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Prensa méd. argent ; 110(2): 78-88, 20240000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562855


Se investiga la región uretro-vaginal (pared posterior de la uretra ­ pared anterior de la vagina), en el área que corresponde a la descripción del "punto G", con el fin de colaborar a la discusión respecto de si existe una estructura morfológica que lo identifique. Se destaca una mayor y ocasional distribución venosa en esta zona, que puede explicar el fenómeno fisiológico descrito por Gräfenberg. Para los ginecólogos, urólogos y sexólogos, el conocimiento de la anatomía funcional de esa región tiene importancia para tratar las disfunciones orgásmicas además de la incontinencia urinaria. Esta situación controvertida influye en el marco actual de la seguridad del paciente

The urethro-vaginal region (posterior wall of the urethra ­ anterior wall of the vagina) is investigated, in the area that corresponds to the description of the "G-spot", in order to contribute to the discussion regarding whether there is a morphological structure that identifies it. A greater and occasional venous distribution in this area stands out, which may explain the physiological phenomenon described by Gräfenberg. For gynecologists, urologists and sexologists, knowledge of the functional anatomy of that region is important to treat orgasmic dysfunctions in addition to urinary incontinence. This controversial situation influences the current framework of patient safety

Humans , Female , Orgasm , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/pathology , Urethra/pathology , Urinary Incontinence/pathology , Vagina/pathology
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000051, Apr. 2024. Tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565976


Objective: To investigate the factors associated with urinary incontinence in older adults living in nursing homes. Methods: This was an exploratory, cross-sectional, observational, and quantitative study using exploratory and path analysis (PA). Eighty-six older adults living in nursing homes in the city of Salvador, Brazil, and the city of Brasília, Brazil, were included. Data were collected from January to March 2020, before the Covid-19 pandemic. The following variables were evaluated: sex, age group, functional performance, global cognitive function, comorbidities, and health conditions. Results: Urinary incontinence was associated with educational level, marital status, hypertension, one or more difficulties in basic activities of daily living, mood, insomnia, loss of appetite, fecal incontinence, and difficulty swallowing. In the PA, depression and difficulty swallowing were directly associated with urinary incontinence, and urinary incontinence was directly and significantly associated with insomnia and fecal incontinence. Conclusion: Given the variety of social and health components associated with urinary incontinence, it is necessary to assess, prevent, treat, and rehabilitate this condition in Brazilian nursing homes. Interventions in urinary incontinence demand integrated actions in functional, clinical, and mental health aspects to promote the well-being of older adults living in nursing homes. (AU)

Objetivo: Investigar os fatores associados à incontinência urinária em pessoas idosas institucionalizadas segundo a Análise de Caminhos. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foram avaliados 86 idosos em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos brasileiras de Salvador (BA) e Brasília (DF), no período entre janeiro e março de 2020, período pré-pandemia de COVID-19. Os fatores analisados incluíram: sexo, faixa etária, desempenho funcional, desempenho cognitivo global, comorbidades e condições de saúde. Resultados: Observou-se que a incontinência urinária esteve associada ao nível de escolaridade, estado civil, hipertensão, uma ou mais dificuldades nas atividades básicas da vida diária, humor, insônia, perda de apetite, incontinência fecal e dificuldade de deglutição. Na Análise de Caminhos, os sintomas depressivos e as dificuldades de deglutição tiveram associação direta com a incontinência urinária, e a incontinência urinária teve associação direta e significativa com a insônia e a incontinência fecal. Conclusão: Dada a variedade de componentes sociais e de saúde associados à incontinência urinária, é necessário avaliar, prevenir, recuperar e reabilitar essa condição nas Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos brasileiras. Intervir na incontinência urinária requer ações integradas nos aspectos funcionais, clínicos e de saúde mental, que podem favorecer o bem-estar das pessoas idosas institucionalizadas. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Urinary Incontinence , Homes for the Aged , Physical Functional Performance
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública ; 48(1): 91-101, 20240426.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555774


A incontinência urinária é definida como qualquer tipo de perda involuntária de urina. Essa condição afeta muitas mulheres e pode apresentar impacto significativo na qualidade de vida dessa população. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a proporção de mulheres com incontinência urinária e seu impacto na qualidade de vida. Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal. A amostra da pesquisa foi composta por mulheres atendidas em uma clínica-escola de fisioterapia de uma universidade particular do interior do estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada presencialmente, com a aplicação de uma ficha geral para reunir informações sobre o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico, bem como do instrumento International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire ­ Short Form (ICIQ-SF), para avaliar a incontinência urinária e seu impacto na qualidade de vida das participantes. Os dados foram tabulados em planilha Excel e analisados estatisticamente com o programa JAMOVI. O nível de significância adotado para os testes estatísticos foi de p < 0,05. Participaram da pesquisa 35 mulheres, das quais 62,85% apresentaram ocorrência de perda involuntária de urina. Dentro desse grupo, 81,81% relataram perda de qualidade de vida devido à incontinência urinária. Infere-se que a incontinência urinária apresenta elevada prevalência e impacto na qualidade de vida das mulheres, sendo fundamental a adoção de medidas que visem prevenir e tratar essa condição.

Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary emission of urine. This condition affects many women and can significantly impact their quality of life. Thus, this cross-sectional observational study aimed to describe the proportion of women with urinary incontinence and its impact on quality of life. The research sample comprised women treated at a physical therapy school clinic at a private university in inner São Paulo State. Data were collected in person using a general form to gather information on participants' sociodemographic and clinical profile and the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire ­ Short Form (ICIQ-SF) instrument to assess urinary incontinence and its impact on quality of life. Data were tabulated on an Excel spreadsheet and statistically analyzed on JAMOVI. The significance level adopted for statistical tests was p < 0.05. This research included 35 women, of which 62.85% involuntary emitted urine. Within this group, 81.81% reported a loss of quality of life due to urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence has a high prevalence and impact on the quality of life of women, entailing the adoption of measures to prevent and treat this condition.

La incontinencia urinaria se define como la pérdida involuntaria de orina. Esta condición afecta a muchas mujeres y puede impactar significativamente la calidad de vida de esta población. En este sentido, este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la proporción de mujeres con incontinencia urinaria y su impacto en la calidad de vida. Se trata de un estudio observacional transversal. La muestra de la investigación estuvo compuesta por mujeres atendidas en una clínica de fisioterapia de una universidad privada del interior del estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Se recolectaron los datos de manera presencial mediante un formulario general para recopilar información sobre el perfil sociodemográfico y clínico, y el instrumento International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire ­ Short Form (ICIQ-SF) para evaluar la incontinencia urinaria y su impacto en la calidad de vida de las participantes. Los datos fueron tabulados en una hoja de cálculo Excel y analizados estadísticamente mediante el programa JAMOVI. El nivel de significación adoptado para las pruebas estadísticas fue p < 0,05. En la investigación participaron 35 mujeres, de las cuales el 62,85% presentó pérdida involuntaria de orina. Dentro de este grupo, el 81,81% refirió pérdida de calidad de vida por incontinencia urinaria. Se infiere que la incontinencia urinaria tiene una alta prevalencia e impacto en la calidad de vida de las mujeres, por lo que es imprescindible adoptar medidas para prevenir y tratar esta condición.

Humans , Female , Quality of Life , Urinary Incontinence , Prevalence , Women's Health
Medwave ; 24(1): e2779, 29-02-2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532749


INTRODUCCIÓN: La incontinencia urinaria impacta de forma negativa la calidad de vida de quienes la padecen y puede perjudicar las actividades laborales, siendo causante de presentismo en las profesionales de salud. Esto puede implicar la disminución en la calidad de la atención y seguridad de la/el paciente. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la autopercepción de las trabajadoras de salud que padecen incontinencia urinaria como factor predisponente de presentismo. MÉTODOS: Estudio mixto de carácter exploratorio-descriptivo. La muestra fue seleccionada de forma no probabilística e intencionada por criterio y conveniencia con un tamaño de 14 voluntarias, considerando la saturación de la información. Para el proceso y análisis de datos temáticos se consideraron los criterios de confiabilidad definidos por Guba. RESULTADOS: Muestra con edad media de 38,9 + 7,1 años y un puntaje de SPS-6 medio de 15,8 + 3,5 puntos, mostrando mayor alteración en la dimensión de evitar la desconcentración. Las narrativas presentes en el caso estudiado aportaron información relevante de cómo la incontinencia urinaria afecta el desempeño laboral de las trabajadoras de salud a través de la interrupción en su jornada, disminución en la calidad de la atención clínica, como también el aumento de su ansiedad respecto a su entorno. CONCLUSIONES: Dado que la incontinencia urinaria y el presentismo son experiencias subjetivas y multidimensionales, al igual que el efecto negativo en el desempeño laboral, se recomienda un estudio que permita identificar variables predictoras y las pérdidas económicas asociadas a esta condición. Con ello se buscaría establecer mejoras en el ambiente laboral, así como en el autocuidado de funcionarias, procurando mayores beneficios y mejores niveles de eficiencia en la organización.

INTRODUCTION: Urinary incontinence negatively impacts the quality of life and can harm work activities, causing presenteeism in health professionals and decreasing the quality of care and patient safety. The objective of this study is to explore the self-perception of health workers who suffer from urinary incontinence as a predisposing factor for presenteeism. METHODS: Mixed study of an exploratory-descriptive nature. The sample was selected in a non-probabilistic and intentional way by criterion and convenience with a size of 14 volunteers, considering the saturation of the information. Reliability criteria defined by Guba for the process and analysis of thematic data were considered. RESULTS: The sample had a mean age of 38.9 + 7.1 years and a mean SPS-6 score of 15.8 + 3.5 points, showing alteration in the dimension of avoiding deconcentration. The narratives in the case study provide relevant information on how urinary incontinence affects the work performance of health workers through the interruption in their day, decreases the quality of clinical care, and increases their anxiety regarding their environment. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary incontinence and presenteeism are subjective, and multidimensional experiences affect work performance. Therefore, further studies are recommended to identify predictor variables and the economic losses associated with this condition to establish improvements in the work environment and the self-care of female employees seeking greater benefits and better levels of efficiency in the organization.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Quality of Life , Urinary Incontinence , Chile , Causality , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Presenteeism
Femina ; 52(1): 49-56, 20240130. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532477


Objetivo: Averiguar qual o papel desempenhado pelas dimensões ósseas da pelve em relação à gênese do prolapso de órgãos pélvicos por meio de publicações dos últimos quinze anos. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de estudos ob- servacionais para avaliação de risco e prognóstico por meio de um levantamento bibliográfico virtual de artigos científicos publicados em revistas digitais entre os anos 2007 e 2022, nas bases de dados PubMed, BVS e ScienceDirect. Resultados: Uma área pélvica anterior mais ampla e um maior diâmetro interespinhoso foram caracterizados como possíveis causas para prolapso de órgãos pélvicos. A maior parte dos estudos contou com mensurações ósseas diversificadas, nas quais as demais dimensões não apresentaram significância estatística. Conclusão: Os estu- dos avaliados nesta revisão sugerem uma nova medida do assoalho pélvico rela- cionada a mulheres com prolapso, com apresentação de uma maior área anterior, em grande parte influenciada pelo diâmetro interespinhoso, o qual leva a um au- mento da carga sobre o assoalho pélvico. Porém, ainda assim, urge a necessidade de mais estudos para corroborar nossos achados.

Objective: To investigate the role played by the bone dimensions of the pelvis in relation to the genesis of pelvic organ prolapses through publications from the last fifteen years. Methods: This is a systematic review of obser- vational studies for risk assessment and prognosis through a virtual bibliographic survey of scientific articles published in digital journals between 2007 and 2022, in PubMed, BVS and ScienceDirect databases. Results: A wider anterior pelvic area and a larger interspinous diameter were characterized as possible causes for pelvic organ prolapses. Most of the studies have diversified bone measurements, in which the other dimensions weren't statistically significant. Conclusion: The studies evaluated in this review suggest a new measure- ment of the pelvic floor related to women with prolapse, with a larger anterior area, largely influenced by the interspinous diameter, which leads to an increased load on the pelvic floor. However, even so, there is an urgent need for further studies to corroborate our findings.

Humans , Female , Pelvic Bones/anatomy & histology , Pelvic Organ Prolapse/diagnosis , Urinary Incontinence , Women's Health , Pelvic Floor/anatomy & histology , Fecal Incontinence , Pelvic Organ Prolapse/etiology
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 58: e20230272, 2024. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1550653


ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the knowledge of nursing staff before and after training on incontinence-associated dermatitis. Method: A study before and after an educational intervention carried out with nursing staff from the medical and surgical clinics and intensive care unit of the university hospital in June 2023. The training took place over three meetings. Data was collected using a questionnaire administered immediately before and after the training. McNemar's test for dependent samples was used to compare before and after training. Results: 25 nurses and 14 nursing technicians took part. The items that showed statistical significance were related to the identification and correct differentiation of dermatitis associated with incontinence and pressure injury; and the correct way to sanitize the skin. Conclusion: The training of the nursing team made it possible to assess their knowledge of how to identify, prevent and treat incontinence-associated dermatitis.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Verificar los conocimientos del personal de enfermería antes y después de la formación sobre la dermatitis asociada a la incontinencia. Método: Estudio antes y después de una intervención formativa realizada con personal de enfermería de las clínicas médicas y quirúrgicas y de la unidad de cuidados intensivos de un hospital universitario en junio de 2023. La formación se impartió en tres sesiones. Los datos se recogieron mediante un cuestionario aplicado inmediatamente antes y después de la formación. Se utilizó la prueba de McNemar para muestras dependientes para comparar antes y después de la formación. Resultados: Participaron 25 enfermeras y 14 técnicos de enfermería. Los ítems que mostraron significación estadística estaban relacionados con la identificación y correcta diferenciación de la dermatitis asociada a la incontinencia y al daño por presión; y la forma correcta de higienizar la piel. Conclusión: La formación del equipo de enfermería permitió evaluar los conocimientos del equipo de enfermería sobre cómo identificar, prevenir y tratar la dermatitis asociada a la incontinencia.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar o conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem antes e após capacitação sobre dermatite associada à incontinência. Método: Estudo antes e depois de uma intervenção educativa realizado com profissionais da equipe de enfermagem das clínicas médicas, cirúrgicas e unidade de terapia intensiva do hospital universitário, no mês de junho de 2023. A capacitação ocorreu durante três encontros. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário, aplicado imediatamente antes e após a capacitação. Para a comparação do antes e após capacitação, foi realizado o teste de McNemar para amostras dependentes. Resultados: Participaram 25 enfermeiros e 14 técnicos de enfermagem. Os itens que apresentaram significância estatística foram relacionados à identificação e à diferenciação correta da dermatite associada à incontinência e lesão por pressão; e a forma correta para higienização da pele. Conclusão: A capacitação da equipe de enfermagem permitiu avaliar o conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem para identificar, prevenir e tratar a dermatite associada à incontinência.

Humans , Enterostomal Therapy , Urinary Incontinence , Pressure Ulcer , Dermatitis , Fecal Incontinence
Estima (Online) ; 21(1): e1368, jan-dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1526951


Objetivo:Analisar a atuação dos enfermeiros da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) no manejo clínico da incontinência urinária em mulheres numa área de planejamento do município do Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Método:Pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, realizada em sete Unidades Básicas de Saúde, no município do Rio de Janeiro. A amostra foi composta de 27 enfermeiros que atuavam na ESF. A análise dos dados deu-se por meio de estatística descritiva simples, com descrição de frequência relativa e absoluta. Resultados: Evidenciaram-se fragilidades na identificação dos aspectos que envolvem a abordagem precoce, os fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento, o tratamento e as atividades educativas. Conclusão: Apesar de se reconhecer que a ESF possui os recursos para o tratamento da incontinência urinária não complicada, algumas ações não são realizadas pelo enfermeiro, como envolver a equipe no cuidado das mulheres com esse acometimento, prescrever exercícios de fortalecimento do assoalho pélvico e avaliar e realizar o tratamento não farmacológico, bem como a investigação das mulheres sem queixa de perda urinária. Portanto, os resultados indicam a necessidade premente de capacitação dos enfermeiros que atuam na ESF.

Objective:To analyze the performance of nurses from the Family Health Strategy (ESF) in the clinical management of urinary incontinence in women in a planning area in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. Method:Descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, was carried out in seven Basic Health Units, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The sample consisted of 27 nurses who worked in the ESF. Data analysis was performed using simple descriptive statistics, with a description of relative and absolute frequency. Results: Weaknesses were shown in the identification of aspects involving an early approach, risk factors for its development, treatment, and educational activities. Conclusion: Despite recognizing that the ESF has the resources for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary incontinence, some actions are not carried out by the nurses, such as involving the team in the care of women with this condition, prescribing exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and evaluating and carry out non-pharmacological treatment, as well as the investigation of women without complaints of urinary loss. Therefore, the results indicate the urgent need for training of nurses who work in the ESF

Primary Health Care , Urinary Incontinence , Women , Nursing
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 31: e70817, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1437241


Objetivo: compreender as repercussões da incontinência urinária na prática sexual de homens. Método: estudo descritivo, qualitativo, apoiado na teoria de Dorothea Orem, realizado em uma clínica de atenção especializada à população com incontinência urinária do Rio de Janeiro, em 2020, com 18 homens maiores de 18 anos, com esse diagnóstico médico, após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Para coleta dos dados, aplicou-se a entrevista semiestruturada, transcrita e submetida à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: a incontinência urinária acarreta, aos indivíduos, medo da rejeição e sentimentos de baixa autoeficácia, pois acreditam que não satisfazem seus parceiros sexuais, o que compromete os relacionamentos afetivosexuais. Bem como, interfere no desenvolvimento das atividades cotidianas ocasionando o afastamento das redes de apoio, além do sentimento de frustração e impotência, que comprometem a qualidade de vida dos homens. Conclusão: a incontinência urinária acarreta isolamento social, constrangimento, vergonha, baixa autoestima e insatisfação sexual dos homens acometidos(AU)

Objective: to understand the repercussions of urinary incontinence in the sexual practice of men. Method: descriptive, qualitative study, supported by Dorothea Orem's theory, carried out in a polyclinic in Rio de Janeiro, in 2020, with 18 men over 18 years old, with urinary incontinence, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. For data collection, a semi-structured interview was applied, transcribed and submitted to content analysis. Results: urinary incontinence causes in individuals fear of rejection and feelings of low self-efficacy, as they believe that they do not satisfy their sexual partners, which compromises affective-sexual relationships. As well as it interferes in the development of daily activities, causing the removal of support networks, in addition to the feeling of frustration and impotence, which compromise the quality of life of men. Conclusion: urinary incontinence causes social isolation, embarrassment, shame, low self-esteem and sexual dissatisfaction in affected men(AU)

Objetivo: comprender las repercusiones de la incontinencia urinaria en la práctica sexual de los hombres. Método: estudio descriptivo, cualitativo, basado en la teoría de Dorothea Orem, realizado en una clínica de atención especializada a la población con incontinencia urinaria de Río de Janeiro, en 2020, con 18 hombres mayores de 18 años, con ese diagnóstico, después de la aprobación por el Comité de Ética en Investigación. La recolección de datos se hizo por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada, transcrita y sometida al análisis de contenido. Resultados: la incontinencia urinaria provoca miedo al rechazo y sentimientos de baja autoeficacia, ya que creen que no satisfacen a sus parejas, lo que comprometen las relaciones afectivosexuales. Además, interfiere en el desarrollo de las actividades cotidianas, provocando aislamiento de las redes de apoyo, y también sentimiento de frustración e impotencia, comprometiendo la calidad de vida. Conclusión: la incontinencia urinaria provoca aislamiento social, vergüenza, baja autoestima e insatisfacción sexual en los hombres afectados(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Urinary Incontinence/nursing , Sexuality , Men's Health , Masculinity , Quality of Life , Qualitative Research
Estima (Online) ; 21(1)jan-dez. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1443203


Objetivo:Apresentar proposta de protocolo clínico para tratamento conservador da incontinência urinária de urgência (IUU). Método: Relato de experiência fundamentado nas evidências científicas existentes e na experiência clínica dos autores que realizam consultas de enfermagem a pessoas com IUU, delineada conforme proposição do Ministério da Saúde para elaboração de protocolos clínicos. Resultados: Foi proposto um protocolo clínico com diagnóstico e intervenções de enfermagem baseados na North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) e na Nursing Interventions Classifications, com etapas sistematizadas em verificar presença de fatores relacionados ou condições associadas ao diagnóstico, sendo eles: assoalho pélvico hiperativo, ansiedade, constipação, infecção urinária, baixa ingestão hídrica, comportamento sanitário inadequado, diabetes mellitus, prolapso de órgão pélvico, alto consumo de potenciais irritantes vesicais e persistência de sintomas. Logo após, as ações que devem ser implementadas pelo enfermeiro são descritas de forma detalhada. Conclusão: Considera-se que o fluxo e o detalhamento das ações apresentadas possam ser adotados pelos enfermeiros de forma a identificarem e tratarem pessoas com IUU, minimizando assim a prevalência do problema e fomentando a qualidade de vida dessas pessoas.

Objective: To present a proposal for a clinical protocol for the conservative treatment of urge urinary incontinence. Method: Experience report based on existing scientific evidence and clinical experience of authors who perform nursing consultations for people with urge urinary incontinence, outlined in accordance with the Brazilian Ministry of Health's proposal for the elaboration of clinical protocols. Results: A clinical protocol was proposed with nursing diagnosis and interventions based on the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) and Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC), with systematized steps to verify the presence of related factors or conditions associated with the diagnosis, namely: hyperactive pelvic floor, anxiety, constipation, urinary tract infection, low fluid intake, inadequate sanitary behavior, diabetes mellitus, pelvic organ prolapse, high consumption of potential bladder irritants and persistence of symptoms. Soon after, the actions that should be implemented by the nurse were described in detail. Conclusion: It is considered that the flow and detailing of the actions presented can be adopted by nurses in order to identify and treat people with urge urinary incontinence, thus minimizing the prevalence of the problem and promoting the quality of life of these people.

Objetivo:Presentar una propuesta de protocolo clínico para el tratamiento conservador de la incontinencia urinaria de urgencia. Método: Relato de experiencia basado en evidencia científica existente y experiencia clínica de autores que realizan consultas de enfermería a personas con incontinencia urinaria de urgencia, perfilado de acuerdo con la propuesta del Ministerio de Salud para la elaboración de protocolos clínicos. Resultados: Se propuso un protocolo clínico con Diagnósticos e Intervenciones de Enfermería basado en las Clasificaciones de Intervenciones de Enfermería y Diagnósticos de Enfermería de América del Norte, con pasos sistematizados para verificar la presencia de factores relacionados o condiciones asociadas al diagnóstico, a saber: piso pélvico hiperactivo , ansiedad, estreñimiento, infección del tracto urinario, baja ingesta de líquidos, conducta sanitaria inadecuada, diabetes mellitus, prolapso de órganos pélvicos, alto consumo de potenciales irritantes vesicales y persistencia de los síntomas. Posteriormente, se describieron en detalle las acciones que debe implementar la enfermera. Conclusión: Se considera que la fluidez y el detalle de las acciones presentadas pueden ser adoptadas por los enfermeros para identificar y tratar a las personas con incontinencia urinaria de urgencia, minimizando así la prevalencia del problema y promoviendo la calidad de vida de esas personas.DESCRIPTORES:Estomaterapia. Incontinencia urinaria. Enfermería.

Urinary Incontinence , Nursing , Enterostomal Therapy
Estima (Online) ; 21(1): e1324, jan-dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1511473


Objetivo:avaliar o conhecimento, a atitude e a prática (CAP) de gestantes sobre incontinência urinária (IU), identificar a prevalência de IU durante a gestação, avaliar seu impacto na qualidade de vida (QV) e identificar os fatores associados ao CAP inadequados em relação à IU. Metodologia: Estudo observacional realizado de maio a novembro de 2019 na cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará. Utilizaram-se dois instrumentos para coleta de dados: um para avaliação sociodemográfica, obstétrica e de perdas urinárias e outro para avaliação do CAP sobre IU. Resultados: Participaram 237 gestantes. A prevalência de IU foi de 49,3% e observou-se baixo impacto na QV. A maioria apresentou conhecimento (89,6%) e prática inadequados tanto para prevenir (89,2%) quanto para tratar (78,8%) a IU. Identificaram-se baixos percentuais de acerto relacionados ao conhecimento sobre fatores de risco (46,8%), prevenção (43,8%) e tratamento da IU (42,8%). Apesar disso, a atitude foi considerada adequada para a maioria das mulheres (98,5%). Ausência de orientação sobre o preparo do períneo para o parto durante o pré-natal (p = 0,019), baixa escolaridade (p < 0,001), casos mais leves de IU (p = 0,027) e gestação de alto risco (p = 0,004) associaram-se a prática inadequada. Conclusão: o conhecimento sobre causas, prevenção e tratamento da IU é insuficiente e interfere no manejo dessa condição.perineum for childbirth during prenatal care (p = 0.019), low education (p < 0.001), milder cases of UI (p = 0.027) and high-risk pregnancy (p = 0.004) were associated with inappropriate practice. Conclusions: knowledge about the causes, prevention and treatment of UI is insufficient and interferes with the management of this condition.

Objectives:To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of pregnant women about urinary incontinence (UI), identify the prevalence of UI, assess its impact on quality of life (QoL) and identify factors associated with inadequate KAP in relation to UI. Methodology: Observational study carried out from May to November 2019 in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Two instruments were used for data collection: one for sociodemographic, obstetric and urinary loss assessment and another for KAP assessment on UI. Results: 237 pregnant women participated. The prevalence of UI was 49.3% and a low impact on QoL was observed. Most had knowledge (89.6%) and inadequate practice both to prevent (89.2%) and to treat (78.8%). Low percentages of correct answers were identified related to knowledge about risk factors (46.8%), prevention (43.8%) and treatment of UI (42.8%). Despite this, the attitude was considered adequate for most women (98.5%). Absence of guidance on preparation of the perineum for childbirth during prenatal care (p = 0.019), low education (p < 0.001), milder cases of UI (p = 0.027) and high-risk pregnancy (p = 0.004) were associated with inappropriate practice. Conclusions: knowledge about the causes, prevention and treatment of UI is insufficient and interferes with the management of this condition.

Objetivos:evaluar el conocimiento, la actitud y la práctica (CAP) de las gestantes sobre la incontinencia urinaria (IU), identificar la prevalencia de la IU, evaluar su impacto en la calidad de vida (CV) e identificar los factores asociados a una PAC inadecuada en relación con la IU. Metodología: estudio observacional realizado de mayo a noviembre de 2019 en la ciudad de Fortaleza/CE. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos para la recolección de datos: uno para la evaluación sociodemográfica, obstétrica y de pérdidas urinarias y otro para la evaluación del CAP en la IU. Resultados: Participaron 237 gestantes. La prevalencia de IU fue del 49,3% y se observó un bajo impacto en la CV. La mayoría tenía conocimiento (89,6%) y práctica inadecuada tanto para prevenir (89,2%) como para tratar (78,8%). Se identificaron bajos porcentajes de aciertos relacionados con el conocimiento sobre factores de riesgo (46,8%), prevención (43,8%) y tratamiento de la IU (42,8%). A pesar de ello, la actitud fue considerada adecuada por la mayoría de las mujeres (98,5%). La ausencia de orientación sobre la preparación del perineo para el parto durante el control prenatal (p = 0,019), la baja escolaridad (p < 0,001), los casos más leves de IU (p = 0,027) y el embarazo de alto riesgo (p = 0,004) se asociaron con una atención inadecuada. práctica. Conclusión: el conocimiento sobre las causas, la prevención y el tratamiento de la IU es insuficiente e interfiere con el manejo de esta condición.

Urinary Incontinence , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Enterostomal Therapy
Medisan ; 27(4)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514572


El tratamiento en mujeres con incontinencia urinaria es diferente del que se efectúa en los hombres. Al respecto, actualmente se emplean las técnicas de cinta vaginal libre de tensión y cinta transobturadora para levantar la vejiga o la uretra, o ambas, hacia la posición normal. El procedimiento quirúrgico con banda transobturadora de polipropileno de monofilamento trenzado figura entre las cirugías mayores ambulatorias y se muestra como un tratamiento eficaz y seguro, cuyos riesgos son mínimos. En este trabajo se comunican brevemente algunos aspectos sobre la incontinencia en féminas, su diagnóstico, prevención y factores de riesgo asociados, así como todo el proceso de aplicación de dicha técnica.

Treatment in women with urinary incontinence is different from that in men. In this regard, the techniques of tension-free vaginal tape and transobturator tape are currently used to lift the bladder or urethra, or both, back to the normal position. The surgical procedure with a monofilament braided polypropylene transobturator band is among the major outpatient surgeries and is shown to be an effective and safe treatment, with minimal risks. In this paper, some aspects of incontinence in women, its diagnosis, prevention and associated risk factors are briefly reported, as well as the entire process of applying this technique.

Urinary Incontinence/surgery
Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): 891, 30 Junio 2023. ilus, tabs
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451294


El presente trabajo toma como base el documento: "Manejo Urológico del Mielomeningocele" de las Guías de Atención Pediátrica, del Hospital De Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan" de la ciudad de Buenos Aires - Argentina; de los autores: Dra. Carol Burek y Dra. Liliana Campmany. En la Unidad Técnica de Cirugía Pediátrica del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, se atienden por mes unos 50 a 70 pacientes afectos de vejiga neurogénica desde el nacimiento hasta la adolescencia. Es una enfermedad crónica que requiere un diagnóstico correcto con estudios de imagen y función de la vía urinaria además de un posterior manejo diario por parte de los padres con la guía del médico especialista.

This work is based on the document: "Urological Management of Myelomeningocele" from the Pediatric Care Guidelines of the Hospital De Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan" of the city of Buenos Aires - Argentina; by the authors: Dr. Carol Burek and Dr. Liliana Campmany. In the Pediatric Surgery Technical Unit of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital, 50 to 70 patients affected by neurogenic bladder from birth to adolescence are treated every month. It is a chronic disease that requires a correct diagnosis with imaging and urinary tract function studies, as well as subsequent daily management by the parents under the guidance of the specialist.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Pediatrics , Urinary Bladder Diseases , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic , Urinary Catheterization , Meningomyelocele , Enuresis , Urinary Incontinence , Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomena , Urodynamics , Urologic Diseases , Morbidity , Ecuador , Meningocele
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(3): 153-159, jun. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515205


OBJETIVO: Se presenta una serie de casos de reparación por vía vaginal de fístula vesicovaginal (FVV) de nuestro centro. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional descriptivo. Se evaluaron todas las pacientes con reparación quirúrgica de FVV en el Centro de Innovación de Piso Pélvico del Hospital Sótero del Río entre 2016 y 2022. RESULTADOS: Se reportaron 16 casos, de los cuales el 81,3% fueron secundarios a cirugía ginecológica. En todos se realizó la reparación por vía vaginal, con cierre por planos. En el 94% (15/16) se logró una reparación exitosa en un primer intento. El tiempo de seguimiento poscirugía fue de 10 meses (rango: 3-29). No hubo casos de recidiva en el seguimiento. Una paciente presentó fístula de novo, la cual se reparó de manera exitosa en un segundo intento por vía vaginal. Se reportaron satisfechas con la cirugía 15 pacientes, con mejoría significativa de su calidad de vida. Una paciente reportó sentirse igual (6,3%), pero sus síntomas se debían a síndrome de vejiga hiperactiva que la paciente no lograba diferenciar de los síntomas previos a la cirugía. CONCLUSIÓN: Las FVV en los países desarrollados son secundarias a cirugía ginecológica benigna. La cirugía por vía vaginal en nuestra serie demostró una alta tasa de éxito, con mejora significativa en la calidad de vida de las pacientes.

OBJETIVE: We present a case series of vesico-vaginal fistulas (VVF) vaginal repair in our center. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Descriptive observational study. All patients with surgical repair of VVF at the Centro de Innovación en Piso Pélvico of Hospital Sótero del Río were evaluated between September 2016 and September 2022. RESULTS: 16 cases were reported. 81.3% were secondary to gynecological surgery. In all cases, a vaginal repair was performed, with a layered closure. 94% (15/16) had no contrast extravasation at the time of examination, confirming fistula closure. The follow-up time was 10 months (range: 3-29). There were no cases of recurrence during follow-up. 1 patient presented de novo fistula which was successfully repaired in a second attempt vaginally. 15/16 patients reported being satisfied with the surgery, with significant improvement in quality of life. 1 patient reported feeling the same (6.3%), but her symptoms were due to overactive bladder syndrome that the patient could not differentiate from the symptoms prior to surgery. CONCLUSION: VFV in developed countries are mainly secondary to benign gynecological surgery. Vaginal surgery in our series achieved a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Vesicovaginal Fistula/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Urinary Incontinence , Vagina/surgery , Urinary Catheterization , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Vesicovaginal Fistula/diagnosis , Vesicovaginal Fistula/etiology , Treatment Outcome
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(6): 303-311, June 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449747


Abstract Objective The lack of data on the impact of hyperglycemia and obesity on the prevalence of pregnancy-specific urinary incontinence (PSUI) led us to conduct a cross-sectional study on the prevalence and characteristics of PSUI using validated questionnaires and clinical data. Methods This cross-sectional study included 539 women with a gestational age of 34 weeks who visited a tertiary university hospital between 2015 and 2018. The main outcome measures were the prevalence of PSUI, the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form (ICIQ-SF), and the Incontinence Severity Index (ISI) questionnaires. The women were classified into four groups: normoglycemic lean, normoglycemic obese, hyperglycemic lean, and hyperglycemic obese. The differences between groups were tested using descriptive statistics. Associations were estimated using logistic regression analysis and presented as unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios. Results Prevalence rates of PSUI were no different between groups. However, significant difference in hyperglycemic groups worse scores for severe and very severe PSUI. When adjusted data for confound factors was compared with normoglycemic lean group, the hyperglycemic obese group had significantly higher odds for severe and very severe forms of UI using ICIQ-SF (aOR 3.157; 95% CI 1.308 to 7.263) and ISI (aOR 20.324; 95% CI 2.265 to 182.329) questionnaires and highest perceived impact of PSUI (aOR 4.449; 95% CI 1.591 to 12.442). Conclusion Our data indicate that obesity and hyperglycemia during pregnancy significantly increase the odds of severe forms and perceived impact of PSUI. Therefore, further effective preventive and curative treatments are greatly needed.

Resumo Objetivo A falta de dados sobre o impacto da hiperglicemia e obesidade na prevalência de incontinência urinária específica da gravidez (IAPS) nos levou a realizar um estudo transversal sobre a prevalência e características da IAPS usando questionários validados e dados clínicos. Métodos Este estudo transversal incluiu 539 mulheres com idade gestacional de 34 semanas que visitaram um hospital universitário terciário entre 2015 e 2018. As principais medidas de desfecho foram a prevalência de PSUI, o formulário curto do International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (ICIQ-SF) e os questionários do Incontinence Severity Index (ISI). As mulheres foram classificadas em quatro grupos: magras normoglicêmicas, obesas normoglicêmicas, magras hiperglicêmicas e obesas hiperglicêmicas. As diferenças entre os grupos foram testadas por meio de estatística descritiva. As associações foram estimadas usando análise de regressão logística e apresentadas como odds ratio não ajustadas e ajustadas. Resultados As taxas de prevalência de PSUI não foram diferentes entre os grupos. No entanto, houve diferença significativa nos grupos hiperglicêmicos com piores escores para PSUI grave e muito grave. Quando os dados ajustados para fatores de confusão foram comparados ao grupo magro normoglicêmico, o grupo obeso hiperglicêmico teve chances significativamente maiores de formas graves e muito graves de IU usando ICIQ-SF (aOR 3,157; IC 95% 1,308 a 7,263) e ISI (aOR 20,324; 95% CI 2,265 a 182,329) questionários e maior impacto percebido de PSUI (aOR 4,449; 95% CI 1,591 a 12,442). Conclusão Nossos dados indicam que a obesidade e a hiperglicemia durante a gravidez aumentam significativamente as chances de formas graves e o impacto percebido da PSUI. Portanto, tratamentos preventivos e curativos mais eficazes são extremamente necessários.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Urinary Incontinence , Diabetes Mellitus , Obesity, Maternal
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 26(296): 9218-9231, jan.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1436903


Este trabalho traz a reflexão, através de conhecimentos multidisciplinares, sobre a incontinência urinária em decorrência da menopausa. Conceitua, a critério de informação, as diferentes fases que compõem o período de finalização da menstruação, experenciadas pelo público feminino, mais especificamente o climatério, pré-menopausa, menopausa e pós-menopausa. A discussão tem o objetivo de encontrar alternativas de comunicação e interação com a mulher em menopausa e trabalhar todos os sintomas possíveis encontrados nesta fase da vida, para que ela perceba a importância e a necessidade de procurar ajuda médica, informações inerentes ao tema, para uma melhor qualidade de vida, saúde e segurança nas suas transformações físicas e psíquicas. Reflete-se também sobre a realidade da mulher, os efeitos e impactos da menopausa na vida dela e a incontinência urinária como efeito dessa passagem. Como elas enfrentam essa condição no dia a dia e a insegurança que carregam ao viverem esse momento de transformação e 'perdas' relacionadas. Por isso, os profissionais debatem sobre a importância da comunicação e da disseminação da informação como caminhos para auxiliar na compreensão desse público a tudo relacionado à condição de incontinência urinária, em especial na menopausa. Os temas também debatem sobre a rede de apoio e o papel de cada um na percepção das mulheres ao que elas devem fazer, como fazer e por que fazer os tratamentos preventivos ou remediativos. É ciclo natural da vivência da mulher, mas os sintomas e efeitos não podem ser naturalizados, por isso a necessidade de se entender o panorama da incontinência urinária, nível Brasil, na vida das mulheres em menopausa.(AU)

This work brings reflection, through multidisciplinary knowledge, on urinary incontinence due to menopause. It conceptualizes, at the discretion of information, the different phases that make up the period of completion of menstruation, experienced by the female public, more specifically the climacteric, pre-menopause, menopause and post-menopause. The purpose of the discussion is to find alternatives for communication and interaction with women undergoing menopause and to work on all the possible symptoms found in this phase of life, so that she realizes the importance and need to seek medical help, information inherent to the subject, for a better quality of life, health and safety in their physical and mental transformations. It also reflects on the reality of women, the effects and impacts of menopause on her life and urinary incontinence as an effect of this transition. How they face this condition on a daily basis and the insecurity they carry when experiencing this moment of transformation and related 'losses'. Therefore, professionals discuss the importance of communication and dissemination of information as ways to help this public understand everything related to the condition of urinary incontinence, especially in menopause. The themes also discuss the support network and the role of each one in the women's perception of what they should do, how to do it and why to do preventive or remedial treatments. It is a natural cycle of women's experience, but the symptoms and effects cannot be naturalized, hence the need to understand the panorama of urinary incontinence, at the level of Brazil, in the lives of women undergoing menopause.(AU)

Este trabajo trae la reflexión, a través del conocimiento multidisciplinario, sobre la incontinencia urinaria por menopausia. Conceptualiza, a criterio de la información, las diferentes fases que componen el período de finalización de la menstruación, experimentado por el público femenino, más específicamente el climaterio, la premenopausia, la menopausia y la posmenopausia. El propósito de la charla es encontrar alternativas de comunicación e interacción con la mujer en la menopausia y trabajar todos los síntomas posibles encontrados en esta etapa de la vida, para que ella se dé cuenta de la importancia y necesidad de buscar ayuda médica, información inherente al tema. , para una mejor calidad de vida, salud y seguridad en sus transformaciones físicas y mentales. También reflexiona sobre la realidad de la mujer, los efectos e impactos de la menopausia en su vida y la incontinencia urinaria como efecto de esta transición. Cómo enfrentan esta condición en el día a día y la inseguridad que cargan al vivir este momento de transformación y las 'pérdidas' relacionadas. Por lo tanto, los profesionales discuten la importancia de la comunicación y la difusión de información como formas de ayudar a este público a comprender todo lo relacionado con la condición de incontinencia urinaria, especialmente en la menopausia. Los temas también discuten la red de apoyo y el papel de cada uno en la percepción de las mujeres sobre lo que deben hacer, cómo hacerlo y por qué hacer tratamientos preventivos o curativos. Es un ciclo natural de la experiencia de la mujer, pero los síntomas y los efectos no se pueden naturalizar, de ahí la necesidad de comprender el panorama de la incontinencia urinaria, a nivel de Brasil, en la vida de las mujeres en fase de menopausia.(AU)

Urinary Incontinence , Menopause
Actual. nutr ; 24(1): 24-31, ener. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426130


Introducción: Se evidencian en la literatura estudios acerca de factores nutricionales que pudieran incrementar el riesgo de desarrollar incontinencia urinaria (IU), la cual deteriora significativamente la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivos: Identificar factores de riesgo nutricionales asociados a IU en mujeres adultas e impacto sobre la calidad de vida ante dicho problema. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal, observacional y analítico, de casos y controles, sobre muestra no probabilística, intencional y voluntaria de mujeres adultas (35 a 75 años), que concurrieron a Centro de Kinesiología y Estética (Esteban Echeverría, Provincia de Buenos Aires). Por cuestionario ICIQ-SF (International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire) se identificaron 30 mujeres con IU (casos), y se aparearon los controles sin IU, obtenidos de la misma base poblacional (n=30). Variables en estudio: Edad, Factores de riesgo nutricionales de IU: estado nutricional mediante Índice Masa Corporal (IMC) y circunferencia cintura (CC); hábitos higiénico-dietéticos: sedentarismo (ejercicio <150 minutos/semana), constipación funcional según Criterios ROMA IV y consumo líquidos aumentados (≥ recomendación); impacto IU sobre calidad de vida mediante cuestionario Potenziani- 14-CI- IO- QOL- 2000. Análisis estadístico mediante SPSS 19.00 calculando medidas de tendencia central, Chi-cuadrado y Odds Ratio (OR) con intervalos de confianza 95 % y significación p<0,05. Resultados: La mayoría de las mujeres con IU eran sedentarias (86,7%) con sobrepeso u obesidad (66,7%) y CC aumentada (73,7%). Se asoció la IU con edad (OR=0,32; IC95%: 0,11-0,94; p=0,03), sobrepeso/obesidad (OR=0,15; IC95%: 0,04-0,47; p=0,001), CC aumentada (OR=0,11; IC95%: 0,03-0,42; p=0,0001) y sedentarismo (OR=0.20; IC95%: 0.059-0.695; p=0.02). El impacto sobre calidad de vida fue ligera-moderada para la mayoría de las mujeres con IU (93,3%). Conclusión: La edad, sobrepeso u obesidad, circunferencia de cintura aumentada y sedentarismo fueron factores de riesgo asociados a IU. Una intervención nutricional adecuada, mejoraría la calidad de vida de mujeres adultas con esta condición

Introduction: There is evidence in the literature studies about nutritional factors that could increase the risk of developing urinary incontinence (UI), which significantly impairs the quality of life of patients. Objectives: To identify nutritional risk factors associated with UI in adult women and its impact on quality of life. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, observational and analytical study of cases and controls, on a non-probabilistic, intentional and voluntary sample of adult women (35 to 75 years old), who attended Centro de Kinesiología y Estética (Esteban Echeverría, Province of Buenos Aires). Thirty women with UI (cases) were identified by ICIQ-SF (International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire), and controls without UI, obtained from the same population base (n=30), were matched one by one. Variables under study: age, nutritional risk factors for UTI: nutritional status by Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC); hygienic-dietary habits: sedentary lifestyle (exercise <150 minutes/week), functional constipation according to ROME IV criteria and increased fluid intake (≥ recommendation); UTI impact on quality of life by Potenziani- 14-CI- IO- QOL2000 questionnaire. Statistical analysis using SPSS 19.00 calculating measures of central tendency, Chi-square and Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals and significance p<0.05. Results: Most women with UTI were sedentary (86.7%) with overweight or obesity (66.7%) and increased CC (73.7%). UI was associated with age (OR=0.32; 95%CI: 0.11-0.94; p=0.03), overweight/obesity (OR=0.15; 95%CI: 0.04-0.47; p=0.001), increased QoL (OR=0.11; 95%CI: 0.03-0.42; p=0.0001) and sedentary (OR=0.20; 95%CI: 0.059-0.695; p=0.02). The impact on quality of life was mild-moderate for most women with UI (93.3%). Conclusion: Age, overweight or obesity, increased waist circumference and sedentary lifestyle were risk factors associated with UI. An adequate nutritional intervention would improve the quality of life of adult women with this condition

Humans , Female , Adult , Urinary Incontinence , Quality of Life
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969971


The paper introduces GAO Wei-bin's clinical experience in acupuncture treatment for neurogenic bladder. In association with the etiology, the location and types of neurogenic bladder and in accordance with nerve anatomy and meridian differentiation, the acupoints are selected accurately in treatment. Four acupoint prescriptions are allocated. For frequent urination and urinary incontinence, the foot-motor-sensory area of scalp acupuncture, Shenshu (BL 23) and Huiyang (BL 35) are used. For all kinds of urine retention, especially the patients who are not suitable for acupuncture at the lumbar region, Zhongji (CV 3), Qugu (CV 2), Henggu (KI 11) and Dahe (KI 12) are selected. For all kinds of urine retention, Zhongliao (BL 33) and Ciliao (BL 32) are applicable. For the patients with both dysuria and urinary incontinence, Zhongliao (BL 33), Ciliao (BL 32) and Huiyang (BL 35) are chosen. In treatment of neurogenic bladder, both biao (root causes) and ben (primary symptoms) are considered, as well as the accompanying symptoms; and electroacupuncture is combined accordingly. During the delivery of acupuncture, the sites where the acupoints located are detected and palpated so as to rationally control the depth of needle insertion and the operation of reinforcing and reducing needling techniques.

Humans , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/etiology , Acupuncture Therapy/adverse effects , Meridians , Electroacupuncture , Acupuncture Points , Urinary Retention , Urinary Incontinence
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010135


OBJECTIVE@#Constructing a predictive model for urinary incontinence after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP) based on prostatic gland related MRI parameters.@*METHODS@#In this study, 202 cases were included. All the patients were diagnosed with prostate cancer by prostate biopsy and underwent LRP surgery in Peking University Third Hospital. The preoperative MRI examination of all the patients was completed within 1 week before the prostate biopsy. Prostatic gland related parameters included prostate length, width, height, prostatic volume, intravesical prostatic protrusion length (IPPL), prostate apex shape, etc. From the first month after the operation, the recovery of urinary continence was followed up every month, and the recovery of urinary continence was based on the need not to use the urine pad all day long. Logistic multivariate regression analysis was used to analyze the influence of early postoperative recovery of urinary continence. Risk factors were used to draw the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves of each model to predict the recovery of postoperative urinary continence, and the difference of the area under the curve (AUC) was compared by DeLong test, and the clinical net benefit of the model was evaluated by decision curve analysis (DCA).@*RESULTS@#The average age of 202 patients was 69.0 (64.0, 75.5) years, the average prostate specific antigen (PSA) before puncture was 12.12 (7.36, 20.06) μg/L, and the Gleason score < 7 points and ≥ 7 points were 73 cases (36.2%) and 129 cases (63.9%) respectively, with 100 cases (49.5%) at T1/T2 clinical stage, and 102 cases (50.5%) at T3 stage. The prostatic volume measured by preoperative MRI was 35.4 (26.2, 51.1) mL, the ratio of the height to the width was 0.91 (0.77, 1.07), the membranous urethral length (MUL) was 15 (11, 16) mm, and the IPPL was 2 (0, 6) mm. The prostatic apex A-D subtypes were 67 cases (33.2%), 80 cases (39.6%), 24 cases (11.9%) and 31 cases (15.3%), respectively. The training set and validation set were 141 cases and 61 cases, respectively. The operations of all the patients were successfully completed, and the urinary continence rate was 59.4% (120/202) in the 3 months follow-up. The results of multivariate analysis of the training set showed that the MUL (P < 0.001), IPPL (P=0.017) and clinical stage (P=0.022) were independent risk factors for urinary incontinence in the early postoperative period (3 months). The nomogram and clinical decision curve were made according to the results of multivariate analysis. The AUC value of the training set was 0.885 (0.826, 0.944), and the AUC value of the validation set was 0.854 (0.757, 0.950). In the verification set, the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test was performed on the model, and the Chi-square value was 5.426 (P=0.711).@*CONCLUSION@#Preoperative MUL, IPPL, and clinical stage are indepen-dent risk factors for incontinence after LRP. The nomogram developed based on the relevant parameters of MRI glands can effectively predict the recovery of early urinary continence after LRP. The results of this study require further large-scale clinical research to confirm.

Male , Humans , Prostate/surgery , Prostatectomy/adverse effects , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology , Urinary Incontinence/etiology , Laparoscopy/methods , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/adverse effects , Recovery of Function , Retrospective Studies
Singapore medical journal ; : 196-202, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969655


INTRODUCTION@#Our aim was to study the prevalence of frailty and its associated factors in a subacute geriatric ward.@*METHODS@#This was a cross-sectional study of 167 participants between June 2018 and June 2019. Baseline demographics and participants' Mini Nutritional Assessment, Geriatric Depression Scale, Mini Mental State Examination, Charlson's Comorbidity Index and LACE index scores were obtained. Functional measurements such as modified Barthel's Index scores and hand grip strength (HGS) were taken. Frailty was assessed using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) and the FRAIL scale. Data on history of healthcare utilisation, medications, length of stay, selected blood investigations and presence of geriatric syndromes were also collected.@*RESULTS@#The prevalence of pre-frailty (CFS 4) and frailty (CFS ≥ 5) was 16.2% and 63.4%, respectively. There were significant associations between CFS and age (pre-frail vs. non-frail: odds ratio [OR] 1.14, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04-1.25, P = 0.006; frail vs. non-frail: OR 1.08, 95% CI 1.01-1.15, P = 0.021), HGS at discharge (frail vs. non-frail: OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.82-0.99, P = 0.025), serum albumin (frail vs. non-frail: OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.82-0.99, P = 0.035) and the presence of urinary incontinence (frail vs. non-frail: OR 3.03, 95% CI 1.19-7.77, P = 0.021).@*CONCLUSION@#Frailty is highly prevalent in the subacute geriatric setting and has many associated factors. In this study, independent factors associated with frailty were age, HGS at discharge, serum albumin and urinary incontinence. This has implications for future resource allocation for frail older inpatients and may help direct further research to study the effectiveness of frailty-targeted interventions.

Humans , Aged , Frailty/epidemiology , Frail Elderly , Hand Strength , Prevalence , Singapore/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic , Geriatric Assessment , Urinary Incontinence , Serum Albumin
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 193-198, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981932


PURPOSE@#To identify risk factors for developing pressure ulcers (PUs) in the acute care period of traumatic spinal fracture patients with or without spinal cord injuries (SCIs).@*METHODS@#Data were collected prospectively in participating the National Spinal column/Cord Injury Registry of Iran (NSCIR-IR) from individuals with traumatic spinal fractures with or without SCIs, inclusive of the hospital stay from admission to discharge. Trained nursing staff examined the patients for the presence of PUs every 8 h during their hospital stay. The presence and grade of PUs were assessed according to the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel classification. In addition to PU, following data were also extracted from the NSCIR-IR datasets during the period of 2015 - 2021: age, sex, Glasgow coma scale score at admission, having SCIs, marital status, surgery for a spinal fracture, American Spinal Injury Association impairment scale (AIS), urinary incontinence, level of education, admitted center, length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), hypertension, respiratory diseases, consumption of cigarettes, diabetes mellitus and length of stay in the hospital. Logistic regression models were used to estimate the unadjusted and adjusted odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI).@*RESULTS@#Altogether 2785 participants with traumatic spinal fractures were included. Among them, 87 (3.1%) developed PU during their hospital stay and 392 (14.1%) had SCIs. In the SCI population, 63 (16.1%) developed PU during hospital stay. Univariate logistic regression for the whole sample showed that marital status, having SCIs, urinary incontinence, level of education, treating center, number of days in the ICU, age, and Glasgow coma scale score were significant predictors for PUs. However, further analysis by multiple logistic regression only revealed the significant risk factors to be the treating center, marital status, having SCIs, and the number of days in the ICU. For the subgroup of individuals with SCIs, marital status, AIS, urinary incontinence, level of education, the treating center, the number of days in the ICU and the number of days in the hospital were significant predictors for PUs by univariate analysis. After adjustment in the multivariate model, the treating center, marital status (singles vs. marrieds, OR = 3.06, 95% CI: 1.55 - 6.03, p = 0.001), and number of days in the ICU (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 1.04 - 1.09, p < 0.001) maintained significance.@*CONCLUSIONS@#These data confirm that individuals with traumatic spinal fractures and SCIs, especially single young patients who suffer from urinary incontinence, grades A-D by AIS, prolonged ICU stay, and more extended hospitalization are at increased risk for PUs; as a result strategies to minimize PU development need further refinement.

Humans , Spinal Fractures/etiology , Pressure Ulcer/complications , Iran/epidemiology , Spinal Cord Injuries/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Spine , Registries , Urinary Incontinence/complications , Suppuration/complications