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Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 8(1): 43-61, jun 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-884712


La Restricción Selectiva del Crecimiento Intrauterino se produce en 10 a 19% de los gemelos monocoriónicos, y se asocia con un aumento importante de la mortalidad y la morbilidad perinatal. La evolución clínica está dada en gran parte por la presencia de anastomosis vaculares y la distribución placentaria asimétrica. Se propuso una clasificación en tres tipos según el Doppler de la arteria umbilical del gemelo más pequeño, la que sé que se correlaciona con distintos comportamientos clínicos y características de la placenta, lo que ayuda en el asesoramiento y conducta obstétrica. Los del tipo I tienen un pronóstico favorable por el resultado perinatal satisfactorio por lo que se recomienda un seguimiento cercano por ecografía y Doppler. Los de tipo II tienen un mal pronóstico y el tipo III un pronóstico intermedio e impredecible. En estos dos últimos se puede realizar un manejo expectante hasta que se observe deterioro del feto pequeño, considerando la posibilidad de la coagulación con láser o la oclusión del cordón (feticidio selectivo). Ambas conductas aparentemente aumentan las posibilidades de supervivencia del feto de peso normal.

Selective intrauterine growth restriction occurs in 10-19% of monochorionic twins, and is associated with increased mortality important and perinatal morbidity. The clinical course is given largely by the presence of placental vascular anastomosis and asymmetric distribution. It classified into three types according to the proposed Doppler umbilical artery smaller twin, the one that correlates with different clinical behaviors and characteristics of the placenta, which helps in counseling and obstetric conduct. The type I have a favorable prognosis for satisfactory perinatal outcome so closely monitored by ultrasound and Doppler is recommended. The type II has a poor prognosis and type III intermediate and unpredictable prognosis. In these last two you can make an expectant management until deterioration of the small fetus is observed, considering laser coagulation or cord occlusion (selective feticide). Both behaviors appear to increase the chances of survival of the fetus of normal weight.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Fetal Growth Retardation/diagnosis , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Pregnancy, Twin , Arteriovenous Anastomosis , Twins, Monozygotic/classification , Umbilicus/blood supply , Follow-Up Studies , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Pulsed , Fetal Growth Retardation/physiopathology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. Vet. Bras. (Online);30(8): 618-622, ago. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-559893


Alguns problemas têm sido observados nos bezerros produtos da técnica fertilização in vitro, dentre esses a elevada casuística de onfalopatias. A partir dessa observação, objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar um estudo retrospectivo da correlação entre os métodos de concepção e a ocorrência de onfalopatias em bovinos e descrever os resultados obtidos a partir dos tratamentos conservativo e cirúrgico. Foram utilizados 44 bovinos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Unesp, Campus de Araçatuba, com idade variando de um dia a 12 meses entre os anos de 2003 e 2007. Desses bovinos 27 eram provenientes de fertilização in vitro (FIV), 12 de inseminação artificial (IA), dois de monta natural (MN) e três de transferência de embriões (TE). O diagnóstico clínico-cirúrgico revelou que todos apresentavam afecções umbilicais, sendo 22 casos de persistência de úraco, oito de onfaloflebite, oito de hérnias umbilicais, cinco de onfalites e um de fibrose umbilical. Inicialmente e no pós-operatório administrou-se em todos os animais, uma vez ao dia, durante dez dias, 3mg/kg de ceftiofur sódico pela via intravenosa (IV). Nos casos de infecção grave ou irresponsiva a terapia antimicrobiana inicial, acrescentou-se 6,6mg/kg, durante sete dias de sulfato de gentamicina IV. A antissepsia do umbigo, com tintura de iodo a 2 por cento, foi instituída duas vezes ao dia, nos casos tratados conservativamente, enquanto que os bovinos submetidos à cirurgia receberam 1,1mg/kg de flunixin meglumine IV, uma vez ao dia, por cinco dias consecutivos. Dos 22 animais diagnosticados com persistência de úraco, 10 apresentavam drenagem de urina pelo umbigo e receberam 2mL de tintura de iodo 10 por cento no interior do úraco, sendo 15 tratados com a excisão cirúrgica, especialmente, devido à formação de divertículo vésico-uracal. Todos os animais que apresentavam onfaloflebite e hérnia umbilical foram submetidos à cirurgia...

Some problems have been observed in bovine products of the in vitro fertilization technical, among these, the high umbilical diseases casuistry. From this observation, the aim of this work was to accomplish a retrospective study of the correlation between the conception methods and the occurrence of umbilical diseases in bovines and describe the results obtained from the conservative and surgical treatments. For this 44 animals attended at Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Unesp Araçatuba, with age varying from one day to 12 months among the years of 2003 and 2007 were used, twenty seven were from in vitro fertilization (IVF), twelve were from artificial insemination (AI), two were from natural mounts and three were from embryo transfer. The clinical-surgical diagnosis of the animals revealed that all of them presented umbilical disorders, being 22 cases of urachus patent, eight omphalophlebitis, eight umbilical hernia, five omphalitis and one umbilical fibrosis. Before and at the postoperative period was administered in all animals once a day for ten days 3mg/kg of ceftiofur sodium IV. In cases of serious infection or lack of response of the initial antimicrobial therapy a complementary treatment during seven days with 6.6 mg/kg of gentamicin sulfate IV was carried out. The antisepsis of the umbilicus with tincture of iodine to 2 percent was carried out twice daily in cases treated clinically, with out surgery, while the animals underwent surgery received 1.1mg/kg of flunixin meglumine IV once daily for five consecutive days.Among the 22 animals diagnosed with urachus patent, 10 had urine drainage from the umbilicus and received 2mL of 10 percent tincture of iodine in the urachus, and 15 was treated with surgical excision, due to formation of diverticulum from the blader to urachus. All animals that were affected with omphalophlebitis and umbilical hernia were submitted to surgery...

Animals , Infant, Newborn , Cattle , Fertilization in Vitro/mortality , Fertilization in Vitro/veterinary , Insemination, Artificial/mortality , Insemination, Artificial/veterinary , Reproduction/immunology , Embryo Transfer/mortality , Embryo Transfer/veterinary , Umbilicus/surgery , Umbilicus/blood supply , Umbilicus/pathology , Chi-Square Distribution , Gentamicins , Hernia, Umbilical/surgery , Hernia, Umbilical/veterinary , Injections, Intravenous
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-64395


Spontaneous external hemorrhage from an umbilical varix is rare. We describe a 40-year-old man with cirrhosis and portal hypertension, who presented with recurrent external bleeding from an umbilical varix. The first episode was controlled by transfixation of the vein under local anesthesia. Contrast-enhanced CT scan demonstrated a hugely distended recanalized umbilical vein arising from the left branch of the portal vein and ending in the umbilical cicatrix. Recurrent bleeding necessitated laparoscopy and in-situ clipping of the bleeding vein in the falciform ligament. At six months' follow up the patient has no further bleeding.

Adult , Hemorrhage/etiology , Humans , Hypertension, Portal/complications , Laparoscopy , Liver Cirrhosis/diagnosis , Male , Recurrence , Umbilicus/blood supply , Varicose Veins/etiology , Wounds, Nonpenetrating/complications