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Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554996


Muchas enfermedades neurológicas son condiciones crónicas complejas influenciadas en muchos niveles por cambios en el medio ambiente. El cambio climático (CC) se refiere a la gama más amplia de cambios locales, regionales y globales en los patrones climáticos promedio, impulsados principalmente, en los últimos 100 años, por actividades antropogénicas. Diversas variables climáticas se asocian con una mayor frecuencia de convulsiones en personas con epilepsia. Es probable que los riesgos se vean modificados por muchos factores, que van desde la variación genética individual y la función del canal dependiente de la temperatura, hasta la calidad de la vivienda y las cadenas de suministro globales. Los diferentes tipos de epilepsia parecen tener una distinta susceptibilidad a las influencias estacionales. El aumento de la temperatura corporal, ya sea en el contexto de la fiebre o no, tiene un papel crítico en el umbral convulsivo. Es probable que los vínculos entre el cambio climático y la epilepsia sean multifactoriales, complejos y, a menudo, indirectos, lo que dificulta las predicciones. Actualmente necesitamos más datos sobre los posibles riesgos en enfermedades; entre ellas la epilepsia. Se presentan 2 casos clínicos que refieren cambios en la frecuencia de sus crisis en relación a las altas temperaturas registradas.

Many neurological diseases are complex chronic conditions influenced on many levels by changes in the environment. Climate change refers to the widest range of local, regional, and global changes in average weather patterns, driven primarily, over the past 100 years, by anthropogenic activities. Various climatic variables are associated with an increased frequency of seizures in people with epilepsy. Risks are likely to be modified by many factors, ranging from individual genetic variation and temperature-dependent channel function, to housing quality and global supply chains. Different types of epilepsy appear to have different susceptibility to seasonal influences. Increased body temperature, whether in the context of fever or not, plays a critical role in the seizure threshold. The links between climate change and epilepsy are likely to be multifactorial, complex, and often indirect, making predictions difficult. We currently need more data on the possible risks of disease; among them epilepsy. We present 2 clinical cases that refer to changes in the frequency of their seizures in relation to the high temperatures recorded.

Humans , Child , Climate Change , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Central Nervous System Depressants/therapeutic use , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Levetiracetam/therapeutic use , Melatonin/therapeutic use , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971069


OBJECTIVES@#To study the effect of early use of sodium valproate on neuroinflammation after traumatic brain injury (TBI).@*METHODS@#A total of 45 children who visited in Xuzhou Children's Hospital Affiliated to Xuzhou Medical University from August 2021 to August 2022 were enrolled in this prospective study, among whom 15 healthy children served as the healthy control group, and 30 children with TBI were divided into a sodium valproate treatment group and a conventional treatment group using a random number table (n=15 each). The children in the sodium valproate treatment group were given sodium valproate in addition to conventional treatment, and those in the conventional group were given an equal volume of 5% glucose solution in addition to conventional treatment. The serum concentrations of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor protein 3(NLRP3), high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) were measured in the healthy control group on the day of physical examination and in the children with TBI on days 1, 3, and 5 after admission. Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOS-E) score was evaluated for the children with TBI 2 months after discharge.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the healthy control group, the children with TBI had significantly higher serum concentrations of NLRP3, HMGB1, TNF-α, and IL-1β on day 1 after admission (P<0.017). The concentration of NLRP3 on day 5 after admission was significantly higher than that on days 1 and 3 after admission in the children with TBI (P<0.017). On days 3 and 5 after admission, the sodium valproate treatment group had a significantly lower concentration of NLRP3 than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05). For the conventional treatment group, there was no significant difference in the concentration of HMGB1 on days 1, 3, and 5 after admission (P>0.017), while for the sodium valproate treatment group, the concentration of HMGB1 on day 5 after admission was significantly lower than that on days 1 and 3 after admission (P<0.017). On day 5 after admission, the sodium valproate treatment group had a significantly lower concentration of HMGB1 than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05). For the children with TBI, the concentration of TNF-α on day 1 after admission was significantly lower than that on days 3 and 5 after admission (P<0.017). On days 3 and 5 after admission, the sodium valproate treatment group had a significantly lower concentration of TNF-α than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05). The concentration of IL-1β on day 3 after admission was significantly lower than that on days 1 and 5 after admission (P<0.017) in the children with TBI. On days 3 and 5 after admission, the sodium valproate treatment group had a significantly lower concentration of IL-1β than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05). The GOS-E score was significantly higher in the sodium valproate treatment group than that in the conventional treatment group 2 months after discharge (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Early use of sodium valproate can reduce the release of neuroinflammatory factors and improve the prognosis of children with TBI.

Child , Humans , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , HMGB1 Protein , Pilot Projects , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Neuroinflammatory Diseases , NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein , Prospective Studies , Brain Injuries, Traumatic/pathology
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 54(9): e11097, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278588


Pediatric epilepsy comprises chronic neurological disorders characterized by recurrent seizures. Sodium valproate is one of the common antiseizure medications used for treatment. Glucuronide conjugation is the major metabolic pathway of sodium valproate, carried out by the enzyme uridine 5′-diphosphate (UDP) glucuronosyl transferase (UGT) whose gene polymorphisms may alter the clinical outcome. The objective of this study was to assess the association between UGT1A6 genetic polymorphism and clinical outcome in terms of efficacy and tolerability in pediatric epileptic patients on sodium valproate monotherapy. Pediatric epileptic patients (n=65) aged 2-18 years receiving sodium valproate monotherapy for the past one month were included. Genetic polymorphism patterns of UGT1A6 (T19G, A541G, A552C) were evaluated by PCR-RFLP. Clinical outcome was seizure control during the 6 months observation period. Tolerability was measured by estimating the hepatic, renal, and other lab parameters. Out of 65 patients, TT (40%), TG (57%), and GG (3%) patterns were observed in UGT1A6 (T19G) gene, AA (51%), AG (40%), and GG (9%) in (A541G) gene, and AA (43%), AC (43%), and CC (14%) in (A552C) gene. No statistical difference in clinical outcome was found for different UGT1A6 genetic polymorphism patterns. We concluded that different patterns of UGT1A6 genetic polymorphism were not associated with the clinical outcome of sodium valproate in terms of efficacy and tolerability. Sodium valproate was well-tolerated among pediatric patients with epilepsy and can be used as an effective antiseizure medication.

Humans , Child , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Epilepsy/genetics , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Seizures/genetics , Seizures/drug therapy , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use
Prensa méd. argent ; 106(10): 588-591, 20200000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1362543


La encefalopatía es un cuadro clínico característico de múltiples procesos neurológicos y sistémicos que no hay que confundir con la encefalitis, que es una inflamación cerebral, normalmente causadas por infecciones virales. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 58 años con enfermedad renal crónica en diálisis peritoneal, que ingresa por sepsis de origen peritoneal con clínica de encefalopatía y crisis epilépticas parciales. La paciente presenta lesiones de herpes zóster en zona lumbar y se practica punción lumbar, con resultado del líquido cefalorraquídeo positivo para virus varicela-zóster, por lo que completa tratamiento con aciclovir. En la resonancia magnética no presenta ninguna alteración, y una segunda punción lumbar tras mejoría de las lesiones cutáneas es negativa. El curso de la paciente es fluctuante durante el ingreso, con mejoría significativa tras antibióticos, hemodiálisis y tratamiento antiepiléptico, y no respondiendo al aciclovir. La etiología sospechada es la debida al contexto infeccioso y metabólico de la paciente. Probablemente el resultado del líquido fue contaminado por la proximidad de las lesiones herpéticas, ya que además no es frecuente encontrar encefalitis infecciosas agudas sin alteraciones en las pruebas de imagen. La mejoría final fue debida tanto a la medicación antiepiléptica como al inicio de hemodiálisis

Encefalopathy is a clinical syndrome ocurring in multiple neurologic and systemic diseases which must not be mistaken with encephalitis, that is a cerebral inflammatory process, often caused by viral infections. We present the case of a 58-year-old woman with chronic renal failure receiving peritoneal dyalisis, who was admitted into hospital for sepsis secondary to infectious peritonitis, with encefalopathy and epileptic partial seizures. The patient presented lumbar herpetic cutaneous lesions and a lumbar punction is practiced, with a positive result in the cerebrospinal fluid for varicella-zoster virus. Treatment with aciclovir was completed. Her cerebral magnetic resonance was absolutely normal, and a second lumbar puncture when herpetic lesions got better was negative. The course is fluctuating during the stay, and a significant clinical improvement occurs after antibiotics, hemodyalisis and antiepileptic treatment. The patient did not respond to aciclovir. The suspected ethiology is the infectious and metabolic context. Positivity for the virus is thought to be a contamination from the nearby herpetic lesions. Also, it is rare for an infectious acute encephalitis to present with normal radiologic imaging. The final clinical improvement was probably due to hemodyalisis initiation and the antiepileptic treatment.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Brain Diseases, Metabolic/diagnosis , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Renal Dialysis , Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster/diagnosis , Encephalitis/diagnosis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 46(5): 125-131, Sept.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054907


Abstract Background Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been recently used to investigate neuropsychiatric disorders. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) and the ganglion cell layer (GCL) volume in patients with type 1 bipolar disorder (BPD1, diagnosed according to DSM 5) to the values in healthy controls. Methods Eighty consecutive outpatients with a diagnosis of euthymic BPD1 and 80 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Following assessment with the Sociodemographic Data Form, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I), Hamilton Depression Scale and Young Mania Evaluation Scale, both groups underwent Optical coherence tomography (OCT). Results The mean RNFL thickness and mean GCL volume were significantly lower in the BPD1 group than in the controls (p < 0.05). The GCL global value had a significant and independent effect in distinguishing the BPD1 patients from the controls. A cut-off value of 101 mm3 for global GCL volume was proposed to distinguish BPD1 patients from controls with a sensitivity of 87.5%. Discussion Lower values of GCL volume and RNFLT in patients suffering from BPD1 suggest that neurodegeneration may occur during the course of BPD and that this degeneration can be characterized in particular by a thinning of the GCL volume.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Retinal Ganglion Cells/pathology , Bipolar Disorder/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Nerve Fibers/pathology , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Valproic Acid/pharmacology , Lithium Compounds/therapeutic use , Lithium Compounds/pharmacology , Antimanic Agents/therapeutic use , Antimanic Agents/pharmacology , Neurodegenerative Diseases/prevention & control , Neurodegenerative Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Interview, Psychological
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 79(supl.3): 6-9, set. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040541


El objetivo fue describir la frecuencia, modo de presentación y características de la epilepsia en niños con hemiparesia congénita (HC). Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y multicéntrico, basado en la recolección de datos de las historias clínicas de pacientes de 0 a 19 años con HC secundaria a infarto perinatal en diferentes centros de la comunidad de Cataluña. Se incluyeron 310 niños (55% varones y 45% mujeres) de un total de 13 centros de Cataluña. Edad media del debut de las crisis fue de 2 ± 1 año. Presentaron epilepsia el 29.5% (n = 76), el subtipo vascular más frecuente fue el infarto presumiblemente perinatal (51.3%), seguido del accidente isquémico arterial neonatal (18.4%), infarto hemorrágico venoso periventricular (15.8%), infarto hemorrágico neonatal (10.5%) y trombosis venosa neonatal (3.9%). La semiología de las crisis más frecuente fue la focal motora en un 82%, seguida de las focales motoras con bilateralización secundaria en el 23%, focales discognitivas en 13.5%, generalizadas 2% y espasmos 6.5%. El 67.3% se controló con monoterapia y los fármacos empleados fueron el valproato, levetiracetam o carbamacepina. Se identificó el antecedente de estatus eléctrico durante el sueño en 3 pacientes, todos asociados a lesiones extensas que incluían al tálamo. Del total con epilepsia, el 35% debutaron con convulsiones neonatales en los primeros 3 días de vida. El 30% con accidente cerebrovascular perinatal y HC presentan riesgo de padecer epilepsia durante la infancia. Aquellos con infartos isquémicos tienen el riesgo más alto, por lo que requerirán un seguimiento dirigido a detectar precozmente la epilepsia e iniciar tratamiento.

The objective was to describe the frequency, mode of presentation and characteristics of epilepsy in children with congenital hemiparesis (CH). It is a etrospective, descriptive and multicenter study, based on the collection of data from the clinical records of patients from 0 to 19 years with CH secondary to perinatal infarction in different centers of the community of Catalonia. A total of 310 children were included (55% males and 45% females), from a total of 13 centers in Catalonia. Average age of onset of the crises was 2 ± 1 year. Epilepsy was present in 29.5% (n = 76), among which the most frequent vascular subtype was arterial presumed perinatal ischemic stroke (51.3%), followed by neonatal arterial ischemic stroke (18.4%), periventricular venous infarction (15.8%), neonatal hemorrhagic stroke (10.5%) and neonatal cerebral sinovenous thrombosis (3.9%). Semiology of the most frequent seizures was motor focal in 82%, followed by focal motor with secondary bilateralization in 23%, focal discognitive in 13.5%, generalized by 2% and spasms in 6.5%. The 67.3% were controlled with monotherapy and the drugs used were valproate, levetiracetam or carbamazepine. The antecedent of electrical status during sleep was identified in 3 patients, all associated with extensive lesions that included the thalamus. Of the total number of children with epilepsy, 35% began with neonatal seizu res in the first 3 days of life. The 30% of children with perinatal stroke and CH present a risk of epilepsy during childhood. Children with ischemic strock have the highest risk, so they will require a follow-up aimed at detecting prematurely the epilepsy and start a treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Paresis/congenital , Paresis/etiology , Stroke/complications , Epilepsy/etiology , Seizures/etiology , Spain , Carbamazepine/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Levetiracetam/therapeutic use , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use
Rev. pediatr. electrón ; 15(1): 4-11, abr. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-988302


Introducción. Las crisis convulsivas son la urgencia neurológica más frecuente en pediatría, llegando a ser una urgencia vital, sobre todo cuando se presentan status convulsivos que ameritan vigilancia en unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos (UCIP). Materiales y métodos. La población de estudio fue un total de 60 pacientes menores de 18 años hospitalizados en UCIP en un hospital ubicado en Cartagena-Colombia. La data resultante se le calculó estadísticos univariados de tendencia central y proporciones, como tablas de frecuencia univariada y bivariadas. Resultados. Se obtuvo una población de 60 pacientes en edad pediátrica, con edad promedio de 3.85 años, teniendo antecedente de epilepsia el 64.81% y el 23,33% parálisis cerebral, la comorbilidad con mayor frecuencia fue la infección meníngea con un 25.71%. Los pacientes con antecedentes de epilepsia el medicamento más utilizado ambulatoriamente fue el ácido valproico con 48.33%, seguidamente de levetiracetam 26.67% y carbamazepina 13.33%. Dentro de la población estudiada el 83.33% presento status convulsivos, siendo la crisis tónico clónica generalizada el tipo de crisis más frecuentemente descrita con un porcentaje del 88%, los medicamentos anticonvulsivantes más utilizados para yugular crisis, se encontró el midazolam con un 98.33%. El 95% salió vivo de la institución y un 5% falleció. Conclusiones. Las principales causas de status epiléptico se encuentran la lesión cerebral aguda, convulsiones febriles atípicas, epilepsia y enfermedades degenerativas, lo que concuerda con lo descrito en la literatura, los medicamentos anticonvulsivantes más utilizados en UCIP son el midazolam en primera estancia y el ácido valproico en segunda estancia.

Introduction. Seizures are the most frequent neurological urgency in pediatrics, becoming a vital urgency, especially when there are convulsive states that merit surveillance in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Materials and methods. The study population was a total of 60 patients under the age of 18 hospitalized in PICU in a hospital located in Cartagena-Colombia. The resulting data were calculated univariate statistics of central tendency and proportions, such as univariate and bivariate frequency tables. Results. A population of 60 pediatric patients with a mean age of 3.85 years was obtained, having a history of epilepsy in 64.81% and 23.33% in cerebral palsy. The most common comorbidity was meningeal infection with 25.71%. Patients with a history of epilepsy, the most widely used outpatient medication was valproic acid with 48.33%, followed by levetiracetam 26.67% and carbamazepine 13.33%. Within the study population, 83.33% presented convulsive status, with the generalized clonic tonic crisis being the most frequently described type of crisis with a percentage of 88%, the most used anticonvulsant drugs for jugular crisis, midazolam was found with 98.33%. 95% left the institution alive and 5% died. Conclusions. The main causes of epileptic status are acute brain injury, atypical febrile seizures, epilepsy and degenerative diseases, which is consistent with what has been described in the literature, the most used anticonvulsant medications in PICU are midazolam in the first stay and valproic acid In second stay.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Seizures/epidemiology , Status Epilepticus/epidemiology , Seizures/etiology , Seizures/drug therapy , Status Epilepticus/drug therapy , Benzodiazepines/therapeutic use , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Colombia , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use
Med. infant ; 24(3): 262-267, Sept.2017. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-877983


Introducción: Las convulsiones febriles son el trastorno convulsivo más común en niños menores de 5 años. Después de una primera convulsión febril, alrededor del 33% de los niños experimentan una o más recurrencias, y alrededor del 9% tienen 3 o más. Debido a que los riesgos asociados con las convulsiones febriles simples son poco frecuentes, excepto la recurrencia, y porque el número de niños que tienen convulsiones febriles en los primeros años de vida es muy alto, una terapia propuesta tendría que ser extremadamente baja en riesgos, efectos adversos, de bajo costo y altamente efectiva. Objetivo primario: Identificar y analizar la bibliografía relevante y disponible a la actualidad para evaluar si existe evidencia científica que indique que el uso de ácido valproico es superior a otros anticonvulsivantes para prevenir recurrencias de episodios de convulsiones febriles en niños entre 6 y 60 meses. Objetivo secundario: evaluar la seguridad de la administración de las distintas medicaciones evaluadas, así como también los efectos adversos presentados. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando bases de datos de Medline, LILACS, Cochrane y Google académico. Se analizaron mediante las guías de J.A.M.A. los ECAs y metaanálisis que evalúen la eficacia del uso del ácido valproico vs otros anticonvulsivantes o el no tratamiento hasta diciembre 2012 en idiomas inglés español. Se incluyeron pacientes de 0 a 60 meses con un primer episodio de convulsión febril simple. Resultados: De 40 artículos encontrados, 20 se descartaron por no responder a la pregunta, 6 por ser estudios de baja calidad metodológica, 7 fueron descartados por inaccesibilidad al texto original completo, 1 se descartó por no ser la población humana. Por lo que solo quedaron 4 ECAs y 3 metaanálisis que compararon la eficacia del uso de ácido valproico vs. otros anticonvulsivantes o no tratamiento. Los resultados arrojaron iscrepancias; en algunos estudios el ácido valproico disminuyó el índice de recurrencia de convulsiones febriles comparado con el no tratamiento, no se encontró mayor eficacia frente a otras drogas anticonvulsivantes, como diazepam o fenobarbital, mientras que en otros no se encontró beneficio alguno. Conclusión: Si bien en algunos estudios el ácido valproico disminuyó el índice de recurrencias, se observó en otros que las recurrencias fueron mayores. Al comparar la eficacia contra la de otras drogas anticonvulsivantes las diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas. Por lo tanto, no existe evidencia suficiente que permita recomendar o no recomendar el uso de ácido valproico para la prevención de las recurrencias de convulsiones febriles en niños con factores de riesgo para el desarrollo posterior de epilepsia

Introduction: Febrile seizures are the most common type of seizures in children younger than 5 years. After the first febrile seizure, around 33% of children have one or more recurrences, and around 9% have three or more. Ask the risks associated with febrile seizures are not common, except recurrences, and because the number of children that have febrile seizures in the first years of life is high, a treatment protocol should have extremely low risks, have very few adverse effects, and should be low cost and highly effective. Main aim: To identify and analyze the relevant currently available literature to evaluate if there is scientific evidence that shows that the use of valproic acid is superior to other antiepileptic drugs to prevent recurrence of febrile seizures in children between 6 and 60 months of age. Secondary aim: To assess the safety of different medications used as well as the adverse effects observed. Material and methods: A systematic review of the literature using the data bases of LILACS, Cochrane, and Google scholar. The analysis was conducted using guidelines of the J.A.M.A., RCTs, and meta-analyses evaluating the efficacy of valproic acid vs other antiepileptic drugs or no treatment up to December 2012 in English and Spanish. Patients 0 to 60 months with a first simple febrile seizure were included. Results: Of 40 articles identified, 20 were excluded as they did not answer the question, 6 because of inadequate methodology, 7 because the complete original text could not be accessed, and 1 because of a non-human study population. Therefore, only 4 RCTs and 3 meta-analysis that compared the efficacy of valproic acid vs other antiepileptic drugs or no treatment were included. The results showed discrepancies: In some studies valproic acid diminished recurrences of febrile seizures compared to no treatment, no improved efficacy compared to other antiepileptic drugs, such as diazepam or phenobarbital was found, while in other studies no benefit whatsoever was found. Conclusion: Although in some studies valproic acid decreased the recurrence rate, others found that recurrences increased. When comparing efficacy with other antiepileptic drugs, the differences were not statistically significant. Therefore, there is not enough evidence that justifies recommending or not recommending valproic acid to prevent recurrence of febrile seizures in children with risk factors to subsequently develop epilepsy.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use , Seizures, Febrile/drug therapy , Seizures, Febrile/prevention & control , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Anticonvulsants/adverse effects , Recurrence
Brasília; CONITEC; jul. 2017. graf, ilus, tab.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, BRISA | ID: biblio-908677


CONTEXTO: A epilepsia é uma doença cerebral crônica caracterizada pela recorrência de crises epilépticas não provocadas. Conforme Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas (PCDT) vigente do Ministério da Saúde (MS), o tratamento disponível no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) inclui os agentes antiepilépticos fenobarbital, fenitoína, primidona, topiramato, lamotrigina, carbamazepina e valproato de sódio. As epilepsias idiopáticas generalizadas são classificadas como síndromes epilépticas. A EMJ é a mais comum dentre as síndromes da adolescência e uma das mais frequentemente diagnosticadas. A maioria dos pacientes com EMJ apresentam bom controle do quadro clínico com a utilização do valproato de sódio em monoterapia, mas na falha ou impossibilidade de seu uso, fármacos como a lamotrigina e o levetiracetam podem ser utilizados. TECNOLOGIA: levetiracetam (Keppra®). INDICAÇÃO: Terapia adjuvante, ou seja em associação com o valproato de sódio, em pacientes com epilepsia mioclônica juvenil (EMJ) resistentes à monoterapia. PERGUNTA: O uso do levetiracetam em regime de terapia adjuvante, é eficaz, seguro e custoefetivo em relação à continuação da monoterapia em pacientes com epilepsia mioclônica juvenil, resistentes a outros agentess antiepilépticos na perspectiva do SUS? EVIDÊNCIAS CIENTÍFICAS: A evidência da utilização do levetiracetam associado à tratamento prévio com um agente antiepiléptico para o tratamento da EMJ é baseada em um ensaio clínico duplo-cego que apresentou redução significante de 50% no número de dias por semana com crises convulsivas s (OR = 4,77; IC 95% 2,12 ­ 10,77; p<0,0001 e um maior número de pacientes, que receberam levetiracetam, apresentaram ausência total de crises durante o tratamento (16,7% dos pacientes, p = 0,03, vs 3,3 % do grupo que recebeu placebo). AVALIAÇÃO ECONÔMICA: Foi apresentado um modelo de custo-efetividade comparando a monoterapia com ácido valpróico ao tratamento adjuvante do levetiracetam (associado) ao ácido valpróico. Foi elaborado um modelo baseado primeiramente em uma árvore de decisão, seguido por um modelo de Markov. No caso-base a razão de custo-utilidade incremental (RCUI) foi de R$ 58.294 por ano de vida ajustada pela qualidade, que na análise de sensibilidade univariada variou entre R$ 22.119 e R$ 80.359. Avaliação de Impacto Orçamentário: Conforme as estimativas feitas pelo demandante o impacto orçamentário será de aproximadamente R$ 1,58 milhão no primeiro ano e de R$ 43,6 milhões nos primeiros 5 anos após a incorporação. Na análise de sensibilidade realizada o impacto orçamentário para os próximos 5 anos variou entre R$ 14,5 e R$ 87,3 milhões. EXPERIÊNCIA INTERNACIONAL: o levetiracetam é utilizado em terapia adjuvante para o tratamento de crises mioclônicas em agências como o National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) e Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), de acordo com condições estabelecidas Discussão: A evidência do tratamento com levetiracetam em pacientes resistentes à monoterapia padrão, associado ao medicamento já utilizado, ocasionou em redução significante de pelo menos 50% no número de dias por semana com crises convulsivas e um maior número de pacientes apresentaram ausência total de crises convulsivas durante seu período de seguimento. Porém trata-se de evidência indireta e de baixa qualidade. Os estudos para essa indicação da tecnologia são escassos e há baixa probabilidade de novos estudos serem realizados. A avaliação econômica foi custo-efetiva na adição do levetiracetam ao medicamento previamente utilizado em monoterapia, em pacientes resistentes, com um impacto orçamentário de até R$ 87,3 milhões em 5 anos, de acordo com a análise de sensibilidade. A secretaria executiva da CONITEC estimou o número de pacientes, que considera mais adequada para o cálculo, que foi 7,8% maior que a população considerada na análise do demandante, o que levaria a um impacto orçamentário ainda maior. RECOMENDAÇÃO DA CONITEC: A CONITEC em sua 54ª reunião no dia 06 de abril de 2017, recomendou preliminarmente a incorporação no SUS do levetiracetam como terapia adjuvante em pacientes com epilepsia mioclônica juvenil resistentes à monoterapia, condicionada à redução de preço e consonância com a atualização do PCDT de Epilepsia. Consulta pública: Foi realizada a Consulta Pública nº 22/2017, entre os dias 25/04/2017 e 16/05/2017 e recebeu 105 contribuições, sendo 88 sobre experiência ou opinião e 17 técnicocientíficas. Todas as contribuições foram avaliadas quantitativamente e qualitativamente. Seu conteúdo não trouxe novas evidências e informações que pudessem modificar a recomendação inicial da CONITEC. DELIBERAÇÃO FINAL: Os membros da CONITEC presentes na 56ª reunião ordinária do plenário do dia 07/06/2017 deliberaram, por unanimidade, por recomendar a incorporação do levetiracetam para pacientes com epilepsia mioclônica juvenil (EMJ) resistentes à monoterapia, associando-o ao medicamento já utilizado, condicionado à negociação de preço e conforme Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas do Ministério da Saúde. Foi assinado o Registro de Deliberação nº 264/2017.(AU)

Humans , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use , Epilepsies, Myoclonic/drug therapy , Nootropic Agents/therapeutic use , Piracetam/analogs & derivatives , Brazil , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Health Evaluation/economics , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Unified Health System , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 37(supl.1): 43-50, abr. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-888509


Resumen Introducción. El litio es el medicamento de elección para el tratamiento del trastorno afectivo bipolar. Objetivo. Determinar el perfil de uso y las reacciones secundarias del litio en pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio observacional de cohorte retrospectiva entre el 1° de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2013, en pacientes con diagnóstico de trastorno afectivo bipolar tratados con carbonato de litio en 25 ciudades colombianas. Se evaluaron las variables sociodemográficas, las dosis del litio, la medicación simultánea con otros fármacos, las interacciones medicamentosas y las reacciones adversas. Se hizo un análisis multivariado utilizando el programa SPSS 22.0®. Resultados. La edad promedio de los 331 pacientes fue de 44,5 ± 13,9 años, 59,2 % de ellos eran mujeres, la dosis promedio de litio fue de 898 ± 294 mg/día, y 22 % recibía dosis inferiores a las recomendadas; los participantes habían recibido el medicamento durante 38,0 ± 39,5 meses en promedio (rango: 12-159 meses), y solo a 13,5 % de ellos se les había hecho el análisis de litio en sangre. El 71,3 % recibía otros medicamentos como tratamiento coadyuvante para el trastorno afectivo bipolar, especialmente clozapina (16,6 %) y ácido valproico (16,6 %). Las principales enfermedades concomitantes fueron el hipotiroidismo (18,1 %) y la hipertensión arterial (12,7 %). Se encontraron 390 interacciones medicamentosas potencialmente tóxicas y se reportaron reacciones secundarias en 1,2 % de los casos. Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa con un menor riesgo de recibir tratamiento combinado en pacientes tratados en las ciudades de Bogotá (odds ratio, OR=0,4; p=0,025), Cartagena (OR=0,3; p=0,015) e Ibagué (OR=0,3; p=0,025). Conclusiones. El litio se administraba en las dosis e intervalos recomendados, pero un porcentaje significativo recibía dosis inferiores a las recomendadas y no fue posible contrastar el efecto con los niveles de litio en suero. Se debe mejorar el reporte de reacciones adversas y la medición de los niveles de litio en suero en los pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar en Colombia.

Abstract Introduction: Lithium is the drug of choice for the treatment of bipolar affective disorder. Objective: To define lithium therapeutic profile and adverse reactions to its use in patients with bipolar affective disorder in Colombia. Materials and methods: We conducted an observational retrospective cohort study between January 1 and December 31, 2013, which included patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder treated with lithium carbonate in 25 Colombian cities; we evaluated socio-demographic variables, lithium dose, co-medication, drug interactions and adverse reactions. A multivariate analysis was done using SPSS 22.0. Results: The 331 patients had an average age of 44.5 ± 13.9 years; 59.2% were women. The mean dose of lithium was 898 ± 294 mg/day; 22% received doses lower than recommended, and patients had received lithium for 38.0 ± 39.5 months (range: 12-159 months). Lithium levels in blood had been measured only in 13.5% of patients; 71.3% of them had received adjuvant therapy for bipolar disorder with other drugs, especially clozapine (16.6%) and valproic acid (16.6%). The main comorbidities were hypothyroidism (18.1%) and hypertension (12.7%); 390 potentially toxic drug interactions were found, and adverse reactions were reported in 1.2% of patients. A statistically significant association was found between a lower risk of combination therapy and receiving treatment in the cities of Bogotá (OR=0.4, p=0.025), Cartagena (OR=0.3, p=0.015) and Ibagué (OR=0.3, p=0.025). Conclusion: Lithium was generally used at recommended doses and intervals, but a significant percentage of patients received lower doses than those recommended, and it was not possible to compare with lithium levels in blood. Adverse reactions and blood lithium levels reporting should be improved in patients with bipolar disorder in Colombia.

Humans , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Lithium Carbonate , Hypothyroidism/complications , Bipolar Disorder/diagnosis , Retrospective Studies , Valproic Acid/chemistry , Lithium Carbonate/therapeutic use , Colombia
Invest. clín ; 56(4): 377-388, dic. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-829032


El ácido valproico, que además de ser un conocido antiepiléptico, una serie de trabajos en los últimos años lo proponen como un agente neuroprotector. En éste trabajo se investigó primeramente, si el ácido valproico protege a las neuronas del daño producido por el estrés oxidativo inducido por la isquemia-reperfusión en el cerebro de ratas sanas sometidas a la oclusión transitoria de la arteria cerebral media derecha; en segundo lugar, se indagó si este fármaco induce cambios en la expresión de Bcl-2 y caspasa 3-activada como un posible mecanismo de acción sobre la muerte celular del tipo apoptótico. La evaluación neurológica de los animales que fueron sometidos a isquemia/reperfusión y recibieron ácido valproico fue mejor que los que no lo recibieron. Por otro lado, los niveles de malondialdehído en el hemisferio cerebral derecho en las ratas tratadas con ácido valproico fueron inferiores a los del mismo hemisferio del grupo control, mientras la cantidad de proteínas carboniladas se redujeron un 67% en comparación al grupo control. Además, se encontró por western blot, que en homogeneizados de tejido cerebral de los animales sometidos a isquemia/reperfusión y que recibieron ácido valproico, hubo un aumento significativo de la densidad de las bandas correspondientes a Bcl-2 y una disminución de caspasa 3-activada en comparación a los que no fueron tratados con este fármaco. Se concluye que el tratamiento con ácido valproico previno el déficit neurológico en ratas sanas sometidas a isquemia-reperfusión, bloqueando el efecto de los radicales libres sobre lípidos y proteínas de la corteza cerebral afectada y se sugiere que posiblemente este fármaco interviene en la muerte por apoptosis inducida durante este tipo de lesión, pudiendo ser una alternativa terapéutica en el tratamiento de la isquemia cerebral.

Valproic acid, apart from being known as an anti-epileptic drug, has been proposed in the past few years, as a neuroprotective agent. The purpose of this study was to investigate firstly, if valproic acid protects the neurons from the damage produced by oxidative stress induced by ischemia-reperfusion in the brain of healthy rats, under the transitory occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery. Secondly it was studied if this antiepileptic drug induces changes on the expression of Bcl-2 and activated caspase-3 as a possible mechanism of action on apoptosis. The neurological evaluation of the animals that were subject to ischemia-reperfusion and received valproic acid was better than the ones who didn’t receive it. On another subject, the levels of malondialdehyde on the right cerebral hemisphere in the rats treated with valproic acid were below the levels of the control group in the same hemisphere, whereas the amount of carbonylated proteins was reduced by 67% compared to the control group. Besides, it was found by western blot, that in homogenized brain tissue of the animals under ischemia-reperfusion which received valproic acid, there was a rise on the density of the bands corresponding to Bcl-2, and a reduction of activated 3-capase in comparison to the ones who were not treated with the antiepileptic drug. It’s concluded that the treatment with valproic acid prevented the neurological deficit in healthy rats under Ischemia-reperfusion, blocking the effect of free radicals on lipids and proteins of the affected brain cortex, and it is suggested that the same drug intervenes on apoptosis induced during this type of damage, being able to be a therapeutic alternative in the treatment of cerebral ischemia.

Animals , Rats , Reperfusion Injury/prevention & control , Brain Ischemia/prevention & control , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Neuroprotective Agents/therapeutic use , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2/biosynthesis , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2/drug effects , Caspase 3/drug effects , Caspase 3/physiology , Rats, Sprague-Dawley
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 73(4): 293-297, 04/2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-745761


Objective : Convulsive status epilepticus (CSE) is very rarely observed after ischaemic stroke. Sodium valproate (SV) is one of the agents used in the treatment of CSE, but its role still controversial, and its degree of efficacy in treating CSE that develops following stroke is unclear. Method : We evaluated 19 patients who were treated with intravenous (IV) SV (20 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg/h-12h) after diazepam. Patients’ modified Rankin scores (mRS), SE types, and changes in biochemical parameters after treatment were assessed. Results : CSE was successfully treated in 12 (63.15%) patients. Side effects such as hypotension and allergic reactions were observed in two patients. Refractory SE development was observed in 5 (29.4%) patients with high mRS (˃ 3). No significant deterioration in patients’ laboratory evaluations, conducted before and after status, was observed. Conclusion : SV may be safe and effective in the treatment of CSE observed after ischaemic stroke, especially in patients with low mRS. .

Objetivo : Status epilepticus convulsivo (SEC) é muito raramente observado após acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. Valproato de sódio (VS) é um dos agentes utilizados no tratamento do SEC, mas seu papel ainda é controverso e seu grau de eficácia não é claro no SEC pós acidente vascular. Método Avaliamos 19 pacientes que foram tratados com AV endovenoso (EV) (20 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg/h-12h) após diazepam. Valores da escala modificada de Rankin (mRS) dos pacientes, tipos de SE e mudanças nos parâmetros bioquímicos foram avaliados. Resultados SEC foi tratado com sucesso em 12 pacientes (63,15%). Efeitos colaterais como hipotensão e reações alérgicas foram observados em dois pacientes. Desenvolvimento de SE refratário foi observado em cinco pacientes (29,4%) com altos valores de mRS (˃ 3). Não houve deterioração significativa nas avaliações laboratoriais dos pacientes feitas antes ou depois do status. Conclusão AV pode ser eficaz no tratamento do SEC observado após acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico, especialmente nos pacientes com baixo mRS. .

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use , Seizures/drug therapy , Status Epilepticus/drug therapy , Stroke/complications , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Administration, Intravenous , Age Factors , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sex Factors , Seizures/etiology , Status Epilepticus/etiology , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome
Acta toxicol. argent ; 22(2): 90-94, set. 2014. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-734266


El ácido valproico es utilizado en el manejo de las crisis de ausencias simples y complejas, mioclonías y convulsiones tónico-clónicas generalizadas. Es efectivo en las crisis parciales, como profilaxis de segunda línea para la migraña y en el trastorno bipolar. Debido a su amplio uso han aumentado los casos de intoxicación en los últimos años. Los objetivos de este trabajo son describir las manifestaciones clínicas y evolución de una intoxicación severa por ácido valproico, secundaria a ingesta intencional; destacar la importancia del metabolismo de la droga para el manejo clínico de la intoxicación, la necesidad de un laboratorio capaz de proporcionar una rápida cuantificación de la misma y analizar las opciones terapéuticas actuales.

Valproic acid is used in crisis management both simple and complex absence, myoclonus and tonic-clonic seizures. It is effective in partial seizures, as second line prophylaxis for migraine and bipolar disorder. Its widespread use has increased cases of poisoning in recent years. The aim of this review is to describe the clinical manifestations and evolution of a severe valproic acid intoxication secondary to intentional consumption as well as emphasize the importance of drug metabolism for clinical management of poisoning, the need for a laboratory provide rapid quantification of this drug and discuss current treatment options.

Humans , Female , Adult , Valproic Acid/adverse effects , Valproic Acid/metabolism , Valproic Acid/toxicity , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use
Psicofarmacologia (B. Aires) ; 12(76): 17-44, oct 2012. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-665132


Introducción: Las anomalías del ritmo circadiano en el transcurso del TB ha motivado la búsqueda de anomalías en los genes CLOCK asociados a la génesis de ritmos circadianos que podrían estar involucrados en este aspecto de la compleja patología del TB. A pesar de ingentes búsquedas, no se han registrado hallazgos significativos en estudios de asociación amplia de genoma (GWAS/genome-wide association studies). Hay por lo menos 3 razones para explicar estos resultados negativos. En primer lugar el hecho de que los rasgos genéticos de patologías complejas, como es el caso del TB, son habitualmente poligénicos. En segundo término, la organización del reloj/es circadiano/s es bastante más compleja de lo que habitualmente se está dispuesto a admitir; y en tercer lugar, el riesgo genético para TB podría ser compartido entre varias patologías diferentes. Objetivos. Investigar la posibilidad de una asociación entre anomalías en las agrupaciones genéticas responsables de la generación de ritmos circadianos y TB, para lo cual se analizaron las redes constitutivas de los genes CLOCK en por lo menos tres niveles: 1) los genes CLOCK centrales, 2) los genes moduladores de genes CLOCK centrales y 3) los genes controlados por los genes CLOCK centrales. Método: Mediante el uso de método de asociación amplia de genoma con umbrales permisivos se intentó establecer asociaciones significativas entre genes CLOCK y TB comparados con genes control, ademas de incluir asociaciones significativas entre genes CLOCK y TB comparados con genes control, además de incluir asociaciones con otras enfermedades que comparten rasgos clínicos y/o genéticos con el TB, como la Depresión Mayor (DM), Esquizofrenia (E), Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH). Luego de establecer estas asociaciones se compararon los resultados con un conjunto de genes sensibles al litio (Li) y otro grupo sensible a valproato (VPO). Las asociaciones entre TEB y respuesta al litio y/o valproato ...

Introduction. Circadian rythm abnormalities during bipolar disoder has prompetd the search for alterations in CLOCK genes responible for generating circadian rythms, which could be envolved with this complex issue of biipolar disorder. In spite of urgent search, no sinificative results ave been reached in genome wide association scales studies (GWAS). At least three rehaznos could account for this fact: first, genetic traits of complex pathology are usually poligenic, second circadian clock organization is far more complex than usually admitted, and third bipolar disorder genetic risk could be shared with other different diseases. Goals. Search for the possibiity of an association between genetic assemblies anormalies responsible for circadian clock rhythm generation and bipolar disorder. Whith that objective, CLOCK genes networks were analyzed n at least three levels: 1) central CLOCK genes, 2) central CLOCK genes modulators and 3) central CLOCK controlled genes. Method. Using GWAS with permissive tresholds and control comparison, a significative association between CLOCK genes and bipolar disorder was searched, including involvement with other diseases that share common (ADHD). After establishing these associations, results were compared for Lithium and valproate sensitive genes associations. Associations between bipolar disorder, CLOCK genes, lithium and valproate sensitive genes were enriched through comparisons with rhythmic, weakly rhythmic and arrhythmic genes. Results. Significative enrichments were found between CLOCK central genes, bipolar disorder and lithium and valproate sensitive genes, not incluiding CLOCK genes modulators. Associations between bipolar disorder, lithium and valproate sensitive genes and rhythmic genes also were significative, excluding weakly rhythmic and arrhythmic genes. GWAS analysis with flexible tresholds made possible the regognition of association between central CLOCK genes and bipolar disorder, identifying candidate ..

Humans , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Genomics , Genomics/classification , Lithium/therapeutic use , Bipolar Disorder/genetics , Bipolar Disorder/pathology , Chronobiology Disorders/genetics , Chronobiology Disorders/pathology
Rev. chil. infectol ; 29(3): 353-355, jun. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-645603


The pharmacological interaction between meropenem and valproic acid is potentially serious, especially in critically ill patients, resulting in low plasmatic levels of the anticonvulsant. However, to our knowledge, this interaction between meropenem and reduced valproic acid plasma levels has not been reported in the pediatric chilean population. We present two clinical cases of chilean children, thus reporting that this interaction is present in our population, with an aim at educating physicians about the possibility of such interaction.

La interacción farmacológica entre meropenem y ácido valproico en pacientes críticos es potencialmente grave, reflejándose en una disminución del fármaco anticonvulsivante mayor a 70%. Se desconocen estrategias efectivas que la reviertan. Esta interacción no ha sido descrita en pacientes chilenos pediátricos. A través de la presentación de dos casos clínicos alertamos que la interacción puede suceder en nuestra población y educamos a los pediatras que indican meropenem sobre la posibilidad de este evento.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use , Seizures/drug therapy , Thienamycins/adverse effects , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , beta-Lactamase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Drug Interactions , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Fatal Outcome , Valproic Acid/blood
Acta méd. peru ; 29(1): 14-16, ene.-mar. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-661337


Introducción: La migraña es un síndrome doloroso recurrente crónico acompañado de características neurológicas, objetivos: evaluar la eficacia del valproato de sodio en la profilaxis de la migraña a través de cambios en intensidad, dolor y frecuencia. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, longitudinal,experimental y aleatorio en 30 pacientes que recibieron en la 1ra semana 1 tableta/dia de valproato de sodio 500 mg vía oral y 2 tabletas/dia de 500 mg por 7 semanas más. Resultados: 97% refirió disminución de la intensidad del dolor. 97% estuvieron en la categoría 3 de frecuencia de crisis de migraña al mes 0; durante el 1er mes de tratamiento, se redujo al 0% y se mantuvo durante el 2do mes. Conclusiones: El tratamiento profiláctico de la migraña con valproato de sodio produce una disminución de la frecuencia e intensidad del dolor

Introduction: migraine is a chronic recurrent pain syndrome accompanied by neurological features. Objectives: evaluate the efficacy of sodium valproate in the migraine prophylactic, measuring pain intensity and frequency.Material and Methods: prospective, longitudinal, experiemental and randomized in 30 patients, each patient received in the 1st week 1 table/day of 500 mg for the next 7 weeks. Results: 97% reported decreased pain intensity. 97% were in category 3 of frequency of migraine attacks per month 0. during the 1 st month of treatment, it was reduced to 0% and remained during the 2nd month. Conclusions: prophylactic treatment of migraine with sodiumvalproate causes a decrease in pain intensity and frequency.

Humans , Male , Female , Migraine with Aura/therapy , Preventive Health Services , Migraine Disorders/therapy , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Clinical Trial , Longitudinal Studies , Prospective Studies
Psicofarmacologia (B. Aires) ; 12(72): 9-15, feb. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-648824


Objetivo: Revisión bibliográfica del monitoreo de los fármacos utilizados en el tratamiento de la bipolaridad y las recomendaciones que de allí se derivan para su aplicación en el ámbito de la asistencia clínica de pacientes con patología bipolar. Método: Búsqueda en medline y medscape desde 1998 hasta mayo 2011 de los siguientes términos: monitoreo, valproato, lamotrigina, carbamacepina, gabapentina, topiramato, antiepilépticos, trastornos bipolares, interacciones farmacológicas y eventos adversos. Fueron consultadas las guías de tratamiento (CANMAT: Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments, update 2009), aprobaciones de la FDA (Food and Drug Administation, EEUU) y recomendaciones de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA). Resultados: Los fármacos para los cuales se halló evidencia documentada en bipolaridad, hasta el momento son: valproato, lamotrigina y carbamacepina; no habiendo evidencia que avale el uso de gabapentina o topiramato. Los principales eventos adversos de los antiepilépticos son los del sistema nervioso; requieren evaluación clínica, ya que carecen de un laboratorio específico. Constituye una excepción la hiperamoniemia producida por valproato que puede medirse en el laboratorio y ser causa de encefalopatía o asociarse, con más frecuencia, a trastornos cognitivos. El monitoreo de valproato está recomendado, así como el de amonio. El monitoreo de lamotrigina podría ser útil. La titulación debe ser lenta, para disminuir riesgo de rash potencialmente fatal. Considerar el inicio del tratamiento con monodroga. Se recomienda el monitoreo de carbamacepina y en caso de polifarmacia: el monitoreo del epóxido de carbamacepina. En los tres fármacos considerar interacciones y la posibilidad de toxicidad aún dentro del rango terapéutico

Objective: Literature review of monitoring of AEDs used in the treatment of bipolarity and the recommendations arising from there for use in the field of clinical care of patients with bipolar disease. Method: Search Medscape and medline from 1998 to May 2011 of the following terms: monitoring, valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine, gabapentin, topiramate, antiepileptics, bipolar disorders, drug interactions and adverse events. having consulted in addition to treatment guidelines Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments, update 2009 (CANMAT), approvals of the Food and Drug Administration, USA (FDA) and recommendations of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Results: Drugs with documented evidence for use in bipolar disorder are: valproate, lamotrigine and carbamazepine, there being no evidence to support the use of gabapentin or topiramate. It is important to consider that the main adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) develop in the Nervous System. These symptoms require clinical evaluation, since they lack a specific laboratory, except hyperammonemia: a parameter measurable in the laboratory, produced by valproate that is associated with encephalopathy and cognitive disorders. Valproate monitoring is recommended, as well as ammonium. Monitoring of lamotrigine may be useful. The titration should be slow always, to avoid risk of potentially fatal rash. Consider, where possible, the beginning of treatment with single drug. Carbamazepine monitoring is recommended and in case of polypharmacey: the monitoring of carbamazepine epoxide becomes useful. In all cases should be evaluated possible interactions and their mechanisms to have in mind the possibility of toxicity symptoms even with plasma dosages within the therapeutic range

Humans , Valproic Acid/administration & dosage , Valproic Acid/adverse effects , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Drug Monitoring/adverse effects , Pharmacokinetics , Bipolar Disorder/pathology
Psicofarmacologia (B. Aires) ; 12(72): 19-26, feb. 2012. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-648825


El objetivo de este trabajo se orienta a dar cuenta de los trastornos neurocognitivos debidos al uso del ácido valproico, por su capacidad de inducir hiperamonemias, las que en muy pocos casos pueden implicar cuadros clínicos severos, y en otros, los más comunes, ocasionar síntomas cognitivos leves pero que pueden revestir importancia en la vida cotidiana de un paciente. Resulta necesario diferenciarlos de aquellos síntomas cognitivos que son una consecuencia de la enfermedad bipolar en sí misma, cuando dicho fármaco se lo usa como estabilizador del ánimo

The aim of this paper is oriented to account for neurocognitive disorders due to use of valproic acid, their ability to induce hyperammonemias, which in rare cases can lead to severe clinical symptoms, and in others, the most common, cause mild cognitive symptoms but of potential importance in the daily life of a patient. It is necessary to differentiate them from those cognitive symptoms wich are a consequence of bipolar disorder itself, when the drug is used as a mood stabilizer

Humans , Valproic Acid/adverse effects , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use , Brain Diseases , Quality of Life/psychology , Hyperammonemia/chemically induced , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Bipolar Disorder/pathology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 68(2): 277-281, Apr. 2010. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-545928


Antiepileptic drugs (AED) may cause body weight changes. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the dietary habits and body weight associated with AED in epileptic patients. METHOD: Sixty-six patients were subjected to two interviews, and had their weight and body mass index calculated and compared at both times, interval between six to eight months. RESULTS: It was observed that 59.1 percent showed weight gain. The patients who had no weight gain had a greater proportion of individuals who engaged in some form of physical activity. However, of the 45 patients who maintained their initial dietary and medication pattern, 75.6 percent recorded a weight gain. Weight gain was seen in 66.7 percent of patients on carbamazepine (n=18), 60 percent on valproate (n=5), 50 percent on carbamazepine+clobazam treatment (n=14), and 58.3 percent of patients on other(s) polytherapy (n=12). CONCLUSION: The patient should be alerted to possible weight gain, and should be advised about dieting and participating in regular physical activity.

Drogas antiepilépticas (DAE) podem causar alteração do peso corpóreo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o hábito alimentar e do peso corpóreo associado às DAE em pacientes epilépticos. MÉTODO: Sessenta e seis pacientes foram submetidos a duas entrevistas, e tiveram peso e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) calculados e comparados nos dois momentos, com intervalo de 6 a 8 meses. RESULTADOS: Apresentaram aumento de peso 59,1 por cento dos pacientes. Porém, os pacientes que não tiveram ganho de peso apresentaram maior proporção de indivíduos desenvolvendo alguma atividade física. Enquanto que dentre os 45 que mantiveram o padrão alimentar e medicação inicial 75,6 por cento registraram ganho de peso. Observou-se ganho de peso em 66,7 por cento dos pacientes com carbamazepina (n=18); 60 por cento com valproato (n=5); 50 por cento com carbamazepina e clobazam (n=14); 58,3 por cento dos pacientes com politerapia (n=12). CONCLUSÃO: Deve-se alertar o paciente sobre o ganho de peso, orientar quanto à dieta alimentar e, principalmente, incentivar atividade física regular.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Anticonvulsants/adverse effects , Carbamazepine/adverse effects , Valproic Acid/adverse effects , Weight Gain/drug effects , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use , Body Mass Index , Carbamazepine/therapeutic use , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Valproic Acid/therapeutic use