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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(4): e202310138, ago. 2024. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562861


El síndrome de Herlyn-Werner Wünderlich, también llamado OHVIRA por sus siglas en inglés (obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly), es una anomalía congénita mülleriana poco frecuente que se caracteriza por la asociación entre útero didelfo, hemivagina obstruida y agenesia renal ipsilateral. La presentación clínica más común es la masa abdominal secundaria a hematocolpos, dolor y dismenorrea. Se asocia a infertilidad, endometriosis, alteraciones menstruales y obstétricas. La ecografía es la técnica de elección para la evaluación inicial, mientras que la resonancia magnética sigue siendo el método más exacto para el diagnóstico. La septotomía vaginal es el tratamiento recomendado. Se describen 2 casos clínicos con el objetivo de destacar la importancia del diagnóstico temprano para evitar las posibles complicaciones futuras.

Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome, also known as obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA), is a rare, congenital Müllerian duct anomaly characterized by the association of septate uterus, obstructed hemivagina, and ipsilateral renal agenesis. The most common clinical presentation is an abdominal mass secondary to hematocolpos, pain, and dysmenorrhea. It is associated with infertility, endometriosis, and menstrual and obstetric alterations. The ultrasound is the technique of choice for the initial assessment, while the magnetic resonance imaging remains the most accurate method for diagnosis. The resection of the vaginal septum is the recommended treatment. Here we describe 2 clinical cases to highlight the importance of an early diagnosis to prevent potential complications in the future.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Vagina/abnormalities , Abnormalities, Multiple/diagnosis , Kidney/abnormalities , Kidney/diagnostic imaging , Syndrome , Uterus/abnormalities , Uterus/diagnostic imaging , Mullerian Ducts/abnormalities
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;89(3): 164-181, jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569783


El parto prematuro (PP) es la principal causa de morbilidad/mortalidad perinatal en el mundo. La infección intrauterina es el origen más frecuente del PP espontáneo (PPE) en un hospital público de Chile. Existe evidencia de que la infección bacteriana ascendente (IBA) produce la infección/inflamación intraamniótica, el PPE y los resultados adversos maternos y perinatales. Esta revisión narrativa incluye revisiones sistemáticas y estudios de cohorte o de caso-control sobre la microbiota y el perfil inmunológico existente en el tracto genital inferior (TGI) de la embarazada propensa a PPE por IBA. Existe consenso en que en la microbiota del TGI de esta gestante hay colonización vaginal con baja abundancia de lactobacilos y/o disminución de su calidad, por diferencias raciales y/o geográficas o genéticas y una desregulación de los mecanismos inmunológicos del TGI. Estas respuestas se presentan con mayor intensidad en pacientes con factores de riesgo del huésped, como diabetes, obesidad, estrés, ansiedad y depresión, originando infecciones recurrentes del TGI, responsables del PPE y de los resultados perinatales. El conocimiento del comportamiento de la microbiota y del sistema inmunitario en estos casos permitirá tener terapias eficaces para prevenir el PPE y la morbilidad/mortalidad neonatal por IBA.

Preterm delivery (PD) is the leading cause of perinatal morbidity/mortality in the world. Intrauterine infection is the most frequent origin of spontaneous PD (SPD) in a public hospital in Chile. There is evidence that vaginal ascending bacterial infection (ABI) causes intra-amniotic infection/inflammation, SPD, and adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. This narrative review includes systematic reviews and cohort or case-control studies on the microbiota and immunological profile existing in the lower genital tract (LGT) of pregnant women prone to SPD due to ABI. There is consensus that in the LGT microbiota of this pregnant woman there is vaginal colonization with low abundance of Lactobacilli and/or decreased quality, due to racial and/or geographic, or genetic differences and dysregulation of immunological mechanisms of the LGT. These responses occur with greater intensity in patients with host risk factors, such as diabetes, obesity, stress, anxiety, and depression, causing recurrent LGT infections responsible for SPD and perinatal outcomes. Knowledge of the behavior of the microbiota and the immune system in these cases will allow effective therapies to prevent SPD and neonatal morbidity/mortality due to ABI.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Vagina/immunology , Vagina/microbiology , Obstetric Labor, Premature
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;110(2): 78-88, 20240000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562855


Se investiga la región uretro-vaginal (pared posterior de la uretra ­ pared anterior de la vagina), en el área que corresponde a la descripción del "punto G", con el fin de colaborar a la discusión respecto de si existe una estructura morfológica que lo identifique. Se destaca una mayor y ocasional distribución venosa en esta zona, que puede explicar el fenómeno fisiológico descrito por Gräfenberg. Para los ginecólogos, urólogos y sexólogos, el conocimiento de la anatomía funcional de esa región tiene importancia para tratar las disfunciones orgásmicas además de la incontinencia urinaria. Esta situación controvertida influye en el marco actual de la seguridad del paciente

The urethro-vaginal region (posterior wall of the urethra ­ anterior wall of the vagina) is investigated, in the area that corresponds to the description of the "G-spot", in order to contribute to the discussion regarding whether there is a morphological structure that identifies it. A greater and occasional venous distribution in this area stands out, which may explain the physiological phenomenon described by Gräfenberg. For gynecologists, urologists and sexologists, knowledge of the functional anatomy of that region is important to treat orgasmic dysfunctions in addition to urinary incontinence. This controversial situation influences the current framework of patient safety

Humans , Female , Orgasm , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/pathology , Urethra/pathology , Urinary Incontinence/pathology , Vagina/pathology
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;89(2): 92-99, abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559734


Introducción: El prolapso de órganos pélvicos (POP) o distopia genital, es el descenso o desplazamiento de los órganos del suelo pélvico a través del canal vaginal o fuera de este. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la histeropexia vaginal en la corrección quirúrgica del prolapso genital apical grado III o IV, usando prótesis de polipropileno; además describir la tasa de éxito, recurrencias y complicaciones. Método: Estudio de cohorte, en 42 mujeres sometidas a histeropexia vaginal (histero-cistopexia ortotópica) mediante prótesis de polipropileno (Splentis®), entre 2016 y 2021. Se realizaron tres evaluaciones postoperatorias (tres, seis y 12 meses). Se hizo muestreo no probabilístico. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: La edad media fue de 56,19 ± 9,27 años. El tiempo quirúrgico de 58,95 ± 13,74 minutos, el sangrado quirúrgico de 119,85 ± 68,73 ml. La tasa de éxito a los 12 meses fue del 90,47%. La recurrencia del prolapso apical fue del 4,76% a los seis meses y del 9,52% a los 12 meses; el de compartimento anterior a los seis meses arrojó un 7,14%, frente al 11,9% a los 12 meses. El 14,28% de las pacientes presentaron complicaciones menores. La incidencia de incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo a los 12 meses fue del 16,66%. Conclusiones: la histeropexia vaginal es un procedimiento efectivo y seguro, con bajas tasas de recurrencias o complicaciones. Es importante que se sigan haciendo estudios con mejores diseños estadísticos.

Introduction: Pelvic organ prolapse (POP), or genital dystopia, is the descent or displacement of pelvic floor organs through the vaginal canal or outside of it. Objective: To evaluate the results of vaginal hysteropexy in the surgical correction of grade III or IV apical genital prolapse, using polypropylene prosthesis; also describe the success rate, recurrences and complications. Method: Cohort study in 42 women undergoing vaginal hysteropexy (orthotopic hystero-cystopexy) using a polypropylene prosthesis (Splentis®); between 2016 and 2021. Three postoperative evaluations were carried out (three, six and twelve months). Non-probabilistic sampling was done. Descriptive statistics were used. Results: The mean age was 56.19 ± 9.27 years. Surgical time of 58.95 ± 13.74 minutes, surgical bleeding of 119.85 ± 68.73 ml. The success rate after twelve months was 90.47%. Apical prolapse recurrence was 4.76% at six months and 9.52% at twelve months; that of the previous compartment, after six months it showed 7.14%, compared to 11.9% after twelve months; 14.28% of the patients presented minor complications. The incidence of stress urinary incontinence, at twelve months, was 16.66%. Conclusions: Vaginal hysteropexy is an effective and safe procedure, with low rates of recurrence or complications. It is important that studies continue to be carried out with better statistical designs.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Polypropylenes , Prostheses and Implants , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Pelvic Organ Prolapse/surgery , Recurrence , Vagina/surgery , Uterine Prolapse/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Analgesics/administration & dosage , Intraoperative Complications
Evid. actual. práct. ambul. (En línea) ; 27(1): e007093, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552247


Introducción. Si bien contamos con recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia en contra de realizar tamizaje de cáncer ovárico con ecografía transvaginal debido a que aumenta el riesgo de resultados falsamente positivos y de cascadas diagnósticas, sin disminuir la mortalidad por esta enfermedad, su solicitud en mujeres sanas es frecuente. Sin embargo, no conocemos la magnitud de la implementación de esta práctica, que constituye un cuidado de bajo valor. Objetivo. Documentar el sobreuso de ecografías transvaginales realizadas en forma ambulatoria en un hospital universitario privado de Argentina. Métodos. Estudio de corte transversal de una muestra aleatoria de ecografías realizadas en forma ambulatoria durante 2017 y 2018. Mediante revisión manual de las historias clínicas, la solicitud de cada ecografía fue clasificada como apropiada cuando algún problema clínico justificaba su realización, o inapropiada cuando había sido realizada con fines de control de salud o por una condición clínica sin indicación de seguimiento ecográfico. Resultados. De un total de 1.997 ecografías analizadas, realizadas a 1.954 mujeres adultas (edad promedio 50 años),1.345 (67,4 %; intervalo de confianza [IC] 95 % 65,2 a 69,4) habían sido solicitadas en el contexto de un control de saludo sin un problema asociado en la historia clínica y otras 54 (8,3 %; IC 95 % 6,3 a 10,7), por condiciones de salud para las que no hay recomendaciones de realizar seguimiento ecográfico. Conclusiones. Esta investigación documentó una alta proporción de sobre utilización de la ecografías transvaginales en nuestra institución. Futuras investigaciones permitirán comprender los motivos que impulsan esta práctica y ayudarán a diseñar intervenciones para disminuir estos cuidados de bajo valor. (AU)

Background. Although we have evidence-based recommendations against screening for ovarian cancer with transvaginalultrasound because it increases the risk of false positive results and diagnostic cascades without reducing mortality from this disease, its request in healthy women is frequent. However, we do not know the magnitude of the implementation of this practice, which constitutes low-value care. Objective. To document the overuse of transvaginal ultrasounds performed on an outpatient basis in a private university hospital in Argentina. Methods. Cross-sectional study of a random sample of outpatient ultrasounds performed during 2017 and 2018. Through a manual review of the medical records, the request for each ultrasound was classified as appropriate when a clinical problem justified its performance or inappropriate when it was carried out for health control purposes or for a clinical condition that had no indication for ultrasound follow-up. Results. Of a total of 1997 ultrasounds analyzed, performed on 1954 adult women (average age 50 years), 1,345 (67.4 %;95 % confidence interval [CI] 65.2 to 69.4) had been requested in the context of a health check-up or without a documented problem in the medical history that would support its performance, and another 54 (8.3 %; 95 % CI 6.3 to 10.7), for health conditions for which there are no treatment recommendations to perform ultrasound follow-up. Conclusions. This research documented a high proportion of overuse of transvaginal ultrasound in our institution. Future research will allow us to understand the reasons that drive this practice and will help design interventions to reduce thislow-value care. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Ovarian Neoplasms/prevention & control , Vagina/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/statistics & numerical data , Medical Overuse/statistics & numerical data , Low-Value Care , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Argentina , Mass Screening , Simple Random Sampling , Cross-Sectional Studies , Electronic Health Records , Medical Overuse/prevention & control
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;88(6): 397-401, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530040


El síndrome de hemivagina obstruida y anomalía renal ipsilateral (OHVIRA) es producido por una alteración en el desarrollo de los conductos de Müller y Wolff en la vida fetal. El síndrome es poco frecuente, se reporta una prevalencia de 1/2.000 a 1/28.000 casos. La endometriosis se presenta en un 19% de los casos complicando esta patología. El tratamiento del síndrome OHVIRA consiste en resecar el tabique vaginal drenando el hematocolpos. Hasta el momento no existe un consenso en recomendar la realización de una laparoscopia diagnóstica. El objetivo de este estudio es reportar la eventual importancia de la laparoscopia diagnóstica/terapéutica como parte del manejo del síndrome OHVIRA.

Obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA) syndrome is caused by a defect in the development of Müllerian and Wolffian ducts at fetal life. The syndrome is uncommon, with a reported prevalence of 1/2,000 to 1/28,000 cases. Endometriosis is present in 19% of cases complicating this pathology. Treatment of OHVIRA syndrome consists in resecting the vaginal septum and draining the hematocolpos. Until now there isnt an agreement on recommending diagnostic laparoscopy as part of the treatment. The aim of this study is to report the importance of diagnostic/therapeutic laparoscopy in the management of OHVIRA syndrome.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Uterus/abnormalities , Vagina/abnormalities , Abnormalities, Multiple/surgery , Abnormalities, Multiple/diagnosis , Laparoscopy , Kidney/abnormalities , Syndrome , Uterus/surgery , Vagina/surgery , Endometriosis/etiology , Hematocolpos , Kidney/surgery
Femina ; 51(12): 687-691, 20231230. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532472


Malformações müllerianas correspondem a variações anatômicas do trato repro- dutor feminino. Comumente assintomáticas, o diagnóstico e a verdadeira incidên- cia são difíceis de determinar. A síndrome de Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich, clas- sicamente descrita pela tríade útero didelfo, hemivagina cega e agenesia renal ipsilateral também pode ter variações diferentes. Em virtude da mesma origem embrionária dos tratos genital e urinário, anomalias renais devem ser investigadas nesses casos, sendo a mais comum a agenesia renal. Este artigo relata o caso de uma paciente de 18 anos, do sexo feminino, com história de piocolpo por cinco anos. Em propedêutica complementar, foi identificado útero com septação com- pleta associado a hemissepto de terço superior de vagina, formação de piocolpo e agenesia renal à direita. Apesar de não ser a definição clássica, o quadro está incluído nos casos de síndrome de Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich.

Mullerian malformations correspond to anatomical variations of the female repro- ductive tract. Commonly asymptomatic, the diagnosis and true incidence are difficult to determine. The Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome, classically described by the triad: uterus didelphus, blind hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis, can also have different variations. Due to the same embryonic origin of the genital and urinary tracts, renal anomalies must be investigated in these cases, the most common being renal agenesis. This article reports the case of an 18-year-old female patient with a 5-year history of pyocolpus. In complementary exams, a uterus with complete septa- tion was identified, associated with a hemiseptum in the upper third of the vagina, formation of pyocolpus and renal agenesis on the right side. Despite not being the classic definition, it is included in the cases of Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Uterus/abnormalities , Vagina/abnormalities , Urogenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Vaginitis/diagnosis , Uterine Didelphys/diagnostic imaging , Hospitals, University , Kidney/abnormalities , Mullerian Ducts/diagnostic imaging
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;88(4): 237-247, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515215


Las malformaciones müllerianas (MM) son un grupo de anomalías estructurales originadas por fallas de desarrollo de los conductos paramesonéfricos o de Müller durante las primeras 16 semanas de gestación. Un oportuno diagnóstico y una correcta clasificación permiten ofrecer el mejor manejo y diferenciar aquellas pacientes que requieren tratamiento quirúrgico. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura sobre MM en las bases de datos Epistemonikos, SciELO, Cochrane y PubMed. Se rescataron todas las pacientes ingresadas con diagnóstico de MM. En el año 2021, la American Society of Reproductive Medicine publicó un consenso en el que se estandarizó la nomenclatura, se amplió el espectro y se simplificó la clasificación. La clínica es variada, e incluye pacientes asintomáticas cuyo diagnóstico es un hallazgo por imágenes. Los mejores estudios imagenológicos son la resonancia magnética (RM) y la ultrasonografía 3D, dejando la histeroscopia y la laparoscopia (método de referencia) como procedimiento diagnóstico-terapéutico. Se presentan casos clínicos desarrollados durante el primer trimestre de 2022. Recomendamos la utilización sistemática de la RM para el diagnóstico de anomalías complejas u obstructivas del aparato genital. El tratamiento de estas patologías debe ser realizado por ginecólogos endoscopistas expertos, e incluye tratamiento médico y quirúrgico, el cual debe ser enfocado en cada paciente dependiendo del tipo de MM y de los deseos de fertilidad.

Müllerian malformations (MM) are a group of structural anomalies caused by developmental failure of the paramesonephric or Müllerian ducts during the first 16 weeks of gestation. Timely diagnosis and classification allow us to offer the best management and to differentiate those patients who require surgical treatment. Literature review on MM in Epistemonikos, SciELO, Cochrane and PubMed databases. All patients admitted with a diagnosis of MM were rescued. In 2021, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine publishes a consensus where it standardizes the nomenclature, broadens the spectrum, and simplifies the classification. The clinical picture is varied and includes asymptomatic patients whose diagnosis is an imaging finding. The best imaging studies are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 3D ultrasonography, leaving hysteroscopy and laparoscopy (gold standard) as diagnostic therapeutic. Clinical cases developed during the first trimester 2022 are presented. We recommend the routine use of MRI for the diagnosis of complex and/or obstructive anomalies of the genital tract. The treatment of these pathologies should be performed by expert endoscopic gynecologists and include medical and surgical treatment, which should be focused on each patient, depending on the type of MM and fertility desires.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Mullerian Ducts/abnormalities , Mullerian Ducts/surgery , Mullerian Ducts/diagnostic imaging , Uterine Diseases/surgery , Uterine Diseases/congenital , Uterine Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Congenital Abnormalities/surgery , Congenital Abnormalities/classification , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Uterus/abnormalities , Vagina/abnormalities , Vaginal Diseases/surgery , Vaginal Diseases/congenital , Vaginal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Infertility, Female
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(3): e202202752, jun. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437250


Una niña de 11 años de edad con antecedentes de ano imperforado, infección urinaria y episodios de constipación intermitentes se presentó a la consulta con cólicos abdominales y náuseas de una semana de evolución. Estudios radiológicos revelaron hidrometrocolpos y fusión renal pélvica con uréter único hidronefrótico. El examen vaginal evidenció un tabique transverso no permeable. Se evacuó temporalmente la colección con resolución de los síntomas. La paciente fue programada para cirugía vaginal reconstructiva definitiva. Se destaca en este caso no solo la asociación de malformaciones infrecuentes, sino una sintomatología muy común en la práctica pediátrica a causa de una patología rara vez considerada en el diagnóstico diferencial, y la importancia de una evaluación precoz y completa de este tipo de malformaciones para un tratamiento oportuno.

An 11-year-old girl with a history of imperforate anus, urinary tract infection, and intermittent episodes of constipation presented with abdominal pain and nausea for 1 week. The x-rays revealed hydrometrocolpos and fused pelvic kidney with a single hydronephrotic ureter. The vaginal examination revealed a non-permeable transverse vaginal septum. The collection was temporarily drained and symptoms resolved. The patient was scheduled for definitive vaginal reconstructive surgery. In this case, it is worth noting the association of infrequent malformations and also the signs and symptoms very common in pediatric practice due to a pathology rarely considered in the differential diagnosis, and the importance of an early and complete assessment of this type of malformations for a timely treatment.

Humans , Female , Child , Anus, Imperforate/surgery , Anus, Imperforate/diagnosis , Ureter , Urinary Tract Infections , Vagina/abnormalities , Kidney
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;88(3): 153-159, jun. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515205


OBJETIVO: Se presenta una serie de casos de reparación por vía vaginal de fístula vesicovaginal (FVV) de nuestro centro. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional descriptivo. Se evaluaron todas las pacientes con reparación quirúrgica de FVV en el Centro de Innovación de Piso Pélvico del Hospital Sótero del Río entre 2016 y 2022. RESULTADOS: Se reportaron 16 casos, de los cuales el 81,3% fueron secundarios a cirugía ginecológica. En todos se realizó la reparación por vía vaginal, con cierre por planos. En el 94% (15/16) se logró una reparación exitosa en un primer intento. El tiempo de seguimiento poscirugía fue de 10 meses (rango: 3-29). No hubo casos de recidiva en el seguimiento. Una paciente presentó fístula de novo, la cual se reparó de manera exitosa en un segundo intento por vía vaginal. Se reportaron satisfechas con la cirugía 15 pacientes, con mejoría significativa de su calidad de vida. Una paciente reportó sentirse igual (6,3%), pero sus síntomas se debían a síndrome de vejiga hiperactiva que la paciente no lograba diferenciar de los síntomas previos a la cirugía. CONCLUSIÓN: Las FVV en los países desarrollados son secundarias a cirugía ginecológica benigna. La cirugía por vía vaginal en nuestra serie demostró una alta tasa de éxito, con mejora significativa en la calidad de vida de las pacientes.

OBJETIVE: We present a case series of vesico-vaginal fistulas (VVF) vaginal repair in our center. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Descriptive observational study. All patients with surgical repair of VVF at the Centro de Innovación en Piso Pélvico of Hospital Sótero del Río were evaluated between September 2016 and September 2022. RESULTS: 16 cases were reported. 81.3% were secondary to gynecological surgery. In all cases, a vaginal repair was performed, with a layered closure. 94% (15/16) had no contrast extravasation at the time of examination, confirming fistula closure. The follow-up time was 10 months (range: 3-29). There were no cases of recurrence during follow-up. 1 patient presented de novo fistula which was successfully repaired in a second attempt vaginally. 15/16 patients reported being satisfied with the surgery, with significant improvement in quality of life. 1 patient reported feeling the same (6.3%), but her symptoms were due to overactive bladder syndrome that the patient could not differentiate from the symptoms prior to surgery. CONCLUSION: VFV in developed countries are mainly secondary to benign gynecological surgery. Vaginal surgery in our series achieved a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Vesicovaginal Fistula/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Urinary Incontinence , Vagina/surgery , Urinary Catheterization , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Vesicovaginal Fistula/diagnosis , Vesicovaginal Fistula/etiology , Treatment Outcome
Zhonghua zhong liu za zhi ; (12): 253-258, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969831


Objective: To explore the characteristics and correlations of vaginal flora in women with cervical lesions. Methods: A total of 132 women, including 41 women diagnosed with normal cervical (NC), 39 patients with low-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1), 37 patients with high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 2/3) and 15 patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), who came from the gynecological clinic of Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University during January 2018 to June 2018, were enrolled in this study according to the inclusive and exclusive criteria strictly. The vaginal flora was detected by 16S rDNA sequencing technology. Co-occurrence network analysis was used to investigate the Spearman correlations between different genera of bacteria. Results: The dominant bacteria in NC, CIN 1 and CIN 2/3 groups were Lactobacillus [constituent ratios 79.4% (1 869 598/2 354 098), 63.6% (1 536 466/2 415 100) and 58.3% (1 342 896/2 301 536), respectively], while Peptophilus [20.4% (246 072/1 205 154) ] was the dominant bacteria in SCC group. With the aggravation of cervical lesions, the diversity of vaginal flora gradually increased (Shannon index: F=6.39, P=0.001; Simpson index: F=3.95, P=0.012). During the cervical lesion progress, the ratio of Lactobacillus gradually decreased, the ratio of other anaerobes such as Peptophilus, Sneathia, Prevotella and etc. gradually increased, and the differential bacteria (LDA score >3.5) gradually evolved from Lactobacillus to other anaerobes. The top 10 relative abundance bacteria, spearman correlation coefficient>0.4 and P<0.05 were selected. Co-occurrence network analysis showed that Prevotella, Peptophilus, Porphyrinomonas, Anaerococcus, Sneathia, Atopobium, Gardnerella and Streptococcus were positively correlated in different stages of cervical lesions, while Lactobacillus was negatively correlated with the above anaerobes. It was found that the relationship between vaginal floras in CIN 1 group was the most complex and only Peptophilus was significantly negatively correlated with Lactobacillus in SCC group. Conclusions: The increased diversity and changed correlations between vaginal floras are closely related to cervical lesions. Peptophilus is of great significance in the diagnosis, prediction and early warning of cervical carcinogenesis.

Female , Humans , Vagina/microbiology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/genetics , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia , Cervix Uteri , Lactobacillus/genetics , Papillomavirus Infections
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 172-178, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969863


In recent years, many studies have found that vaginal microbiota is closely related to female reproductive tract diseases. However, traditional microbial culture technology has the defects of long culture cycle and most microorganisms cannot be cultured. The development of metagenomics technique has broken the limitations of culture technology, and has been gradually applied to the study of vaginal microorganisms with the characteristics of high throughput, short time, identification of microbial population structure and gene function. It also provides technical support for elucidating the relationship between vaginal microbiota and female reproductive tract diseases. This article mainly introduces the metagenomics techniques and their applications in prevention, screening and diagnosis of common female reproductive tract diseases, and discusses their promising development and limitations to be overcome.

Female , Humans , Microbiota/genetics , Vagina , Metagenomics/methods
Zhongnan Daxue xuebao. Yixue ban ; (12): 941-946, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982367


Primary endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the rectovaginal septum is rare. Its pathogenesis is not clear and there is no standard treatment. One patient with endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the rectovaginal septum arising from deep infiltrative endometriosis was admitted to Qingdao Municipal Hospital. The patient presented with incessant menstruation and abdominal distension. She had bilateral ovarian endometriotic cystectomy 6 years ago. Imaging findings suggested a pelvic mass which might invade the rectovaginal septum. Pathological results of primary surgery confirmed endometrioid carcinoma of the pelvic mass arising from the rectovaginal septum. Then she had a comprehensive staged surgery. Postoperative chemotherapy was given 6 times. No recurrence or metastasis was found during the 2-year follow-up. The possibility of deep infiltrating endometriosis and its malignant transformation should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a new extragonadal pelvic lesion in a patient with a history of endometriosis, which would avoid misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.

Female , Humans , Carcinoma, Endometrioid/surgery , Endometriosis/surgery , Rectum , Vagina , Cystectomy
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 1813-1819, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045943


The vaginal microbiota is a complex and dynamic environment that plays an important role in the healthy reproduction of women. The mechanism of unexplained infertility is not yet clear, and the imbalance and low stability of vaginal microbiota may be related to unexplained infertility. Taking probiotic composite preparations to restore normal vaginal microbiota may be a safe and natural method for treating unexplained infertility. This article reviews the probiotic composite preparations used in the treatment of unexplained infertility both domestically and internationally, including the isolation site of the bacterial species, the use method of the composite preparation, the course of treatment, and the final therapeutic effect, aiming to provide a basis for the clinical application of probiotic composite preparations in the treatment of unexplained infertility.

Female , Humans , Infertility, Female/microbiology , Vagina/microbiology , Microbiota
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 1813-1819, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046266


The vaginal microbiota is a complex and dynamic environment that plays an important role in the healthy reproduction of women. The mechanism of unexplained infertility is not yet clear, and the imbalance and low stability of vaginal microbiota may be related to unexplained infertility. Taking probiotic composite preparations to restore normal vaginal microbiota may be a safe and natural method for treating unexplained infertility. This article reviews the probiotic composite preparations used in the treatment of unexplained infertility both domestically and internationally, including the isolation site of the bacterial species, the use method of the composite preparation, the course of treatment, and the final therapeutic effect, aiming to provide a basis for the clinical application of probiotic composite preparations in the treatment of unexplained infertility.

Female , Humans , Infertility, Female/microbiology , Vagina/microbiology , Microbiota
Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 13: 6, 2023.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1417921


Objetivo: descrever o significado do uso da prótese peniana de silicone para dilatação vaginal no seguimento da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Método: pesquisa narrativa, realizada no Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas, Brasil, com 34 mulheres, após braquiterapia pélvica, em seguimento no serviço de fisioterapia. Coleta de dados por entrevistas semiestruturadas, incluindo dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e o significado do uso da prótese peniana na dilatação vaginal, submetidas à análise de conteúdo e discutidas à luz do estudo From 'sex toy' to intrusive imposition. Resultados: o significado perpassa o exercício de dilatação vaginal; as dificuldades relacionadas às condições vaginais, doença, tratamento, dor, sexo, constrangimentos, preconceitos, falhas na educação em saúde; as motivações relacionam-se à busca por qualidade de vida, apoio dos companheiros e profissionais. Conclusão: a abordagem de possíveis barreiras emocionais, psicológicas, sociais e físicas deve ser planejada e executada para prevenção da estenose vaginal e melhor acolhimento.

Objective: to describe the meaning of the use of silicone penile prosthesis for vaginal dilation in the follow-up of brachytherapy in women with gynecological cancer. Method: narrative research conducted at the Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas, Brazil, with 34 women after pelvic brachytherapy, under follow-up at the physical therapy service. Data collection through semi-structured interviews, including sociodemographic and clinical data and the significance of the use of penile prosthesis in vaginal dilation, submitted to content analysis and discussed in the light of the study From 'sex toy' to intrusive imposition. Results: the meaning permeates the vaginal dilation exercise; difficulties related to vaginal conditions, disease, treatment, pain, sex, constraints, prejudices, failures in health education; motivations are related to the search for quality of life, support of partners and professionals. Conclusion: the approach of possible emotional, psychological, social and physical barriers should be planned and executed for prevention of vaginal stenosis and better reception.

Objetivo: describir el significado del uso de una prótesis peneana de silicona para la dilatación vaginal posterior a la braquiterapia en mujeres con cáncer ginecológico. Método: investigación narrativa, realizada en el Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas, Brasil, con 34 mujeres, después de braquiterapia pélvica, en seguimiento en el servicio de fisioterapia. Recopilación de datos a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, incluyendo datos sociodemográficos y clínicos y el significado del uso de prótesis peneana en la dilatación vaginal, sometidos a análisis de contenido y discutidos a la luz del estudio From 'sex toy' to intrusive imposition. Resultados: el significado impregna el ejercicio de dilatación vaginal; dificultades relacionadas con condiciones vaginales, enfermedad, tratamiento, dolor, sexo, vergüenza, prejuicios, fallas en la educación para la salud; las motivaciones están relacionadas con la búsqueda de calidad de vida, apoyo de la pareja y profesionales. Conclusión: se debe planificar y ejecutar el abordaje de las posibles barreras emocionales, psicológicas, sociales y físicas para prevenir la estenosis vaginal y una mejor recepción.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Vagina/radiation effects , Brachytherapy/adverse effects , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Endometrial Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Constriction, Pathologic/rehabilitation , Dilatation/instrumentation , Interviews as Topic , Follow-Up Studies , Qualitative Research , Sociodemographic Factors
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 60 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563084


Introdução e hipóteses: A frouxidão vaginal (FV) é uma queixa frequente e está associada ao parto vaginal, à multiparidade, a alterações na integridade do tecido vaginal e muscular, a sintomas de prolapsos urinários e sexuais e à pior função sexual. Apesar de frequente, a FV é pouco investigada e subnotificada. Objetivo: Verificar a prevalência de FV em primíparas submetidas ao parto vaginal ou ao parto cesariana; e sua associação com fatores clínicos, obstétricos, miccionais, defecatórios e sexuais associados a esta ocorrência. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal, desenvolvido no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (HC-UFMG) no período de julho de 2021 e janeiro de 2023. Os critérios de inclusão foram: primíparas que tiveram parto vaginal ou cesariana no período do estudo, sem queixa de FV durante a gestação e que assinaram o TCLE. Foram coletados dados clínicos e obstétricos, e todas as participantes responderam aos questionários sobre impacto da incontinência urinária, sintomas vaginais e da angústia sexual (ICIQ-SF, ICIQ-VS e FSDS-R) no recrutamento e seis meses após o parto. Na análise estatística, para a associação entre as variáveis preditoras e os desfechos de interesse, foram utilizados o teste Qui-Quadrado para variáveis categóricas; o teste Mann Whitney para variáveis contínuas. Foi realizada regressão logística univariada e multivariada, considerando como desfecho a frouxidão vaginal. Para todos os cálculos estatísticos o nível de significância foi de 0,05. Resultados: Cem participantes foram incluídos para análise dos dados. A prevalência de FV em primíparas foi de 8%. Na análise univariada, as incontinências urinárias de esforço e por urgência (IUU), incontinência coital e constipação intestinal apresentaram associação com sintoma de FV. No entanto, somente a IUU e incontinência coital permaneceram associados à FV, na análise multivariada. Os escores do ICIQ-VS e do ICIQ-SF mostraram associação significativa com sintomas de FV (p=0,015 e p=0,028, respectivamente). Os escores ICIQ-VS, FSDS-R e ICIQ-SF aumentaram em uma vez o risco de FV nos participantes na análise univariada. Apenas o ICIQ-VS (sintomas vaginais) e o ICIQ-SF permaneceram associados à FV na análise multivariada (OR 1,32 e OR 1,25, respectivamente). Conclusão: A prevalência de FV em primíparas foi inferior à relatada em outros estudos e mostrou associação com a ocorrência de sintomas vaginais, de incontinência urinária de urgência e incontinência coital, seis meses pós-parto.

Introduction and hypotheses: Vaginal laxity (VL) is a common complaint and is associated with vaginal birth, multiparity, changes in the integrity of vaginal and muscular tissue, symptoms of urinary and prolapse and worse sexual function. Despite being common, the pathophysiology of VL is poorly investigated and underreported. Objective: To verify the prevalence of VL in primiparous undergoing vaginal birth or c- section; and its association with clinical, obstetric, urinary, intestinal and sexual factors associated for its occurrence. Methods: This is a cross-sectional observational study, developed at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (HC-UFMG) between July 2021 and January 2023. The inclusion criteria were: primiparous women who had a vaginal or cesarean section during the study period, who had no complaints of VL during pregnancy and who signed the informed consent form. Clinical and obstetric data were collected, and all participants responded to questionnaires on the impact of urinary incontinence, vaginal symptoms and sexual distress (ICIQ-SF, ICIQ-VS and FSDS-R) at recruitment and six months after birth. In the statistical analysis, for the association between the predictor variables and the outcomes of interest, the Chi-Square test was used for categorical variables; and the Mann-Whitney test for continuous variables. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression was performed, considering vaginal laxity as the outcome. In all statistical calculations, the significance level was 0.05. Results: One hundred participants were included for data analysis. The prevalence of VL in primiparous women was 8%. In the univariate analysis, stress and urgency urinary incontinence (UUI), coital incontinence and intestinal constipation were associated with VL symptoms. However, only UUI and coital incontinence were related to VL, in the multivariate analysis. The ICIQ-VS and ICIQ-SF scores showed a significant association with VL symptoms (p=0.015 and p=0.028, respectively). The ICIQ-VS, FSDS-R and ICIQ-SF scores increased the risk of VL by one-fold in participants in the univariate analysis. Only ICIQ-VS (vaginal symptoms) and ICIQ-SF remained associated with VL in the multivariate analysis (OR 1.32 and OR 1.25, respectively). Conclusion: The prevalence of VL in primiparous women was lower than that reported in other studies and showed an association with the occurrence of vaginal symptoms, urgency urinary incontinence and coital incontinence, six months postpartum.

Vagina , Academic Dissertation , Observational Study
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;44(12): 1110-1116, Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431609


Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of vaginal molds, made with three-dimensional (3D) printing, for conservative treatment through vaginal dilation in patients with vaginal agenesis (VA). Methods A total of 16 patients with a diagnosis of VA (Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome, total androgen insensitivity syndrome, and cervicovaginal agenesis) from the Federal University of São Paulo were selected. Device production was performed in a 3D printer, and the polymeric filament of the lactic polyacid (PLA) was used as raw material. A personalized treatment was proposed and developed for each patient. Results There were 14 patients who reached a final vaginal length of 6 cm or more. The initial total vaginal length (TVL) mean (SD) was 1.81(1.05) and the final TVL mean (SD) was 6.37 (0.94); the difference, analyzed as 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was 4.56 (5.27-3.84) and the effect size (95% CI) was 4.58 (2.88-6.28). Conclusion The 3D printing molds for vaginal dilation were successful in 87.5% of the patients. They did not present any major adverse effects and offered an economical, accessible, and reproducible strategy for the treatment of VA.

Resumo Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o uso de moldes dilatadores vaginais, confeccionados com impressão tridimensional (3D), para tratamento conservador através da dilatação vaginal em pacientes com agenesia vaginal (AV). Métodos Foram selecionadas 16 pacientes com diagnóstico de AV (síndrome de Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser, síndrome de insensibilidade androgênica total e agenesia cervicovaginal), da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. A produção dos dispositivos foi realizada em uma impressora 3D e, como matéria-prima, foi utilizado o filamento polimérico do poliácido lático (PLA). Um tratamento personalizado foi proposto e desenvolvido para cada paciente. Resultados Quatorze pacientes atingiram um comprimento vaginal final (CVF) de 6 cm ou mais. A média inicial do CVF (DP) foi de 1,81 (1,05) e a média final do CVF (DP) 6,37 (0,94); a diferença (IC 95%) foi de 4,56 (5,27-3,84) e o tamanho do efeito (IC 95%) foi de 4,58 (2,88-6,28). Conclusão Os moldes de impressão 3D para dilatação vaginal obtiveram sucesso em 87,5% das pacientes. Como impacto secundário, não apresentaram efeitos adversos importantes e ofereceram uma estratégia econômica, acessível e reprodutível para o tratamento da AV.

Humans , Female , Vagina/anatomy & histology , Printing, Three-Dimensional
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;39(5): 573-587, oct. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431703


El parto prematuro (PP) es la principal causa de morbilidad/mortalidad perinatal y frecuentemente es espontáneo, con membranas intactas (MI). La infección intrauterina es su causa más común en un hospital público de Chile. Existe evidencia que la infección bacteriana ascendente desde la vagina es responsable de la infección/inflamación intraamniótica, del PP y de los resultados adversos maternos y perinatales. Esta revisión narrativa incluye ensayos controlados aleatorizados (ECAs), publicados en PubMed, Cochrane, Embase, Scielo, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, sobre los mecanismos que intervienen en el ascenso de la infección vaginal, los factores infecciosos que participan en el resultado adverso materno-perinatal y la eficacia de los antimicrobianos en estos casos. Estos trabajos no recomiendan usar antimicrobianos profilácticos porque producen daño a corto y largo plazo en los hijos. Pero este resultado tiene sesgo porque no se evaluó la presencia de infección/inflamación subclínica, lo que disminuye el grado de recomendación. También existen ECAs, que erradican la infección/inflamación intraamniótica, reducen la morbilidad/mortalidad neonatal, pero son trabajos aislados, obtenidos de subanálisis, con bajo nivel de evidencia. Se requieren revisiones sistemáticas y metaanális de ECAs con estudio de infección/inflamación subclínica para evaluar si son útiles los antimicrobianos en el PP espontáneo con MI.

Preterm labor (PL) is the leading cause of perinatal morbidity/ mortality and is frequently spontaneous with intact membranes (IM). Intrauterine infection is its most common cause in a public hospital in Chile. There is evidence that ascending bacterial infection from the vagina is responsible for intraamniotic infection/inflammation, PL, and adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. This narrative review includes randomized controlled trials (RCTs), published in PubMed, Cochrane, Embase, Scielo, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library on the mechanisms involved in the rise of vaginal infection, the infectious factors involved in adverse maternal-perinatal outcomes, and the efficacy of antibiotics in these cases. They do not recommend the use of prophylactic antibiotics because they cause short and long-term damage to children. But this result is biased because the presence of subclinical infection/inflammation was not evaluated, which lowers the degree of recommendation. There are also RCTs that eradicate intra-amniotic infection/inflammation, reduce neonatal morbidity/ mortality, but they are isolated studies, obtained from subanalyses, with a low level of evidence. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs with subclinical infection/inflammation study are required to assess whether antibiotics are useful in spontaneous PL with IM.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/prevention & control , Obstetric Labor, Premature/microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Placenta/microbiology , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/microbiology , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Bacterial Infections/prevention & control , Vagina/microbiology , Pregnancy Outcome , Cervix Uteri/microbiology , Chorioamnionitis , Amniotic Fluid/microbiology