Neospora caninum is the main etiologic agent of neosporosis in domestic animals and its pathogenesis comprises two characteristic phases: acute and chronic. Rodents are used as experimental models to mimic acute and chronic bovine neosporosis. In this study, we inoculated a total of 27 female gerbils, with different doses of N. caninum tachyzoites aiming to induce chronic disease. DNA was extracted from different organs of each animal after spontaneous death or euthanasia. Encephalic tissues were submitted to a highly sensitive real time PCR aiming to detect chronically infected animals. All the other samples were submitted to standard PCR. A total of 11 gerbils died due to acute neosporosis, as confirmed by N. caninum DNA detection in organs. 5x103 tachyzoites/mL of N. caninum was the dosage of antigen that can induce chronic infection in gerbils. In the encephalon sections of some animals that showed clinical signs of persistent infection, we found 70% positive for the anterior encephalon section, suggesting this area as preferential for cyst formation. Therefore, we determined the doses of tachyzoites that cause acute or chronic infection and detection of positive tissues, preferably, systemic organs during acute and encephalon in chronic phases.(AU)
Neospora caninum é o principal agente etiológico da neosporose em animais domésticos, e sua patogênese compreende duas fases características: aguda e crônica. Roedores são usados como modelos experimentais para simular neosporose bovina aguda e crônica. Neste estudo, foi inoculado um total de 27 gerbilos, fêmeas, com diferentes doses de taquizoítos de N. caninum, visando induzir doença crônica. O DNA foi extraído de diferentes órgãos de cada animal após a morte espontânea ou a eutanásia. Os tecidos encefálicos foram submetidos à PCR em tempo real de alta sensibilidade para detecção de animais com infecção crônica. Todas as outras amostras foram submetidas à PCR padrão. Um total de 11 gerbilos morreu devido à neosporose aguda, como confirmado pela detecção de DNA de N. caninum nos órgãos. A dosagem de antígeno que pode induzir infecção crônica foi de 5x103 taquizoítos/mL de N. caninum. Em seções do encéfalo de alguns animais, que apresentaram sinais clínicos de infecção persistente, encontraram-se 70% de positividade para a seção do encéfalo anterior, sugerindo essa área como preferencial para a formação de cisto. Assim, foram determinadas,, em gerbilos, as dosagens de taquizoítos capazes de induzir infecção crônica ou aguda, bem como foram detectados tecidos positivos, preferencialmente, em órgãos sistêmicos, na fase aguda, e no encéfalo, na crônica.(AU)
Animals , Female , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Gerbillinae/parasitology , Coccidiosis/veterinary , Neospora/isolation & purification , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND Kaempferol (KPF) is a flavonoid with antiparasitic activity including experimental giardiasis which mechanism of action is unknown. OBJECTIVE To analyse the cytotoxic effects of KPF on Giardia duodenalis trophozoites and to identify a likely parasite target of this compound. METHODS We used inhibitory concentrations of KPF (IC25, IC50 and IC100) and albendazole (ABZ) as reference drug. The ultrastructure of the trophozoites was analysed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) whilst apoptosis/necrosis, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cell cycle progression were assessed by flow cytometry (FCM) and confocal laser microscopy (CLM). Ligand-protein docking analyses were carried out using KPF structure from a drug library and crystal structure of a G. duodenalis aldose reductase (GdAldRed) homolog. RESULTS KPF provoked appearance of perinuclear and periplasmic spaces devoid of cytosolic content and multilamellar structures. KPF induced proapoptotic death associated with partial arrest in the S phase without ROS production. Bioinformatics approaches predicted that GdAldRed is a viable KPF target (ΔG = -7.09 kCal/mol), exhibiting 92% structural identity and a similar coupling pattern as its human homolog. CONCLUSIONS KPF exerted a proapoptotic effect on G. duodenalis trophozoites involving partial interruption of DNA synthesis without oxidative stress or structure damage to chromatin and cytoskeletal structures. GdAldRed is a likely target underlying its antigiardial activity.
Humans , Animals , Giardiasis , Giardia lamblia/drug effects , Kaempferols , Computational Biology , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background Amebiasis is an infectious disease caused by Entamoeba histolytica. It represents one of the three worldwide leading causes of death by parasites and a public health problem due to its frequency, morbidity, mortality, and easy dispersion. Objective The study was aimed to evaluate the in vitro effect of Lactobacillus spp. postbiotics on E. histolytica trophozoites (HM1-IMSS strain) and to determine morphometric changes in trophozoite membrane by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Methods Bioassays on trophozoites were conducted with lyophilized postbiotics at 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 mg/mL concentrations, and trophozoite samples were obtained for AFM analysis Results Results indicated postbiotic inhibitory activity; the highest percentage inhibition was 89.63% at 0.5 mg/mL. Trophozoites nanomechanical analysis showed 28.32% increase in ruggedness and 56% decrease in size with treatments compared to the control. Conclusion Our study showed that the synergy of Lactobacillus postbiotics inhibited E. histolytica HM1-IMSS in vitro growth under axenic conditions, inducing morphometric alterations in trophozoites cell membrane. These results would allow designing strategies or treatments aimed at E. histolytica control in the future.
Humans , Entamoeba histolytica/physiology , Trophozoites/physiology , Lactobacillus/physiology , In Vitro Techniques , Probiotics/pharmacologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivos . Comparar diferentes métodos de extracción de ADN a partir de quistes y trofozoítos de Giardia spp. mediante la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) convencional. Materiales y métodos. Se aislaron quistes de Giardia spp. a partir de 65 muestras coprológicas procedentes de hospitales de referencia nacional, obteniéndose una carga promedio de 5x104 parásitos. Asimismo, se cultivaron trofozoítos de Giardia intestinalis (ATCC® 30957™) obteniéndose una carga parasitaria de 5x106. Se compararon once métodos de extracción para quistes y seis para trofozoítos. La concentración y pureza del ADN extraído se determinó por espectrofotometría y el rendimiento de la extracción se evaluó mediante la amplificación de los genes beta giardina (bg) y glutamato deshidrogenasa (gdh) por PCR semi-anidada. Resultados. Se observó que el método I mostró la mayor concentración de ADN a partir de quistes (12,24 ng/µL), pureza (1,4) y mejor rendimiento (100% amplificación bg, 60% gdh) en comparación con los otros métodos evaluados. En el caso de los trofozoítos el método que no tuvo pretratamientos presentó la mayor concentración de ADN, pureza y rendimiento (26,56 ng/µL; 1,85; 100% amplificación bg y gdh). Conclusiones. Los pretratamientos mecánicos, de choque térmico y enzimáticos son necesarios para la ruptura de la pared quística de Giardia spp., siendo el marcador molecular bg de mayor rendimiento para detección de ADN de quistes. Los trofozoítos no requieren pretratamientos para lograr resultados satisfactorios. Se cuenta con una metodología reproducible para la extracción de ADN de Giardia spp. a partir de cualquier estadio evolutivo.
ABSTRACT Objectives. To compare different methods of DNA extraction from cysts and trophozoites of Giardia spp. using the conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Materials and Methods. Cysts of Giardia spp. were isolated from 65 coprological samples from national reference hospitals, obtaining an average load of 5x104 parasites. In addition, Giardia intestinalis trophozoites (ATCC® 30957™) were cultured obtaining a 5x106 parasitic load. Eleven extraction methods for cysts and six for trophozoites were compared. The concentration and purity of the extracted DNA were determined by spectrophotometry and the extraction yield was assessed by amplification of the ß-giardin (bg) and glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) genes with a semi nested PCR assay. Results. It was observed that method 1 showed the highest concentration of DNA from cysts (12.24 ng/µL), purity (1.4) and best performance (bg: 100% amplification; gdh: 60% amplification) compared to the other methods evaluated. In the case of trophozoites, the method without pre treatment showed the highest level of DNA concentration, purity, and yield (26.56 ng/µL; 1.85; 100% amplification of bg and gdh, respectively). Conclusions . Mechanical, thermal shock, and enzymatic pre-treatments are necessary for the rupture of the cystic wall of Giardia spp. making it the highest-yielding bg molecular marker for detecting cyst DNA. Trophozoites do not require pre-treatment to achieve satisfactory results. A reproducible methodology for the extraction of DNA from Giardia spp. from any evolutionary stage is available.
Humans , DNA/isolation & purification , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Trophozoites/genetics , Giardia/genetics , Parasitology/methods , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Genetic TechniquesABSTRACT
We present the case of a 71-year-old man who was diagnosed with amoebic encephalitis caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris. He had rheumatic arthritis for 30 years and had undergone continuous treatment with immunosuppressants. First, he complained of partial spasm from the left thigh to the left upper limb. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed multifocal enhancing nodules in the cortical and subcortical area of both cerebral hemispheres, which were suggestive of brain metastases. However, the patient developed fever with stuporous mentality and an open biopsy was performed immediately. Microscopically, numerous amoebic trophozoites, measuring 20 to 25 µm in size, with nuclei containing one to four nucleoli and some scattered cysts having a double-layered wall were noted in the background of hemorrhagic necrosis. Based on the microscopic findings, amoebic encephalitis caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris was diagnosed. The patient died on the 10th day after being admitted at the hospital. The diagnosis of amoebic encephalitis in the early stage is difficult for clinicians. Moreover, most cases undergo rapid deterioration, resulting in fatal consequences. In this report, we present the first case of B. mandrillaris amoebic encephalitis with fatal progression in a Korean patient.
Aged , Humans , Balamuthia mandrillaris , Biopsy , Brain , Cerebrum , Diagnosis , Encephalitis , Fever , Immunosuppressive Agents , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Necrosis , Neoplasm Metastasis , Rheumatic Fever , Spasm , Stupor , Thigh , Trophozoites , Upper ExtremityABSTRACT
Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are key players during an immune response at the mucosal surfaces, such as lung, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. Giardia lamblia is an extracellular protozoan pathogen that inhabits the human small intestine. In this study, ILCs prepared from the lamina propria of mouse small intestine were incubated with G. lamblia trophozoites. Transcriptional changes in G. lamblia-exposed ILCs resulted in identification of activation of several immune pathways. Secretion of interleukin (IL)-17A, IL-17F, IL-1β, and interferon-γ was increased, whereas levels of IL-13, IL-5, and IL-22, was maintained or reduced upon exposure to G. lamblia. Goup 3 ILC (ILC3) was found to be dominant amongst the ILCs, and increased significantly upon co-cultivation with G. lamblia trophozoites. Oral inoculation of G. lamblia trophozoites into mice resulted in their presence in the small intestine, of which, the highest number of parasites was detected at the 5 days-post infection. Increased ILC3 was observed amongst the ILC population at the 5 days-post infection. These findings indicate that ILC3 from the lamina propria secretes IL-17 in response to G. lamblia, leading to the intestinal pathology observed in giardiasis.
Animals , Humans , Mice , Gastrointestinal Tract , Giardia lamblia , Giardia , Giardiasis , Interleukin-13 , Interleukin-17 , Interleukin-5 , Interleukins , Intestine, Small , Lung , Lymphocytes , Mucous Membrane , Parasites , Pathology , Skin , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Acanthamoeba castellanii has ubiquitous distribution and causes primary acanthamoebic keratitis (AK). AK is a common disease in contact lens wearers and results in permanent visual impairment or blindness. In this study, we observed the cytopathic effect, in vitro cytotoxicity, and secretion pattern of cytokines in human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) induced by A. castellanii trophozoites and/or cysts. Morphological observation revealed that panked dendritic HCECs co-cultured with amoeba cysts had changed into round shape and gradually died. Such changes were more severe in co-culture with cyst than those of co-cultivation with trophozoites. In vitro cytotoxicity assay revealed the highest cytotoxicity to HCECs in the co-culture system with amoeba cysts. A. castellanii induced the expression of IL-1α, IL-6, IL-8, and CXCL1 in HCECs. Secreted levels of IL-1α, IL-6, and IL-8 in HCECs co-cultured with both trophozoites and cysts were increased at an early incubation time (3 and 6 hr). These results suggested that cytopathic changes and pro-inflammatory cytokines release of HCECs in response to A. castellanii, especially amoebic cysts, are an important mechanism for AK development.
Humans , Acanthamoeba castellanii , Acanthamoeba , Amoeba , Blindness , Coculture Techniques , Cytokines , Epithelial Cells , In Vitro Techniques , Interleukin-6 , Interleukin-8 , Keratitis , Trophozoites , Vision DisordersABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to evaluate the adhesion of Acanthamoeba trophozoites on cosmetic contact lenses (CLs) with and without CL care multipurpose solution (MPS) treatment. METHODS: Acanthamoeba lugdunensis L3a trophozoites were inoculated onto disks trimmed from CLs: 1-day Acuvue moist, 1-day Acuvue define, Acuvue 2, and Acuvue 2 define. After 18-hour inoculation, the number of adherent trophozoites was counted under phase contrast microscopy. The effects of MPS, Opti-Free Express, soaking CLs for 6 hours, on Acanthamoeba adhesion were analyzed. Scanning electron microscopic examination was performed for assessment of Acanthamoeba attached on the lens surface. RESULTS: Acanthamoeba trophozoites showed greater adhesion to cosmetic CL (P = 0.017 for 1-day CL and P = 0.009 for 2-week CL) although there was no significant difference between the types of cosmetic CL. On all lenses, the number of adherent Acanthamoeba was significantly reduced after treatment with MPS (P < 0.001 for 1-day Acuvue moist, P = 0.046 for 1-day Acuvue define, P < 0.001 for Acuvue 2, and P = 0.015 for Acuvue 2 define), but there was still significant difference between conventional and cosmetic CLs (P = 0.003 for 1-day CL and P < 0.001 for 2-week CL, respectively). More attachment of Acanthamoeba was observed on colored area and the acanthopodia of Acanthamoeba was placed on the rough surface of colored area. CONCLUSION: Acanthamoeba showed a greater affinity for cosmetic CL and mostly attached on colored area. Although MPS that contained myristamidopropyl dimethylamine reduced the adhesion rate, there was a significant difference between conventional and cosmetic CLs.
Acanthamoeba , Contact Lenses , Microscopy, Phase-Contrast , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Giardia lamblia, an anaerobic, amitochondriate protozoan parasite causes parasitic infection giardiasis in children and young adults. It produces pyruvate, a major metabolic product for its fermentative metabolism. The current study was undertaken to explore the effects of pyruvate as a physiological antioxidant during oxidative stress in Giardia by cysteine-ascorbate deprivation and further investigation upon the hypothesis that oxidative stress due to metabolism was the reason behind the cytotoxicity. We have estimated intracellular reactive oxygen species generation due to cysteine-ascorbate deprivation in Giardia. In the present study, we have examined the effects of extracellular addition of pyruvate, during oxidative stress generated from cysteine-ascorbate deprivation in culture media on DNA damage in Giardia. The intracellular pyruvate concentrations at several time points were measured in the trophozoites during stress. Trophozoites viability under cysteine-ascorbate deprived (CAD) medium in presence and absence of extracellular pyruvate has also been measured. The exogenous addition of a physiologically relevant concentration of pyruvate to trophozoites suspension was shown to attenuate the rate of ROS generation. We have demonstrated that Giardia protects itself from destructive consequences of ROS by maintaining the intracellular pyruvate concentration. Pyruvate recovers Giardia trophozoites from oxidative stress by decreasing the number of DNA breaks that might favor DNA repair.
Child , Humans , Young Adult , Culture Media , DNA Breaks , DNA Damage , DNA Repair , Giardia lamblia , Giardia , Giardiasis , Metabolism , Oxidative Stress , Parasites , Pyruvic Acid , Reactive Oxygen Species , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Acanthamoeba spp. are free-living protozoa that are opportunistic pathogens for humans. Cysteine proteases of Acanthamoeba have been partially characterized, but their biochemical and functional properties are not clearly understood yet. In this study, we isolated a gene encoding cysteine protease of A. castellanii (AcCP) and its biochemical and functional properties were analyzed. Sequence analysis of AcCP suggests that this enzyme is a typical cathepsin L family cysteine protease, which shares similar structural characteristics with other cathepsin L-like enzymes. The recombinant AcCP showed enzymatic activity in acidic conditions with an optimum at pH 4.0. The recombinant enzyme effectively hydrolyzed human proteins including hemoglobin, albumin, immunoglobuins A and G, and fibronectin at acidic pH. AcCP mainly localized in lysosomal compartment and its expression was observed in both trophozoites and cysts. AcCP was also identified in cultured medium of A. castellanii. Considering to lysosomal localization, secretion or release by trophozoites and continuous expression in trophozoites and cysts, the enzyme could be a multifunctional enzyme that plays important biological functions for nutrition, development and pathogenicity of A. castellanii. These results also imply that AcCP can be a promising target for development of chemotherapeutic drug for Acanthamoeba infections.
Humans , Acanthamoeba castellanii , Acanthamoeba , Cathepsin L , Cathepsins , Cysteine Proteases , Cysteine , Fibronectins , Genes, vif , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Lysosomes , Sequence Analysis , Trophozoites , VirulenceABSTRACT
This study was carried out to determine the pathogen-causing diarrhoea in sheep Ovis aries in the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau Area, China. A trophozoite was identified as species of ciliate alveolates infecting the sheep based on morphological characteristics examined by microscope. It was mostly spherical, colourless and transparent, with many vesicles. Macronucleus and contractile vacuoles could not be distinguished. Size of the trophozoite was 80–180×70–150 μm and its surface was covered with cilia. Molecular analysis based on sequences of 18S rRNA and ITS genes confirmed the ciliate species as Balantidium coli. According to the literature, there have been many epidemiological investigations of B. coli infection in pigs, monkeys and humans. To our knowledge, this was the first report of B. coli infections in sheep in the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau Area of China, or eleswhere around the world. Importantly, the sheep case was rare but raised our concern that B. coli may spread across species and expand its host range.
Humans , Balantidium , China , Cilia , Haplorhini , Host Specificity , Macronucleus , Sheep , Sheep, Domestic , Swine , Trophozoites , VacuolesABSTRACT
SEÑORA EDITORA Entamoeba coli fue identificada primeramente por Lewis (1870), pero fue Gras en 1877 quien la describió. Es un parásito comensal que habita el intestino grueso del humano y su presencia siempre ha estado asociada con la patógena En-tamoeba histolytica. En condiciones normales, el trofozoito de E. coli debe medir entre 15 y 50 µm, se mueve poco y sin direccionalidad definida, emitiendo seudópodos romos, cortos y no hiali-nos, y no se aprecia una diferenciación clara entre el ectoplasma y el endoplasma. El trofozoito presenta un solo núcleo que, al teñirlo, permite apreciar un cariosoma irregular, no compacto, de gran tamaño y excéntrico, y una cromatina per-inuclear que tiene forma de gránulos gruesos e irregulares (1-4). En un trabajo de campo asistencial y científico, en la población de Nabasanuka (coordenadas geográficas LN 09°08' 11,9" y LO061°03'31,2") en la zona selvática del Bajo Delta, estado Delta Amacuro, Venezuela, se detectó una alteración biológica en un ejemplar de E. coli, proveniente de la muestra de heces de un indígena warao. Se trataba de un trofozoíto de E. coli de cuatro núcleos, de unas 25 µm, el cual emitía pseudópo-dos romos, anchos, cortos y lentos (movimiento), sin vacuolas de glucógeno y con prolongación de ectoplasma; su movilidad se detuvo al agregarle solución de lugol, con lo cual se logró congelar el momento en que emitía un pseudópodo y permitió tomar la imagen que se anexa. Se han encontrado altas prevalencias de E. coli en poblaciones de indígenas waraos, abundancia que sobrepasa el 40 % de muestras positivas. Su frecuencia, además de la exposición constante a diversidad de reservorios de las amibas, como peces, reptiles, mamíferos y aves (amibas del grupo coli, criterios A y B) (2), y los elementos epidemiológicos favorables para la transmisión fecal-oral, podrían influir en la curiosidad biológica detectada. Sería interesante hacer análisis genó-micos y moleculares para indagar mejor sobre la caracterización de las especies (1-4).
Humans , Entamoeba , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Encystation mediating cyst specific cysteine proteinase (CSCP) of Acanthamoeba castellanii is expressed remarkably during encystation. However, the molecular mechanism involved in the regulation of CSCP gene expression remains unclear. In this study, we focused on epigenetic regulation of gene expression during encystation of Acanthamoeba. To evaluate methylation as a potential mechanism involved in the regulation of CSCP expression, we first investigated the correlation between promoter methylation status of CSCP gene and its expression. A 2,878 bp of promoter sequence of CSCP gene was amplified by PCR. Three CpG islands (island 1–3) were detected in this sequence using bioinformatics tools. Methylation of CpG island in trophozoites and cysts was measured by bisulfite sequence PCR. CSCP promoter methylation of CpG island 1 (1,633 bp) was found in 8.2% of trophozoites and 7.3% of cysts. Methylation of CpG island 2 (625 bp) was observed in 4.2% of trophozoites and 5.8% of cysts. Methylation of CpG island 3 (367 bp) in trophozoites and cysts was both 3.6%. These results suggest that DNA methylation system is present in CSCP gene expression of Acanthamoeba. In addition, the expression of encystation mediating CSCP is correlated with promoter CpG island 1 hypomethylation.
Acanthamoeba castellanii , Acanthamoeba , Computational Biology , CpG Islands , Cysteine Proteases , DNA Methylation , DNA , Epigenomics , Gene Expression Regulation , Gene Expression , Methylation , Negotiating , Polymerase Chain Reaction , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Pathogenic Naegleria fowleri, Acanthamoeba castellanii, and Acanthamoeba polyphaga, are distributed worldwide. They are causative agents of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis or acanthamoebic keratitis in humans, respectively. Trophozoites encyst in unfavorable environments, such as exhausted food supply and desiccation. Until recently, the method of N. fowleri encystation used solid non-nutrient agar medium supplemented with heat-inactivated Escherichia coli; however, for the amoebic encystment of Acanthamoeba spp., a defined, slightly modified liquid media is used. In this study, in order to generate pure N. fowleri cysts, a liquid encystment medium (buffer 1) modified from Page’s amoeba saline was applied for encystation of N. fowleri. N. fowleri cysts were well induced after 24 hr with the above defined liquid encystment medium (buffer 1). This was confirmed by observation of a high expression of differential mRNA of nfa1 and actin genes in trophozoites. Thus, this liquid medium can replace the earlier non-nutrient agar medium for obtaining pure N. fowleri cysts. In addition, for cyst formation of Acanthamoeba spp., buffer 2 (adjusted to pH 9.0) was the more efficient medium. To summarize, these liquid encystment media may be useful for further studies which require axenic and pure amoebic cysts.
Humans , Acanthamoeba , Acanthamoeba castellanii , Actins , Agar , Amoeba , Desiccation , Escherichia coli , Food Supply , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Keratitis , Meningoencephalitis , Methods , Naegleria fowleri , RNA, Messenger , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Encystation is an essential process for Acanthamoeba survival under nutrient-limiting conditions and exposure to drugs. The expression of several genes has been observed to increase or decrease during encystation. Epigenetic processes involved in regulation of gene expression have been shown to play a role in several pathogenic parasites. In the present study, we identified the protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5), a known epigenetic regulator, in Acanthamoeba castellanii. PRMT5 of A. castellanii (AcPRMT5) contained domains found in S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferases and in PRMT5 arginine-N-methyltransferase. Expression levels of AcPRMT5 were increased during encystation of A. castellanii. The EGFP-PRMT5 fusion protein was mainly localized in the nucleus of trophozoites. A. castellanii transfected with siRNA designed against AcPRMT5 failed to form mature cysts. The findings of this study lead to a better understanding of epigenetic mechanisms behind the regulation of encystation in cyst-forming pathogenic protozoa.
Acanthamoeba castellanii , Acanthamoeba , Epigenesis, Genetic , Epigenomics , Gene Expression Regulation , Methyltransferases , Parasites , Protein-Arginine N-Methyltransferases , RNA, Small Interfering , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Acanthamoeba keratitis has been increasing in recent years. Main risk factors are contact lens wear and their cleaning solutions. Most contact lens wearers use multipurpose disinfecting solutions (MPDS) for cleansing and disinfecting microorganisms because of its convenience. We determined amoebicidal effects of MPDS made in Korea and their cytotoxicity on human corneal epithelium cells. Fifteen commercial MPDS (A to O) were tested for their amoebicidal effects on Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites and cysts by using a most probable number (MPN) technique. Among them, 7 kinds of MPDS showed little or no amoebicidal effects for 24 hr exposure. Solutions A, B, G, H, L, and O showed positive amoebicidal effects, and solutions M and N killed almost all trophozoites and cysts after 24 hr exposure. However, 50%-N solution showed 56% cytotoxicity on human corneal epithelial cells within 4 hr exposure, and 50%-O solution also showed 62% cytotoxicity on human cells within 4 hr exposure. Solution A did not show any cytotoxicity on human cells. These results revealed that most MPDS made in Korea were ineffective to kill Acanthamoeba. The solutions having amoebicidal activity also showed high levels of cytotoxicity on human corneal epithelial cells. New formulations for improved MPDS that are amoebicidal but safe for host cells are needed to prevent Acanthamoeba keratitis.
Humans , Acanthamoeba castellanii , Acanthamoeba Keratitis , Acanthamoeba , Epithelial Cells , Epithelium, Corneal , Korea , Risk Factors , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Giardia lamblia is a protozoan that causes diarrheal diseases in humans. Cytoskeletal structures of Giardia trophozoites must be finely reorganized during cell division. To identify Giardia proteins which interact with microtubules (MTs), Giardia lysates were incubated with in vitro-polymerized MTs and then precipitated by ultracentifugation. A hypothetical protein (GL50803_8405) was identified in the precipitated fraction with polymerized MTs and was named GlMBP1 (G. lamblia microtubule-binding protein 1). Interaction of GlMBP1 with MTs was confirmed by MT binding assays using recombinant GlMBP1 (rGlMBP1). In vivo expression of GlMBP1 was shown by a real-time PCR and western blot analysis using anti-rGlMBP1 antibodies. Transgenic G. lamblia trophozoites were constructed by integrating a chimeric gene encoding hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged GlMBP1 into a Giardia chromosome. Immunofluorescence assays of this transgenic G. lamblia, using anti-HA antibodies, revealed that GlMBP1 mainly localized at the basal bodies, axonemes, and median bodies of G. lamblia trophozoites. This result indicates that GlMBP1 is a component of the G. lamblia cytoskeleton.
Humans , Antibodies , Axoneme , Basal Bodies , Blotting, Western , Cell Division , Cytoskeleton , Fluorescent Antibody Technique , Giardia lamblia , Giardia , Hemagglutinins , Microtubules , Polymers , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , TrophozoitesABSTRACT
Acanthamoeba, a free-living amoeba, is widely distributed in the environment, water sources, soil, dust, and air. It can cause keratitis in contact lens wearers with poor hygiene and also fatal granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) in immunocompromised hosts. The aim of this study was to gain some insights into the distribution and genotypes of the potentially pathogenic species of Acanthamoeba present in water sources in north of Iran. Total 43 Acanthamoeba species were isolated from 77 water samples taken from different water sources within the Mazandaran province in Northern Iran (Sari city and suburbs). Isolates were identified based on cyst and trophozoite morphological characteristics as well genetics. PCR fragments corresponding to the small-subunit 18S rRNA gene were sequenced for 20 of 43 positive isolates. The results revealed that 83.3% of sequenced isolates belonged to the T4 genotype and the rest belonged to the T2 genotype. Our results indicated that Acanthamoeba is widely distributed in Sari city. As the incidence in Iran of amoebic keratitis has increased in recent years, the exact estimation of the prevalence of this amoeba and its predominant genotype may play a crucial role in prevention of the disease. Sari city has several rivers, seashores, and natural recreational amenities, which attract visitors during the year. This is the first report of Acanthamoeba genotypes from water sources in Sari city, Mazandaran province of Iran, and the results suggest that more attention is needed to protect the visiting population and immunocompromised individuals.
Acanthamoeba , Amoeba , Dust , Encephalitis , Genes, rRNA , Genetics , Genotype , Hygiene , Immunocompromised Host , Incidence , Iran , Keratitis , Parasites , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Rivers , Soil , Trophozoites , WaterABSTRACT
From 2012 to 2013 were surveyed gastrointestinal parasites from pig farms located in different municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Fecal samples from 790 pigs were collected from the rectum on 88 family farms and 702 farms with industrial production. The samples were subjected to Faust et al., Sheather, Ritchie, Lutz and direct examination faecal techniques. The estimated parasite prevalence was 93.1% in family farms and 59.1% in industrial farms. Balantidium coli, coccidia and Entamoeba sp. were the parasites with the highest frequencies, and the male and female reproductive categories and fatteners pigs the most infected (p<0.05). Trophozoites of B. coli were most evident in stool samples from semi-solid followed by solid and diarrheal consistencies. Strongyles eggs and Trichuris suis have been detected exclusively in family farms. Ascaris suum eggs and Strongyloides ransomi showed low frequency. The high degree of parasitism, especially protozoa, indicates the need to reassess the management of pigs in both types of production...
De 2012 a 2013 foram pesquisados parasitos gastrintestinais de suínos de granjas localizadas em diferentes municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Amostras fecais de 790 suínos foram coletadas da ampola retal, sendo 88 de propriedades familiares e 702 de granjas com produção industrial. As amostras foram submetidas às técnicas de Faust et al., Sheather, Ritchie, Lutz e exame direto. A prevalência estimada foi de 93,1% nas granjas familiares e 59,1% nas granjas industriais. Balantidium coli, coccídios e Entamoeba sp. foram os parasitos que apresentaram as maiores frequências, sendo as categorias machos e fêmeas reprodutoras e leitões de terminação as mais infectadas (p<0,05). Trofozoítas de B. coli foram mais evidenciados nas amostras fecais de consistências semi-sólida, seguida pelas fezes com consistências sólida e diarreica. Ovos de estrongilídeos e Trichuris suis foram detectados exclusivamente em criações familiares. Ovos de Ascaris suum e de Strongyloides ransomi apresentaram baixa frequência. O alto grau de parasitismo, principalmente de protozoários, indica a necessidade de reavaliação do manejo dos suínos em ambos os tipos de produção...