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Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(7): 409-414, July 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507871


Abstract In this integrative review, we aimed to describe the records of time devoted by physicians to breast ultrasound in a review of articles in the literature, in order to observe whether the automation of the method enabled a reduction in these values. We selected articles from the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and MEDLINE databases, through Virtual Health Library (BVS), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), PubMed, and Scopus. We obtained 561 articles, and, after excluding duplicates and screening procedures, 9 were selected, whose main information related to the guiding question of the research was synthesized and analyzed. It was concluded that the automation of breast ultrasound represents a possible strategy for optimization of the medical time dedicated to the method, but this needs to be better evaluated in comparative studies between both methods (traditional and automated), with methodology directed to the specific investigation of this potentiality.

Resumo Na presente revisão integrativa, objetivamos descrever os registros de tempo dedicado pelos médicos à ultrassonografia mamária em revisão de artigos da literatura, visando observar se a automação do método possibilitou redução destes valores. Selecionamos artigos nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e MEDLINE, através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed e Scopus. Obtivemos 561 artigos e, após a exclusão de artigos duplicados e procedimentos de triagem, foram selecionados 9 artigos, cujas informações principais relativas à pergunta norteadora da pesquisa foram sintetizadas e analisadas. Foi concluído que a automação da ultrassonografia mamária representa uma possível estratégia de otimização do tempo médico dedicado ao método; porém, essa conclusão necessita ser melhor avaliada em estudos comparativos entre ambos os métodos (tradicional e automatizado), com metodologia direcionada à investigação específica desta potencialidade.

Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 16(2): 5058-5066, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1425738


Contexte et objectif. Malgré leur fréquence élevée, très peu d'études ont été menées sur les tumeurs bénignes du sein (TBS) en Afrique subsaharienne. L'objectif de la présente étude a été d'évaluer la valeur diagnostique des explorations clinique et échographique mammaire des TBS en milieu peu équipé. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude documentaire, sur les TBS suivies aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa, entre janvier 2016 et décembre 2021. La valeur diagnostique des explorations clinique et échographique mammaire des TBS (sensibilité, spécificité, valeur prédictive négative VPN, VPP, coefficient Kappa) a été calculée en prenant pour référence la découverte anatomopathologique des pièces biopsiques. Résultats. Au total, 81 dossiers de TBS ont été colligés. Le Fibroadénome 58 (71,6 %), la Maladie fibrokystique (MFK) 15 (18,5 %), l'Adénome tubuleux 6(7,4 %), la Tumeur Phyllode (TP) 1(1,2 %) et le kyste 1(1,2 %) étaient les tumeurs diagnostiquées à l'anatomopathologie, après tumorectomies. A l'examen clinique, la capacité diagnostique des TBS autres que le Fibroadénome était nulle. La spécificité, la VPN et le coefficient kappa étaient respectivement, de 60,0 %, 39,1 % et 32,2 % pour le diagnostic du Fibroadénome. L'échographie mammaire était faite dans 98,6 % tandis que la mammographie seulement dans 11,1 % des cas. La majorité des tumeurs étaient classées Breast Imaging reporting and Data system (BIRADS) 2 (70,0 %). La spécificité, la VPN et le coefficient kappa étaient respectivement, de 80,6 %, 40,9 % et 39,0 % pour le Fibroadénome, et de 84,4 %, 66,7 % et 1,9 % pour la MFK. La TP était classée BIRADS3. Conclusion. L'échographie mammaire très réalisée, est très performante dans la classification BIRADS des TBS; les cliniciens exerçant en milieu peu équipé peuvent donc sans équivoque suivre les recommandations sur la prise en charge des tumeurs classées BIRADS2 et BIRADS3 à l'échographie, bien que sa performance en ce qui concerne le diagnostic différentiel de ces tumeurs soit moindre.

Humans , Brain Neoplasms , Breast Diseases , Diagnostic Services , Breast Neoplasms , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Medical Laboratory Personnel
Mastology (Online) ; 33: e20230001, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555894


Breast radiology has undergone significant advances in recent years, and, naturally, several possibilities open up for attending physicians. Concomitantly, it increases the responsibility to keep up to date and provide the best care for each patient. Aware of the complex implications that the implementation of some of the technological advances may bring, such as increased costs, limited availability of equipment, and a potential increase in examination time, the objective of this study is to carry out a narrative review and provide a collection of advances that, in our opinion, are already gaining ground and should be consolidated in clinical practice. We will discuss new breast imaging methods that can be used both for screening and for the diagnostic investigation of breast lesions and we will summarize the most relevant aspects of each of them, addressing the technique, applicability, positive aspects, and limitations of each modality in a standardized way. (AU)

Humans , Ultrasonography, Mammary/trends , Breast Neoplasms
Cambios rev med ; 21(2): 878, 30 Diciembre 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415283


INTRODUCCIÓN. La mastitis granulomatosa idiopática es una patología inflamatoria benigna de mama con clínica y hallazgos imagenológicos no específicos; usualmente confundida con cáncer de mama. El síntoma más frecuente es una masa mamaria palpable. El diagnóstico es histopatológico. OBJETIVO. Describir el perfil demográfico, presentación clínica y hallazgos radiográficos de pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo. Población de 1130 y muestra de 49 datos de historias clínicas electrónicas de pacientes con diagnóstico histológico de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática con el código CIE10 N61x Trastornos Inflamatorios de la mama, atendidas en la Unidad Técnica de Imagenología del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín en la ciudad de Quito entre enero 2019 hasta diciembre 2021. El criterio de inclusión fue la confirmación histopatológica de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática. Los criterios de exclusión: antecedentes de neoplasia maligna de mama, antecedentes de HIV, patología inflamatoria sistémica como granulomatosis de Wegener, sarcoidosis, infecciones granulomatosas crónicas como tuberculosis, brucelosis, histoplasmosis, sífilis y reacciones a cuerpos extraños como material de implantes mamarios. Se analizaron datos demográficos, presentación clínica, hallazgos mamográficos, ecográficos y la categorización BIRADS. Se efectuó un análisis univarial; para las variables cualitativas se realizó frecuencias y porcentajes; para las variables cuantitativas se realizó medidas de tendencia central. La información recolectada fue analizada en el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. RESULTADOS La mediana de la edad fue 36 años. El 94,00% de pacientes tenían por lo menos un hijo; 77,50% presentaron con una masa palpable; 55,10% se acompañaron de signos inflamatorios; 16,00% asociaron fístulas y 24,40% presentaron secreción. Solo 1 caso presentó afectación bilateral. CONCLUSIÓN En este estudio, la mastitis granulomatosa idiopática afecta a mujeres en edad reproductiva sin antecedentes de malignidad quienes presentan una masa mamaria palpable que puede estar acompañada de signos inflamatorios, colecciones y fístulas. La realización de una biopsia core eco guiada, para confirmar su diagnóstico.

INTRODUCTION. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis is a benign inflammatory breast pathology with nonspecific clinical and imaging findings; usually mistaken for breast cancer. The most frequent symptom is a palpable breast mass. The diagnosis is histopathologic. OBJECTIVE. To describe the demographic profile, clinical presentation and radiographic findings of patients with histopathologic diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, descriptive, retrospective study. Population of 1130 and sample of 49 data from electronic medical records of patients with histological diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis with ICD10 code N61x Inflammatory disorders of the breast, attended at the Technical Imaging Unit of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital in the city of Quito between January 2019 and December 2021. The inclusion criterion was histopathological confirmation of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. Exclusion criteria: history of malignant breast neoplasia, history of HIV, systemic inflammatory pathology such as Wegener's granulomatosis, sarcoidosis, chronic granulomatous infections such as tuberculosis, brucellosis, histoplasmosis, syphilis and reactions to foreign bodies such as breast implant material. Demographic data, clinical presentation, mammographic and ultrasound findings and BIRADS categorization were analyzed. Univariate analysis was performed; frequencies and percentages were used for qualitative variables; measures of central tendency were used for quantitative variables. RESULTS. The median age was 36 years. 94,00% of patients had at least one child; 77,50% presented with a palpable mass; 55,10% were accompanied by inflammatory signs; 16,00% were associated with fistulas and 24,40% presented with discharge. Only 1 case presented bilateral involvement. CONCLUSION. In this study, idiopathic granulomatous mastitis affects women of reproductive age with no history of malignancy who present with a palpable breast mass that may be accompanied by inflammatory signs, collections and fistulas. The performance of an echo-guided core biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Breast Diseases , Mammography , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Granulomatous Mastitis , Biopsy, Large-Core Needle , Mastitis , Pathology , Hyperprolactinemia , Colony-Stimulating Factors , Breast Implantation , Ecuador , Edema , Erythema , Image-Guided Biopsy , Fistula , Hyperemia , Nipples
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 87(5): 333-349, oct. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423737


La patología mamaria durante el embarazo y la lactancia representa un desafío debido a que los cambios fisiológicos del tejido mamario durante este periodo pueden afectar la interpretación de los hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos. El objetivo de esta revisión es conocer el diagnóstico diferencial de las enfermedades mamarias durante el embarazo y la lactancia. La mayoría de las patologías mamarias durante el embarazo y la lactancia son benignas y pueden ser clasificadas en tres categorías: 1) aquellas relacionadas con cambios fisiológicos, 2) enfermedades inflamatorias y 3) tumores benignos. Solo el 3% de los cánceres mamarios se desarrollan durante el embarazo. Los factores de mal pronóstico, como receptores hormonales negativos o HER2/neu positivo, en las mujeres embarazadas tienen una prevalencia similar a la observada en no embarazadas de la misma edad. El diagnóstico precoz es de crucial importancia pronóstica, por lo que es necesario mantener los esquemas de tamizaje recomendados. Es importante estar familiarizado con los cambios fisiológicos durante el embarazo y la lactancia, y conocer las patologías más prevalentes que afectan a las mujeres durante este periodo.

Breast pathology throughout pregnancy and lactation represents a challenge because the physiological changes of mammary tissue during this period may affect the interpretation of clinical and imaging findings. The objective of this presentation is to review the differential diagnosis of breast diseases during pregnancy and lactation. Most of breast pathology during pregnancy and lactation is benign and can be further classified into three categories: 1) those related to physiological changes, 2) inflammatory diseases, and 3) benign tumors. Only 3% of breast cancers will develop during pregnancy. Risk factors for worst prognosis, such as negative hormonal receptors or HER2/neu positive, in pregnant women have similar prevalence than in non-pregnant women of the same age. Early diagnose is of the outmost prognostic importance, therefore it`s important to maintain screening schedule as recommended. It is important to be familiarized with the physiological changes of the breast during pregnancy and lactation, and to know the most prevalent diseases affecting women during this period.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Breast Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Breast Feeding , Mammography , Mass Screening , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Diagnosis, Differential
An. Facultad Med. (Univ. Repúb. Urug., En línea) ; 9(1): e205, jun. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1383561


Introducción: En Uruguay el cáncer de mama (CM) ocupa el primer lugar en incidencia y mortalidad por cáncer en mujeres. Objetivo: Evaluar el conocimiento de mujeres uruguayas sobre el tamizaje de cáncer de mama. Material y métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional descriptivo y transversal. Se aplicó una encuesta dirigida a mujeres, que fue difundida mediante las redes sociales. El consentimiento informado se solicitó al inicio de la encuesta, como requisito excluyente para poder realizar la misma. Se mantuvo el anonimato de las pacientes en el análisis estadístico y se contó con la aprobación del Comité de Ética del Hospital de Clínicas. Resultados: Participaron 1859 mujeres. El 75.1% (1396) de las encuestadas reconoce el CM como el de mayor mortalidad en mujeres. El 52% (967) cree que 3 de cada 10 mujeres tienen riesgo de desarrollar CM, y 18.4% (342) desconoce su prevalencia. El 60.2% (1119) reconoce a la mamografía como prueba que ha logrado disminuir la mortalidad por CM. El 64.2% (1193) cree que se realiza a partir de los 40 años. Sobre la frecuencia, el 60.5% (1125) considera que se realiza de forma anual. Los factores de riesgo para desarrollar CM mayormente considerados fueron tabaquismo (60.9%, 1132), obesidad (57.%, 1060) y sedentarismo (56.8%,1056). Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados evidencian que las encuestadas están informadas de manera adecuada sobre la importancia del CM y de realizar el tamizaje mamográfico para prevenirlo; sin embargo, el 74.3% (1381) cree que el mismo, debe comenzar a hacerse a los 40 años.

Introduction: In Uruguay, breast cancer (BC) has the highest incidence and mortality of all cancer in women. Objectives : To assess the knowledge of Uruguayan women about breast cancer screening for the early detection of BC. Material and Methods : This is a descriptive and observational study. A survey was applied to woman, it was disseminated through social networks. Informed consent was requested at the beginning of the survey as an exclusive requirement to be able to carry it out. In the statistical analysis, the anonymity of the patients was maintained and the approval of the Ethics Committee of the Hospital de Clínicas was obtained. Results : 1859 women participated. 75.1% (1396) of those surveyed recognize BC as the one with the highest mortality in women. 52% (967) believe that 3 out of 10 women are at risk of developing BC, and 18.4% (342) do not know its prevalence. 60.2% (1119) recognize mammography as a test that has managed to reduce mortality from BC. 64.2% (1193) believe that it is done after 40 years of age. Regarding the frequency, 60.5% (1125) consider that it is carried out annually. The most considered risk factors for developing BC were smoking (60.9%, 1132), obesity (57%, 1.060) and sedentary lifestyle (56.8%, 1056). Conclusions : Our results show that the respondents are adequately informed about the importance of CM and the performance of screening mammography.

Introdução : No Uruguai, o câncer de mama (CM) tem a maior incidência e mortalidade de todos os cânceres em mulheres. Objetivos: Avaliar o conhecimento de mulheres uruguaias sobre o rastreamento do câncer de mama para a detecção precoce do CM. Material e Métodos : Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e observacional. Foi aplicado um questionário às mulheres, divulgado através das redes sociais. O consentimento informado foi solicitado no início da pesquisa como requisito exclusivo para poder realizá-la. Na análise estatística, foi mantido o anonimato dos pacientes e obtida a aprovação do Comitê de Ética do Hospital de Clínicas. Resultados: participaram 1859 mulheres. 75.1% (1396) dos pesquisados ​​reconhecem o CB como o de maior mortalidade em mulheres. 52% (967) acreditam que 3 em cada 10 mulheres estão em risco de desenvolver CM e 18.4% (342) não conhecem sua prevalência. 60.2% (1119) reconhecem a mamografia como um exame que tem conseguido reduzir a mortalidade por CM. 64.2% (1.193) acreditam que é feito após os 40 anos. Em relação à frequência, 60.5% (1125) consideram que é realizado anualmente. Os fatores de risco mais considerados para desenvolver CM foram tabagismo (60.9%, 1132), obesidade (57%, 1.060) e sedentarismo (56.8%, 1056). Conclusões: Nossos resultados mostram que as entrevistadas estão adequadamente informadas sobre a importância do MC e a realização da mamografia de rastreamento.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Uruguay , Mammography/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Health Surveys , Ultrasonography, Mammary/statistics & numerical data , Breast Self-Examination/statistics & numerical data , Educational Status , Information Seeking Behavior , Octogenarians
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-941039


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the value of ultrasound S-Detect in the diagnosis of breast masses.@*METHODS@#A total of 85 breast masses in 62 female patients were diagnosed by S-Detect technique and conventional ultrasound. The diagnostic efficacy of conventional ultrasound and S-Detect technique was analyzed and compared with postoperative pathological results as the gold standard.@*RESULTS@#When operated by junior physicians, the diagnostic efficacy of conventional ultrasound was significantly lower than that of S-Detect technique (P < 0.05), but this difference was not observed in moderately experienced and senior physicians (P>0.05). S-Detect technique was positively correlated with the diagnostic results of senior physicians (r=0.97). Using S-Detect technique, the diagnostic efficacy did not differ significantly between the long axis section and its vertical section (P>0.05). Routine ultrasound showed a better diagnostic efficacy than S-Detect for breast masses with a diameter below 20 mm (P < 0.05), but for larger breast masses, its diagnostic efficacy was significantly lower than that of SDetect (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#S-Detect can be used in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant breast masses, and its diagnostic efficiency can be comparable with that of BI-RADS classification for moderately experienced and senior physicians, but its diagnostic efficacy can be low for breast masses less than 20 mm in diameter.

Female , Humans , Breast/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential , Sensitivity and Specificity , Ultrasonics , Ultrasonography , Ultrasonography, Mammary/methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928236


Early screening is an important means to reduce breast cancer mortality. In order to solve the problem of low breast cancer screening rates caused by limited medical resources in remote and impoverished areas, this paper designs a breast cancer screening system aided with portable ultrasound Clarius. The system automatically segments the tumor area of the B-ultrasound image on the mobile terminal and uses the ultrasound radio frequency data on the cloud server to automatically classify the benign and malignant tumors. Experimental results in this study show that the accuracy of breast tumor segmentation reaches 98%, and the accuracy of benign and malignant classification reaches 82%, and the system is accurate and reliable. The system is easy to set up and operate, which is convenient for patients in remote and poor areas to carry out early breast cancer screening. It is beneficial to objectively diagnose disease, and it is the first time for the domestic breast cancer auxiliary screening system on the mobile terminal.

Female , Humans , Breast/pathology , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted , Early Detection of Cancer , Ultrasonography , Ultrasonography, Mammary/methods
In. Graña, Andrea; Calvelo, Estela; Fagúndez, Yohana. Abordaje integral del paciente con cáncer: atención desde la medicina y especialidades. Montevideo, Cuadrado, 2022. p.397-413, ilus.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1418094
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(3): 190-199, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251302


Abstract Objective To compare hand-held breast ultrasound (HHBUS) and automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) as screening tool for cancer. Methods A cross-sectional study in patients with mammographically dense breasts was conducted, and both HHBUS and ABUS were performed. Hand-held breast ultrasound was acquired by radiologists and ABUS by mammography technicians and analyzed by breast radiologists. We evaluated the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) classification of the exam and of the lesion, as well as the amount of time required to perform and read each exam. The statistical analysis employed was measures of central tendency and dispersion, frequencies, Student t test, and a univariate logistic regression, through the odds ratio and its respective 95% confidence interval, and with p<0.05 considered of statistical significance. Results Atotal of 440 patientswere evaluated. Regarding lesions,HHBUS detected 15 (7.7%) BI-RADS 2, 175 (89.3%) BI-RADS 3, and 6 (3%) BI-RADS 4, with 3 being confirmed by biopsy as invasive ductal carcinomas (IDCs), and 3 false-positives. Automated breast ultrasound identified 12 (12.9%) BI-RADS 2, 75 (80.7%) BI-RADS 3, and 6 (6.4%) BI-RADS 4, including 3 lesions detected by HHBUS and confirmed as IDCs, in addition to 1 invasive lobular carcinoma and 2 high-risk lesions not detected by HHBUS. The amount of time required for the radiologist to read the ABUS was statistically inferior compared with the time required to read the HHBUS (p<0.001). The overall concordance was 80.9%. A total of 219 lesions were detected, from those 70 lesions by both methods, 126 only by HHBUS (84.9% not suspicious by ABUS) and 23 only by ABUS. Conclusion Compared with HHBUS, ABUS allowed adequate sonographic study in supplemental screening for breast cancer in heterogeneously dense and extremely dense breasts.

Resumo Objetivo Comparar a ultrassonografia convencional das mamas (US) com a ultrassonografia automatizada das mamas (ABUS) no rastreio do câncer. Métodos Realizamos um estudo transversal com pacientes com mamas mamograficamente densas, sendo avaliadas pela US e pela ABUS. A US foi realizada por radiologistas e a ABUS por técnicos de mamografia e analisada por radiologistas especializados em mama. A classificação Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) do exame e das lesões o tempo de leitura e de aquisição foram avaliados. A análise estatística foi realizada através de medidas de tendência central, dispersão e frequências, teste t de Student e regressão logística univariada, através do odds ratio, com intervalo de confiança de 95%, e com p<0,05 sendo considerado estatisticamente significante. Resultados Foram avaliadas 440 pacientes. Em relação às lesões, a US detectou 15 (7,7%) BI-RADS 2, 175 (89,3%) BI-RADS 3 e 6 (3%) BI-RADS 4, das quais 3 foram confirmadas, por biópsia, como carcinomas ductais invasivos e 3 falso-positivos. A ABUS identificou 12 (12,9%) BI-RADS 2, 75 (80,7%) BI-RADS 3 e 6 (6,4%) BI-RADS 4, incluindo 3 lesões detectadas pela US e confirmadas como carcinomas ductais invasivos, além de 1 carcinoma lobular invasivo e 2 lesões de alto risco não detectadas pela US. O tempo de leitura dos exames da ABUS foi estatisticamente inferior ao tempo do radiologista para realizar a US (p<0,001). A concordância foi de 80,9%. Um total de 219 lesões foram detectadas, das quais 70 por ambos os métodos, 126 observadas apenas pela US (84,9% não eram lesões suspeitas no ABUS) e 23 apenas pela ABUS. Conclusão Comparado à US, a ABUS permitiu adequado estudo complementar no rastreio do câncer de mamas heterogeneamente densas e extremamente densas.

Humans , Female , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Mammary/instrumentation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Equipment Design , Middle Aged
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887860


Triple-negative breast cancer is a complex type of breast cancer,the most common malignant tumor in women.Since the early image features of triple-negative breast cancer appear benign tumor with rapid growth,this cancer has progressed into the middle and late stages once diagnosed,which leads to high mortality.Therefore,the diagnosis of triple-negative breast cancer has always been a clinical difficulty.This article summarizes the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of triple-negative breast cancer.The extracted multi-mode ultrasound features will facilitate the early detection of this cancer and improve the prognosis of these patients.

Female , Humans , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential , Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography , Ultrasonography, Mammary
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878700


Objective To explore the value of elastography strain ratio(SR)combined with breast ultrasound imaging reporting and data system(BI-RADS-US)in the differential diagnosis of breast nodules.Methods A total of 471 breast nodules(from 471 patients)were reclassified by SR combined with BI-RADS-US.With the pathology results as gold standard,the area under the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve(AUC)was employed to evaluate the diagnostic performance,and the sensitivity,specificity,and accuracy were compared between the combined method and BI-RADS-US.Results Among the 471 breast nodules,180 nodules were benign and 291 were malignant.The AUC of the combined method was statistically significantly higher than that of BI-RADS-US(0.798 vs. 0.730;Z= 2.583, P= 0.010).SR,BI-RADS-US,and the combined method for diagnosing breast nodules had the sensitivity of 86.6%,99.0%,and 96.6%,the specificity of 67.2%,47.2%,and 63.3%,and the accuracy of 79.2%,79.2%,and 83.9%,respectively.The combined method increased the specificity from 47.2%(BI-RADS-US)to 63.3%(χ

Female , Humans , Breast/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential , Elasticity Imaging Techniques , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , Ultrasonography, Mammary
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 31: 31408, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291383


A mastite é uma patologia relativamente frequente na mulher que amamenta. Surge maioritariamente nas primeiras seis semanas após o parto (prevalência entre 75-95% antes do bebé completar os três meses de vida), podendo, contudo, ocorrer ao longo de todo o período da amamentação. Apresenta-se clinicamente com mastalgia, eritema e edema mamário, linfonodomegalia axilar, febre, calafrios, mal-estar e prostração. Entretanto, o quadro clínico completo pode não estar presente em todos os casos. A técnica incorreta de amamentação provoca as microlesões mamáriasque são fatores associados à mastite, inicialmente, e esta quando não recebe tratamento adequado pode evoluirpara os abscessos mamários, que são caracterizados clinicamente por nodulação palpável ou não, flutuante, parcialmente circunscrita, geralmente no quadrante superior lateral da mama afetada. O microrganismo mais envolvido é o Staphylococcus aureus. O diagnóstico diferencial envolve principalmente outras causas não infecciosas de mastite, por exemplo a granulomatosa com reação a corpo estranho (piercing, implantes de silicone) e também malignidade. A ultrassonografia é um método bastante útil na investigação inicial daqueles quadros com suspeita de desenvolvimento de tal complicação e possibilita de maneira segura o tratamento minimamente invasivo e a obtenção de amostra para analise laboratorial. Isto permite a escolha de antibioticoterapia direcionada para os microorganismos causadores.

Mastitis is a relatively common condition in breastfeeding women. It appears mostly in the first six weeks after delivery (prevalence between 75-95% before the baby is three months old), however, it can occur throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. It may present clinically with mastalgia, erythema and breast edema, axillary lymph node enlargement, fever, chills, malaise and prostration. However, the complete clinical picture may not be present in all cases. The incorrect breastfeeding technique causes breast microlesions which are factors associated with mastitis, initially, and when it does not receive adequate treatment it can evolve for breast abscesses, which are characterized clinically by palpable or not, floating, partially circumscribed nodulation, usually in the upper lateral quadrant of the affected breast. The most involved microorganism is Staphylococcus aureus. The differential diagnosis mainly involves other non-infectious causes of mastitis, for example granulomatous with a foreign body reaction (piercing, silicone implants) and also malignancy. Ultrasonography is a very useful method in the initial investigation of those conditions suspected of developing such a complication, and it safely allows minimally invasive treatment and obtaining a sample for laboratory analysis. This allows the choice of antibiotic therapy directed at the causative microorganisms.

Humans , Female , Adult , Silicones , Breast Implants , Mastitis , Staphylococcus aureus , Wounds and Injuries , Breast Feeding , Diagnostic Imaging , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Infections , Inflammation , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Montevideo; Universidad de la República (Uruguay). Hospital de Clínicas. Departamento Clínico de Imagenología; 2021. 47 p. ilus, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1372879
Rev. méd. Chile ; 148(9)sept. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389319


ABSTRACT Background: Strain elastography (SE) and shear wave elastography (SWE) have high diagnostic yield for breast lesions, but the optimal parameters remain elusive. Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of SWE and SE for breast lesions by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Material and Methods: A total of 132 patients with 164 breast tumors were enrolled. Breast lesions were classified with the breast imaging reporting and data system (BI-RADS). Maximum (Emax), mean (Emean) and standard deviation (Esd) of elastic modulus, lesion/fat elasticity ratio and elastographic classification were obtained by SWE. Strain ratio (SR) and elastographic score were obtained by SE. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed. The diagnostic efficiencies of BI-RADS classification, SWE, SE and their combination were compared plotting ROC curves. Results: There were 110 benign and 54 malignant lesions which had significantly different SWE and SE parameters. The parameters included in the logistic regression were Esd and elastographic classification obtained by SWE and the elastographic score obtained by SE. When combining SWE with SE, Esd, SR and SWE classification were included in the equation. The areas under ROC curves for BI-RADS classification, SWE, SE and their combination were 0.75, 0.88, 0.79 and 0.89, respectively. Conclusions: The diagnostic value of SWE in combination with SE for breast lesions exceeded that of SE or SWE alone. Esd showed a good diagnostic yield when SWE was used alone or combined with SE.

Antecedentes: La elastografía de deformación (SE) y de onda cortante (SWE) son útiles para el diagnóstico de lesiones mamarias, pero falta definir los parámetros óptimos. Objetivo: Evaluar el valor diagnóstico de SE y SWE en lesiones mamarias usando una regresión logística multivariable. Material y Métodos: Ciento treinta y dos pacientes con 164 tumores mamarios fueron evaluados, los que se clasificaron usando el sistema BI-RADS (breast imaging reporting and data system). El módulo elástico máximo, promedio y su desviación estándar (Esd), la razón entre la elasticidad de la lesión y de la grasa y la clasificación elastográfica se obtuvieron con SWE. La razón de deformación (SR) y el puntaje elastográfico se obtuvieron con SE. Se efectuó una regresión logística y las eficiencias diagnósticas de la clasificación BI-RADS, SWE and SE y su combinación se compararon usando curvas ROC (receiver operating characteristic curves). Resultados: Ciento diez lesiones fueron benignas y 54 malignas. Estas tenían parámetros SWE y SE significativamente diferentes. En la ecuación de regresión logística, se incluyeron la clasificación elastográfica y el Esd obtenidos por SWE y el puntaje elastográfico obtenido por SE. Cuando se combinó SWE y SE, se incluyeron en la ecuación el Esd, SR y la clasificación por SWE. Las áreas bajo la curva ROC para la clasificación BI-RADS, SWE y SE y la combinación de ambas fueron 0.75, 0.88, 079 y 0.89 respectivamente. Conclusiones: La combinación de SWE y SE tuvo un mejor rendimiento diagnóstico para lesiones mamarias que cada parámetro por separado. Esd tuvo un buen rendimiento diagnóstico cuando se utilizó SWE sola o combinada con SE.

Female , Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Elasticity Imaging Techniques , Breast/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Reproducibility of Results , ROC Curve , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Sensitivity and Specificity
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 85(4): 376-382, ago. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138635


RESUMEN El fibroadenoma gigante juvenil es un tumor de mama benigno y una variante rara de los fibroadenomas. La presentación clínica suele ser una masa tumoral unilateral, de crecimiento rápido e indolora. En este artículo presentamos el caso de un fibroadenoma gigante juvenil de 12 cm de diámetro en la mama de una niña de 13 años. Se realiza estudio radiológico e histológico de la lesión siendo categorizada como un fibroadenoma gigante juvenil por lo que se realiza tumorectomía completa con remodelación mamaria posterior. A los dos meses de seguimiento, la paciente se encuentra sin signos de recidiva, con buena situación general y a la espera de cirugía de remodelación mamaria.

ABSTRACT Juvenile giant fibroadenoma is a benign breast tumor and a rare variant of fibroadenomas. The clinical presentation is usually a painless, fast growing, unilateral tumor mass. In this article we present the case of a giant juvenile fibroadenoma of 12 cm in diameter in the breast of a 13-year-old girl. A radiological and histological study of the lesion was carried out and it was categorized as a juvenile giant fibroadenoma, so a complete lumpectomy with posterior breast remodeling was performed. After two months of follow-up, the patient is without signs of recurrence, in good general condition and waiting for the breast remodeling surgery.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Fibroadenoma/surgery , Fibroadenoma/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Fibroadenoma/pathology
Med. U.P.B ; 39(1): 75-80, 24 de febrero de 2020. tab, Ilus
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1052285


Los adenomioepiteliomas de mama son tumores inusuales caracterizados por la proliferación bifásica de células epiteliales y mioepiteliales. Aunque la mayoría son benignos, tienen riesgo de recurrencia local y los casos con transformación maligna pueden tener riesgos de metástasis. El diagnóstico clínico e imagenológico no tiene rasgos característicos y en general se requiere de la resección completa de la lesión, para estudio microscópico y apoyo en la inmunohistoquímica. Al haber riesgo de recidiva local se recomienda resección con márgenes amplios. Para esta revisión se utilizó como fuente primaria de información la historia clínica y se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura relacionada con el uso de las palabras breast y adenomyoepithelioma, en la base de datos Pubmed, durante los últimos 10 años, en inglés y español, para discutir los aspectos relacionados con el tema.

The breast adenomyloepithelioma is an unusual tumor characterized by the biphasic proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial cells. Although most of these tumors are benign, they may be at risk of local recurrence and few cases with malignant transformation may have chances of metastasis. The clinical and imaging diagnosis has no characteristic features and, in general, a complete resection of the lesion is required for microscopic study and support in immunohistochemistry. When risk of local recurrence is present, a resection with wide margins is recommended. The clinical history was the primary source of information on the case and, as a complement, there was a literature search, in both English and Spanish, focused on the use of the words "Breast" and "Adenomyoepithelioma" and was retrieved from Pubmed database publications from the last 10 years.

Os adenomioepiteliomas de mama são tumores incomum caracterizados pela proliferação bifásica de células epiteliais e mioepiteliais. Ainda que a maioria são benignos, tem risco de recorrência local e os casos com transformação maligna podem ter riscos de metástase. O diagnóstico clínico e de imagem não tem traços característicos e em geral se requere da ressecção completa da lesão, para estudo microscópico e apoio na imuno-histoquímica. Ao haver risco de recidiva local se recomenda ressecção com margens amplas. Para esta revisão se utilizou como fonte primária de informação a história clínica e se realizou una busca da literatura relacionada com o uso das palavras breast e adenomyoepithelioma, na base de dados Pubmed, durante os últimos 10 anos, em inglês e espanhol, para discutir os aspectos relacionados com o assunto.

Humans , Female , Adenomyoepithelioma , Immunohistochemistry , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Mastectomy , Neoplasms
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826376


To obtain ultrasound and thermal tomography images of breast cancer during its growth and to assess the value of thermal tomography in detecting breast cancer. Breast cancer models were established with NOD/SCID mice and SD rats. These animal models were examined by thermal tomography,plain ultrasound,and contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Tumor tissues were stained with CD34 to explore the relationship between tumor heat production and vascular pathology. Thermal tomography detected breast cancer 2-4 days earlier than ultrasound. The expression of CD34 in tumor tissues was increased,along with thickened,increased,and irregular blood vessels. Thermal tomography can detect early breast cancer and is a promising tool for screening breast cancer.

Animals , Mice , Rats , Breast Neoplasms , Diagnostic Imaging , Early Diagnosis , Mice, Inbred NOD , Mice, SCID , Neoplasms, Experimental , Diagnostic Imaging , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Tomography , Ultrasonography, Mammary