ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate quinoa flakes and bread prepared with the pseudocereal with regard to nutritional aspects by determining chemical composition, content of tocopherols and fatty acid composition as well as to possible beneficial effects in Wistar rats given commercial feed supplemented or not with quinoa flakes and cholesterol. The following parameters were determined: weight gain, food intake, liver weight, fat in liver and lipid profile in blood and liver. The results showed that processing affected the nutritional characteristics of bread because there was a significant increase in dietary fiber content but reduction in soluble fiber. Increased fiber did not influence food intake or weight gain. Regarding fat in liver of rats, the group that consumed bread without quinoa but with cholesterol showed higher lipid content. The addition of quinoa increased significantly the level of all types of tocopherols, especially in the group of animals that consumed 20% quinoa bread, improving the lipid profile both in blood and liver, largely due to a reduction in oxidized LDL.
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os flocos de quinoa e os pães elaborados com o pseudocereal, tanto em relação a aspectos nutricionais por meio da análise da composição centesimal, do teor de tocoferóis, composição em ácidos graxos, quanto aos possíveis efeitos benéficos, através de experimento com ratos Wistar, consumindo ração comercial, suplementados ou não com flocos de quinoa e colesterol. Foram determinados: ganho de peso, consumo de alimento, peso e gordura do fígado e perfil lipídico do sangue e do fígado. Pelos resultados, verificou-se que o processamento afetou as características nutricionais dos pães, pois houve aumento significativo no teor de fibras totais, porém redução nas fibras solúveis. O aumento de fibras não influenciou no consumo alimentar nem no ganho de peso. Em relação à gordura do fígado dos ratos, o grupo que consumiu pão sem quinoa com colesterol apresentou maior teor de lipídios. A adição de quinoa incrementou significativamente o teor de alguns tipos de tocoferóis, principalmente no grupo de animais que consumiu o pão com 20% de quinoa, melhorando o perfil lipídico, tanto do sangue quanto do fígado, principalmente devido à redução do LDLoxidado.
Bread/analysis , Chenopodium quinoa , Nutrition Assessment , Tocopherols/analysis , Identity and Quality Standard for Products and ServicesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: In recent years, the desire to adopt a healthy diet has drawn attention to legume seeds and food products derived from them. Mash bean is an important legume crop used in Pakistan however a systematic mapping of the chemical composition of mash bean seeds is lacking. Therefore seeds of four mash bean (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper, family Leguminoseae) cultivars (NARC-Mash-1, NARC-Mash-2, NARC-Mash-3, NARC-Mash-97) commonly consumed in Pakistan have been analyzed for their chemical composition, antioxidant potential and biological activities like inhibition of formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE) activity and tyrosinase inhibition activity. RESULTS: The investigated cultivars varied in terms of biochemical composition to various extents. Mineral composition indicated potassium and zinc in highest and lowest amounts respectively, in all cultivars. The amino acid profile in protein of these cultivars suggested cysteine is present in lowest quantity in all cultivars while fatty acid distribution pattern indicated unsaturated fatty acids as major fatty acids in all cultivars. All cultivars were found to be rich source of tocopherols and sterols. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) fingerprints of seed flour and extracts indicated major functional groups such as polysaccharides, lipids, amides, amines and amino acids. Results indicated that all investigated cultivars possessed appreciable antioxidant potential. CONCLUSIONS: All cultivars are rich source of protein and possess sufficient content of dietary fiber, a balanced amino acid profile, low saturated fatty acids and antioxidant capacity that rationalizes many traditional uses of seeds of this crop besides its nutritional importance. The collected data will be useful for academic and corporate researchers, nutritionists and clinical dieticians as well as consumers. If proper attention is paid, it may become an important export commodity and may fetch considerable foreign exchange for Pakistan.
Seeds/chemistry , Crops, Agricultural/chemistry , Fabaceae/chemistry , Pakistan , Phenols/analysis , Riboflavin/analysis , Seeds/metabolism , Sterols/analysis , Tannins/analysis , Thiamine/analysis , Trace Elements/analysis , Flavonoids/analysis , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Free Radical Scavengers , Monophenol Monooxygenase/antagonists & inhibitors , Glycation End Products, Advanced/metabolism , Crops, Agricultural/metabolism , Reducing Agents/metabolism , Cysteine/analysis , Tocopherols/analysis , Fabaceae/metabolism , Niacin/analysis , Antioxidants/metabolism , Nutritive ValueABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Plant secondary metabolites are possess several biological activities such as anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-aging, etc. Cell suspension culture is one of the most effective systems to produce secondary metabolites. It is possible to increase the phenolic compounds and tocopherols by using cell suspensions. Studies on tocopherols production by cell suspension cultures are seldom and generally focused on seed oil plants. Although fresh grape, grape seed, pomace and grape seed oil had tocopherols, with our best knowledge, there is no research on tocopherol accumulation in the grape cell suspension cultures. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of cadmium chloride treatments on secondary metabolite production in cell suspension cultures of grapevine. Cell suspensions initiated from callus belonging to petiole tissue was used as a plant material. Cadmium chloride was applied to cell suspension cultures in different concentration (1.0 mM and 1.5 mM) to enhance secondary metabolite (total phenolics, total flavanols, total flavonols, trans-resveratrol, and α-, ß-, γ- δ-tocopherols) production. Cells were harvested at two days intervals until the 6th day of cultures. Amounts of total phenolics, total flavanols and total flavonols; trans-resveratrol and tocopherols (α-, ß-, γ- and δ-tocopherols) and dry cell weights were determined in the harvested cells. RESULTS: Phenolic contents were significantly affected by the sampling time and cadmium concentrations. The highest values of total phenolic (168.82 mg/100 g), total flavanol (15.94 mg/100 g), total flavonol (14.73 mg/100 g) and trans-resveratrol (490.76 µg/100 g) were found in cells treated with 1.0 mM CdCl2 and harvested at day 2. Contents of tocopherols in the cells cultured in the presence of 1.0 mM CdCl2 gradually increased during the culture period and the highest values of α, ß and γ tocopherols (145.61, 25.52 and 18.56 µg/100 g) were detected in the cell cultures collected at day 6. CONCLUSIONS: As a conclusion, secondary metabolite contents were increased by cadmium chloride application and sampling time, while dry cell weights was reduced by cadmium chloride treatments.
Cadmium Chloride/pharmacology , Vitis/drug effects , Primary Cell Culture/methods , Secondary Metabolism/drug effects , Phenols/analysis , Stilbenes/analysis , Flavonoids/analysis , Plant Leaves/growth & development , Plant Leaves/drug effects , Plant Leaves/metabolism , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Vitis/growth & development , Vitis/metabolism , Vitis/chemistry , Tocopherols/analysis , Flavonols/analysis , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Plant Somatic Embryogenesis Techniques/methods , ResveratrolABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The aim of the present work was to examine the role of UV-C irradiation on the production of secondary metabolites (total phenolic, total flavanols, total flavonols, catechin, ferulic acid and trans-resveratrol in phenolic compounds and α-, ß-, γ- δ-tocopherols) in callus cultures. Studies on the effects of UV-C treatment on callus culture are seldom and generally focused on UV-B. However UV-C radiation play an important role in accumule secondary metabolites. RESULTS: In this study, callus cultures from Öküzgözü grape cultivar were initiated from leaf petiole explants. Calli formed after 6 weeks on the medium supplemented with 0.5 mg L-1 benzylaminopurine (BA), 0.5 mg L-1 indole acetic acid (IAA) on B5 media. Callus tissues were exposed to UV-C irradiation at 10, 20 and 30 cm distances from the UV source for 5 and 10 minutes and samples were collected at hours 0, 24 and 48. CONCLUSIONS: The greatest total phenolic content (155.14 mg 100 g-1) was detected in calli exposed to UV-C for 5 min from 30 cm distance and sampled after 24 h. 24 h and 48 h incubation times, 30 cm and 5 min were the most appropriate combination of UV-C application in total flavanol content. Maximum total flavonol content (7.12 mg 100 g-1) was obtained on 0 h, 5 min and 20 cm combination. The highest (+)- catechin accumulation (8.89 mg g-1) was found in calli with 10 min UV-C application from 30 cm distance and sampled after 48 h. Ferulic acid content increased 6 fold in Öküzgözü callus cultures (31.37 µg g-1) compared to the control group. The greatest trans-resveratrol content (8.43 µg g-1) was detected in calli exposed to UV-C for 5 min from 30 cm distance and sampled after 24 h. The highest α-tocopherol concentration was found in calli exposed to UV-C for 10 min from 30 cm distance and sampled after 24 h. As a conclusion, it was showed that UV-C radiation had remarkable promoting effects on the accumulation of secondary metabolites in the calli of Öküzgözü grape cultivar.
Ultraviolet Rays , Plant Leaves/radiation effects , Crops, Agricultural/radiation effects , Vitis/radiation effects , Plant Somatic Embryogenesis Techniques/methods , Secondary Metabolism/radiation effects , Phenols/analysis , Stilbenes/analysis , Flavonoids/analysis , Catechin/analysis , Chromatography , Plant Leaves/metabolism , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Crops, Agricultural/physiology , Coumaric Acids/analysis , Vitis/metabolism , Vitis/chemistry , Tocopherols/analysis , Flavonols/analysis , Secondary Metabolism/physiology , ResveratrolABSTRACT
This work aimed to characterize the proximate composition, antioxidant activity and fatty acids profile and tocopherol composition of the oil from Eugenia dysenteric a DC seeds. To obtain the extract, the dehydrated and triturated seeds were extracted with ethyl alcohol for 30 minutes, at a proportion of 1:3 of seeds: ethyl alcohol, under continuous agitation at room temperature. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and the supernatant was dehydrated at 40ºC in order to determine by direct weighing the dry matter yield of the extract. The "cagaita" seeds showed to be an important source of total carbohydrates, had relevant antioxidant activity and a high content of total phenolic compounds. In comparison to other oils and fats, "cagaita" seeds oil do not constitutes a good source of tocopherols.
Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo caracterizar las semillas de Eugenia dysenterica DC en cuanto a su composición proximal, medir su potencial antioxidante, evaluar el perfil de ácidos grasos y determinar la composición de tocoferoles en el aceite extraído de las mismas. Para la obtención del extracto, las semillas deshidratadas y trituradas fueron extraídas con alcohol etílico por 30 minutos, en la proporción de 1:3 de semillas: alcohol etílico, bajo agitación continua, a temperatura ambiente. Seguidamente, la mezcla fue filtrada y el sobrenadante fue deshidratado a 40ºC con la finalidad de determinar, por pesaje directo, el rendimiento en materia seca del extracto. Las semillas de "cagaita" mostraron ser una importante fuente de carbohidratos totales, además presentaron una relevante actividad antioxidante y un contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales elevado. En su aceite se encontró mayores porcentajes de ácidos grasos palmítico, oleico y linoleico. En comparación con otros aceites y grasas no constituye una buena fuente de tocoferoles.
Plant Oils/chemistry , Fatty Acids/analysis , Phenolic Compounds/analysis , Seeds/chemistry , Tocopherols/analysis , Antioxidants/chemistryABSTRACT
O ovo em pó é amplamente utilizado na indústria de alimentos, sendo reconhecidamente rico em óxidos de colesterol (OsC) devido às altas temperaturas utilizadas durante o processo. O armazenamento em embalagens inadequadas, presença de ar e a alta concentração lipídica do produto são fatores adicionais para sua formação. Os óxidos de colesterol formados, por sua vez, apresentam propriedades biológicas prejudiciais à saúde, relacionadas com a aterogenicidade, citotoxicidade, carcinogenicidade e mutagenicidade, além de outras manifestações que prejudicam a biossíntese do colesterol no organismo e a permeabilidade da membrana celular. Os objetivos do estudo foram caracterizar amostras comerciais de ovo integral em pó e a ocorrência de óxidos de colesterol, avaliar o efeito do processamento por atomização comercial na estabilidade oxidativa do colesterol e de ácidos graxos, e avaliar o efeito da adição de tocoferóis (aditivo comercial) ao ovo em pó armazenado (90 dias) à temperatura ambiente sobre a estabilidade oxidativa do colesterol. Foram encontrados 7-cetocolesterol (7-Ceto) e 25-hidroxicolesterol (25-OH) em todas as marcas analisadas, mas somente o 7-Ceto teve um aumento expressivo durante o armazenamento de até 180 dias, independente da marca. A atomização gerou redução das TBARS e dos carotenóides totais somente em alguns lotes analisados e redução expressiva nos ácidos graxos livres e fenólicos totais em todos os lotes. Com relação aos óxidos de colesterol, não houve o efeito esperado. Houve aumento do 7-Ceto, 7α-hidroxicolesterol e 7β-hidroxicolesterol somente em poucos lotes. A adição do antioxidante (AO) não evitou o aumento das TBARS e dos ácidos graxos livres, ou redução dos carotenóides totais ao longo do tempo (90 dias). Apesar da atomização não causar o efeito esperado nos OsC, o armazenamento aumentou significativamente os valores de 7-Ceto a partir dos 60 dias na maioria dos lotes. Não foi encontrada diferença estatística entre os valores de...
Egg powder is widely used in food industry, being recognized as rich in cholesterol oxides (Cops) due to the high temperatures used during the process. The storage in inadequate packaging, the presence of air and high lipid concentration of the product are additional factors for their formation. The cholesterol oxides formed have biological properties harmful to health, like atherogenicity, cytotoxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, and other events that affect the cholesterol biosynthesis in the body and the membrane permeability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of cholesterol oxides in commercial product, the effect of atomization in the liquid egg, and oxidative stability of cholesterol in egg powder storage with the addition of an commercial antioxidant (GUARDIANTM TOCO 70). It was found 7- ketocholesterol (7-k) and 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OH) in all brands tested, but only the 7-k increased significantly during the storage of up to 180 days, regardless of brand. The spray-dryer generated reduction of TBARS and total carotenoids only in some samples analyzed and significant reduction in free fatty acids and total phenolics in all lots. There wasnt the expected effect for the cops. There was an increase of 7-k, 7α-hydroxycholesterol and 7β-hydroxycholesterol only in a few lots. The addition of antioxidant (AO) did not prevent the increase in TBARS and free fatty acids, or reduction of total carotenoids over time (90 days). Despite the spray-dryer does not cause the expected effect on the Cops, storage significantly increased the values of 7-k from 60 days in most lots. There was no statistical difference between the values of 25-OH due to their high variation. However the addition of AO reduced the formation of some Cops and TBARS in relation to its control over the same period, showing a significant improvement in the final product...
Cholesterol/analysis , Eggs , Food Handling , Food Preservation , Food Storage , Oxides/analysis , Tocopherols/analysis , Food Analysis , Nutritional SciencesABSTRACT
A relatively simple spectrophotometeric method has been developed for the determination of a tocopherol in human plasma. Method is modification of a previous micromethod base on oxidation of a tocopherol by ferric chloride. The complex of ferrous ions [generated in this reaction] with bathophenanthroline is determined spectrophotometrically at 536 nm. The absorbance of this colored complex is directly proportional to concentration of a tocopherol. The method involves extraction of a tocopherol from human plasma using nhexane which is relatively less toxic than xylene. The assay is sensitive enough to detect as little as 0.2 microg of vitamin. The recovery of a tocopherol from the plasma using n-hexane was in the range of 75% - 100%. The mean values of intra-assay and interassy coefficient of variation were found to be 5.3% and 13%, respectively. The assay was used to monitor a tocopherol levels in plasma samples of 81 normal healthy adults. Mean concentration of plasma a tocopherol in these normal healthy adults was found to be 9.45 +/- 2.64 microg/ml. Sixteen percent of adults had low levels of a tocopherol. The method is rapid, convenient, reproduciable and relatively less hazardous compared to methods using xylene for the extraction of vitamin E. It can be routinely used to analyze as many as 20 plasma samples in about 2 hours time