Epilepsy is the chronic non-communicable disease of the nervous system most prevalent in the world. Valproic acid (VPA) is one of the most used drugs in the treatment of epilepsy but with various side effects. One of the organs that can be affected is the testis, where it has been seen that men treated with VPA reduce their fertility rates, in addition to causing endocrine disorders by decreasing androgens and gonadotropins. In animal models, it has been shown to reduce the weights of the glands attached to the male reproductive tract, as well as at the testicular level, decreasing sperm concentration and increasing apoptotic cell count. These effects are because VPA increases reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing damage to macromolecules and affecting all cellular processes sensitive to oxide reduction. Throughout testicular development, in utero, it has been seen that the expression of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, are lower during early embryonic development, as well as vitamin E (VE) is decreased. Therefore, they are not sufficient to reverse the toxic effects of ROS. The objective of this study was to review the use of VPA during pregnancy, its effect on testicular development, and to explore the potential protective role of vitamin E.
La epilepsia es una enfermedad crónica no transmisible que afecta al sistema nervioso más prevalente en el mundo. Dentro de los tratamientos, uno de los fármacos más utilizados es el ácido valproico (AVP), el que ocasiona diversos efectos secundarios. Entre los órganos que se pueden ver afectados se encuentra la gónada masculina, en donde se ha visto que hombres en tratamiento con AVP reducen sus tasas de fecundidad, además de causar trastornos endocrinos disminuyendo andrógenos y gonadotrofinas. En modelos animales, se ha visto que disminuye los pesos de las glándulas anexas al tracto reproductor masculino, como también a nivel testicular, disminuyendo la concentración espermática y aumentando el recuento de células apoptóticas. Estos efectos se deberían a que el AVP aumenta las especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS), ocasionando daño en macromoléculas, afectando todos los procesos celulares sensibles a óxido reducción. A lo largo del desarrollo testicular, in utero se ha visto que la expresión de enzimas antioxidantes como superóxido dismutasa, catalasa y glutatión peroxidasa, son más bajos durante el desarrollo embrionario temprano, como también la vitamina E (VE) se encuentra disminuida. Por tanto, no resultan suficientes para revertir los efectos tóxicos de las ROS. El objetivo de esta revisión fue asociar el uso de AVP durante la gestación y sus efectos a nivel del desarrollo testicular y describir el potencial rol protector de la VE.
Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Testis/drug effects , Vitamin E/pharmacology , Valproic Acid/adverse effects , Teratogens , Testis/growth & development , Valproic Acid/toxicity , Reactive Oxygen Species , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Embryonic and Fetal Development/drug effectsABSTRACT
Muchas enfermedades neurológicas son condiciones crónicas complejas influenciadas en muchos niveles por cambios en el medio ambiente. El cambio climático (CC) se refiere a la gama más amplia de cambios locales, regionales y globales en los patrones climáticos promedio, impulsados principalmente, en los últimos 100 años, por actividades antropogénicas. Diversas variables climáticas se asocian con una mayor frecuencia de convulsiones en personas con epilepsia. Es probable que los riesgos se vean modificados por muchos factores, que van desde la variación genética individual y la función del canal dependiente de la temperatura, hasta la calidad de la vivienda y las cadenas de suministro globales. Los diferentes tipos de epilepsia parecen tener una distinta susceptibilidad a las influencias estacionales. El aumento de la temperatura corporal, ya sea en el contexto de la fiebre o no, tiene un papel crítico en el umbral convulsivo. Es probable que los vínculos entre el cambio climático y la epilepsia sean multifactoriales, complejos y, a menudo, indirectos, lo que dificulta las predicciones. Actualmente necesitamos más datos sobre los posibles riesgos en enfermedades; entre ellas la epilepsia. Se presentan 2 casos clínicos que refieren cambios en la frecuencia de sus crisis en relación a las altas temperaturas registradas.
Many neurological diseases are complex chronic conditions influenced on many levels by changes in the environment. Climate change refers to the widest range of local, regional, and global changes in average weather patterns, driven primarily, over the past 100 years, by anthropogenic activities. Various climatic variables are associated with an increased frequency of seizures in people with epilepsy. Risks are likely to be modified by many factors, ranging from individual genetic variation and temperature-dependent channel function, to housing quality and global supply chains. Different types of epilepsy appear to have different susceptibility to seasonal influences. Increased body temperature, whether in the context of fever or not, plays a critical role in the seizure threshold. The links between climate change and epilepsy are likely to be multifactorial, complex, and often indirect, making predictions difficult. We currently need more data on the possible risks of disease; among them epilepsy. We present 2 clinical cases that refer to changes in the frequency of their seizures in relation to the high temperatures recorded.
Humans , Child , Climate Change , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Central Nervous System Depressants/therapeutic use , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Levetiracetam/therapeutic use , Melatonin/therapeutic use , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic useABSTRACT
El ácido valproico (VPA) es un fármaco antiepiléptico teratógenico que, al ser administrado durante etapas tempranas del embarazo, puede producir alteraciones en el desarrollo embriofetal, las que se manifiestan tanto a nivel del sistema nervioso como del testículo. No obstante, se ha reportado que la administración de vitamina E (VE) podría revertir dichas alteraciones. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto protector de la VE a nivel testicular en fetos y ratones púberes expuestos a VPA durante la fase embrionaria de su desarrollo. Se utilizó un total de 30 ratones hembra adultas gestantes (Mus musculus) cepa BALB/c, las cuales se dividieron en 6 grupos. El estudio contempló el análisis de fetos machos a los 17,5 días post-coital (dpc) y machos juveniles a las 6 semanas post-natal. A los grupos 1 y 4 se les administró 0,3 mL de solución fisiológica (grupos control para 17,5 dpc y 6 semanas postnatal, respectivamente). A los grupos 2 y 5 se les suministró la cantidad de 600 mg/kg de VPA (grupos VPA), en tanto que a los grupos 3 y 6 se les aplicó la misma dosis de VPA complementada con 200 UI de VE (grupos VPA+VE). Se describió la histología normal y patológica del compartimento peritubular del testículo. En los grupos VPA se evidenció una degeneración de la pared peritubular, y atrofia de túbulos seminíferos, así como exfoliación de las células germinales. Por el contrario, en los grupos VPA+VE tales signos no fueron observados y la morfología presentó aspecto normal solo con algunas alteraciones focales. Estos resultados corroboran el hecho que la administración de VE contrarresta en parte, los efectos deletéreos que ocasiona el VPA.
SUMMARY: Valproic acid (VPA) is a teratogenic antiepileptic drug that, when administered during the early stages of pregnancy, can produce alterations in embryo-fetal development, which manifest both at the level of the nervous system and the testicle. However, it has been reported that the administration of vitamin E (VE) could reverse these alterations. The study aimed to determine the protective effect of VE at the testicular level in fetuses and pubertal mice exposed to VPA during the embryonic phase of their development. 30 pregnant adult female mice (Mus musculus) BALB/c strain were used, which were divided into 6 groups. The study included the analysis of male fetuses at 17.5 days post-coital (dpc) and juvenile males at 6 weeks post-natal. Groups 1 and 4 were administered 0.3 mL of physiological solution. Groups 2 and 5 were given 600 mg/kg of VPA (VPA groups), while groups 3 and 6 were given the same dose of VPA supplemented with 200 IU of VE (VPA+VE). The normal and pathological histology of the peritubular compartment of the testis was described. In the VPA groups, degeneration of the peritubular wall, and atrophy of the seminiferous tubules, as well as exfoliation of the germ cells, were evident. On the contrary, in the VPA+VE groups such signs were not observed and the morphology presented a normal appearance with only some focal alterations. These results corroborate the fact that the administration of VE partially counteracts the deleterious effects caused by VPA.
Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Mice , Testis/drug effects , Vitamin E/administration & dosage , Valproic Acid/toxicity , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects , Seminiferous Tubules/cytology , Seminiferous Tubules/drug effects , Testis/cytology , Vitamin E/pharmacology , Mice, Inbred BALB C , Anticonvulsants/toxicityABSTRACT
La pancreatitis en pediatría se consideraba anteriormente una enfermedad poco frecuente; en la actualidad se reportan 13.2 casos por 100 000 niños/año. La causa más importante de pancreatitis en la población pediátrica, después de la etiología biliar, son los medicamentos (13% de los casos). Uno de los principales medicamentos como causa de pancreatitis en pediatría es el ácido valproico (AV); el cual puede inducir una pancreatitis aguda. Aquí se presentará el primer caso de pancreatitis por AV en población pediátrica reportado en Colombia. Se trata de un paciente de cuatro años, con trastorno en el neurodesarrollo por un síndrome de TORCH, quien tomaba AV a largo plazo por un trastorno de la conducta. Ingresó a una institución de alta complejidad donde se diagnostica pancreatitis aguda con signos de necrosis en tejido pancreático secundario a uso de AV. Se suspendió el medicamento con resolución de su cuadro clínico y alta médica hacia el día 15
Pediatric pancreatitis was previously considered a rare disease. Currently, 13.2 cases are reported per 100,000 children/year. The most important cause of pancreatitis in the pediatric population, after biliary etiology, are medications (13% of cases). One of the main medications as a cause of pediatric pancreatitis is valproic acid (VA), which can lead to acute pancreatitis. Here we will present the first case of VA pancreatitis in the pediatric population reported in Colombia. This is a four-year-old patient, with a neurodevelopmental disorder due to TORCH syndrome, who was taking VA long-term for a conduct disorder. He was admitted to a highly complex institution where acute pancreatitis was diagnosed with signs of necrosis in pancreatic tissue secondary to the use of VA. The medication was discontinued with resolution of his set of symptoms and medical discharge around day 15.
A pancreatite pediátrica era anteriormente considerada uma doença rara; atualmente, 13,2 casos por 100 000 crianças/ano são relatados. A causa mais importante de pancreatite na população pediátrica, depois da etiologia biliar, são os medicamentos (13% dos casos). Uma das principais medicações como causa de pancrea-tite em pediatria é o ácido valpróico (VA); que podem induzir pancreatite aguda. Aqui apresentaremos o primeiro caso de pancreatite AV na população pediátrica relatado na Colômbia. Trata-se de uma paciente de quatro anos de idade, com transtorno do neuro-desenvolvimento devido à síndrome TORCH, que fazia uso de AV de longa duração para um transtorno de conduta. Ele foi internado em uma instituição de alta complexidade onde foi diagnosticado pancreatite aguda com sinais de necrose no tecido pancreático secundário ao uso de AV. A medicação foi suspensa com resolução do quadro clínico e alta médica por volta do 15º dia
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Pancreatitis , Pediatrics , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Valproic AcidABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#Anxiety is one of the most common symptoms associated with autistic spectrum disorder. The essential oil of Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thomson, usually known as ylang-ylang oil (YYO), is often used in aromatherapy as a mood-regulating agent, sedative, or hypotensive agent. In the present study, the effects and mechanisms of YYO in alleviating anxiety, social and cognitive behaviors in autism-like rats were investigated.@*METHODS@#The prenatal valproic acid (VPA) model was used to induce autism-like behaviors in offspring rats. The effectiveness of prenatal sodium valproate treatment (600 mg/kg) on offspring was shown by postnatal growth observation, and negative geotaxis, olfactory discrimination and Morris water maze (MWM) tests. Then three treatment groups were formed with varying exposure to atomized YYO to explore the effects of YYO on the anxiety, social and cognitive behaviors of the autistic-like offspring through the elevated plus-maze test, three-chamber social test, and MWM test. Finally, the monoamine neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine and their metabolites, in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the rats were measured using a high-performance liquid chromatography.@*RESULTS@#Offspring of VPA exposure rats showed autism-like behaviors. In the VPA offspring, medium-dose YYO exposure significantly elevated the time and entries into the open arms in the elevated plus-maze test, while low-dose YYO exposure significantly enhanced the social interaction time with the stranger rat in session 1 of the three-chamber social test. VPA offspring treated with YYO exposure used less time to reach the platform in the navigation test of the MWM test. YYO exposure significantly elevated the metabolism of serotonin and dopamine in the PFC of VPA offspring.@*CONCLUSION@#YYO exposure showed the effects in alleviating anxiety and improving cognitive and social abilities in the offspring of VPA exposure rats. The role of YYO was related to the regulation of the metabolism of serotonin and dopamine. Please cite this article as: Zhang N, Wang ST, Yao L. Inhalation of Cananga odorata essential oil relieves anxiety behaviors in autism-like rats via regulation of serotonin and dopamine metabolism. J Integr Med. 2023; 21(2): 205-214.
Pregnancy , Female , Rats , Animals , Autistic Disorder/drug therapy , Oils, Volatile/therapeutic use , Serotonin/metabolism , Cananga/metabolism , Dopamine , Anxiety/drug therapy , Valproic Acid/pharmacology , Plant Oils , Disease Models, AnimalABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To study the effect of early use of sodium valproate on neuroinflammation after traumatic brain injury (TBI).@*METHODS@#A total of 45 children who visited in Xuzhou Children's Hospital Affiliated to Xuzhou Medical University from August 2021 to August 2022 were enrolled in this prospective study, among whom 15 healthy children served as the healthy control group, and 30 children with TBI were divided into a sodium valproate treatment group and a conventional treatment group using a random number table (n=15 each). The children in the sodium valproate treatment group were given sodium valproate in addition to conventional treatment, and those in the conventional group were given an equal volume of 5% glucose solution in addition to conventional treatment. The serum concentrations of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor protein 3(NLRP3), high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) were measured in the healthy control group on the day of physical examination and in the children with TBI on days 1, 3, and 5 after admission. Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOS-E) score was evaluated for the children with TBI 2 months after discharge.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the healthy control group, the children with TBI had significantly higher serum concentrations of NLRP3, HMGB1, TNF-α, and IL-1β on day 1 after admission (P<0.017). The concentration of NLRP3 on day 5 after admission was significantly higher than that on days 1 and 3 after admission in the children with TBI (P<0.017). On days 3 and 5 after admission, the sodium valproate treatment group had a significantly lower concentration of NLRP3 than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05). For the conventional treatment group, there was no significant difference in the concentration of HMGB1 on days 1, 3, and 5 after admission (P>0.017), while for the sodium valproate treatment group, the concentration of HMGB1 on day 5 after admission was significantly lower than that on days 1 and 3 after admission (P<0.017). On day 5 after admission, the sodium valproate treatment group had a significantly lower concentration of HMGB1 than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05). For the children with TBI, the concentration of TNF-α on day 1 after admission was significantly lower than that on days 3 and 5 after admission (P<0.017). On days 3 and 5 after admission, the sodium valproate treatment group had a significantly lower concentration of TNF-α than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05). The concentration of IL-1β on day 3 after admission was significantly lower than that on days 1 and 5 after admission (P<0.017) in the children with TBI. On days 3 and 5 after admission, the sodium valproate treatment group had a significantly lower concentration of IL-1β than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05). The GOS-E score was significantly higher in the sodium valproate treatment group than that in the conventional treatment group 2 months after discharge (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Early use of sodium valproate can reduce the release of neuroinflammatory factors and improve the prognosis of children with TBI.
Child , Humans , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , HMGB1 Protein , Pilot Projects , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Neuroinflammatory Diseases , NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein , Prospective Studies , Brain Injuries, Traumatic/pathologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To summarize the clinical phenotype and genetic characteristics of children with autosomal dominant mental retardation type 5 caused by SYNGAP1 gene mutations.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was performed on the medical data of 8 children with autosomal dominant mental retardation type 5 caused by SYNGAP1 gene mutations who were diagnosed and treated in the Department of Pediatrics, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University.@*RESULTS@#The mean age of onset was 9 months for the 8 children. All children had moderate-to-severe developmental delay (especially delayed language development), among whom 7 children also had seizures. Among these 8 children, 7 had novel heterozygous mutations (3 with frameshift mutations, 2 with nonsense mutations, and 2 with missense mutations) and 1 had 6p21.3 microdeletion. According to the literature review, there were 48 Chinese children with mental retardation caused by SYNGAP1 gene mutations (including the children in this study), among whom 40 had seizures, and the mean age of onset of seizures was 31.4 months. Frameshift mutations (15/48, 31%) and nonsense mutations (19/48, 40%) were relatively common in these children. In terms of treatment, among the 33 children with a history of epileptic medication, 28 (28/33, 85%) showed response to valproic acid antiepileptic treatment and 16 (16/33, 48%) achieved complete seizure control after valproic acid monotherapy or combined therapy.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Children with autosomal dominant mental retardation type 5 caused by SYNGAP1 gene mutations tend to have an early age of onset, and most of them are accompanied by seizures. These children mainly have frameshift and nonsense mutations. Valproic acid is effective for the treatment of seizures in most children.
Child , Humans , Intellectual Disability/diagnosis , Codon, Nonsense , Retrospective Studies , Valproic Acid , ras GTPase-Activating Proteins/genetics , Mutation , Seizures/geneticsABSTRACT
As lesões de nervos periféricos são um grande problema de saúde e podem ser resultado de traumas, incluindo acidentes automobilísticos, atos de violência e outros, deixando os indivíduos com incapacidades temporárias ou permanentes que interferem nas tarefas da vida diária desses pacientes. Portanto, é importante a busca por novos tratamentos que possam melhorar os resultados funcionais e morfológicos. Nesse sentido, a terapia epigenética tem recebido grande atenção devido aos seus efeitos antiinflamatórios e propriedades pró-regenerativas. O ácido valpróico é um inibidor da histona desacetilase que demonstrou efeitos neuroprotetores e antiapoptóticos em condições degenerativas e pode, portanto, ser usado para tratar lesões nervosas. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial regenerativo do inibidor de HDAC (iHDAC) ácido valpróico (VPA) após esmagamento do nervo isquiático de camundongos. Foram utilizados camundongos C57/Black6 machos que tiveram os nervos esmagados por um minuto com uma pinça Dumont#5 e, no primeiro dia após a cirurgia, o tratamento foi realizado com injeções intraperitoneais diárias de VPA (300 mg/kg) durante 14 dias. O grupo tratado com VPA foi comparado com três grupos controle: sham (o nervo foi apenas exposto), lesão (o nervo foi apenas esmagado) e PBS (o nervo foi lesionado e tratado com PBS assim como o grupo tratado com VPA). O índice funcional isquiático (IFI) e o teste da picada de agulha foram realizados para avaliar as funções motoras e sensitivas, respectivamente. Esses testes demonstraram melhora significativa no grupo tratado com VPA em relação aos outros grupos. O tempo de sobrevivência dos animais foi de três semanas e os nervos dissecados foram processados para obtenção de cortes semifinos e corados com azul de toluidina para microscopia óptica. A análise morfológica dos cortes semifinos mostrou aumento com diferença significativa do número de fibras mielínicas no grupo tratado com VPA quando comparado aos outros grupos. Foi realizada a caracterização da resposta imunológica aguda após o esmagamento do nervo isquiático e tratamento com VPA, por citometria de fluxo, com a coleta de células totais da cavidade peritoneal no quarto dia após o esmagamento para investigar o perfil de resposta imunológica induzido pelo tratamento que demosntrou amumento de células CD11b+ /Ly6G+ (neutrófilos) com diferença estatística significativa. Com base nesses resultados, podemos concluir que o VPA pode ser uma opção terapêutica eficaz para melhorar a dor e o processo de regeneração do nervo isquiático, potencialmente através da alteração da resposta imune aguda.(AU)
Peripheral nerve injuries are a major health problem and can be result from trauma, including car accidents, acts of violence, and others, leaving individuals with temporary or permanent disabilities that interfere with the daily tasks of these patients. Therefore, it is important to search for new treatments that can improve functional and morphological outcomes. In this regard, epigenetic therapy has received great attention due to its antiinflammatory effects and pro-regenerative properties. Valproic acid is a histone deacetylase inhibitor that has demonstrated neuroprotective and anti-apoptotic effects in degenerative conditions and can therefore be used to treat nerve injuries. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the regenerative potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) valproic acid (VPA) after crushing the ischiatic nerve in mice. Male C57/Black6 mice were used, and their nerves were crushed for one minute with a Dumont#5 forceps. On the first day after surgery, treatment was performed with daily intraperitoneal injections of VPA (300 mg/kg) for 14 days. The VPA treated group was compared with three control groups: sham (nerve was only exposed), injury (nerve was only crushed), and PBS (nerve was injured and treated with PBS, similar to the VPA treated group). The ischiatic functional index (IFI) and the pinprick test were performed to evaluate motor and sensory functions, respectively. These tests showed a significant improvement in the VPA treated group compared to the other groups. The animal survival time was three weeks, and the dissected nerves were processed to obtain semithin sections stained with toluidine blue for optical microscopy. Morphological analysis of the semithin sections showed a significant increase in the number of myelinated fibers in the VPA treated group compared to the other groups. The characterization of the acute immune response after crushing the ischiatic nerve and treatment with VPA was performed by flow cytometry, with the collection of total cells from the peritoneal cavity on the fourth day after crushing to investigate the profile of immune response induced by the treatment, which showed a statistically significant increase in CD11b+ /Ly6G+ cells (neutrophils). Based on these results, we can conclude that VPA may be an effective therapeutic option to improve pain and the process of sciatic nerve regeneration, potentially through the alteration of the acute immune response.(AU)
Animals , Mice , Sciatic Nerve/injuries , Genetic Therapy , Valproic Acid/immunology , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Crush Injuries/therapy , Nerve Regeneration , Disease Models, AnimalABSTRACT
El síndrome de erupción medicamentosa con eosinofilia y síntomas sistémicos (drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms, DRESS), también conocido como síndrome de hipersensibilidad inducida por medicamentos, es una reacción rara potencialmente mortal que causa una erupción grave y que puede provocar insuficiencia multiorgánica. Como con otras erupciones medicamentosas graves, los linfocitos T específicos para un medicamento tienen una función crucial en el síndrome DRESS. El modelo de hapteno/pro-hapteno, el modelo de interacción farmacológica y el modelo alterado de repertorio de péptidos son tres modelos diferentes desarrollados para describir la relación/interacción entre un medicamento o sus metabolitos y el sistema inmunitario. Analizamos nuestra experiencia con el tratamiento con ciclosporina en un caso de síndrome DRESS resistente a esteroides causado por ácido valproico en una niña y sus resultados clínicos, de laboratorio y de antígeno leucocitario humano (HLA).
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), also known as drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome, is a potentially life-threatening rare reaction that causes a severe rash and can lead to multiorgan failure. As in other severe drug eruptions, drug-specific T lymphocytes play a crucial role in DRESS. The hapten/pro-hapten model, pharmacological interaction model, and altered peptide repertoire model are three different models developed to describe the relationship/interaction between a medication or its metabolites and the immune system. We discuss our experience with cyclosporine treatment in a steroid-resistant DRESS syndrome caused by valproic acid in a girl, as well as her clinical, laboratory, and human leukocyte antigens (HLA) study results
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Eosinophilia/complications , Eosinophilia/chemically induced , Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome/diagnosis , Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome/etiology , Valproic Acid/adverse effects , Cyclosporine , Haptens/adverse effects , HLA Antigens/adverse effectsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the mechanism of valproic acid (VPA) -induced impairment of the dendritic spines and synapses in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) for causing core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in mice.@*METHODS@#Female C57 mice were subjected to injections of saline or VPA on gestational days 10 and 12, and the male offspring mice in the two groups were used as the normal control group and ASD model group (n=10), respectively. Another 20 male mice with fetal exposure to VPA were randomized into two groups for stereotactic injection of DMSO or Wortmannin into the PFC (n=10). Open field test, juvenile play test and 3-chamber test were used to evaluate autistic behaviors of the mice. The density of dendrite spines in the PFC was observed with Golgi staining. Western blotting and immunofluorescence staining were used to detect the expressions of p-PI3K, PI3K, p-AKT, AKT, p-mTOR, mTOR and the synaptic proteins PSD95, p-Syn, and Syn in the PFC of the mice.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the normal control mice, the mice with fetal exposure to VPA exhibited obvious autism-like behaviors with significantly decreased density of total, mushroom and stubby dendritic spines (P < 0.05) and increased filopodia dendritic spines (P < 0.05) in the PFC. The VPA-exposed mice also showed significantly increased expressions of p-PI3K/PI3K, p-AKT/AKT, and p-mTOR/mTOR (P < 0.01) and lowered expressions of PSD95 and p-Syn/Syn in the PFC (P < 0.05 or 0.001). Wortmannin injection into the PFC obviously improved the ASD-like phenotype and dendritic spine development, down-regulated PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway and up-regulated the synaptic proteins in VPA-exposed mice.@*CONCLUSION@#In male mice with fetal exposure to VPA, excessive activation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway and decreased expressions of the synaptic proteins PSD95 and p-Syn cause dendritic spine damage and synaptic development disturbance in the PFC, which eventually leads to ASD-like phenotype.
Animals , Female , Male , Mice , Autism Spectrum Disorder/chemically induced , Autistic Disorder/chemically induced , Dendritic Spines , Disease Models, Animal , Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases , Prefrontal Cortex , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects , Valproic Acid/adverse effectsABSTRACT
The rational use of medicine is fundamental to ensure effective and safe patient medicine treatment, and hence, should be monitored. Undisputable evidence exists for the teratogenic risk factors associated with sodium valproate. Consequently, the Western Cape Department of Health introduced a policy (2019) recommending alternatives for valproate in women of childbearing age, including lamotrigine or levetiracetam as alternatives for patients on antiretrovirals. This study aimed to describe the change in the consumption of valproate, lamotrigine and levetiracetam after a policy implementation in public sector health facilities of the Western Cape, South Africa. Methods: This observational study followed a quasi-experimental design. Consumption data from the Cape Medical Depot over the period 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2020 were analysed retrospectively. Consumption was presented as a defined daily dose (DDD) per 1000 population per quarter for sodium valproate, levetiracetam and lamotrigine for the Western Cape province, urban and rural areas. Consumption 12 months before was compared with consumption 12 months after policy implementation. Results: Post-policy implementation, valproate consumption remained unchanged provincially (3.3%; p = 0.255), in urban (7.8%; p = 0.255) and rural (1.5%; p = 0.701) areas. Lamotrigine consumption increased significantly provincially (30.7%; p = 0.020) and in urban areas (54.5%; p = 0.002); however, rural (26.1%; p = 0.108) areas did not show significant change. Provincially, valproate consumption remained substantially higher (209 DDDs/1000 population per quarter) compared with lamotrigine consumption (32.22 DDDs/1000 population per quarter). Conclusion: In the Western Cape public sector, the consumption of sodium valproate remained unchanged 12 months after policy implementation. Although there were significant increases in lamotrigine and levetiracetam consumption, the consumption was considerably less compared with sodium valproate consumption.
Valproic Acid , Epilepsy , Lamotrigine , Economics , LevetiracetamABSTRACT
SUMMARY: In testicular differentiation, somatic cells must adopt a specific destiny towards sustentacular, peritubular and interstitial cells, being fundamental for the morphogenesis of seminiferous tubules, mediated by morphogens such as Desert Hedgehog (DHH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and fibroblastic growth factor 2 (FGF-2). Its alteration could be related to failures in the development mechanisms, such as those caused by valproic acid (VPA), which can be reversed with vitamin E (VE). The objective of the study was to evaluate the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the testicular development of mice exposed to VPA and VE. 12 groups of pregnant female mice were formed that were separated by days post-coital (dpc) at 12.5 dpc, 17.5 dpc and 6 weeks postnatal, each one subdivided into 4 groups of 5 pregnant women each. Subgroups received different treatments from the beginning to the end of gestation orally: 600 mg/kg of VPA, 600 mg/kg of VPA and 200 IU of VE, 200 IU of VE and the control group 0.3 mL of 0.9% physiological solution. Immunohistochemistry was performed for the detection of DHH, IGF-1 and FGF-2. Immunolocalization of DHH was observed in all stages, with more evident significant differences in integrated optical density (IOD) and percentage of immunoreaction area at 6 weeks postnatal, being lower in the VPA group. In IGF-1, lower intensity and distribution of immunostaining was observed in the fetal and pubertal stages in the VPA groups, a similar situation with FGF-2, but only evident at 17.5 dpc, with significant differences. These results demonstrate that VPA can alter EMT between somatic cells in testicular development, with VE being an agent capable of attenuating this process.
RESUMEN: En la diferenciación testicular, es necesario que las células somáticas adopten un destino específico hacia células sustentaculares, peritubulares e intersticiales, siendo fundamental para la morfogénesis de los túbulos seminíferos, mediado por morfógenos como Desert Hedgehog (DHH), Factor de Crecimiento Fibroblástico 2 (FGF-2) y Factor de Crecimiento símil a Insulina (IGF-1). Su alteración se podría relacionar a fallas en los mecanismos de desarrollo, como los que ocasiona el ácido valproico (VPA), los cuales pueden ser revertidos con la vitamina E (VE). El objetivo de estudio fue evaluar la transición epitelio-mesenquimática (EMT) en el desarrollo testicular de ratones expuestos a VPA y VE. Se conformaron 12 grupos de ratones hembra gestantes que se separaron por días post-coital (dpc) a los 12.5 dpc, 17.5 dpc y 6 semanas post-natal, cada uno subdividido en 4 grupos de 5 gestantes cada uno. Cada subgrupo recibió diferentes tratamientos desde el inicio hasta el término de la gestación vía oral: 600 mg/kg de VPA, 600 mg/kg de VPA y 200 UI de VE, 200 UI de VE y el grupo control 0,3 mL de solución fisiológica 0,9%. Se realizó técnica inmunohistoquímica para la detección de DHH, IGF-1 y FGF-2. Se observó la inmunolocalización de DHH en todos los estadios, con diferencias significativas más evidentes en la densidad óptica integrada (IOD) y porcentaje de área de inmunoreacción a las 6 semanas post-natal, siendo menor en el grupo VPA. En IGF-1, se observó en la etapa fetal y puberal menor intensidad y distribución de la marcación en los grupos VPA, situación similar con la inmunomarcación de FGF-2, pero sólo evidenciándose a los 17.5 dpc, con diferencias significativas. Estos resultados demuestran que el VPA puede alterar la EMT entre las células somáticas en el desarrollo testicular, siendo la VE un agente capaz de atenuar este proceso.
Animals , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Mice , Testis/growth & development , Vitamin E/pharmacology , Valproic Acid/toxicity , Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition/drug effects , Testis/drug effects , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I/analysis , Immunohistochemistry , Fibroblast Growth Factor 2/analysis , Hedgehog Proteins/analysisABSTRACT
The self-renewal and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells(HSCs)are highly regulated by epigenetic modification,in which histone acetylation can activate or silence gene transcription.Histone deacetylase inhibitors(HDACIs)can inhibit the activity of histone deacetylase in HSCs to increase histone acetylation.A variety of HDACIs,such as trichostatin A and valproic acid,are used to expand HSCs in vitro,especially cord blood HSCs,combined with cytokines in serum-free culture to obtain more long-term repopulating cells.HDACIs promote the transcription of pluripotent genes related to stem cell self-renewal and inhibit the expression of genes related to differentiation,so as to promote the expansion and inhibit differentiation of HSCs.The expansion of cord blood HSCs by small molecular HDACIs in vitro is expected to improve the quantity of cord blood HSCs.The further research will focus on high-throughput screening for the most powerful HDACIs and the highly selective HDACIs,exploring the combination of epigenetic modifiers of different pathways.
Epigenesis, Genetic , Fetal Blood , Hematopoietic Stem Cells , Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors/pharmacology , Valproic Acid/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Pediatric epilepsy comprises chronic neurological disorders characterized by recurrent seizures. Sodium valproate is one of the common antiseizure medications used for treatment. Glucuronide conjugation is the major metabolic pathway of sodium valproate, carried out by the enzyme uridine 5′-diphosphate (UDP) glucuronosyl transferase (UGT) whose gene polymorphisms may alter the clinical outcome. The objective of this study was to assess the association between UGT1A6 genetic polymorphism and clinical outcome in terms of efficacy and tolerability in pediatric epileptic patients on sodium valproate monotherapy. Pediatric epileptic patients (n=65) aged 2-18 years receiving sodium valproate monotherapy for the past one month were included. Genetic polymorphism patterns of UGT1A6 (T19G, A541G, A552C) were evaluated by PCR-RFLP. Clinical outcome was seizure control during the 6 months observation period. Tolerability was measured by estimating the hepatic, renal, and other lab parameters. Out of 65 patients, TT (40%), TG (57%), and GG (3%) patterns were observed in UGT1A6 (T19G) gene, AA (51%), AG (40%), and GG (9%) in (A541G) gene, and AA (43%), AC (43%), and CC (14%) in (A552C) gene. No statistical difference in clinical outcome was found for different UGT1A6 genetic polymorphism patterns. We concluded that different patterns of UGT1A6 genetic polymorphism were not associated with the clinical outcome of sodium valproate in terms of efficacy and tolerability. Sodium valproate was well-tolerated among pediatric patients with epilepsy and can be used as an effective antiseizure medication.
Humans , Child , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Epilepsy/genetics , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Seizures/genetics , Seizures/drug therapy , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Objective: Gingival hyperplasia (GH) is one of the side effects of anticonvulsant drugs. The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of GH associated with the use of anticonvulsant, through a systematic review. Material and Methods: Systematic search was done at databases Pubmed and Embase between January 1984 and March of 2020 for identification of articles addressing the prevalence of GH associated with the use of anticonvulsant drugs. The methodological index for non-randomized studies (MINORS) was independently assessed for quality in the selected papers. Results: The search identified 4.471 references. Nine articles were selected and evaluated 632 participants. All of the studies included in the systematic review showed a low risk of bias. The anticonvulsants used by patients were carbamazepine, ethosuximide, phenytoin, primidone, phenobarbital, sodium valproate. The studies showed a correlation between different types of anticonvulsants and GH prevalence, with a range from 0% to 73%. Among the anticonvulsants used, phenytoin showed the greatest incidence of GH, varying between 15.61% and 73% in patients. Conclusion: In the analysis of the results obtained in the literature, it is possible to notice that the great majority of studies presented incidence of GH associated with anticonvulsant use. However, further studies are necessary to understand the anticonvulsant action mechanism inducing GH, as well as the prevention forms, given that GH is a significant side effect. (AU)
Objetivo: Hiperplasia gengival (HG) é um dos efeitos colaterais das drogas anticonvulsivantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalência de HG associada ao uso de anticonvulsivantes, por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Material e Métodos: A busca sistemática foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed e Embase entre janeiro de 1984 e março de 2020 para identificação de artigos que abordassem a prevalência de HG associada ao uso de drogas anticonvulsivantes. Foi avaliado independentemente, o risco de viés através do "Methodological index for non-randomized studies" (MINORS), para análise da qualidade dos trabalhos selecionados. Resultados: A pesquisa identificou 4.471 referências. Nove artigos foram selecionados e avaliaram 632 participantes. Todos os estudos incluídos na revisão sistemática mostraram baixo risco de viés. Os anticonvulsivantes utilizados pelos pacientes foram carbamazepina, etossuximida, fenitoína, primidona, fenobarbital e valproato de sódio. Os estudos mostraram correlação entre os diferentes tipos de anticonvulsivantes e a prevalência de HG, com variação entre 0% a 73%. Entre os anticonvulsivantes utilizados, a fenitoína apresentou a maior incidência de HG, variando entre 15,61% e 73% em pacientes. Conclusão: Na análise dos resultados obtidos na literatura, é possível notar que a grande maioria dos estudos apresentou incidência de HG associada ao uso de anticonvulsivantes. No entanto, estudos adicionais são necessários para compreender o mecanismo de ação do anticonvulsivante para a indução da HG, bem como as formas de prevenção, dado que a HG é um efeito colateral significativo (AU)
Humans , Phenobarbital , Phenytoin , Primidone , Carbamazepine , Prevalence , Valproic Acid , Ethosuximide , Gingival Hyperplasia , AnticonvulsantsABSTRACT
La encefalopatía es un cuadro clínico característico de múltiples procesos neurológicos y sistémicos que no hay que confundir con la encefalitis, que es una inflamación cerebral, normalmente causadas por infecciones virales. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 58 años con enfermedad renal crónica en diálisis peritoneal, que ingresa por sepsis de origen peritoneal con clínica de encefalopatía y crisis epilépticas parciales. La paciente presenta lesiones de herpes zóster en zona lumbar y se practica punción lumbar, con resultado del líquido cefalorraquídeo positivo para virus varicela-zóster, por lo que completa tratamiento con aciclovir. En la resonancia magnética no presenta ninguna alteración, y una segunda punción lumbar tras mejoría de las lesiones cutáneas es negativa. El curso de la paciente es fluctuante durante el ingreso, con mejoría significativa tras antibióticos, hemodiálisis y tratamiento antiepiléptico, y no respondiendo al aciclovir. La etiología sospechada es la debida al contexto infeccioso y metabólico de la paciente. Probablemente el resultado del líquido fue contaminado por la proximidad de las lesiones herpéticas, ya que además no es frecuente encontrar encefalitis infecciosas agudas sin alteraciones en las pruebas de imagen. La mejoría final fue debida tanto a la medicación antiepiléptica como al inicio de hemodiálisis
Encefalopathy is a clinical syndrome ocurring in multiple neurologic and systemic diseases which must not be mistaken with encephalitis, that is a cerebral inflammatory process, often caused by viral infections. We present the case of a 58-year-old woman with chronic renal failure receiving peritoneal dyalisis, who was admitted into hospital for sepsis secondary to infectious peritonitis, with encefalopathy and epileptic partial seizures. The patient presented lumbar herpetic cutaneous lesions and a lumbar punction is practiced, with a positive result in the cerebrospinal fluid for varicella-zoster virus. Treatment with aciclovir was completed. Her cerebral magnetic resonance was absolutely normal, and a second lumbar puncture when herpetic lesions got better was negative. The course is fluctuating during the stay, and a significant clinical improvement occurs after antibiotics, hemodyalisis and antiepileptic treatment. The patient did not respond to aciclovir. The suspected ethiology is the infectious and metabolic context. Positivity for the virus is thought to be a contamination from the nearby herpetic lesions. Also, it is rare for an infectious acute encephalitis to present with normal radiologic imaging. The final clinical improvement was probably due to hemodyalisis initiation and the antiepileptic treatment.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Brain Diseases, Metabolic/diagnosis , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Renal Dialysis , Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster/diagnosis , Encephalitis/diagnosis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic useABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#Due to the narrow therapeutic window of valproic acid (VPA), grievous adverse reactions such as hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity may occur in patients with epilepsy for a long time. This study aimed to explore the effect of VPA concentration on biochemical and routine blood test related to liver, renal, and hematology in epileptic outpatients treated with VPA alone or combined with other antiepileptic drugs.@*METHODS@#A total of 3 194 Chinese epileptic outpatients from Xiangya Hospital, were analyzed in a crude analysis after stratifying through dosage regimens. The plasma VPA concentration was detected by gas chromatography method and then standardized through dosage and body weight. Ten biochemical indexes related to liver, renal, and hematology were evaluated.@*RESULTS@#Of all patients, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (SCr) level, and erythrocyte count (RBC) showed positive correlations with standardized VPA concentration (=0.494, =0.157, =0.596, respectively), while platelet specific volume (PCT) and blood platelet (PLT) showed negative correlations with standardized VPA concentration (=-5.500, =-0.086, respectively). After stratifying through dosage regimens, significantly positive associations between SCr and standardized VPA concentration were found in the juvenile patients from the monotherapy group and combination therapy group (=1.800, =0.352, respectively). In addition, PLT and leukocyte count (WBC) in the juvenile patients from the combination therapy group were negatively correlated with standardized VPA concentration (=-1.463, =-0.079, respectively), while RBC showed a positive association with standardized VPA concentration in the juvenile patients from the monotherapy group (=0.068).@*CONCLUSIONS@#SCr level is significantly associated with plasma VPA concentration. Drug combination and age are important factors leading to hematological disorders. The finding provides potential theoretical guidance for the rational and safe clinical use of VPA.
Adolescent , Humans , Anticonvulsants , Therapeutic Uses , Combined Modality Therapy , Drug Therapy, Combination , Epilepsy , Drug Therapy , Outpatients , Valproic Acid , Therapeutic UsesABSTRACT
Anticonvulsants , Carbamazepine , Drug Eruptions , Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Exanthema , Hypersensitivity , Korea , Pharmacovigilance , Phenytoin , Risk Management , Skin , Stevens-Johnson Syndrome , Urticaria , Valproic AcidABSTRACT
The central nervous system shows limited regenerative capacity after injury. Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating traumatic injury resulting in loss of sensory, motor, and autonomic function distal from the level of injury. An appropriate combination of biomaterials and bioactive substances is currently thought to be a promising approach to treat this condition. Systemic administration of valproic acid (VPA) has been previously shown to promote functional recovery in animal models of SCI. In this study, VPA was encapsulated in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microfibers by the coaxial electrospinning technique. Fibers showed continuous and cylindrical morphology, randomly oriented fibers, and compatible morphological and mechanical characteristics for application in SCI. Drug-release analysis indicated a rapid release of VPA during the first day of the in vitro test. The coaxial fibers containing VPA supported adhesion, viability, and proliferation of PC12 cells. In addition, the VPA/PLGA microfibers induced the reduction of PC12 cell viability, as has already been described in the literature. The biomaterials were implanted in rats after SCI. The groups that received the implants did not show increased functional recovery or tissue regeneration compared to the control. These results indicated the cytocompatibility of the VPA/PLGA core-shell microfibers and that it may be a promising approach to treat SCI when combined with other strategies.
Animals , Male , Rats , Spinal Cord Injuries/therapy , Central Nervous System/drug effects , Valproic Acid/administration & dosage , Polylactic Acid-Polyglycolic Acid Copolymer/chemistry , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Rats, Wistar , Microfibrils/chemistry , Tissue Engineering/methods , Disease Models, Animal , Tissue ScaffoldsABSTRACT
Anticonvulsivantes saÌo drogas capazes de modificar a resposta dos tecidos gengivais a processos inflamatoÌrios na presença ou não de placa bacteriana, induzindo o crescimento gengival. O presente trabalho revisou a respeito das alterações periodontais exacerbadas pela utilização de anticonvulsivantes à base de ácido valpróico. Foram incluídos no estudo todos os trabalhos que pudessem descrever algo a respeito das caracteriÌsticas bioquiÌmicas e farmacoloÌgicas do aÌcido valproÌico e sua correlação com as alterações periodontais hiperplásicas. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada nas bases Scopus, PubMed, BVS, Web of Science e Scielo utilizando os descritores "sodium valproate" "valproic acid" "gingival enlargement" e "gingival hyperplasia". Como resultado, um total de 111 referências foram encontradas e 54 artigos contemplavam todos os criteÌrios de inclusaÌo e foram submetidos a análise qualitativa. Algumas hipóteses sugerem um papel determinante dos fibroblastos, citocinas inflamatórias e também com a síntese de metaloproteinases na resposta tecidual. Concluiu-se que o mecanismo interveniente na histopatogênese do tecido conjuntivo desencadeadas pelo ácido valpróico e com repercussões nos tecidos periodontais ainda é pouco compreendido e apresentam pouca relação com o acúmulo de biofilme dentário, sendo decorrentes mais por mecanismos atribuídos ao próprio medicamento (AU)
Anticonvulsants are drugs capable of modifying the response of gingival tissues to inflammatory processes in the presence or absence of plaque, inducing gingival growth. The present study reviewed the periodontal changes exacerbated by the use of valproic acid-based anticonvulsants. All studies that could describe something about the biochemical and pharmacological characteristics of valproic acid and its correlation with hyperplasic periodontal changes were included in the study. The literature search was carried out in the bases of Scopus, PubMed, BVS, Web of Science and Scielo using the descriptors "sodium valproate" "valproic acid" "gingival enlargement" and "gingival hyperplasia". As a result, a total of 111 references were found and 54 articles covered all the inclusion criteria and were included in the qualitative analysis. Some hypotheses suggest a role of fibroblasts, inflammatory cytokines and also the synthesis of metalloproteinases in the tissue response. It was concluded that the mechanism involved in the histopathogenesis of connective tissue triggered by valproic acid and with repercussions on the periodontal tissues is still poorly understood and presents little relation with the accumulation of dental biofilm, being more due to mechanisms attributed to the drug itself (AU)