SUMMARY: To measure and study the anatomical morphological data of the lumbar 5 to sacral 1 intervertebral space with the aid of CT and design an anatomical anterior lumbosacral 3D printed integrated interbody fusion for the treatment of degenerative lumbosacral spine diseases. 100 adults (50 of each sex) who underwent CT examination of the lumbar spine in our hospital were selected, and their lumbar 5 to sacral 1 intervertebral space anatomical data were measured, including the anterior lumbar convexity angle, different sagittal and coronal heights, and the sagittal and coronal diameters of the superior and inferior endplates. The measured data were also statistically analyzed, and morphological design and study of the 3D printed integrated fusion device in the anterior lumbosacral spine was performed by applying computer software. When comparing the coronal and sagittal diameters of the superior and inferior endplates from lumbar 5 to sacral 1, the differences were statistically greater in men than in women (P0.001). When comparing the height at different positions in the median sagittal plane, both males and females showed an anterior high and posterior low pattern. In the coronal plane, both males and females showed the highest height in the middle position (P0.001). CT can measure the anatomical data of the lumbosacral spinal hiatus more accurately. The 3D-printed anterior integrated fusion device of the lumbosacral spine designed according to the analysis of the data results is more in line with the anatomical structure of the lumbosacral spine, fits well with the superior and inferior endplates, and effectively restores the height and anterior convexity angle of the lumbosacral space.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue medir y estudiar los datos morfológicos anatómicos del espacio intervertebral lumbar 5 a sacro 1 con la ayuda de TC y diseñar una fusión intersomática integrada anatómica lumbosacra anterior impresa en 3D para el tratamiento de enfermedades degenerativas de la columna lumbosacra. Se seleccionaron en nuestro hospital 100 adultos (50 de cada sexo) que se sometieron a un examen de TC de la columna lumbar y se midieron los datos anatómicos del espacio intervertebral lumbar 5 al sacro 1, incluyendo el ángulo de la convexidad lumbar anterior, diferentes alturas sagital y coronal, y los diámetros sagital y coronal de las placas terminales superior e inferior. Los datos medidos también se analizaron estadísticamente y se realizó el diseño morfológico y el estudio del dispositivo de fusión integrado impreso en 3D en la columna lumbosacra anterior mediante la aplicación de software informático. Al comparar los diámetros coronal y sagital de las placas terminales superior e inferior desde lumbar 5 hasta sacro 1, las diferencias fueron estadísticamente mayores en hombres que en mujeres (P 0,001). Al comparar la altura en diferentes posiciones en el plano mediano, tanto hombres como mujeres mostraron un patrón anterior alto y posterior bajo. En el plano coronal, tanto hombres como mujeres mostraron la altura más alta en la posición media (P0,001). La TC puede medir los datos anatómicos del hiato espinal lumbosacro con mayor precisión. El dispositivo de fusión anterior integrado impreso en 3D de la columna lumbosacra diseñado de acuerdo con el análisis de los resultados de los datos está más en línea con la estructura anatómica de la columna lumbosacra, se adapta bien a las placas terminales superior e inferior y restaura eficazmente la altura y la parte anterior del ángulo de convexidad del espacio lumbosacro.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Spine , Tomography, Spiral Computed , Lumbar Vertebrae/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Low-dose spiral computed tomography (LDCT) has been recommended for lung cancer screening in high-risk populations. However, evidence from Chinese populations was limited due to the different criteria for high-risk populations and the short-term follow-up period. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness in Chinese adults based on the Lung Cancer Screening Program in Minhang District of Shanghai initiated in 2013.@*METHODS@#A total of 26,124 subjects aged 40 years or above were enrolled in the Lung Cancer Screening Program during the period of 2013 and 2017. Results of LDCT examination, and screen-detected cancer cases in all participants were obtained from the Reporting System of the Lung Cancer Screening Program. The newly-diagnosed cases and their vital status up to December 31, 2020 were identified through a record linkage with the Shanghai Cancer Registry and the Shanghai Vital Statistics. Standardized incidence ratio (SIR) and 95%CI were calculated using the local population at ages of 40 or above as the reference. Proportions of early-stage cancer (stage 0-I), pathological types, and 5-year observed survival rates of lung cancer cases were estimated and compared between the cases derived from the screened and non-screened populations. Cox regression models were applied to evaluate the hazard ratio (HR) and 95%CI of LDCT screening with all-cause death of the lung cancer cases.@*RESULTS@#The crude and age-standardized incidence of lung cancer in screened population were 373.3 (95%CI: 343.1-406.1) and 70.3 per 100,000 person-years, respectively, with an SIR of 1.8 (95%CI: 1.6-1.9), which was observed to decrease with following-up time. The early-stage cancer accounted for 49.4% of all lung cancer cases derived from the screened population, significantly higher than 38.4% in cases from the non-screened population during the same period (P<0.05). The proportion of lung adenocarcinoma (40.7% vs 35.9%) and 5-year survival rate (53.7% vs 41.5%) were also significantly higher in the cases from the screened population (all P<0.05). LDCT screening was associated with 30% (HR=0.7, 95%CI: 0.6-0.8) reduced all-cause deaths of the cases.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The participants of the screening program are at high-risk of lung cancer. LDCT favors the early-detection of lung cancer and improves 5-year survival of the screened cases, indicating a great potential of LDCT in reducing the disease burden of lung cancer in Chinese populations.
Adult , Humans , Lung Neoplasms/epidemiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Early Detection of Cancer/methods , China/epidemiology , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods , Mass ScreeningABSTRACT
Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 57 años con un leiomiosarcoma retroperitoneal encontrado de manera incidental. Es una patología poco común, la incidencia anual es 2.7 casos por millón de personas. De igual manera, es una enfermedad de evolución silenciosa, por lo que pasa inadvertida hasta que la masa tumoral alcanza un gran tamaño. Los leiomiosarcomas se evidencian como extensas áreas de heterogeneidad y realce heterogéneo, ocasionado por la presencia de necrosis y focos hemorrágicos. Normalmente no hay presencia de calcificaciones y hay ausencia de tejido adiposo, de esta manera que una gran masa retroperitoneal mayor a 10 cm sin contenido graso y necrosis interna variable debe sugerir la posibilidad de un leiomiosarcoma. La eliminación quirúrgica completa es el tratamiento de elección, ésta se debe realizar con márgenes negativos amplios, factor que repercute en el pronóstico, ya que estos tumores tienden a alcanzar un tamaño muy grande y, a menudo, la extirpación amplia es imposible, lo que afecta la supervivencia del paciente. Este tipo de neoplasias tienen un mal pronóstico, pues se sabe que la supervivencia a los 5 años es de aproximadamente 15%, debido a su alta tendencia a la invasión local, metástasis o diagnóstico tardío.
We present the case of a 57-year-old male patient with a retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma found incidentally. It is a rare disease, with an annual incidence of 2.7 cases per million people. Likewise, it is a disease with a silent evolution, so it goes unnoticed until the tumor mass reaches a large size. Leiomyosarcomas appear as extensive areas of heterogeneity and heterogeneous enhancement, caused by the presence of necrosis and hemorrhagic foci. Normally, there is no presence of calcifications and there is an absence of adipose tissue, so a large retroperitoneal mass greater than 10 cm with no fat content and variable internal necrosis should suggest the possibility of a leiomyosarcoma. Complete surgical removal is the treatment of choice, and should be performed with wide negative margins, a factor that affects the prognosis, since these tumors tend to reach a very large size and wide excision is often impossible, which affects the patient's survival. This type of neoplasm has a poor prognosis, since it is known that the 5-year survival rate is approximately 15%, due to its high tendency to local invasion, metastasis or late diagnosis.
Apresentamos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 57 anos, comleiomiossarcoma retroperitoneal encontrado incidentalmente. É umapatologia rara, a incidência anual é de 2,7 casos por milhão de pessoas. Da mesma forma, é umadoença de evolução silenciosa, por issopassadespercebida até que a massa tumoral atinja umtamanho grande. Os leiomiossarcomasaparecem como extensas áreas de heterogeneidade e realce heterogêneo, causadas pela presença de necrose e focos hemorrágicos. Normalmente nãohápresença de calcificações e háausência de tecido adiposo, portantouma grande massa retroperitoneal maior que 10 cm semconteúdo de gordura e necrose interna variáveldeve indicar a possibilidade de leiomiossarcoma. A remoçãocirúrgica completa é o tratamento de escolha, este deve ser realizado com amplas margens negativas, fator que afeta o prognóstico, poisesses tumores tendem a atingir tamanhomuito grande e, muitasvezes, a remoção ampla é impossível, o que prejudica a sobrevida do paciente. Esse tipo de neoplasia apresentamauprognóstico, pois sabe-se que a sobrevida em 5 anos é de aproximadamente 15%, devido à sua alta tendência à invasão local, metástaseou diagnóstico tardio.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Retroperitoneal Neoplasms/surgery , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods , Leiomyosarcoma/surgery , Retroperitoneal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Abdominal Pain , Treatment Outcome , Leiomyosarcoma/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introducción: El neumoencéfalo (sinonimia: aerocele o neumatocele intracerebral), se define como la presencia de gas dentro de cualquiera de los compartimentos intracraneales (intraventricular, intraparenquimatosa, subaracnoidea, subdural y epidural). Objetivo: Describir los hallazgos clínicos, estudios complementarios, conducta terapéutica y evolución de un caso con neumoencéfalo como complicación de bloqueo regional epidural por radiculopatía lumbosacra. Presentación de caso: Se presentó un paciente masculino de 57 años de edad que comenzó con un cuadro súbito de desorientación, excitabilidad psicomotriz y convulsiones tónico-clónicas, a partir de una inyección epidural de metilprednisolona como método analgésico. Conclusiones: El caso presentado exhibió manifestaciones neurológicas inespecíficas, la aparición súbita posterior al proceder invasivo hizo sospechar en un evento neurológico agudo o fenómeno tromboembólico. Los estudios complementarios como la tomografía axial computarizada craneal simple, permitió su diagnóstico para tener una conducta consecuente. El manejo conservador del neumoencéfalo como complicación del uso de anestesia epidural, constituyó una conducta terapéutica eficaz y repercutió en la satisfactoria evolución del paciente(AU)
Introduction: Pneumocephalus (synonym: aerocele or intracerebral pneumatocele), is defined as the presence of gas within any of the intracranial compartments (intraventricular, intraparenchymal, subarachnoid, subdural and epidural). Objective: To describe the clinical findings, complementary studies, therapeutic conduct and evolution of a case with pneumocephalus as a complication of regional epidural block due to lumbosacral radiculopathy Case presentation: A 57-year-old male patient was presented who began with a sudden episode of disorientation, psychomotor excitability and tonic-clonic seizures, following an epidural injection of methylprednisolone as an analgesic method. Conclusions: The case presented exhibited non-specific neurological manifestations, the sudden appearance after the invasive procedure raised suspicion of an acute neurological event or thromboembolic phenomenon. Complementary studies such as simple cranial computed axial tomography, allowed its diagnosis to have a consistent conduct. The conservative management of pneumocephalus as a complication of the use of epidural anesthesia constituted an effective therapeutic approach and had an impact on the patient's satisfactory evolution(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Radiculopathy/complications , Methylprednisolone/therapeutic use , Pneumoencephalography/methods , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods , Anesthesia, Epidural/methodsABSTRACT
Objective: To explore an automatic landmarking method for anatomical landmarks in the three-dimensional (3D) data of the maxillary complex and preliminarily evaluate its reproducibility and accuracy. Methods: From June 2021 to December 2022, spiral CT data of 31 patients with relatively normal craniofacial morphology were selected from those who visited the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology. The sample included 15 males and 16 females, with the age of (33.3±8.3) years. The maxillary complex was reconstructed in 3D using Mimics software, and the resulting 3D data of the maxillary complex was mesh-refined using Geomagic software. Two attending physicians and one associate chief physician manually landmarked the 31 maxillary complex datasets, determining 24 anatomical landmarks. The average values of the three expert landmarking results were used as the expert-defined landmarks. One case that conformed to the average 3D morphological characteristics of healthy individuals' craniofacial bones was selected as the template data, while the remaining 30 cases were used as target data. The open-source MeshMonk program (a non-rigid registration algorithm) was used to perform an initial alignment of the template and target data based on 4 landmarks (nasion, left and right zygomatic arch prominence, and anterior nasal spine). The template data was then deformed to the shape of the target data using a non-rigid registration algorithm, resulting in the deformed template data. Based on the unchanged index property of homonymous landmarks before and after deformation of the template data, the coordinates of each landmark in the deformed template data were automatically retrieved as the automatic landmarking coordinates of the homonymous landmarks in the target data, thus completing the automatic landmarking process. The automatic landmarking process for the 30 target data was repeated three times. The root-mean-square distance (RMSD) of the dense corresponding point pairs (approximately 25 000 pairs) between the deformed template data and the target data was calculated as the deformation error of the non-rigid registration algorithm, and the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) of the deformation error in the three repetitions was analyzed. The linear distances between the automatic landmarking results and the expert-defined landmarks for the 24 anatomical landmarks were calculated as the automatic landmarking errors, and the ICC values of the 3D coordinates in the three automatic landmarking repetitions were analyzed. Results: The average three-dimensional deviation (RMSD) between the deformed template data and the corresponding target data for the 30 cases was (0.70±0.09) mm, with an ICC value of 1.00 for the deformation error in the three repetitions of the non-rigid registration algorithm. The average automatic landmarking error for the 24 anatomical landmarks was (1.86±0.30) mm, with the smallest error at the anterior nasal spine (0.65±0.24) mm and the largest error at the left oribital (3.27±2.28) mm. The ICC values for the 3D coordinates in the three automatic landmarking repetitions were all 1.00. Conclusions: This study established an automatic landmarking method for three-dimensional data of the maxillary complex based on a non-rigid registration algorithm. The accuracy and repeatability of this method for landmarking normal maxillary complex 3D data were relatively good.
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Algorithms , Software , Tomography, Spiral Computed , Anatomic Landmarks/anatomy & histologySubject(s)
Humans , Sigmoid Diseases/surgery , Sigmoid Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Diverticulum/surgery , Diverticulum/diagnostic imaging , Diverticulum, Colon/surgery , Diverticulum, Colon/diagnostic imaging , Colon, Sigmoid/surgery , Colon, Sigmoid/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, Spiral Computed , Abdomen/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To build a helical CT projection data restoration model at random low-dose levels.@*METHODS@#We used a noise estimation module to achieve noise estimation and obtained a low-dose projection noise variance map, which was used to guide projection data recovery by the projection data restoration module. A filtering back-projection algorithm (FBP) was finally used to reconstruct the images. The 3D wavelet group residual dense network (3DWGRDN) was adopted to build the network architecture of the noise estimation and projection data restoration module using asymmetric loss and total variational regularization. For validation of the model, 1/10 and 1/15 of normal dose helical CT images were restored using the proposed model and 3 other restoration models (IRLNet, REDCNN and MWResNet), and the results were visually and quantitatively compared.@*RESULTS@#Quantitative comparisons of the restored images showed that the proposed helical CT projection data restoration model increased the structural similarity index by 5.79% to 17.46% compared with the other restoration algorithms (P < 0.05). The image quality scores of the proposed method rated by clinical radiologists ranged from 7.19% to 17.38%, significantly higher than the other restoration algorithms (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The proposed method can effectively suppress noises and reduce artifacts in the projection data at different low-dose levels while preserving the integrity of the edges and fine details of the reconstructed CT images.
Algorithms , Artifacts , Tomography, Spiral Computed , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methodsABSTRACT
Objective: To provide scientific evidence for early lung cancer screening, to analyze the incidence of pulmonary nodules among petroleum company staffs in Sichuan-Chongqing Area. Methods: In January 2021 , 6002 petroleum company staffs in Sichuan-Chongqing Area which scanned by low-dose spiral computed tomography (LDCT) of chest in medical examination center in 2020 were retrospectively collected as objects. Their imaging and clinical data were collected. χ(2) test was used to analyze the differences in the detection rates of lung nodules and suspected lung cancer nodules among workers in petroleum company staffs of different genders, ages and types of work. Results: Among the 6002 objects, 3853 (64.2%) were male and 2149 (35.8%) were female, with an average age of (47.25±12.13) years old. A total of 431 cases (7.2%) of pulmonary nodules and 57 cases (0.9%) of suspected lung cancer nodules were detected. 45 cases were followed up with surgical treatment, and 41 cases (91.1%) of lung cancer were diagnosed by postoperative pathology. There were significant differences in the detection rates of pulmonary nodules and suspected lung cancer nodules between different age groups (χ(2)=51.23, 18.81 , P<0.001). The detection rates of pulmonary nodules in the age groups 51-60 years old and ≥61 years old were higher than those in the age groups≤40 years old and 41-50 years old (P<0.05). The detection rate of suspected lung cancer nodules in the age group≥ 61 years old was higher than those in the age groups≤40 years old, 41-50 years old and 51-60 years old (P< 0.05) . And the detection rate of suspected lung cancer pulmonary nodules in oil workers was higher than that of ordinary workers (P<0.05) . Among female objects, the detection rate of pulmonary nodules in oil workers was higher than that in ordinary workers (χ(2)=8.09, P=0.004) . The detection rate of pulmonary nodules in oil workers aged ≥61 years old was higher than ordinary workers (χ(2)=37.94, P<0.001) . Among male objects, the detection rate of suspected lung cancer pulmonary nodules in oil workers was higher than that in ordinary workers (χ(2)=8.42, P=0.004) . The detection rates of suspected lung cancer pulmonary nodules in oil workers aged 51-60 years old and ≥61 years old groups were higher than those of ordinary workers (χ(2)=4.70, 8.74; P=0.030, 0.003) . Conclusion: LDCT is suitable for early lung cancer screening for petroleum company staffs. During the clinical screening process, LDCT should be used as a routine physical examination item for petroleum workers older than 51 years old.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Early Detection of Cancer/methods , Lung Neoplasms/diagnosis , Mass Screening/methods , Multiple Pulmonary Nodules/diagnostic imaging , Petroleum , Retrospective Studies , Tomography, Spiral ComputedABSTRACT
La displasia ósea esclerosante es una afectación en el desarrollo intrínseco del esqueleto, por alteración en la formación y modelado del hueso, que lleva a una excesiva acumulación ósea con un aumento de la densidad (esclero-sis). Existen varios tipos y todos ellos son de origen genético. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 37 años que llega a la consulta sin diagnóstico previo, por dolor en miembros inferiores de larga evolución con reagudizaciones, asociado a deformidad e impotencia funcional, que cedía parcialmente con analgésicos comunes. (AU)
Bone sclerosing dysplasia is an affectation of the intrinsic development of the skeleton by an alteration in bone formation and modeling. It causes excessive bone accumulation with an increase in density (sclerosis). There are several types of bone sclerosing dysplasia. They are of genetic origin. We report here a 37 year-old patient without a previous diagnosis of sclerosing bone dysplasia who was seen in the clinic for pain in the lower limbs associated with bone deformity with only partial response to analgesics. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Bone Diseases, Developmental/diagnostic imaging , Melorheostosis/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Radiography , Tomography, Spiral Computed , Pain Management , Hip/pathology , Leg/pathologyABSTRACT
Introducción: El método clínico por sí solo no es definitivo para diagnosticar una enfermedad cerebrovascular, por lo que es importante el uso de medios de diagnóstico imagenológicos como la tomografía axial computarizada, que permite investigar los aspectos morfológicos y funcionales del cerebro. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas y tomográficas de pacientes con infarto cerebral. Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 269 pacientes con infarto cerebral, atendidos en el Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico Saturnino Lora Torres de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta diciembre de 2019. Resultados: Predominaron el sexo masculino (54,6 %), el grupo etario de 70-79 años, las afectaciones motoras (76,5 %), la alteración de la conciencia (51,3 %) y el trastorno del lenguaje (50,5 %). En 38 pacientes los resultados de la tomografía fueron negativos antes de las 24 horas de evolución y 64,0 % se consideraron mejorados con secuelas. Conclusiones: La tomografía antes de las 24 horas demuestra una baja positividad y los hallazgos evolucionan con el tiempo, aunque es posible reconocer varios signos precoces de ictus agudo en menos de 4-6 horas.
Introduction: The clinical method by itself is not definitive to diagnose a cerebrovascular disease, reason why the use of imaging diagnostic means, as the computerized axial tomography is important, as it allows to investigate the morphological and functional aspects of the brain. Objective: To describe the clinical and tomographic characteristics of patients with complete stroke. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 269 patients with complete stroke, assisted in Saturnino Lora Torres Teaching Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital was carried out in Santiago de Cuba, from January to December, 2019. Results: There was a prevalence of the male sex (54.6 %), 70-79 age group, motor disorders (76.5 %), alteration of the conscience (51.3 %) and language disorder (50.5 %). In 38 patients the results of the tomography were negative before the 24 hours of clinical course and 64.0 % were better with aftereffects of the disease. Conclusions: Tomography before the 24 hours demonstrates a low positivity and findings have a favorable clinical course as time goes by, although it is possible to recognize several early signs of acute ictus in less than 4-6 hours.
Brain Diseases , Cerebral Infarction/diagnostic imaging , Brain Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, Spiral ComputedABSTRACT
Objective: In order to assess ET more comprehensively, sonotubometry (STM)combined with CT images were applied to investigate the opening features of eustachian tube (ET) in normal subjects. STM was also used as a monitor training ET opening maneuver and optimizing CT scan parameters. Methods: Following ET opening training monitored by STM, STM data of ET opening duration and maximum sound pressure from 13 healthy volunteers (10 males and 3 females, 22 to 26 years old) were acquired using maneuvers of swallowing and Valsalva in standing and supine positions. Two trials of CT scan, setting A (slice thickness 6.0 mm, manually simulated to 0.6 mm, reconstruction thickness 0.6 mm) for normal and Valsalva scans and setting B(slice thickness 0.4 mm,reconstruction thickness 0.4 mm)for Valsalva scan, were conducted in each subject. The bone area and cartilage area of ET were measured respectively in reconstructed CT images. Statistical software SPSS 19.0 was employed in data analysis. Results: The duration of ET opening and maximum sound pressure by Valsalva were longer and stronger than those by swallowing in both positions. For Valsalva maneuver, standing position resulted in longer ET opening duration compared to supine position (P<0.05). Under setting A, ET cartilage area was measured larger by Valsalva scan than by normal scan (P<0.05). By Valsalva scan, setting A captured larger ET cartilage area compared to setting B (P<0.05). CT setting B resulted in longer scan time in comparison to setting A (P<0.05). Conclusions: Techniques of STM in supine position plus CT scan under setting A can be combined by Valsalva passive ET opening. Not only the invisible ET lumen through routine CT scan can be illustrated, but also relevant ET open-close process is shown, therefore, this study provides the technique for ET research of function and structure.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Deglutition , Eustachian Tube/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, Spiral Computed , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Valsalva ManeuverABSTRACT
El síndrome de Mounier-Kuhn o traqueobroncomegalia constituye una rara entidad clínica y radiológica caracterizada por una dilatación de la tráquea y los bronquios principales. Puede asociarse con estructuras saculares en las membranas intercartilaginosas (diverticulosis traqueal), bronquiectasias e infecciones respiratorias a repetición. Las formas de presentación clínica son variables. Tiene una prevalencia entre el 1-4,5 por ciento de la población y se presenta, mayoritariamente, en hombres con un amplio rango etario que oscila entre los 20 y 50 años de edad. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 77 años con cuadros de infecciones respiratorias bajas a repetición desde la juventud. Luego de realizarle estudios de imagen y broncoscopia, se llegó al diagnóstico de síndrome de Mounier-Kunh. Recibió tratamiento antibiótico inmediatamente y su evolución fue de manera satisfactoria(AU)
Mounier-Kuhn syndrome or tracheobroncomegaly is a rare clinical and radiological entity characterized by dilatation of the trachea and the main bronchi. It can be associated with saccular structures in the intercartilaginous membranes (tracheal diverticulosis), bronchiectasis, and recurrent respiratory infections. The forms of clinical presentation vary. It has a prevalence between 1-4.5 percent of the population and it occurs mainly in men, widely ranging ages between 20 and 50 years of age. We report the case of a 77-year-old male patient with recurrent lower respiratory infections since his youth. After performing imaging studies and bronchoscopy, he could be diagnosed with Mounier-Kunh syndrome. He immediately underwent antibiotic treatment and his evolution was satisfactory(AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Cephalexin/therapeutic use , Tracheobronchomegaly/epidemiology , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods , Tracheobronchomegaly/drug therapyABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE This study aims to investigate the application value of magnetic resonance (MR) hydrography of the inner ear in cochlear implantation. METHODS 146 patients were enrolled. MR hydrography and spiral CT examinations for the intracranial auditory canal were performed before surgery, and all imaging results were statistically analyzed in order to explore the application value of MR hydrography of the inner ear in cochlear implantation. RESULTS 146 patients (292 ears) were examined. Among these patients, 13 were diagnosed with abnormal vestibular aqueducts (20 ears) by MR hydrography, while five were diagnosed with this disease by CT; 15 patients were diagnosed with inner ear malformation (19 ears) by MR hydrography, while 11 were diagnosed by CT (four were misdiagnosed); five patients were diagnosed with internal acoustic canal stenosis (eight ears) by MR hydrography, while two were diagnosed by CT (three were misdiagnosed); and four patients were diagnosed with cochlear fibrosis (five ears) by MR hydrography, while four were diagnosed by CT (four ears). The correct rate of diagnosis was 77.40% (113/146) based on CT, while the rate was 93.84% (137/146) based on MR hydrography. CONCLUSIONS MR hydrography imaging technique can be applied to the preoperative evaluation of cochlear implantation, providing accurate and reliable anatomic information on the inner membranous labyrinth and nerves in the internal acoustic canal and an accurate basis for the diagnosis of cochlear fibrosis and nerve development. This has a guiding significance for the selection of treatment schemes.
RESUMO OBJETIVO Este estudo visa investigar o valor da aplicação da hidrografia por ressonância magnética (RM) do ouvido interno no implante coclear. MÉTODOS Cento e quarenta e seis pacientes foram inscritos. Os exames da hidrografia por RM e do CT espiral para o canal auditivo intracraniano foram executados antes da cirurgia, e todos os resultados da imagem foram analisados estatisticamente, a fim de explorar o valor da aplicação da hidrografia por RM do ouvido interno no implante coclear. RESULTADOS Centro e quarenta e seis pacientes (292 ouvidos) foram examinados. Dentre esses pacientes, 13 foram diagnosticados com aquedutos vestibulares anormais (20 ouvidos) pela hidrografia por RM, enquanto cinco pacientes foram diagnosticados com esta doença pelo CT; 15 pacientes foram diagnosticados com malformação do ouvido interno (19 ouvidos) pela hidrografia por RM, enquanto 11 pacientes foram diagnosticados por CT (quatro foram diagnosticados erroneamente); cinco pacientes foram diagnosticados com estenose de canal acústico interno (oito ouvidos) pela hidrografia por RM, enquanto dois pacientes foram diagnosticados por CT (três foram diagnosticados erroneamente); e quatro pacientes foram diagnosticados com fibrose coclear (cinco ouvidos) pela hidrografia por RM, enquanto quatro foram diagnosticados por CT (quatro ouvidos). A taxa correta de diagnóstico foi de 77,40% (113/146) com base no CT, enquanto a taxa foi de 93,84% (137/146) com base na hidrografia por RM. CONCLUSÕES A técnica de imagem da hidrografia por RM pode ser aplicada à avaliação pré-operatória do implante coclear, que pode fornecer informações anatômicas precisas e confiáveis sobre o labirinto membranoso interno e os nervos no canal acústico interno, além de uma base exata para o diagnóstico da fibrose coclear e do desenvolvimento do nervo. Isso tem um significado orientador para a seleção de esquemas de tratamento.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Cochlear Implantation/methods , Ear, Inner/diagnostic imaging , Reference Values , Reproducibility of Results , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods , Preoperative Period , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/surgery , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnostic imaging , Ear, Inner/surgery , Labyrinth Diseases/surgery , Labyrinth Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Virtual autopsy is a new technique for investigating the morphological changes of cadaveric tissues and organs by medical imaging technology. It has been widely used in the identification of causes of death. Multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) has become a routine inspection method in some identification institutions, although it cannot completely replace traditional autopsy, it plays a key auxiliary or substitute role in the identification of certain abnormal causes of death. Plain MSCT scan cannot visualize cadaveric vessels, but can perform cadaveric angiography to determine vascular injury or disease. This technology has entered a rapid development period in recent years, and has made a considerable progress in contrast agent, perfusion methods and imaging methods. This article summarizes several common cadaveric MSCT angiography methods, such as systemic angiography, angiography through cardiopulmonary resuscitation, targeted angiography, and angiography by cardiac puncture, and analyzes and compares the application prospects.
Humans , Angiography , Autopsy , Coronary Angiography , Heart , Tomography, Spiral ComputedABSTRACT
Objective: This work aims to use new spectroscopic and radiographic methods to study the dental hard tissue erosion and abfraction, as these lesions are actually quite difficult to be diagnosed in clinical practice. Material and Methods: This in vivo study was conducted on 60 patients with early erosion and 60 patients with abfraction at the cervical area by means of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and multilayer spiral computed tomography (MSCT). Results: In comparative dental hard tissues studies LIF spectra from intact and affected areas, it was noted multidirectional fluorescence intensity dependence between areas affected by abfraction and intact areas. MSCT technique allowed assessing the degree of damaged areas, especially at deeper stages. Conclusion: Although LIF and MSCT methods presented limitations, it was shown their effectiveness in the diagnosis of abfraction and erosion by detecting changes in the morphological structure as well as in the chemical and mineral composition of affected dental hard tissues. So LIF and MSCT methods can be successfully used in order to develop new medical devices which will provide most accurate clinical diagnose of different stages of dental erosion and abfraction.(AU)
Objetivo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo utilizar novos métodos espectroscópicos e radiográficos para estudar a erosão e a abração do tecido duro dentário, pois essas lesões são realmente bastante difíceis de serem diagnosticadas na prática clínica. Material e Métodos: Este estudo in vivo foi realizado em 120 pacientes com erosão e abração precoces na área cervical por meio de fluorescência induzida por laser (LIF) e tomografia computadorizada em espiral multicamada (MSCT). Resultados: Em estudos comparativos espectros de LIF, de tecidos duros dentais intactos e afetados, observouse dependência da intensidade da fluorescência multidirecional entre as áreas afetadas pela abração e as áreas intactas. A técnica MSCT permitiu avaliar o grau de áreas danificadas, principalmente em estágios mais profundos. Conclusão: Embora os métodos LIF e MSCT tenham apresentado limitações, foi demonstrada sua eficácia no diagnóstico de abração e erosão, detectando alterações na estrutura morfológica e na composição química e mineral dos tecidos duros afetados. Portanto, os métodos LIF e MSCT podem ser utilizados com sucesso, a fim de desenvolver novos dispositivos médicos que fornecerão um diagnóstico clínico mais preciso de diferentes estágios de erosão e abração dentária.(AU)
Humans , Spectrometry, Fluorescence , Tooth Erosion , Tooth Demineralization , Tomography, Spiral ComputedABSTRACT
Entre os principais exames de imagem para se avaliar a articulação temporomandibular (ATM) destaca-se a ressonância magnética (RM) e a tomografia computadorizada espiral (TC). Por meio destes exames pode-se observar estruturas ósseas e tecidos moles para detectar alterações patológicas na ATM. A RM e a TC podem apresentar certas limitações na resolução espacial e a variação de contraste das estruturas anatômicas da ATM, assim como também a presença de artefatos podem implicar em problemas na qualidade da imagem e uma análise imprecisa. Atualmente, na Radiologia, se utiliza diferentes tipos de filtros de realce oferecidos pelos softwares de imagem beneficiando o diagnóstico. Neste estudo avaliamos a utilização de dois tipos de filtros (filtro Sharpen 3x3 ou F1 e filtro Sharpen 5x5 ou F2) pertencentes ao software Osirix MD para a observação de três alterações patológicas na cabeça da mandíbula: aplainamento, erosão e osteófito. Foram analisadas 77 ATMs em RM e TC. A avaliação da repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade dos examinadores foi realizada através de GEE (Genelarized Estimating Equations), e a comparação entre os filtros e entre as técnicas foi realizada através do teste Qui-Quadrado. Os resultados mostraram que a aplicação dos filtros melhoraram a qualidade de imagem na RM (F2>F1>SF), mas na TC só a aplicação do F1 melhorou a qualidade da imagem (F1>SF>F2).
Temporomandibular Joint , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Tomography, Spiral ComputedABSTRACT
Los tumores de las glándulas salivales constituyen alrededor de 5% de las neoplasias de cabeza y cuello. El adenoma pleomorfo es el tumor benigno más frecuente de las glándulas salivales, representa aproximadamente 60% de todas las neoplasias salivales, está compuesto fundamentalmente por una proliferación de células mioepiteliales y por un amplio espectro de componentes de tejido epitelial y mesenquimal, rodeado por una nítida cápsula fibrosa. Alrededor de 80% de los adenomas pleomorfos aparecen en la parótida, 10% en la glándula submandibular y 10% en las glándulas salivales menores de la cavidad oral. La edad media de presentación es a los 46 años, pero la edad oscila entre la tercera y la quinta década de la vida. No obstante, ha sido encontrado en individuos de todas las edades, presentando una ligera predilección por el sexo femenino. Respecto a su sitio de origen, el adenoma pleomorfo es asintomático, de crecimiento lento y consistencia firme. La tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) y la resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN) son de gran utilidad para evaluar la extensión de la lesión, así como el compromiso de estructuras importantes. La biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina (BAAF) es un método útil para el diagnóstico de este tipo de neoplasias. El tratamiento de este tipo de lesiones consiste en la remoción quirúrgica de la tumoración junto con la glándula afectada. Menos de 1% de los casos de adenomas pleomorfos sufren transformación maligna, especialmente los que han presentado múltiples recidivas (AU)
The tumors of the salivary glands constitute about 5% of the neoplasms of the head and neck. The pleomorphic adenoma is the most frequent benign tumor of the salivary glands, represents approximately 60% of all salivary neoplasms, is composed mainly of a proliferation of myoepithelial cells and a wide spectrum of components of epithelial and mesenchymal tissue, surrounded by a sharp fibrous capsule. About 80% of pleomorphic adenomas appear in the parotid, 10% in the submandibular gland and 10% in the minor salivary glands of the oral cavity. The average age of presentation is 46 years, but age ranges between the third and fifth decade of life. However, it has been found in individuals of all ages, presenting a slight female predilection. Regarding its site of origin, the pleomorphic adenoma is asymptomatic, slow growing and firm consistency. Computed tomography (CT) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) are very useful to evaluate the extent of the injury as well as the commitment of important structures. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is a useful method for the diagnosis of this type of neoplasm. The treatment of this type of injuries consists in the surgical removal of the tumor together with the affected gland. Less than 1% of cases of pleomorphic adenomas suffer malignant transformation, especially those that have presented multiple recurrences (AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Submandibular Gland/pathology , Adenoma, Pleomorphic , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Histological Techniques , Adenoma, Pleomorphic/diagnostic imaging , Oral Surgical Procedures , Tomography, Spiral Computed , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Age and Sex DistributionABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Atrial myxomas are very infrequent primary bening cardiac neoplasms, being considered a rare but highly fatal cause of cerebral embolism. Objectives: We describe the case of an ischemic stroke (CVA) with hemorrhagic conversion secondary to atrila myxoma as an embolic source, and its subsequent early surgical resolution. CLINICAL CASE: A 63-year-old male has a clinical episode compatible with ischemic stroke, receiving thrombolytics treatment with subsequent hemorrhagic conversion. Embolic source study show a mass compatible with cardiac myxoma in the left atrium, performing surgical resection via transeptal approach at 12 days of evolution, with repair of the interatrial defect with autologous pericardium patch. DISCUSSION: Atrial myxoma is a silent pathology and little diagnosed at its early stage, associated with events of systemic repercussion of high mortality and uncertain prognosis. Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular events constitute contraindication for anticoagulation prior to 21 days of evolution. In this case, due to the high embolic risk of myxoma, the inactivy of the bleeding was demonstrated by performing the surgery successfully on the twelfth day of evolution.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Stroke/etiology , Heart Neoplasms/complications , Myxoma/complications , Echocardiography, Doppler , Intracranial Embolism/etiology , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods , Heart AtriaABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Prostatic carcinoma is a tumor that occurs mainly in men older than 50 years. More than 95% correspond to adenocarcinomas and their degree of tumor differentiation is related to metastasis and death. Becausemetastasis to cervical lymphatics is infrequent and with worse survival, a clinical case will be presented. Clinical case: A 62-year-old man, in whom late prostate cancer was later, investigated after multiple imaging studies, biopsies and immunohistochemistry. Discussion: The diagnosis of prostatic carcinoma can be precociously investigated by a simple Rectal Touch coupled with specific Prostate Antigen (PSA), performed in primary care, especially in men with ages close to the fifth decade of life.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology , Adenocarcinoma/secondary , Edema , Biopsy , Tomography, Spiral Computed , Lymphatic Metastasis , NeckABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: el traumatismo encefalocraneano es una causa frecuente de mortalidad y morbilidad. Según datos epidemiológicos aporta la mayor cantidad de fallecidos en menores de 45 años a nivel mundial. Objetivo: caracterizar el trauma craneoencefálico desde el punto de vista clínico-quirúrgico, neuroimagenológico y por neuromonitorización en los pacientes investigados. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente José Ramón López Tabrane y Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, de Matanzas, durante el periodo comprendido entre enero del 2016 a enero del 2018. Resultados: predominó el sexo masculino con el 71,7% de los casos, la mayor prevalencia estuvo en edades inferiores a 48 años con el 80,1 %. La mayor cantidad presentaba un traumatismo encefalocraneano leve con el 56% de los casos seguido del traumatismo encefalocraneano moderado y severo con el 29% y 15% de los casos respectivamente. Predominaron las fracturas lineales (45,8%), seguido de las contusiones sin efecto de masa y los hematomas subdurales con el 24,2% y 23,3%. La mayoría de los pacientes presentó una escala de Marshall II con el 40,8%. Las cifras de presión intracraneal entre de 20-40 mmHg se presentó con mayor frecuencia (44,4 %). Conclusiones: la mitad de los pacientes neuromonitorizados presentaron una saturación del golfo de la vena yugular dentro de parámetros normales con el 50%. La operación más practicada fue la evacuación de hematomas subdurales con el 29,4%.
ABSTRACT Introduction: the encephalocranial trauma (ECT) is a frequent cause of mortality and morbidity. According to epidemiological data, it causes the highest number of deaths in people aged less than 45 years worldwide. Objective: to characterize the encephalocranial trauma from the clinical-surgical, neuroimaging and neuromonitoring point of view in the studied patients. Materials and methods: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out in the Neurosurgery Service of the Provincial Teaching Surgical Clinical Hospitals "Jose Ramon Lopez Tabrane" and "Comandante Faustino Perez Hernandez", of Matanzas, during the period from January 2016 to January 2018. Results: male sex predominated with 71.7% of the cases; the highest prevalence was in ages below 48 years with 80.1%. Most of them presented a mild encephalocranial trauma with 56% of the cases followed by moderate and severe encephalocranial trauma with 29% and 15% of the cases respectively. Linear fractures predominated (45.8%), followed by contusions without mass effect and subdural hematomas with 24.2% and 23.3%. Most of patients presented a Marshall II scale with 40.8%. The intracranial pressure between 20-40 mmHg occurred more frequently (44.4%). Conclusions: half of the neuromonitored patients presented jugular vein gulf saturation within normal parameters with 50%. The most practiced operation was the evacuation of subdural hematomas with 29.4%.