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Salud mil ; 42(2): e702, 20230929. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531727


Ernest Shackleton ha sido en la historia, un personaje que dejó huella como ejemplo de resiliencia y liderazgo. En 1914 realizó como jefe de expedición su segundo viaje antártico, frustrado por el hundimiento de su buque insignia. La operación de rescate del grueso de la tripulación varada en el continente más meridional lo llevó a recalar en Montevideo. Desde este puerto partió el buque Instituto de Pesca N°1, con tripulación de Uruguay y Shackleton incluido, no logrando completar el salvamento. De esta acción nació el aprecio hacia la persona del explorador por parte del gobierno de la República. En su postrer travesía, ya fallecido llegó a las Islas Georgia del Sur y a su cuerpo se le realizó un proceso de conservación para ser traído a nuestro país y continuar viaje al puerto de origen en Inglaterra. Es en esa circunstancia que el gobierno del doctor Baltasar Brum solicitó a la Comisión Permanente del Parlamento, se le rindieran honores fúnebres de Ministro de Estado. El embalsamado del cuerpo fue realizado el 30 de enero de 1922, por parte de personal médico y técnico del Hospital Militar, así como los honores que le rindieron por el Servicio de Sanidad del Ejército y la Armada.

Ernest Shackleton has been in history, a character who left his mark as an example of resilience and leadership. In 1914, as expedition leader, he made his second Antarctic voyage, frustrated by the sinking of his flagship. The operation to rescue the bulk of the crew stranded on the southernmost continent led him to Montevideo. The Instituto de Pesca N°1, with Uruguayan crew and Shackleton included, departed from this port, but was unable to complete the rescue. From this action was born the appreciation of the explorer by the government of the Republic. In his last voyage, when he died, he reached the South Georgia Islands and his body underwent a preservation process to be brought to our country and continue his voyage to the port of origin in England. It is in this circumstance that the government of Dr. Baltasar Brum requested the Permanent Commission of the Parliament to pay him the funeral honors of a Minister of State. The embalming of the body was carried out on January 30, 1922, by medical and technical personnel of the Military Hospital, as well as the honors rendered by the Army and Navy Health Service.

Ernest Shackleton deixou sua marca na história como um exemplo de resiliência e liderança. Em 1914, ele fez sua segunda viagem à Antártica como líder da expedição, frustrado pelo naufrágio de seu navio principal. A operação para resgatar a maior parte da tripulação encalhada no continente mais ao sul o levou a Montevidéu. O Instituto de Pesca N°1, com tripulação do Uruguai e Shackleton incluído, partiu desse porto, mas não conseguiu concluir o resgate. Essa ação deu origem ao reconhecimento do explorador pelo governo da República. Em sua última viagem, quando morreu, chegou às Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e seu corpo foi preservado para que pudesse ser trazido ao nosso país e continuar sua viagem até o porto de origem na Inglaterra. Foi nessa circunstância que o governo do Dr. Baltasar Brum solicitou ao Comitê Permanente do Parlamento que lhe prestasse as honras fúnebres de um Ministro de Estado. O embalsamamento do corpo foi realizado em 30 de janeiro de 1922, pela equipe médica e técnica do Hospital Militar, bem como as honras prestadas a ele pelo Serviço de Saúde do Exército e da Marinha.

Humans , Male , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Ships/history , Travel/history , Military Personnel/history , Uruguay , United Kingdom , Antarctic Regions
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045847


Objective: To investigate the association between chronic lung diseases and the risk of lung cancer. Methods: Using UK Biobank (UKB) survey data, 472 397 participants who had not previously been diagnosed with cancer and whose self-reported sex was consistent with their genetic sex were studied. Information on the prevalence of previous chronic lung diseases, general demographic characteristics and the prevalence of lung cancer was collected using baseline questionnaires and national health system data. The multivariate Cox proportional risk regression model was used to analyze the association between four previous chronic lung diseases (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial pulmonary disease) and the risk of lung cancer. A total of 458 526 participants with genotype data in the observational study were selected as research objects, and the closely related and independent genetic loci with four chronic lung diseases were selected as instrumental variables, and the association between four chronic lung diseases and the risk of lung cancer was analyzed by Mendelian randomization (MR). The dose-response relationship between genetic risk score and the risk of lung cancer in different chronic lung diseases was evaluated using a restricted cubic spline function. Results: The age [M (Q1, Q3)] of the subjects was 57 (50, 63) years old, and there were 3 516 new cases of lung cancer (0.74%) during follow-up. The multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression model analysis showed that previous chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were associated with the risk of lung cancer, about 1.61 (1.49-1.75) and 2.61 (1.24-5.49), respectively. MR Studies showed that genetically predicted chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were associated with the risk of lung cancer, with HR (95%CI) of 1.10 (1.03-1.19) and 1.04 (1.01-1.08), respectively. The results of restricted cubic spline function analysis showed that the risk of lung cancer increased linearly with the increase of genetic risk scores for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (P<0.05). Neither observational studies nor Mendelian randomization analysis found an association between previous asthma or interstitial lung disease and the risk of lung cancer (both P values>0.05). Conclusion: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are potential risk factors for lung cancer.

Humans , Middle Aged , Mendelian Randomization Analysis , Biological Specimen Banks , Lung Neoplasms/genetics , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/genetics , Asthma/genetics , Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis/genetics , United Kingdom/epidemiology , Genome-Wide Association Study
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046170


Objective: To investigate the association between chronic lung diseases and the risk of lung cancer. Methods: Using UK Biobank (UKB) survey data, 472 397 participants who had not previously been diagnosed with cancer and whose self-reported sex was consistent with their genetic sex were studied. Information on the prevalence of previous chronic lung diseases, general demographic characteristics and the prevalence of lung cancer was collected using baseline questionnaires and national health system data. The multivariate Cox proportional risk regression model was used to analyze the association between four previous chronic lung diseases (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial pulmonary disease) and the risk of lung cancer. A total of 458 526 participants with genotype data in the observational study were selected as research objects, and the closely related and independent genetic loci with four chronic lung diseases were selected as instrumental variables, and the association between four chronic lung diseases and the risk of lung cancer was analyzed by Mendelian randomization (MR). The dose-response relationship between genetic risk score and the risk of lung cancer in different chronic lung diseases was evaluated using a restricted cubic spline function. Results: The age [M (Q1, Q3)] of the subjects was 57 (50, 63) years old, and there were 3 516 new cases of lung cancer (0.74%) during follow-up. The multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression model analysis showed that previous chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were associated with the risk of lung cancer, about 1.61 (1.49-1.75) and 2.61 (1.24-5.49), respectively. MR Studies showed that genetically predicted chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were associated with the risk of lung cancer, with HR (95%CI) of 1.10 (1.03-1.19) and 1.04 (1.01-1.08), respectively. The results of restricted cubic spline function analysis showed that the risk of lung cancer increased linearly with the increase of genetic risk scores for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (P<0.05). Neither observational studies nor Mendelian randomization analysis found an association between previous asthma or interstitial lung disease and the risk of lung cancer (both P values>0.05). Conclusion: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are potential risk factors for lung cancer.

Humans , Middle Aged , Mendelian Randomization Analysis , Biological Specimen Banks , Lung Neoplasms/genetics , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/genetics , Asthma/genetics , Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis/genetics , United Kingdom/epidemiology , Genome-Wide Association Study
Rev. Cient. Esc. Estadual Saúde Pública de Goiás Cândido Santiago ; 9 (Ed. Especial, 1ª Oficina de Elaboração de Pareceres Técnicos Científicos (PTC): 9f2-EE3, 2023. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1525095


Este protocolo teve como objetivo estruturar as etapas de elaboração de um Scoping Review que pretende estudar as experiências de desenvolvimento e produção de vacinas em 5 países selecionados, comparando com o Brasil. Sendo assim, a introdução buscou contextualizar a questão de desenvolvimento e produção de vacinas no mundo. Posteriormente, foi apresentado o método do trabalho que, neste caso perpassa por uma explanação da escolha prévia dos 5 países selecionados, além de uma busca em 5 repositórios, seguida de busca manual. A pergunta de pesquisa e as palavras chaves foram apresentadas em conjunto com descrição dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, que levaram a uma seleção final de 25 documentos completos. Por fim, foram apresentados os resultados esperados, quanto ao que se espera encontrar na análise de atores e ações realizadas nos países investigados

This protocol aimed to structure the steps of a Scoping Review that intends to study the experiences of vaccine development and production in 5 selected countries, comparing with Brazil. Thus, the introduction sought to contextualize the issue of vaccine development and production in the world. Afterwards, the method of the work was presented, which in this case involves an explanation of the previous choice of the 5 selected countries, besides a search in 5 repositories, followed by a manual search. The research question and the key words were presented together with a narrative of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, which led to a total selection of 25 full documents. Finally, the expected results were presented, which indicates what is expected to be found in the analysis of actors and actions taken in the countries in question

Humans , Male , Female , Research Expenditures , COVID-19 Vaccines/supply & distribution , Vaccine Development , United States , Brazil , China , Russia , United Kingdom
Santiago de Chile; Chile.Ministerio de Salud; sept. 2022. 7 p.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS, MINSALCHILE, BRISA | ID: biblio-1452484


ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO La epidemia por COVID-19 ha mostrado cambios en el comportamiento infeccioso del virus en los últimos meses, debido a las características de menor severidad y mayor infecciosidad de la variante Ómicron. En este contexto, el Jefe de la División de Planificación sanitaria solicita este reporte con el objetivo de revisar las indicaciones vigentes a nivel internacional sobre el número de días de licencia médica entregados por COVID-19, frente a la variante Ómicron. METODOLOGÍA Se revisó información en páginas institucionales oficiales de los países escogidos. Esta búsqueda se realizó entre los días 30 y 31 de agosto de 2022. La información revisada corresponde a indicaciones de licencias médicas por COVID-19 para la población general. Los países de interés seleccionados por el jefe de la DIPLAS y posteriormente consultados fueron: Alemania, Australia, Colombia, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Israel, Japón y el Reino Unido. RESULTADOS Se recuperaron 16 referencias para desarrollar el reporte breve de evidencia. Se definieron los siguientes resultados: - Los países analizados han disminuido el número de días de licencia por COVID-19 a 5-7 días, en el contexto de la variante Ómicron, comparado con los inicios de la pandemia, en donde la Organización Mundial de la Salud recomendaba aislamiento y licencias médicas por 14 días. - Ocho de los nueve países analizados financian obligatoriamente licencias médicas por COVID-19, durante un periodo que fluctúa entre 5 a 7 días. -En algunos países la extensión de la licencia puede variar dependiendo de la sintomatología o severidad. -Dependiendo del sistema de salud, la licencia puede ser pagada por el Estado, aseguradora, empleador o mutuales.

Chile , Guidelines as Topic , Sick Leave , Australia , Spain , United States , Colombia , France , Germany , United Kingdom , Israel , Japan
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 161-165, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928486


PURPOSE@#The COVID-19 pandemic has caused 1.4 million deaths globally and is associated with a 3-4 times increase in 30-day mortality after a fragility hip fracture with concurrent COVID-19 infection. Typically, death from COVID-19 infection occurs between 15 and 22 days after the onset of symptoms, but this period can extend up to 8 weeks. This study aimed to assess the impact of concurrent COVID-19 infection on 120-day mortality after a fragility hip fracture.@*METHODS@#A multi-centre prospective study across 10 hospitals treating 8% of the annual burden of hip fractures in England between 1st March and 30th April, 2020 was performed. Patients whose surgical treatment was payable through the National Health Service Best Practice Tariff mechanism for "fragility hip fractures" were included in the study. Patients' 120-day mortality was assessed relative to their peri-operative COVID-19 status. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 27.@*RESULTS@#A total of 746 patients were included in this study, of which 87 (11.7%) were COVID-19 positive. Mortality rates at 30- and 120-day were significantly higher for COVID-19 positive patients relative to COVID-19 negative patients (p < 0.001). However, mortality rates between 31 and 120-day were not significantly different (p = 0.107), 16.1% and 9.4% respectively for COVID-19 positive and negative patients, odds ratio 1.855 (95% CI 0.865-3.978).@*CONCLUSION@#Hip fracture patients with concurrent COVID-19 infection, provided that they are alive at day-31 after injury, have no significant difference in 120-day mortality. Despite the growing awareness and concern of "long-COVID" and its widespread prevalence, this does not appear to increase medium-term mortality rates after a hip fracture.

Humans , COVID-19 , Hip Fractures/surgery , Pandemics , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , State Medicine , United Kingdom/epidemiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936295


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the differences in the factors associated with endometriosis between Chinese and British patients.@*METHODS@#This case-control study was conducted in 387 patients with endometriosis and 199 non-endometriosis patients admitted to John Radcliffe Hospital (Oxford, UK) and in 101 patients with endometriosis and 50 non-endometriosis patients admitted in the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. The clinical data including height, weight, body mass index, marital status, employment, menstruation, fertility, and operation reasons were collected via a standardized WERF EPHect questionnaire.@*RESULTS@#Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that body mass index, surgery for dysmenorrhea, history of pregnancy, counts of previous surgeries for endometriosis and status of employment were all significantly associated with endometriosis in the UK (P < 0.05), while a history of dysmenorrhea was significantly correlated with endometriosis in Chinese patients (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Dysmenorrhea may be the most important common factor associated with endometriosis in China and the UK, but the other factors contributing to endometriosis may differ between these two countries.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Case-Control Studies , Dysmenorrhea/complications , Endometriosis/complications , Menstruation , United Kingdom
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(4): 1419-1428, abr. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285924


Abstract The present study was an effort to assess the mitigation interventions carried out, so far, by the nations to fight the pandemic COVID-19. The novelty of the study was that it had considered the issue of pandemic mitigation strategy as a decision making problem. The performances of the twenty nations were to be ranked. The problem considered in the study was essentially a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) problem. The available alternatives were the 20 countries and the 8 traits were the criteria. The Technique of Order Preference Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was used in the present study. The study used Entropy method for assignment of weights to all the criteria. The performance score obtained in respect of the countries considered in the study and the corresponding ranks indicated the relative performances of the countries in their efforts to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that New Zealand is the best performing country and India is the worst one. Brazil ranked 17th, while the rank of UK was 15. The performance of the USA stood at 18th position.

Resumo O presente estudo foi um esforço para avaliar as intervenções de mitigação realizadas, até o momento, pelas nações para combater a pandemia COVID-19. A novidade do estudo é que considerou a questão da estratégia de mitigação da pandemia como um problema de tomada de decisão. As performances das vinte nações deveriam ser classificadas. O problema considerado no estudo era essencialmente um problema de Análise de Decisão Multi-Critério (MCDA). As alternativas disponíveis eram os 20 países e as 8 características eram os critérios. A Técnica de Similaridade de Preferência de Pedido com a Solução Ideal (TOPSIS) foi utilizada no presente estudo. O estudo utilizou o método da Entropia para atribuição de pesos a todos os critérios. A pontuação de desempenho obtida em relação aos países considerados no estudo e as classificações correspondentes indicaram os desempenhos relativos dos países em seus esforços para mitigar a pandemia COVID-19. Os resultados mostram que a Nova Zelândia é o país com melhor desempenho e a Índia o pior. O Brasil ficou em 17º, enquanto o Reino Unido ficou em 15. O desempenho dos EUA ficou na 18ª posição.

Humans , Pandemics/prevention & control , COVID-19/prevention & control , United States/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Decision Support Techniques , Entropy , United Kingdom/epidemiology , India/epidemiology , New Zealand/epidemiology
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(1): 59-78, mar. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154326


Resumo A medicina baseada em evidências (MBE) pretende aumentar a eficiência e qualidade dos serviços de saúde prestados à população e diminuir os custos operacionais dos processos de prevenção, tratamento e reabilitação. Busca identificar problemas relevantes do paciente e promover a aplicabilidade social das conclusões. O artigo ressalta a importância da MBE para o ensino e para as práticas clínicas sociais da atualidade a partir da contribuição de Archibald Cochrane e David Sackett no desenvolvimento e na difusão desse paradigma assistencial e pedagógico durante o século XX. A MBE tem contribuído para ampliar a discussão sobre as relações entre ensino e prática da medicina, assumindo papel de destaque em reformas curriculares e modelos de formação no cuidado e práticas em saúde.

Abstract Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is intended to improve the efficiency and quality of health services provided to the population and reduce the operational costs of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation; the objective of EBM is to identify relevant issues and promote the social applicability of conclusions. This article underscores the importance of EBM in modern clinical teaching and social practices from the contributions of Archibald Cochrane and David Sackett to the development and dissemination of this paradigm in care and education during the twentieth century. EBM has helped broaden discussions on the relationships between teaching and medical practice, and has taken on an important role in curriculum reforms and training models and practices in health care.

Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Evidence-Based Medicine/history , Patient Care/history , United States , Canada , United Kingdom
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942214


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the recent severity of COVID-19 in various countries.@*METHODS@#Data were ollected on the epidemic situation of COVID-19 in various countries as of January 16, 2021, and the scale and overall trend of the epidemic were retrospectively described; combined with the recent trend of newly confirmed cases, from January 10 to 16 (the 54th week) and the newly confirmed cases indexes, such as the number and incidence density the severity of the epidemic was classified. Feasible suggestions were put forward based on the variation of the virus, actual data of vaccine research and development and possible existence in many countries.@*RESULTS@#Up to January 16, 2021, there were 92 510 419 confirmed cases worldwide; 4 849 301 new confirmed cases were confirmed in the 54th week, and they were still growing. Among all the continents, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Europe, North America, and Asia has exceeded 21 million, and the number of new confirmed cases in a single week in North America, South America and Asia were all increasing. Among the countries, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in 18 countries including the United States, India, and Brazil was more than 1 million, accounting for 77.04% of the total number of cumulative confirmed cases in the world. Eleven countries including the United States, Brazil, France, Spain, Colombia, The United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, South Africa, Italy, and India are at higher risk of the epidemic; The United States, Brazil, France, Spain, and Colombia were still experiencing new confirmed cases and increasing status, the risk of the epidemic was greater. Novel coronavirus mutates frequently, up to February 2021, there had been 3 931 mutant genotypes in the world. At the same time, a total of 11 vaccines were successfully launched, however we were still facing some troubles, such as the global shortage of vaccines, the public's willingness to vaccinate needed to be improved, and equity in the distribution of vaccines.@*CONCLUSION@#The global epidemic situation is still getting worse, with repeated epidemics in all the continents and countries, and has not been fundamentally controlled. At the continent level, North America, South America, and Europe have the most severe epidemics; at the national level, The United States, Brazil, France, Spain, Colombia and other countries have higher epidemic risks. Focusing on the severely affected countries will help bring the global epidemic under control as soon as possible. Under the premise of ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, it is a key and feasible direction to improve the yield and vaccination rate of the vaccines, shorten the onset time of the vaccines and prolong the immune persistence.

Humans , Asia , Brazil , COVID-19 , Europe , France , India , Italy , North America , Retrospective Studies , SARS-CoV-2 , Spain , United Kingdom , United States
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888217


UK Biobank (UKB) is a forward-looking epidemiological project with over 500, 000 people aged 40 to 69, whose image extension project plans to re-invite 100, 000 participants from UKB to perform multimodal brain magnetic resonance imaging. Large-scale multimodal neuroimaging combined with large amounts of phenotypic and genetic data provides great resources to conduct brain health-related research. This article provides an in-depth overview of UKB in the field of neuroimaging. Firstly, neuroimage collection and imaging-derived phenotypes are summarized. Secondly, typical studies of UKB in neuroimaging areas are introduced, which include cardiovascular risk factors, regulatory factors, brain age prediction, normality, successful and morbid brain aging, environmental and genetic factors, cognitive ability and gender. Lastly, the open challenges and future directions of UKB are discussed. This article has the potential to open up a new research field for the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases.

Biological Specimen Banks , Brain , Neuroimaging , United Kingdom
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 231-236, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888417


PURPOSE@#As COVID-19 spreads globally and affects people's health, there are concerns that the pandemic and control policies may have psychological effects on young people (age from 17 to 35 years). This psychological impact might vary in different countries, and thus we compared the prevalence of self-reported psychological distress, loneliness and posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) among young people in the United Kingdom (UK) and China at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.@*METHODS@#Data of this study came from two sources. One source was the first wave of COVID-19 study in Understanding Society, a special wave of the UK household longitudinal study, which provided the high-quality, national-wide representative panel data. The sample comprised 1054 young people. The other source was an online survey on the mental health of 1003 young people from Shanghai, a highly developed area in China. The questionnaire included questions on the prevalence of common mental disorders (cut-off score ≥ 4), loneliness and potential PTSS (cut-off ≥ 33). Univariable analyses were conducted to test the differences in the self-reported prevalence of psychological distress and loneliness between the two groups. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were run to explore the predictors of psychological distress and loneliness among all the young people from England and Shanghai.@*RESULTS@#Among the samples with self-reported psychological distress, the UK sample accounted for 34.4% (n=1054) and the Chinese sample accounted for 14.1% (n=1003). The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Additionally, 57.1% of people in the UK and 46.7% in China reported that they sometimes or often felt lonely, of which the difference is statistically significant (p < 0.001). Regression analysis of the entire samples showed that nationality, gender, psychotherapy and loneliness were significant predictors of 12-item General Health Questionnaire scores, while the variables of age and living alone were not. Significant predictors of self-reported loneliness were the nationality, gender, age, living alone and psychotherapy. In China, 123 (12.3%) young people, 49 men (11.3%) and 74 women (13.0%), met the criteria of PTSS symptoms (cut-off scores ≥ 33). These scores were only collected in China.@*CONCLUSION@#This evidence suggests that mental health and loneliness reported by young people were lower in China than that in the UK during the studied period. More research is needed to understand these differences. If the differential negative psychological impacts are confirmed, country-specific measures of prevention and intervention should be adopted to improve the mental health of young people under the ongoing impact of the pandemic.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , COVID-19/epidemiology , China/epidemiology , Loneliness/psychology , Mental Health , Prevalence , Psychological Distress , SARS-CoV-2 , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/epidemiology , United Kingdom/epidemiology
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 19: eAO6002, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154091


ABSTRACT Objective: To carry out a scoping review of the meta-analyses published regarding about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), evaluating their main characteristics, publication trends and methodological quality. Methods: A bibliometric search was performed in PubMed®, Scopus and Web of Science, focusing on meta-analyses about COVID-2019 disease. Bibliometric and descriptive data for the included articles were extracted and the methodological quality of the included meta-analyses was evaluated using A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews. Results: A total of 348 meta-analyses were considered eligible. The first meta-analysis about COVID-19 disease was published on February 26, 2020, and the number of meta-analyses has grown rapidly since then. Most of them were published in infectious disease and virology journals. The greatest number come from China, followed by the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom. On average, these meta-analyses included 23 studies and 15,200 participants. Overall quality was remarkably low, and only 8.9% of them could be considered as of high confidence level. Conclusion: Although well-designed meta-analyses about COVID-19 disease have already been published, the majority are of low quality. Thus, all stakeholders playing a role in COVID-19 deseases, including policy makers, researchers, publishers and journals, should prioritize well-designed meta-analyses, performed only when the background information seem suitable, and discouraging those of low quality or that use suboptimal methods.

RESUMO Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão de escopo das metanálises publicadas sobre a doença pelo coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19), avaliando suas principais características, tendências de publicação e qualidade metodológica. Métodos: Uma busca bibliométrica foi realizada em PubMed®, Scopus e Web of Science, com foco em metanálises sobre a doença pelo COVID-19. Foram extraídos dados bibliométricos e descritivos dos artigos incluídos, e a qualidade metodológica foi avaliada usando a ferramenta A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews. Resultados: Um total de 348 metanálises foram consideradas elegíveis. A primeira delas foi publicada em 26 de fevereiro de 2020, e, desde então, o número dessas publicações cresceu rapidamente. A maioria foi publicada em periódicos de infectologia e virologia. Grande parte é proveniente da China, seguida dos Estados Unidos, da Itália e do Reino Unido. Em média, as metanálises incluíram 23 estudos e 15.200 participantes. Em geral, a qualidade metodológica foi baixa, e apenas 8,9% delas podem ser consideradas de algum grau de confiabilidade Conclusão: Embora algumas metanálises bem conduzidas sobre a doença pelo COVID-19 tenham sido publicadas, a maioria apresenta baixa qualidade. Todos os envolvidos na abordagem da doença pelo COVID-19, incluindo formuladores de políticas, pesquisadores, editoras e periódicos, devem dar prioridade a metanálises de alta qualidade, realizadas apenas quando os dados são viáveis, e desencorajar as de baixa qualidade ou conduzidas com métodos subótimos.

Humans , Bibliometrics , COVID-19 , United States , China , Meta-Analysis as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic , Systematic Reviews as Topic , United Kingdom , Italy
Brasília; IPEA; 20200500. 73 p. ilus.(Texto para Discussão / IPEA, 2559).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-1100677


Este texto apresenta um panorama internacional das medidas econômicas adotadas para reduzir os graves efeitos econômicos da pandemia de Sars-COV-2 em três países: Estados Unidos, Reino Unido e Espanha. A análise toma como base primordialmente documentos governamentais que normatizaram as medidas de política econômica. São analisados os diversos canais por meio dos quais a crise sanitária afeta a economia. Por um lado, estão os fatores de oferta: oferta de trabalho, produtividade do trabalho e funcionamento das cadeias produtivas. Por outro lado, encontram-se os fatores de demanda: consumo das famílias, investimento privado e comércio exterior. O terceiro canal diz respeito aos fatores financeiros que incidem sobre as variáveis de demanda e, principalmente, sobre o grau de liquidez das empresas financeiras e não financeiras. As medidas adotadas nos três países apresentam como características comuns a mobilização de grande volume de recursos fiscais e financeiros, a adoção de uma grande diversidade de instrumentos de política econômica e o uso de arranjos institucionais sofisticados em termos de regras de focalização e de mecanismos de operacionalização das medidas adotadas.

This text presents an international overview of the economic measures adopted to reduce the serious economic effects of the Sars-COV-2 pandemic in three countries: the USA, the United Kingdom and Spain. The analysis is based primarily on government documents that regulated economic policy measures. The various channels through which the health crisis affects the economy are analyzed. On one hand, there are the supply factors: labor supply, labor productivity and the functioning of production chains. On the other hand, there are demand factors: household consumption, private investment and foreign trade. The third channel concerns the financial factors on demand variables and, mainly, on the degree of liquidity of financial and non-financial companies. The measures adopted in the three countries have as common characteristics the mobilization of large volumes of fiscal and financial resources, the adoption of a wide range of economic policy instruments and the use of sophisticated institutional arrangements in terms of targeting rules and mechanisms for operationalizing the measures adopted.

Public Policy , Coronavirus , Pandemics , Spain/epidemiology , United States/epidemiology , United Kingdom/epidemiology
J. Hum. Growth Dev. (Impr.) ; 30(3): 344-354, Sept.-Dec. 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1134674


INTRODUCTION: CoV infections can potentially cause from a simple cold to a severe respiratory syndrome, such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV). The COVID-19 created a new reality for global healthcare modelsOBJETIVE: To evaluate trends in case-fatality rates of COVID-19 in the WorldMETHODS: We conducted a population-based time-series study using public and official data of cases and deaths from COVID-19 in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and Russian, between December, 2019 and August, 2020. Data were based on reports from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. COVID-19 was defined by the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (U07.1). A Prais-Winsten regression model was performed and the Daily Percentage Change (DPC) calculated determine rates as increasing, decreasing or flatRESULTS: During the study period, trends in case-fatality rates in the world were flat (DPC = 0.3; CI 95% [-0.2: 0.7]; p = 0.225). In Africa, Morocco had decreasing trends (DPC = -1.1; CI 95% [-1.5: -0.7]; p < 0.001), whereas it were increasing in South Africa (p < 0.05) and flat in Nigeria (p > 0.05). In the Americas, Argentina showed a decreasing trend in case-fatality rates (DPC = -0.6; CI 95% [-1.1: -0.2]; p = 0.005), the U.S. had flat trends (p > 0.05) and all other American countries had increasing trends (p < 0.05). In Asia, Iran had decreasing trends (DPC = -1.5; CI 95% [-2.6 : -0.2]; p = 0.019); China and Saudi Arabia showed increasing trends (p < 0.05), while in India, Japan and South Korea they were flat (p > 0.05). European countries had mostly increasing trends (p < 0.05): Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and Russia; France and Switzerland had flat trends (p > 0.05). Finally, in Oceania, trends in case-fatality rates were flat in Australia (p > 0.05) and increasing in New Zealand (p < 0.05CONCLUSION: Trends in case-fatality rates of COVID-19 in the World were flat between December, 31 and August, 31. Argentina, Iran and Morocco were the only countries with decreasing trends. On the other hand, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, China, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Russian and New Zealand had increasing trends in case-fatality rate. All the other countries analyzed had flat trends. Based on case-fatality rate data, our study supports that COVID-19 pandemic is still in progress worldwide

INTRODUÇÃO: As infecções por CoV podem causar desde um simples resfriado até uma síndrome respiratória grave, como a Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave e a Síndrome Respiratória do Oriente Médio (MERS-CoV). O COVID-19 impôs uma nova realidade em termos de modelos globais de saúdeOBJETIVO: Avaliar as tendências das taxas de letalidade do COVID-19 no mundoMÉTODO: Estudo de séries temporais de base populacional usando dados públicos e oficiais de casos e mortes por COVID-19 na Argentina, Austrália, Brasil, Chile, China, Colômbia, França, Alemanha, Índia, Irã, Itália, Japão, México, Marrocos, Nova Zelândia, Nigéria, Peru, Arábia Saudita, África do Sul, Coreia do Sul, Espanha, Suíça, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos (EUA) e Rússia, entre 31 dezembro de 2019 e 31 agosto de 2020. Os dados foram baseados nos relatórios do Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controle de Doenças. COVID-19 foi definido pela Classificação Internacional de Doenças, 10ª revisão (U07.1). Para análise estatística, foi realizado o modelo de regressão de Prais-Winsten, a partir do qual foi possível calcular a variação percentual de mudança diária (DPC) das taxas, classificadas como crescentes, decrescentes ou estacionáriasRESULTADOS: Durante o período do estudo, as taxas de letalidade no mundo permaneceram estacionárias (DPC = 0,3; IC 95% [-0,2: 0,7]; p = 0,225). Na África, Marrocos teve tendência decrescente (DPC = -1,1; IC 95% [-1,5: -0,7]; p <0,001), enquanto na África do Sul houve tendência crescente (p < 0,05) e estacionária na Nigéria (p > 0,05). Em relação às Américas, a Argentina revelou tendência decrescente nas taxas de letalidade (DPC = -0,6; IC 95% [-1,1: -0,2]; p = 0,005), os EUA demonstraram tendência estacionária (p > 0,05) e todos os outros países americanos demonstraram tendências crescentes (p < 0,05). Na Ásia, o Irã apresentou tendência decrescente (DPC = -1,5; IC 95% [-2,6: -0,2]; p = 0,019); China e Arábia Saudita apresentaram tendências crescentes (p <0,05), enquanto Índia, Japão e Coreia do Sul mantiveram tendência estacionária (p > 0,05). A maioria dos países europeus apresentaram tendências crescentes (p <0,05): Alemanha, Itália, Espanha, Reino Unido e Rússia; França e Suíça demonstraram tendências estacionárias (p > 0,05). Por fim, na Oceania, a tendência nas taxas de letalidade na Austrália foi estacionária (p > 0,05) e aumentou na Nova Zelândia (p < 0,05CONCLUSÃO: A tendência nas taxas de letalidade por COVID-19 no mundo permaneceu estacionária entre 31 de dezembro de 2019 e 31 de agosto de 2020. Argentina, Irã e Marrocos foram os únicos países com tendências decrescentes. Por outro lado, África do Sul, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colômbia, México, Peru, China, Arábia Saudita, Alemanha, Espanha, Reino Unido, Rússia e Nova Zelândia apresentaram tendências crescentes de letalidade. Todos os outros países analisados demonstraram tendências estacionárias. De acordo com dados de letalidade, nosso estudo confirma que a pandemia de COVID-19 ainda está em fase de progressão em todo o mundo

Epidemiology , COVID-19 , COVID-19/mortality , Peru , Argentina , Saudi Arabia , Australia , South Africa , Spain , Switzerland , United States , Brazil , Chile , China , Russia , Colombia , Republic of Korea , France , Germany , United Kingdom , India , Iran , Italy , Japan , Mexico , Morocco , New Zealand , Nigeria
RECIIS (Online) ; 14(2): 515-519, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102937


Em 2018, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) completou 30 anos de sua criação no Brasil. Embora reúna muitas conquistas nessas três décadas, o SUS hoje enfrenta novos desafios, impostos pela agenda liberal e conservadora em curso no país. Nesse contexto, o documentário O Espírito de 45 (2013), dirigido por Ken Loach, que destaca a criação do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (National Health Service - NHS), no Reino Unido, é um filme salutar. Tendo a cidadania e o bem comum como grandes temas, a obra mostra como é possível, revisitando o passado, despertar o espírito combativo em defesa de uma sociedade mais justa e solidária, que privilegie o bem-estar da população em lugar do lucro e que aponte caminhos para a defesa do SUS, enquanto uma conquista do povo brasileiro.

In 2018, the SUS ­ Sistema Unificado de Saúde (Unified Health System) celebrated the 30th anniversary of its setting up in Brazil. Despite its many achievements in these three decades, nowadays SUS faces new challenges which were imposed by a liberal and conservative agenda ongoing in the country. In this context, the documentary The Spirit of '45 (2013), directed by Ken Loach, which highlights the creation of the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, is a very important film. Addressing citizenship and the common good as major themes, the movie shows how it is possible by revisiting the past to awaken the combative spirit in favour of a fairer and more solidary society, in order to prioritize the population's wellbeing instead of the profit and to point out ways to defend SUS as an achievement of the Brazilian people.

En 2018, el SUS ­ Sistema Único de Saúde (Sistema Único de Salud) completó 30 años de su creación en Brasil. Aunque haya tenido muchos logros en estas tres décadas, el SUS enfrenta hoy nuevos desafíos, impuestos por la agenda liberal y conservadora en curso en el país. En este contexto, la película documental The Spirit of '45 (2013), en la versión brasileña, O Espírito de 45, de Ken Loach, que destaca la creación del Servicio Nacional de Salud (National Health Service ­ NHS); en el Reino Unido, es un buen ejemplo. Con la ciudadanía y el bien común como temas principales, la producción muestra como es posible, reviviendo el pasado, despertar el espíritu combativo en defensa de una sociedad más justa y solidaria, que privilegie el bienestar de la población en lugar de losbeneficios lucrativos, y señale formas de defender el SUS, como un logro del pueblo brasileño.

Humans , Social Welfare , Unified Health System , Health Care Reform , Documentaries and Factual Films , National Health Programs , Brazil , Narration , Universal Health Coverage , United Kingdom , Health Policy