Las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) son una consulta ambulatoria frecuente, afectan mayormente a mujeres y han ido en aumento en todas las edades, especialmente en adultos mayores. A su vez, la resistencia antimicrobiana está aumento progresivamente en el tiempo y esquemas antibióticos tradicionales han perdido su utilidad clínica. En particular, el aumento de resistencia de E. coli, como principal uropatógeno, es una realidad presente en diversos países y un mayor desafío lo constituyen las ITU causadas por cepas de E. coli productoras de betalactamasas de espectro expandido. El presente artículo revisa los factores de riesgo asociados al aislamiento de cepas resistentes, los cuadros clínicos más frecuentes, y también el diagnóstico y manejo en la situación actual a nivel ambulatorio.
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a frequent outpatient consultation, it affects mostly women, and is becoming more common in all ages, especially in the elderly. Concurrently, antimicrobial resistance is progressively increasing over time and traditional antibiotic regimens have lost their clinical efficacy. In particular, in many countries the increase in resistance of E. coli (the main uropathogen) is a reality, making UTIs caused by E. coli strains that produce expanded spectrum beta-lactamases the greater challenge. This article reviews the risk factors associated with the isolation of resistant strains, common clinical presentations, and also current diagnosis and management of outpatients.
Humans , Urinary Tract Infections/diagnosis , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Ambulatory Care , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Risk Factors , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introducción: La infección del tracto urinario se considera, en el mundo desarrollado, la enfermedad bacteriana grave más común durante la lactancia y la niñez temprana. Constituye el motivo de consulta pediátrica más frecuente en relación con el aparato urinario. Objetivo: Caracterizar los aspectos clínicos y microbiológicos de los pacientes con infección del tracto urinario, ingresados en el servicio de Pediatría. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal de 85 pacientes ingresados, con diagnóstico de infección del tracto urinario, desde septiembre de 2017 a septiembre 2019. Las variables utilizadas fueron: edad, sexo, factores de riesgo, manifestaciones clínicas y germen aislado. Los datos se obtuvieron de las historias clínicas. Se realizaron resúmenes porcentuales para las variables cualitativas y media y desviación estándar para variables cuantitativas. Resultados: La infección urinaria predominó en pacientes menores de un año (58,8 por ciento) del sexo femenino (83,5 por ciento). Los factores de riesgo identificados fueron el uso de culeros desechables (40 por ciento) y la no lactancia materna exclusiva (36,5 por ciento). La fiebre fue el signo que predominó (56,5 por ciento) y la Escherichia coli el germen más aislado en los urocultivos (76,4 por ciento). Conclusiones: La infección del tracto urinario se presenta con mayor frecuencia en los menores de un año, del sexo femenino. Predomina el uso incorrecto de culeros desechables y el destete precoz como factores de riesgo. El germen más frecuente fue Escherichia coli(AU)
Introduction: Urinary tract infection is considered, in the developed world, the most common serious bacterial disease during infancy and early childhood. It is the most frequent reason for pediatric consultation in relation to the urinary system. Objective: To characterize the clinical and microbiological aspects of patients with urinary tract infection admitted to the Pediatric service. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study of 85 admitted patients with a diagnosis of urinary tract infection, from September 2017 to September 2019. The variables used were: age, sex, risk factors, clinical manifestations and isolated germ. Data were obtained from medical records. Percentage summaries were performed for qualitative variables and mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables. Results: Urinary infection predominated in patients under a year (58.8 percent) of the female sex (83.5 percent). The risk factors identified were the use of disposable buttocks (40 percent) and not exclusive breastfeeding (36.5 percent). Fever was the predominant sign (56.5 percent) and Escherichia coli the most isolated germ in urine cultures (76.4 percent). Conclusions: Urinary tract infection occurs more frequently in children under one year of age, female. The incorrect use of disposable calves and early weaning predominate as risk factors. The most frequent germ was Escherichia coli(AU)
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Pediatrics , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Urinary Tract Infections/prevention & control , Referral and Consultation , Urinary Tract , Breast Feeding , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Introducción: La presencia de leucocituria nos orienta hacia la probabilidad de infección del tracto urinario en niños. Objetivo: Determinar si la leucocituria significativa es un marcador de infección urinaria aun sin cultivo de orina positivo. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo en pacientes egresados de los Servicios de Neonatología y Nefrología del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario Juan Manuel Márquez, entre enero 2018-diciembre 2019, que incluyó 124 niños de 2 años de edad; un grupo con infección del tracto urinario confirmada (clínica, leucocituria mayor 10 000 leucocitos/ml y con urocultivos positivos) y otro sospechada (clínica, con leucocituria significativa de más 100 000 leucocitos/ml, pero sin cultivo de orina positivo). Se compararon variables clínicas, de laboratorio y de radioimagen. Resultados: En 78,6 por ciento de los niños se aisló Escherichia coli. La fiebre fue un hallazgo clínico frecuente. El reactante de fase aguda con mayor variación fue la velocidad de sedimentación globular (71,0 por ciento), presentaron alteraciones del ultrasonido (79,8 por ciento) y uretrocistografía miccional (50,0 por ciento). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar las variables clínicas, de laboratorio y de radioimagen entre el grupo de pacientes con infección del tracto urinario confirmada por urocultivo positivo y el grupo sospechado por la clínica, con leucocituria significativa de más 100 000 leucocitos/ml, pero sin urocultivo positivo. Conclusiones: En los niños con manifestaciones clínicas de infección, con presencia de una leucocituria significativa (más 100 000 leucocitos/ml), aunque no cuenten con un resultado positivo del urocultivo, se les debe proporcionar la atención médica establecida para un paciente con infección del tracto urinario(AU)
Introduction: The presence of leukocyturia guides towards the probability of urinary tract infection in children. Objective: Determine whether significant leukocyturia is a marker of urinary tract infection even without positive urine culture. Methods: Descriptive and retrospective study in patients discharged from the Neonatology and Nephrology Services of Juan Manuel Márquez University Pediatric Hospital, from January 2018 to December 2019, which included 124 children of 2 years of age; one group with confirmed urinary tract infection (clinical, leukocyturia of more than 10 000 leukocytes/ml and with positive urine cultures) and another group of suspected ones (clinical, with significant leukocyturia of more than 100 000 leukocytes/ml, but without positive urine culture). Clinical, laboratory and radioimaging variables were compared. Results: Escherichia coli was isolated in 78.6 percent of the children. Fever was a common clinical finding. The reactant acute phase with the greatest variation was the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (71.0 percent), there were ultrasound alterations (79.8 percent) and voiding urethrocystography (50.0 percent). There were no statistically significant differences when comparing clinical, laboratory and radioimaging variables between the group of patients with urine tract infection confirmed by positive urine culture and the group suspected by the clinic findings, with significant leukocyturia of more than 100 000 leukocytes/ml, but without positive urine culture. Conclusions: In children with clinical manifestations of infection, with the presence of significant leukocyturia (more than 100 000 leukocytes/ml), even if they do not have a positive urine culture result, they should be provided with the medical care established for a patient with urinary tract infection(AU)
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Vesico-Ureteral Reflux , Clinical Laboratory Techniques/methods , Fever , Urine Specimen Collection/methods , Indicators and Reagents/analysis , Leukocytes/microbiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o perfil de sensibilidade antimicrobiana do patógeno mais comum causador da infecção do trato urinário (ITU) de gestantes que foram internadas em um hospital de ensino do município de São Paulo em determinado período. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, transversal, quantitativo, realizado avaliando as uroculturas positivas e o perfil de sensibilidade antimicrobiana dos agentes mais comuns encontrados em ITUs das gestantes de hospital e maternidade-escola do município de São Paulo de janeiro de 2019 ateÌ janeiro de 2020. Resultados: A partir da análise de uroculturas positivas e antibiograma de 149 gestantes admitidas com quadro de infecção urinária no referido hospital no intervalo de tempo analisado, constatou-se que 83,89% dos casos apresentaram como patógeno a bacteÌria Escherichia coli. No âmbito da resistência bacteriana, percebeu-se que o maior índice foi encontrado no que tange a cefalotina (65%), ampicilina (58%) e ampicilina/sulbactam (45%). Ademais, a partir das análises individuais, 20 pacientes, ou seja, aproximadamente 13,42% apresentaram cepas sensíveis a todas as medicações apontadas, e as demais apresentaram resistência a, pelo menos, uma delas. Conclusão: A partir da premissa de eficácia desempenhada pelo protocolo de medicação empírica estabelecido pela instituição no tocante ao tratamento de infecção do trato urinário em gestantes, a cefalotina certamente não deveria compor o rol de drogas ofertadas às pacientes. Isso se dá, pois a sensibilidade apresentada pela Escherichia coli, patógeno que mais comumente está associado aos quadros de ITU do serviço, a essa droga eÌ muito baixa. Já a nitrofurantoína apresentou um satisfatório espectro de cobertura, sendo a resistência à droga inferior a 10%. Com isso, conclui-se que ela deve permanecer como droga inicial para as ITUs das gestantes que chegam a essa instituição.(AU)
Objective: The present study aims to evaluate the antimicrobial sensitivity profile of the most common pathogen that causes urinary tract infection (ITU) in pregnant women who were admitted to a Teaching Hospital in the city of São Paulo in a specific period. Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional, quantitative study carried out evaluating positive urine cultures and the antimicrobial sensitivity profile of the most common agents found in ITU of pregnant women at Teaching Maternity hospital in the city of São Paulo from January 2019 to January 2020. Results: From the of positive urine culture and antibiogram of 149 pregnant women admitted with a urinary tract infection in the referred hospital in the analyzed period of time, it was found that 83.89% of the cases presented the bacterium Escherichia coli as a pathogen. In the scope of bacterial resistance, it was noticed that the highest index was found with respect to Cephalothin (65%), ampicillin (58%) and ampicillin/sulbactam (45%). Furthermore, from the individual analyzes, 20 patients, that is, approximately 13.42% had strains sensitive to all the medications indicated, with the others showing resistance to at least one of them. Conclusion: Based on the premise of efficacy performed by the empirical medication protocol established by the institution regarding the treatment of urinary tract infection in pregnant women, Cephalothin should certainly not be included in the list of drugs offered to patients. This happens because the sensitivity presented by Escherichia coli, the most commonly pathogen associated with the UTI pathogen of the service, to this drug is very low. Nitrofurantoin, on the other hand, presented a satisfactory coverage spectrum, with drug resistance below 10%. Thus, it is concluded that this should remain as an initial drug for ITUs of pregnant women who arrive at this institution.(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Urinary Tract Infections/diagnosis , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Drug Resistance, Microbial/drug effects , Pregnancy Complications/microbiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract Urinary tract infection is a serious public health issue that predominantly affects women. In men, it is more often associated with prostatic hyperplasia and bladder catheterization. Urogenital tuberculosis presents with nonspecific with nonspecific symptoms and the diagnosis can be made in the presence of sterile leukocyturia and recurrent infection with acid urine. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria or other non-tuberculosis mycobacteria are opportunistic pathogens that inhabit the soil, water or environment surfaces, and usually cause diseases in immunocompromised individuals. Mycobacterium abscessus is an agent that causes lung, skin and soft tissue hospital infections. Urinary tract infections by this pathogen are rare.
Resumo Infecção do trato urinário é um sério problema de saúde pública que acomete predominantemente as mulheres. Em homens, está mais relacionada com hiperplasia prostática e cateterismo vesical. A tuberculose urogenital cursa com sintomas inespecíficos e o diagnóstico pode ser aventado na presença de leucocitúria estéril, e infecção recorrente com urina ácida. Micobactérias não tuberculosas ou mycobacteria other than tuberculosis são patógenos oportunistas que habitam o solo, a água ou superfícies do meio ambiente, e geralmente causam doenças em imunodeprimidos. Mycobacterium abscessus é um agente que causa infecções nosocomiais, pulmonares, de pele e de tecidos moles. Infecção urinária decorrente desse patógeno é considerada rara.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Urinary Tract Infections/diagnosis , Mycobacterium abscessus/isolation & purification , Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous/diagnosis , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Amikacin/administration & dosage , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Clarithromycin/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous/microbiology , Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous/drug therapyABSTRACT
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Nosocomial and community acquired urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most encountered infections in the world. METHODS: This study aimed to determine the antibiotic susceptibility, phylogeny, and virulence genes of 153 Escherichia coli strains isolated from UTIs. Antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates to different classes of antimicrobials was determined by the VITEK-2 automated system. Presence of virulence genes and phylogenetic groups were investigated by PCR. RESULTS: Regarding susceptibility to antimicrobials, ampicillin resistance was most abundant (67.3%), followed by amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (50.9%); least abundant was resistance to amikacin (1.3%) and nitrofurantoin (1.3%). Multi drug resistance (MDR) was observed in 34.6% of the isolates, and all isolates were found to be susceptible to imipenem, meropenem and fosfomycine. The majority of the isolates belonged to the phylogenetic group B23 (35.9%), followed by A1 (20.9%), D1 (18.9%), D2 (12.4%), A0 (%5.9), B1 (3.9%) and B2 (1.9%). Among E. coli strains examined, 49% had iucD, 32.7% papE-F, 26.1% papC, 15% cnf2, 11.1% sfa, 7.8% cnf1, 1.3% afaE, 1.3% afaD, 1.3% hlyA, 0.7% f17a-A, 0.7% clpG and 0.7% eaeA genes. CONCLUSIONS Our research demonstrated that virulence factors were distributed among different phylogroup/subgroups, which play a role in UTIs pathogenesis in humans. For this reason, complex and detailed studies are required to determine the relationship between virulence factors and specific E. coli strains that cause UTIs in humans.
Humans , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Virulence Factors/genetics , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Escherichia coli/genetics , Escherichia coli Infections/microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Phylogeny , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , GenotypeABSTRACT
ABSTRACT A 65-year-old male with a history of urinary tract trauma requiring cystotomy and chronic bladder catheterization, presenting with chronic and uninvestigated changes in the color of the urine bag system, with no urine color change, and positive urine culture for Proteus mirabilis . These characteristics refer to the purple urine bag syndrome, a not weel-known condition, with a benign course in most cases, and associated with urinary tract infection in patients with chronic bladder catheterization. Although it is characterized by marked changes, it is underdiagnosed by healthcare professionals.
RESUMO Homem de 65 anos com história de trauma do sistema urinário, sendo necessário cistotomia e sondagem vesical crônica, apresentando alterações crônicas e não investigadas da cor do sistema coletor de urina, sem alteração da cor da urina, e urocultura positiva para Proteus mirabilis . Tais características remetem à síndrome do saco coletor de urina roxo, uma entidade pouco conhecida, de curso benigno na maioria da vezes, associada à infecção urinária em paciente com cateterismo vesical de demora. Embora seja caracterizada por alterações marcantes, é subdiagnosticada pelos profissionais de saúde.
Humans , Male , Aged , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Urinary Reservoirs, Continent/adverse effects , Catheter-Related Infections/microbiology , Proteus mirabilis/isolation & purification , Syndrome , Urinary Tract Infections/pathology , Urine/microbiology , Risk Factors , Catheter-Related Infections/pathologyABSTRACT
Las infecciones del tracto urinario afectan al ser humano a lo largo de su vida y son frecuentes tanto en el ámbito comunitario como en el nosocomial. El objetivo de este estudio fue Identificar los principales agentes etiológicos y el perfil de resistencia a los antibióticos, presentado por los microorganismos más frecuentemente aislados de los urocultivos de pacientes con infección urinaria que acudieron al Laboratorio "Luis Razetti" Mérida -Venezuela, entre enero y junio de 2015. Este estudio fue de tipo observacional, de corte transversal y descriptivo. La población y muestra estuvo conformada por 149 pacientes de ambos sexos, cuyas muestras de orina fueron procesadas utilizado el método del asa calibrada y la identificación bacteriana mediante pruebas bioquímicas convencionales. La susceptibilidad antimicrobiana se determinó a través del método de difusión del disco en agar. Escherichia coli predominó en un 84,6 %, seguido de Proteus mirabilis y Enterococcus faecalis, ambos con (4,7 %). Los porcentajes más altos de resistencia para los aislados de E. coli, se observaron para ampicilina (92,06 %), ampicilina/sulbactam (68,25 %), ácido nalidíxico (38,89 %), ciprofloxacina (38,89 %) y trimetroprimsulfametoxazol (54,76 %); y presentaron altos niveles de sensibilidad a Nitrofurantoína (80,95 %). El 5,15 % de las cepas de E. coli se mostraron fenotípicamente productoras de belalactamasa de espectro extendido y el 35,29 % de las otras Enterobacteriaceae aisladas, presentaron un perfil fenotípico compatible con la producción de la enzima Inhibitory-resistant TEM (IRT). Es importante destacar que estos estudios permiten conocer la etiología a de infecciones urinarias en la comunidad, así como los perfiles de resistencia y sensibilidad a nivel local, datos relevantes para establecer pautas de tratamiento empírico adaptadas a cada medio.
Urinary tract infections affect the human being throughout his life and are among the most frequent in both the community and nosocomial settings. The Aim of this study was to Identify the main etiological agents and antibiotic resistance profile presented by isolated microorganisms in the urocultures of patients with urinary tract infection who attended the Laboratory "Luis Razetti" Mérida -Venezuela, between January and June 2015. This study was observational, cross-sectional and descriptive. The population and sample consisted of 149 patients of both sexes, whose urine samples were processed using the calibrated handle method and bacterial identification through conventional biochemical tests. The antimicrobial susceptibility is determined through the disk diffusion method in agar. Escherichia coli dominated by 84.6 %, followed by Proteus mirabilis and Enterococcus faecalis, both with (4.7 %). The highest percentages of resistance for E. coli were observed for ampicillin (92.06 %), ampicillin/sulbactam (68.25 %), nalidixic acid (38.89 %), ciprofloxacin (38.89 %) trimetroprim-sulfamethoxazole (54.76 %); and had high levels of sensitivity to Nitrofurantoin (80.95 %). 5.15 % of E. coli strains were phenotypically producing extended-spectrum belalactamase and 35.29 % of others Enterobacteriaceae isolated had a phenotypic profile compatible with the production of the Enzyme Inhibitoryresistant TEM (IRT). It is important to note that these studies allow knowing the etiology of urinary tract infections in the community as well as resistance and sensitivity profiles at the local level, relevant data to establish empirical processing guidelines tailored to each medium.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Phenotype , Cross-Sectional Studies , Community-Acquired Infections/microbiology , Community-Acquired Infections/drug therapy , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Escherichia coli/genetics , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Resumen La melioidosis es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por Burkholderia pseudomallei cuyo diagnóstico clínico puede ser difícil debido a su variada presentación clínica y a las dificultades del diagnóstico microbiológico, por lo cual pueden requerirse técnicas moleculares para su adecuada identificación una vez se sospecha su presencia. Son pocos los antibióticos disponibles para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad y, además, deben usarse durante un tiempo prolongado. Aunque se conoce por ser endémica en Tailandia, Malasia, Singapur, Vietnam y Australia, en Colombia se han reportado algunos pocos casos. Se presenta un caso de melioidosis en la región norte de Colombia, se hace una revisión de las características clínicas y el tratamiento, y se describe la epidemiología local de esta enfermedad.
Abstract Melioidosis is an infectious disease caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei whose clinical diagnosis can be difficult due not only to its varied clinical presentation but also to the difficulties in the microbiological diagnosis.Thus, it may be necessary to use molecular techniques for its proper identification once it is suspected. There are few antibiotics available for the treatment of this disease, which must be used over a long period of time. Although it is known to be endemic in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Australia, in Colombia there are few reported cases. We describe a case of melioidosis in the northern region of Colombia. Additionally, we review its clinical characteristics and treatment and we describe the local epidemiology of this disease.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Melioidosis/epidemiology , Recurrence , Urinary Tract Infections/diagnosis , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Toes/surgery , Toes/microbiology , Patient Compliance , Burkholderia pseudomallei/isolation & purification , Immunocompromised Host , Colombia/epidemiology , Ribotyping , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Foot Diseases/surgery , Amputation, Surgical , Kidney Failure, Chronic/complications , Melioidosis/diagnosis , Melioidosis/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción. Las infecciones del tracto urinario son muy frecuentes en el ámbito hospitalario. Debido a la aparición de la resistencia antimicrobiana, la complejidad de los procesos de atención ha aumentado y, con ello, la demanda de recursos. Objetivo. Describir y comparar el exceso de los costos médicos directos de las infecciones del tracto urinario por Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae y Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistentes a betalactámicos. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de cohorte en una institución de tercer nivel de Medellín, Colombia, entre octubre del 2014 y septiembre del 2015. Se incluyeron los pacientes con infección urinaria, unos por bacterias sensibles a los antibióticos betalactámicos, y otros por bacterias resistentes a las cefalosporinas de tercera y cuarta generación y a los antibióticos carbapenémicos. Los costos se analizaron desde la perspectiva del sistema de salud. La información clínico-epidemiológica se obtuvo de las historias clínicas y los costos se calcularon utilizando los manuales tarifarios estándar. El exceso de costos se estimó mediante análisis multivariados. Resultados. Se incluyeron 141 pacientes con infección urinaria: 55 (39 %) por bacterias sensibles a los betalactámicos, 54 (38,3 %) por bacterias resistentes a las cefalosporinas y 32 (22,7 %) por bacterias resistentes a los carbapenémicos. El exceso de costos totales ajustado de los 86 pacientes con infecciones del tracto urinario por bacterias resistentes a las cefalosporinas y a los carbapenémicos, fue de USD$ 193 (IC95% -347 a 734) y USD$ 633 (IC95% -50 a 1.316), respectivamente comparados con el grupo de 55 pacientes por bacterias sensibles a los betalactámicos. Las diferencias se presentaron principalmente en el uso de antibióticos de amplio espectro, como el meropenem, la colistina y la fosfomicina. Conclusión. Los resultados evidenciaron un incremento sustancial de los costos médicos directos de los pacientes con infecciones del tracto urinario por bacterias resistentes a las cefalosporinas o a los carbapenémicos. Esta situación genera especial preocupación en los países endémicos como Colombia, donde la alta frecuencia de infecciones del tracto urinario y de resistencia a los betalactámicos puede causar un mayor impacto económico en el sector de la salud.
Abstract Introduction: Urinary tract infections are very frequent in the hospital environment and given the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, they have made care processes more complex and have placed additional pressure on available healthcare resources. Objective: To describe and compare excess direct medical costs of urinary tract infections due to Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to beta-lactams. Materials and methods: A cohort study was conducted in a third level hospital in Medellín, Colombia, from October, 2014, to September, 2015. It included patients with urinary tract infections caused by beta-lactam-susceptible bacteria, third and fourth generation cephalosporin-resistant, as well as carbapenem-resistant. Costs were analyzed from the perspective of the health system. Clinical-epidemiological information was obtained from medical records and the costs were calculated using standard tariff manuals. Excess costs were estimated with multivariate analyses. Results: We included 141 patients: 55 (39%) were sensitive to beta-lactams, 54 (38.3%) were resistant to cephalosporins and 32 (22.7%) to carbapenems. The excess total adjusted costs of patients with urinary tract infections due to cephalosporin- and carbapenem-resistant bacteria were US$ 193 (95% confidence interval (CI): US$ -347-734) and US$ 633 (95% CI: US$ -50-1316), respectively, compared to the group of patients with beta-lactam sensitive urinary tract infections. The differences were mainly found in the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics such as meropenem, colistin, and fosfomycin. Conclusion: Our results show a substantial increase in the direct medical costs of patients with urinary tract infections caused by beta-lactam-resistant Gram-negative bacilli (cephalosporins and carbapenems). This situation is of particular concern in endemic countries such as Colombia, where the high frequencies of urinary tract infections and the resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics can generate a greater economic impact on the health sector.
Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Urinary Tract Infections/economics , Hospitals, Urban/economics , Cross Infection/economics , Health Expenditures/statistics & numerical data , beta-Lactam Resistance , Tertiary Care Centers/economics , Gram-Negative Bacteria/isolation & purification , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Diagnostic Imaging/economics , Carbapenems/pharmacology , Cephalosporins/pharmacology , Cross Infection/microbiology , Cohort Studies , Colombia , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial , beta-Lactams/pharmacology , Gram-Negative Bacteria/drug effects , Hospitalization/economics , Anti-Bacterial Agents/economicsABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The treatment of urinary tract infections has become more challenging due to the increasing frequency of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli in human populations. Objective: To characterize multidrug-resistant E. coli isolates causing community-acquired urinary tract infections in Cumaná, Venezuela, and associate possible risk factors for infection by extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)-producing isolates. Materials and methods: We included all the patients with urinary tract infections attending the urology outpatient consultation and emergency unit in the Hospital de Cumaná, Estado Sucre, Venezuela, from January through June, 2014. blaTEM, blaSHV and blaCTX-M genes detection was carried out by PCR. Results: We found a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant E. coli (25.2%) with 20.4% of the isolates producing ESBL. The ESBL-producing isolates showed a high frequency (66.7%) of simultaneous resistance to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole, fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides compared to non-producing isolates (2.4%). Of the resistant isolates, 65.4% carried the blaTEM gene, 34.6% the blaCTX-M and 23.1% the blaSHV. The blaCTX-M genes detected belonged to the CTX-M-1 and CTX-M-2 groups. Plasmid transfer was demonstrated by in vitro conjugation in 17 of the 26 ESBL-producing isolates. All three genes detected were transferred to the transconjugants. Age over 60 years, complicated urinary tract infections and previous use of a catheter predisposed patients to infection by ESBL-producing E. coli. Conclusions: The high frequency of multidrug-resistant ESBL-producing isolates should alert the regional health authorities to take measures to reduce the risk of outbreaks caused by these types of bacteria in the community.
Resumen Introducción. El tratamiento de las infecciones urinarias constituye un reto creciente por el aumento de Escherichia coli proveniente de la comunidad multirresistente a los medicamentos. Objetivo. Caracterizar aislamientos de E. coli multirresistente causantes de infecciones urinarias adquiridas en la comunidad en Cumaná, Venezuela, y detectar los posibles riesgos de infección por aislamientos productores de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE). Materiales y métodos. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes atendidos en la consulta externa de urología y en urgencias del Hospital de Cumaná entre enero y junio de 2014 y que evidenciaban infecciones urinarias. La detección de los genes blaTEM, blaSHV y blaCTX-M se hizo mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). Resultados. Se encontró una alta prevalencia de E. coli multirresistente a los medicamentos (25,2 %), con 20,4 % de aislamientos productores de BLEE y una gran frecuencia de resistencia simultánea a trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol, fluoroquinolonas y aminoglucósidos (66,7 %) comparados con los no productores (2,4 %). En el 65,4 % de los aislamientos resistentes, se encontró el gen blaTEM; en 34,6 %, el blaCTX-M, y en 23,1 %, el blaSHV. Los genes blaCTX-M detectados pertenecían a los grupos CTX-M-1 y CTX-M-2. Se demostró la transferencia in vitro de plásmidos por conjugación en 17 de los 26 aislamientos productores de BLEE. Los tres tipos de genes detectados se transfirieron a los transconjugantes. La edad mayor de 60 años, las infecciones urinarias con complicaciones y el uso previo de catéter, predispusieron a la infección por cepas de E. coli productoras de BLEE. Conclusiones. La gran frecuencia de aislamientos multirresistentes productores de BLEE debería alertar a las autoridades sanitarias para tomar medidas que reduzcan el riesgo de epidemias causadas por este tipo de bacterias en la comunidad.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Escherichia coli Infections/epidemiology , Outpatients , Substrate Specificity , Urinary Tract Infections/epidemiology , Venezuela/epidemiology , beta-Lactamases/analysis , beta-Lactamases/genetics , Risk , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Community-Acquired Infections/microbiology , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , beta-Lactam Resistance , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Escherichia coli/geneticsABSTRACT
Resumen Dentro de las infecciones nosocomiales más frecuentes asociadas a bacterias multi-resistentes y de peor pronóstico, se encuentran las producidas por Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Esta bacteria posee una alta capacidad de adaptación a condiciones adversas como por ejemplo el pH y la osmolaridad de la orina. Pseudomonas aeruginosa es uno de los principales patógenos implicados en infecciones nosocomiales y de pacientes inmunosuprimidos. Esta bacteria se considera un agente infeccioso oportunista que posee diversos mecanismos de patogenicidad, así como de resistencia a antimicrobianos, lo que contribuye a la dificultad en el tratamiento de estas infecciones. En la presente revisión bibliográfica se analizan la taxonomía, los mecanismos de patogenicidad y genes de resistencia de P. aeruginosa. Así también, se abordan los factores microambientales de la infección urinaria producida por esta bacteria, haciendo un acercamiento al entendimiento de las bases fisiopatológicas de esta infección.
Among the most frequent nosocomial infections associated with polyresistant bacteria and with a worse prognosis, are those produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This bacterium has a high capacity to adapt to adverse conditions such as pH and osmolarity of urine. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the main pathogens involved in nosocomial infections and immunosuppressed patients. This bacterium is considered an opportunistic infectious agent that has diverse mechanisms of pathogenicity, as well as resistance to antimicrobials, which contributes to the difficulty in the treatment of these infections. In the present bibliographic review, the taxonomy, pathogenicity mechanisms and resistance genes of P. aeruginosa are analyzed. Likewise, the micro-environmental factors of the urinary infection produced by this bacterium are approached, making an approach to the understanding of the pathophysiological bases of this infection.
Humans , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/drug effects , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/pathogenicity , Pseudomonas Infections/microbiology , Pseudomonas Infections/drug therapy , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Drug Resistance, Bacterial/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Bacterial Proteins/drug effects , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Biofilms/drug effects , Virulence FactorsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Se describen los principales mecanismos de resistencia antimicrobiana mediante el sistema Vitek® 2 en uropatógenos aislados en adultos mayores de una clínica privada en Lima. Estudio descriptivo realizado entre enero de 2014 y octubre de 2016. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae y Proteus mirabilis obtuvieron una sensibilidad mayor a 80% frente a piperacilina/tazobactam, amikacina y carbapenems. Asimismo, 83,6% de Escherichia coli fueron cepas sensibles a nitrofurantoina. El 41,7% de Escherichia coli, 50,9% de Klebsiella pneumoniae y 50% de Proteus mirabilis fueron productoras de betalactamasas de espectro extendido. De igual modo, 60% de Pseudomonas aeruginosa fueron productoras de carbapenemasas. La modificación de sitio activo (PBP) y la inactivación enzimática por penicilinasas se presentaron en el 7,8% de Enterococcus faecalis. La resistencia a aminoglicósidos se presentó en Escherichia coli (27,1%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (46,7%) y Proteus mirabilis (84,6%) por la producción de enzimas modificadoras. Existe un incremento de la resistencia bacteriana en relación a la edad. La inactivación enzimática de betalactámicos y aminoglicósidos es el mecanismo de resistencia más frecuente.
ABSTRACT The main mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance are described using the Vitek® 2 system in uropathogens isolated in older adults from a private clinic in Lima. Descriptive study conducted between January 2014 and October 2016. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis obtained a sensitivity greater than 80% against piperacillin/ tazobactam, amikacin, and carbapenems. Moreover, 83.6% of Escherichia coli were nitrofurantoin-sensitive strains. A 41.7% of Escherichia coli, 50.9% of Klebsiella pneumoniae, and 50% of Proteus mirabilis were producers of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL). Similarly, 60% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were producers of carbapenemases. Active site modification (PBP) and enzymatic inactivation by penicillinases occurred in 7.8% of Enterococcus faecalis. Resistance to aminoglycosides was presented in Escherichia coli (27.1%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (46.7%), and Proteus mirabilis (84.6%) for the production of modifier enzymes. There is an increase in bacterial resistance in relation to age. Enzymatic inactivation of beta-lactam antibiotics and aminoglycosides is the most common resistance mechanism.
Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Bacteria/drug effects , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Peru , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Urban Health , Retrospective Studies , Hospitals, Private , Drug Resistance, BacterialABSTRACT
Abstract INTRODUCTION : Escherichia coli ranks among the most common sources of urinary tract infections (UTI). METHODS: Between November 2015 and August 2016, 90 isolates of E. coli were isolated from patients at Rize Education and Research Hospital in Turkey. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined for all isolates using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. These E. coli isolates were also screened for virulence genes, β-lactamase coding genes, quinolone resistance genes, and class 1 integrons by PCR. RESULTS: With respect to the antibiotic resistance profile, imipenem and meropenem were effective against 98% and 90% of isolates, respectively. A high percentage of the isolates showed resistance against β lactam/β lactamase inhibitor combinations, quinolones, and cephalosporins. PCR results revealed that 63% (57/90) of the strains carried class 1 integrons. In addition, a high predominance of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) was observed. The qnrA, qnrB, and qnrS genes were found in 24 (26.6%), 6 (6.6%), and 3 (3.3%), isolates, respectively. The most common virulence gene was fim (82.2%).The afa, hly, and cnf1 genes were detected in 16.6%, 16.6%, and 3.3% of isolates, respectively. Moreover, we observed eleven different virulence patterns in the 90 E. coli isolates. The most prevalent pattern was fım, while hly-fım, afa-aer-cnf-fım, aer-cnf, afa-aer, and afa-cnf-fım patterns were less common. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the E. coli virulence genes investigated in this study were observed in E. coli isolates from UTI patients. Virulence genes are very important for the establishment and maintenance of infection.
Humans , Male , Female , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial , Virulence Factors/genetics , Escherichia coli/genetics , Escherichia coli/pathogenicity , Escherichia coli Infections/genetics , Escherichia coli Infections/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Turkey , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , beta-Lactamases , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Quinolones , Escherichia coli/isolation & purificationABSTRACT
Las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) en niños con vejiga neurogénica, pueden producir alteraciones tanto morfológicas como funcionales, y desencadenan una respuesta inmune que no siempre es evidente. Las ITU son una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad. Resulta de suma importancia un correcto diagnóstico de las mismas, para un buen tratamiento y así evitar las complicaciones y secuelas que puedan ocasionar. El objeto del trabajo fue analizar la prevalencia y la etiología de las ITU en pacientes con vejiga neurogénica, y su patrón de resistencia. En un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo se incluyeron 46 muestras de orina para cultivo de niños de 1 a 18 años, de ambos sexos, con vejiga neurogénica, que fueron procesadas en un laboratorio de microbiología. De 46 urocultivos, 19 correspondieron a varones (19/46) 41% y 27 a niñas (27/46) 59%, los niños tenían una edad promedio de 11(2. De estos 21 resultaron positivos (21/46) 46%, aislando en mayor proporción E. coli. La frecuencia de ITU en niños con vejiga neurogénica fue de 21/46, 46%, siendo el porcentaje en este tipo de pacientes mucho más elevado que en niños que no presentan dicha anomalía. Los uropatógenos aislados con mayor frecuencia fueron E coli y K pneumoniae. El uso de sondas y pañales, así como la mala higiene predisponen a estas infecciones. En este estudio se vio buena sensibilidad a la nitrofurantoina y cefixima(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/microbiology , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Enterobacteriaceae/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Urinary Tract Infections/epidemiology , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/drug therapy , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Disabled ChildrenABSTRACT
Distintos autores difieren en la mayor o menor prevalencia de las infecciones urinarias (IU) por Streptococcus agalactiae y Staphylococcus saprophyticus en mujeres embarazadas (ME) y no embarazadas (NE). Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, comparativo, de cohortes con el objetivo de evaluar la frecuencia de IU por S. agalactiae y S. saprophyticus en ME asintomáticas pertenecientes a centros de atención primaria de la salud del Municipio de La Plata (CAPS) entre 2008 y 2016 y se la comparó con la de NE sintomáticas en edad fértil, no internadas, que asistieron al Hospital "San Roque" (HSR) entre 2014 y 2017. Se procesaron 2.378 orinas de ME que concurrieron a las CAPS. De ese total, 201 fueron positivas (8,5%), el 10,4% de las mismas (n: 21) correspondieron a S. agalactiae y el 10,0% a S. saprophyticus (n: 20). En el 54% se aisló Escherichia coli. El total de urocultivos en la población de NE fue de 2.281 y 526 fueron positivos (23,1%): 7 correspondieron a S. agalactiae (1,3%), 18 a S. saprophyticus (3,4%) y el 78% a E. coli. En conclusión, la frecuencia de aislamiento de S. agalactiae y S. saprophyticus fue significativamente mayor en la población de ME pertenecientes a las CAPS respecto de las NE estudiadas en el HSR.
Several authors differ in the greater or lesser prevalence of urinary tract infections (UTI) due to Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus saprophyticus in pregnant women (PW) and non-pregnant women (NPW). A retrospective, comparative, cohort study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the frequency of UTI by S. agalactiae and S. saprophyticus in asymptomatic PW from primary care centers of the Municipality of La Plata (PCC) between 2008 and 2016 and comparing it with symptomatic NPW in a fertile age, not hospitalized women, who attended the "San Roque" Hospital (HSR) between 2014 and 2017. A total of 2,378 urine samples from PW assisted at the PCC were processed. Two hundred and one were positive (8.5%); 10.4% of them (n: 21) corresponded to S. agalactiae and 10.0% to S. saprophyticus (n: 20). Escherichia coli was isolated in 54%. The total of urine cultures in the population of NPW of the HSR was 2,281 and 526 were positive (23.1%): 7 corresponded to S. agalactiae (1.3%), 18 to S.saprophyticus (3.4%) and 78% to E. coli. In conclusion, the frequency of isolation of S. agalactiae and S. saprophyticus was significantly higher in the population of PW belonging to the PCC than in the NPW studied in the HSR.
Diferentes autores diferem na maior ou menor prevalência das infecções do trato urinário (ITU) devido a Streptococcus agalactiae e Staphylococcus saprophyticus em mulheres grávidas (MG) e mulheres não grávidas (NG). Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo e comparativo de coortes com o objetivo de avaliar a frequência de ITU por S.agalactiae e S.saprophyticus em MGs assintomáticas pertencentes a salas de atendimento primário do município de La Plata (CAPS) entre 2008 e 2016 e compará-lo com NG sintomáticas em idade fértil, não hospitalizadas, que frequentaram o Hospital "San Roque" (HSR) entre 2014 e 2017. Foram processadas 2.378 amostras de urina de MG atendidas nas CAPS. Desse total, 201 foram positivos (8,5%), 10,4% das mesmas (n: 21) corresponderam a S. agalactiae e 10,0% a S. saprophyticus (n: 20). Escherichia coli foi isolada em 54%. As culturas de urina total na população de NG foram de 2.281 e 526 foram positivas (23.1%): 7 correspondem a S.agalactiae (1.3%), 18 a S.saprophyticus (3.4%) e 78% para E. coli. Em conclusão, a frequência de isolamento de S. agalactiae e S. saprophyticus foi significativamente maior na população de MG pertencente às CAPS do que as NG estudadas no HSR.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/diagnosis , Streptococcal Infections/diagnosis , Streptococcus agalactiae , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcus saprophyticus , Prevalence , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen Las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) se consideran como una de las principales causas de morbilidad en el mundo, y Escherichia coli uropatogénica (UPEC, por sus siglas en inglés) es el agente causal asociado a estas infecciones. La alta morbilidad generada por las ITU y la limitación de tratamientos debido al aumento de la resistencia bacteriana a los diversos antibióticos inducen la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas contra estas infecciones. El conocimiento que se ha generado acerca de la respuesta inmunitaria en el tracto urinario (TU) es importante para el desarrollo de estrategias efectivas en la prevención, el tratamiento y el control de las ITU. Los avances en las herramientas de biología molecular y bioinformática han permitido generar proteínas de fusión consideradas como biomoléculas potenciales para el desarrollo de una vacuna viable contra las ITU. Las adhesinas fimbriales (FimH, CsgA y PapG) de UPEC son factores de virulencia que contribuyen a la adherencia, la invasión y la formación de comunidades bacterianas intracelulares. Pocos estudios in vivo e in vitro han mostrado que las proteínas de fusión promueven una respuesta inmunitaria eficiente y de protección contra las ITU causadas por UPEC. Adicionalmente, la vía de inmunización intranasal con moléculas inmunogénicas ha generado una respuesta en la mucosa del TU en comparación contra otras vías de inmunización. El objetivo de esta revisión fue proponer un diseño de vacuna contra las ITU causadas por UPEC, describiendo el panorama general de la infección, el mecanismo de patogenicidad de la bacteria y la respuesta inmunitaria del huésped.
Abstract Urinary tract infections (UTI) are considered one of the main causes of morbidity worldwide, and uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the etiological agent associated with these infections. The high morbidity produced by the UTI and the limitation of antibiotic treatments promotes the search for new alternatives against these infections. The knowledge that has been generated regarding the immune response in the urinary tract is important for the development of effective strategies in the UTI prevention, treatment, and control. Molecular biology and bioinformatic tools have allowed the construction of fusion proteins as biomolecules for the development of a viable vaccine against UTI. The fimbrial adhesins (FimH, CsgA, and PapG) of UPEC are virulence factors that contribute to the adhesion, invasion, and formation of intracellular bacterial communities. The generation of recombinant proteins from fimbrial adhesins as a single molecule is obtained by fusion technology. A few in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that fusion proteins provide an efficient immune response and protection against UTI produced by UPEC. Intranasal immunization of immunogenic molecules has generated a response in the urinary tract mucosa compared with other routes of immunization. The objective of this review was to propose a vaccine designed against UTI caused by UPEC, describing the general scenario of the infection, the mechanism of pathogenicity of bacteria, and the immune response of the host.
Humans , Urinary Tract Infections/prevention & control , Bacterial Vaccines/administration & dosage , Escherichia coli Infections/prevention & control , Urinary Tract/immunology , Urinary Tract/microbiology , Urinary Tract Infections/immunology , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Administration, Intranasal , Bacterial Vaccines/immunology , Vaccination/methods , Escherichia coli Infections/immunology , Uropathogenic Escherichia coli/immunologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The present investigation was designed to study the effect of an active compound isolated from Justicia wynaadensis against multi drug resistant organisms (MDRO's) associated with diabetic patients. The drug resistant pathogens implicated in wound and urinary tract infection of diabetic patients were isolated and identified by molecular sequencing. Solvent-solvent fractionation of crude methanol extract produced hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol-water fraction, among which chloroform fraction was found to be potent when compared with other three fractions. Further, chloroform fraction was subjected to preparatory HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography), that produced four sub-fractions; chloroform HPLC fraction 1 (CHF1) through CHF4. Among the sub-fractions, CHF1 inhibited the pathogens effectively in comparison to other three sub-fractions. The purity of CHF1 was found to be >95%. Therefore, CHF1 was further characterized by NMR and FTIR analysis and based on the structure elucidated, the compound was found to be 3,3',4'-Trihydroxyflavone. The effective dose of this bioactive compound ranged from 32 µg/mL to 1.2 mg/mL. Thus, the present study shows that 3,3',4'-Trihydroxyflavone isolated from J. wynaadensis is an interesting biopharmaceutical agent and could be considered as a source of antimicrobial agent for the treatment of various infections and used as a template molecule for future drug development.
Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Bacteria/drug effects , Diabetes Complications/microbiology , Flavonols/pharmacology , Social Justice/chemistry , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology , Wounds and Injuries/microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/isolation & purification , Bacterial Physiological Phenomena , Bacteria/genetics , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Flavonols/chemistry , Flavonols/isolation & purification , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Plant Extracts/isolation & purification , Plant Leaves/chemistryABSTRACT
Summary Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of ceftazidime-avibactam in the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections (CIAIs) and complicated urinary tract infections (CUTIs) with meta-analysis method. Method: We included six randomized clinical trials identified from Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, "ISRCTN Register" and "ClinicalTrials.gov" which compared ceftazidime-avibactam with comparison group. The meta-analysis was performed using Review Manager software version 5.3. Results: Ceftazidime-avibactam versus active comparisons demonstrated a statistically significant higher rate of microbiological response success on microbiological evaluable populations at the test-of-cure visit (95CI 1.10-2.38, p=0.02) and late-follow-up visit (95CI 1.09-2.23, p=0.02) for the treatment of CUTIs. Ceftazidime-avibactam versus active comparisons demonstrated a statistically significant higher rate of microbiological response success on EME populations at the test-of-cure visit (95CI 1.08-4.27, p=0.03) and late-follow-up visit (OR=1.75, 95CI 1.33-2.29, p<0.0001) for the treatment of CUTIs. Similar results were obtained at the late-follow-up visit (OR = 1.58, 95CI 1.26-1.97, p<0.0001) on microbiologically modified intent-to-treat (mMITT) populations for the treatment of CUTIs. We can find better eradication rates for E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae based on mMITT populations. In terms of AEs, SAEs and mortality, ceftazidime-avibactam had a safety and tolerability profile broadly similar to the comparison group. Conclusion: This meta-analysis provides evidence of the efficacy of ceftazidime-avibactam as a potential alternative for the treatment of patients with CUTIs, and CIAIs.