Introducción: El síndrome de Burnout es un fenómeno muy común en los diferentes am-bientes de trabajo, pero estudios de prevalencia en profesionales y estudiantes de terapia ocupacional son limitados.Objetivo: Establecer la presencia de síndrome de Burnout en estudiantes y profesionales de los centros de práctica de la carrera de Terapia Ocupacional de la Universidad Central del Ecuador.Material y métodos: Diseño de estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, en 177 estudiantes de la carrera de Terapia Ocupacional y 35 profesionales en el área que laboran en los centros de práctica vinculados a la práctica preprofesional. En cada suje-to se determinó agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y falta de realización personal mediante la Escala Maslach Burnout Inventory; la presencia de nivel alto en las subescalas agotamiento emocional y despersonalización y nivel bajo en realización personal define sín-drome de Burnout. Se calculó la prevalencia del síndrome en estudiantes y profesionales y la correlación con años de ejercicio laboral y sexo.Resultados: El 2.9 % (1/35) de los profesionales y 4.5 % (8/177) de estudiantes presentaron síndrome Burnout, el que se relacionó con las variables ambientales personales incluidas en la escala de Maslach. Del 45.83% al 82.14 % de estudiantes presentaron niveles bajos de cansancio emocional y despersonalización, mientras que, del 37.14 % al 52.94 %, presenta-ron niveles medios de realización personal.Conclusión: La prevalencia del síndrome de Burnout es baja en los profesionales y en los estudiantes de la carrera de Terapia Ocupacional que hacen prácticas preprofesionales en diferentes instituciones.
Introduction: Burnout syndrome is a very common phenomenon in different work environments; however, prevalence studies in occupational therapy professionals and students are limited.Objective: To establish the presence of Burnout syndrome in students and professionals at practice centers of the Occupational Therapy Career from Universidad Central del Ecuador.Material and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study design in 177 stu-dents belonging to the Occupational Therapy Career and 35 professionals in the area who work in the practice centers linked to pre-professional practice. Emotional exhaustion, de-personalization and lack of personal fulfillment were determined in each subject using the Maslach Burnout Inventory Scale; the presence of a high level in the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization subscales and a low level of personal fulfillment defines Burnout syn-drome. The prevalence of Burnout syndrome in students and professionals and the correla-tion with years of work practice and gender were calculated.Results: 2.9% (1/35) of the professionals and 4.5% (8/177) of the students presented Bur-nout syndrome, which was related to the personal environmental variables included in the Maslach scale. From 45.83% to 82.14% of students presented low levels of emotional fati-gue and depersonalization; on the other hand, from 37.14% to 52.94% presented average levels of personal fulfillment.Conclusion: The prevalence of Burnout syndrome is low as in professionals as in students of the Occupational Therapy Career who do pre-professional practices in different institutions.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Students, Health Occupations , Burnout, Psychological , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Occupational Therapy , Mental FatigueABSTRACT
El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el conocimiento sobre el Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH) en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Guayaquil, Se realizó una investigación con alcance descriptivo y transaccional, con una población constituida por 3000 estudiantes universitarios, y una muestra probabilística de 332. La técnica empleada fué la encuesta y el instrumento de recolección de la información, un cuestionario con 15 preguntas. El conocimiento de esta enfermedad se determinó mediante una escala de valoración en las siguientes categorías: Insuficiente: de 1-3; Regular: 4-6; Bueno: 7-9; Muy Bueno; 10-12 y Excelente: 13-15. Se realizó la prueba de Kolmogorov- Smirnov para determinar la normalidad de la distribución de datos y la prueba del Chi-cuadrado para la comprobación de las hipótesis planteadas, los datos se procesaron con el paquete estadístico SPSS 21,0. Se concluye que existe una asociación significativa entre el grado de conocimiento del papiloma humano con la edad y el sexo de los estudiantes universitarios(AU)
The objective of the present study was to determine the knowledge about the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in university students in the city of Guayaquil. An investigation with a descriptive and cross-sectional scope was carried out, with a population made up of 3000 university students, and a probabilistic sample of 332. The technique used was the survey and the data collection instrument, a questionnaire with 15 questions. Knowledge of this disease was determined using an assessment scale in the following categories: Insufficient: 1-3; Regular: 4-6; Good: 7-9; Very good; 10-12 and Excellent: 13-15. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed to determine the normality of the data distribution and the Chi-square test to verify the hypotheses proposed, the data was processed with the SPSS 25.0 statistical package. It is concluded that there is a significant association between the degree of knowledge of the human papilloma with the age and sex of university students(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Perception , Students/psychology , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Papillomavirus Infections/psychology , Papillomaviridae , Sex Factors , Age Factors , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , EcuadorABSTRACT
This article aims to characterize the prevalence and the factors associated with overweight/obesity in college students, through a systematic review. For doing so, the PRISMA protocol has been utilized. Articles about overweight/obesity were selected in college students on the databases of the National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Web of Science and Scopus, it was considered the publication period from 2014 to 2019. We found 4,740 articles and 28 met the eligibility criteria. The overweight/obesity prevalence in college students varied from 9.5% to 47.0%. The Odds Ratio was the most used association measure (comparison) in studies. As characteristics that favor overweight/obesity, inadequate diet, income, male gender, low level of physical activity and family history of overweight/obesity are mentioned. The factors associated with protection against overweight/obesity were a healthy diet, regular physical activity and screen time. Finally, this review showed that university students are prone to overweight/obesity, as they have behavioral factors related to inadequate diet, low level of physical activity, income, being male, and sociocultural and family aspects due to a history of overweight/obesity. In counterpart, this review argues that healthy diet and physical activity and reduced screen time represent a health maintenance factor against overweight/obesity.
Este artigo tem como objetivo caracterizar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao sobrepeso/obesidade em universitários, por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Para isso, foi utilizado o protocolo PRISMA. Foram selecionados os artigos sobre sobrepeso/obesidade de universitários nas bases de dados da National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Web of Science e Scopus, considerou-se o período de publicação de 2014 a 2019. Dos 4.740 artigos encontrados, 28 atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade. A prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade em universitários variou de 9,5% a 47,0%. Dentre as medidas de associação (comparação), houve maior utilização do Odds Ratio. Como destaques os fatores associados com o sobrepeso/obesidade, cita-se a dieta inadequada, renda, sexo masculino, baixo nível de atividade física e o histórico familiar de sobrepeso/obesidade. Os fatores associados como proteção ao sobrepeso/obesidade foram a dieta saudável, prática regular de atividade física e o tempo de tela. Por fim, esta revisão mostrou que os universitários são propensos ao sobrepeso/obesidade, por apresentarem fatores comportamentais relacionados a dietas inadequadas, baixo nível de atividade física, renda, ser do sexo masculino e aspectos socioculturais e familiares em função de histórico de sobrepeso/obesidade. Em contrapartida, esta revisão sustenta que a dieta saudável e atividade física e a redução do tempo de tela representam um fator de manutenção da saúde contra o sobrepeso/obesidade.
Este artículo pretende caracterizar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al sobrepeso/obesidad en estudiantes universitarios, a través de una revisión sistemática. Para ello se ha utilizado el protocolo PRISMA. Se seleccionaron artículos sobre sobrepeso/obesidad en estudiantes universitarios en las bases de datos de la National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Web of Science y Scopus, se consideró el periodo de publicación de 2014 a 2019. Se encontraron 4.740 artículos y 28 cumplieron los criterios de elegibilidad. La prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad en estudiantes universitarios varió del 9,5% al 47,0%. El Odds Ratio fue la medida de asociación (comparación) más utilizada en los estudios. Como características que favorecen el sobrepeso/obesidad se mencionan la dieta inadecuada, los ingresos, el sexo masculino, el bajo nivel de actividad física y los antecedentes familiares de sobrepeso/obesidad. Los factores asociados a la protección contra el sobrepeso/obesidad fueron la dieta saludable, la actividad física regular y el tiempo de pantalla. Por último, esta revisión mostró que los estudiantes universitarios son propensos al sobrepeso/obesidad, ya que tienen factores de comportamiento relacionados con la dieta inadecuada, el bajo nivel de actividad física, los ingresos, el hecho de ser varones y aspectos socioculturales y familiares debido a una historia de sobrepeso/obesidad. En contrapartida, esta revisión sostiene que la dieta y la actividad física saludables y la reducción del tiempo de pantalla representan un factor de mantenimiento de la salud contra el sobrepeso/obesidad.
Students/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Overweight/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Exercise/physiology , Body Mass Index , Family Characteristics , Epidemiology/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Cultural Characteristics , Behavioral Research/education , Sedentary Behavior , Diet, Healthy/statistics & numerical data , Screen Time , Systematic Reviews as TopicABSTRACT
According to different researches, 30% of university graduates have a low level of health, and studying at university is one of the factors of its deterioration, besides the first year is considered critical. The purpose of research is to study the dynamics of physical development, physical fitness and functional state of young men during the first year of university studies. For the survey we used standard measurements and index calculations for 11 indicators of physical development, 9 indicators of physical fitness and 15 indicators of functional status. We calculated the arithmetic mean (M), the standard error of the mean (m), then evaluated differences by the Student criterion (t) for independent samples and considered them as reliable atÑ < 0.05. It is shown that during the first year of studies, young men have an increase in the Erismann index, the corpulence (Rohrer's) index, the body mass index and a decrease in the Pignet index. There is also an increase in the coefficient of endurance, adaptive capacity and diastolic pressure, while vital capacity of the lungs, the vital index, time of hanging on the bar and the speed of running 1000 m decrease. The dynamics of physical development is expressed in a change in mass-growth indices and indicates an increase in body weight. The dynamics of physical fitness is expressed in a decrease of the time of hanging on the bar and the speed of running 1000 m. The dynamics of the functional state is expressed in a decrease of vital capacity of the lungs, vital index, increase in the coefficient of endurance, adaptive capacity and diastolic blood pressure.
Humans , Male , Young Adult , Students , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Health Status , Physical Fitness/physiology , Athletic Performance/physiology , Motor Skills/physiology , Physical Endurance/physiology , Running/physiology , Blood Pressure/physiology , Body Weight/physiology , Cardiovascular System , Body Mass Index , Vital Capacity/physiology , Muscle Strength/physiology , Arterial Pressure/physiology , Functional Status , Indicators and Reagents , MenABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo: identificar o tema segurança do paciente nos componentes curriculares de cursos de graduação em enfermagem no estado da Bahia. Método: pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva, exploratória de base documental desenvolvida em fevereiro de 2019, com dados extraídos da Matriz Curricular, Projeto Pedagógico e Ementa, disponíveis nos websites de instituições de ensino superior com situação ativa no sistema e-MEC. Resultados: das 75 instituições cadastradas, nove eram públicas, e 66 privadas. O tema segurança do paciente não foi encontrado em nenhum website de universidades públicas e apenas em 8,06% das privadas. O contato inicial com a temática dava-se no 3º semestre, a carga horária média das disciplinas que abordavam o tema variava de 30 a 306 horas e o componente curricular era obrigatório para estas disciplinas. Apenas 1,71% dos websites das instituições públicas apresentavam todos os documentos pesquisados, enquanto as privadas apresentaram 33,33%, a matriz curricular foi o documento mais disponibilizado. Conclusão: a inserção do tema segurança do paciente nos componentes curriculares mostrou-se insuficiente, apontando necessidade de revisão dos processos formativos e inclusão de abordagem interdisciplinar e transdisciplinar, tendo em vista a complexidade do cuidado em saúde e a importância do desenvolvimento de competências específicas com foco na segurança do paciente.
RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar el tema seguridad del paciente en los componentes curriculares de cursos de pregrado en enfermería en el estado de Bahia-Brasil. Método: investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, exploratoria de base documental desarrollada en febrero de 2019, con datos extraídos de la Matriz Curricular, Proyecto Pedagógico y Directrices, disponibles en los sitios electrónicos de instituciones de enseñanza superior con situación activa en el sistema e-MEC. Resultados: de las 75 instituciones registradas, nueve eran públicas y 66 privadas. El tema de la seguridad del paciente no se encontró en ningún website de universidades públicas y solo en el 8,06% de las privadas. El contacto inicial con la temática se trabajaba en el 3º semestre, el promedio de la carga horaria de las asignaturas que trataban el tema variaba de 30 a 306 horas y el componente curricular era obligatorio para estas asignaturas. Solo el 1,71% de los sitios electrónicos de las instituciones públicas presentaba todos los documentos investigados, mientras que los privados presentaron el 33,33%, la matriz curricular fue el documento más disponible. Conclusión: la inserción del tema seguridad del paciente en los componentes curriculares se mostró insuficiente, señalando necesidad de revisión de los procesos formativos e inclusión de abordaje interdisciplinario y transdisciplinario, teniendo en cuenta la complejidad del cuidado de la salud y la importancia del desarrollo de competencias específicas centradas en la seguridad del paciente.
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the theme of patient safety in the curricular components of undergraduate nursing courses in the state of Bahia. Method: quantitative, descriptive, exploratory research of documentary basis developed in February 2019, with data extracted from the Curricular Matrix, Pedagogical Project and Menu, available on the websites of higher education institutions with active situation in the e-MEC system. Results: of the 75 registered institutions, nine were public, and 66 were private. The theme of patient safety was not found in any website of public universities and only in 8.06% of private universities. The initial contact with the theme took place in the 3rd semester, the average workload of the subjects that addressed the theme ranged from 30 to 306 hours and the curricular component was mandatory for these disciplines. Only 1.71% of the websites of public institutions had all the documents surveyed, while the private ones presented 33.33%, the curriculum matrix was the most available document. Conclusion: the insertion of the patient safety theme in the curricular components proved insufficient, pointing out the need for review of training processes and inclusion of an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach, in view of the complexity of health care and the importance of developing specific competencies focused on patient safety.
Curriculum/standards , Education, Nursing/statistics & numerical data , Patient Safety , Students, Nursing/statistics & numerical data , Teaching/education , Universities/organization & administration , Universities/supply & distribution , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Computer Communication Networks/organization & administration , Computer Communication Networks/statistics & numerical data , Education, Nursing/legislation & jurisprudenceABSTRACT
RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi revisar projetos pedagógicos (PP) para identificar a formação do profissional de Educação Física (PEF) (Bacharelado) no contexto de Saúde Pública nos melhores cursos do Brasil. Foram selecionados os 10 melhores cursos de graduação em EF ranqueados em dois sistemas de avaliações nacionais (Exame Nacional de Desempenho na Educação e Ranking Universitário Folha) e as 10 melhores Universidades num ranking internacional (QS World University Rankings). Mediante revisão rápida foram extraídas informações dos PPs de 18 cursos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Trinta e seis disciplinas no contexto de Saúde Pública foram localizadas nas grades curriculares. Em relação a carga horária média menos de 1% da grade eletiva dos cursos era dedicada a disciplinas sobre Saúde Pública. O estudo revelou um cenário de formação de Bacharéis em EF distante do crescimento que a área demonstrou no campo da Saúde Pública nos últimos anos. É importante que os cursos de graduação em EF considerem uma formação específica no contexto da Saúde Pública, de modo a favorecer a consolidação da atuação do PEF e a qualidade do seu serviço na Atenção Primária à Saúde.
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to review pedagogical projects (PP) to identify the formation of the Physical Education professionals (PEF) in the context of Public Health in the best courses in Brazil. Methods: The 10 best PE undergraduate courses ranked in two national assessment systems were selected (National Education Performance Examination and Folha University Ranking) and the 10 best Universities in an international ranking (QS World University Rankings). Through a quick review, information was extracted from the PPs of 18 courses that met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-six subjects in the context of public health were located in the curricula. Regarding the average workload, less than 1% of the elective course schedule was dedicated to subjects on Public Health. The study revealed a scenario for the formation of Bachelors in PE far from the growth that the area has shown in the field of Public Health in recent years. It is important that PE undergraduate courses consider specific training in the context of Public Health, in order to favor the consolidation of the PEF's performance and the quality of its service in Primary Health Care.
Physical Education and Training/organization & administration , Physical Education and Training/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Public Health/education , Curriculum/statistics & numerical data , Projects , Health Human Resource Training , Professional Training , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Public Policy , Exercise , Public Health/methods , Total Quality Management/statistics & numerical data , Education, Public Health Professional/statistics & numerical data , Educational Measurement/methods , Educational Measurement/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of university Physical Education students at different progression levels in the programs regarding the teaching-learning environment in the initial training. In total, 273 students (Bachelor's program n = 150; Licentiate program n = 123) from the Licentiate Program in Physical Education of a public university in Santa Catarina, Brazil, participated in this study, responding to the adapted version of the Assessment Questionnaire of the Perceived Environment in the Initial Training in Physical Education. The Chi-square test was used to analyze the associations between the student progression levels in the programs and their perceptions about the initial training environment. The results indicated the predominance of practical classes/experiences and written theoretical evaluations, especially in the initial phases. The infrequent observation experiences and learning through practice or observation were the assumed roles, made evident primarily in the final semesters. Although the students perceived themselves as active regarding their participation levels, they indicated that the professors are the ones responsible for making the decisions. It is concluded that the initial training in Physical Education requires reconfiguring certain teaching-learning practices to increase student involvement and responsibility for their own training process.
RESUMO Objetivou-se analisar as percepções de estudantes universitários de Educação Física em distintos níveis de progressão no curso, sobre o ambiente de ensino-aprendizagem na formação inicial. Participaram 273 estudantes (Bacharelado n=150; Licenciatura n=123) do curso de licenciatura em Educação Física de uma universidade pública de Santa Catarina, Brasil, os quais responderam à versão adaptada do Questionário de Avaliação do Ambiente Percebido da Formação Inicial em Educação Física. O teste Qui-quadrado foi utilizado para analisar as associações entre o nível de progressão discente nos cursos e suas percepções sobre o ambiente de formação inicial. Os resultados indicaram a predominância de aulas/vivências práticas e de avaliações teóricas escritas, especialmente nas fases iniciais. As experiências poucos frequentes de observação, e o aprendizado pela prática ou por observação foi o papel assumido, especialmente evidenciados nos semestres finais. Apesar de os estudantes terem se percebido ativos quanto ao seu nível de participação, indicaram que os professores são os principais responsáveis por tomar as decisões. Conclui-se que a formação inicial em Educação Física necessita reconfigurar determinadas práticas de ensino-aprendizagem para aumentar o envolvimento e a responsabilidade discentes pelo próprio processo formativo.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Physical Education and Training/methods , Students/statistics & numerical data , Teaching/education , Educational Measurement/methods , Academic Performance/statistics & numerical data , Learning , Perception , Professional Competence/statistics & numerical data , Universities/organization & administration , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Observation/methods , Lecture , Evaluation Study , Scientific Domains , Faculty/educationABSTRACT
A educação tem se mostrado uma importante ferramenta de transformação social. A partir dessa compreensão, políticas públicas para acesso ao ensino superior têm sido desenvolvidas no Brasil com o objetivo de promover igualdade social. O Programa Universidade para Todos (PROUNI) é direcionado a estudantes com renda familiar de até três salários mínimos e atinge um número crescente de estudantes. Este estudo objetivou averiguar a ascensão desses estudantes beneficiados pelo PROUNI, envolvendo três dimensões: satisfação profissional, econômica e pessoal. Para tanto, foram contatados 1200 alunos egressos de uma Universidade privada que foram beneficiados pelo PROUNI. Os questionários foram enviados por e-mail e foram obtidas 212 respostas. A análise foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva e relacional. Os resultados indicam que a graduação universitária através do PROUNI propiciou mobilidade social ascendente. A maioria dos entrevistados declarou que obteve melhorias em sua vida, tanto nos aspectos pessoais, profissionais e econômicos, o que ressalta a importância da existência de políticas públicas voltadas ao acesso à educação
Education has proved to be an important tool for social transformation. From this understanding, public policies for access to higher education have been developed in Brazil with the aim of promoting social equality. The University for All Program (PROUNI) is aimed at students with a family income of up to three minimum salaries and reaches an increasing number of students. This study aimed to ascertain the rise of these students benefited by PROUNI, involving three dimensions: professional, economic and personal satisfaction. For this purpose, 1,200 students from a private university who were benefited by PROUNI were contacted. The questionnaires were sent by e-mail and 212 responses were obtained. The analysis was performed using descriptive and relational statistics. The results indicate that university graduation through PROUNI provided upward social mobility. Most interviewees stated that they have made improvements in their lives, both in personal, professional and economic aspects. What stands out the importance of the existence of public policies focused on access to education.
La educación se ha mostrado una importante herramienta de transformación social. A partir de esa comprensión, políticas públicas para acceso a la enseñanza superior se han desarrollado en Brasil con el objetivo de promover igualdad social. El programa Universidad para Todos (PROUNI) es dirigido a estudiantes con ingresos familiares de hasta tres salarios mínimos y alcanza un número creciente de estudiantes. Este estudio objetivó averiguar el ascenso de esos estudiantes beneficiados por el PROUNI, involucrando tres dimensiones: satisfacción profesional, económica y personal. Para ello se contactaron a 1200 alumnos egresados de una Universidad privada que fueron beneficiados por el PROUNI. Los cuestionarios fueron enviados por e-mail y se obtuvieron 212 respuestas. El análisis fue realizado por medio de estadística descriptiva y relacional. Los resultados indican que la graduación universitaria a través del PROUNI propició movilidad social ascendente. La mayoría de los encuestados declaró que obtuvo mejoras en su vida, tanto en los aspectos personales, profesionales y económicos. Lo que resalta la importancia de la existencia de políticas públicas dirigidas al acceso a la educación.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Public Policy , Students/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires , Personal Satisfaction , Social Mobility/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Students/psychology , Brazil , Job SatisfactionABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La producción científica ocupa un lugar importante en la formación de estudiantes de medicina. Siendo el objetivo de la Revista ANACEM la promoción temprana de la formación científica de los futuros profesionales médicos, es importante conocer quiénes publican en la revista y sus afiliaciones universitarias. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar a los autores de la revista ANACEM entre los años 2007 y 2018. Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo. La población estudiada fueron todos los autores con publicaciones en la revista ANACEM, excluyendo publicaciones dentro del mismo Volumen. Datos obtenidos directamente de los números publicados por ANACEM digitalmente. Se utilizó el programa Microsoft Excel® para el análisis estadístico. Resultados: Los Volúmenes 5, 6 y 7 fueron los que tuvieron más autores de pregrado. En la totalidad de los Volúmenes la mayoría de los autores fueron hombres, tanto estudiantes como docentes. Un 52,1% de los autores de pregrado fueron internos; mientras que la mayoría de los docentes, 43,7%, fueron médicos especialistas. La Universidad de Concepción fue la universidad con mayor cantidad de autores de pregrado y de docentes. Un 51,8% de los docentes informó afiliación a un hospital. La nacionalidad más común fue la chilena, con un 90,1% de la totalidad de los autores. Discusión: Se vio un aumento en la cantidad de autores de pregrado hasta el Volumen N°7, con un descenso posterior. Se atribuyó el cambio en la cantidad de autores a problemas en la gestión y divulgación de la revista. Las afiliaciones universitarias no fueron informadas siempre por los docentes. Las otras categorías siguen patrones esperados.
INTRODUCTION: Scientific production has an important place in the training of medical students, but there is no clear pictureof the authors in the ANACEM journal. For this reason, it is important to know who publishes in the magazine and their affiliations. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the authors of the ANACEM journal between 2007 and 2018. Material and method: Retrospective study. The population studied were all authors with publications in the ANACEM journal, excluding repeating publications within the same volume. The data was obtained directly from the numbers published by ANACEM digitally. The software used for statistical analysis was Microsoft Excel®. Results: Volumes 5, 6 and 7 had the most undergraduate authors. When analyzing all volumes, the majority of both student authors and professional authors were men. 52.1% of undergraduate authors were interns; while 43.7% of tutors were medical specialists. The university with the largest number of authors was Universidad de Concepción. 51.8% of professional authors reported affiliation to a hospital. The most common nationality was Chilean, with 90.1% of all authors. Discussion: There was an increase in the number of undergraduate authors up to volume n°7, with a subsequent decrease. Changes in the number of authors were attributed to problems in management and divulgation of the journal. Affiliation to universities was not always informed by professionals. The other categories follow expected patterns.
Humans , Periodicals as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Authorship , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies , Biomedical ResearchABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El Concurso Nacional de Ingreso al Sistema Nacional de Servicio de Salud (CONISS) es una de las modalidades más conocidas para acceder a una especialización médica en Chile. Se basa en la evaluación de 5 rubros diferentes y en los últimos años no ha sido capaz de cubrir la demanda de los postulantes haciendo necesario un mejor conocimiento de este. El objetivo del estudio es describir los resultados del concurso CONISS de los últimos 4 años según las universidades de los participantes. Material y método: Estudio observacional, corte transversal, descriptivo. Asociación de puntajes obtenidos por los estudiantes con su respectiva universidad, obteniéndose datos de la página de superintendencia de Salud y utilizándose software Microsoft Excel® para su procesamiento. Resultados: El total de egresados fue de 6.092, provenientes de 22 universidades chilenas. Destaca la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile por liderar en el rubro 1 y el puntaje total durante los 4 años y la Universidad Pedro de Valdivia por encontrarse en el último puesto. Los rubros 4 y 5 fueron los que más se completaron. Las universidades con mejor desempeño en el rubro 1 fueron también las que obtuvieron mejor desempeño en el puntaje final. Discusión: El rubro 1 es el que posee mayor importancia en el resultado final del concurso y no se encuentra estandarizado entre universidades quedando sujeto al criterio de cada institución. No completar el resto de los rubros representa una desventaja comparativa pues la mayoría tiene buenos puntajes, pero estos resultados se ven limitados en gran medida por las calificaciones.
INTRODUCTION: The National Entrance Contest to the National Health Service System (CONISS) is one of the best known modalities to access a medical specialization in Chile. It is based on the evaluation of 5 different areas (items) and in recent years it has not been able to meet the demand of the applicants, making it necessary to know more about the subject. The objective of the study is to describe the results of the CONISS by university for the last 4 years. Material and method: Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study. Association of scores obtained by students with their respective university, obtaining data from the Superintendency of Health page and using Microsoft Excel® software for processing. Results: The total number of graduates was 6,092, from 22 Chilean universities. The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile stands out for leading in item 1 and the total score during the 4 years and "Pedro de Valdivia" University for being in the last position. Items 4 and 5 were the most completed. The universities with the best performance in item 1 were also the ones that obtained the best performance in the final score. Discussion: Item 1 is the one that has the greatest importance in the final result of the contest and is not standardized among universities, being subject to the criteria of each institution. Not achieving the other items implies a comparative disadvantage as most participants have good scores, but these results are largely limited by grades.
Humans , Students, Medical , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Educational Measurement , Chile , Health Postgraduate Programs , Observational Study , Academic Performance , MedicineABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of self-efficacy (SE) of university students of Physical Education from a public institution of higher education, relating the perception to personal, academic and professional characteristics. A total of 246 students undergraduate in courses of Physical Education participated in the study. The results obtained in the characterization form and in the Self-efficacy Scale in Higher Education were analyzed in the SPSS program by means of descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequencies, median) and inferential (Chi-square, Adjusted Residues, Cramer's V). In general, the evidence revealed associations between student (general, academic, regulatory, proactive, social, and management) dimensions and the receipt of research and monitoring scholarships (non-scholarship <scholarship), gender (female> Male) and the presence of an employment relationship (yes> no). The predominance of lower AE scores, regardless of the stage of the student's education, as well as the apparent lack of impact of extension scholarships on student AE levels indicate the need to deepen student development throughout the course , as well as the implementation of the projects and activities of the scholarship extension students in the investigated institution.
RESUMO Este estudo buscou analisar as percepções de autoeficácia (AE) de estudantes universitários de Educação Física de uma instituição pública de Ensino Superior, relacionando-as com as características pessoais, acadêmicas e profissionais. Participaram da investigação 246 estudantes regularmente matriculados nos cursos de Licenciatura e de Bacharelado em Educação Física. Os resultados obtidos na ficha de caracterização e na Escala de Autoeficácia no Ensino Superior foram analisados no programa SPSS, por meio de estatística descritiva (frequências absoluta e relativa, mediana) e inferencial (Qui-quadrado, Resíduos Ajustados, V de Cramer). Em geral, as evidências revelaram associações entre as dimensões da AE discente (geral, acadêmica, regulação, proativa, social e gestão) e o recebimento de bolsas de pesquisa e de monitoria (não bolsista<bolsista), o sexo (masculino<feminino) e a presença de vínculo empregatício (sim>não). A predominância de menores escores de AE, independentemente da etapa da formação em que o estudante se encontra e a aparente falta de impacto das bolsas de extensão sobre os níveis de AE discente indicam a necessidade de aprofundar o desenvolvimento dos estudantes ao longo do curso, bem como a implementação dos projetos e atuação dos estudantes bolsistas de extensão na instituição investigada.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students/statistics & numerical data , Self Efficacy , Physical Education and Training , Sports/education , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Projects , Fellowships and Scholarships/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Objetivo: o modelo de uso de serviços de saúde de um determinado grupo populacional é, em grande parte, explicadopor seu perfil de necessidades em saúde. O conhecimento deste é importante para estabelecer o modocomo a atenção odontológica será ofertada. Métodos: realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo a partir de dados secundários(prontuários) (n=381) de pacientes atendidos nas clínicas odontológicas da Universidade Franciscana(UFN) de Santa Maria, RS. Os dados deste estudo foram obtidos através da análise dos prontuários de pacientesatendidos nas clínicas odontológicas da UFN entre os anos de 2005 e 2019. Apenas prontuários com a assinaturado paciente ou responsável foram inseridos neste trabalho. Para a obtenção dos dados, foi construído uminstrumento de coleta, sendo obtidas informações sociodemográficas (idade, sexo, cor, estado civil, profissão elocal de residência) e sobre o estado de saúde (doenças sistêmicas, uso de medicação, perfil de saúde bucal eCPO-D). Cada sujeito selecionado recebeu uma codificação que garantiu seu anonimato. A análise estatísticafoi do tipo descritiva e foi realizada em software estatístico. Resultados: a maioria dos pacientes atendidos erado sexo feminino (68,5%), sendo que a faixa etária mais prevalente foi entre 31 e 50 anos (44,5%). A maioriados pacientes eram estudantes (20,3%), seguidos de trabalhadores do lar (10,9%) e aposentados (7,8%).A queixa principal mais reportada foi a dor de dente (25,2%). Nos resultados deste trabalho, a presença dedoença preexistente foi reportada por 87 (22,8%) pacientes, sendo todas classificadas como doenças crônicas,de acordo com a classificação proposta por Murow e Oglesby13 (1996); a mais prevalente foi problemas alérgicos,69 (18,1%), seguidos por problemas respiratórios, 42 (11%), e problemas gástricos, 39 (10%). A utilizaçãode medicação de uso contínuo foi relatada por 150 (39,3%) pacientes. Conclusão: os pacientes das clínicasodontológicas da UFN de Santa Maria, RS, são, em sua maioria, estudantes, aposentados e trabalhadores do lar,sendo a dor e a fratura dentária as principais queixas dos usuários. Dessa maneira, acredita-se que os discentesda instituição devem estar aptos a realizarem atendimentos de caráter emergencial. O conhecimento do manejoodontológico de pacientes com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis deve ser uma preocupação para daquialguns anos, visto que o envelhecimento da população é esperado para os próximos 30 anos.(AU)
Objective: the health services use model of a given population group is largely explained by its profile of health needs. The knowledge of this is important to establish how dental care will be offered. Methods: in view of this, a retrospective study was carried out using secondary data (medical records) (n = 381) of patients seen at the dental clinics at the Franciscana University (UFN) in Santa Maria, RS. The data of this study were obtained through the analysis of the medical records of patients seen at dental clinics at Universidade Franciscana, between the years 2005 and 2019. Only medical records with the signature of the patient or guardian were included in this work. To obtain the data, an instrument for collecting and collecting sociodemographic information (age, sex, color, marital status, profession and place of residence) and health status (systemic diseases, use of medication, oral health profile and CPO-D) were obtained. Each selected subject received a code that guaranteed their anonymity. The statistical analysis was descriptive and was performed using statistical software. Results: most of the patients seen were female (68.5%), with the most prevalent age group between 31 and 50 years old (44.5%). Most patients were students (20.3%), followed by household workers (10.9%) and retired (7.8%). The main complaint most reported was toothache (25.2%). In the results of this study, the presence of pre-existing disease was reported by 87 (22.8%) patients, all of whom were classified as chronic diseases, according to the classification proposed by Murow and Oglesby13 (1996). The most prevalent were allergic problems, 69 (18.1%), followed by respiratory problems, 42 (11%), and gastric problems, 39 (10%). The use of medication for continuous use was reported by 150 (39.3%) patients. Conclusion: patients at dental clinics at UFN in Santa Maria / RS are mostly students, retirees and home workers, with dental pain and fracture being the main complaints of users. Thus, it is believed that the institution's students must be able to provide emergency care. Knowledge of the dental management of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases should be a concern for some years to come, since the aging of the population is expected for the next 30 years.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Dental Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Dental Care/statistics & numerical data , Dental Clinics/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Age and Sex Distribution , Mouth Diseases/epidemiologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Al año 1991 sólo existían tres carreras de odontología en Chile: Universidad de Chile (1911), Universidad de Concepción (1919) y la Universidad de Valparaíso (1955 como sede de la U. de Chile). Actualmente, existen 21 universidades que dictan un total de 32 carreras de odontología, titulando aproximadamente 1500 nuevos profesionales cada año, lo cual, aparte de disparar las cifras de profesionales en nuestro sistema, levanta la duda de cuantos estudiantes se encuentran en formación y cuál es el perfil de admisión que se establece en estas instituciones. El objetivo de este artículo es conocer las cifras de los procesos de admisión, matrícula financiamiento y acreditación universitarios y discutirlas en base a la cantidad de profesionales habilitados para trabajar en nuestro sistema para así reflejar la situación actual que vive la Odontología en Chile. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado en base a la revisión de las bases estadísticas públicas. A pesar de sus altos costos asociados a la implementación de espacios y materiales, la carrera sigue siendo altamente postulada. Los nuevos ingresos rondan en alrededor de 2.20 0 para primer año, llegando aproximadamente a 14.300 estudiantes en todos los niveles para el 2019. El Estado de Chile debería abordar los problemas que se desprenden de estos indicadores, a través de una discusión seria y sistemática, incorporando diversos actores y basándose en información sobre la real necesidad de atención en salud de la población y la disponibilidad estructural del sistema de salu d público y privado para soportar determinado número de profesionales. La apertura de nuevas carreras de odontología se visualiza como un problema, mientras el país avanza a pasos lentos en una regulación que es requerida de manera urgente.
ABSTRACT: In 1991 there were only three dental programs in Chile: Universidad de Chile (1911), Universidad de Concepción (1919) and Universidad de Valparaíso (1955, as campus of U. de Chile). Currently, there are 21 universities that teach a total of 32 dental programs, graduating approximately 1500 new professionals each year, which, in addition to increasing the number of dentists in our system, raises the question as to how many students are in training, and what is the admission profile established by these institutions. The aim of this article is to know the number of admissions, registration, financing, and university accreditation process, based on the number of qualified professionals working in our system, in order to reflect the current situation of dentistry in Chile. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out based on the review of the public statistical resources. Despite the high cost of the program, associated with the implementation and materials, the program has many applicants. The number of enrolled students each year in the first semester is around 2200. Therefore, a high number of students are currently enrolled in all semesters, totalling approximately 14,300 in 2019. The Chilean government should address this problem based on information about the real need for healthcare of the population, within the framework of the public and private health system to support a certain number of professionals. The opening of new dental programs is viewed as a problem, while the country is advancing slowly in a regulation that is urgently required.
Humans , Dentists/supply & distribution , Education, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Accreditation/standards , Students, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Workforce/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Objetivo: oferecer um panorama sobre a presença da disciplina de Estomatologia nos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos de graduação em Odontologia da Região Sudeste do Brasil no ano de 2019. Métodos: estudo exploratório, quantitativo e transversal, no qual as grades curriculares dos cursos foram analisadas, totalizando uma amostra de 144 cursos, incluindo instituições públicas e privadas. As variáveis avaliadas foram oferta da disciplina, categoria administrativa e localização da instituição de ensino superior (IES), natureza do componente curricular, forma em que o conteúdo é ministrado e carga horária. Resultados: apenas 88 (61,11%) instituições ofertavam a disciplina em sua grade curricular, sendo que 82 (93,1%) ofertavam o conteúdo de forma obrigatória, e a maioria de forma teórico-prática. A carga horária variou de 33 a 285 horas, com média de 111,9 horas. Conclusão: o presente estudo evidenciou a dissonância com a qual a disciplina de Estomatologia é ministrada, bem como a deficiência de sua oferta por parte de muitas instituições averiguadas.(AU)
Objective: to provide an overview of the presence of the stomatology discipline in the pedagogical projects of undergraduate dentistry courses in the Southeast region of Brazil in 2019. Methods: exploratory, quantitative and cross-sectional study. The curriculums of the courses were analyzed, totaling a sample of 144 courses, from public and private ones. The variables evaluated were the offer of the subject, administrative category and location of the Higher Education Institution (HEI), nature of the curriculum component, form in which the content is taught and workload. Results: 88 (61.11%) institutions offered the discipline in their curriculum, 82 (93.1%) offer the content in a compulsory way, and most in a theoretical-practical way. The workload ranged from 33 to 285 hours, with an average of 111.95 hours. Conclusion: the present study showed the dissonance in which the discipline of stomatology is taught, as well as the deficiency of its offer by many investigated institutions.(AU)
Humans , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Oral Medicine/statistics & numerical data , Curriculum , Education, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Private FacilitiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe drug consumption and the co-occurrence use of more than one illegal drug as well as associated factors in freshmen at a public university in Southern Brazil. METHODS Cross-sectional study with census of students entering undergraduate courses in 2017. A total of 1,788 university students answered questions about illicit drug use. For analysis, ordinal logistic regression was used. RESULTS Marijuana was the most consumed drug (lifetime: 42.1%; 30-day use: 22.7%), followed by hallucinogens (lifetime: 13.1%, 30-day use: 2.8%). Rates for lifetime use of 0, 1 and 2 or more drugs were 56.2%, 23.3% and 20.4%, respectively, and were associated with men (OR = 2.2; 95%CI:1.4-3.5), being at least 23 years old (OR = 2.7; 95%CI: 1.4-5.1), under 18 years old first experimentation with drugs (OR = 2.3; 95%CI: 1.3-3.9) and living with friends (OR = 2.0; 95%CI: 1.2-3.4). Rates for 30-day use of 0, 1 and 2 or more drugs were 76.8%; 18.1% and 5.1%, respectively, and were associated with being single, separated or widowed (OR = 3.2; 95%CI: 1.4-7.0), lower socioeconomic classes (OR = 0.3; 95%CI: 0.1-1.1; p = 0.001), under 18 years old first experimentation with drugs (OR = 1.8; 95%CI: 1.1-2.9) and living with friends (OR = 1.8 95%CI: 1.2-2.8). CONCLUSION Results indicate that students are at greater risk of illicit drug-related health problems. Thus, a better understanding of this consumption should be pursued, as well as the development of a prevention plan.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Students/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Time Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Sex Distribution , Age DistributionABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To estimate the prevalence of and factors associated with the use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement among undergraduate students. Methods Simple random sample of students of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (n=438), invited to answer an online questionnaire about the use of methylphenidate. Data collection occurred from September 2014 to January 2015. The sample was described by means of proportions, means and standard deviations. A multivariate analysis was performed using the Classification and Regression Tree algorithm to classify the cases of use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement in groups, based on the exposure variables. Results Out of 378 students included, 5.8% (n=22) reported using methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement; in that, 41% (9/22) in the 4 weeks prior to the survey. The housing situation was the variable most often associated with the use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement. Eleven students reported using methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement and other purposes 4 weeks prior to the survey, 27% of whom had no medical prescription to purchase it. Conclusion The use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement is frequent among Brazilian undergraduate students and should be considered a serious public health problem, especially due to risks of harm and adverse effects associated with its use.
RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao uso de metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento entre estudantes universitários. Métodos Amostra aleatória simples de discentes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (n=438), convidados a responder um questionário online sobre o consumo de metilfenidato. A coleta ocorreu de setembro de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. A amostra foi descrita em termos de proporções, médias e desvio padrão. A análise multivariada foi realizada utilizando o algoritmo Classification and Regression Tree para classificação dos casos de uso do metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento em grupos, com base nas variáveis de exposição. Resultados Dos 378 alunos incluídos, 5,8% (n=22) declararam ter feito uso de metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento, sendo 41% (9/22) nas 4 semanas anteriores à pesquisa. A situação da moradia foi a variável mais associada ao uso de metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento. Relataram o uso do metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento e outros fins nas 4 semanas anteriores à pesquisa 11 estudantes, sendo que 27% não apresentaram prescrição médica para adquiri-lo. Conclusão O uso de metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento ocorre no meio acadêmico brasileiro e deve ser considerado sério problema de saúde pública, principalmente diante dos riscos de danos e efeitos adversos associados ao seu uso.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Students/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Nootropic Agents/administration & dosage , Nootropic Agents/therapeutic use , Central Nervous System Stimulants/administration & dosage , Socioeconomic Factors , Students/psychology , Brazil/epidemiology , Decision Trees , Exercise/psychology , Residence Characteristics/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Off-Label Use/statistics & numerical data , Methylphenidate/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Objetivo: estimar a prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout entre trabalhadores de uma universidade na fronteira franco brasileira e verificar os fatores associados. Método: estudo transversal e descritivo realizado com 53 trabalhadores de uma universidade localizada na fronteira franco brasileira, através de formulários eletrônicos (google docs). Resultados: predomínio do sexo masculino (56,6%), faixa etária de 30 a 39 anos (64,2%), solteiros (47,2%), se declaram pardos (49,1%), especialistas (34%) e sem filhos (75,5%). Destes, 26,4% indivíduos tem a possibilidade de desenvolver a síndrome, 37,8% estão em fase inicial da síndrome, 22,6% a síndrome começa a se instalar e 13,2% estar em uma fase considerável da síndrome, tendo como preditor a variável sexo (p=0,01). Conclusão: nenhum dos entrevistados pontuou na categoria (nenhum indício de Burnout), o que torna preocupante as condições de trabalhos que estão submetidos, sendo imperativo medidas preventivas que retardem ou impossibilitem o adoecimento mental dentre a população investigada
Objective: to estimate the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome among university workers at the Brazilian Free Frontier and to verify the associated factors. Method: a cross - sectional and descriptive study carried out with 53 workers from a university located on the Brazilian - Brazilian border, using electronic forms (google docs). Results: male (56.6%), 30 to 39 years old (64.2%), single (47.2%), brown (49.1%), specialists (34%) and without children (75.5%). Of these, 26,4% individuals have the possibility to develop the syndrome, 37,8% are in the initial phase of the syndrome, 22,6% the syndrome begins to settle and 13,2% are in a considerable phase of the syndrome, having as predictor the gender variable (p = 0.01). Conclusion: none of the interviewees scored in the category (no evidence of Burnout), which makes the conditions of work that are submitted worrisome, being imperative preventive measures that delay or prevent mental illness among the population investigated
Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout entre trabajadores de una universidad en la frontera franca brasileña y verificar los factores asociados. Método: estudio transversal y descriptivo realizado con 53 trabajadores de una universidad ubicada en la frontera franca brasileña, a través de formularios electrónicos (google docs). Resultados: predominio del sexo masculino (56,6%), grupo de edad de 30 a 39 años (64,2%), solteros (47,2%), se declaran pardos (49,1%), especialistas (34%), y sin hijos (75,5%). De estos, 26,4% individuos tienen la posibilidad de desarrollar la síndrome, 37,8% están en fase inicial del síndrome, 22,6% a síndrome comienza a instalarse y 13,2% estar en una fase considerable de la síndrome, teniendo como predictor la variable sexo (p = 0,01). Conclusión: ninguno de los entrevistados puntuó en la categoría (ningún indicio de Burnout), lo que hace preocupante las condiciones de trabajos que están sometidos, siendo imperativo medidas preventivas que retarden o imposibiliten el enfermo mental entre la población investigada
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Border Health , Burnout, Psychological/prevention & control , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Occupational Health , French Guiana/epidemiologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify how nursing faculty perceive humanization at work; to describe the factors that enhance humanization and its implications on the health of nursing professors. Method: This was a descriptive and exploratory study carried out at a Brazilian public university with 19 nursing professors who answered a semi-structured interview. Thematic analysis was used to process data, yielding three analytical categories. Results: The faculty indicated that humanization at work and the factors that enhance it are associated with interpersonal relationships, including dialogue and respect in work relationships, positively impacting their health. Final considerations: The effective achievement humanization at work is a possibility that generates health and wellbeing for nursing faculty.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar la percepción del docente sobre la humanización en su trabajo, describir los factores potenciadores para la humanización y sus implicancias para la salud del trabajador docente de enfermería. Método: Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, realizado en una universidad pública brasileña con diecinueve docentes de enfermería que respondieron una entrevista semiestructurada. Datos tratados mediante análisis temático, generándose tres categorías analíticas. Resultados: Los docentes perciben que la humanización en el trabajo y los factores que la impulsan están asociados a las relaciones interpersonales, incluyendo al diálogo y al respeto en las relaciones laborales, lo cual impacta positivamente en la salud del docente. Consideraciones finales: La puesta en práctica de la humanización en el trabajo consiste en una posibilidad de promoción de la salud y el bienestar del trabajador docente de enfermería.
RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar a percepção do docente acerca da humanização em seu trabalho; descrever os fatores potencializadores para a humanização e suas implicações para a saúde do trabalhador docente de enfermagem. Método: Estudo descritivo, exploratório, realizado em uma universidade pública brasileira, com dezenove docentes de enfermagem que responderam à entrevista semiestruturada. Utilizou-se a análise temática para o tratamento dos dados, gerando três categorias analíticas. Resultados: Os docentes percebem que a humanização no trabalho e os fatores que a potencializam estão associados às relações interpessoais, abrangendo diálogo e respeito nas relações de trabalho o que implica favoravelmente à saúde do docente. Considerações finais: A efetivação da humanização no trabalho consiste numa possibilidade geradora de saúde e bem-estar para o trabalhador docente de enfermagem.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Faculty, Nursing/psychology , Humanism , Universities/organization & administration , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Interviews as Topic/methods , Qualitative Research , Education, Nursing/standards , Education, Nursing/trends , Education, Nursing/methods , Faculty, Nursing/trendsABSTRACT
RESUMO A pesquisa descritiva teve por objetivo verificar os diferentes perfis de docentes universitários de Educação Física, considerando à satisfação no trabalho e sua relação com as variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais. Foram investigados 99 docentes de Educação Física, com vínculo em instituições públicas e privadas do Paraná. Na coleta de dados, questionários foram empregados para identificar o perfil sociodemográfico e Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho. Na análise estatística, foi utilizada a Análise de Cluster, o teste Qui-quadrado e os testes de Kruskal-Wallis com post hoc de Comparação Múltipla de Dunn. Os resultados evidenciaram três grupos de docentes: o Grupo 1 apresentou insatisfação, sobretudo, com a integração social e com o trabalho e espaço total de vida. O Grupo 2 mostrou-se pouco satisfeito com as condições de trabalho e com a integração social. E, o Grupo 3 apresentou maior satisfação profissional, entretanto, possuíam menor tempo de atuação na universidade. Por fim, conclui-se que os aspectos sociodemográficos e profissionais são fatores intervenientes na satisfação com o trabalho docente.
ABSTRACT The descriptive research had as objective to verify the different professor's profiles of Physical Education, considering the satisfaction in the work and its relation with the sociodemographic and professional variables. We investigated 99 Physical Education college professors, with links in public and private institutions of Paraná. In the data collection, questionnaires were used to identify the sociodemographic profile and Quality of Life at Work. In the satistical analysis was used to Cluster analysis, Chi-square test and the Kruskal-Wallis test with post hoc Dunn's Multiple Comparison. The results showed three groups of college professors: Group 1 showed dissatisfaction, above all, with social integration and with work and total living space. Group 2 was dissatisfied with working conditions and social integration. And, Group 3 presented higher professional satisfaction, however, they had a shorter time in the university. Finally, we conclude that the socio-demographic and professional aspects are factors that intervene in the satisfaction with the professors job.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personal Satisfaction , Physical Education and Training/statistics & numerical data , Faculty/education , Quality of Life , Teaching/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of use of psychoactive substances (PS) and its associated factors in undergraduate students of a university in southern Brazil. The study was carried out with 830 undergraduate students in the year 2016. The individuals answered a self-administered questionnaire about the PS and its prevalence of daily use, in the last 30 days or at any time of their lives, as well as socioeconomic conditions and academic variables. Caffeine-based energy drinks was the most consumed psychoactive substance (96.3%) among undergraduates in the last 30 days, followed by alcohol (64.0%). Among the illicit drugs most consumed in the last 30 days was marijuana (17.3%), while anxiolytics and amphetamines were the most prevalent psychoactive medicaments in the last 30 days. The prevalence of lifetime illicit drugs used by these students was 41.5%, where we highlight besides marijuana (38.6%) the high consumption of cocaine (7.8%), ecstasy (9.3%) and solvents. Socioeconomic and demographic factors such as gender, have children, religion, and financial background as well as academic variables were associated to recent consumption of these substances. This study concluded there is a high prevalence of use of PS among the undergraduate students, including illicit drugs.