O odontoma é o mais comum tumor odontogênico, definido como malformação benigna, geralmente descoberto na segunda década de vida, durante a investigação de erupção tardia de dentes adjacentes ou retenção prolongada de dentes decíduos. O odontoma é subdividido em composto e complexo. O Odontoma classificado como Composto é constituído por um conjunto de estruturas similares a dentes, de formas e tamanhos diversos, cercados por uma área delgada radiolúcida. Já o Odontoma Complexo se assemelha a uma massa calcificada que apresenta a mesma radiopacidade do tecido dentário, também cercado por uma área delgada radiolúcida. Ocasionalmente, esses dois aspectos podem ser vistos em uma mesma lesão. Frequentemente os odontomas podem provocar um aumento de volume ósseo local devido ao seu desenvolvimento. O diagnóstico é feito através de exames radiográficos de rotina e quando necessário pode-se também lançar mão de Radiografias Panorâmicas e Tomografia Computadorizada Cone Beam com o intuito de verificar sua extensão, as malformações e alterações de erupção causadas aos dentes adjacentes, assim como a classificação do tumor. Este relato de caso apresenta um Odontoma Composto-Complexo em um paciente de 13 anos, do sexo masculino, atendido em 2016 na Clínica de Diagnóstico Bucal II da Universidade Federal Fluminense, que apresentou elementos dentários 22 e 23 impactados, retenção prolongada do elemento 63 e aumento de volume na região anterior do lado esquerdo da maxila. Para obtenção do diagnóstico foram realizadas: Radiografias Periapicais, Radiografia Panorâmica e Tomografia Computadorizada Cone Beam. O objetivo deste trabalho foi elucidar as formas de diagnóstico por imagem que foram utilizadas neste caso clínico e quais as vantagens de cada exame.
Odontomas are the most common type of odontogenic tumors, defined as a benign malformation, usually diagnosed in the second decade of life, during the investigation of late adjacent teeth eruption or a delay in exfoliation of deciduous teeth. They are divided into two types: compound and complex. The odontoma classified as compound is composed of multiple small tooth-like structures, in several shapes and sizes, surrounded by a thin radiolucent rim. On the other hand, complex odontomas resemble a mass of calcified tissue that presents the same dental tissue radiopacity, also surrounded by a thin radiolucent rim. Occasionally, both aspects can be seen in the same lesion. Often, odontomas can cause a local increase in bone volume due to their development. The diagnosis is made through routine radiographic examination and, when it is necessary, it is possible to make use of panoramic radiographies and cone beam computed tomography with the purpose of verifying its extension, malformations and erupted alterations caused to the adjacent teeth, as well as the tumor classification. This case report presents a Compound-Complex Odontoma in a 13-year-old male patient, treated in 2016 at the Oral Diagnosis Clinic II of the Federal Fluminense University. He presented impacted teeth 22 and 23, delayed eruption of tooth 63 and volume increase in the left anterior maxilla site. Aiming the patient's diagnosis, the following exams were necessary: periapical radiographies, panoramic radiography, cone beam computed tomography. The aim of this paper is to explain the different image diagnostic tools which were used in this clinical study and what are the advantages of each exam.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Tooth, Impacted , X-Rays , Diagnostic Imaging , Radiography, Panoramic , Odontoma , Cone-Beam Computed TomographyABSTRACT
El queratoquiste odontogénico constituye del 3 a 11% de los quistes odontogénicos. Se presenta desde la infancia hasta la vejez con mayor incidencia en hombres. La mandíbula está involucrada en el 60% al 80% de los casos, con una frecuencia en cuerpo y rama. Las lesiones de menor tamaño suelen ser asintomáticos, diagnosticados por examen radiográfico, no obstante, las lesiones más grandes pueden estar asociadas con dolor y aumento de volumen. Radiográficamente se observan lesiones uniloculares o multiloculares radiolúcidas de bordes nítidos, corticalizados, asociado a un diente retenido. Se presenta caso clínico de paciente género masculino de 30 años de edad, que exhibe una expresión atípica. Manifestándose como una doble lesión de queratoquistes odontogénicos independientes entre sí, localizados en rama y cuerpo mandibular derecha, tratado en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital San José, Santiago de Chile. Se describe diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico realizado. El interés clínico del caso es la presencia de dos lesiones independientes entre sí, con el mismo diagnóstico. Presentación que nos parece fundamental reportar en la literatura científica debido a su alto alcance e impacto.
The odontogenic keratocyst represents 3 to 11% of all odontogenic cysts. It occurs from childhood to old age with a higher incidence in men. The mandible is involved in 60% to 80% of cases, with a frequency in the body and ramus. Smaller lesions are usually asymptomatic and diagnosed by radiographic examination. However, larger lesions may be associated with pain and increased volume. Radiographically, radiolucent unilocular or multilocular lesions with sharp, corticalized edges are observed, associated with an impacted tooth. A clinical case of a 30-year-old male patient, who exhibits an atypical expression, is presented. A double lesion of odontogenic keratocysts independent of each other appears, located in the right mandibular ramus and body, treated in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the San José Hospital, Santiago de Chile. Diagnosis and surgical treatment performed are described. The clinical interest of the case is the presence of two lesions independent of each other, with the same diagnosis. It seems fundamental to us to report it in the scientific literature due to its high scope and impact.
Humans , Male , Adult , Mandibular Diseases/surgery , Mandibular Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Tooth, Impacted , Radiography, Panoramic , Mandibular Diseases/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Decompression, SurgicalABSTRACT
Introducción: uno de los servicios que el IMSS ofrece a sus derechohabientes es la cirugía maxilofacial; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios en esta área, que nos puedan proporcionar información acerca de la epidemiología de los tratamientos realizados. Objetivo: conocer la epidemiología de las intervenciones quirúrgicas en Cirugía Maxilofacial remitidas de diferentes Unidades de Medicina Familiar (UMF) al Hospital General Regional No.1 (HGR No.1) del turno vespertino en Tijuana, Baja California, México. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo basado en revisión de «expedientes clínicos electrónicos¼. Se revisaron 2,945 expedientes, de los que se obtuvieron datos generales, UMF y diagnóstico, registrados bajo la plataforma Expediente Clínico Electrónico y Sistema de Información de Medicina Familiar. Se confeccionó un documento con los expedientes analizados. Fueron excluidos pacientes que no cumplieron con un diagnóstico definido por el cirujano maxilofacial o presentaron inasistencia. Debido a la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 se excluyeron algunos meses. La muestra final la integraron 2,452 pacientes. Resultados: el 2019 fue el año con el mayor número de registros. Predomina el género femenino. La mediana de edad en el estado es 30 años, relacionando el diagnóstico más común «dientes incluidos¼ coincide con la edad predominante entre 20 y 44 años. La UMF 27 remitió más pacientes a hospital. Conclusión: estomatología y médicos familiares pueden hacer envíos a hospitales. El HGR No.1 no cuenta con el instrumental adecuado, el servicio se satura constantemente, es demasiada la demanda, continuamos con poco instrumental y falta de personal (AU)
Introduction: one of the services that the IMSS offers to its beneficiaries it is maxillofacial surgery; however, there are few studies in this area that can provide us with information about the epidemiology of the treatments carried out. Objective: to know the epidemiology of surgical interventions in Maxillofacial Surgery referred from different Family Medicine Units (UMF) to the Hospital General Regional No.1 (HGR No.1) of the evening shift in Tijuana, Baja California, México. Material and methods: retrospective descriptive study based on the review of «Electronic Clinical Files¼. 2,945 records were reviewed, obtaining general data, UMF and diagnosis, registered under the platform Electronic Clinical Record (ECE) and Family Medicine Information System (SIMF). Prepared a document with the files analyzed. Patients who did not meet a diagnosis defined by the Maxillofacial Surgeon or who were absent were excluded. Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, some months were excluded. The final sample was 2,452 patients. Results: 2019 was the year with the highest number of records. The female gender predominates. The median age in the state is 30 years, relating the most common diagnosis «included teeth¼ coincides with the predominant age between 20 and 44 years. UMF 27 referred more patients to hospital. Conclusion: stomatology and family doctors can make referrals to hospitals. HGR No.1 does not have adequate instruments, the service is constantly saturated, the demand is too high, we continue with few instruments and lack of personnel (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Oral Surgical Procedures/statistics & numerical data , Dental Service, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Tooth, Impacted/epidemiology , Jaw Diseases/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Age and Sex Distribution , Jaw Fractures/surgery , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma série de casos de manutenção de dentes retidos associados ao cisto dentígero (CD), empregando-se a marsupialização ou descompressão cística. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico transversal, fundamentado na análise retrospectiva e descritiva dos registros do Serviço de Estomatologia e Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial do HMOB (Hospital Metropolitano Odilon Behrens) entre novembro de 2005 a novembro de 2020. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram doze pacientes que receberam a marsupialização como tratamento do CD. Os dentes mais envolvidos foram pré-molares e incisivos centrais superiores e o tempo médio de erupção foi de 13 meses, sendo que a maioria das erupções ocorreram de forma espontânea. Em todos os casos verificou-se erupção do dente associado e neoformação óssea na região do cisto. Não foram observadas recidivas. Conclusão:Assim, baseado no presente estudo e na literatura, a marsupialização ou descompressão cística mostrou-se uma alternativa terapêutica eficiente na abordagem de pacientes jovens portadores de CD, inclusive, com o aproveitamento do dente associado ao cisto em casos selecionados.
Aim: The objective of this study was to present a series of cases of maintenance of impacted teeth associated with dentiger cyst (DC), using marsupialization or cystic decompression. Methods:A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out, based on a retrospective and descriptive analysis of the records of the Stomatology and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the HMOB (Hospital Metropolitano Odilon Behrens) between November 2005 and November 2020. Results: The results showed twelve patients who received marsupialization as a treatment for DC. The most involved teeth were premolars and upper central incisors and the mean eruption time was 13 months, with most eruptions occurring spontaneously. In all cases, there was eruption of the associated tooth and new bone formation in the region of the cyst. No recurrences were observed. Conclusion: Based on the present study and the literature, marsupialization or cystic decompression is an efficient therapeutic alternative in approaching young patients with DC, including the use of the tooth associated with the cyst in selected cases.
Surgery, Oral , Tooth, Impacted , Dentigerous Cyst , Decompression, Surgical , Oral Surgical ProceduresABSTRACT
El canino maxilar permanente corresponde al segundo diente más frecuentemente impactado en el arco dental. La etiología de esta patología aún no está totalmente definida, sin embargo, investigadores plantean la deficiencia del ancho del hueso maxilar como una posible causa. Objetivo: Investigar la evidencia que asocia menores dimensiones transversales del maxilar a la ocurrencia de la impactación de caninos superiores y esclarecer la posible relación. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática exploratoria a partir de una búsqueda amplia de la literatura en bases de datos PubMed, Cochrane, EBSCO y Multibuscador UNAB. Los artículos fueron recopilados, identificados y filtrados según el diagrama de flujo de declaración PRISMA. Resultados: La búsqueda identificó 755 estudios, de los cuales 14 fueron incluidos. Los estudios varían en diseño, edad de estudio y métodos de diagnóstico. La mitad de los estudios reporta una asociación positiva entre compresión maxilar e impactación canina superior, mientras que la otra mitad una asociación negativa. Conclusiones: No hay evidencia suficiente para poder asociar compresión maxilar con impactación de caninos superiores. Estudios con métodos de diagnóstico rigurosos son necesarios para una mejor comprensión. No obstante, se enfatiza la importancia de un diagnóstico precoz, para garantizar mejores resultados y pronóstico más favorable.
The permanent maxillary canine is the second most frequently impacted tooth in the dental arch. The etiology of this disease is not completely defined, yet some researchers propose the deficiency of the width from the maxilla as a possible cause. Objective: To investigate available evidence correlating smaller transverse maxilla dimensions with the occurrence of potential impaction of upper canines and clarify the possible relation. Materials and methods: A systematic exploratory review was carried out based on comprehensive search of the literature in databases such as PubMed, Cochrane, EBSCO and UNAB multi search engine. The articles were compiled, identified and filtered systematically according to the PRISMA flow diagram. Results: Our search identified 755 studies, 14 of which were included. These studies vary in design, patients age, and methods for detection. Half of the studies show a positive correlation between maxillary compression and potential upper canine impaction, whereas the other half show a negative correlation. Conclusions: There is not enough evidence to link maxillary compression to upper canine impaction. Studies with rigorous diagnostic methods for detection are necessary for a better understanding of this relation. Nonetheless, the importance of early diagnosis must be emphasized to guarantee better results and a more favorable prognosis.
Humans , Tooth, Impacted/diagnosis , Cuspid , Dental Arch , MaxillaABSTRACT
El objetivo del presente estudio fue el determinar la validez de un nuevo índice de dificultad para la exodoncia de terceros molares mandibulares impactados. El presente es un estudio descriptivo, comparativo y transversal. Se llevó a cabo en la Clínica Estomatológica de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo-Perú, durante el año 2015. La muestra estuvo conformada por 42 pacientes ASA I, de 18 a 65 años, con indicación de extracción de tercera molar mandibular impactada asintomática, con corona clínica íntegra. Cada paciente firmó un consentimiento informado para así poder participar en el estudio. Antes de la realización de la exodoncia, a cada paciente, se le valoró su grado de dificultad quirúrgica según la clasificación de Winter-Pell y Gregory y el nuevo índice de dificultad propuesto. Para la comparación del grado de dificultad entre los índices con el número de complicaciones, la dificultad quirúrgica entre los índices con la dificultad quirúrgica real y el tiempo quirúrgico entre los índices; se utilizaron la prueba estadística de Chi cuadrado, el Test de Mc Nemar y la T de Student, respectivamente. La significación estadística fue del 5 %. Al comparar los índices con el grado de dificultad real, se obtuvo que existe una alta diferencia estadística significativa (p < 0.001). Al realizar las pruebas de sensibilidad y especificidad de ambos índices, se obtuvo que el nuevo índice y el índice de Winter-Pell y Gregory tuvieron una sensibilidad del 100 % y 55 % y una especificidad del 10 % y 100 %, respectivamente. Se concluye que el nuevo índice propuesto en este estudio pronostica de manera más exacta la dificultad quirúrgica de las exodoncias de terceros molares mandibulares impactados.
The aim of this study was to determine the validity of a new difficulty index for the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. This is a descriptive, comparative and cross-sectional study. It was carried out at the Clinica Estomatológica of the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo - Peru, during the year 2015. The sample consisted of 42 ASA I patients, from 18 to 65 years old, with an indication for extraction of an asymptomatic impacted mandibular third molar, with complete clinical crown. Each patient signed an informed consent in order to participate in the study. Before performing the extraction, each patient was assessed their degree of surgical difficulty according to the Winter-Pell and Gregory classification and the new difficulty index proposed. For the comparison of the degree of difficulty between the indices with the number of complications, the surgical difficulty between the indices with the actual surgical difficulty and the surgical time between the indices; the Chi-square statistical test, the Mc Nemar Test and the Student's T test were used, respectively. Statistical significance was 5 %. When comparing the indices with the actual degree of difficulty, it was found that there is a highly significant statistical difference (p < 0.001). When carrying out the sensitivity and specificity tests of both indices, it was found that the new index and the Winter-Pell and Gregory index had a sensitivity of 100 % and 55 % and a specificity of 10 % and 100 %, respectively. It is concluded that the new index proposed in this study more accurately predicts the surgical difficulty of extractions of impacted mandibular third molars.
Humans , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Molar, Third , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Tooth Extraction , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Index , MandibleABSTRACT
Se presenta un caso clínico de quiste óseo traumá- tico simple de un paciente de sexo masculino de 16 años de edad, derivado para la exodoncia de pieza dentaria 4.8 retenida. En la radiografía panorámica se produjo un hallazgo de una imagen radiolúcida oval unilocular definida, de tamaño aproximado de 2cm x 4cm en el cuerpo mandi- bular del lado izquierdo interradicular, ubicada apical- mente en relación a las piezas dentarias en la 3.3 y 3.4. Se solicitó una tomografía computada de haz cónico para complemento del diagnóstico y, posteriormen- te, se realizó la toma de biopsia para ser analizada al servicio de anatomopatología. Se realizó un seguimiento clínico-radiográfico y a los 5 meses se observó una evolución favorable de la zona de la lesión (AU)
A clinical case of a simple traumatic bone cyst is presented in a 16-year-old male patient, referred for extraction of retained tooth 4.8. The panoramic radiograph revealed a defined unilocular oval radiolucent image, approximately 2cm x 4cm in size in the mandibular body of the interradicular left side, located apically in relation to the teeth in 3.3 and 3.4. A cone beam computed tomography was requested to complement the diagnosis and a biopsy was subsequently taken to be analyzed by the pathology service. A clinical-radiographic follow-up was carried out and at 5 months a favorable evolution of the lesion area could be observed (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Biopsy/methods , Age Factors , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
La literatura científica sostiene que los terceros molares muy a menudo son lo que contemplan varías complicaciones al momento del procedimiento quirúrgico, debido no solo a su erupción sino también a sus diferentes características que suceden como anatomía, forma, posición de su erupción, etc. Para ello el estudio complementario Integral antes de pasar al acto quirúrgico es la primera opción que se hace. Para que un correcto tratamiento post-quirúrgico sea efectivo tanto antibiótico farmacológico, biomateriales integrales, etc. Objetivo: Establecer por medio de una revisión de la literatura cuáles son las acciones o procedimientos quirúrgicos ejecutándose que pueden evitar las complicaciones más prevalentes en la extracción de terceros molares mandibulares incluídos, retenidos e impactados. Materiales y métodos: Se plantea un estudio de tipo descriptivo y de análisis respectivamente con 2 tipos de bases electrónicas: PubMed y SciELO tomando como sustentación artículos que contemplen meta-análisis, revisiones sistemáticas, revisiones literarias, etc. Resultados: Se confirmó que el mejor procedimiento ante quizás una posible: hemorragia, fracturas, laceraciones, etc. es el buen manejo quirúrgico farmacológico durante la cirugía y posterior a esta. Conclusión: Con esta revisión de la literatura se llega a la idea de que un correcto diagnóstico, manejo estricto farmacológico y el conocimiento de las complicaciones que pueden suscitarse durante y posterior en las extracciones dentales son acciones correctas que se utilizan muy comúnmente durante el procedimiento quirúrgico, lo que evita sus respectivas dificultades.
After the various articles compiled by different authors, is becomes clear that the third molars are very often what contemplate various complications at the time of the surgical procedure, due not only to their eruption but also to their different characteristics that occur such as anatomy, shape, position of its eruption, etc. For this reason, the comprehensive complementary study before proceeding to the surgical act is the first option that is made. For a correct post-surgical treatment to be effective both antibiotic-pharmacological, integral biomaterials, etc. Purpose: To establish through a review of the literatura which are the actions or surgical procedures being performed that can avoid the most prevalent complications in the extraction of included, retained and impacted mandibular third molars. Materials and methods: A descriptive and analytical study is proposed, respectively, with 2 types of electronic databases: PubMed and SciELO, taking as support articles that include meta-analyses, systematic reviews, literary reviews, etc. Results: It was confirmed that the best procedure for perhaps a possible one: hemorrhage, fractures, lacerations, etc. It is good pharmacological surgical management during and after surgery. Conclusion: With this review of the literature, the idea is reached that a correct diagnosis, strict pharmacological management and knowledge of the complications that can arise during and after dental extractions are correct actions that are very commonly used during the surgical procedure. , which avoids their respective difficulties.
Humans , Tooth, Impacted/complications , Molar, Third/surgeryABSTRACT
Introduction: Extraction of the impacted mandibular third molar is a common procedure in dentistry. Many complications may arise after this operation, the most common being pain, trismus, and swelling. Systemic medications have been used in an attempt to manage these problems, but because of their side effects, the need for non-medication treatment arises to treat these complications without side effects, such as cryotherapy, ice packs, low-level laser therapy, and ozone. Ozone is one of the most effective antimicrobials used in the dentistry field, and it also has a positive effect on soft tissue healing, activates cellular metabolism, and can react with blood components; for these reasons ozone is used to manage trismus, swelling, and pain after removal of the mandibular third molar. Aim: The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of topical ozone gel on complications from the extraction of the impacted mandibular third molar. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients were enrolled in the current study and were randomly divided into two equal groups. Preoperatively clinical examination included measurement of facial swelling measurements and maximum mouth opening. The position and configuration of the impacted lower third molar, the surrounding bone, the mandibular canal, and the neighboring tooth were all assessed using a panoramic X-ray. On days 2 and 7, after surgery, the facial swelling dimensions and maximum mouth opening were again assessed. Statistics were used to analyze results. Results: Findings indicate statistical significance for pain, but not for swelling or mouth opening. Conclusions: After lower third molar surgery, topical ozone gel helps reduce postoperative pain.
Introducción: La extracción del tercer molar mandibular retenido es un procedimiento común en odontología. Pueden surgir muchas complicaciones después de esta operación, siendo las más comunes dolor, trismo y edema. Se han utilizado medicamentos sistémicos en un intento de controlar estos problemas, pero debido a sus efectos secundarios, surge la necesidad de tratamientos sin medicamentos para tratar estas complicaciones sin efectos secundarios, como crioterapia, bolsas de hielo, terapia con láser de baja intensidad y ozono. El ozono es uno de los antimicrobianos más eficaces utilizados en el campo de la odontología, además tiene un efecto positivo en la cicatrización de los tejidos blandos, activa el metabolismo celular y puede reaccionar con los componentes sanguíneos; Por estas razones, el ozono se utiliza para controlar el trismo, la hinchazón y el dolor después de la extracción del tercer molar mandibular. Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue evaluar los efectos del gel de ozono tópico sobre las complicaciones de la extracción del tercer molar mandibular impactado. Materiales y Métodos: Se inscribieron treinta pacientes en el estudio actual y se dividieron aleatoriamente en dos grupos iguales. El examen clínico preoperatorio incluyó la medición de la hinchazón facial y la apertura máxima de la boca. La posición y configuración del tercer molar inferior impactado, el hueso circundante, el canal mandibular y el diente vecino se evaluaron mediante una radiografía panorámica. Los días 2 y 7, después de la cirugía, se evaluaron nuevamente las dimensiones de la hinchazón facial y la apertura máxima de la boca. Se utilizaron estadísticas para analizar los resultados. Resultados: Los hallazgos indican significación estadística para el dolor, pero no para la hinchazón o la apertura de la boca.Conclusión: Después de la cirugía del tercer molar inferior, el gel de ozono tópico ayuda a reducir el dolor postoperatorio.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Ozone/therapeutic use , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Molar, Third/surgery , Ozone/administration & dosage , Tooth Extraction/methods , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
El objetivo de este estudio es presentar un reporte de caso de un paciente que presenta un tercer molar inferior asociado a un quiste dentígero, cuya lesión desplazó el diente hasta quedar inmerso dentro del canal alveolar inferior. Caso: Paciente acude por tratamiento de un quiste dentígero asociado a un tercer molar desplazado hacia nervio alveolar inferior y borde basilar. Se realiza una descompresión del quiste, además de una tracción de la pieza con ortodoncia para posteriormente ser extraída de forma segura. Conclusión: La tracción ortodóntica de tercer molar ofrece una buena alternativa frente a estos casos. Si bien la evolución del paciente frente a este tratamiento es favorable, falta evidencia que demuestre significativamente su eficacia.
The aim of this study is to present a case report of a patient with a lower third molar associated with a dentigerous cyst, whose lesion displaced the tooth into the inferior alveolar canal. Case: Patient asks for treatment of a dentigerous cyst associated with a displaced third molar towards the inferior alveolar nerve and basilar border. A cyst decompression was performed, in addition to a traction of the tooth with orthodontics to be later extracted in a safe way. Conclusion: Traction of the third molar offers a good choice in cases such as the one presented in this article. Although the evolution of the patient is favorable, there is a lack of evidence demonstrating its efficacy.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Orthodontics/methods , Tooth Extraction , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Molar, Third/surgery , Tooth, Impacted , Traction , Radiography, Panoramic , Dentigerous Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Decompression, Surgical , Mandibular Canal , Mandibular NerveABSTRACT
Introducción: El brote de los terceros molares es un proceso que no está del todo explicado, pero durante su erupción puede provocar diferentes accidentes o complicaciones. Objetivo: Caracterizar el brote anormal de los terceros molares según variables epidemiológicas, clínicas y cefalométricas. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente «Mártires del Moncada», de Santiago de Cuba, desde noviembre de 2019 a febrero de 2020. La población estuvo conformada por jóvenes de 18 a 25 años de edad; la muestra fue seleccionada por muestreo aleatorio simple. Se tuvieron en cuenta las siguientes variables: sexo, color de la piel, brote anormal y otras variables cefalométricas. Resultados: De los 84 dientes incluidos en el estudio, se detectaron 66 terceros molares con brote anormal (78,6 %). El promedio asociado al brote de estos molares de espacio óseo superior insuficiente fue igual para los superiores con medias de 25,9 mm; el de angulación inadecuada resultó obtuso en el superior izquierdo con 128,3º y agudo en los inferiores derechos con 58,8º; asimismo el mayor diámetro mesiodistal inadecuado fue el de los inferiores derechos con 15,7 mm. Conclusiones: El brote anormal de los terceros molares se caracteriza por afectar, de forma importante, a féminas y a individuos mestizos. Su observación se singulariza, fundamentalmente, en molares inferiores con espacios óseos posteriores reducidos, mesioangulaciones y diámetros mesiodistales considerables.
Introduction: eruption of the third molars is a process that is not fully explained in the literature; however it is known that their eruption can cause different complications. Objective: to characterize the abnormal eruption of third molars according to epidemiological, clinical and cephalometric variables. Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out at "Mártires del Moncada" Provincial Teaching Dental Clinic, in Santiago de Cuba, from November 2019 to February 2020. The population consisted of young people aged 18-25 years; the sample was selected by simple random sampling. Gender, skin color, abnormal eruption and other cephalometric variables were taken into account. Results: sixty-six third molars with abnormal eruption were detected from the 84 teeth included in the study (78.6%). The average associated with the eruption of these molars with insufficient upper bone space was the same for the upper ones with means of 25.9 mm; the average with inadequate angulation was obtuse in the upper left third molar with 128.3º and the acute one in the lower right third molars with 58.8º; the lower right third molars likewise had the largest inadequate mesiodistal diameter with 15.7 mm. Conclusions: the abnormal eruption of third molars is characterized by significantly affecting females and mixed-race individuals. Its observation is singled out, fundamentally, in lower molars with reduced posterior bone spaces, mesioangulations and considerable mesiodistal diameters.
Orthodontics , Tooth, Impacted , Cephalometry , Epidemiologic Research Design , Molar, ThirdABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Impacted lower third molars (IL3M) have different root shapes and numbers. This study aimed to create a classification for IL3M root forms, that should aid in understanding roots morphology. A retrospective cross-sectional study on patients had IL3M at the university clinics between 2017 and 2019. Panoramic radiographs were retrieved to classify the roots into fused roots (FR): one or two roots connected from furcation to apices, and separated roots (SR): two or more roots not connected from furcation to apical third, and each type has different forms. Statistical analysis was done by Chi-Square test. Five-hundred patients, males (54.6 %) and females (45.4 %) were included. SR were in 591 teeth (75.5 %), and FR in 192 teeth (24.5 %). Statistically significant associations emerged between SR and males (60 %) and between FR and females (66 %) (p = .000). SR forms were straight (45.8 %), joined roots (28.2 %), one straight and one curved (13.3 %), roots curved distal (9.1 %), roots curved mesial (2.5 %), and more than two roots (0.3 %). FR forms were straight (87.5 %), curved distal (9.4 %), S-shaped (2.1 %), and curved mesial (1 %). The common angulations of IL3M with SR were vertical (39 %) followed by mesioangular (25.7 %), while FR were mostly vertical (39.1 %) or horizontal (23.9 %). The classification is applicable on panoramic radiographs, and complements Winter and Pell & Gregory to provide a better description of IL3M status by adding root morphology to the angulation, occlusal, and ramus relationship.
Los terceros molares inferiores impactados (3MII) tienen diferentes formas y números de raíces. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo crear una clasificación para las formas de raíz 3MII, que debería ayudar a comprender la morfología de las raíces. Realizamos un estudio transversal retrospectivo de pacientes con 3MII en las clínicas universitarias entre 2017 y 2019. Se recuperaron radiografías panorámicas para clasificar las raíces en raíces fusionadas (RF): una o dos raíces conectadas desde la zona de furca a los ápices y raíces separadas (RS): dos o más raíces no conectadas desde la bifurcación al tercio apical, y cada tipo con formas diferentes. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante la prueba Chi-Cuadrado. Se incluyeron 500 pacientes, hombres (54,6 %) y mujeres (45,4 %). RS se observó en 591 dientes (75,5 %) y RF en 192 dientes (24,5 %). Surgieron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre RS y hombres (60 %) y entre RF y mujeres (66 %) (p = .000). Las formas de RS eran rectas (45,8 %), raíces unidas (28,2 %), una recta y una curva (13,3 %), raíces curvas distales (9,1 %), raíces curvas mesiales (2,5 %) y más de dos raíces (0,3 %).). Las formas RF eran rectas (87,5 %), curvas distales (9,4 %), en forma de S (2,1 %) y curvas mesiales (1 %). Las angulaciones comunes de 3MII con RS fueron verticales (39 %), seguidas de mesioangular (25,7 %), mientras que RF fueron mayoritariamente verticales (39,1 %) u horizontales (23,9 %). La clasificación es aplicable en radiografías panorámicas y complementa a Winter y Pell & Gregory para proporcionar una mejor descripción del estado de 3MII al agregar la morfología de la raíz a la relación de angulación, oclusal y rama.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Tooth, Impacted/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Panoramic , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective StudiesSubject(s)
Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Surgery, Oral , Tooth, Impacted , Transplantation, Autologous , Mouth, Edentulous , PatientsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To summarize the open-eruption technique of impacted anterior maxillary teeth, this study reports a technically improved operation on surgical exposure based on dental follicles and evaluates post-treatment periodontal health considering the effect of dental follicles.@*METHODS@#Patients who underwent open-eruption technique with unilateral labially impacted maxillary central incisors were selected. The impacted teeth were assigned to the experimental group, and the contralateral unimpacted maxillary central incisors were assigned to the control group. In the surgical exposure, the new technique makes use of dental follicles to manage the soft tissue, so as to preserve soft tissue for better aesthetic results and healthier periodontal tissue. Tooth length, root length, alveolar bone loss, and alveolar bone thickness were recorded after the therapy.@*RESULTS@#A total of 17 patients with unilateral maxillary central incisor impaction were successfully treated. The tooth length and root length of the two groups showed a statistically significant difference between the impacted and homonym teeth, with a shorter length in the impacted tooth (P<0.05). More labial alveolar bone loss was found in the experimental group compared with that in the control group (P<0.05). The outcomes of the cementoenamel junction width, pa- latal alveolar bone loss, and alveolar bone thickness did not indicate statistical significance between the experimental and control groups (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#In the surgical exposure, the new technique uses dental follicles to manage the soft tissue and preserve it for better aesthetic results and healthier periodontal tissues.
Humans , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Incisor , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Root , Dental Sac , Maxilla/surgery , Esthetics, DentalABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to establish a new treatment of the mandibular second molars with external root resorption caused by impacted teeth to preserve the affected teeth and their vital pulps.@*METHODS@#For mandibular second molars clinically diagnosed as external root resorption caused by impacted teeth, debridement and removal of the root at the resorption site via micro-apical surgery and direct capping of the pulp with bioactive material on the surface of the root amputation via vital pulp therapy were performed immediately after the impacted teeth were extracted.@*RESULTS@#The external root resorption of the affected tooth was ceased. It was asymptomatic with intact crown, normal pulp, periapical alveolar bone reconstruction, normal periodontal ligament, continuous bone sclerosis, and no periapical translucency in radiographic examination at the 1-year postoperative follow-up, thus showing good prognosis.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Simultaneous combination of micro-apical surgery and vital pulp therapy after extraction of impacted teeth could successfully preserve mandibular second molars with ERR caused by impacted teeth and their vital pulps.
Humans , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Molar , Mandible , Dental Pulp , Root Canal Therapy , Root Resorption/etiology , Tooth ExtractionABSTRACT
Introducción: Un inconveniente de la erupción dental permanente es la retención dentaria. Un diente retenido no ha completado su erupción y no ha llegado a su posición normal en el maxilar. Los dientes retenidos pueden estar dentro del maxilar asintomáticos u ocasionando migración dentaria, persistencia de dientes deciduos, alteraciones en la oclusión y estética, formación de quiste dentígero y tumores. Objetivo: Describir la enucleación de quiste dentígero, asociado al incisivo lateral, y tracción ortodóntica de canino superior retenido. Presentación de caso: Paciente femenino de 19 años de edad, con persistencia de dientes 52 y 53. Tomográficamente se aprecia un incisivo lateral superior derecho retenido en posición horizontal, asociado a una imagen radiolúcida de dimensiones de 11,2 mm x 20,1 mm y un canino retenido en posición vertical. Se realizó la exodoncia a colgajo del incisivo lateral y enucleación del quiste. Respecto al canino, se colocó el botón de ortodoncia para posterior tracción. El diagnóstico histopatológico definitivo fue quiste dentígero. Conclusiones: Las lesiones asociadas a dientes retenidos pueden tener varios diagnósticos diferenciales. El especialista deberá conocer las características clínicas y radiográficas de cada uno de ellos y proyectar el plan de tratamiento de acuerdo a los criterios de ubicación, tamaño de la lesión, edad, estado sistémico, entre otros. El conocimiento de la técnica quirúrgica y el diagnóstico histopatológico evita complicaciones(AU)
Introduction: A drawback of permanent tooth eruption is tooth retention. A retained tooth has not completed its eruption and has not reached its normal position in the jaw. Retained teeth may be within the jaw asymptomatic or causing tooth migration, persistence of deciduous teeth, alterations in occlusion and aesthetics, formation of tooth cyst and tumors. Objective: Describe the enucleation of dentiger cyst, associated with the lateral incisor, and orthodontic traction of retained upper canine. Case presentation: Female patient, 19 years old, with persistence of teeth 52 and 53. Tomographically there is a right upper lateral incisor retained in a horizontal position, associated with a radiolucent image of dimensions of 11.2 mm x 20.1 mm and a canine retained in an upright position. Exodontics were performed at the flap of the lateral incisor and enucleation of the cyst. Regarding the canine, the orthodontic button was placed for subsequent traction. The definitive histopathological diagnosis was tooth cyst. Conclusions: Lesions associated with retained teeth may have several differential diagnoses. The specialist must know the clinical and radiographic characteristics of each of them and project the treatment plan according to the criteria of location, size of the lesion, age, systemic status, among others. Knowledge of surgical technique and histopathological diagnosis avoids complications(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Tooth, Impacted/diagnostic imaging , Dentigerous Cyst/diagnosisABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir la frecuencia y localización de pato- logías y anomalías dentarias (anomalías de número, tumores, quistes y piezas retenidas) observadas en radiografías pa- norámicas de pacientes pediátricos de entre 6 y 15 años del Hospital Zonal Especializado en Odontología Infantil "Dr. A. Bollini" de la ciudad de La Plata. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observa- cional descriptivo de 300 radiografías panorámicas, de niños (n=150) y niñas (n=150) de entre 6 y 15 años, seleccionadas aleatoriamente en el área de radiología del hospital, tomadas en el período comprendido entre marzo de 2018 y marzo de 2020. Los datos obtenidos se volcaron en planillas de cálculo y con ellos se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Se utilizaron las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, tipo de ano- malía o patología (anomalías de número, tumores, quistes y piezas retenidas), pieza dentaria y ubicación (maxilar o man- díbula). Resultados: Dentro de las anomalías registradas (n=147), se encontraron en mayor medida piezas dentarias retenidas, en un 44,22% de los casos (n=65), agenesias en un 42,18% de los casos (n=62) y supernumerarios en un 13,61% de los casos (n=20). No se hallaron quistes ni tumores. Conclusión: En un 24% de las radiografías panorámicas de niños entre 6 y 15 años se halló alguna anomalía dentaria. Las anomalías más frecuentes fueron piezas dentarias reteni- das y agenesias (AU)
Aim: To describe the frequency and location of dental pathologies and anomalies (number anomalies, tumors, cysts and retained dental pieces) observed in panoramic radio- graphs of pediatric patients between 6 and 15 years of age from the Hospital Especializado en Odontología Infantil "Dr. A. Bollini" from the city of La Plata. Materials and methods: A descriptive observational study was performed based on 300 panoramic radiographs of children (150 girls and 150 boys) between 6 and 15 years old, randomly selected in the Radiology area of the hospital, taken in the period between March 2018 and March 2020. The data obtained were entered into spreadsheets and a descriptive sta- tistical analysis was carried out. The following variables were evaluated: age, sex, type of anomaly or pathology (anomalies of number, tumor, cysts and retained dental pieces), dental piece and location (maxilla or mandible). Results: Among the registered anomalies (n=147), re- tained dental pieces were found to a greater extent, in 44.22% of the cases (n=65), agenesis in 42.18% of the cases (n=62) and supernumeraries in 13.61% of the cases (n=20). No cysts or tumors were found. Conclusion: In 24% of panoramic radiographs of chil- dren between 6 and 15 years old, some dental anomaly was found. The most frequent anomalies were retained dental pieces and agenesis (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tooth Abnormalities/classification , Tooth Abnormalities/epidemiology , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Tooth, Impacted/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Service, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Observational Study , Anodontia/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Los terceros molares son piezas dentarias correspondientes a la dentición permanente y se encuentran por detrás de los segundos molares. Erupcionan entre los 18 y 27 años aproximadamente, tienen variedad de formas, anomalías y disposición diversa. Normalmente se encuentran total o parcialmente retenidos en el hueso maxilar. La retención es muy frecuente y afecta aproximadamente al 75% de la población. La causa principal es por la falta de espacio dentro de la boca. La patología derivada de la retención de un tercer molar puede generar diferentes alteraciones: abscesos, sinusitis, reabsorción de las raíces de los dientes adyacentes, caries del molar retenido y/o del segundo molar, úlceras en la mucosa contigua, podrían generar quistes, ameloblastomas y ulceraciones leucoqueratósicas que pueden degenerar en carcinomas, alteraciones nerviosas o vasomotoras: dolores faciales, trismus, y parálisis facial ipsilateral. Las extracciones profilácticas de terceros molares asintomáticos están justificadas cuando los terceros molares se encuentran bajo prótesis removible que puede estimular su erupción, molares semierupcionados que pueden generar pericoronitis, caries o problemas periodontales; pacientes que van a ser sometidos a radioterapia; cuando el diente incluido interfiera en una cirugía ortognática. Si el molar retenido presenta sintomatología por parte del paciente está aconsejada su extracción quirúrgica.
The third molars are dental pieces corresponding to the permanent dentition and are located behind the second molars. They erupt between the ages of 18 and 27 approximately, have a variety of shapes, anomalies, and diverse dispositions. They are normally fully or partially retained in the maxillary bone. Retention is very frequent and affects approximately 75% of the population. The main cause is due to the lack of space inside the mouth. The pathology derived from the retention of a third molar can generate different alterations: abscesses, sinusitis, resorption of the roots of adjacent teeth, caries of the retained molar and/or second molar, ulcers in the contiguous mucosa, could generate cysts, ameloblastomas and leukokeratotic ulcerations that can degenerate into carcinomas, nervous or vasomotor disorders: facial pain, trismus, and ipsilateral facial paralysis. Prophylactic extractions of asymptomatic third molars are justified when the third molars are under removable prosthesis that can stimulate their eruption, semi-erupted molars that can generate pericoronitis, caries or periodontal problems; patients who are going to undergo radiotherapy; when the included tooth interferes with orthognathic surgery. If the retained molar presents symptoms on the part of the patient, its surgical extraction is recommended.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Surgery, Oral , Tooth, Impacted , Tooth, Unerupted , Mandible , Maxilla , Molar, Third , Periodontal Abscess , Root Resorption , Sinusitis , Trismus , Ameloblastoma , Oral Ulcer , Cysts , Dental Caries , Facial ParalysisABSTRACT
A Síndrome de Gorlin Goltz apresenta características com comprometimento craniofaciais que incluem carcinomas basocelulares, ceratocístos odontogênicos e fenda labial e/ou palatina. Ceratocísticos odontogênico aparecem durante as primeiras décadas de vida, mais comumente na mandíbula, associados a dentes impactados. O diagnóstico precoce possibilita a cura da lesão, minimiza as deformidades ósseas e pode ser concluído com exames como radiográfico e histopatológico. Relato de caso: Com o objetivo descrever o diagnóstico e analisar as possibilidades de tratamento das manifestações faciais da Síndrome de Gorlin Goltz será relatado um caso clínico de uma paciente infantil. A paciente tem um acompanhamento clínico multidisciplinar com geneticista, oncologista e cirurgião-dentista de 6 anos. Apresentou 5 ceratocisticos odontogênicos, carcinomas basocelulares na região do pescoço, calcificação da foice cerebral, ceratose palmo-plantar e macrocefalia. O tratamento para as lesões císticas foi a enucleação, seguida de osteotomia periférica. O defeito ósseo produzido pela enucleação de cisto mandibular foi enxertado com bloco de osso alógeno do banco de tecidos do INTO-RJ. Conclusão: Constata-se que o Cirurgião-dentista é capacitado para fazer o diagnóstico desta síndrome e encaminhar para o tratamento multidisciplinar. O enxerto alógeno é uma opção adequada de reconstrução de cavidades císticas, beneficiando pacientes do Sistema Único de Saúde... (AU)
Gorlin Goltz Syndrome has features with craniofacial involvement that include basal cell carcinomas, odontogenic keratocysts, and cleft lip and/or palate. Odontogenic keratocysts appear during the first decades of life, most commonly in the mandible, associated with impacted teeth. Early diagnosis enables healing of the lesion, minimizes bone deformities and can be completed with exams such as radiographic and histopathological exams. Case report: In order to describe the diagnosis and analyze the treatment possibilities of the facial manifestations of Gorlin Goltz Syndrome, a clinical case of a child patient will be reported.The patient has a multidisciplinary clinical follow-up with a 6-year geneticist, oncologist and dental surgeon. She had 5 odontogenic keratocystic keratocysts, basal cell carcinomas in the neck region, sickle cerebral calcification, palmoplantar keratosis and macrocephaly. The treatment for cystic lesions was enucleation, followed by peripheral osteotomy. The bone defect produced by the enucleation of a mandibular cyst was grafted with an allogeneic bone block from the tissue bank of INTO-RJ. Conclusion: It is concluded that the dentist is trained to make the diagnosis of this syndrome and refer to multidisciplinary treatment. Allogeneic graft is an appropriate option for the reconstruction of cystic cavities, benefiting patients from the Unified Health System... (AU)
El Síndrome de Gorlin Goltz tiene características con compromiso craneofacial que incluyen carcinomas de células basales, queratoquistes odontogénicos y labio leporino o paladar hendido. Los queratoquistes odontogénicos aparecen durante las primeras décadas de vida, más comúnmente en la mandíbula, asociados con dientes retenidos. El diagnóstico precoz permite la curación de la lesión, minimiza las deformidades óseas y se puede concluir con exámenes como exámenes radiográficos e histopatológicos. Reporte de caso: Con el fin de describir el diagnóstico y analizar las posibilidades de tratamiento de las manifestaciones faciales del Síndrome de Gorlin Goltz, se reportará un caso clínico de un paciente infantil. El paciente tiene un seguimiento clínico multidisciplinario con un genetista, oncólogo y cirujano dentista de 6 años. Presentó 5 queratocísticos odontogénicos, carcinomas basocelulares en la región del cuello, calcificación de la hoz cerebral, queratosis palmoplantar y macrocefalia. El tratamiento de las lesiones quísticas fue la enucleación, seguida de una osteotomía periférica. El defecto óseo producido por la enucleación de un quiste mandibular se injertó con un bloque óseo alogénico del banco de tejidos de INTO-RJ. Conclusión: Parece que el odontólogo está capacitado para realizar el diagnóstico de este síndrome y derivar al tratamiento multidisciplinario. El injerto alogénico es una opción adecuada para la reconstrucción de cavidades quísticas, beneficiando a los pacientes del Sistema Único de Salud... (AU)