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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253098, 2024. tab, graf, mapas
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360205


Visceral leishmaniosis is a neglected tropical disease. We evaluated the spatial distribution of cases of visceral leishmaniosis in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. All cases of VL, registered by the health department, were analyzed and georeferenced. Results: Between 2008 and 2017, 97.1% of the municipalities presented sporadic classification of transmission. With temporal evolution, the incidence of cases of visceral leishmaniosis was concentrated in most municipalities in the microregion of Santana do Ipanema-AL. Space-time analysis, if considered, may promote the improvement of surveillance and control actions of visceral leishmaniosis.

A leishmaniose visceral é uma doença tropical negligenciada. Foram avaliadas a distribuição espacial dos casos de leishmaniose visceral no estado de Alagoas. Todos os casos de LV, registrados pela secretaria de saúde, foram analisados e georreferenciados. Entre 2008 e 2017, 97,1% dos municípios apresentaram classificação esporádica de transmissão. Com a evolução temporal, a incidência de casos de leishmaniose visceral se concentrou na maioria dos municípios da microrregião de Santana do Ipanema-AL. A análise espaço-tempo, se considerada, pode promover o aprimoramento das ações de vigilância e controle da leishmaniose visceral.

Humans , Tropical Medicine , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Leishmaniasis, Visceral , Brazil
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 78 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1443872


Introdução: A leptospirose é considerada um problema de saúde pública com grande impacto social e econômico. A doença foi citada como duplamente omissa, uma vez já classificada na literatura internacional como doença tropical negligenciada (DTN), ainda conta com a baixa atenção governamental. Tal fato, pode estar associado ao adoecimento por essa enfermidade atingir majoritariamente a porção pobre e marginalizada da sociedade. Objetivos: O presente estudo objetiva avaliar a associação entre determinantes em saúde e adoecimento por leptospirose nos municípios do estado de Minas Gerais no período de 2010 a 2019. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, no qual as unidades de análise foram os 853 municípios do estado de Minas Gerais. Foram utilizados dados secundários agregados não nominais entre os anos de 2010 e 2019. Foi utilizado o Modelo Binomial Negativo com Inflação de Zeros como técnica de análise multivariada, considerando a incidência por leptospirose em 2016 como desfecho e os indicadores do Índice Mineiro de Responsabilidade Social de 2016 ou em data mais próxima disponível como variáveis explicativas Resultados: Os resultados do modelo múltiplo demonstraram que os fatores que permaneceram associados à incidência de leptospirose foram os índices de Saúde, Educação, Renda e Emprego e a variável Infraestrutura Urbana. Segundo os coeficientes estimados, o índice de saúde do IMRS foi associado a um aumento da incidência de leptospirose. Por outro lado, os demais fatores ­ índice de educação, renda e emprego e a variável infraestrutura urbana ­ estiveram associados a menores taxas da doença, agindo assim, como fatores de proteção ao adoecimento. Conclusão: Há uma forte associação da leptospirose com a pobreza no estado de Minas Gerais. O investimento em infraestrutura urbana e garantia de condições sanitárias favoráveis para a população, bem como melhora da propagação de informação e educação reduziria o impacto da doença na população pobre e desassistida.

Introduction: Leptospirosis is considered a public health problem with great social and economic impact. The disease was cited as doubly omitted, since it is already classified in the international literature as a neglected tropical disease (NTD), it still has low government attention. This fact may be associated with the illness caused by this disease, which mostly affects the poor and marginalized portion of society. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the association between health determinants and the illness from leptospirosis in the municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais from 2010 to 2019. Methodology: This is an ecological study and the units of analysis were the 853 municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais. Non-nominal aggregated secondary data between the years 2010 and 2019 were used. The Negative Binomial Model with Zero Inflation was used as a multivariate analysis technique, considering the incidence of leptospirosis in 2016 as the outcome and the IMRS indicators of 2016 or on a date closest available as explanatory variables Results: The results of the multiple model showed that the factors that remained associated with the incidence of leptospirosis were the Health, Education, Income and Employment indexes and the Urban Infrastructure variable. According to the estimated coefficients, the IMRS health index was associated with an increased incidence of leptospirosis. On the other hand, the other factors ­ education, income and employment index and the urban infrastructure variable ­ were associated with lower rates of the disease, thus acting as protective factors against illness. Conclusion: There is a strong association between leptospirosis and poverty in the state of Minas Gerais. Investment in urban infrastructure and guaranteeing favorable sanitary conditions for the population, as well as improving the dissemination of information and education would reduce the impact of the disease on the poor and underserved population. Descriptors: Social Determinants of Health; Zoonosis Surveillance; Leptospirosis, Social Vulnerability, Ecological Studies.

Social Determinants of Health , Social Vulnerability , Zoonosis Surveillance , Leptospirosis , Tropical Medicine , Public Health , Academic Dissertation , Ecological Studies
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(3): 336-344, jul.-sep. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1410004


RESUMEN Objetivos. Evaluar la variación de los perfiles hematológicos antes, durante y después del tratamiento de pacientes infectados con malaria no complicada por Plasmodium vivax (Pv) y P. falciparum (Pf) en una población de la región Loreto. Materiales y métodos. El estudio se realizó entre 2010 y 2012, en Zungarococha (Iquitos). Los 425 participantes tuvieron tres visitas (visita 1-día 0-antes del tratamiento, visita 2-día 7-durante tratamiento, visita 3-día 28-después del tratamiento), hemograma completo, diagnóstico microscópico y molecular (PCR). Resultados. En la primera visita, se encontraron 93 (21,9%) positivos a Pv y 34 (8,0%) a Pf. Todos los positivos mostraron una reducción en los indicadores hematológicos de hematocrito, recuento de glóbulos blancos (RGB), neutrófilos abastonados y segmentados, eosinófilos y plaquetas (p<0.001) en comparación con el grupo negativo. Se encontró un porcentaje mayor de neutrófilos abastonados en Pf y de neutrófilos segmentados en Pv comparado al grupo negativo. Se observó variaciones en los perfiles hematológicos después del tratamiento para ambas especies, los neutrófilos abastonados disminuyeron, las plaquetas aumentaron, los eosinófilos se incrementaron al día 7 y decaen el día 28, el hematocrito y los neutrófilos segmentados disminuyeron al día 7 y se normalizaron el día 28. Las diferencias entre especies en el tiempo mostraron una disminución diaria de neutrófilos abastonados en infectados con Pv que en Pf. Conclusiones. El perfil hematológico en pacientes positivos a malaria no complicada varía en el tiempo durante y después del tratamiento. Estos son indicadores de la progresión de la enfermedad y ayudan en la vigilancia terapéutica de pacientes infectados con Plasmodium.

ABSTRACT Objectives. To evaluate the variation of hematological profiles of patients infected with uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax (Pv) and P. falciparum (Pf) malaria before, during and after treatment in a population of the Loreto region. Materials and methods. This study was conducted between 2010 and 2012, in Zungarococha (Iquitos). The 425 participants had three visits (visit 1-day 0-before treatment, visit 2-day 7-during treatment, visit 3-day 28-after treatment), complete blood count, microscopic and molecular diagnosis (PCR). Results. At the first visit, 93 (21.9%) participants were found positive for Pv and 34 (8.0%) for Pf. All positives showed a reduction in hematocrit, white blood cell count (WBC), ablated and segmented neutrophils, eosinophils and platelets (p<0.001) compared to the negative group. A higher percentage of ablated neutrophils was found in Pf and segmented neutrophils in Pv compared to the negative group. Variations in hematological profiles were observed after treatment for both species; ablated neutrophils decreased, platelets increased, eosinophils increased at day 7 and declined at day 28, hematocrit and segmented neutrophils decreased at day 7 and normalized at day 28. Interspecies differences over time showed a bigger daily decrease in ablated neutrophils in Pv-infected when compared to Pf. Conclusions. The hematological profile in uncomplicated malaria-positive patients varies over time during and after treatment. These are indicators of disease progression and help in the therapeutic surveillance of Plasmodium-infected patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Patients , Blood Cell Count , Malaria , Parasitic Diseases , Plasmodium , Tropical Medicine , Public Health Surveillance , Neutrophils
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(2): 195-202, abr. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388357


Resumen En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, el inicio de la investigación en medicina tropical se vio favorecido con aportes de empresas navieras, como la Compañía Holandesa de las Indias Orientales, siendo quizás el más importante su gestión apoyando la creación en China del Servicio Marítimo Imperial de Aduanas (1854-1950), impuesto al débil gobierno chino por los cónsules de Inglaterra, Francia y EEUU, para establecer tasas regulares en todos sus puertos, que pronto amplió sus funciones a la información de mareas, tifones y clima, terminando por crear en 1863 un Servicio Médico para detectar epidemias y establecer cuarentenas. Este Servicio Médico editó una revista, Medical Reports, en la cual publicaron distinguidos investigadores, como Patrick Manson, Padre de la Medicina Tropical. Comentamos algunos informes aparecidos en ella, para conocer su real importancia en el desarrollo de la medicina tropical.

Abstract In the second half of the 19th century, the beginning of the research on tropical medicine was favored with contributions from shipping companies, like Dutch East India Company, being perhaps the most important of these its collaboration in the creation of the China Imperial Maritime Customs Service (1854-1950), imposed by consuls from England, France and USA, on the weak Chinese government in order to establish regular taxes in all its ports, soon expanding its functions with reports on tides, typhoons and weather, ending up creating a medical service in 1863 to detect epidemics and establish quarantines. This medical service published a Journal, the Imperial Maritime Customs Medical Reports, where they wrote distinguished investigators, such as Patrick Manson, Father of Tropical Medicine. We comment in some reports of this journal, to get an idea about its real importance in the development of tropical medicine.

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Tropical Medicine/history , Naval Medicine , France
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(5): 1101-1109, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1434704


La Transformación Digital (TD) es todo un proceso que busca optimizar la relación usuario­organización, mejorando así los procesos y el desempeño. Con la llegada de la pandemia COVID-19 a principios del año 2020, cuando fue necesario acelerar la inclusión de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) para continuar ofreciendo los servicios sanitarios, se constituye el sistema peruano de TD como un sistema funcional; con normas, principios y procedimientos; y con técnicas e instrumentos para ordenar las actividades del sector público y con miras a su optimización. Se planteó una investigación de carácter descriptivo para conocer el impacto de la transformación digital en la salud tropical del Perú. Para ello se determinaron el impacto en la gestión de datos, gobernanza, e intercambio de conocimiento e innovación digital de 4 enfermedades metaxénicas y 3 zoonóticas seleccionadas a partir del análisis de los distintos componentes de la sala virtual de situación de salud del Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Prevención y Control de Enfermedades del Perú. Los datos fueron analizados bajo el Sistema de Información para la Salud (IS4H) de la OPS que permitió valorar la interoperabilidad de los procesos relacionados con la categorización de estas nosologías. Para todos los factores evaluados: gestión de datos, innovación, gestión y gobernanza y gestión e intercambio de conocimiento, los resultados, en general, estuvieron alrededor de la media (3 puntos, en una escala del 1 al 5), siendo el valor más alto (3,3 puntos) para la gestión y gobernanza, y el valor más bajo (2,7 puntos) para la innovación. Se necesita un enfoque más holístico en la salud pública para asegurarse de que se proporcione una respuesta eficaz frente a las enfermedades tropicales. Si los sistemas de salud se colocan en el medio de la acción, esto permitiría tener mayores posibilidades de hacer frente a estas enfermedades mediante el uso adecuado de las herramientas modernas que logren complementar el enfoque tradiciona(AU)

Digital Transformation (TD) is a whole process that seeks to optimize the user-organization relationship, thus improving processes and performance. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020, when it was necessary to accelerate the inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to continue offering health services, the Peruvian DT system was established as a functional system; with norms, principles and procedures; and with techniques and instruments to order the activities of the public sector and with a view to their optimization. A descriptive investigation was proposed to know the impact of digital transformation on tropical health in Peru. For this, the impact on data management, governance, and exchange of knowledge and digital innovation of 4 metaxenic and 3 zoonotic diseases selected from the analysis of the different components of the virtual health situation room of Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Prevención y Control de Enfermedades of Peru. The data were analyzed under PAHO's Information System for Health (IS4H), which made it possible to assess the interoperability of the processes related to the categorization of these nosologies. For all the factors evaluated: data management, innovation, management and governance, and knowledge management and exchange, the results, in general, were around the average (3 points, on a scale from 1 to 5), with the highest value being highest (3.3 points) for management and governance, and the lowest value (2.7 points) for innovation. A more holistic approach to public health is needed to ensure that an effective response to tropical diseases is provided. If health systems are placed in the middle of the action, this would allow them to have greater possibilities of dealing with these diseases through the appropriate use of modern tools that manage to complement the traditional approach(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Tropical Medicine , Health Systems , Telemedicine , Information Technology , Zoonoses , Epidemiology , Information Dissemination , Internet Access
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(3): 573-582, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1397755


El enfoque por competencias se ha venido aplicando en todo el sector educativo, y ha tomado el rumbo universitario donde ha pisado fuertemente. Esto se debe a las ofertas de trabajo en donde las competencias son de carácter esencial. El enfoque por competencia ha logrado reorientar la formación profesional desde la elaboración de los perfiles de ingreso, de egreso, diseños curriculares, estrategias metodológicas y sistema de evaluación que son distintos a los enfoques tradicionales. Es por ello que, la gerencia online se perfila como herramienta novedosa que podría la problemática de la presencialidad en estos tiempos coyunturales que se vive, no solamente por efectos de pandemias, como el coronavirus, sino también por la dinámica de la sociedad actual. Como la gestión de la educación es una realidad que requiere de competencias, entonces se estaría hablando de las competencias digitales, para poder asumir el reto y la realidad de poder gerenciar de manera virtual u online. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de las competencias primarias unidas hoy en día con las competencias digitales ha hecho que ciertas disciplinas científicas hayan logrado avances significativos, y una de ellas son las enfermedades epidemiológicas asociadas a las enfermedades tropicales. En este trabajo se establecen y asignas las competencias necesarias para enfrentar las enfermedades infecciosas tropicales, y además se evalúa el efecto de la gerencia online en este mismo sector. Los resultados demostraron que el sistema peruano se encuentra preparado para estos nuevos retos, y se acepta la participación de las nuevas tecnologías digitales(AU)

The competency-based approach has been applied throughout the educational sector, and has taken the university course where it has stepped strongly. This is due to job offers where skills are essential. The competency-based approach has managed to reorient professional training from the preparation of entry and exit profiles, curricular designs, methodological strategies and evaluation systems that are different from traditional approaches. That is why online management is emerging as a novel tool that could address the problem of attendance in these current times, not only due to the effects of pandemics, such as the coronavirus, but also due to the dynamics of today's society. As the management of education is a reality that requires skills, then we would be talking about digital skills, to be able to take on the challenge and the reality of being able to manage virtually or online. On the other hand, the development of primary skills combined today with digital skills has meant that certain scientific disciplines have made significant progress, and one of them is the epidemiological diseases associated with tropical diseases. In this work, the necessary skills to face tropical infectious diseases are established and assigned, and the effect of online management in this same sector is also evaluated. The results showed that the Peruvian system is prepared for these new challenges, and the participation of new digital technologies is accepted(AU)

Tropical Medicine , Universities , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Professional Training , Public Health , Epidemiology , Competency-Based Education , Education, Distance
RECIIS (Online) ; 15(4): 808-823, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343982


O presente estudo objetivou analisar a produção científica brasileira sobre a doença de Chagas a partir de publicações indexadas na base de dados Web of Science. Foram coletados e analisados os dados de 1.008 publicações no período entre 2006 e 2020. A interpretação dos dados permitiu identificar um expressivo crescimento da produção científica brasileira sobre a doença de Chagas e a abrangência da temática em periódicos internacionais. Contudo, há um enfoque nas áreas biomédicas do conhecimento com destaque para a Parasitologia e um diminuto número de investigações direcionadas às áreas da Saúde Pública, Ciências Sociais e Farmacêuticas. A bibliometria desvelou as lacunas ainda existentes na produção nacional e a necessidade de fortalecimento de políticas direcionadas a editais de pesquisa no país.

The present study aimed to analyze the Brazilian scientific production on Chagas disease from publications indexed in the Web of Science database. Data from 1,008 articles published between 2006 and 2020 were collected and analyzed. The interpretation of the data allowed the identification of an expressive growth of Brazilian scientific production on Chagas disease and comprehensiveness of the theme in international journals. However, there is a focus on the biomedical areas of knowledge with emphasis on Parasitology and a small number of investigations directed to the areas of Public Health, Social Sciences and Pharmaceuticals. The bibliometry revealed the gaps that still exist in the national production and the need to strengthen policies directed to research edicts in the country.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la producción científica brasileña sobre la enfermedad de Chagas, a partir de las publicaciones indexadas en la base de datos Web of Science. Se recogieron y analizaron los datos de 1.008 artículos publicados entre 2006 y 2020. La interpretación de los datos permitió identificar un crecimiento expresivo de la producción científica brasileña sobre la enfermedad de Chagas y la amplitud del tema en las revistas internacionales. Sin embargo, hay un enfoque en las áreas biomédicas del conocimiento con énfasis en la Parasitología y un pequeño número de investigaciones dirigidas a las áreas de Salud Pública, Ciencias Sociales y Farmacéutica. La bibliometría reveló las lagunas que aún existen en la producción nacional y la necesidad de fortalecer las políticas dirigidas a los edictos de investigación en el país.

Humans , Brazil , Bibliometrics , Chagas Disease , Scientific and Technical Activities , Neglected Diseases , Parasitology , Tropical Medicine , Data Analysis
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 41(supl.2): 37-47, oct. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355758


Resumen | La minería ha tenido una gran influencia en las sociedades humanas, permeando por igual las riquezas del suelo y la cultura, lo que ha tenido profundas implicaciones para los individuos dedicados a esta labor y para los lugares en los que se lleva a cabo. En el presente artículo, se describen las características socioculturales y de sanidad, así como las enfermedades más frecuentes en las minas de oro de Marmato (Caldas) durante el siglo XIX. Las precarias condiciones de salubridad y las enfermedades tropicales infecciosas persistieron en la población durante todo el siglo.

Abstract | Mining has had a great influence on human societies permeating the riches of the soil and culture in equal proportion. This has led to profound changes in the individuals dedicated to this work and the locations where it takes place. In this historical review, we describe the socio-cultural and health characteristics, as well as the diseases associated with gold mining in Marmato (Caldas) during the 19th century. Poor salubrity conditions and tropical and infectious diseases were constant during the whole century.

Environmental Salubrity , History , Tropical Medicine , Mining , Occupational Diseases
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 81(5): 808-816, oct. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351055


Resumen Las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETD) constituyen un conjunto de afecciones altamente prevalentes en regiones tropicales y subtropicales, asociadas a pobreza y subdesarrollo. Constituyen una verdadera crisis sanitaria, incapacitando y llevando a la muerte a millones de personas anualmente. Esto se ve potenciado por las dificultades socioeconómicas que cursan estos países, mayormente en vías de desa rrollo, lo cual repercute en la calidad de la asistencia sanitaria que pueden proveer a la población. La morbilidad de estas enfermedades se explica por la amplia afectación orgánica que generan. El aparato cardiovascular resulta particularmente afectado, lo que explica en gran medida la morbimortalidad de las ETD. En el presente artículo se revisan los aspectos fundamentales de un proyecto llevado a cabo por los Líderes Emergentes de la Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología (SIAC), cubriendo diferentes aspectos del impacto sobre el aparato cardiovascular de las ETD: el Proyecto NET-Heart (del inglés, Neglected Tropical Diseases and other Infectious Diseases Affecting the Heart).

Abstract Neglected tropical diseases (NTD) are a group of diseases with high prevalence in tropical and subtropi cal countries. They are associated to poverty and underdevelopment. Due to its high morbimortality, these conditions are considered a health crisis. The impact of these diseases can be worsened by the poor socioeconomic status of the affected countries, most of them under-developed, which affects the health care provided to patients. The morbidity of these diseases is explained by the wide organic impairment that they produce. The cardiovascular system is par ticularly affected, which explains the high morbimortality of NTD. In this article, we review the key issues of a project elaborated by Emerging Leaders of the Interamerican Society of Cardiology (SIAC), about the cardiovascular impact of NTD: the NET-Heart Project (Neglected Tropical Diseases and other Infectious Diseases affecting the Heart).

Humans , Tropical Medicine , Cardiovascular System , Neglected Diseases/epidemiology
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 7(2): 97-106, abr.-jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391585


El objetivo de este artículo de revisión narrativa fue generar un documento de consulta con la información actualizada existente respecto a la Enfermedad de Chagas. La enfermedad de Chagas causada por el protozoo Trypanosoma cruzi, es identificado en la primera década del siglo XX. Seguida a la infección aguda, se puede desarrollar una enfermedad crónica. Hasta en el 30-40% de los casos se caracteriza por miocardiopatía, arritmias y megavísceras. La progresión a la miocardiopatía es devastadoramente rápida y se manifiesta con insuficiencia cardíaca y muerte súbita. Hoy continúa siendo un importante problema de salud pública, no sólo en países endémicos, como consecuencia de la movilidad poblacional entre Latino América, y otros países del mundo.

The objective of this narrative review article was to generate a consultation document with the existing updated information regarding Chagas disease. Chagas disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is identified in the first decade of the 20th century. Following acute infection, a chronic disease can develop. In up to 30-40% of cases it is characterized by cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, and mega viscera. The progression to cardiomyopathy is devastatingly rapid, manifesting with heart failure and sudden death. Today it continues to be an important public health problem, not only in endemic countries, as a consequence of population mobility between Latin America and other countries in the world.

Humans , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Chagas Disease/history , Chagas Disease/prevention & control , Tropical Medicine , Trypanosoma cruzi , Chagas Disease/therapy
Más Vita ; 3(1): 7-17, mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1253304


Uno de los principales problemas de los países tropicales son las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores. Entre ellas tenemos el dengue, zika y chikungunya, cuyo vector es un mosquito el Aedes aegyptiy Aedes albopictus. En el Ecuador, el dengue representa un problema prioritario en salud pública, desde el repunte del dengue en 1988 ha presentado varios ciclos epidémicos. Objetivo: Por lo anteriormente expuesto, se establece como objetivo de la investigación, caracterizar el brote de dengue que se presentó en el período Enero ­Febrero del año 2019, en barrios de la parroquia Esmeraldas, para evidenciar cuáles factores siguen recurrentes en la zona. Materiales y métodos: La investigación fue cuantitativa de corte transversal, descriptiva. La muestra fue no probabilística, los pacientes se presentaron de manera espontánea, se tomaron en cuenta variables como la edad, ocupación, síntomas, automedicación, tipo de medicamentos auto indicados, reinfección, viaje a zonas endémicas y condición de la vivienda. Las muestras fueron analizadas mediante prueba rápida Wondfo Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma test para NSI, IgG y IgM; en las instalaciones de la Escuela de Laboratorio Clínico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador (PUCESE). Los datos fueron procesados en Excel y analizados mediante el programa estadístico SPSS. Resultados: Los resultados que se obtuvieron permitieron caracterizar este brote relacionando las distintas variables, encontrando que en la mayoría de los casos es DSSA, dengue sin síntomas alarma y que no distingue edad, sexo, ni ocupación en el contagio. También, se encontró que las personas se automedican, en su mayoría, tratándose con paracetamol cuando los síntomas leves permanecen más de 5 días y no acuden al médico. Conclusión: Estos resultados nos permitieron concluir que este brote no presentó ninguna característica relevante que lo diferencie de los anteriores y que los factores y causas se mantienen, las personas desconocen las causas y prevención del contagio con el virus(AU)

One of the main problem in tropical countries is vector-borne diseases. Among them, we have Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, whose vector is a mosquito Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. In Ecuador, dengue represents a priority problem in public health, since the dengue rebound in 1988 has presented several epidemic cycles. Objective: For the above reasons, the objective of the research is to characterize the outbreak of dengue that occurred in the period January-February 2019, in neighborhoods of the parish of Esmeraldas, to show which factors are still recurrent in the area. Materials and methods: The research was quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive. The sample was non-probabilistic, patients presented spontaneously, variables such as age, occupation, symptoms, self-medication, the type of self-prescribed medication, reinfection, travel to endemic areas and housing conditions were taken into account. Samples were analyzed by Wondfo Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma rapid test for NSI, IgG and IgM; at the facilities of the Clinical Laboratory School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador (PUCESE). Data were processed in Excel and analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The results: The results obtained allowed us to characterize this outbreak by relating the different variables, finding that in most cases it is DSSA, dengue without alarm symptoms and that it does not distinguish between age, sex or occupation in the contagion. It was also found that most people self-medicate, treating themselves with paracetamol when mild symptoms last more than 5 days and do not go to the doctor. Conclusion: These results allowed us to conclude that this outbreak did not present any relevant characteristic that differentiates it from previous outbreaks and that the factors and causes remain the same, people are unaware of the causes and prevention of infection with the virus(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Tropical Medicine , Communicable Diseases , Endemic Diseases , Dengue/epidemiology , Arboviruses , Public Health , Aedes
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(1): 283-292, mar. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154320


Abstract This work focuses on the scientific research conducted by women at Portugal's Institute of Tropical Medicine between 1943 and 1966. The Institute's scientific journal documents the participation of women in tropical medicine during this period. Their publications addressed a variety of subjects and resulted from research carried out in the metropolis as well as Portugal's overseas colonies. Most of the articles written by these women were are co-authored by their male colleagues, reflecting the incorporation of female researchers into scientific networks already established by men. This work in progress provides a starting point to lend visibility to a group of scientific actors who are practically absent from the historiography of tropical medicine.

Resumo O foco deste trabalho é a pesquisa científica realizada por mulheres no Instituto de Medicina Tropical, em Portugal, entre 1943 e 1966. O periódico científico do Instituto documenta a participação das mulheres na medicina tropical nesse período. Suas publicações abordavam uma diversidade de temas e resultaram de pesquisas realizadas na metrópole, bem como nas colônias ultramarinas de Portugal. A maioria dos artigos escritos por mulheres contava com a coautoria de seus colegas homens, refletindo a incorporação de pesquisadoras às redes científicas já estabelecidas por homens. Este trabalho em andamento representa um ponto de partida para dar visibilidade a um grupo de atores científicos que está praticamente ausente da historiografia da medicina tropical.

Humans , Female , History, 20th Century , Tropical Medicine/history , Women/history , Biomedical Research/history , Academies and Institutes/history , Periodicals as Topic/history , Portugal , Science/history
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2021. 126 p. tab.
Thesis in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378785


Leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease (NTD), is a set of diseases caused by obligatory parasitic protozoa of the genus Leishmania. And it has cutaneous and visceral eishmaniasis as its main forms. Treatment includes pentavalent antimonials. These drugs have several disadvantages, such as the need for parenteral administration, use of high dosages, long duration of treatment, severe toxicity, resistance and variable efficacy. The candidate for hydroxymethylnitrofural drug (NFOH), a prodrug derived from nitrofural, showed high activity in cell cultures infected with Trypanosoma cruzi and less toxicity when compared to nitrofural. Due to its low solubility in water and reduced bioavailability, NFOH has failed the in vivo efficacy tests. Nanostructured drug delivery systems have the potential to overcome these challenges due to their evident advantages: greater therapeutic efficacy, less toxicity, modified drug release and increased gastrointestinal absorption of drugs with low water solubility. The objective of this project will be the preparation and evaluation of the physicochemical characteristics of a nanostructured lipid carrier containing hydroxymethylnitrofural (NLC-NFOH). The NFOH showed the highest solubility in Miglyol® 840 among the tested liquid lipids. For solid lipids, Gelucire® 50/13 and Precirol® ATO5 proved to be more suitable for the solubilization of NFOH. The optimized NLC-NFOH consisted of these three lipids. These lipids were selected using a quick Technobis Crystal 16TM methodology, microscopy and DSC. Different lipid selection tools provided scientific knowledge relevant to the development of NLC. The NLC-NFOH had an average z of 198.6 ± 5.4 nm, a PDI of 0.11 ± 0.01 and a zeta potential of -13.7 ± 0.7 mV. This study allowed a design space development approach of the first NLC-NFOH with the potential to treat leishmaniasis orally. The development of a sensitive bioanalytical method using HPLC and evaluation of some analytical figures of merit for the validation allowed the quantification of NFOH and NF. The bioanalytical method for analysis of NFOH and NF use Zorbax SB-C18, 5µm, (4.6x250mm) HPLC column. The mobile phase was consisted of acetonitrile:water (20:80 v/v) with flow rate of 1.2 ml/min, at UV detection of 370 nm. The linearity of NFOH and NF was found in the range 0.0253.0 µg/ml with a correlation coefficient of r > 0.98. The precision was 2.44 to 13.77% for NFOH and 2.61 to 18.42%; the accuracy was 2.66 to 14.28% for NFOH and 2.09 to 19.06% for NF. The method showed to be suitable for effectively evaluation of NFOH is serum. NLC-NFOH (2.8 mg/kg) was administered to animals by gavage, and the blocking flow of the chylomicrons model was performed with an intraperitoneal injection of cycloheximide. The presence of NFOH in serum was evaluated with and without cycloheximide. The cytotoxicity assay of NLC-NFOH and blank-NLC showed more than 90% viable cells at the maximum concentration used (2560 µM). NFOH and NF were detected at 1h after the gavage of DMSO-NFOH or NLC-NFOH, without the pretreatment with cycloheximide. The concentration found for DMSO-NFOH and NLC-NFOH were 0.0316 and 0.0291 µg/mL, respectively. The NLC presented the NFOH absorption by the lymphatic system, demonstrated by blocking chylomicrons flow

A leishmaniose, uma doença tropical negligenciada (DTN), é um conjunto de doenças causadas por protozoários parasitas obrigatórios do gênero Leishmania. E tem como formas principais a leishmaniose cutânea e visceral. O tratamento inclui antimoniais pentavalentes. Esses fármacos apresentam várias desvantagens, como necessidade de administração parenteral, uso de altas dosagens, longa duração do tratamento, toxicidade grave, resistência e eficácia variável. O candidato ao fármaco hidroximetilnitrofural (NFOH), um pró-fármaco derivado do nitrofural, apresentou alta atividade em culturas de células infectadas pelo Trypanosoma cruzi e menor toxicidade quando comparado ao nitrofural. Devido à sua baixa solubilidade em água e biodisponibilidade reduzida, o NFOH falhou nos testes de eficácia in vivo. Os sistemas nanoestruturados de liberação de fármacos têm potencial para superar esses desafios devido às suas vantagens evidentes: maior eficácia terapêutica, menor toxicidade, liberação modificada do fármaco e aumento da absorção gastrointestinal de fármacos com baixa solubilidade em água. O objetivo deste projeto será a preparação e avaliação das características físico-químicas de um carreador lipídico nanoestruturado contendo hidroximetilnitrofural (NLC-NFOH). O NFOH apresentou a maior solubilidade no Miglyol® 840 entre os lipídios líquidos testados. Para lipídios sólidos, Gelucire® 50/13 e Precirol® ATO5 se mostraram mais adequados para a solubilização de NFOH. O NLC-NFOH otimizado consistiu desses três lipídios. Esses lipídios foram selecionados usando Technobis Crystal 16TM, microscopia e DSC. Diferentes ferramentas de seleção de lipídios forneceram conhecimento científico relevante para o desenvolvimento de NLC. O NLC-NFOH teve z-average de 198,6 ± 5,4 nm, PDI de 0,11 ± 0,01 e potencial zeta de -13,7 ± 0,7 mV. Este estudo permitiu o desenvolvimento por abordagem de Design Space do primeiro NLC-NFOH com potencial para tratar a leishmaniose por via oral. O desenvolvimento de um VIII método bioanalítico sensível utilizando HPLC e a avaliação de algumas figuras analíticas de mérito para a validação permitiram a quantificação de NFOH e NF em soro. O método bioanalítico para análise de NFOH e NF usou coluna de HPLC Zorbax SB-C18, 5 µm, (4,6 x 250 mm). A fase móvel foi constituída por acetonitrila: água (20:80 v / v) com vazão de 1,2 ml / min, com detecção no UV de 370 nm. A linearidade de NFOH e NF foi encontrada na faixa de 0,0253,0 µg / ml com um coeficiente de correlação de r> 0,98. A precisão foi de 2,44 a 13,77% para NFOH e 2,61 a 18,42%; a precisão foi de 2,66 a 14,28% para NFOH e 2,09 a 19,06% para NF. O método mostrou-se adequado para avaliação efetiva do NFOH no soro. NLC-NFOH (2,8 mg / kg) foi administrado aos animais por gavagem, e o modelo de bloqueio do fluxo de quilomícrons foi realizado com injeção intraperitoneal de cicloheximida. A presença de NFOH no soro foi avaliada com e sem cicloheximida. O ensaio de citotoxicidade de NLC-NFOH e brancoNLC mostrou mais de 90% de células viáveis na concentração máxima utilizada (2560 µM). NFOH e NF foram detectados 1h após a gavagem de DMSO-NFOH ou NLC-NFOH, sem o pré-tratamento com cicloheximida. As concentrações encontradas para DMSO-NFOH e NLC-NFOH foram 0,0316 e 0,0291 µg / mL, respectivamente. O NLC apresentou a absorção do NFOH pelo sistema linfático, demonstrada pelo bloqueio do fluxo dos quilomícrons

Leishmaniasis/pathology , Chemistry, Physical/classification , Administration, Oral , Tropical Medicine/classification , In Vitro Techniques/instrumentation , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Cell Culture Techniques/instrumentation , Methodology as a Subject , Drug Liberation/drug effects , Gastrointestinal Absorption/drug effects , Lymphatic System
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(4): 1097-1124, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142981


Abstract This review presents the 100-year history of the Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine in Moscow, Russia, starting with its foundation and early activities, and also describes the impact of its leading scientists, some of whom became internationally known. The institute headed a network of nine tropical institutes in the various Soviet republics from the 1920s to 1990. The extensive body of literature on the history and research accomplishments of this institute has mainly been published in Russian; our goal here is to introduce these achievements and this expertise to the international scientific and medical community, focusing on malaria and leishmaniasis and the development of measures to control and monitor these diseases in the USSR.

Resumo O artigo analisa a história centenária do Instituto Martsinovsky de Parasitologia Médica e Medicina Tropical em Moscou, Rússia, desde sua fundação e primeiras atividades, e descreve a influência de seus principais cientistas, alguns dos quais viriam a conquistar renome internacional. O instituto liderou uma rede de nove institutos tropicais em diversas repúblicas soviéticas entre as décadas de 1920 e 1990. A vasta literatura sobre o trabalho de história e pesquisa desse instituto foi publicada sobretudo em russo; nosso objetivo aqui é apresentar esse trabalho e conhecimento à comunidade médica e científica internacional, concentrando-se na malária e na leishmaniose e no avanço de medidas de controle e monitoramento dessas doenças na URSS.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Tropical Medicine/history , Leishmaniasis/history , Biomedical Research/history , Academies and Institutes/history , Malaria/history , Parasitology/education , Parasitology/history , USSR , Moscow
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(4): 1125-1147, Oct.-Dec. 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142987


Resumo No início do século XX, alguns médicos portugueses foram à África estudar a chamada doença do sono. Entre eles estava Ayres Kopke, membro da primeira missão médica à África Ocidental Portuguesa. De regresso a Lisboa, o professor da Escola de Medicina Tropical continuou suas pesquisas, inclusive por meio da observação de doentes trazidos para a metrópole. Desde 1903, as repartições de saúde nas colônias estavam incumbidas de enviar doentes com determinadas patologias exóticas para o Hospital Colonial de Lisboa. Com base em documentos desse hospital, incluindo fotografias dos doentes, então chamados de hipnóticos, o artigo aborda a importância das experiências com humanos na metrópole para o avanço da medicina tropical durante o colonialismo.

Abstract At the start of the twentieth century, some Portuguese physicians traveled to Africa to study sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis). One was Ayres Kopke, a member of the first medical mission to Portuguese West Africa and professor at the School of Tropical Medicine. After returning to Lisbon, Kopke continued his research, which included observation of patients brought to the metropolis. Starting in 1903, health departments in the colonies were responsible for sending patients with certain exotic diseases to the Colonial Hospital of Lisbon. Based on documents from this hospital including photographs of patients (who at that time were called "hypnotics"), this article discusses the importance of human experiments in Lisbon for advances in tropical medicine during the colonial period.

Humans , Male , Female , History, 20th Century , Tropical Medicine/history , Trypanosomiasis, African/history , Colonialism/history , Medical Missions/history , Portugal , Africa, Western , Hospitals/history , Human Experimentation/history
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(supl.1): 95-122, Sept. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134089


Abstract The first autochthonous cases of cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in the Americas were described in 1909, but visceral leishmaniasis only erupted as a public health problem in the region in 1934. Today Brazil is the country with the most cases of American tegumentary leishmaniasis, and alongside India has the highest incidence of visceral leishmaniasis. Knowledge production and efforts to control these diseases have mobilized health professionals, government agencies and institutions, international agencies, and rural and urban populations. My research addresses the exchange and cooperation networks they established, and uncertainties and controversial aspects when notable changes were made in the approach to the New World leishmaniases.

Resumo Os primeiros casos de leishmaniose cutânea e mucocutânea autóctones das Américas foram descritos em 1909, e em 1934 a leishmaniose visceral irrompeu como problema de saúde pública na região. O Brasil tem hoje o maior número de casos da leishmaniose tegumentar americana e, junto com a Índia, a mais elevada incidência de leishmaniose visceral. A produção de conhecimentos e os esforços para controlar essas doenças mobilizaram, em nível global, profissionais de saúde, populações urbanas e rurais, instituições governamentais e agências internacionais. Recuperam-se aqui alguns desses agrupamentos, redes de troca e cooperação, incertezas e polêmicas, identificando-se mudanças na abordagem das leishmanioses do Novo Mundo.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Public Health/history , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/history , Leishmania , Tropical Medicine/history , Americas/epidemiology , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/parasitology , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/prevention & control , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/epidemiology