Diabetic ulcer(DU) is a chronic and refractory ulcer which often occurs in the foot or lower limbs. It is a diabetic complication with high morbidity and mortality. The pathogenesis of DU is complex, and the therapies(such as debridement, flap transplantation, and application of antibiotics) are also complex and have long cycles. DU patients suffer from great economic and psychological pressure while enduring pain. Therefore, it is particularly important to promote rapid wound healing, reduce disability and mortality, protect limb function, and improve the quality of life of DU patients. By reviewing the relevant literatures, we have found that autophagy can remove DU wound pathogens, reduce wound inflammation, and accelerate ulcer wound healing and tissue repair. The main autophagy-related factors microtubule-binding light chain protein 3(LC3), autophagy-specific gene Beclin-1, and ubiquitin-binding protein p62 mediate autophagy. The traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) treatment of DU mitigates clinical symptoms, accelerates ulcer wound healing, reduces ulcer recurrence, and delays further deterioration of DU. Furthermore, under the guidance of syndrome differentiation and treatment and the overall concept, TCM treatment harmonizes yin and yang, ameliorates TCM syndrome, and treats underlying diseases, thereby curing DU from the root. Therefore, this article reviews the role of autophagy and major related factors LC3, Beclin-1, and p62 in the healing of DU wounds and the intervention of TCM, aiming to provide reference for the clinical treatment of DU wounds and subsequent in-depth studies.
Humans , Ulcer/therapy , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Beclin-1 , Quality of Life , Wound Healing , Diabetes Complications , Autophagy , Diabetic Foot/drug therapy , Diabetes Mellitus/geneticsABSTRACT
Background:Lumbar sympathectomy through radio ablation is a useful treatment of peripheral ischemia. However, clinical efficacy with respect to lower limb ulcers is not adequately established in the Indian population. The study was conducted to evaluate the role of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the lumbar sympathetic ganglia in healing of ischemic ulcers of the lower limb.Method:The prospective study with 63 patients registered in the General surgery department with lower limb ischemic ulcers between December 2017 July2019 were treated with RFA. Patients with cardiopulmonary disease, pregnant, congenital malformation, or skin infection at the site of intervention, or suffering from bleeding disorders, were excluded from the study. Clinical investigation of the wound was performed, and demographic data was collected. Comparative reduction in wound size was assessed through Friedman`s ANOVA (P<0.001). Difference in pain score, hospital stay, and walking distance were evaluated using Wilcoxon matched pair test (P<0.001), Unpaired t-test, and Paired t-test (P<0.05).Result:Majority of the patients were male (n=40) with a mean age of 60.93 SD14.34 years. Significant reduction in wound size, pain scores and hospital stay were observed post procedure(P<0.001). Number of RFA sessions was significantly associated with the size of the ulcer and Fontaine's classification 2 and 3 (P<0.0001).Conclusion:RFA of lumbar sympathetic ganglia is a potential treatment modality for lower limb ischemic ulcers.
Antecedentes: La simpatectomía lumbar a través de la ablación por radiofrecuencia es un tratamiento útil de la isquemia periférica. Sin embargo, la eficacia clínica con respecto a las úlceras en las extremidades inferiores no está adecuadamente establecida en la población india. El estudio se llevó a cabo para evaluar el papel de la ablación por radiofrecuencia (RFA) de los ganglios simpáticos lumbares en la curación de las úlceras isquémicas de la extremidad inferior. Método: El estudio prospectivo con 63 pacientes registrados en el departamento de cirugía general con úlceras isquémicas de las extremidades inferiores entre diciembre de 2017 y julio de 2019 fueron tratados con RFA. Los pacientes con enfermedad cardiopulmonar, malformación embarazada, congénita o infección de la piel en el lugar de la intervención, o que sufren de trastornos hemorrágicos, fueron excluidos del estudio. Se realizó una investigación clínica de la herida y se recopilaron datos demográficos. La reducción comparativa en el tamaño de la herida se evaluó a través del ANOVA de Friedman (P<0.001).Resultado: La diferencia en la puntuación del dolor, la estancia en el hospital y la distancia a pie se evaluaron mediante la prueba de par coincidente de Wilcoxon (P<0.001), la prueba t no emparejada y la prueba t emparejada (P<0.05). La mayoría de los pacientes eran varones (n-40) con una edad media de 60,93 SD14,34 años. Se observó una reducción significativa en el tamaño de la herida, las puntuaciones de dolor y la estancia hospitalaria (P<0.001). El número de sesiones de RFA se asoció significativamente con el tamaño de la úlcera y las clasificaciones 2 y 3 de Fontaine (P<0.0001).Conclusión: LA RFA de los ganglios simpáticos lumbares puede constituir una opción terapéutica para las úlceras isquémicas de las extremidades inferiores.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Ulcer/therapy , Lower Extremity , Radiofrequency Ablation/methods , Ganglia, Sympathetic , Ischemia/therapy , Prospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , IndiaSubject(s)
Humans , Physical Therapy Modalities , Abstracts , Physical Therapists , Arteriosclerosis , Asthma/epidemiology , Sleep , Snake Bites , Tobacco Use Disorder , Ulcer/therapy , Ultrasonic Therapy , Health Profile , Blood Donors , Bone Neoplasms/epidemiology , Breast/injuries , Exercise , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/blood , Fibromyalgia , HIV Infections , Uterine Prolapse/mortality , Toxoplasmosis, Cerebral , Musculoskeletal Diseases , Fractures, Comminuted/therapy , Stroke/epidemiology , Heel Spur , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Neonatal Sepsis , Cellulite , COVID-19 , COVID-19/complications , ObesityABSTRACT
Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar conceitos e práticas clínicas recomendados para a abordagem da pessoa com vida sexual ativa. Esses conceitos são parte integrante das recomendações do Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas para Atenção Integral às Pessoas com Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST) publicado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil em 2020. O artigo propõe uma abordagem abrangente da sexualidade para promoção da saúde e apresenta aspectos importantes do processo de comunicação, que deve ocorrer de forma clara, sem preconceitos ou juízos de valor, com foco na saúde sexual e reprodutiva. Destacam-se pontos relevantes acerca do exercício da sexualidade em fases específicas da vida, recomendando avaliação dos riscos e vulnerabilidades, bem como o rastreamento de IST e o uso de preservativos. Dessa maneira, é possível contribuir para que as pessoas possam exercer sua sexualidade de forma plena, responsável e segura.
This article aims to present concepts and clinical practices recommended to approach people with an active sex life. These concepts are an integral part of the recommendations of the Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines for Comprehensive Care for People with Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), published by the Ministry of Health of Brazil in 2020.The article proposes a comprehensive approach to sexuality for health promotion and presents important aspects of the communication process that must develop clearly, without prejudice and judgment, with a focus on sexual and reproductive health. It also highlights relevant points about the exercise of sexuality at specific stages of life, recommending assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, as well as screening for STI and condom use. In this way, it is possible to contribute so that people can exercise their sexuality fully, responsibly and safely.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los conceptos y las prácticas clínicas recomendados para un abordaje de la persona con una vida sexual activa. Estos conceptos son parte de las recomendaciones contenidas en el Protocolo Clínico y Directrices Terapéuticas para la Atención Integral a Personas con Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS), publicado por el Ministerio de Salud de Brasil en 2020. El artículo propone un abordaje amplio de la sexualidad para la promoción de la salud. Presenta aspectos importantes del proceso de comunicación, que debe ocurrir con claridad, sin prejuicios y juicios de valor, con un enfoque en la salud sexual y reproductiva. Destaca puntos relevantes sobre el ejercicio de la sexualidad en etapas específicas de la vida, recomendando evaluación de riesgos y vulnerabilidades, así como el rastreo de ITS y el uso de preservativos. De esta forma, es posible contribuir para que las personas puedan ejercer su sexualidad de manera plena, responsable y segura.
Humans , Male , Female , Ulcer/therapy , Chancroid/therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Genitalia/pathology , Brazil/epidemiology , Herpes Genitalis/therapy , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/therapy , Syphilis/therapy , Clinical Protocols , Granuloma Inguinale/therapyABSTRACT
As infecções que causam úlcera genital são um dos temas que compõem o Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas para Atenção Integral às Pessoas com Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis, publicado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil em 2020. Tal documento foi elaborado com base em evidências científicas e validado em discussões com especialistas. Este artigo aborda a síndrome clínica de úlcera genital causada por infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e seus agentes etiológicos mais comuns: Treponema pallidum (sífilis), vírus herpes simples 2 (herpes genital) e vírus herpes simples 1 (herpes perioral), Haemophilus ducreyi (cancroide), Chlamydia trachomatis sorotipos L1, L2 e L3 (linfogranuloma venéreo) e Klebsiella granulomatis (donovanose). São apresentados aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos dessas infecções, bem como orientações para seu diagnóstico e tratamento, além de estratégias para as ações de vigilância, prevenção e controle, com a finalidade de subsidiar gestores e profissionais de saúde na qualificação da assistência.
Infections that cause genital ulcers are one of the themes comprising the Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines for Comprehensive Care for People with Sexually Transmitted Infections, published by the Brazilian Ministry of Health in 2020. The Protocol and Guidelines have been developed based on scientific evidence and validated in discussions with specialists. This article addresses clinical genital ulcer syndrome caused by sexually transmitted infections, and its most common etiological agents: Treponema pallidum (syphilis), herpes simplex virus-2 (genital herpes) and herpes simplex virus-1 (perioral herpes), Haemophilus ducreyi (chancroid), Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes L1, L2 and L3 (venereal lymphogranuloma), and Klebsiella granulomatis (donovanosis). Epidemiological and clinical aspects of these infections are presented, as well as guidelines for their diagnosis and treatment, in addition to strategies for surveillance, prevention and control actions, with the purpose of supporting health managers and professionals in the qualification of care.
El tema de las infecciones que causan úlcera genital hace parte del Protocolo Clínico y Directrices Terapéuticas para Atención Integral a las Personas con Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual, publicado por el Ministerio de Salud de Brasil en 2020. Dicho documento fue elaborado con base en evidencias científicas y validado en discusiones con especialistas. Este artículo trata del síndrome de úlcera genital clínica provocada por infecciones de transmisión sexual, con sus agentes etiológicos más comunes: Treponema pallidum (sífilis), virus del herpes simple-1 (herpes genital) y virus del herpes simple-2 (herpes perioral), Haemophilus ducreyi (chancro blando), Chlamydia trachomatis, serotipos L1, L2 y L3 (linfogranuloma venéreo), y Klebsiella granulomatis (donovanosis). Se presentan aspectos epidemiológicos y clínicos de esas infecciones, bien como pautas para su diagnóstico y tratamiento, además de estrategias para acciones de monitoreo epidemiológico, prevención y control, a fin de contribuir con gestores y personal de salud en la cualificación de la asistencia.
Humans , Male , Female , Ulcer/therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Viral/epidemiology , Chancroid/therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/therapy , Genitalia/pathology , Brazil/epidemiology , Herpes Genitalis/therapy , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/therapy , Syphilis/therapy , Clinical Protocols , Granuloma Inguinale/therapyABSTRACT
Introducción: Las úlceras flebostáticas son de difícil curación, no existe un tratamiento único y efectivo, por lo que hay que combinarlos en un mismo paciente. Objetivo: Identificar los tratamientos utilizados en los pacientes ingresados por úlceras flebostáticas y la relación entre el tiempo de estadía hospitalaria, el tratamiento recibido y el estado de las úlceras al egreso hospitalario. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo ambispectivo en 121 ingresos hospitalario con el diagnóstico de úlceras flebostáticas. Las variables de estudio fueron: tratamientos recibidos, estado de la lesión al egreso y estadía hospitalaria. Se asociaron las variables entre sí utilizando la prueba Ji-cuadrada no paramétrica para variables independientes. Resultados: En los 121 ingresos se realizó tratamiento convencional, el 93,4 por ciento recibió antibióticos; el 60,3 po ciento tratamiento compresivo; y quirúrgico en el 56,2 por ciento, con predominio del injerto libre de piel en 72,1 por ciento de estos tratamientos quirúrgicos. El 42,2 por ciento egresó con la lesión curada (tratamiento quirúrgico). Se encontraron asociaciones directas entre el tratamiento quirúrgico con la estadía hospitalaria (( 2 = 31,22; p= 0,0001), con la cura de la lesión (( 2 = 19,92; p= 0,0100) y con su estado al alta hospitalaria (( 2 = 36,07; p= 0,0001). Conclusiones: El tratamiento más empleado es el quirúrgico y dentro de estos, el autoinjerto dermo-epidérmico es el más utilizado, puesto que presenta los mejores resultados en cuanto a la curación de la lesión pero mayor estadía hospitalaria en los pacientes(AU)
Introduction: Phlebostatic ulcers are difficult to heal; there is no single and effective treatment, so several treatments must be combined in the same patient. Objective: To identify the treatments used in patients admitted for phlebostatic ulcers and the relationship between hospital stay, treatment received, condition of the ulcers at hospital discharge. Methods: Ambispective descriptive study of 121 hospital admissions with the diagnosis of phlebostatic ulcers. The study variables were treatments received, status of the injury at discharge, and hospital stay. The variables were associated with each other, using the non-parametric Chi-square test for independent variables. Results: The 121 admissions received conventional treatment. 93.4 percent received antibiotics; 60.3 percent, compression treatment; and 56.2 percent, surgical treatment, with predominance of free skin grafting in 72.1 percent of these surgical treatments. 42.2 percent was discharged with the lesion healed (by surgical treatment). Direct associations were found between surgical treatment with hospital stay (( 2 = 31.22; p = 0.0001), with the cure of the lesion (( 2 = 19.92; p=0.0100), and with the ulcer state at hospital discharge (( 2 =36.07; p= 0.0001). Conclusions: The most used treatment is the surgical one, specifically the dermo-epidermal autograft, which presented the best outcome regarding the healing of the injury, but a longer hospital stay for the patients(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Ulcer/diagnosis , Ulcer/therapyABSTRACT
El dolor asociado a heridas complejas se erige como una gran barrera para la resolución de estas, debido a la complejidad de abordaje y a la imposibilidad de establecer un patrón de algoritmo por diversos factores y su carácter heterogéneo, así como por la presencia de manifestaciones múltiples asociadas. Este dolor provoca al paciente un daño no solo físico sino también psicosocial, porque la escasa respuesta a los tratamientos habituales, y si bien es sensible a la medicación con opiáceos, los resultados son insufi cientes a largo plazo en un significativo número de pacientes, en quienes provoca además efectos no deseables. Se establece en el presente trabajo la administración subcutánea de dextrosa 5% a través de una técnica de infiltración perineural para el tratamiento de la infl amación neurogénica responsable del mencionado padecimiento, en las terminaciones libres de los nervios sensitivos cutáneos. Para ello se decidió realizar un estudio descriptivo multicéntrico a partir de junio del 2016 hasta mayo del 2017 en 60 pacientes que presentaban dolor crónico en ulceras de miembro inferior de diferente etiología con antecedente de medicación analgésica previa con resultado parcial (no controlado) y que tuviera evolución de su dolor entre 3 meses y 4 años.
The pain associated with complex wounds is established as a great barrier for the irresolution, due to the complexity of the approach and the impossibility of establishing an algorithm pattern due to various factors and their heterogeneous nature, as well as the presence of associated multiple manifestations. . This pain causes not only physical but psychosocial damage to the patient, because of the poor response to the usual treatments, and although it is sensitive to medication with opiates, the results are insufficient in the long-term in a significant number of patients, in whom it also causes undesirable effects. The present work establishes the subcutaneous administration of 5% dextrose through a perineural infi ltration technique for the treatment of the neurogenic inflammation responsible for the afore mentioned condition, in the free terminations of the cutaneous sensory nerves. For this, it was decided to carry out a multicenter descriptive study from June 2016 to May 2017 in 60 patients who presented chronic pain in lower limb ulcers of different etiology with a history of previous analgesic medication with partial (uncontrolled) outcome and had evolution of your pain between 3 months and 4 years.
Humans , Male , Female , Ulcer/therapy , Wound Healing , Infiltration-Percolation , Lower Extremity/injuries , Chronic Pain/diagnosis , Prolotherapy/methodsABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo: se diseñó un estudio que evaluara la tasa de cicatrización cutánea en úlceras agudas en ratas Sprague-Dawley después de recibir la administración de células madre mesenquimatosas derivadas de tejido adiposo. Métodos: al primer grupo, denominado células madre (CM), se le administró células mesenquimatosas derivadas de tejido adiposo inyectadas, tanto periulcerosa como intraulcerosa. El segundo grupo, denominado neobol (N), recibió tratamiento con neobolR tópico, cuyo principio activo es el clostebol. El tercer grupo, denominado control (C), fue sometido a la misma manipulación quirúrgica que los dos grupos anteriores, pero no recibió ningún tipo de tratamiento. Después de realizar una úlcera aguda en el dorso de las ratas y recibir el tratamiento respectivo, se evaluó la tasa de cicatrización (día 1 de la úlcera - día X úlcera) / día 1 de la úlcera en todos los grupos. Resultados: se extrajo un promedio de 1,22 ± 0,46 g de muestra y se aislaron 3,5 x 105 células, con un inóculo promedio de 2,4 x 104 y una viabilidad del 95,5%. La positividad para el antígeno CD29 mediante citometría de flujo fue del 96,5%. El análisis histológico realizado a los 7 días posteriores a la cicatrización clínica, demostró que el grupo de CM presentó la combinación de mayor vascularización y formación de epitelio, así como mayor porcentaje de cicatrización en relación con el grupo N (H(1)=5,61; p < 0,01) y C (H(1)=10,47; p < 0,001). Conclusión: el estudio sugiere que las células madre derivadas del tejido adiposo aumentan la tasa de cicatrización.
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the rate of cutaneous cicatrization of acute ulcers in Sprague-Dawley rats, after receiving the administration of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue. Methods: There were three experimental groups. After an acute ulcer was performed in the backs of the rats they received either stem cells (SC), Clostebol, (NeobolR group, N) or no treatment (control group, C), the ulcer cutaneous healing rate was assessed as follows: (ulcer day 1 - ulcer day X)/in all groups day 1. Stem cells were extracted from adipose tissue in the inguinal pad and then injected in the Stem cells group. Results: An average of 1.22 ± 0,46 grams (g) of adipose tissue was extracted and 3.5 x 105 cells were isolated with an average 2.4 x 104 inoculant, 95,5% cell viability. The CD29 antigen positivity on the stem cells assessed by flow cytometry was 96,5%. The histological analysis performed 7 days after the clinical healing showed that the SC group showed the highest vascularization and epithelial tissue formation. When comparing the average healing percentage among groups, only the SC group showed significant differences in contrast with the N group (H (1) = 5.61; p < 0,01) and C (H (1) = 10.47; p< 0.001). Conclusion: This study suggests that mesenchymal cells derived from adipose tissue increase the healing rate.
Animals , Rats , Ulcer/therapy , Cicatrix , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation/statistics & numerical data , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Esse artigo refere-se a um caso de perícia médica solicitada por motivo de ação judicial movida por paciente do sexo masculino de 49 anos de idade contra o município de Ipatinga, MG. O periciando é sabidamente portador de Doença Mista do Tecido Conjuntivo e Síndrome de Anticorpo Antifosfolípide, tendo desenvolvido, como consequência dessa última patologia, úlcera venosa crônica em membro inferior, não cicatrizada mesmo após duas cirurgias de enxertia. O paciente requer perante o juízo, por indicação de sua médica reumatologista, que o município arque com o procedimento de oxigenioterapia hiperbárica, considerando-se sua eficácia potencial na cicatrização de feridas. Deixando as considerações jurídicas do caso à parte, como médica perita do banco de peritos do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais, depois de avaliar clinicamente o paciente, realizei revisão da literatura médicocientífica no que diz respeito aos benefícios e indicações dessa forma de terapia para o mesmo. O objetivo desse artigo é descrever acerca desse procedimento médico, bem como esclarecer suas indicações e limitações, especialmente no que tange ao caso concreto apresentado. (AU)
This paper refers to a medical inquiry related to a lawsuit against Ipatinga County (MG), in which a male patient aged 49 years old requests the right to receive 60 sessions of hyberbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), as an aid to healing wounds. The patient has been previously diagnosed with Mixed Disease of the Connective Tissue and Antiphospholipid Syndrome, having developed, as result of the latter disease, a chronic venous ulcer in the lower limb, not healed even after two grafting surgeries. Towards the Court, the patient requires the delivery of HBOT, considering its potential effectiveness in wound healing. Leaving apart the legal considerations of the case, as a medical expert of the Justice Court of Minas Gerais (TJMG), after a detailed clinical evaluation of the patient, I reviewed the medical literature regarding the benefits and indications of this form of therapy, correlating them to this concrete case. The aim of this article is to describe this relatively new medical procedure, and to clarify its indications and limitations, particularly with regard to the present case. (AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ulcer , Hyperbaric Oxygenation , Wound Healing , Ulcer/drug therapy , Ulcer/therapy , Oxygen/therapeutic use , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Mixed Connective Tissue Disease , Antiphospholipid Syndrome , ThrombophiliaABSTRACT
Acute aortic syndrome (AAS) is a term that describes interrelated aortic emergencies with similar clinical characteristics and challenges. These are aortic dissection (AD), intramural hematoma (IH), and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer (PAU). The incidence of AAS is three cases per 100.000 persons per year. Diverse genetic disorders and acquired conditions have been related to the pathogenesis of this disease. Clinical features of patients with any of the three conditions comprising AAS are very similar. A high degree of clinical suspicion and imaging studies are necessary for an accurate diagnosis. Prognosis is clearly related to underlying diagnosis and appropriate surgical repair, in the case of proximal involvement of the aorta. Involvement of distal segments of the aorta may require medical or endovascular therapy according to the presence of complications. After hospital discharge, patients require lifelong follow-up.
Humans , Aortic Diseases/diagnosis , Hematoma/diagnosis , Acute Disease , Aortic Diseases/therapy , Hematoma/therapy , Prognosis , Rupture, Spontaneous/diagnosis , Rupture, Spontaneous/therapy , Syndrome , Ulcer/diagnosis , Ulcer/therapyABSTRACT
Introducción: La úlcera solitaria de recto es una entidad patológica crónica, benigna e infrecuente, que en general no se la considera entre los diagnósticos diferenciales de las patologías crónicas del recto. A menudo es subdiagnosticada. Las principales manifestaciones clinicas son: proctorragia, mucorrea, esfuerzo defecatorio y tenesmo. Objetivo: Evaluar las características clinicas de una patología infrecuente del recto, a partir de 3 casos clínicos. Lugar de aplicación: Institución privada. Pacientes y método: Se presentan 3 pacientes con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de úlcera solitaria de recto, entre 2003-2010, dos hombres y una mujer, con un promedio de edad de 53 años (rango 41-70 años). Resultados: La presentación clínica fue proctorragia, mucorrea, tenesmo, proctalgía y esfuerzo defecatorio. En los 3 pacientes la úlcera fue solitaria, dos en pared posterior y una en pared anterior del recto. El diagnostico se realizó por medio de la endoscopía, y biopsia de la lesión. Los 3 casos respondieron favorablemente al tratamiento médico. Conclusiones: La etiología es desconocida. Se la relaciona con trastornos de la defecación. La lesión no siempre es ulcerada ni solitaria. El diagnóstico se realiza por medio de colonoscopía y biopsia, debido a que presenta histología patognomónica. El tratamiento puede ser conservador o quirúrgico.
Introduction: Solitary rectal ulcer is a chronic, benign and infrequent entity, generally not considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic diseases of the rectum. It is often underdiagnosed. The main clinical manifestations include bloody stool, mucorrhea, straining and tenesmus. Objective: To asses the current behavior of a rare disease of the rectum, from 3 clinical cases. Point of application: Private institution. Patients and method: Three patients are presented with pathological diagnosis of solitary rectal ulcer, between 2003 - 2010, two men and a woman, with an average age of 53 years (range 41-70 years). Results: The clinical presentation was bloody stool, mucorrhea. tenesmus, anal pain and straining. In all cases the ulcer was solitary; two in posterior wall and one in anterior wall of the rectum. The diagnosis was made by endoscopy and biopsy of the lesion. The 3 cases responded well to medical treatment. Conclusions: The etiology is unknown. It is related to defecation disorders. The lesion is not always ulcerated of solitary. Diagnosis is made by colonoscopy and biopsy, because it shows pathognomonic histology. Treatment can be conservative or surgical.
Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Rectal Diseases/diagnosis , Rectal Diseases/diet therapy , Rectal Diseases/pathology , Rectal Diseases/drug therapy , Rectal Diseases/therapy , Ulcer/diagnosis , Ulcer/drug therapy , Ulcer/therapy , Chronic Disease , Diagnosis, Differential , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methodsABSTRACT
Úlceras de pressão são lesões que podem interferir na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em avaliar o efeito clínico da aplicação do laser de baixa potência no processo de cicatrização de úlceras de decúbito. Foram realizadas 2 aplicações semanais, durante 6 semanas, do laser Ga-As (904 nm) com dosimetria de 4 J/cm2 em dois indivíduos com úlceras de pressão crônicas na região sacral. Os resultados, avaliados através de registros fotográficos e mensuração da área da ferida, indicaram um aprimoramento no processo de cicatrização das úlceras. Conclui-se, que o laser de baixa potência foi eficaz no tratamento das úlceras de decúbito crônicas.
Pressure ulcers are injuries that can interfere in the quality of life of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical effect of the application of low-level laser in the healing process for decubitus ulcers. The Ga-As (904 nm) laser was applied twice a week, 4 J/cm², during 6 weeks, in two subjects with chronic pressure ulcers in the sacral region. The results were assessed through photographic registers and area measurements of each ulcer. They had indicated an improvement in the healing process of ulcers. It can be concluded that low-level laser was efficient in the treatment of chronic decubitus ulcers.
Lasers , Low-Level Light Therapy , Pressure Ulcer/complications , Pressure Ulcer/therapy , Ulcer/classification , Ulcer/complications , Ulcer/therapyABSTRACT
A profilaxia de sangramento digestivo alto por úlcera de estresse é feita principalmente pelo controle de fatores de risco modificáveis. Os pacientes com risco intermediário ou baixo risco, segundo os dados da literatura, não se beneficiam de profilaxia medicamentosa. A literatura médica não permite estabelecer critérios definidos de preferência com respeito às medicações usadas na profilaxia do sangramento digestivo por úlcera de estresse. Conclui-se que a profilaxia de rotina, mesmo em pacientes de alto risco, não se justifica.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis , Hemorrhage , Ulcer/therapyABSTRACT
To evaluate the outcomes of severe ischemic diabetic foot ulcers for which percutaneous transluminal angioplasty [PTA] was considered as the first-line vascular procedure. Factors associated with successful PTA were sought. In 32 consecutive diabetic patients with foot ulcers and severe limb ischemia, PTA was performed if feasible; if not, primary bypass grafting was done when feasible. All patients were followed until healing or for at least one year. Patients with worsening ulcers after PTA underwent bypass grafting. Clinical and angiographic factors influencing outcomes after PTA were sought by univariate and multivariate analysis. PTA was done in 25 of the 32[78%] patients, and considered clinically successful in 13 [52%]. After 1 year, the healing rate was 70% and the limb salvage rate 90%. Successful PTA was significantly associated with a higher post-PTA transcutaneous oxygen pressure [P = 0.03] and presence of at least one patent pedal vessel [P = 0.03] in the univariate analysis; only a patent pedal vessel was significant in the multivariate analysis. In conclusion primary PTA in diabetic patients with severe ischemia foot ulcers provides similar outcomes to usual results obtained in severe ischemia in absence of diabetes. The presence of one patent pedal vessel on arteriography before PTA is the best prognostic factor
Humans , Male , Female , Diabetic Foot/therapy , Ischemia/therapy , Treatment Outcome , Prognosis , Ulcer/therapy , Peripheral Vascular Diseases , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
El liquen plano es una enfermedad de la piel, sus anexos y mucosas de carácter inflamatoria, y aunque por lo general se presta como pápulas pruriginosas puede estar conformada por otras lesiones primarias ya sean placas, vesículas o ampollas. Tiene una amplia variedad clínica. Su etiología es desconocida aunque existen varias teorías. Se presenta a continuación el caso de un paciente de 54 años, conocido sano, quien consultó por un cuadro de aproximadamente 3 años de evolución de lesiones en piel localizadas en piernas y brazos caracterizado por placas de color púrpura violácea de superficie plana, con escamas gruesas hiperqueratósicas puriginosas a quién se realiza biopsia de piel que evidenció hallazgos típicos de liquen plano. En este artículo se hace una revisión del liquen plano y sus variaciones clínicas.