , Empathy , Humanization of Assistance , User Embracement , Ethics , Breakthrough Pain , Activation, Metabolic , Physical Appearance, Body , Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders , Psychological Trauma , Accidental Injuries , Psychological Distress , Social Comparison , Functional Status , Self-Compassion , Accident Prevention , Health Services Accessibility , Helping Behavior , Homicide , Amputation, Traumatic , Hospitalization , Individuality , Intensive Care Units , Interpersonal Relations , Life Change Events , Mental Disorders , Negativism , Nursing Assistants , Nursing CareABSTRACT
Introducción: La artroplastia total de cadera de revisión junto con la utilización de injerto óseo cadavérico de banco de tejidos es una alternativa de tratamiento eficaz ante los procedimientos de reemplazo con déficit óseo femoral o acetabular. El presente estudio, analizó los resultados post operatorios en pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Hospital de Clínicas. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo. Muestreo no probabilístico de casos consecutivos atendidos en la Cátedra de Ortopedia y Traumatología de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (U.N.A). Fueron captados pacientes con indicación de artroplastia total de cadera de revisión (ATCR) más injerto óseo cadavérico de banco de tejidos, entre diciembre 2017 - octubre 2020, previo consentimiento informado. Se relevaron datos cuya caracterización fue posible mediante un instrumento establecido previamente, ingresado en base Excel. Resultados: 12 pacientes con déficit óseo femoral y acetabular han sido tratados con artroplastia total de cadera de revisión más injerto óseo cadavérico de banco de tejidos, en donde además de la funcionalidad y a través de seguimientos radiológicos se ha determinado la osteointegración total de los aloinjertos. La relación masculino-femenina fue 1/1, siendo el diagnóstico preoperatorio para la colocación de la prótesis de revisión más injerto óseo cadavérico de banco de tejidos el aflojamiento séptico en un 75%. El motivo de consulta más frecuente fue dolor y la secreción y el tiempo quirúrgico fue en promedio de 116 minutos. Conclusión: La artroplastia total de cadera de revisión más aloinjerto presenta óptimos resultados en relación a la osteointegración total y funcionalidad.
Introduction: Revision total hip arthroplasty with use of cadaveric bone graft is an effective treatment for replacement procedures in patients with bone loss femoral or acetabular. The present study analyzed the postoperative results in patients who underwent surgery at the Hospital de Clínicas. Materials and methods: Descriptive study. Non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases treated at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Hospital de Clínicas. Data of patients with indication for revision total hip arthroplasty plus cadaveric bone graft from a tissue bank with prior informed consent,were analyzed between December 2017 and October 2020. Results: 12 patients with femoral and acetabular bone deficits have been treated with revision total hip arthroplasty plus cadaveric bone graft from a tissue bank. A radiological and functional follow up was made. The male-female ratio was 1/1, with the preoperative diagnosis for placement of the revision prosthesis plus cadaveric bone graft,from the tissue bank,was septic loosening in 75%. The most frequent symptom was pain, all revision total hip arthroplasties were performed through a posterior approach, and the surgical time was an average of 116 minutes,using a later approach in all cases.Two intraoperative fracture was presented, and were resolved. Conclusion: Revision total hip arthroplasty plus allograft presents optimal results in relation to total osseointegration and functionality.
Transplants , Tissue Banks , Tissues , Traumatology , HipABSTRACT
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la presencia del Virus Papiloma Humano (VPH) tipo 16 y 18 en biopsias de tejido mamario parafinado de pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de cáncer de mama. Se analizaron 32 biopsias de cáncer de mama embebidas en parafina para detectar el ADN de VPH mediante PCR en tiempo real, los iniciadores estuvieron dirigidos al gen E6. Se evaluaron el tipo histológico, grado histológico y la sobreexpresión de C-erB2 y Ki-67 mediante inmunohistoquímica. El 84,38% (27) fueron positivos para VPH, el 25% (8) fueron positivos para VPH-16 y el 59,38% (19) para VPH-18. El 15,63% (5) de las muestras presentaron infección mixta. Se evidenció la sobrexpresión de C-erbB2 y Ki-67 en 6,25% (2) de las muestras positivas para VPH-16 y 15,63% (5) de las muestras positivas para VPH-18. Se detectó ADN de VPH-16 y VPH-18 en las muestras de biopsias analizadas mediante PCR en tiempo real.
The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 and 18 in biopsies of paraffin-embedded breast tissue from patients with clinically diagnosed breast cancer. 32 paraffin-embedded breast cancer biopsies were analyzed in order to detect HPV DNA by real-time PCR, the primers were directed at the E6 gene. The histological type, histological grade and overexpression of C-erB2 and Ki-67 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. 84.38% (27) of the samples were positive for HPV, 25% (8) were positive for HPV-16 and 59.38% (19) were positive for HPV-18. Mixed infection was found in 15.63% (5) of the samples. Overexpression of C-erbB2 and Ki-67 was seen in 6.25% (2) of the samples positive for HPV-16 and in 15.63% (5) samples positive for HPV-18. HPV-16 and HPV-18 DNA was detected in the biopsy samples analyzed by real-time PCR.
Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms , Human papillomavirus 16 , Human papillomavirus 18 , Papillomaviridae , Tissues , Biopsy , Immunohistochemistry , Clinical Diagnosis , Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Tissue clearing techniques are frequently used in the observation and description of anatomical structures and pathways without altering the three-dimensional layout of the anatomical specimen. Tissue optical clearing promotes preservation of three-dimensional structures, which allows the study of the internal anatomy in its original position and original spatial interaction. Among these techniques, Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) maceration clearing is one of the most widely used. However, the histological changes of tissue after KOH maceration have yet to be fully understood. Our aim is to describe the microscopical differences between macerated and normal tissue. To better understand said changes, two human fetuses with a gestation period of 16 to 28 weeks were cleared and processed for histological analysis. Microtome slides of the fetuses' lower limbs were obtained and stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin, Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS), and Masson's trichrome with the purpose of observing the histological and macromolecule composition changes in cleared tissue. Remarkable differences at a histological level regarding the composition of the cellular structures, since diaphanized tissues showed a predominance of extracellular matrix composed of collagen fibers with the absence of most of the nucleated cellular tissue. Phospholipid's saponification, nucleic acids degradation and a change on proteins structural properties are the main factors inducing clearing. At the same time, molecular stability of collagen in alkaline conditions allows the specimen to maintain its shape after the process.
RESUMEN: Las técnicas de limpieza de tejido se utilizan con frecuencia en la observación y descripción de estructuras y vías anatómicas sin alterar el diseño tridimensional de la muestra anatómica. El aclaramiento óptico de tejidos promueve la preservación de estructuras tridimensionales, lo que permite el estudio de la anatomía interna en su posición original y la interacción espacial original. Entre estas técnicas, el aclarado por maceración con Hidróxido de Potasio (KOH) es una de las más utilizadas. Sin embargo, los cambios histológicos del tejido después de la maceración con KOH aún no se han entendido por completo. Nuestro objetivo es describir las diferencias microscópicas entre el tejido macerado y el normal. Para entender mejor dichos cambios, dos fetos humanos con un período de gestación de 16 a 28 semanas fueron aclarados y procesados para análisis histológicos. Se obtuvieron microtomos de las extremidades inferiores de los fetos y se tiñeron con hematoxilina y eosina, ácido peryódico de Schiff (PAS) y tricrómico de Masson con el fin de observar los cambios histológicos y de composición de macromoléculas en el tejido aclarado. Diferencias notables a nivel histológico en cuanto a la composición de las estructuras celulares, ya que los tejidos diafanizados mostraban un predominio de matriz extracelular compuesta por fibras de colágeno con ausencia de la mayor parte del tejido celular nucleado. La saponificación de los fosfolípidos, la degradación de los ácidos nucleicos y un cambio en las propiedades estructurales de las proteínas son los principales factores que inducen la depuración. Al mismo tiempo, la estabilidad molecular del colágeno en condiciones alcalinas permite que la muestra mantenga su forma después del proceso.
Humans , Tissues/anatomy & histology , Histological Techniques/methods , Tissues/ultrastructure , Transillumination , Muscle, Skeletal , Fetus , MicroscopyABSTRACT
Resumen Las heridas por quemadura representan un grave problema, sobre todo en la población pediátrica, dada la severidad de su presentación y la morbimortalidad asociada. La infección es la complicación más frecuente y grave en el paciente quemado. Las bacterias que conforman el complejo Burkholderia cepacia (CBc) son capaces de causar enfermedades en plantas, humanos y animales. En el hombre pueden establecer infecciones crónicas y frecuentemente graves, por lo general en pacientes con fibrosis quística y en inmunocomprometidos. El CBc está compuesto por al menos 22 especies filogenéticamente muy relacionadas. El objetivo de esta publicación fue describir el primer caso de una infección de piel y partes blandas por Burkholderia stabilis, una especie poco frecuente, en un niño con grandes quemaduras en la Argentina. Las especies del CBc son intrínsecamente resistentes a la mayoría de los antimicrobianos disponibles clínicamente, como aminoglucósidos, quinolonas, polimixinas y β-lactámicos. Esto representa un serio problema en el momento de tratar las infecciones por las escasas opciones terapéuticas.
Abstract Burn wounds represent a serious problem, especially in the pediatric population, given the severity of their presentation and the associated morbidity and mortality. Infection is the most frequent and serious complication in the burned patient. Burkholderia cepacia (CBc) complex bacteria are capable of causing disease in plants, humans, and animals. In human beings they can establish chronic and frequently serious infections, generally in patients with cystic fibrosis and in immunocompromised patients. The CBc is composed of 22 phylogenetically closely related species. The objective of this publication was to describe the first report of a skin and soft tissue infection by Burkholderia stabilis, a rare species, in a child with extensive burns in Argentina. CBc species are inherently resistant to most clinically available antimicrobials, such as aminoglycosides, quinolones, polymyxins, and β-lactams. This represents a serious problem when treating infections, due to the limited therapeutic options.
Resumo As feridas por queimadura representam um grave problema, principalmente na população pediátrica, devido à gravidade de sua apresentação e morbimortalidade associada. A infecção é a complicação mais frequente e grave do paciente queimado. As bactérias que compõem o complexo Burkholderia cepacia (CBc) são capazes de causar doenças em plantas, humanos e animais. No homem, podem estabelecer infecções crônicas e freqüentemente graves, geralmente em pacientes com fibrose cística e imunocomprometidos. O CBc é composto, no mínimo, por 22 espécies filogeneticamente muito relacionadas. O objetivo desta publicação é descrever o primeiro caso de uma infecção de pele e tecidos moles por Burkholderia stabilis, uma espécie rara, em uma criança com queimaduras extensas na Argentina. As espécies do CBc são inerentemente resistentes à maioria dos antimicrobianos disponíveis clinicamente, como aminoglicosídeos, quinolonas, polimixinas e β-lactâmicos. Isso representa um problema sério na hora de tratar as infecções devido às opções terapêuticas limitadas.
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Tissues , Bacteria , Burns , Soft Tissue Infections , Burkholderia , Burkholderia cepacia complex , Patients , Skin , Therapeutics , Wounds and Injuries , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Disease , Morbidity , Mortality , Burkholderia cepacia , Immunocompromised Host , Polymyxins , Quinolones , Cystic Fibrosis , Research Report , Aminoglycosides , Infections , Lactams , Anti-Infective AgentsABSTRACT
Background: Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue archives in hospitals, biobanks, and others offer a vast collection of extensive, readily available specimens for molecular testing. Unfortunately, the use of tissue samples for molecular diagnostic applications is challenging; thus, the forensic pathology FFPE tissue archives in Africa have been a largely unexploited genetic resource, with the usability of DNA obtainable from these samples being unknown.Intervention: The study, conducted from January 2015 to August 2016, determined the usefulness of FFPE tissue as a reliable source of genetic material for successful post-mortem molecular applications and diagnostics. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples were collected and archived from autopsies conducted over 13 years in the forensic medicine department of the University of Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa). Deoxyribonucleic acid from FFPE tissue samples and control blood samples was amplified by high-resolution melt real-time polymerase chain reaction before sequencing. The procurement parameters and fixation times were compared with the quantity and quality of the extracted DNA and the efficiency of its subsequent molecular applications.Lessons learnt: This study has shown that FFPE samples are still usable in molecular forensics, despite inadequate sample preparation, and offer immense value to forensic molecular diagnostics.Recommendations: FFPE samples fixed in formalin for more than 24 h should still be used in molecular diagnostics or research, as long as the primer design targets amplicons not exceeding 300 base pairs.
DNA , Resolutions , Paraffin , Archives , Autopsy , Tissues , Pain Measurement , Genetic Testing , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Pathology, Molecular , Molecular Docking SimulationABSTRACT
Numerous studies have demonstrated that Radix Astragali can inhibit gastric ulcers in mice. Anhydrous ethanol (0.01 mL/g) administered to mice by intragastric infusion can induce gastric ulcer injury. This study was performed to compare the stomach tissue distribution profiles of four major bioactive constituents of Radix Astragali(calycosin-7-O-ß-d-glucoside, calycosin, ononin and formononetin) after oral administration of extract of Radix Astragali (ERA)in normal and gastric ulcer mice. The abundance of Radix Astragali constituents was determined using an ultra-pressure liquid chromatograph with a photodiode array detector (UPLC-PDA), after which histograms were drawn. In comparison with normal mice, the contents of calycosin- 7-O-ß-d-glucoside, calycosin, ononin and formononetin in the stomach tissue samples of gastric ulcer mice showed significant differences at the selected time points (P < 0.05).The abundance of each of the four tested constituents in the normal groups was higher than that of the gastric ulcer groups. This study provides an empirical foundation for future studies focused on developing clinical applications of Radix Astragali
Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Stomach/drug effects , Stomach Ulcer/pathology , Tissues/drug effects , Tissue Distribution , Astragalus Plant/adverse effects , Plants, Medicinal , Administration, OralABSTRACT
Introduction and Objective The management of penile carcinoma is very disabling and mutilating, bur early treatment can be curative. Our group systematically performs oncological management with immediate penile reconstruction and preservation of the organ (partial penectomy, resurfacing, or glansectomy) when feasible. Due to the low incidence of penile carcinoma, it is difficult to achieve experience in penile reconstruction using free grafts in a standardized and reproducible way. Therefore, we herein present the results of the use of an inanimate model to identify the most efficient geometric way to procure and apply a free skin graft to reconstruct the penis. Methods A preclinical inanimate model of the penis was developed to simulate the surgical reconstruction using a free skin graft. Six different geometric skin-graft models were created and tested. For each of them, we measured graft's surface area as well as the discarded surface after placing the graft on the penis for reconstruction. We also measured the amount of suture lines required for reconstruction. All of these measurements in the six different models were compared. Results Based on the six models, we identified that the longitude of the graft must measure the same as the maximum perimeter of the glans in order to have a square that enables the complete coverage of the penile defect. The total graft area for the first 4 models was of 40 cm2; for models 5 and 6, it was of 60 cm2. The average discarded area of the graft was of 18.135 cm2 (range: 12 cm2 to 30 cm2). Models 4 years 6 were the ones with the least discarded tissue: 12 cm2. The average amount of suture lines to secure the different model grafts was 7.3 (range: 5 to 12). The models that required the least amount of suture lines were number 1 and 4, with a total of 5 suture lines. Conclusions The double trapezoid is the most efficient model to reconstruct the glans after organ-sparing oncological management. Our results contribute to establish a more standardized and predictable technique to reconstruct the penis.
Introducción y Objetivo El manejo del cáncer de pene es muy mutilante y discapacitante. Pero el manejo quirúrgico oportuno puede ser curativo. Nuestro grupo realiza de manera sistemática el manejo oncológico con reconstrucción inmediata del pene y preservación del órgano (penectomía parcial, desepitelización, o gladectomía) cuando sea viable. Como la incidencia de cancer de pene es baja, lograr obtener la experiencia en reconstrucción de pene con el uso de injertos libres de manera estandarizada y reproducible resulta difícil. Por lo tanto, presentamos en este artículo los resultados de un modelo inanimado para identificar la forma geométrica mas eficiente de obtener y aplicar un injerto de piel libre para reconstruir el pene. Materiales y Métodos Se desarrolló un modelo preclínico y inanimado del pene para que se simulara su reconstrucción quirúrgica con el uso de un ijerto de piel libre. Desarrollamos y evaluamos seis modelos geométricos de injerto de piel distintos. Para cada uno, medimos el area total del injerto y la del tejido desechado tras ponerlo en el pene para la recosntrucción. También medimos la cantidad de líneas de sutura necesarias para la recosntrucción. Comparamos todas las medidas entre los seis modelos distintos. Resultados De los 6 modelos diferentes, encontramos que la longitud del injerto debe tener la misma medida que el perímetro máximo del glande para que se tenga un cuadrado que nos permita cubrir todo el defecto del pene. El area total de los 4 modelos iniciales fue de 40 cm2, y el area de los modelos 5 y 6 fue de 60 cm2. El area promedio del tejido desechado en los injertos fue de 18,135 cm2 (rango: 12 cm2 a 30 cm2). Los modelos 4 y 6 fueron los que tuvieron la menor cantidad de tejido desechado: 12 cm2. El promedio de la cantidad de líneas de sutura para atar los distintos modelos de injerto fue de 7,3 (rango: 5 a 12). Los modelos con la menor cantidad de líneas de sutura fueron el 1 y el 4, con un total de 5 líneas. Conclusiones El modelo de doble trapezoide es el más eficiente para reconstruir el glande tras el majejo oncológico en que se preserva el órgano. Nuestros resultados contribuyen para establecer una técnica de reconstrucción del pene más estandarizada y previsible.
Humans , Male , Penile Neoplasms , Sutures , Skin Transplantation , Tissues , Carcinoma , IncidenceABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El shock hemorrágico es una de las causas más comunes de muerte en pacientes con trauma debido a que pone en marcha un círculo vicioso de mecanismos que incluyen hipotermia, acidosis y coagulopatía. Para mitigar estos efectos, se han propuesto estrategias de control de daños, incluido el aporte controlado de líquidos con hipotensión permisiva contemplando metas en la presión arterial sistólica para mantener una adecuada perfusión de los tejidos. Objetivo: Conocer información actualizada acerca del manejo de la hipotensión permisiva en pacientes con trauma. Metodología: Se buscó información en las bases de datos Web-of-Science y Scopus de los últimos cinco años. El resultado arrojó un total de 118 artículos de los cuales se tomaron 30, según los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: Todos los artículos consideran el uso de la hipotensión permisiva como una buena opción para el manejo de los pacientes con trauma e hipotensión, sin embargo, difieren en qué momento es adecuado utilizarlo y en qué condiciones se debe realizar. Conclusiones: Si bien la hipotensión permisiva se ha convertido en uno de los pilares fundamentales en el manejo prehospitalario del paciente con trauma, se requieren estudios investigativos en humanos para soportar cuándo y cómo debe utilizarse.
Abstract Introduction: Hemorrhagic shock is one of the most common causes of death in trauma patients, because it sets in motion a vicious cycle of mechanisms, including hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy. To mitigate these effects, damage control strategies have been proposed, including the controlled intake of fluids with permissive hypotension, contemplating goals in systolic blood pressure, and thus, maintaining adequate tissue perfusion. Objective: The present research aimed to review the literature in search of updated information about the management of permissive hypotension in patients with trauma. Methodology: Information was searched in the Web-of-Science and Scopus databases in the last five years. The result yielded a total of 118 articles, of which 30 were taken according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: All the articles consider the use of permissive hypotension as a good option for the management of patients with trauma and hypotension, however, they differ when it is appropriate to use it and under what conditions it should be performed. Conclusions: Although permissive hypotension has become one of the fundamental pillars in the prehospital management of the patient with trauma, research studies in humans are required to support when and how it should be used.
Humans , Shock, Hemorrhagic , Wounds and Injuries , Hypotension , Hypothermia , Tissues , Acidosis , Blood Pressure , Cause of Death , Health Strategies , Alkalies , Arterial PressureABSTRACT
Objective: to determine the presence and distribution of markers of the epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT) (S-100A4 and alpha-smooth muscle actin-α-SMA) in gingival tissues of patients affected by Gingival hypertrophy (GH) due to orthodontics.GH is an exaggerated increase in gingival tissue whose pathogenesis is unknown. However, it has been reported that the epithelial-mesenchymal transition as a process involved in other types of GH. Materials and methods: descriptive study that included the analysis of gingival tissues of healthy individuals (n = 6) and patients with GH by orthodontic treatment (n = 6). Before gingival surgery, the patients underwent a periodontal hygiene phase. The gingival tissue samples obtained were processed and embedded in paraffin. The cuts were made with a microtome and deposited on polysine adhesion slides. Histological hematoxylin-eosin staining was performed.The identification and location of S-100A4 and α-SMA markers was determined by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies. The reading of the findings was carried out by oral pathologists. Results: in healthy individuals, an S100A4 label was observed in Langerhans cells, while α-SMA was identified in the vascular endothelium of all samples analysed. However, in patients with GH due to orthodontics, they registered an intense staining of S100A4 in gingival fibroblasts, Langerhans cells, vascular endothelium, and areas adjacent to the rupture of blood vessel. α-SMA expression in GO was detected in the vascular endothelium and gingival fibroblasts. Conclusion: the differential immunostaining of EMT markers in gingival tissues of patients with orthodontic GH suggests an eventual role of EMT in the pathogenesis of this pathology..Au
Objective: to determine the presence and distribution of markers of the epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT) (S-100A4 and alpha-smooth muscle actin-α-SMA) in gingival tissues of patients affected by Gingival hypertrophy (GH) due to orthodontics. GH is an exaggerated increase in gingival tissue whose pathogenesis is unknown. However, it has been reported that the epithelial-mesenchymal transition as a process involved in other types of GH. Materials and methods: descriptive study that included the analysis of gingival tissues of healthy individuals (n = 6) and patients with GH by orthodontic treatment (n = 6). Before gingival surgery, the patients underwent a periodontal hygiene phase. The gingival tissue samples obtained were processed and embedded in paraffin. The cuts were made with a microtome and deposited on polysine adhesion slides. Histological hematoxylin-eosin staining was performed. The identification and location of S-100A4 and α-SMA markers was determined by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies. The reading of the findings was carried out by oral pathologists. Results: in healthy individuals, an S100A4 label was observed in Langerhans cells, while α-SMA was identified in the vascular endothelium of all samples analysed. However, in patients with GH due to orthodontics, they registered an intense staining of S100A4 in gingival fibroblasts, Langerhans cells, vascular endothelium, and areas adjacent to the rupture of blood vessel. α-SMA expression in GO was detected in the vascular endothelium and gingival fibroblasts. Conclusion: the differential immunostaining of EMT markers in gingival tissues of patients with orthodontic GH suggests an eventual role of EMT in the pathogenesis of this pathology..Au
Humans , Patients , Tissues , S100 Calcium-Binding Protein A4ABSTRACT
Introduction Among the therapeutic effects of ozone therapy, improvement in cell metabolism and peripheral tissue oxygenation have been highlighted. Objective to evaluate the systemic effect of bio-oxidative therapy with ozone gas on wound healing. Material and method Tissue lesions with a circumference of 1.0 cm were induced in the skin on the back of 24 male Wistar rats. The animals were randomly divided into two groups: 1) Group C (control; n=12): with simulation of the application of ozone gas via the rectum and, 2) Group O3 (test; n=12): with application of ozone gas by means of rectal insufflation at a concentration of 50 µg/mL. The animals were euthanized at seven and 15 days, and samples were removed, fixed in formalin, and submitted to macroscopic, histological, and histometric analyses. Result The animals in the O3 group presented mixed inflammation at seven days, which translated into an absence of inflammation at 15 days. The C group exhibited acute inflammation on the 7th day, translating to chronic inflammation, which significantly increased from the 7th to the 15th day. The findings showed that the O3 group presented greater wound contraction (P<0.05) and a greater degree of neovascularization on the 7th day (P<0.05) when compared to group C. On the 15th day, both groups (O3 and C) showed complete re-epithelialization, however, the O3 group demonstrated complete muscle regeneration. Conclusion The systemic ozone therapy had a biomodulatory effect, reducing the characteristics of acute inflammation and increasing tissue repair and regeneration in rat skin.
Introdução Dentre os efeitos terapêuticos da ozonioterapia, destacam-se a melhora do metabolismo celular e da oxigenação dos tecidos periféricos. Objetivo avaliar o efeito sistêmico da terapia bio-oxidativa com gás ozônio na cicatrização de feridas. Material e método Lesões teciduais com circunferência de 1,0 cm foram induzidas na pele do dorso de 24 ratos Wistar machos. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: 1) Grupo C (controle; n = 12): com simulação da aplicação de gás ozônio pelo reto e, 2) Grupo O3 (teste; n = 12): com aplicação de gás ozônio por meio de insuflação retal na concentração de 50 µg / mL. Os animais foram sacrificados com sete e 15 dias, e as amostras foram retiradas, fixadas em formalina e submetidas às análises macroscópica, histológica e histométrica. Resultado Os animais do grupo O3 apresentaram inflamação mista aos sete dias, que se traduziu em ausência de inflamação aos 15 dias. O grupo C apresentou inflamação aguda no 7º dia, traduzindo-se em inflamação crônica, que aumentou significativamente do 7º para o 15º dia. Os achados mostraram que o grupo O3 apresentou maior contração da ferida (P <0,05) e maior grau de neovascularização no 7º dia (P <0,05) quando comparado ao grupo C. No 15º dia, ambos os grupos (O3 e C) apresentaram completa reepitelização, entretanto, o grupo O3 demonstrou completa regeneração muscular. Conclusão A ozonioterapia sistêmica teve efeito biomodulador, reduzindo as características de inflamação aguda e aumentando a reparação e regeneração tecidual na pele de ratos.
Animals , Rats , Ozone/therapeutic use , Rats , Tissues , Wound Healing , Oxygenation , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Metabolism , Rectum , Skin , Wounds and Injuries , Inflammation , MusclesABSTRACT
Resumen La infección por el síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV-2) ha causado una de las emergencias epidemiológicas más grandes de los últimos 10 años y sus efectos patológicos son aún estudiados. Por lo anterior, resulta importante describir los mecanismos asociados al compromiso renal y digestivo en la infección por SARS-CoV-2. Los mecanismos patológicos en tejido renal y en intestino causados por la infección por SARS-CoV-2 son propios del tropismo viral por células de estos sistemas y de los mecanismos citopáticos de etapa lítica de la infección, con una liberación continua de viriones que favorece la generación de un entorno inflamatorio con la consecuente secreción descontrolada de citoquinas proinflamatorias que conducen a la infección entérica del intestino y a las alteraciones en el riñón.
Abstract Infection with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) has caused one of the largest epidemiological emergencies in the last 10 years and its pathological effects are still studied. Due to the aforementioned, it is important to describe the mechanisms associated with renal and digestive compromise in SARS-CoV-2 infection. The pathological mechanisms in kidney tissue and in the intestine caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection are characteristic of the viral tropism by cells of these systems and of the lymphocytic mechanisms of the lytic stage of the infection, with a continuous release of virions that favors the generation of an inflammatory environment with the consequent uncontrolled secretion of proinflammatory cytokines that lead to enteric infection of the intestine and alterations in the kidney.
Humans , Male , Female , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Kidney Diseases , Tissues , Colombia , Coronavirus Infections , Viral Tropism , COVID-19ABSTRACT
RESUMEN Este trabajo describe los efectos del probiótico Saccharomyces cerevisiae sobre el área, número de criptas de Lieberkühn en duodeno y yeyuno, y producción de moco en ambas secciones intestinales de pollos de engorde. Fueron empleados los tejidos de un total de 27 individuos clasificados en un grupo control GC (n=12) y un grupo suplementado con probióticos GP (n=15). Los resultados revelaron que los grupos suplementados con el S. cerevisiae presentaron una mayor amplitud del área de las criptas en duodeno (p= 0,0119) y yeyuno (p= 0,0355), menor número de criptas por milímetro en duodeno (p= 0,0420) y mayor producción de moco en duodeno respecto al grupo control (p= 0,0185), mientras que en yeyuno no se observaron diferencias significativas. Se concluyó que el uso de Saccharomyces cerevisiae aumentó el tamaño del área de las criptas en ambas secciones intestinales y aumentó la producción de moco en duodeno; lo cual, al aumentar la superficie de absorción intestinal, seguramente podría resultar en mejoras de los parámetros productivos.
ABSTRACT This work describes the effects of the probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the area, number of Lieberkühn crypts in the duodenum and jejunum, and mucus production in both intestinal sections. Tissues from a total of 27 individuals were used, classified in control group - GC (n = 12) and group supplemented with probiotics - GP (n = 15). The results revealed that the group supplemented with S. cerevisiae presented a greater area of the crypts in the duodenum (p = 0.0119) and jejunum (p = 0.0355), less number of crypts per millimeter in the duodenum (p = 0.0420) and higher mucus production in the duodenum compared to the control group (p = 0.0185), while in the jejunum no significant differences were observed. It was concluded that the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae increased the size of the crypt area in both intestinal sections and increased mucus production in the duodenum; which by increasing the intestinal absorption surface could surely result in improvements in the productive parameters.
Saccharomyces , Tissues , Chickens , Probiotics , Intestine, Small , Periodic Acid-Schiff Reaction , Eosine Yellowish-(YS) , Duodenum , Photograph , Hematoxylin , Intestinal AbsorptionABSTRACT
Resumen Las escaras (también llamadas úlceras por presión y úlceras de decúbito) son lesiones en la piel y el tejido inferior, resultan de una presión prolongada sobre la misma. En la mayoría de los casos, se manifiestan en la piel que recubre las partes óseas del cuerpo, como talones, tobillos, caderas y coxis. Las personas que corren mayor riesgo de tener escaras tienen limitada su capacidad para cambiar de posición o pasan la mayor parte del tiempo en una cama o una silla de ruedas. Pueden desarrollarse en el transcurso de horas o días, la mayoría se curan con tratamiento, pero algunas nunca se curan completamente. El proceso enfermero es una herramienta metodológica a través del cual Enfermería puede apoyar al paciente y/o familiar en brindar cuidados y educación en la prevención y atención de las úlceras por presión. En México, dos estudios metacéntricos reportan que la prevalencia cruda de UPP es del 12,94% y del 17%, respectivamente. El presente caso se trata de una mujer adulto mayor, en edad extrema (81 años), atendida por su familiar, con regular adherencia a su tratamiento terapéutico y de cuidados, pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en cama, movilización regular aunque con buena higiene, con una escara de región sacra limpia en estadio ll, la paciente y familiar muestra disponibilidad y motivación para aprender acciones de cuidado y prevención adoptar cambios en los hábitos de vida, ser más saludable además mejorar la salud familiar.
Abstract Bedsores (also called pressure ulcers and pressure sores) are lesions on the skin and lower tissue, resulting from prolonged pressure on it. In most cases, they manifest on the skin that covers the bony parts of the body, such as heels, ankles, hips and coccyx. People who are most at risk for bedsores have limited ability to change position or spend most of their time in a bed or wheelchair. They can develop over the course of hours or days, most heal with treatment, but some are never completely cured. The nursing process is a methodological tool through which Nursing can support the patient and / or family in providing care and education in the prevention and care of pressure ulcers. In Mexico, two metacentric studies report that the crude prevalence of PU is 12.94% and 17%, respectively. The present case is about an elderly woman, (81 years), cared for by her relative, with regular adherence to her therapeutic and care treatment, spends most of the time in bed, regular mobilization although with good hygiene, with a clean sacral region eschar in stage II, the patient and family member show availability and motivation to learn care and prevention actions, adopt changes in life habits, be healthier and improve family health.
Resumo Escaras (também chamadas de úlceras de pressão e escaras) são lesões na pele e nos tecidos inferiores, resultantes de pressão prolongada sobre ela. Na maioria dos casos, eles se manifestam na pele que cobre as partes ósseas do corpo, como calcanhares, tornozelos, quadris e cóccix. Pessoas com maior risco de escaras têm capacidade limitada de mudar de posição ou de passar a maior parte do tempo em uma cama ou cadeira de rodas. Eles podem se desenvolver ao longo de horas ou dias, a maioria cura com tratamento, mas alguns nunca estão completamente curados. O processo de enfermagem é uma ferramenta metodológica por meio da qual a Enfermagem pode apoiar o paciente e / ou família na prestação de cuidados e educação na prevenção e cuidado das úlceras por pressão. No México, dois estudos metacêntricos relatam que a prevalência bruta de UP é de 12,94% e 17% 4, respectivamente. O presente caso se refere a uma idosa, em extrema idade (81 anos), cuidada por seu familiar, com adesão regular ao seu tratamento terapêutico e assistencial, passa a maior parte do tempo acamada, mobilização regular, porém, com boa higiene com uma escara limpa da região sacral em estágio II, o paciente e seu familiar demonstram disponibilidade e motivação para aprender ações de cuidado e prevenção, adotar mudanças de hábitos de vida, ter mais saúde e melhorar a saúde da família.
Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Pressure , Skin , Family , Attention , Tissues , HygieneABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: A variety of periodontal plastic surgery techniques have been proposed to correct aesthetic and functional problems of periodontal tissues. The most common procedure uses the connective tissue graft from the palate. However, patient discomfort and the limited quantity of palatal tissue results in many cases where the surgeon uses connective tissue substitutes. In this case report, we describe the use of a human dermal matrix for gingival volume augmentation in the lower incisors with a novel modified VISTA technique stabilizing the flap with sutures and cyanoacrylates, avoiding comorbidity of a second surgical site. The follow up at 6 months showed an increase in gingival thickness and a reduction in recessions length.
Humans , Female , Adult , Palate , Surgery, Plastic , Sutures , TissuesABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: Los traumas de mano tienen una alta incidencia alrededor del mundo y representan alrededor del 30% de todos los accidentes y visitas a servicios de urgencias, siendo las lesiones de la punta del dedo un subtipo común de trauma de mano. El manejo inicial y la elección del tratamiento adecuado son importantes, el principal objetivo es la cobertura de tejidos para así evitar amputaciones innecesarias, prevenir complicaciones y pérdida de funcionalidad. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente masculino de 32 años que sufrió trauma por aplastamiento en mano derecha que produce herida con pérdida de tejido en falanges distales de segundo y tercer dedo y amputación traumática parcial de falange distal del segundo dedo. EVOLUCIÓN: Se realizó técnica quirúrgica de colgajo adipofascial vascularizado homodigital reverso en segundo dedo y manejo conservador de fractura, sin complicaciones. Se llevó un control semanal por 2 meses con resultados funcionales, biológicos y estéticos favorables. El tercer dedo se trató con limpieza quirúrgica y colocación de vendaje suboclusivo con evolución favorable. CONCLUSIÓN: El colgajo adipofascial dorsal homodigital reverso tiene varias ventajas sobre otros tipos de colgajos más convencionales; es una técnica simple, segura y confiable, con buenos resultados postquirúrgicos en cuando a funcionalidad, estética y recuperación, requiere de un solo tiempo quirúrgico y brinda la cobertura necesaria de los tejidos expuestos tanto óseos como blandos, con mínima morbilidad del sitio donante.(au)
BACKGROUND: Hand trauma has a high incidence worldwide, it accounts nearly 30% of all trauma and medical visits to emergency rooms, fingertip injuries are the most common among hand trauma. The initial management and the proper choice of treatment are important, the main objective is to achieve adequate tissue coverage, in order to avoid unnecessary amputation, prevent complications and functionality loss. CASE REPORT: A 32-year-old male patient presented with crush trauma on right hand resulting in injuries with tissue loss on the fingertips of the second and third finger and traumatic partial amputation of the distal phalanx of the second finger. EVOLUTION: Surgical technique of homodigital vascularized adipofascial reverse flap was performed in second finger and the fracture was managed conservatively, without complications. A weekly follow up was carried out for 2 months with favorable functional, biological and aesthetic results. The third finger was treated with surgical irrigation and debridement and placement of a sub-occlusive bandage, with favorable outcome. CONCLUSION: Homodigital adipofascial reverse dorsal flap has advantages over other types of conventional flaps; it is a simpler, safe and reliable technique, with good postsurgical outcomes in terms of functionality, aesthetics and recovery, needing only one intervention and offering the appropriate coverage to exposed bone and soft tissue, with minimal repercussions on the donor site.(au)