Objective: To describe the results of the investigation of urinary retention in patients in post-anesthesia recovery using ultrasonography. Method: This is a descriptive observational study in which the bladder content of patients in the post-anesthesia recovery room was estimated using ultrasonogra-phy to detect urinary retention. Twenty adult and aged patients with one hour of stay in the post-anesthesia recovery room of a large university hospital in Northeast Brazil were included between June and October 2022. Results: The urinary volume measured through this imaging exam had a mean of 588.3±327.6 mL, ranging from 80 to 1,275.4 mL. Urinary retention was identified in 45% of cases in this series, although only the complaint of pain asso-ciated with the need to urinate was a statistically significant indicative symptom of retention. There was no statistically significant difference between genders, and it was not possible to observe the influence of opioid use on urinary retention. Conclusion: Perioperative nurses should seek training for advanced techniques, including the use of ultrasonography, to assist in their practice. (AU)
Objetivo: Describir los resultados de la investigación sobre retención urinaria en pacientes en recuperación anestésica utilizando ultrasono-grafía. Método: Se trata de un estudio observacional descriptivo, en el cual se estimó el contenido vesical de pacientes en la sala de recuperación posta-nestésica mediante ultrasonografía para detectar retención urinaria. Se incluyeron 20 pacientes adultos y ancianos con una hora de permanencia en la sala de recuperación postanestésica de un hospital universitario de gran tamaño en el noreste de Brasil, entre junio y octubre de 2022. Resultados: El volumen urinario medido mediante este examen de imagen tuvo un promedio de 588,3±327,6 mL, variando de 80 a 1.275,4 mL. La retención urinaria se identificó en el 45% de los casos de esta serie, aunque solo la queja de dolor asociada a la necesidad de micción fue un síntoma indicativo de retención estadísticamente significativo. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los sexos y no se pudo observar la influencia del uso de opioides en la retención urinaria. Conclusión: Los enfermeros perioperatorios deben buscar formación en técnicas avanzadas, incluido el uso de ultrasonogra-fía, como apoyo en su práctica. (AU)
Objetivo: Descrever os resultados da investigação de retenção urinária em pacientes em recuperação anestésica com uso da ultrassonografia. Método: Trata-se de um estudo observacional descritivo, no qual o conteúdo vesical de pacientes em sala de recuperação pós-anestésica foi estimado por meio da ultrassonografia para detectar retenção urinária. Foram incluídos 20 pacientes adultos e idosos com uma hora de permanência na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica de um hospital universitário de grande porte do Nordeste do Brasil, entre junho e outubro de 2022. Resultados: O volume urinário mensurado por meio desse exame de imagem teve média de 588,3±327,6 mL, variando de 80 a 1.275,4 mL. A retenção urinária foi identificada em 45% dos casos desta série, embora apenas a queixa de dor associada à necessidade miccional tenha sido um sintoma indicativo de retenção estatis-ticamente significativo. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os sexos e não foi possível observar a influência do uso de opioides na retenção urinária. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros perioperatórios devem buscar formação para técnicas avançadas, incluindo o uso da ultrassonografia, como auxiliar na sua prática. (AU)
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Surgicenters , Urinary Retention , Ultrasonography , Perioperative Nursing , Anesthesia Recovery PeriodABSTRACT
Objetivo: medir el volumen urinario por medio de la ecografía vesical, realizado por una enfermera en pacientes críticos, después de la retirada de la sonda urinaria permanente y verificar los factores relacionados en la retención urinaria. Método: estudio cuantitativo, observacional y transversal, realizado con 37 pacientes críticos de ambos sexos, mayores de 18 años, con retiro de catéter vesical permanente en las últimas 48 horas. Se utilizó un cuestionario con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas y el examen ecográfico. Se utilizó un cuestionario con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas y el examen ecográfico. Los datos fueron presentados a través de distribución de frecuencias, medidas de centralidad y variabilidad, asociación mediante la prueba exacta de Fisher y, para el análisis, regresión logística binomial múltiple. Resultados: de los 37 pacientes, en su mayoría fue de sexo masculino, con una edad média de 54,9 años. La medición del volumen urinario por ecografía osciló entre 332,3 y 950 ml, y el 40,54% de los pacientes presentó retención urinaria. La retención urinaria se asoció significativamente a la aparición de infección urinaria, estreñimiento intestinal y diuresis por rebosamiento espontáneo. Los pacientes con infección del tracto urinario tenían 7,4 veces más probabilidades de tener retención urinaria. Conclusión: la ecografía vesical fue eficaz para medir el volumen urinario después de retirar el catéter urinario permanente y puede contribuir a la detección de retención urinaria.
Objective: to measure urinary volume through bladder ultrasound, performed by a nurse in critically ill patients, after removal of the indwelling urinary catheter and to verify the related factors on urinary retention. Method: quantitative, observational and cross-sectional study, carried out with 37 critically ill patients of both sexes, over 18 years of age, with removal of indwelling urinary catheter in the last 48 hours. A questionnaire containing sociodemographic and clinical variables and an ultrasound examination were used. Data were presented through frequency distribution, centrality and variability measures, association using Fisher`s exact test and, for analysis multiple binomial logistic regression analysis. Results: the 37 patients were mostly male, with a mean age of 54.9 years. The measurement of urinary volume by ultrasound ranged from 332.3 to 950 ml, and 40.54% of patients had urinary retention. Urinary retention was significantly associated with the occurrence of urinary tract infection, intestinal constipation and spontaneous overflow diuresis. Patients with urinary tract infection were 7.4 times more likely to have urinary retention. Conclusion: bladder ultrasonography was effective in measuring urinary volume after removal of the indwelling urinary catheter and and may contribute to the detection of urinary retention.
Objetivo: mensurar o volume urinário por meio da ultrassonografia de bexiga, realizada por enfermeiro em pacientes críticos, após a remoção do cateter vesical de demora, e verificar os fatores relacionados na retenção urinária. Método: estudo quantitativo, observacional e transversal, realizado com 37 pacientes críticos de ambos os sexos, idade superior a 18 anos, com retirada de cateter vesical de demora nas últimas 48 horas. Foram utilizados um questionário contendo as variáveis sociodemográficas e clinicas e o exame de ultrassonografia. Os dados foram apresentados por meio da distribuição de frequência, medidas de centralidade e de variabilidade, associação pelo teste exato de Fisher e, para análise a regressão logística binomial múltipla. Resultados: dos 37 pacientes, a maioria era do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 54,9 anos. A mensuração do volume urinário pela ultrassonografia variou de 332,3 a 950 ml, sendo que 40,54% dos pacientes apresentaram retenção urinária. A retenção urinaria apresentou associação significativa para a ocorrência de infecção do trato urinário, constipação intestinal e diurese espontânea por transbordamento. Pacientes com infecção urinária tiveram 7,4 vezes mais chance de apresentar retenção urinária. Conclusão: ultrassonografia de bexiga foi eficaz para mensurar o volume urinário após a remoção do cateter vesical de demora e poderá contribuir na detecção da retenção urinária.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Urinary Tract Infections , Urinary Catheterization , Catheters, Indwelling , Cross-Sectional Studies , Urinary Retention/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography , Critical IllnessABSTRACT
To summarize and analyze the clinical application characteristics of Qugu (CV 2) in ancient and modern literature based on data mining technology. The Chinese Medical Code (the 5th edition) was taken as the retrieval source of ancient literature, while the CNKI, Wanfang, and VIP databases were taken as the retrieval source of modern literature. The indications of Qugu (CV 2) used alone or with compatible acupoints, compatible acupoints, acupuncture-moxibustion manipulation, etc., were systematically sorted out. As a result, a total of 140 articles of ancient literature were included. The common indications of Qugu (CV 2) used alone were urinary retention, profuse vaginal discharge and hernia. The common indications of Qugu (CV 2) used with compatible acupoints were profuse vaginal discharge, stranguria and hernia. Sixty-four acupoints were concurrently used with Qugu (CV 2), Qugu (CV 2) was mainly compatible with acupoints of conception vessel, bladder meridian and liver meridian, and the high-frequency acupoints included Zhongji (CV 3), Guanyuan (CV 4) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6); five-shu points were the most used special acupoints, and moxibustion therapy was often used. A total of 73 modern articles were included. The common indications of Qugu (CV 2) used alone were urinary retention, erectile dysfunction and chronic prostatitis; the common indications of Qugu (CV 2) used with compatible scupoints were urinary retention, erectile dysfunction and prostatic hyperplasia. Thirty-six acupoints were concurrently used with Qugu (CV 2), Qugu (CV 2) was mainly compatible with acupoints of conception vessel, kidney meridian and spleen meridian, and the high-frequency acupoints included Zhongji (CV 3), Guanyuan (CV 4) and Zusanli (ST 36); front-mu points were the most used special acupoints, and acupuncture therapy was often used. Qugu (CV 2) treats a wide range of diseases in ancient times, the distant treatment effectiveness of acupoints is emphasized; and it mainly treats local diseases in modern times, the nearby treatment effectiveness of acupoints is emphasized.
Female , Male , Humans , Literature, Modern , Erectile Dysfunction , Urinary Retention , Meridians , Acupuncture Therapy , Acupuncture Points , Moxibustion , Vaginal DischargeABSTRACT
The paper introduces GAO Wei-bin's clinical experience in acupuncture treatment for neurogenic bladder. In association with the etiology, the location and types of neurogenic bladder and in accordance with nerve anatomy and meridian differentiation, the acupoints are selected accurately in treatment. Four acupoint prescriptions are allocated. For frequent urination and urinary incontinence, the foot-motor-sensory area of scalp acupuncture, Shenshu (BL 23) and Huiyang (BL 35) are used. For all kinds of urine retention, especially the patients who are not suitable for acupuncture at the lumbar region, Zhongji (CV 3), Qugu (CV 2), Henggu (KI 11) and Dahe (KI 12) are selected. For all kinds of urine retention, Zhongliao (BL 33) and Ciliao (BL 32) are applicable. For the patients with both dysuria and urinary incontinence, Zhongliao (BL 33), Ciliao (BL 32) and Huiyang (BL 35) are chosen. In treatment of neurogenic bladder, both biao (root causes) and ben (primary symptoms) are considered, as well as the accompanying symptoms; and electroacupuncture is combined accordingly. During the delivery of acupuncture, the sites where the acupoints located are detected and palpated so as to rationally control the depth of needle insertion and the operation of reinforcing and reducing needling techniques.
Humans , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/etiology , Acupuncture Therapy/adverse effects , Meridians , Electroacupuncture , Acupuncture Points , Urinary Retention , Urinary IncontinenceABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the clinical symptoms experienced by patients with thoracic spinal tumors and verify the associated symptoms that are predictive of a decline in muscle strength in the lower limbs. Methods A single-center, retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on in-patients diagnosed with epidural thoracic spinal tumors between January 2011 and May 2021. The study involved a review of electronic medical records and radiographs and the collection of clinical data. The differences in clinical manifestations between patients with constipation and those without constipation were analyzed. Binary logistic regression analyses were performed to identify risk factors associated with a decline in muscle strength in the lower limbs.Results A total of 227 patients were enrolled, including 131 patients with constipation and 96 without constipation. The constipation group had a significantly higher proportion of patients who experienced difficulty walking or paralysis compared to those without constipation prior to surgery (83.2% vs. 17.7%, χ2 = 99.035,P < 0.001). Constipation (OR = 9.522, 95%CI: 4.150-21.849, P < 0.001) and urinary retention (OR = 14.490, 95%CI: 4.543-46.213, P < 0.001) were independent risk factors for muscle strength decline in the lower limbs. Conclusions The study observed that patients with thoracic spinal tumors who experienced constipation symptoms had a higher incidence of lower limb weakness. Moreover, the analysis revealed that constipation and urinary retention were independent risk factors associated with a preoperative decline in muscle strength of lower limbs.
Humans , Constipation/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Lower Extremity , Muscle Strength , Retrospective Studies , Spinal Neoplasms , Urinary RetentionABSTRACT
Introdução: Os tratamentos cirúrgicos ou adjuvantes dos cânceres ginecológicos podem desencadear sequelas, entre elas, as disfunções miccionais: incontinência urinária, retenção urinária e bexiga hiperativa. A primeira linha de tratamento dessas disfunções consiste em tratamentos conservadores, incluindo a fisioterapia, o que torna importante revisar a literatura vigente sobre o tema. Objetivo: Revisar na literatura a atuação do fisioterapeuta nas disfunções miccionais em mulheres tratadas de cânceres pélvicos. Método: Revisão sistemática, com estratégias de busca nas bases de dados PubMed, Embase e Cochrane, utilizando a ferramenta PICO: P mulheres tratadas de cânceres pélvicos, I fisioterapia ou eletroterapia, C "nenhum/não se aplica", e O disfunções pélvicas. Resultados: Foram encontrados 93 estudos. Destes, selecionaram-se sete para leitura do texto completo e extração de dados. Dos três artigos que abordam o manejo da incontinência urinária, todos utilizaram o treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico como pelo menos um dos procedimentos fisioterapêuticos, tendo metodologia semelhante. Dos quatro artigos que abordam a retenção urinária, em dois, houve utilização de estimulação elétrica transcutânea e, nos outros dois, treinamento funcional da musculatura do assoalho pélvico. Os estudos mostraram uma melhora dos sintomas relacionados à incontinência e retenção urinária, no entanto, a qualidade metodológica de alguns estudos foi baixa. Conclusão: A fisioterapia é um tratamento promissor no manejo de disfunções miccionais no pós-tratamento de cânceres pélvicos. Todavia, a evidência atual deve ser vista com parcimônia em razão da qualidade metodológica dos estudos
Introduction: Surgical or adjuvant treatments of gynecological cancers may cause various sequelae, and, among them, urination disorders: urinary incontinence, retention and overactive bladder. The first line of treatment for voiding disorders consists in conservative treatments, including physiotherapy, therefore, it is important to review the current literature on the theme. Objective: To review the literature on physiotherapeutic treatments for urination disorders in women who have been treated of genital neoplasms. Method: A systematic review has been conducted with specific search strategies applied in the databases PubMed, Embase and Cochrane, utilizing the PICO strategy: P women who have been treated for their genital neoplasms, I physiotherapy or electrotherapy, C "none/ doesn't apply", and O pelvic dysfunctions. Results: 93 studies were found. Of these, seven were selected for full text reading and data extraction. Of the three studies that discuss how to deal with UI, all utilized pelvic floor exercises with at least one of the physiotherapy procedures with similar methodology. Four studies discussed urinary retention and two of them utilized transcutaneous electrical stimulation and the other two, functional pelvic floor training. The studies showed a betterment of the symptoms related to urinary incontinence and retention; however, the methodological quality of a few studies was low. Conclusion: Physiotherapy is a promising form of treatment for urination disorders post-female genital neoplasm treatment. Nevertheless, current evidence must be seen cautiously due to the methodological quality of the studies
Introducción: Los tratamientos quirúrgicos o adyuvantes de los cánceres ginecológicos pueden desencadenar secuelas, entre ellas trastornos de la micción: incontinencia, retención urinaria y vejiga hiperactiva. La primera línea de tratamiento de los trastornos de la micción consiste en tratamientos conservadores, incluida la fisioterapia, por lo que es importante revisar la literatura actual sobre el tema. Objetivo: Revisar en la literatura la actuación del fisioterapeuta en las disfunciones miccionales en mujeres tratadas por cáncer pélvico. Método: Revisión sistemática, con estrategias de búsqueda en PubMed, Embase y Cochrane, utilizando la estrategia PICO: P mujeres tratadas por cáncer pélvico, I fisioterapia o electroterapia, C "ninguna/ no aplicable", y O disfunciones pélvicas. Resultados: Se encontraron 93 estudios. De ellos, se seleccionaron siete para la lectura del texto completo y la extracción de datos. De los tres que abordan el manejo de la IU, todos utilizaron el entrenamiento muscular del piso pélvico como al menos uno de los procedimientos fisioterapéuticos, utilizando una metodología similar. De los cuatro artículos que abordan la retención urinaria, dos utilizaron estimulación eléctrica transcutánea y dos utilizaron entrenamiento funcional del piso pélvico. Los estudios mostraron mejoría en los síntomas relacionados con la incontinencia y la retención urinaria, sin embargo, la calidad metodológica de algunos estudios fue baja. Conclusión: La fisioterapia es un tratamiento prometedor en el manejo de la disfunción miccional después del tratamiento del cáncer pélvico. No obstante, la evidencia actual debe verse con parsimonia debido a la calidad metodológica de los estudios
Humans , Male , Female , Urinary Incontinence , Urinary Retention , Physical Therapy Modalities , Genital Neoplasms, FemaleABSTRACT
A hematúria pode estar associada à descompressão da bexiga, após o cateterismo urinário, em pessoas com retenção urinária. Há escassez de estudos e falta de consenso sobre a técnica de descompressão gradual para prevenção da ocorrência de hematúria, na intervenção procedimental do cateterismo urinário nesses casos. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi analisar as evidências científicas sobre as técnicas utilizadas na descompressão da bexiga, através do cateterismo urinário na retenção urinária aguda e crônica, em adultos e idosos para prevenção de hematúria. As bases de dados utilizadas para busca dos estudos primários foram: Pubmed, LILACS, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science e Scopus; e foi realizada busca manual na lista de referências dos estudos incluídos. Foi utilizado período ilimitado para a revisão de estudos em português, inglês, francês, alemão e espanhol. Foram levantados 2.319 estudos, após houve seleção e leitura por duas pesquisadoras independentes, aplicando os critérios de elegibilidade e nos casos de conflitos, os mesmos foram resolvidos mutuamente sob consulta de uma terceira pesquisadora. Foram incluídos nove artigos e acrescentados dois artigos da busca manual. Assim, esta revisão integrativa foi realizada com uma amostra de 11 estudos, em que três foram estudos clínicos randomizados (27,3%), três estudos observacionais (27,3%) e cinco relatos de caso (45,4%). Foi incluído nesta revisão um total de 659 pacientes. A retenção urinária ocorreu, principalmente, em homens, e a principal causa foi a hiperplasia prostática benigna. A idade dos pacientes variou entre 52 e 82 anos. O volume drenado de urina variou entre 1.000mL e 7.000mL, e houve ocorrência de hematúria a partir de 1.050mL de urina drenada. Os estudos apontaram que não há evidências de relação entre o volume drenado e a ocorrência de hematúria. As principais técnicas de descompressão da bexiga, através do cateterismo urinário, utilizadas foram a de descompressão rápida e a gradual, sendo as principais complicações, independente da técnica, a hematúria e a hipotensão. Os resultados evidenciaram que não houve diferença significativa entre as duas técnicas em relação ao desfecho de prevenção de hematúria. Ou seja, o esvaziamento gradual da bexiga não previne hematúria, comparado ao esvaziamento rápido e completo da bexiga. Mas os estudos, em especial os relatos de casos, descrevem condições clínicas que merecem atenção diante da ocorrência de hematúria pós-cateterismo urinário e as implicações na terapêutica dos pacientes. Destaca-se, desta revisão integrativa, a importância da enfermagem na identificação e prevenção do diagnóstico de Retenção Urinária, a fim de evitar subsequentes intervenções e complicações clínicas, dentre elas a hematúria pós-cateterismo
Hematuria may be associated with bladder decompression after urinary catheterization in people with urinary retention. There is a scarcity of studies and lack of consensus on the gradual decompression technique to prevent the occurrence of hematuria, in the procedural intervention of urinary catheterization in these cases. Thus, the objective of this integrative review was to analyze the scientific evidence on the techniques used in bladder decompression, through urinary catheterization in acute and chronic urinary retention, in adults and the elderly for the prevention of hematuria. The databases used to search for primary studies were: Pubmed, LILACS, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science and Scopus; and a manual search was performed in the reference list of the included studies. An unlimited period was used to review studies in Portuguese, English, French, German and Spanish. A total of 2,319 studies were surveyed, of which, after selection and reading by two independent researchers, applying the eligibility criteria and in cases of conflicts, being resolved mutually under consultation of a third researcher, nine articles were included and two articles were added from the manual search. Thus, this integrative review was carried out with a sample of 11 studies, in which three were randomized clinical trials (27.3%), three were observational studies (27.3%) and five were case reports (45.4%). A total of 659 patients were included in this review. Urinary retention occurred mainly in men, and the main cause was benign prostatic hyperplasia. The age of the patients ranged between 52 and 82 years. The drained volume of urine varied between 1,000mL and 7,000mL, and hematuria occurred from 1,050mL of drained urine. The studies indicated that there is no evidence of a relationship between the drained volume and the occurrence of hematuria. The main techniques used for bladder decompression, through urinary catheterization, were rapid and gradual decompression, with the main complications, regardless of the technique, being hematuria and hypotension. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two techniques regarding the hematuria prevention outcome. That is, gradual emptying of the bladder does not prevent hematuria compared to rapid and complete emptying of the bladder. But the studies, especially the case reports, describe clinical conditions that deserve attention in view of the occurrence of hematuria after urinary catheterization and the implications for the treatment of patients. Highlights the importance of nursing in identifying and preventing the diagnosis of Urinary Retention, in order to avoid subsequent interventions and clinical complications, including post-catheterization hematuria
Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Urinary Bladder , Urinary Catheterization , Urinary Retention , HematuriaABSTRACT
Objetivo:Avaliar a efetividade do diário vesical para identificar sintomas do trato urinário inferior, em comparação ao estudo urodinâmico. Método: Trata-se de estudo observacional de corte transversal realizado em uma clínica de urodinâmica do sul catarinense com 44 pacientes submetidos ao exame. A coleta de dados deu-se por aplicação de questionário de dados epidemiológicos e de sintomas e diário vesical de 72 horas e comparação deste com os achados do estudo urodinâmico por meio do programa Stata/SE v.14.1. Resultados: O diário vesical apresentou alta especificidade, sensibilidade e acurácia para identificação de hiperatividade detrusora e incontinência urinária de esforço. Não apresentou diferença para capacidade vesical (p* 0,198) e apontou sensibilidade vesical com volume menor do que o apresentado pelo estudo urodinâmico (p*<0,001). Foi capaz de identificar sintomas de trato urinário inferior que não haviam se revelado no estudo urodinâmico. Conclusão: O diário vesical mostrou-se tão efetivo quanto o estudo urodinâmico para identificação de sintomas de trato urinário inferior, podendo ser utilizado para definição de tratamento de primeira linha com maior abrangência de diagnóstico populacional, menor tempo entre queixa e tratamento, redução de custo para o sistema e menor desconforto para o paciente.
Objective:To identify the similarity of lower urinary tract symptoms presented in the urodynamic study compared to the urinary diary. Method: This is a comparative study carried out in an urodynamics clinic in southern Santa Catarina, Brazil, with 44 patients who underwent the examination. Data collection was carried out by applying a questionnaire and a 72-hour bladder diary and comparing it with the findings of the urodynamic study using the SPSS for Windows and Stata/SE v.14.1 programs. Results: The bladder diary showed high specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy for identifying detrusor hyperactivity and stress urinary incontinence. There was no difference for bladder capacity (p* 0.198). It pointed to bladder sensitivity with a volume smaller than that presented by the urodynamic study (p*<0.001). It was able to identify lower urinary tract symptoms that were not present in the urodynamic study. Conclusion: The bladder diary was effective for identifying lower urinary tract symptoms and can be used to define first-line treatment with a broader range of population diagnosis, shorter time between complaints and treatment, cost reduction for the system, and less discomfort for the patient.
Objetivo:Evaluar la efectividad del diario vesical para identificar síntomas del tracto urinario inferior, en comparación con el estudio urodinámico. Método: estudio observacional de corte transversal realizado en una clínica de urodinamia en la región sur del estado de Santa Catarina (Brasil) con 44 pacientes sometidos al examen. La recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de la aplicación de cuestionario de datos epidemiológicos, caracterización de síntomas y diário vesical de 72 horas. La comparación entre los mismos y los hallazgos del estudio urodinámico fue realizada por medio del programa Stata/SE v.14.1. Resultados: el diario vesical presentó alta especificidad, sensibilidad y validez para la identificación de la hiperactividad detrusora y de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo. No hubo diferencia en la capacidad vesical (p* 0,198), el diario vesical indentificó sensibilidad vesical con un volumen menor que el presentado por el estudio urodinámico (p*<0,001). El diário fue capaz de identificar síntomas del tracto urinario inferior que no fueron revelados en el estudio urodinámico. Conclusión: el diario vesical se mostró tan efectivo como el estudio urodinámico para la identificación de síntomas del tracto urinario inferior, con gran potencial de ser utilizado para definición de tratamiento de primera linea con mayor cobertura de diagnóstico poblacional, menor tiempo entre la queja y el tratamiento, reducción de costo para el sistema de salud y menor incomodidad para el paciente.
Urinary Incontinence , Urinary Retention , Nursing , Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms , Enterostomal TherapyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare the therapeutic effect of Tongdu Tiaoqi acupuncture (acupuncture for unblocking governor vessel and regulating qi ) combined with warming acupuncture, Tongdu Tiaoqi acupuncture, abdominal moxibustion and oral tamsulosin hydrochloride sustained release capsule on postoperative urinary retention.@*METHODS@#A total of 120 patients with postoperative urinary retention were randomized into an acupuncture-moxibustion group, an acupuncture group, a moxibustion group and a medication group, 30 cases in each group. Tongdu Tiaoqi acupuncture combined with warming acupuncture were applied in the acupuncture-moxibustion group. Tongdu Tiaoqi acupuncture was applied at Baihui (GV 20), Shuigou (CV 26) etc. in the acupuncture group. Moxibustion was applied at Qihai (CV 6), Guanyuan (CV 4), Shuidao (ST 28) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) in the moxibustion group. Tamsulosin hydrochloride sustained release capsule was given orally in the medication group. The treatment was once a day, and 5-day treatment was required in each group. Before and after treatment, the residual urine volume of bladder, the visual analogue scale (VAS) score and the time of first urethral catheter removal were observed, and the clinical efficacy was compared in the 4 groups.@*RESULTS@#After treatment, the residual urine volume of bladder was decreased compared before treatment in the 4 groups (P<0.05), and that in the acupuncture-moxibustion group was less than the other 3 groups (P<0.05). After treatment, the VAS scores were decreased compared before treatment in the acupuncture-moxibustion group, the acupuncture group and the moxibustion group (P<0.05), and those in the 3 groups were lower than the medication group (P<0.05). The time of first urethral catheter removal in the acupuncture-moxibustion group was earlier than the other 3 groups (P<0.05). The total effective rate was 93.3% (28/30) in the acupuncture-moxibustion group, which was superior to 63.3% (19/30) in the acupuncture group, 60.0% (18/30) in the moxibustion group and 66.7% (20/30) in the medication group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The therapeutic effect of Tongdu Tiaoqi acupuncture combined with warming acupuncture on postoperative urinary retention is superior to simple acupuncture, abdominal moxibustion and tamsulosin hydrochloride sustained release capsule.
Humans , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Moxibustion , Treatment Outcome , Urinary Retention/therapySubject(s)
Humans , Female , Urinary Retention , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Postoperative Complications , Urination , Vagina/surgery , Urinary Bladder/surgeryABSTRACT
El síndrome de cauda equina es una patología poco frecuente en el área de anestesiología. Esta se caracteriza por presentar un conjunto de signos y síntomas que involucran: dolor, disminución o abolición de la fuerza muscular, disfunción de esfínteres e hipoestesia de silla de montar. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar y discutir el caso clínico de una paciente con diagnóstico de síndrome de cauda equina posterior a la administración por vía subaracnoidea de bupivacaina al 0,75 % hiperbárica. Se trata de paciente femenina de 42 años a quien se le realizó cesárea segmentaria y salpingectomia bilateral con bloqueo anestésico subaracnoideo; y quien posteriormente a las dieciséis horas del posoperatorio presentó: disminución de la fuerza muscular de miembros inferiores e hipoestesia de región de silla de montar, reflejo rotuliano: 0/4 bilateral y retención urinaria. Se le inicia tratamiento farmacológico y fisiátrico inmediatamente establecido el diagnóstico de síndrome de cauda equina. La paciente fue dada de alta el día diez del posoperatorio, con disminución significativa de la clínica antes descrita, evidenciándose posteriormente retención urinaria por lo que requirió sondaje vesical intermitente. Una vez establecido el diagnostico se instaló inmediatamente tratamiento farmacológico y fisiátrico para dar una oportuna resolución de la patología(AU)
Cauda equina syndrome is a rare pathology in the area of anesthesiology. This is characterized by presenting a set of signs and symptoms that involve: pain, decrease or abolition of muscle strength, sphincter dysfunction and saddle hypoesthesia. The objective of this work is to present and discuss the clinical case of a patient with a diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome after the administration of hyperbaric 0.75% bupivacaine via the subarachnoid route. This is a 42-year-old female patient who underwent segmental cesarean section and bilateral salpingectomy with subarachnoid anesthetic block; and who subsequently at sixteen hours postoperatively presented: decreased muscle strength, lower limbs and hypoesthesia of the saddle region, knee jerk reflex: bilateral 0/4 and urinary retention. Pharmacological and physical treatment was started immediately, the diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome was established. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 10, with a significant decrease in the symptoms described above, later evidence of urinary retention, requiring intermittent bladder catheterization. Once the diagnosis was established, pharmacological and physiatric treatment was immediately installed to give a timely resolution of the pathology(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Bupivacaine , Cauda Equina Syndrome , Cesarean Section , Urinary Retention , Muscle Strength , Anesthesiology , Nervous SystemABSTRACT
RESUMO Introdução: A Disfunção do Trato Urinário Inferior (DTUI) é uma complicação do Diabetes Mellitus (DM) e embora cause impacto negativo na qualidade de vida, não é contemplada nos programas de atenção a essa população. Objetivo: Levantar a ocorrência de DTUI em uma população com DM Tipo 2e avaliar sua associação com a história clínica. Método: Estudo transversal. Entrevista com 60 pacientes de um centro privado de DM por meio de instrumento contendo dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e sintomas de armazenamento e esvaziamento vesical apresentados nos últimos 30 dias. Análise estatística por meio do programa computacional IBM SPSS Statistics, v20.0. Resultados: Amostra predominantemente aposentada com alta escolaridade, bom padrão alimentar e intestinal, sedentária, obesa ou em sobrepeso, com taxas de hemoglobina glicada elevadas. Do total, 25% apresentavam incontinência urinária aos esforços, 60% pelo menos um sintoma de bexiga hiperativa, 41,7% pelo menos um sintoma de esvaziamento vesical incompleto, 70,1% pelo menos um sintoma de DTUI. Foi encontrada associação entre os sintomas urinários e o tempo de diagnóstico de DM. Conclusão: A população com DM tipo 2 apresenta alta ocorrência de DTUI, com predominância de sintomas de bexiga hiperativa, associada ao tempo de diagnóstico de DM.
RESUMEN Introducción: la Disfunción del Tracto Urinario Inferior (DTUI) es una complicación de la Diabetes Mellitus (DM) y aunque cause impacto negativo en la calidad de vida, no es contemplada en los programas de atención a esa población. Objetivo: obtener la incidencia de DTUI en una población con DM Tipo 2 y evaluar su asociación con la historia clínica. Método: estudio transversal. Entrevista con 60 pacientes de un centro privado de DM a través de un instrumento que contiene datos sociodemográficos, clínicos y síntomas de almacenamiento y vaciado vesical presentados en los últimos 30 días. Análisis estadístico por medio del programa computacional IBM SPSS Statistics, v20.0. Resultados: muestra predominantemente jubilada con alta escolaridad, buen patrón alimentario e intestinal, sedentaria, obesa o en sobrepeso, con niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada elevados. Del total, el 25% presentaba incontinencia urinaria a los esfuerzos, el 60% por lo menos un síntoma de vejiga hiperactiva, el 41,7% por lo menos un síntoma de vaciado vesical incompleto, el 70,1% por lo menos un síntoma de DTUI. Se encontró asociación entre los síntomas urinarios y el tiempo de diagnóstico de DM. Conclusión: la población con DM tipo 2 presenta alta incidencia de DTUI, con predominancia de síntomas de vejiga hiperactiva, asociada al tiempo de diagnóstico de DM.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms(LUTS) are a complication of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and although it negatively impactsthe quality of life, it is not considered in care programs for this population. Objective: To survey the occurrence of LUTS in a population with Type 2 DM and assess its association with clinical history. Method: Cross-sectional study. Interview with 60 patients from a private DM clinic using a tool with sociodemographic and clinical data and symptoms of bladder storage and voiding in the last 30 days. Statistical analysis was performed using the computer program IBM SPSS Statistics, v20.0. Results: Most of the participants were retired with high education, good dietary, and intestinal pattern, sedentary, obese, or overweight, with high glycated hemoglobin rates. Of the total, 25% had stress urinary incontinence, 60% had at least one symptom of overactive bladder, 41.7% had at least one symptom of incomplete bladder voiding, 70.1% had at least one LUTsymptom. An association was found between urinary symptoms and time since DM diagnosis. Conclusion: The population with type 2 DM has a high occurrence of LUTS, with a predominance of symptoms of overactive bladder, associated with the time of DM diagnosis.
Humans , Male , Female , Urinary Tract , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Patients , Quality of Life , Urinary Incontinence , Urinary Bladder , Glycated Hemoglobin , Urinary Retention , Nursing , Diet , Disease Prevention , Overweight , Urinary Bladder, Overactive , Sedentary BehaviorABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To describe the frequency of urinary complaints, bladder globe, and need for bladder relief catheterization according to ultrasound; to investigate the relationship between the urinary volume estimated by ultrasound and the one drained in catheterization; and to describe the relationship of patient's complaints and detection of bladder globe with the diagnosis of urinary retention. Method A cross-sectional study with clinical patients with suspected urinary retention in a tertiary hospital, conducted from February to September 2018. Urinary volume ≥500 mL in ultrasound was considered urinary retention. Results Two hundred and five evaluations were performed in 44 patients. Urinary retention was detected by ultrasound in 33.2% of the evaluations. There was a strong correlation between ultrasound and bladder catheterization. There was a higher frequency of identification of bladder globe in urinary volumes ≥300 mL. Conclusion The incidence of urinary retention was higher when ultrasound was used for the diagnosis, when compared to patient's complaint and physical examination. Ultrasound showed to be accurate in establishing urinary volume.
RESUMEN Objetivo Describir la frecuencia de las quejas urinarias, el globo vesical y la necesidad del cateterismo de la vejiga por ultrasonido; verificar la relación entre el volumen urinario estimado por ultrasonido y drenado en el cateterismo y describir la relación entre las quejas de los pacientes y la detección de globo vesical y el diagnóstico de retención urinaria. Método Estudio transversal con pacientes clínicos con sospecha de retención urinaria, realizado entre febrero y septiembre de 2018 en un hospital de nivel terciario. El volumen urinario ≥500 mL en el ultrasonido se consideró retención urinaria. Resultados Se realizaron 205 evaluaciones en 44 pacientes. La retención urinaria se detectó por ultrasonido en el 33,2% de las evaluaciones. Hubo una fuerte correlación entre el ultrasonido y el cateterismo vesical. Se registró una mayor frecuencia de identificación de globo vesical en volúmenes urinarios superiores a 300 mL. Conclusión La incidencia de la RU fue mayor cuando se empleó ultrasonografía para el diagnóstico, comparado con la queja del paciente y el examen físico. La ultrasonografía se mostró precisa en determinar el volumen urinario.
RESUMO Objetivos Descrever frequência de queixas urinárias, globo vesical e necessidade de cateterismo vesical de alívio a partir da realização da ultrassonografia; verificar relação entre volume urinário estimado pela ultrassonografia e drenado no cateterismo e descrever relação entre queixas dos pacientes e detecção de globo vesical com o diagnóstico de retenção urinária. Método Estudo transversal com pacientes clínicos com suspeita de retenção urinária, no período de fevereiro a setembro de 2018, em um hospital terciário. Volume urinário ≥500mL na ultrassonografia foi considerado retenção urinária. Resultados Realizaram-se 205 avaliações, em 44 pacientes. Detectou-se retenção urinária pela ultrassonografia em 33,2% das avaliações. Houve forte correlação entre ultrassonografia e cateterismo vesical. Verificou-se maior frequência de identificação de globo vesical em volumes urinários ≥300mL. Conclusão Incidência de retenção urinária foi maior quando a ultrassonografia foi empregada para o diagnóstico, quando comparado à queixa do paciente e exame físico. Ultrassonografia mostrou-se precisa em determinar volume urinário.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Physical Examination , Urinary Bladder , Urinary Retention/diagnosis , Ultrasonography/methods , Hospitals, University , Nurses , Cross-Sectional Studies , Patient SafetyABSTRACT
Abstract Background and objectives There are no consensus of the ideal technique to provide analgesia in knee ligament reconstructions. The aim of this study was to compare the intensity of postoperative pain in these patients under different modalities of analgesia. Method Randomized and controlled clinical trial of patients undergoing reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) with flexor tendons between December 2013 and 2014. All patients underwent spinal anesthesia and rescue analgesia with tramadol. The groups C, M, R0,375 and R0,25 was compared with only the previously described technique, subarachnoid morphine (100░µg), or Femoral Nerve Block (BNF) with 25░mL of 0.375% ropivacaine and 0.25%, respectively. Pain intensity at 6, 12 and 24░hours, age, sex, rescue analgesia, adverse reactions and satisfaction were evaluated. Results Among the 83 eligible patients, a predominance of males (85.7%) was observed, between 28 and 31 years. The group C requested more opioid (27.3%) than the other groups, without significance when compared. There were no significant differences in pain intensity at 6, 12 and 24░hours. There was a higher incidence of urinary retention in the M group (23.8%) than in the R0,375 (0%) and prolonged quadriceps motor block in the R0,375 group (30%) than in the M and C groups (0%), with statistical significance (p░<░0.05). Conclusion There was no difference in the intensity of postoperative pain in patients submitted to ACL reconstruction with flexor tendons under the analgesic modalities evaluated, despite the predominance of urinary retention in the M group and motor block in the R0,375 group.
Resumo Justificativa e objetivos Não há consenso sobre qual é a técnica ideal para prover analgesia em reconstruções ligamentares de joelho. Objetivou‐se comparar a intensidade da dor pós‐operatória desses pacientes sob diferentes modalidades de analgesia. Método Ensaio clínico randomizado e controlado de pacientes submetidos à reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior com tendões flexores entre dezembro de 2013 e 2014. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a raquianestesia e analgesia de resgate com tramadol. Compararam‐se os grupos C, M, R0,375 e R0,25; aos quais se ofertou apenas a técnica anteriormente descrita, morfina subaracnóidea (100 µg) ou bloqueio de nervo femoral com 25 mL de ropivacaína 0,375% e 0,25%, respectivamente. Avaliou‐se intensidade da dor em 6, 12 e 24 horas, idade, sexo, analgesia de resgate, reações adversas e satisfação. Resultados Entre os 83 pacientes elegíveis, observou‐se predomínio do sexo masculino (85,7%) entre 28 e 31 anos. O Grupo C solicitou mais opioide (27,3%) do que os demais grupos, sem significância quando comparados. Não houve diferenças significativas na intensidade da dor em 6, 12 e 24 horas. Houve maior incidência de retenção urinária no Grupo M (23,8%) do que no R0,375 (0%) e de bloqueio motor prolongado do quadríceps no Grupo R0,375 (30%) do que nos Grupos M e C (0%), com significância estatística (p< 0,05). Conclusão Não houve diferença na intensidade da dor pós‐operatória nos pacientes submetidos à reconstrução de ligamento cruzado anterior com tendões flexores sob as modalidades analgésicas avaliadas, apesar do predomínio de retenção urinária no Grupo M e bloqueio motor no Grupo R0,375.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Femoral Nerve , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction , Analgesics, Opioid/administration & dosage , Anesthesia, Spinal/methods , Morphine/administration & dosage , Nerve Block/methods , Time Factors , Tramadol/administration & dosage , Pain Measurement , Urinary Retention/chemically induced , Quadriceps Muscle/drug effects , Acute Pain/drug therapy , Ropivacaine/administration & dosage , Analgesia/methods , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica se realizan hemodiálisis 3 veces a la semana. Una de las principales situaciones que se da, es la ganancia de peso o sobrecarga hídrica entre una diálisis y otra, ocasionando una serie de complicaciones que ponen en riesgo la vida del paciente. Objetivo: Determinar los factores que incrementan el peso interdialisis de pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis. Método: El diseño de la investigación que se empleó fue cuantitativo, de tipo no experimental, transversal y descriptivo. La muestra estuvo representada por 14 pacientes adultos con enfermedad renal crónica. El análisis de los resultados se realizó a través del programa de IBM SPSS Statistcs versión 22. Resultados: A pesar de que el centro de diálisis tiene un programa de educación continua con temas de alimentación orientada hacia los pacientes, estos no siguen las recomendaciones ingiriendo líquidos a libre demanda provocando sobre peso al realizarse las hemodiálisis generalmente ocasionando dificultad en su tratamiento de hemodiálisis Conclusión: Los conocimientos de autocuidado que posee cada paciente, que presenta una enfermedad crónica como la insuficiencia renal, son esenciales porque pueden evitar las repetidas hospitalizaciones(AU)
Patients with chronic renal failure are performed hemodialysis 3 times a week. One of the main situations that occurs is the weight gain or water overload between one dialysis and another, causing a series of complications that put the patient's life at risk. Objective: To determine the factors that increase the interdialisis weight of patients undergoing hemodialysis. Method: The research design was quantitative, non-experimental, transversal and descriptive. And14 adult patients with chronic kidney disease represented the sample. The analysis of the results was carried out through the IBM SPSS Statistcs version 22 program. Even though the dialysis center has a continuous education program with patient-oriented feeding issues, they do not follow the recommendations, and ingest liquids on free demand, causing overweight at hemodialysis usually causing difficulty in hemodialysis treatment. Conclusion: The self-care knowledge that each patient has, which represents a chronic disease such as kidney failure, are essential because can avoid repeated hospitalizations(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Renal Dialysis , Diet Therapy , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Kidney Diseases , Self Care , Urinary Retention , OverweightABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the preventive effect of acupuncture at Ciliao (BL 32) on postpartum urinary retention as well as the time and volume of the first urination after delivery in elderly parturient women undergoing vaginal delivery.@*METHODS@#A total of 180 elderly parturient women (≥35 years old) undergoing vaginal delivery were randomly divided into a blank control group, a conditional control group and an observation group, 60 cases in each group. The patients in the blank control group were treated with routine nursing plan; based on the treatment of the blank control group, the patients in the conditional control group were treated with additional intervention measures such as applying hot towel on the bladder and fingers pressing to stimulate urination; based on the treatment of the blank control group, the patients in the observation group were treated with acupuncture at bilateral Ciliao (BL 32) one hour after delivery for 20 min (the acupuncture was given only once). The incidence rate of postpartum urinary retention as well as the time and volume of the first urination among the women without urinary retention were observed; the satisfaction rate of the 3 groups was recorded.@*RESULTS@#The incidence rate of postpartum urinary retention in the observation group was 5.0% (3/60), which was significantly lower than 26.7% (16/60) in the blank control group (<0.01) and 16.7% (10/60) in the conditional control group (<0.05); the incidence rate of postpartum urinary retention in the conditional control group was significantly lower than that in the blank control group [16.7% (10/60) vs 26.7%(16/60), <0.05]. In the elderly women without urinary retention, the first urination time in the observation group was significantly earlier than that in the blank control group and conditional control group (<0.01), and the first urination time in the conditional control group was earlier than that in the blank control group (<0.01). The volume of first urination in the observation group was higher than that in the blank control group and the conditional control group (<0.05, <0.01). The satisfaction rates in the observation group and conditional control group were higher than that in the blank control group (<0.01).@*CONCLUSION@#Acupuncture at Ciliao (BL 32) could effectively prevent the postpartum urinary retention, improve the time and volume of the first urination in elderly parturient women undergoing vaginal delivery.
Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Postpartum Period , Urinary Bladder , Urinary Retention , Therapeutics , UrinationABSTRACT
The field of prosthetic urology demonstrates the striking impact that simple devices can have on quality of life. Penile prosthesis and artificial urinary sphincter implantation are the cornerstone procedures on which this specialty focuses. Modern research largely concentrates on decreasing the rates of complication and infection, as the current devices offer superior rates of satisfaction when revision is not necessary. These techniques are also able to salvage sexual function and continence in more difficult patient populations including female-to-male transgender individuals, those with ischemic priapism, and those with erectile dysfunction and incontinence secondary to prostatectomy. This review summarizes modern techniques, outcomes, and complications in the field of prosthetic urology.
Humans , Male , Erectile Dysfunction/surgery , Penile Implantation/methods , Penile Prosthesis , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Prostatectomy/adverse effects , Prosthesis Failure , Prosthesis Implantation/methods , Prosthesis-Related Infections/epidemiology , Surgical Wound Infection/epidemiology , Urethra/injuries , Urinary Incontinence, Stress/surgery , Urinary Retention/epidemiology , Urinary Sphincter, Artificial , UrologyABSTRACT
A dengue pode desencadear manifestações neurológicas como a Síndrome de Encefalomielite Aguda Disseminada (ADEM), de caráter inflamatório, desmielinizante, que pode ter dentre as consequências déficits motores e sensitivos, neurite ótica e disfunções vesicais, como a retenção urinária, tornando o indivíduo dependente da realização do cateterismo vesical intermitente (CVI). Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é descrever o tratamento fisioterapêutico de uma paciente com retenção urinária, decorrente de Síndrome de ADEM pós-dengue. Paciente do sexo feminino, 52 anos, internada em hospital de média complexidade com diagnóstico de ADEM. Na avaliação inicial apresentava grau de força muscular 3 de membros inferiores e 4 de membros superiores, 2 de musculatura do assoalho pélvico (MAP) e retenção urinária, necessitando realizar CVI. Foram realizados 32 atendimentos com duração de uma hora, incluindo o treinamento do assoalho pélvico em diferentes posturas e eletroestimulação de superfície da MAP com equipamento da marca Ibramed. Paciente recebeu alta hospitalar com evidente melhora da força muscular global e sem necessidade de CVI, apresentando micção voluntária e sem resíduo pós-miccional, favorecendo a prevenção de agravos do trato urinário inferior e superior. (AU)
Dengue can trigger neurological manifestations such as Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), with inflammatory, demyelinating condition, which may have, among the consequences, motor and sensory deficits, optic neuritis and bladder dysfunctions, such as urinary retention, making the individual dependent on intermittent bladder catheterization (IBC). Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient with urinary retention, due to ADEM syndrome after dengue. A 52-year-old female patient admitted to a hospital of medium complexity with a diagnosis of ADEM. In the initial evaluation, she presented a degree 3 of muscular strength in the lower limbs and 4 in the upper limbs, 2 in pelvic floor musculature (PFM) and urinary retention, requiring IBC. We performed 32 one hour sessions, including pelvic floor muscle training in different positions and surface electrostimulation of PFM with Ibramed brand equipment. Patient was discharged with evident improvement of global muscle strength and without IBC, presenting voluntary voiding and without post void residual, favoring the prevention of lower and upper urinary tract injuries. (AU)
Humans , Urinary Retention , Pelvic Floor , Encephalomyelitis, Acute Disseminated , Urination , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic , Dengue , Muscle StrengthABSTRACT
Objetivo: Verificar a opinião dos enfermeiros em relação à utilização do ultrassom portátil para detectar retenção urinária na recuperação anestésica. Método: Pesquisa de campo, descritivo-exploratória, quantitativa; com 34 enfermeiros de dois blocos cirúrgicos de um hospital privado de São Paulo; aplicado questionário com duas partes: caracterização do profissional e questões sobre o uso do ultrassom portátil. A coleta deu-se entre maio e junho de 2018, após cumpridas as recomendações da Resolução nº 466/2012. Resultados descritos e analisados quantitativamente, utilizando-se técnicas estatísticas e apresentados em tabelas; avaliados individualmente e comparativamente, de forma horizontal e vertical. Resultados: Todos os enfermeiros opinaram em alternativas que demonstraram que a tecnologia do ultrassom é facilitadora no diagnóstico da retenção; o grau de confiança e segurança constatado foi alto e muito alto; se mostraram satisfeitos com a tecnologia; consideraram importante seu uso para autonomia do enfermeiro e opinaram que o uso do ultrassom portátil para detecção de retenção urinária na recuperação anestésica só apresentou vantagens. Em relação ao treinamento, a maioria considerou que o tempo foi suficiente, se mostrou satisfeita com os materiais apresentados e teve facilidade em usar o dispositivo. Conclusão: Os resultados demonstraram que a tecnologia é eficaz na prática clínica dos enfermeiros da recuperação anestésica da instituição pesquisada. O tema é pertinente à realização de novos trabalhos e intervenções para melhoria contínua dos processos de enfermagem, oferecendo maior segurança e menor dificuldade no manuseio do dispositivo.
Objective: To assess the opinion of nurses as to the use of portable ultrasounds to detect urinary retention during patients' recovery from anesthesia. Method: Field research, descriptive-exploratory and quantitative study; conducted with 34 nurses from two surgical suites at a private hospital in São Paulo. A questionnaire with two parts was applied: the characterization of professionals and questions about the use of portable ultrasounds. The collection took place between May and June 2018, after complying with the recommendations of Resolution No. 466/2012. The results were described and analyzed quantitatively, using statistical techniques and presented in tables; they were evaluated individually and comparatively, horizontally and vertically. Results: All nurses expressed their opinion on alternatives, which showed that ultrasound technology enables the diagnose of urinary retention. The confidence and reliability levels were high and very high. Nurses stated they were satisfied with the technology and considered their use important for the autonomy of nurses. Moreover, the use of portable ultrasounds to detect urinary retention during recovery from anesthesia was said to present only advantages. As to the training, most considered the time enough and approved the presented material. The device was easy to use. Conclusion: Regarding recovery from anesthesia, results showed that the technology is effective in the clinical practice of nurses at the research institution. The theme is pertinent to the accomplishment of new studies and interventions for continuous improvement of nursing processes, offering greater reliability and less difficulty to handle the device.
Objetivo: Verificar la opinión de los enfermeros em relación a la utilización del ultrasonido portátil para detectar retención urinaria em la recuperación anestésica. Método: Investigación de campo, descriptivo-exploratoria, cuantitativa; con 34 enfermeros de dos bloques quirúrgicos de un hospital privado de São Paulo; aplicado cuestionario con dos partes: caracterización del profesional y cuestiones sobre el uso del ultrasonido portátil. La recolección se dio entre mayo y junio de 2018, después de cumplidas las recomendaciones de la Resolución 466/2012. Resultados descritos y analizados cuantitativamente, utilizando técnicas estadísticas y presentadas en tablas; evaluados individualmente y comparativamente, de forma horizontal y vertical. Resultados: Todos los enfermeros opinaron em alternativas que demostraron que la tecnología del ultrasonido es facilitadora en el diagnóstico de la retención; el grado de confianza y seguridad constatado fue alto y muy alto; se mostraron satisfechos con la tecnología; consideraron importante su uso para autonomía del enfermero y opinaron que el uso del ultrasonido portátil para detección de retención urinaria em la recuperación anestésica sólo presentó ventajas. Em cuanto al entrenamiento, la mayoría consideró que el tiempo fue suficiente, se mostró satisfecha con los materiales presentados y tuvo facilidad em usar el dispositivo. Conclusión: Los resultados demostraron que la tecnología es eficaz em la práctica clínica de los enfermeros de la recuperación anestésica de la institución investigada. El tema es pertinente a la realización de nuevos trabajos e intervenciones para la mejora continua de los procesos de enfermería, ofreciendo mayor seguridad y menor dificultad em el manejo del dispositivo