Background: Methicillin resistance and biofilm-producing Staphylococci are emerging as multidrug-resistant strains narrowing the efficacy of antimicrobial therapy. Although vancomycin is used as the drug of choice to treat such isolates, different studies worldwide have documented the emergence of strains that are intermediately susceptible or resistant to this antibiotic. Objective: The study aimed to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of vancomycin to methicillin-resistant and biofilm-producing staphylococci isolated from different clinical specimens. Methods: 375 staphylococci isolated from different clinical specimens over one year were included in the study. Biofilm formation was determined by the Tissue culture plate method (TCP), and ica genes were identified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Antibiotic susceptibility and methicillin resistance were done following Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of vancomycin in all isolates was determined by the agar dilution method. Results:Among 375 Staphylococci studied, 43% and 57% represented S. aureus and Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CNS), respectively. The rate of Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and Methicillin-Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (MRCNS) were 81.4% and 66.8% respectively and determined by the disc diffusion method. The most potential antibiotics were tetracycline and chloramphenicol showing sensitivity to more than 90% isolates. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) value of oxacillin for staphylococci ranged from 0.125-32 µg/ml. Oxacillin agar diffusion method showed 51.6% and 79.9% isolates as MRSA and MRCNS, respectively, revealing a very high percentage of S. aureus and CNS isolates as methicillin-resistant. All isolates had susceptible vancomycin MICs that ranged from 0.125-2 µg/ml. Two S. aureus isolated from Central Venous Catheter (CVC) and catheter specimens were detected with intermediate susceptibility to vancomycin. Similarly, three CNS isolated from blood, CVC, and wound/pus (w/p) were intermediately susceptible to vancomycin. Strong biofilm formation was observed in 22.1% of clinical isolates, and the ica gene was detected among 22.9% of isolates. Only one S. aureus detected as a biofilm producer by the TCP method was found to have intermediate susceptibility to vancomycin. Conclusions: The increment in vancomycin MIC among methicillin-resistant and biofilm-producing staphylococci is alarming. Strict control measures to prevent methicillin-resistant isolates spread and routine surveillance for vancomycin-resistant isolates must be incorporated in hospitals to prevent antimicrobial treatment failure
Antecedentes: Los estafilococos resistentes a la meticilina y productores de biopelículas están surgiendo como cepas multirresistentes que reducen la eficacia del tratamiento antimicrobiano. Aunque la vancomicina se utiliza como fármaco de elección para tratar dichos aislados, diferentes estudios realizados en todo el mundo han documentado la aparición de cepas intermedias susceptibles o resistentes a este antibiótico. Objetivo: El estudio tenía como objetivo determinar la concentración mínima inhibitoria de la vancomicina para los estafilococos resistentes a la meticilina y productores de biofilm aislados de diferentes muestras clínicas. Métodos: Se incluyeron en el estudio 375 estafilococos aislados de diferentes muestras clínicas durante un año. La formación de biopelículas se determinó mediante el método de la placa de cultivo de tejidos (TCP), y los genes ica se identificaron mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). La susceptibilidad a los antibióticos y la resistencia a la meticilina se realizaron siguiendo las directrices del Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). La concentración inhibitoria mínima (MIC) de vancomicina en todos los aislados se determinó por el método de dilución en agar. Resultados:Entre los 375 estafilococos estudiados, el 43% y el 57% representaban S. aureus y estafilococos coagulasa-negativos (ECN), respectivamente. La tasa de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina (SARM) y de estafilococos coagulasa negativos resistentes a la meticilina (ECNM) fue del 81,4% y el 66,8%, respectivamente, y se determinó por el método de difusión de discos. Los antibióticos más potenciales fueron la tetraciclina y el cloranfenicol, que mostraron una sensibilidad superior al 90% de los aislados. El valor de la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM) de la oxacilina para los estafilococos osciló entre 0,125-32 µg/ml. El método de difusión en agar de la oxacilina mostró que el 51,6% y el 79,9% de los aislados eran SARM y MRCNS, respectivamente, lo que revela que un porcentaje muy elevado de los aislados de S. aureus y CNS son resistentes a la meticilina. Todos los aislados tenían MIC de vancomicina susceptibles que oscilaban entre 0,125-2 µg/ml. Se detectaron dos S. aureus aislados de muestras de catéteres venosos centrales (CVC) y catéteres con una susceptibilidad intermedia a la vancomicina. Del mismo modo, tres S. aureus aislados de sangre, CVC y herida/pus (w/p) fueron intermedianamente susceptibles a la vancomicina. Se observó una fuerte formación de biopelículas en el 22,1% de los aislados clínicos, y se detectó el gen ica en el 22,9% de los aislados. Sólo un S. aureus detectado como productor de biopelículas por el método TCP resultó tener una susceptibilidad intermedia a la vancomicina. Conclusiones: El incremento de la MIC de vancomicina entre los estafilococos resistentes a la meticilina y productores de biofilm es alarmante. Para evitar el fracaso del tratamiento antimicrobiano, deben incorporarse en los hospitales medidas de control estrictas para prevenir la propagación de los aislados resistentes a la meticilina y una vigilancia rutinaria de los aislados resistentes a la vancomicina
Humans , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Biofilms/drug effects , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Vancomycin ResistanceABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a efetividade da vancomicina contra Gram-positivos com concentração inibitória mínima de 1mg/L em pacientes pediátricos com base na razão entre área sob a curva e concentração inibitória mínima > 400. Métodos: População de 22 pacientes pediátricos (13 meninos) internados no centro de terapia intensiva pediátrica, com função renal preservada, que foram distribuídos em dois grupos (G1 < 7 anos e G2 ≥ 7 anos). Após a quarta dose de vancomicina (10 - 15mg/kg a cada 6 horas), duas amostras de sangue foram colhidas (terceira e quinta horas), seguidas da dosagem sérica por imunoensaios para investigação da farmacocinética e da cobertura do antimicrobiano. Resultados: Não se registrou diferença entre os grupos com relação à dose, ao nível de vale ou ainda na área sob a curva. A cobertura contra Gram-positivos com concentração inibitória mínima de 1mg/L ocorreu em apenas 46% dos pacientes em ambos os grupos. A farmacocinética se mostrou alterada nos dois grupos diante dos valores de referência, mas a diferença entre grupos foi registrada pelo aumento da depuração total corporal e pelo encurtamento da meia-vida biológica, mais pronunciados nos pacientes mais novos. Conclusão: A dose empírica mínima de 60mg/kg ao dia deve ser prescrita ao paciente pediátrico de unidade de terapia intensiva com função renal preservada. A utilização da razão entre área sob a curva e concentração inibitória mínima na avaliação da cobertura da vancomicina é recomendada para se atingir o desfecho desejado, uma vez que a farmacocinética está alterada nesses pacientes, podendo impactar na efetividade do antimicrobiano.
Abstract Objective: To investigate the vancomycin effectiveness against gram-positive pathogens with the minimum inhibitory concentration of 1mg/L in pediatric patients based on the area under the curve and the minimum inhibitory concentration ratio > 400. Methods: A population of 22 pediatric patients (13 boys) admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with preserved renal function was stratified in two groups (G1 < 7 years and G2 ≥ 7 years). After the fourth dose administered of vancomycin (10 - 15mg/kg every 6 hours) was administered, two blood samples were collected (third and fifth hours), followed by serum measurement by immunoassays to investigate the pharmacokinetics and antimicrobial coverage. Results: There was no difference between the groups regarding dose, trough level or area under the curve. Coverage against gram-positive pathogens with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 1mg/L occurred in only 46% of patients in both groups. The pharmacokinetics in both groups were altered relative to the reference values, and the groups differed in regard to increased total body clearance and shortening of the biological half-life, which were more pronounced in younger patients. Conclusion: A minimum empirical dose of 60mg/kg per day should be prescribed for pediatric patients in intensive care units with preserved renal function. The use of the ratio between the area under the curve and minimum inhibitory concentration in the evaluation of vancomycin coverage is recommended to achieve the desired outcome, since the pharmacokinetics are altered in these patients, which may impact the effectiveness of the antimicrobial.
Humans , Male , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Vancomycin/administration & dosage , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/drug therapy , Gram-Positive Bacteria/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Vancomycin/pharmacokinetics , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Pilot Projects , Age Factors , Area Under Curve , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Half-LifeABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: This study aimed to characterize Staphylococcus aureus isolates from bloodstream infections in patients attending a teaching hospital, between 2011 and 2015. Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration for daptomycin, linezolid, oxacillin, teicoplanin, vancomycin, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole was accessed by broth microdilution. SCCmec type and clonal profile were determined by molecular tests. Vancomycin heteroresistance was evaluated using screening tests and by population analysis profile/area under the curve. Results: Among 200 S. aureus isolates, 55 (27.5%) were MRSA, carrying SCCmec II (45.5%) or IV (54.5%). The most frequent MRSA lineages were USA100 (ST5-II) (45.5%) and USA800 (ST5-IV) (30.9%). Six isolates were confirmed as vancomycin heteroresistant, showing area under the curve ratio 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 (four USA100, one USA800 and one USA1100 isolates). Conclusions: Daptomycin and vancomycin non-susceptible MRSA clonal lineages were found in bloodstream infections over five years, highlighting the importance of continuous surveillance of multiresistant bacteria in hospitals.
Humans , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Bacteremia/microbiology , Daptomycin/pharmacology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Brazil , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Cross Infection/microbiology , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
The Listeria monocytogenes strains selected in the present study exhibited similar behavior in biofilm formation, independently of the tested conditions (bacteriocin from L. plantarum ST8SH, vancomycin, propolis (a natural antimicrobial product) and EDTA (chelating agent)), individual or in associations. The individual application of vancomycin had better inhibitory activity than that of propolis and EDTA; however, the association of the previously mentioned antimicrobial agents with bacteriocins resulted in better performance. However, when we compared the effects of vancomycin, propolis and EDTA, we could clearly observe that the combined application of bacteriocin and vancomycin was more effective than the combination of bacteriocin and propolis, and bacteriocin and EDTA. Considering the current need to reduce the use of antimicrobials and chemical substances in food processing, propolis can represent an alternative to improve the inhibitory effect of bacteriocins against L. monocytogenes biofilm formation, based on the obtained results. In general, high concentrations of bacteriocin produced by L. plantarum ST8SH were more effective in biofilm inhibition, and similar results were observed for vancomycin and propolis; however, all tested EDTA concentrations had similar effect on biofilm formation.
Las cepas de Listeria monocytogenes seleccionadas en el presente estudio presentaron comportamientos similares en la formación de biofilms, independientemente de los tratamientos a las que fueron sometidas (bacteriocina de Lactobacillus plantarum ST8SH, vancomicina, própolis (produto natural antimicrobiano) y EDTA (agentes quelante)), individual o en combinaciones. La aplicación individual de vancomicina presentó una mejor actividad inhibitoria frente a las aplicaciones individuales de própolis y de EDTA; sin embargo, la combinación de estos agentes antimicrobianos con las bacteriocinas resultó en un mejor desempeño. Se observó claramente que la aplicación combinada de bacteriocina y vancomicina fue más efectiva para controlar el desarrollo de biofilm en comparación con la combinación de la bacteriocina y el própolis o de la combinación de la bacteriocina y el EDTA. Considerando la necesidad actual de reducir el uso de sustancias antimicrobianas y químicas en el procesamiento de alimentos y sobre la base de los resultados obtenidos, se puede afirmar que el própolis representa una alternativa para mejorar el efecto inhibitorio de bacteriocinas contra la formación de biofilm de L. monocytogenes. En general, altas concentraciones de la bacteriocina producida por L. plantarum ST8SH fueron más eficaces en la inhibición del biofilm, y se observaron resultados similares para la vancomicina y el própolis; sin embargo, todas las concentraciones de EDTA evaluadas tuvieron un efecto similar en la formación de biofilm.
Biofilms , Lactobacillus plantarum , Listeria monocytogenes , Propolis , Bacteriocins/pharmacology , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Edetic Acid , Biofilms/drug effects , Lactobacillus plantarum/chemistry , Listeria monocytogenes/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Treatment of multidrug-resistant Gram-positive infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus remains as a clinical challenge due to emergence of new resistance mechanisms. Tedizolid is a next-generation oxazolidinone, recently approved for skin and soft tissues infections. We conducted a study to determine in vitro susceptibility to vancomycin, daptomycin, linezolid and tedizolid in MRSA clinical isolates from adult patients with skin and soft tissue infections. Material and methods Methicillin-resistant S. aureus isolates were collected in three tertiary-care hospitals of Medellin, Colombia, from February 2008 to June 2010 as part of a previous study. Clinical characteristics were assessed by medical records and MIC values were determined by Epsilometer test. Genotypic analysis included spa typing, MLST, and SCCmec typing. Results A total of 150 MRSA isolates were evaluated and tedizolid MIC values obtained showed higher in vitro activity than other antimicrobials, with MIC values ranging from 0.13 µg/mL to 0.75 µg/mL and lower values of MIC50 and MIC90 (0.38 µg/mL and 0.5 µg/mL). In contrast, vancomycin and linezolid had higher MIC values, which ranged from 0.5 µg/mL to 2.0 µg/mL and from 0.38 µg/mL to 4.0 µg/mL, respectively. Tedizolid MICs were 2- to 5-fold lower than those of linezolid. Clinical characteristics showed high previous antimicrobial use and hospitalization history. The majority of the strains belong to the CC8 harboring the SCCmec IVc and were associated with the spa t1610 (29.33%, n = 44). Conclusion In vitro effectiveness of tedizolid was superior for isolates from skin and soft tissue infections in comparison with the other antibiotics evaluated. The above added to its less toxicity, good bioavailability, daily dose and unnecessity of dosage adjustment, make tedizolid in a promising alternative for the treatment of infections caused by MRSA.
Humans , Male , Female , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Soft Tissue Infections/microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Oxazoles/pharmacology , Organophosphates/pharmacology , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Daptomycin/pharmacology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Linezolid/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the association between Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and efficacy of screening stools submitted for C. difficile toxin assay for prevalence of VRE. Between April 2012 and February 2014, 158 stool samples submitted for C. difficile toxin to the Marmara University Microbiology Laboratory, were included in the study. Stool samples were analyzed by enzyme immuno assay test; VIDAS (bioMerieux, France) for Toxin A&B. Samples were inoculated on chromID VRE (bioMerieux, France) and incubated 24 h at 37 °C. Manuel tests and API20 STREP (bioMerieux, France) test were used to identify the Enterococci species. After the species identification, vancomycin and teicoplanin MIC's were performed by E test and molecular resistance genes for vanA vs vanB were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Of the 158 stool samples, 88 were toxin positive. The prevalence of VRE was 17%(n:19) in toxin positives however, 11.4% in toxin negatives(n:70). All VRE isolates were identified as Enterococcus faecium. These results were evaluated according to Fischer's exact chi-square test and p value between VRE colonization and C. difficile toxin positivity was detected 0.047 (p < 0.05). PPV and NPV were 79% and 47% respectively. In our study, the presence of VRE in C. difficile toxin positives is statistically significant compared with toxin negatives (p < 0.05). Screening for VRE is both additional cost and work load for the laboratories. Therefore VRE screening among C. difficile toxin positive samples, will be cost effective for determination of high risk patients in the hospitals especially for developing countries.
Humans , Bacterial Toxins/analysis , Clostridioides difficile/metabolism , Clostridium Infections/microbiology , Vancomycin Resistance , Feces/microbiology , Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci/isolation & purification , Bacterial Toxins/metabolism , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Clostridioides difficile/isolation & purification , Clostridioides difficile/drug effects , Clostridioides difficile/genetics , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/diagnosis , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Clostridium Infections/diagnosis , Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci/classification , Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci/drug effects , Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci/genetics , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND The association between Staphylococcus haemolyticus and severe nosocomial infections is increasing. However, the extent to which fomites contribute to the dissemination of this pathogen through patients and hospital wards remains unknown. OBJECTIVES In the present study, sphygmomanometers and thermometers were evaluated as potential fomites of oxacillin-resistant S. haemolyticus (ORSH). The influence of oxacillin and vancomycin on biofilm formation by ORSH strains isolated from fomites was also investigated. METHODS The presence of ORSH on swabs taken from fomite surfaces in a Brazilian hospital was assessed using standard microbiological procedures. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles were determined by the disk diffusion method, and clonal distribution was assessed in pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) assays. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of oxacillin and vancomycin were evaluated via the broth microdilution method. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were performed to detect the mecA and icaAD genes. ORSH strains grown in media containing 1/4 MIC of vancomycin or oxacillin were investigated for slime production and biofilm formation on glass, polystyrene and polyurethane catheter surfaces. FINDINGS ORSH strains comprising five distinct PFGE types were isolated from sphygmomanometers (n = 5) and a thermometer (n = 1) used in intensive care units and surgical wards. ORSH strains isolated from fomites showed susceptibility to only linezolid and vancomycin and were characterised as multi-drug resistant (MDR). Slime production, biofilm formation and the survival of sessile bacteria differed and were independent of the presence of the icaAD and mecA genes, PFGE type and subtype. Vancomycin and oxacillin did not inhibit biofilm formation by vancomycin-susceptible ORSH strains on abiotic surfaces, including on the catheter surface. Enhanced biofilm formation was observed in some situations. Moreover, a sub-lethal dose of vancomycin induced biofilm formation by an ORSH strain on polystyrene. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Sphygmomanometers and thermometers are fomites for the transmission of ORSH. A sub-lethal dose of vancomycin may favor biofilm formation by ORSH on fomites and catheter surfaces.
Humans , Oxacillin/pharmacology , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/transmission , Thermometers/microbiology , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Cross Infection/microbiology , Biofilms/growth & development , Sphygmomanometers/microbiology , Staphylococcus haemolyticus/isolation & purification , Staphylococcus haemolyticus/drug effects , Staphylococcus haemolyticus/physiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Drug Resistance , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Cross Infection/transmission , Electrophoresis, Gel, Pulsed-Field , ElectrophoresisABSTRACT
Abstract: Purpose: To investigate the microbiological, inflammatory and oxidant effects of adjuvant ozone administration in experimental rat vascular graft infection model which has not been previously investigated. Methods: Forty adult Wistar rats were divided into Sham, Control, Vancomycin, Ozone, Vancomycin+Ozone groups. Grafts were inoculated with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strain and implanted subcutaneously. Rats were treated intraperitoneally with ozone and /or intramuscularly with vancomycin for 10 days. Grafts were evaluated by quantitative bacterial cultures. Blood samples were harvested for determination of thiol-disulphide and cytokine profiles. Results: There was no significant difference in bacterial counts between Control and Ozone Groups. In the Ozone Group median colony count was significantly higher than the Vancomycin and Vancomycin+Ozone Groups. Total thiol and disulphide levels increased and disulphide/native thiol and disulphide/total thiol ratios decreased in Ozone Group significantly. Albumin levels decreased significantly in Vancomycin and Vancomycin+Ozone Groups compared to the Sham Group. IL-1 and TNF-alpha levels significantly increased in infected rats. Decreased levels of VEGF due to infection reversed by ozone therapy in control and vancomycin groups. Conclusions: We didn't observe any benefit of the agent on MRSA elimination in our model. Likewise, effects of ozone on thiol-disulphide homeostasis and inflammatory cytokines were contradictory.
Animals , Male , Oxidants, Photochemical/pharmacology , Ozone/pharmacology , Staphylococcal Infections/drug therapy , Disulfides/blood , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Vascular Grafting , Reference Values , Time Factors , Vascular Diseases/microbiology , Serum Albumin/analysis , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Colony Count, Microbial , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Cytokines/blood , Treatment Outcome , Rats, Wistar , Transplants/microbiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/growth & development , Homeostasis/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Las nanopartículas poliméricas constituyen una herramienta nanotecnológica que podría ayudar a combatir los microorganismos patógenos que han desarrollado resistencia a los antibióticos convencionales. Objetivo: Sintetizar nanopartículas de ácido poliláctico cargadas con ofloxacina y vancomicina, y determinar su actividad antibacteriana frente a Escherichia coli O157:H7 y Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina (SARM). Materiales y métodos: Las nanopartículas de ácido poliláctico cargadas con ofloxacina y vancomicina se sintetizaron utilizando el método de emulsión y evaporación de solvente. Se caracterizaron mediante dispersión de luz en modo dinámico, electroforesis Doppler con láser y microscopía electrónica de barrido (S-TEM). Se evaluó la actividad antibacteriana in vitro de las nanopartículas de ácido poliláctico con ofloxacina contra E. coli O157:H7 y nanopartículas de ácido poliláctico con vancomicina contra SARM, mediante el método de microdilución en caldo. Resultados: Se obtuvieron nanopartículas poliméricas con tamaños inferiores a 379 nm y carga superficial positiva de hasta 21 mV. Las nanopartículas cargadas con ofloxacina presentaron una concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM50) de 0,001 μg/ml frente a E. coli O157:H7, valor 40 veces menor que la concentración de antibiótico libre necesaria para lograr el mismo efecto (CIM50=0,04 μg/ml). Para SARM, las nanopartículas mejoraron la potencia farmacológica in vitro de la vancomicina al exhibir una MIC50 de 0,005 μg/ml, comparada con la de 0,5 μg/ml del antibiótico libre. Conclusiones: Se mejoró el efecto antibacteriano de la ofloxacina y la vancomicina incorporadas en la matriz polimérica de ácido poliláctico. Las nanopartículas poliméricas constituirían una alternativa para el control de cepas bacterianas de interés en salud pública.
Abstract Introduction: Polymeric nanoparticles are promising nanotechnology tools to fight pathogenic bacteria resistant to conventional antibiotics. Objective: To synthesize polylactic acid nanoparticles loaded with ofloxacin and vancomycin, and to determine their antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Materials and methods: We synthesized ofloxacin or vancomycin loaded polylactic acid nanoparticles by the emulsification-solvent evaporation method, and characterized them by dynamic light scattering, laser Doppler electrophoresis and scanning electron microscopy. We evaluated in vitro antibacterial activity of ofloxacin- and vancomycin-loaded polylactic acid nanoparticles against E. coli O157:H7 and MRSA using the broth microdilution method. Results: Ofloxacin- and vancomycin-loaded polylactic acid nanoparticles registered a positive surface charge density of 21 mV and an average size lower than 379 nm. In vitro minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC50) of ofloxacin-polylactic acid nanoparticles was 0,001 μg/ml against E. coli O157:H7, i.e., 40 times lower than the free ofloxacin (MIC50: 0.04 μg/ml), indicating enhanced antibacterial activity while the in vitro MIC50 of vancomycin-polylactic acid nanoparticles was 0,005 μg/ml against MRSA, i.e., 100 times lower than that of free vancomycin (MIC50: 0.5 μg/ml). Conclusion: Polylactic acid nanoparticles loaded with ofloxacin and vancomycin showed a higher antibacterial activity. Polymeric nanoparticles are a possible alternative for drug design against pathogenic bacterial strains of public health interest.
Polyesters/chemical synthesis , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Ofloxacin/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/methods , Escherichia coli O157/chemistry , Nanoparticles/chemistry , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Polyesters/chemistry , Vancomycin/chemistry , Ofloxacin/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract Clostridium difficile is a leading cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients worldwide. While metronidazole and vancomycin are the most prescribed antibiotics for the treatment of this infection, teicoplanin, tigecycline and nitazoxanide are alternatives drugs. Knowledge on the antibiotic susceptibility profiles is a basic step to differentiate recurrence from treatment failure due to antimicrobial resistance. Because C. difficile antimicrobial susceptibility is largely unknown in Brazil, we aimed to determine the profile of C. difficile strains cultivated from stool samples of inpatients with diarrhea and a positive toxin A/B test using both agar dilution and disk diffusion methods. All 50 strains tested were sensitive to metronidazole according to CLSI and EUCAST breakpoints with an MIC90 value of 2 μg/mL. Nitazoxanide and tigecycline were highly active in vitro against these strains with an MIC90 value of 0.125 μg/mL for both antimicrobials. The MIC90 were 4 μg/mL and 2 μg/mL for vancomycin and teicoplanin, respectively. A resistance rate of 8% was observed for moxifloxacin. Disk diffusion can be used as an alternative to screen for moxifloxacin resistance, nitazoxanide, tigecycline and metronidazole susceptibility, but it cannot be used for testing glycopeptides. Our results suggest that C. difficile strains from São Paulo city, Brazil, are susceptible to metronidazole and have low MIC90 values for most of the current therapeutic options available in Brazil.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Reference Values , Thiazoles/pharmacology , Brazil , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Colony Count, Microbial/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Clostridium Infections/microbiology , Teicoplanin/pharmacology , Fluoroquinolones/pharmacology , Disk Diffusion Antimicrobial Tests/methods , Bacterial Load , Moxifloxacin , Tigecycline , Metronidazole/pharmacology , Minocycline/analogs & derivatives , Minocycline/pharmacologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: We estimated the prevalence and clinical impact of heterogeneous vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (hVISA). The concordance between macromethod and glycopeptide resistance detection (GRD) E tests was determined. In addition, predictors of clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients with S. aureus bacteremia (SAB) or pneumonia (SAP) were evaluated. METHODS: We obtained 229 consecutive S. aureus isolates from all hospitalized patients at two university hospitals located in Busan and Yangsan, Korea. Standard, macromethod, and GRD E tests were performed. Additionally, we reviewed the medical records of all patients. Among the 229 patients, predictors of clinical outcomes were analyzed for 107 patients with SAB and 39 with SAP. RESULTS: Among the 229 isolates, 34.5% of S. aureus isolates and 50.7% of methicillin-resistant S. aureus isolates exhibited the hVISA phenotype based on the macromethod E test. hVISA was nearly associated with treatment failure in patients with SAB (P=0.054) and was significantly associated with treatment failure in patients with SAP (P=0.014). However, hVISA was not associated with 30-day mortality in patients with SAB or SAP. The concordance between the macromethod and GRD E tests was 84.2%. CONCLUSIONS: hVISA is quite common in the southeastern part of Korea. hVISA is associated with treatment failure in patients with SAP.
Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Bacteremia/drug therapy , Drug Resistance, Bacterial/drug effects , Hospital Mortality , Hospitalization , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Phenotype , Pneumonia/drug therapy , Prevalence , Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Teicoplanin/pharmacology , Vancomycin/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Concerns about increasing bacterial resistance to vancomycin, have caused the adult treatment guidelines to recommend higher trough concentrations based on the type and location of infectious disease. Although these recommendations are not specific to children, the values can be extrapolated. This prospective study was designed to evaluate efficacy of current vancomycin dosing recommendations to achieve therapeutic trough serum concentration in pediatric patients. Laboratory data, vancomycin dosing and subsequent serum concentrations of children in a community teaching pediatrics hospital were collected and analyzed. Trough serum levels were determined at steady state and compared with Infectious Disease Society of America [IDSA] 2011 guidelines for the treatment of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus [MRSA] infections. In a prospective observational, cross-sectional study in a university medical center in Tehran, Iran, 50 patients, who received vancomycin for more than 4 doses, were recruited and their trough vancomycin level was determined. The mean age and creatinine clearance of patients were 5.47 +/- 4.24 and 87.5 +/- 31.25, respectively. Eleven [22%] patients received vancomycin at 40 mg/kg/day [low dose] and 39 [78%] at 60 mg/kg/day [high dose]. Considering trough goals of 10-14 and 15-20mg/L in low and high dose groups, serum levels in 91% [73% sub-therapeutics] and 85% [69% sub-therapeutics] of patients were not in recommended therapeutic range, respectively. This study has shown that current recommended vancomycin dosing regimens in pediatric patients [40-60 mg/kg/day], resulted in sub-therapeutic serum concentrations in our study population
Humans , Female , Male , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Child , Child, Preschool , Adolescent , Prospective Studies , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Drug Monitoring , PediatricsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Appearance of isolated reports of resistance to anti-methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA) drugs is worrisome underscoring the need to continuously monitor the susceptibility of clinical MRSA isolates to these drugs. Hence, the present study is conducted to determine the susceptibility of MRSA isolates to various classes of anti-MRSA drugs such as vancomycin (glycopeptide), daptomycin (lipopeptide), tigecycline (glycylcycline), and linezolid (oxazolidinone) to determine the MIC50 and MIC90 values, and to observe MIC creep over a three year period, if any, with respect to these drugs. METHODS: A total of 200 isolates of MRSA obtained from clinical specimens were included. MIC was determined by E-test for anti-MRSA antibiotics vancomycin, linezolid, daptomycin, and tigecycline. Non-parametric methods (Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square test) were used to assess MIC trends over time. In addition, MIC50 and MIC90 values were also calculated. RESULTS: No isolate was found resistant to vancomycin, daptomycin, or linezolid; five isolates were resistant to tigecycline. Seven VISA isolates were encountered with the MIC value for vancomycin of 4 µg/mL. MIC values for vancomycin, tigecycline, linezolid showed a definite increase over a 3-year period which was statistically significant with p-values <0.0001, 0.0032, 0.0242, respectively. When the percentage of isolates with a median MIC value less than or equal to that of the index year was calculated, the change was most striking with vancomycin. The proportion of isolates with higher MIC values was greater in 2014 than 2012 and 2013. CONCLUSION: MIC creep was notably observed with vancomycin, and to some extent with tigecycline and linezolid. Selection pressure may result in creeping MICs, which may herald the emergence of resistant organisms.
Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Daptomycin/administration & dosage , Daptomycin/pharmacology , India , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Methicillin/administration & dosage , Methicillin/pharmacology , Minocycline/administration & dosage , Minocycline/analogs & derivatives , Minocycline/pharmacology , Tertiary Care Centers , Vancomycin/administration & dosage , Vancomycin/pharmacologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACTTo determine the epidemiological and molecular characteristics of 12 Staphylococcus aureus isolates presenting heteroresistance to vancomycin in laboratories of two cities in Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Epidemiological data, including the city of isolation, health institution, and date of isolation were considered, as well as the associated clinical specimen. For molecular characterization, we analyzed the staphylococcal cassette chromosome types, the erm gene presence, and the genomic diversity of isolates using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The 12 isolates of S. aureus were previously confirmed as heteroresistance to vancomycin using the population analysis profile-area under curve. Regarding genetic variability, two clones were detected: the main one (clone A) composed of four isolates and the clones B, with two isolates. For clone A, two isolates presented identical band patterns and were related to the same hospital, with an interval of 57 days between their isolation. The other isolates of this clone showed no epidemiological link between them because they were isolated in different hospitals and had no temporal relationship. The other clone showed no detectable epidemiological relationship. The heteroresistance to vancomycin recovered in Santa Catarina State from 2009 to 2012 had, in general, heterogeneous genomic patterns based on pulsed-field gel electrophoresis results, which is in accordance with the fact that these isolates had little or no epidemiological relationship among them. Due to the characteristic phenotypic instability and often prolonged vancomycin therapy for selection, clonal spread is not as common as for other resistance mechanisms disseminated through horizontal gene transfer.
Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Bacterial Typing Techniques , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Cross Infection/microbiology , DNA, Bacterial/analysis , Electrophoresis, Gel, Pulsed-Field , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Molecular Epidemiology , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/classification , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Phenotype , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiologyABSTRACT
In 2010, there were estimated to be approximately 60.5 million people with glaucoma. This number is expected to increase to 79.6 million by 2020. In 2010, there were 8.4 million people with bilateral blindness caused by glaucoma, and this number is expected in increase to 11.2 million by 2020. Filtering implants are special devices that have been developed to reduce intraocular pressure in patients with refractory glaucoma. The success rate of these implants is relatively low, and they continue to fail over time. To avoid failure caused by the formation of scar tissue around the implants, attempts have been made to drain the aqueous humor to various sites, including the venous system, lacrimal sac, sinuses, and conjunctival fornix. Recently, a system to shunt aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the peritoneum has been developed. The surgical technique involved in this system is a modification of the technique currently used by neurosurgeons for the treatment of hydrocephalus. We present the first case operated using this technique.
Calcula-se que em 2010 havia provavelmente 60,5 milhões de pessoas com glaucoma, com aumento previsto para 79,6 milhões em 2020; a cegueira bilateral por glaucoma era detectada em 8,4 milhões de pessoas, em 2010, e com aumento estimado para 11,2 milhões em 2020. Dispositivos especiais foram desenvolvidos para reduzir a pressão intraocular em pacientes com glaucoma refratário, chamados implantes de filtragem. A taxa de sucesso destes implantes é relativamente baixa, e sabe-se que elas continuam a diminuir ao longo do tempo. Para evitar as falhas produzidas pela cicatrização de tecido em torno dos implantes, foram feitas tentativas de drenagem do humor aquoso para diferentes locais, tais como o sistema venoso, saco lacrimal, os seios paranasais e fórnice conjuntival. Revendo o tratamento atual da hidrocefalia, uma técnica de derivação a partir da câmara anterior para o peritônio foi desenvolvida. A técnica cirúrgica desenvolvida é uma modificação da técnica atualmente utilizada por neurocirurgiões para o tratamento de hidrocefalia. Apresentamos o primeiro caso operado com esta técnica.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Bacteremia/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Vancomycin Resistance , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Bacteremia/drug therapy , Case-Control Studies , Logistic Models , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Multivariate Analysis , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Risk Factors , Staphylococcal Infections/drug therapy , Vancomycin/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are reported to be the leading cause of nosocomial bloodstream infections. Staphylococcus pettenkoferi is a novel member of CoNS that was first isolated from the human blood and bursitis wound in 2002. We have reported cases of 6 S. pettenkoferi strains isolated from blood specimens, including one pathogen and 5 contaminants and catheter colonizers. Brucker Biotyper (Brucker Daltonics, Bremen, Germany) and molecular typing with 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirmed the 6 isolates as S. pettenkoferi. The conventional phenotypic identification of these isolates is not reliable owing to their inconsistent biochemical characteristics. Five of the 6 isolates were found to be resistant to oxacillin, and all isolates showed susceptibility to vancomycin and linezolid. For accurate identification of this novel species, advanced methods by using Brucker Biotyper or molecular methods such as 16S rRNA gene sequencing are required.
Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , DNA, Bacterial/chemistry , Drug Resistance, Bacterial/drug effects , Linezolid/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Oxacillin/pharmacology , Phenotype , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/chemistry , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Staphylococcal Infections/drug therapy , Staphylococcus/drug effects , Vancomycin/pharmacologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) presenting reduced susceptibility to vancomycin has been associated to therapeutic failure. Some methods used by clinical laboratories may not be sufficiently accurate to detect this phenotype, compromising results and the outcome of the patient. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of methods in the detection of vancomycin MIC values among clinical isolates of MRSA. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Vancomycin Minimal Inhibitory Concentration was determined for 75 MRSA isolates from inpatients of Mãe de Deus Hospital, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The broth microdilution (BM) was used as the gold-standard technique, as well as the following methods: E-test® strips (BioMérieux), M.I.C.E® strips (Oxoid), PROBAC® commercial panel and the automated system MicroScan® (Siemens). Besides, the agar screening test was carried out with 3 µg/mL of vancomycin. RESULTS: All isolates presented MIC ≤ 2 µg/mL for BM. E-test® had higher concordance (40%) in terms of global agreement with the gold standard, and there was not statistical difference among E-test® and broth microdilution results. PROBAC® panels presented MICs, in general, lower than the gold-standard panels (58.66% major errors), while M.I.C.E.® MICs were higher (67.99% minor errors). CONCLUSIONS: For the population of MRSA in question, E-test® presented the best performance, although with a heterogeneous accuracy, depending on MIC values.
INTRODUÇÃO: Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) apresentando suscetibilidade reduzida à vancomicina tem sido associado à falha terapêutica. Alguns métodos utilizados por laboratórios clínicos podem não ser suficientemente precisos para detectar este fenótipo, comprometendo os resultados e o desfecho do paciente. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o desempenho de métodos na detecção dos valores de MIC de vancomicina entre isolados clínicos de MRSA. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Determinamos a Concentração Inibitória Mínima de Vancomicina para 75 MRSA isolados de pacientes do Hospital Mãe de Deus, Porto Alegre, Brasil. Utilizamos a microdiluição em caldo como técnica padrão-ouro e os seguintes métodos: tiras de E-test® (BioMérieux), tiras M.I.C.E® (Oxoid), painel comercial da PROBAC® e sistema automatizado MicroScan® (Siemens). Além disso, foi realizado o teste de triagem em ágar com 3 µg/mL de vancomicina. RESULTADOS: Todos os isolados apresentaram MIC ≤ 2 µg/mL. Não houve diferença estatística entre os resultados do E-test® e da microdiluição em caldo. O painel da PROBAC® apresentou MICs, em geral, menores que o padrão-ouro (58,66% de erros maiores), enquanto que as MICs pelo M.I.C.E.® foram maiores (67,99% de erros menores). CONCLUSÕES: Para nossa população de MRSA, E-test® apresentou o melhor desempenho, embora com uma acurácia heterogênea, dependendo dos valores da MIC.
Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/methodsABSTRACT
Staphylococcus species are one of the major causes of bacterial bloodstream infections. Multi-resistant staphylococci infections are major therapeutic problems. This study was aimed to detect methicillin, linezolid and vancomycin susceptibilities of Staphylococcus isolates. A total of 870 Staphylococcus strains isolated from blood cultures of hospitalized patients with BSI. Antimicrobial susceptibilities of methicillin, linezolid and vancomycin were detected according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). A total of 771 (88.6%) isolates were coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS). 700 (80.5%) isolates were methicillin-resistant (MR) and 170 (19.5%) were methicillin-susceptible (MS). All the MS isolates were also susceptible to linezolid. However 15 (1.7%) of MR strains were resistant to linezolid. The minimum inhibitory concentration range for the linezolid-resistant isolates by Etest was 6-32 µg/mL. The difference between linezolid susceptibilities for MS and MR staphylococci was not quite statistically significant (p = 0.052). There was no statistically significant difference between S. aureus and CoNS isolates for linezolid susceptibility. All of the isolates were susceptible to vancomycin. In conclusion, linezolid is currently an efficient option for the treatment of methicillin-resistant staphylococci infections.
Humans , Acetamides/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Methicillin/pharmacology , Oxazolidinones/pharmacology , Sepsis/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Vancomycin/pharmacology , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , TurkeyABSTRACT
The vanC1 gene, which is chromosomally located, confers resistance to vancomycin and serves as a species marker for Enterococcus gallinarum. Enterococcus faecium TJ4031 was isolated from a blood culture and harbours the vanC1gene. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were performed to detect vanXYc and vanTc genes. Only the vanXYc gene was found in the E. faecium TJ4031 isolate. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of vancomycin and teicoplanin were 2 µg/mL and 1 µg/mL, respectively. Real-time reverse transcription-PCR results revealed that the vanC1and vanXYc genes were not expressed. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and southern hybridisation results showed that the vanC1 gene was encoded in the chromosome. E. faecalis isolated from animals has been reported to harbour vanC1gene. However, this study is the first to report the presence of the vanC1gene in E. faecium of human origin. Additionally, our research showed the vanC1gene cannot serve as a species-specific gene of E. gallinarum and that it is able to be transferred between bacteria. Although the resistance marker is not expressed in the strain, our results showed that E. faecium could acquire the vanC1gene from different species.