Objective: To estimate the prevalence of three roots in deciduous mandibular molars. Methodology: Electronic searches were carried out in PubMed and Scopus to identify cross-sectional studies published up to September 2023. The Joanna Briggs Institute tool was used to critically appraise the studies. STATA 16.0 was used to generate risk of bias figures and perform the meta-analysis. Results: Eighteen studies evaluating 9,067 patients (8,969 first molars and 10,765 second molars) were included in this review. The overall prevalence of radix in mandibular deciduous molars was 9.61% (3.67% for first molars and 18.72% for second molars). The prevalence rate of teeth diagnosed using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) was similar to the diagnoses made using conventional radiographic techniques together (periapical, interproximal and panoramic). Final considerations: Lower deciduous molars with three roots have a prevalence of almost 10%, with a higher prevalence in second molars. The diagnosis of this morphological alteration can be made using conventional radiographic techniques, but the use of CBCT is recommended.(AU)
Objetivo: estimar a prevalência de três raízes em molares inferiores decíduos. Metodologia: foram realizadas buscas eletrônicas na PubMed e Scopus para identificar estudos transversais publicados até setembro/2023. Para a avaliação crítica dos estudos foi utilizada a ferramenta do Instituto Joanna Briggs. STATA 16.0 foi usado para gerar figura do risco de viés e realizar a metanálise. Resultados: dezoito estudos que avaliaram 9.067 pacientes (8.969 primeiros molares e 10.765 segundos molares) foram incluídos nesta revisão. A prevalência global de radix em molares decíduos inferiores foi de 9,61% (3,67% para primeiros molares e 18,72% para segundo molares). A taxa de prevalência de dentes com diagnóstico através de Tomografia Computadorizada Cone Beam (TCCB) foi semelhante aos diagnósticos realizados pelas técnicas radiográficas convencionais em conjunto (periapical, interproximal e panorâmica). Considerações finais: os molares decíduos inferiores com três raízes têm uma prevalência de quase 10%, com maior prevalência em segundo molares. O diagnóstico desta alteração morfológica pode ser feito através das técnicas radiográficas convencionais, porém recomenda-se a utilização de TCCB.(AU)
Humans , Tooth Abnormalities/epidemiology , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Molar/abnormalities , Prevalence , Cone-Beam Computed TomographyABSTRACT
Palatal radicular groove is a developmental malformation of maxillary incisors, lateral incisors in particular, which often causes periodontal destruction. This paper reports a case of combined periodontal-endodontic lesions induced by palatal radicular groove, which was initially misdiagnosed as a simple periapical cyst. After root canal therapy and periapical cyst curettage, the course of disease was prolonged, resulting in the absence of buccal and maxillary bone plates in the affected tooth area. After the etiology was determined, the affected tooth was extracted and guide bone tissue regeneration was performed at the same time, followed by implantation and restoration at the later stage, leading to clinical cure. The palatal radicular groove is highly occult, and the clinical symptoms are not typical. If the abscess of the maxillary lateral incisor occurs repeatedly, and the abscess of the maxillary lateral incisor has not been cured after periodontal and root canal treatment, cone-beam computed tomographic and periodontal flap surgery should be considered.
Humans , Incisor , Radicular Cyst , Abscess , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Root Canal Therapy , Maxilla , CystsABSTRACT
Introduction: "Molar-incisor malformation" (MIM) or "Molar root-incisor malformation" is a recently reported dental anomaly of unknown etiology, possibly associated with systemic complications, which affects the development of first permanent molar roots and dental enamel of central incisors. Objective: To conduct a literature review on "Molarincisor malformation", also known as "Molar root-incisor malformation", discussing its clinical, radiographic/tomographic and microscopic aspects; differential diagnosis and treatment possibilities. Sources of data: Electronic search was performed on the MEDLINE database in March 2021, without limit regarding the year of publication. The terms used were "molar-incisor malformation", "molar-root incisor malformation", "root malformation", "root development", "tooth roots", "abnormalities". Synthesis of data: Fifteen articles, most of them case series, were included. In general, medical historyrevealed clinical complications during pregnancy and / or the first years of life. Clinical features included tooth enamel defects in the cervical region of incisors and marked mobility of permanent molars and incisors. Radiographically, partially obliterated pulp chambers, short, thin and incomplete roots of first permanent molars and incisors, were observed. Microscopically, the occurrence of a hypercalcified dentin layer, in the form of a lens, inside the pulp chamber, at the level of the cementum-enamel junction, called"mineralized cervical diaphragm", was reported. Conclusion: "Molar-incisor malformation" is an anomaly characterized by changes in root development, pulp chamber and enamel in permanent molars and incisors. The differential diagnosis includes Dentin Dysplasia type I and Regional Odontodysplasia. Medical and familyhistories are essential for the final diagnosis, and treatment, which despite not having an established protocol, requires a multidisciplinary approach and conventional treatments such as tooth extraction, endodontics, orthodontics, and dental implants.
Introdução: "Malformação molar-incisivo" (MIM) ou "Malformação radicular molarincisivo" é uma anomalia dental recém-reportada de etiologia desconhecida, possivelmente associada a complicações sistêmicas, que afeta o desenvolvimento de raízes dos primeiros molares permanentes e esmalte dentário de incisivos centrais. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre "Malformação molar incisivo", também conhecida como "Malformação raiz-molar incisivo", discutindo seus aspectos clínicos, radiográficos/tomográficos, diagnóstico diferencial e possibilidades de tratamento. Fonte dos dados: Busca eletrônica foi realizada na base MEDLINE, em março de 2021, sem limite quanto ao ano de publicação. Os termos pesquisados foram "molarincisor malformation", "molar-root incisor malformation", "root malformation", "root development", "tooth roots", "abnormalities". Síntese dos dados: Quinze artigos, na maioria série de casos, foram incluídos. Em geral, a história médica revelou complicações clínicas durante a gestação e/ou primeiros anos de vida. As características clínicas incluíram defeitos de esmalte dentário na região cervical de incisivos e mobilidadeacentuada de molares e incisivos permanentes. Radiograficamente, observou-se a presença de câmaras pulpares parcialmente obliteradas, raízes de molares e incisivos permanentes curtas, finas e incompletas. Microscopicamente, reportou-se a ocorrência de camada de dentina hipercalcificada, em forma de lente, no interior da câmara pulpar, ao nível da junção cemento-esmalte, denominada de "diafragma cervical mineralizado". Conclusão: A "Malformação molar-incisivo" é uma anomalia caracterizada por alterações do desenvolvimento radicular, da câmara pulpar e do esmalte em molares e incisivos permanentes. O diagnóstico diferencial inclui Displasia dentinária tipo I e Odontodisplasia regional. Históricos médico e familiar são essenciais para o diagnóstico final, e o tratamento, o qual apesar de não ter protocolo estabelecido requer abordagem multidisciplinar e tratamentos convencionais como exodontia, endodontia, ortodontia e implantes dentários.
Humans , Tooth Abnormalities , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Incisor/abnormalities , Molar/abnormalities , Dental EnamelABSTRACT
Undergraduate dental student's eligibility and ability to treat difficult endodontic cases is a new area open for debate. a fifth year undergraduate dental student managed to perform a successful root canal treatment (RCT) on a 42 year old male patient diagnosed as a rare case of mandibular first molar with five root canals. as an educational case report, in a country like Sudan, close supervision and clinical training of undergraduate students in treating difficult endodontic cases is recommended.
Humans , Male , Adult , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Dental Pulp Cavity/abnormalities , Molar/abnormalities , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Endodontics/methods , MandibleABSTRACT
Introdução: o conhecimento da complexidade anatômica do sistema de canais radiculares com suas variações, principalmente em relação ao numero de raízes, condutos e curvaturas facilita o entendimento na localização e negociação dos canais radiculares. Pode-se encontrar canais em forma de "C", cuja aparência assemelha-se a uma fenda, podendo ter de um a três canais. Objetivo: relatar um caso clínico de reintervenção endodôntica de um segundo molar inferior direito, com variação anatômica do canal radicular em forma de "C" tipo II e diagnostico periapical sugestivo de granuloma perirradicular. Métodos: a paciente, do sexo feminino, leucoderma, foi encaminhada para avaliação endodôntica do segundo molar inferior direito. A queixa principal relatada foi discreta sensibilidade a palpação e insatisfação estética devida a restauração metálica fundida existente. Ao exame clinico, foi visualizada uma peça protética com percolação marginal, respostas positivas a palpação e teste de percussão vertical. Ao exame radiográfico, observou-se tratamento endodôntico insatisfatório e área radiolucida na região periapical, sugestiva de granuloma perirradicular. Foram realizadas três sessões, envolvendo remoção da incrustação metálica, desobstrução dos canais radiculares, medicação intracanal e obturação. Conclusão: reitera-se a importância do conhecimento a respeito das diversidades anatômicas dos canais radiculares, bem como de se realizar um planejamento e prognostico endodôntico seguro e confiável. O caso clinico encontra-se em proservação, com remissão da sintomatologia e reparação periapical avaliada radiograficamente.
Humans , Female , Adult , Anatomic Variation , Molar/abnormalities , Endodontics , Molar , Root Canal Obturation , Tooth Root/abnormalitiesABSTRACT
Introdução: atualmente, o traumatismo dentário tem elevado bastante a necessidade de tratamento endodôntico em dentes com rizogenese incompleta e necrose pulpar. O tratamento desses dentes e um desafio para os endodontistas, pois apresentam características anatômicas e particularidades que dificultam os procedimentos necessários. Objetivo: o presente artigo descreve um caso clinico de tratamento de canal radicular, em um paciente jovem com o incisivo central superior esquerdo permanente apresentando rizogenese incompleta e necrose da polpa dentaria. Métodos: na primeira consulta, foi realizado exame clinico, radiografia periapical, abertura coronária, penetração desinfetante e odontometria. Após o esvaziamento do canal radicular, foi utilizada pasta de hidróxido de cálcio, paramonoclorofenol canforado e glicerina (HPG) como medicação intracanal, com o objetivo de fazer a desinfecção do canal radicular. Na segunda consulta, foi realizada a obturação do canal radicular utilizando-se a técnica imediata, quando foi introduzido o agregado trióxido mineral (MTA), para formação de um tampão apical e para promover um selamento apical adequado. Conclusão: após a radiografia final, constatou-se a completa obturação do canal radicular.
Apexification , Dental Pulp Necrosis , Endodontics , Calcium Hydroxide/therapeutic use , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Therapy , Tooth Root/abnormalitiesABSTRACT
Clinicians may encounter morphological variations in the form of extra roots and extra root canals. Favorable endodontic treatment requires extensive study of the internal anatomy of teeth. The literature reiterates the incidence of more than three canals in mandibular molar. Radix entomolaris (RE) may complicate the root canal treatment of the tooth if left undiagnosed. The middle mesial canal is more common when compared to the middle distal canal. The combination of RE and three distal canals is a rare occurrence. This case report presents a discussion of root canal therapy in a left mandibular first molar with RE and five root canals.
Adult , Dental Pulp Cavity/abnormalities , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/surgery , Humans , Male , Mandible , Molar/abnormalities , Molar/anatomy & histology , Molar/surgery , Root Canal Therapy , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Tooth Root/surgeryABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Short Root Anomaly (SRA) is an uncommon disease and a challenge for orthodontic treatment as it tends to increase the risk of root resorption. OBJECTIVE: Assess the current status of the diagnosis, etiology and orthodontic management of teeth with SRA, and present case reports. METHOD: A literature review was carried out in PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, Scopus and Web of Science databases. RESULTS: A differential diagnosis of SRA should be conducted for teeth with incomplete root formation, external apical root resorption, dentin dysplasia type I and post dental trauma root hypoplasia. SRA is genetically determined and orthodontic movement requires changes in clinical and radiographic management in order to restrict damage. CONCLUSION: Orthodontic movement of teeth with SRA is contraindicated in extreme cases, only. Caution at all stages could minimize attachment loss and lead to long-term stability.
INTRODUÇÃO: a anomalia de raiz curta (ARC) é uma patologia incomum e constitui um desafio para o tratamento ortodôntico, pois tende a elevar o risco de reabsorção radicular. OBJETIVO: revisar a literatura sobre o diagnóstico, a etiologia e a conduta ortodôntica recomendada para esses casos, ilustrando esse tema com relatos de caso. MÉTODOS: devido ao baixo nível de evidência sobre o tema, realizou-se a revisão narrativa da literatura com estratégia de busca nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO, Lilacs, Scopus e Web of Science. RESULTADOS: o diagnóstico diferencial da ARC deverá ser realizado entre dentes com rizogênese incompleta, reabsorção radicular externa apical, displasia dentinária tipo I e hipoplasia radicular pós-traumatismo dentário. A ARC apresenta determinantes genéticos para o encurtamento, e a movimentação ortodôntica exige que medidas de controle clínico e radiográfico sejam adotadas, ensejando a restrição de danos. CONCLUSÃO: a movimentação ortodôntica de dentes com ARC somente é contraindicada em casos extremos. A conduta cautelosa em todas as suas etapas poderá minimizar a perda de inserção e lograr em estabilidade em longo prazo.
Child , Female , Humans , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Bicuspid/abnormalities , Cephalometry/methods , Extraoral Traction Appliances , Incisor/abnormalities , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/therapy , Orthodontic Space Closure/methods , Patient Care Planning , Risk Factors , Root Resorption/etiology , Tooth Movement TechniquesABSTRACT
The normal anatomy of canines teeth comprises one root and one large canal centered through its axis; however some canines may present two roots and two canals. Thus, the knowledge of normal root canal anatomy and their variations is essential to minimize the possibility of occurrence of accidents during the development of dental treatments. In this report we describe a case of bilateral mandibular canines with two roots and two canals found radiographically in the same individual.
La anatomía normal de los dientes caninos comprende una raíz y un gran canal centrado a través de su eje, sin embargo algunos dientes canino pueden presentar dos raíces y dos canales. Así, el conocimiento de la anatomía normal de canal de la raíz y sus variaciones son esenciales para minimizar la posibilidad de accidentes durante el desarrollo de tratamientos dentales. En este informe se describe el caso de dientes caninos mandibulares con dos raíces y dos canales bilateralmente hallados radiográficamente en el mismo individuo.
Humans , Adult , Female , Cuspid/abnormalities , Cuspid , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Tooth RootABSTRACT
Las anomalías en la morfología del incisivo lateral superior son de muy baja frecuencia. Las anomalías de desarrollo radicular pueden presentarse como alteraciones tanto en el número de conductos, como en el número de raíces, así como en ambas regiones a la vez. En el presente trabajo, se reporta el caso de un paciente que se presenta a la consulta con malestar en el incisivo lateral superior izquierdo. En laradiografía preoperatoria se detectó la presencia de dos conductos y dos raíces, sin anomalía morfológica de su corona clínica, con requerimiento de tratamiento endodóntico. Concluimos que una correcta interpretación de las imágenes radiográficas preoperatorias es esencial, para poder detectar estas variantes y tomar las consideraciones necesarias para el adecuado tratamiento endodóntico
Abnormalities in the morphology of the maxillary lateral incisor are very low frequency. Root development abnormalities can occur as alterations in the number of ducts and the number of roots, as well as two regions at once. In this paper, we report the case of a patient presenting with discomfort in the upper left lateral incisor. In preoperative radiography, we detected the presence of two channels and two roots, without morphological abnormality in clinical crown, with endodontic treatment requirement. We conclude that a correct interpretation of preoperative radiographic imaging is essential in order to detect these variants and take the necessary considerations for proper endodontic treatment.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Tooth Abnormalities/diagnosis , Tooth Abnormalities , Dental Pulp Cavity/abnormalities , Incisor/abnormalities , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Dental Pulp Cavity , Incisor , Radiography, Dental , Tooth Root , Root Canal Therapy/methodsABSTRACT
El canino inferior es un diente con raíz larga y ancha que le permite una adecuada implantación en el arco dentario. Es considerado un pilar valioso en muchos tratamientos rehabilitadores. Con la finalidad de mantener este elemento dentario es necesario realizar un correcto diagnóstico, para lo que se tendrá en cuenta el conocimiento de las variaciones anatómicas. El objetivo del artículo es presentar un caso de canino mandibular con dos raíces con sus respectivos canales radiculares .Paciente femenina de 21 años, que acudió a la Clínica de Radiología de la Facultad de Odontología de Piracicaba con indicación de una radiografía panorámica para valorar cirugía de terceros molares. Llamó la atención una configuración inusual de las raíces de los caninos mandibulares. En el examen de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico se observó que el canino mandibular del lado derecho presentaba dos raíces separadas, cada una con sus respectivos canales radiculares. Se concluyó que a pesar de la baja prevalencia de las variaciones anatómicas, estas pueden ocurrir en el número de raíces y canales de los caninos mandibulares, tal como se presenta en este reporte de caso(AU)
The mandibular canine is a robust and long tooth which allows an adequate implantation in the dental arch. It is considered a valuable pillar in many rehabilitating treatments. In order to maintain this important dental element, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis, for which the knowledge of the different anatomic variations should be kept in mind. The objective of this article is to present a case of a mandibular canine with two roots with their respective root canals. A 21-year-old female patient went to the Radiology Clinic at the Faculty of Odontology of Piracicaba with the indication of a panoramic radiography for preoperative third molars surgery. An unusual root configuration of the mandibular canines was observed. In the cone beam CT, it was observed that the right mandibular canine presented two separate roots, each one with their respective radicular canals. It was concluded that, despite of the low prevalence of anatomical variations, these can occur in the root system of the mandibular canines, as presented in this case report(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Cuspid/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methodsABSTRACT
Irregular root configurations which often challenge the requirements of successful root canal treatments are always misleading doctors to incorrect clinical judgments and treatment planning. In this article we describe a rare case of CBCT C-shaped mandibular premolar with a huge area of invagination measuring 6 mm ´ 3 mm, which we termed a "radicular rift valley" from a 76-year-old man. Considering the complex process of differential diagnosis, the overall status of disease condition and the will of the patient we proposed five treatment plans and finally conservatively chose plan B composed of both RCT and periapical scaling. A related literature review is also added into this article to describe the whole situation of root invagination, to stress the importance of the vigilance of diagnosis and to provide reference views for future similar diseases.
Las configuraciones radiculares irregulares que a menudo desafían las exigencias de un tratamiento de canal radicular exitoso, son siempre engañosas llevando al especialista a juicios clínicos y planificación de tratamientos erróneos. En este artículo se describe, en un hombre de 76 años de edad, un raro caso de un premolar mandibular que mediante CBCT se observa la forma de C con un área enorme de invaginación midiendo 6 mm x 3 mm, lo que hemos denominado un "Rift valley radicular ". Teniendo en cuenta el complejo proceso de diagnóstico diferencial, el estado general de enfermedad y la voluntad del paciente, se propusieron cinco planes de tratamiento y, finalmente, se eligió el plan B conservador compuesto por el tratamiento del canal radicular y tratamiento periapical. Una revisión de la literatura relacionada se añade en este artículo para describir las situación de invaginación radicular, haciendo hincapié en la importancia del diagnóstico y para proporcionar referencias para enfermedades similares futuras.
Humans , Male , Aged , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Bicuspid/abnormalities , Root Canal Therapy , Tooth Root/surgery , Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Bicuspid/surgery , Bicuspid/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed TomographyABSTRACT
Abnormal interaction between oral epithelium and underlying mesenchematic tissue during odontogenesis could result in teeth with an anatomical variation. First maxilar premolar has such variable root canal morphology. However, (0.2-6% of cases) a three-rooted premolar is particularly uncommon. First mandibular premolar frequently has one root and one single canal (75% of cases), however, a tooth with two canals and two separate roots could be found (19.5-22.5%). Execution of an accurate diagnosis of root canal system is essential to perform a successful endodontic treatment and tooth rehabilitation. This article describes diagnosis, endodontic treatment and rehabilitation (means single crown) of a maxillary three-rooted and three-canal first premolar, and a non-endodontically treated mandibular first premolar with two canals and two independent roots in a single patient.
La interacción anormal entre el epitelio oral y el tejido mesenquimático subyacente durante la odontogénesis puede resultar en la formación de un diente con una variación anatómica. El primer premolar maxilar posee una anatomía relativamente variable, sin embargo, es especialmente poco frecuente (0,2% a 6% de los casos) la presencia de este diente con tres raíces y tres canales radiculares. El primer premolar mandibular posee frecuentemente una raíz y un canal radicular (75% de los casos) y es bastante más infrecuente encontrar este diente con dos raíces y dos canales radiculares (19.5 a 22.5%). Un diagnóstico acabado y preciso de es fundamental para lograr un exitoso tratamiento de endodoncia y posterior rehabilitación. Este artículo describe el diagnóstico, tratamiento de endodoncia y rehabilitación (mediante prótesis fija singular) de un primer premolar maxilar con tres raíces y tres canales radiculares, además el reporte de un caso de un primer premolar mandibular biradicular con dos canales radiculares. Ambos se presentan en un mismo paciente.
Humans , Female , Adult , Tooth Abnormalities/therapy , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Bicuspid/abnormalities , Prostheses and Implants , Tooth Abnormalities/diagnosis , Tooth Abnormalities/rehabilitation , Crowns , Dental Pulp Cavity , Endodontics/methods , Anatomic VariationABSTRACT
The recent addition of endoscopy in dental practice has enabled clinicians to have an excellent view of the operative field, yielding highly successful visualization of anatomical structures that are difficult to access, both in oral surgery and endodontics. The purpose of this report is to provide an in vitro macroscopic, radiographic, and endoscopic description of the anatomic variation of the roots of maxillary and mandibular first premolars in the same patient. A 22-year-old patient was referred by an orthodontist for the extraction of all the first premolars. Once extracted, the premolars were examined macroscopically and then analyzed radiographically after trepanation and filled root canal systems. Subsequently, a diaphanization process was carried out and the samples were sectioned at the middle and apical third for observation by endoscope. It was found that both the maxillary first premolars had three roots, and mandibular first premolars had two roots, all with complete root formation. Apical deltas or accessory canals were not identified in the radiographic images; however, through endoscope at the middle third, it was possible to observe an accessory canal to the first maxillary and mandibular right premolars. Thus, it can be concluded that the view through the endoscope allows better identification of accessory canals than X-rays.
La reciente incorporación del endoscopio a la práctica odontológica ha permitido al clínico, contar con una excelente visualización del campo operatorio, consiguiendo resultados altamente exitosos en la visualización de estructuras anatómicas de difícil acceso, tanto en cirugía oral como en endodoncia. El propósito de este reporte de caso es realizar una descripción in vitro macroscópica, radiográfica y endoscópica de las variables anatómicas de las raíces de los primeros premolares maxilares y mandibulares en un mismo paciente. Una paciente de 22 años es derivada por un ortodoncista para exodoncia de los primeros premolares. Una vez extraídos, los premolares fueron analizados en un principio macroscópicamente, para luego ser analizados radiográficamente una vez trepanados y obturados los sistemas de conductos radiculares. Posterior a esto, se sometieron a un proceso de diafanización y se les realizaron cortes a nivel del tercio apical y medio para ser observados mediante endoscopio. Se detectó que ambos primeros premolares superiores presentaban 3 raíces, y los inferiores 2 raíces, todos con formación radicular completa. No se identificaron deltas apicales ni conductos accesorios en las imágenes radiográficas; sin embargo, fue posible mediante el endoscopio a nivel del tercio medio, un conducto accesorio para los primeros premolares derechos inferiores y superiores situación que no se pudo identificar radiográficamente. Finalmente, la visualización a través del endoscopio permite una mejor identificación de conductos accesorios que las radiografías.
Female , Molar/anatomy & histology , Molar/abnormalities , Bicuspid/abnormalities , Bicuspid , Dentition , Endoscopy/methods , Tooth Root/abnormalitiesABSTRACT
Knowledge regarding the morphological variations in roots and root canals aids in successful dental treatment. However, literature regarding dysmorphology of roots in primary dentition is sparse. The purpose of this article is to present a case of bilateral primary mandibular first molars with an unusual morphology of single root. Review of literature regarding variations in root number in primary dentition has been discussed in this article. The etiology for occurrence of such variations has also been briefly reviewed.
Child, Preschool , Dental Caries/diagnostic imaging , Female , Humans , Molar/abnormalities , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Bitewing , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Tooth, Deciduous/abnormalities , Tooth, Deciduous/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Dilaceración es un término utilizado para describir la distorsión que ocurre en la raíz durante el desarrollo dentario, el cual se manifiesta alterando la normal relación axial entre la corona y la raíz dentaria. La dilaceración radicular es una angulación o curvatura de la raíz dentaria. Esta alteración es frecuentemente observada en dientes permanentes como consecuencia de un traumatismo de su correspondiente temporario, con una incidencia de 3 %. En la literatura hay solamente cinco casos de dilaceración que involucran a incisivos temporarios. El propósito de este artículo fue hacer una revisión y presentar un caso clínico que fue un hallazgo radiográfico
Dilaceration is a term used to describe the distortion that occurs in the root during tooth development, which manifests itself by altering the normal axial relationship between the crown and the dental root. The root is dilaceration, angulation or curvature of the tooth root. This alteration is frequently observed in permanent teeth as a result of trauma to the corresponding temporary, with an incidence of 3%. In the literature there are only five cases involving dilaceration temporary incisors. The purpose of this article was to review and present a clinical case was a radiographic finding
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Tooth Abnormalities/therapy , Tooth, Deciduous/abnormalities , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Tooth Root/growth & development , Pediatric DentistrySubject(s)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Tooth Root/pathology , Tooth Crown/anatomy & histology , Organ Size , Tooth RootABSTRACT
Maxillary premolars have a highly variable root canal morphology. However, the presence of three roots is a rare occurrence. This clinical article describes the unusual anatomy detected in maxillary premolars during routine endodontic treatment using microscope. The diagnosis and clinical management of maxillary first premolars with three roots and canals using radiographic interpretation, access cavity modification and visual enhancement with operative microscopes is discussed in the article.
Adult , Bicuspid/abnormalities , Edetic Acid/therapeutic use , Epoxy Resins/therapeutic use , Gutta-Percha/therapeutic use , Humans , Male , Maxilla , Microsurgery/instrumentation , Periapical Periodontitis/therapy , Pulpitis/therapy , Radiography, Bitewing , Root Canal Filling Materials/therapeutic use , Root Canal Irrigants/therapeutic use , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Root Canal Preparation/methods , Sodium Hypochlorite/therapeutic use , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Young AdultABSTRACT
O objetivo deste artigo foi relatar dois casos clínicos de segundos molares inferiores apresentando sistemas de canais radiculares em forma de C. As etapas dos tratamentos foram descritas e comparadas com as variações encontradas na literatura. Os canais foram preparados com um sistema automatizado de rotação alternada e obturados com o sistema Epiphany com o auxílio dos compactadores de McSpadden
Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/abnormalities , Root Canal Obturation , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Root Canal Therapy/methodsABSTRACT
Permanent mandibular central incisor is rarely affected by tooth shape anomalies of crown and root. Co-occurrence of multiple anomalies in a permanent mandibular central incisor is extremely rare. This paper reports an unusual concurrent combination of multiple dental anomalies affecting both the crown and root of a permanent mandibular left central incisor - talon cusp, dens invaginatus, short root anomaly and macrodontia -, which has not previously been reported together. Case management is described and implications are discussed. The dentist should be aware of these rare entities in order to provide an accurate diagnosis and management for which detailed examination of the tooth both clinically and radiographically is very important.
O incisivo central inferior permanente raramente é afetado por anomalias de forma envolvendo a coroa e a raiz. A co-ocorrência de múltiplas anomalias em um incisivo central inferior permanente é extremamente rara. Este artigo relata uma combinação concomitante incomum de múltiplas anomalias dentais afetando tanto a coroa quanto a raiz de um incisivo central inferior permanente - cúspide em garra (talon cusp), dens invaginatus, anomalia de raiz curta e macrodontia - que ainda não havia sido descrita na literatura. A condução do caso é descrita e suas implicações são discutidas. É importante que o dentista esteja familiarizado com essas entidades raras a fim de proporcionar diagnóstico e tratamento precisos, para os quais exames clínicos e radiográficos detalhados são extremamente importantes.