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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(2): e202202692, abr. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1418619


Las anomalías vasculares de la órbita (AVO) son un grupo heterogéneo de patologías que pueden presentarse con frecuencia en el cono orbitario, la región periorbitaria o dentro de la órbita misma. Las AVO se dividen en tumores y malformaciones. Su presentación clínica más frecuente es el exoftalmos, asociado o no a alteración del eje visual. Además, pueden presentar complicaciones agudas, como hemorragia intralesional o celulitis entre las más frecuentes, y complicaciones crónicas, como ambliopía y afectación de la agudeza visual a largo plazo. La evolución de las técnicas de imágenes, el uso de nuevos fármacos y la utilización de innovadores procedimientos en radiología intervencionista han posibilitado obtener una mejora significativa en los procesos diagnósticos y terapéuticos de estos pacientes, permitiendo un diagnóstico y tratamiento preciso.

Orbital vascular anomalies (OVAs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders frequently found in the orbital cone, the periorbital region, or within the orbit itself. OVAs are divided into tumors and malformations. The most frequent clinical presentation is exophthalmos, associated or not with an alteration of the visual axis. They may also cause acute complications, being intralesional bleeding or cellulitis the most frequent, and chronic complications, such as amblyopia and long-term visual acuity impairment. The development of imaging techniques, the use of new drugs, and the implementation of innovative procedures in interventional radiology have resulted in a significant improvement in the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to these patients, essential to an accurate diagnosis and management.

Humans , Child , Exophthalmos , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Vascular Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Orbit/blood supply , Orbit/pathology , Visual Acuity , Hemorrhage/pathology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986926


Objective: To analyze and compare the efficacy and safety of pingyangmycin fibrin glue composite (PFG) and pingyangmycin dexamethasone composite (PD) in the treatment of pharyngolaryngeal venous malformation (VM). Methods: The clinical data of 98 patients with pharyngolaryngeal VM who underwent sclerotherapy with pingyangmycin composite in the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from June 2013 to November 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. According to their treatment, patients were divided into PFG group (n=34) and PD group (n=64), among those patients there were 54 males and 44 females, aged 1-77(37.06±18.86)years. The lesion size, total treatment times and adverse events were recorded before and after treatment. And the efficacy was divided into three grades: recovery, effective and invalid. According to the length of VM, all patients were divided into three subgroups, to compare the differences in efficacy and treatment times between each two groups.And finally the adverse events and their treatments were analyzed. SPSS 25.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results: The efficacy of PFG group was 94.11%(32/34), the recovery rate was 85.29%(29/34).And the efficacy of PD group was 93.75%(60/64), the recovery rate was 64.06%(41/64). No serious adverse eventst occurred in subgroup comparison, there was no statistical difference between the two groups in efficacy and the times of treatments when the length was≤3 cm (Zefficacy=1.04, ttreatment times=2.18, P>0.05); when the length was 3-5 cm, there was no significant efficacy difference between the two groups(Zefficacy=1.17, P>0.05), but the treatment times of PFG were less (ttreatment times=4.87, P<0.01); when the length≥5 cm, efficacy of PFG was significantly better than PD (Zefficacy=2.94, P<0.01), and had fewer treatments times (ttreatment times=2.16, P<0.01). There were no serious adverse events in either group during treatment and follow-up. Conclusion: Both PFG and PD are safe and effective composite sclerotherapy agent for the treatment of laryngeal VM, but PFG has a higher cure rate and fewer treatment times for massive lesions.

Male , Female , Humans , Fibrin Tissue Adhesive/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Bleomycin/adverse effects , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Dexamethasone/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 1481-1488, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045894


Vascular malformations are due to abnormal development of blood and/or lymphatic vessels during embryonic life without endothelial cell proliferation. Most of the previous treatments were symptomatic methods as surgery and sclerotherapy because the pathogenic mechanism was not clearly understood. With advances in molecular biology, the pathogenesis of vascular malformations is thought to be related to inherited and/or somatic mutations that eventually activate the PI3K/ATK/mTOR, Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathways. Also, related studies have promoted the use of targeted inhibitors. This article provides a review of current causative genes and targeted drugs for pediatric vascular malformations, aiming to provide a basis for promoting accurate molecular diagnosis and precision targeted therapy for these diseases.

Humans , Child , Cell Proliferation , Vascular Malformations/therapy
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 1481-1488, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046217


Vascular malformations are due to abnormal development of blood and/or lymphatic vessels during embryonic life without endothelial cell proliferation. Most of the previous treatments were symptomatic methods as surgery and sclerotherapy because the pathogenic mechanism was not clearly understood. With advances in molecular biology, the pathogenesis of vascular malformations is thought to be related to inherited and/or somatic mutations that eventually activate the PI3K/ATK/mTOR, Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathways. Also, related studies have promoted the use of targeted inhibitors. This article provides a review of current causative genes and targeted drugs for pediatric vascular malformations, aiming to provide a basis for promoting accurate molecular diagnosis and precision targeted therapy for these diseases.

Humans , Child , Cell Proliferation , Vascular Malformations/therapy
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(4): 423-434, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431931


Introducción: Las anomalías vasculares (AV) de cabeza y cuello son una patología prevalente en niños, pero son poco frecuentes en adultos. La última clasificación descrita por la International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) en 2018, propone dividirlas en tumores vasculares (TV) y malformaciones vasculares (MV) con una aproximación basada en la etiopatogenia, comportamiento biológico e inmunohistoquímico (IHQ). Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en el manejo de AV laríngeas (AVL) en adultos operados en los últimos 5 años en el Servicio de Otorrinolaringología (ORL) del Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau (HBLT) y realizar una revisión actualizada en cuanto a diagnóstico y manejo. Material y Método: Revisión retrospectiva y descriptiva de los casos de AVL en adultos operados del servicio de ORL del HBLT informadas por biopsia en el servicio de anatomía patológica del mismo hospital entre los años 2015 a 2020. Resultados: Se encontraron cinco casos de AVL. Los síntomas descritos fueron disfonía, odinofagia y disfagia. La sospecha diagnóstica se fundó en historia clínica, nasofibroscopia y estudio imagenológico, y se confirmó con biopsia posoperatoria. Todos los pacientes fueron resueltos de manera quirúrgica con leve preferencia por el láser CO2. No se registraron complicaciones ni signos de recidiva durante el seguimiento. Conclusión: Recomendamos el manejo quirúrgico de las AVL en adultos, realizando una resección completa de la lesión y su clasificación, según las recomendaciones de la ISSVA, con biopsia posoperatoria e inmunohistoquímica debido a la heterogeneidad de las clasificaciones previas.

Introduction: Head and neck vascular abnormalities (AV) are common alterations found in children, but rare in adults. The latest classification described by the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) in 2018, proposes dividing them into vascular tumors (TV) and vascular malformations (MV), based on their etiopathogenesis, biological and immunohistochemical behavior (IHC). Aim: To describe the experience in the management of laryngeal AV (AVL) of adults treated surgically on in the last 5 years in the Otolaryngology Service (ORL) of the Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau (HBLT). Material and Method: Retrospective and descriptive review of cases with histologically confirmed AVL in adults treated surgically in the ORL service of the same hospital between the years 2015 and 2020. Results: Five cases of AVL were found. The symptoms described were dysphonia, pharyngodine, and dysphagia. The diagnostic suspicion was based on clinical history, nasofibroscopy and imaging study, confirmed with post-operative biopsy. All patients were resolved surgically with a slight preference for the CO2 laser. No complications or signs of recurrence were recorded during the follow-up. Conclusion: We recommend surgical management of AVL in adults with a complete resection and their classification according to the recommendations of the ISSVA with postoperative and immunohistochemical biopsy, due to heterogeneity of previous classifications systems.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Vascular Malformations/diagnosis , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Larynx/blood supply , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Vascular Malformations/epidemiology
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 35(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441765


Los linfangiomas orbitarios son malformaciones vasculares benignas, de crecimiento lento, abortivas y no funcionales, que se presentan principalmente en la primera década de la vida. Las opciones terapéuticas en estos casos presentan una resolutividad limitada, algunos tratamientos suelen ser agresivos y provocar daños del aparato visual. Se presenta un caso de una paciente femenina de 6 años de edad atendida por proptosis del ojo izquierdo a la que se le realizó el diagnóstico clínico-imagenológico de linfangioma de la órbita, con el objetivo de mostrar el resultado alcanzado en el manejo de la misma mediante el uso del sildenafilo por vía oral, modalidad terapéutica en estudio a nivel mundial en el tratamiento de estas afecciones. El tratamiento con sildenafilo en el linfangioma orbitario demostró ser eficaz en la mejoría del cuadro clínico y por imágenes. Durante el tratamiento no se reportaron reacciones adversas(AU)

Orbital lymphatic malformations are benign, slow-growing, abortive, nonfunctional vascular malformations that occur mainly in the first decade of life. Therapeutic options in these cases present limited resolution, some treatments are usually aggressive and cause damage to the visual apparatus. We present a case of a 6-year-old female patient treated for proptosis of the left eye. The clinical-imaging diagnosis of lymphangioma of the orbit was made to show the results achieved in its treatment through the use of oral sildenafil, a therapeutic modality under study worldwide in the treatment of these conditions. The treatment with sildenafil in orbital lymphangioma proved to be effective in the improvement of the clinical and imaging picture. No adverse reactions were reported during treatment(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Lymphangioma/etiology
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;21: e20200113, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365072


Resumo As malformações vasculares são anomalias que podem acometer veias, vasos linfáticos e artérias de forma isolada ou mista. Quando se apresentam de forma mista, com componentes venosos e linfáticos, são denominadas malformação venolinfática ou linfático-venosa, de acordo com sua constituição predominante. Embora seja um distúrbio benigno de bom prognóstico, é localmente invasivo, podendo levar a deformidade e havendo, ainda, a propensão de recorrência local. O presente artigo traz um caso de malformação venolinfática com localização incomum em borda lateral de língua, abordando-se a conduta clínica e o referencial teórico vigente.

Abstract Vascular malformations are vascular anomalies that can affect veins, lymphatic vessels, and/or arteries in isolated or mixed form. When they present in the mixed form with venous and lymphatic involvement, they are called venolymphatic or lymphatic-venous malformations, depending on their predominant component. Although these are benign disorders with good prognosis, they are locally invasive and may lead to deformity, while there is also a propensity for local recurrence. This article presents a case of venolymphatic malformation with unusual localization on the lateral border of the tongue, addressing the clinical conduct and the current theoretical framework.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Tongue/abnormalities , Lymphatic Abnormalities/physiopathology , Vascular Malformations/physiopathology , Lymphatic Abnormalities/diagnosis , Lymphatic Abnormalities/therapy , Vascular Malformations/diagnosis , Vascular Malformations/therapy
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(3): 373-379, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1114910


Benign oral vascular lesions are anomalies characterized by the blood vessels proliferation or malformation and the treatment with the sclerosing agent ethanolamine oleate acts irrigating the vessel producing a sterile inflammatory response. The objective of this study was to report and discuss the results from treatment of benign oral vascular lesions with non-diluted ethanolamine oleate through the analysis of clinical records. The sample was composed by the selection of twenty-six patients (12 male and 14 female), with oral vascular malformations. All lesions were treated with intralesional injections of undiluted ethanolamine oleate. These patients attended in Oral Medicine outpatient clinic of the Federal University of Paraná between the years of 2011 to 2015. The average age was 60.65 years, with a higher prevalence for women. The majority of the individuals had one lesion and its location was mostly in the lower lip. The main complaint was about a physical discomfort. The lesions had the average size of 6.52 mm and received a median number of 2.32 applications. Only one patient reported feeling pain in the postoperative week. In most cases the resolution of the lesion was considered partial. Follow-up was obtained up to one month after the end of treatment. The sclerotherapy with undiluted ethanolamine oleate shows acceptable results in the treatment of small benign oral vascular lesions with a few minor side effects.

Las lesiones vasculares orales benignas son anomalías caracterizadas por la proliferación o malformación de los vasos sanguíneos y el tratamiento con el agente esclerosante etanolamina oleato actúa irrigando el vaso produciendo una respuesta inflamatoria estéril. El objetivo de este estudio fue informar y discutir los resultados del tratamiento de lesiones vasculares orales benignas con oleato de etanolamina no diluido a través del análisis de historias clínicas. La muestra estuvo compuesta por la selección de veintiséis pacientes (12 hombres y 14 mujeres), con malformaciones vasculares orales. Todas las lesiones fueron tratadas con inyecciones intralesionales de oleato de etanolamina sin diluir. Estos pacientes acudieron a la clínica ambulatoria de Medicina Oral de la Universidad Federal de Paraná entre los años 2011 a 2015. La edad promedio fue de 60,65 años, con una mayor prevalencia para las mujeres. La mayoría de los individuos tenían una lesión y su ubicación era principalmente en el labio inferior. La queja principal era sobre una molestia física. Las lesiones tenían un tamaño promedio de 6,52 mm y recibieron una mediana de 2,32 aplicaciones. Solo un paciente informó haber sentido dolor en la semana postoperatoria. En la mayoría de los casos, la resolución de la lesión se consideró parcial. El seguimiento se obtuvo hasta un mes después del final del tratamiento. La escleroterapia con oleato de etanolamina sin diluir muestra resultados aceptables en el tratamiento de pequeñas lesiones vasculares orales benignas con algunos efectos secundarios menores.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Oleic Acids/administration & dosage , Sclerotherapy/methods , Ethanolamine/administration & dosage , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Mouth Diseases/therapy , Sclerosing Solutions/administration & dosage , Blood Vessels/abnormalities , Mouth Neoplasms/therapy , Injections, Intralesional , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Hemangioma/therapy , Lip/blood supply
An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;94(5): 521-526, Sept.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054866


Abstract Background The use of monoethanolamine oleate 5% is effective for the treatment of vascular malformations with low blood flow. Objectives To report a case series of vascular malformations in the mouth and oral cavity treated with monoethanolamine oleate 5%. Methods A retrospective descriptive study was performed in electronic patient charts covering seven years. Patient demographics, diagnostic resources, lesion site, size, and number of applications of monoethanolamine oleate 5% were collected. Results A total of 21 vascular malformations were recorded, located mostly on the lower lip (52.3%) and resolved in a single application in 14 patients. The authors found 19 patients treated with sclerotherapy. Thirteen were women and six were men, with a mean age of 61 years. Study limitation Small sample size. Conclusions Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment for vascular malformations of the lips and oral cavity, with resolution after only one or two applications (n = 16).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Sclerosing Solutions/administration & dosage , Oleic Acids/administration & dosage , Sclerotherapy/methods , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Mouth Diseases/therapy , Time Factors , Injections, Intralesional , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Esthetics , Lip/blood supply , Lip/pathology , Mouth Diseases/pathology
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 114(2): 167-176, abr. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838185


Las malformaciones vasculares componen un amplio y heterogéneo espectro de lesiones, que frecuentemente se presentan como un desafío diagnóstico y terapéutico para el pediatra. El uso de una nomenclatura inadecuada durante mucho tiempo ha llevado a confusión. Dado que el tratamiento de esta patología depende de cada tipo de malformación vascular, su correcta clasificación e identificación es crucial. El objetivo es brindar la información necesaria sobre la clasificación y denominación actual de las malformaciones vasculares y los conceptos básicos sobre las herramientas disponibles para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta compleja patología.

Vascular malformations comprise a broad and heterogeneous range of lesions that often represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for the pediatrician. For a long time, the use of an inaccurate nomenclature has led to confusion. Since management depends on the specific vascular malformation, a proper classification and identification is critical. The objective of this article is to provide the necessary information about the current classification and terminology of vascular anomalies, including basic concepts about available imaging diagnostic and therapeutic tools for the management of such complex condition.

Humans , Child , Lymphatic Abnormalities/therapy , Lymphatic Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Vascular Malformations/diagnostic imaging
J. vasc. bras ; 14(2): 168-176, Apr.-June 2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-756462


Vascular anomalies (VAs) include a group of distinct lesions, such as vascular system congenital malformations, as well as benign and malignant vascular tumors. These lesions may present similar clinical and histopathological features, leading to mistaken diagnoses and incorrect treatment choices. It is important that professionals responsible for monitoring the development of VAs conduct precise investigations and use the appropriate terminology. The human glucose transporter protein isoform 1 (GLUT1) has been proposed as a tool to aid in differential diagnosis between different VAs, given that it is a sensitive and specific marker for identification of infantile hemangiomas (HIs) in any organ. This article presents a review of the literature on this protein as an effective tool for identification and possible differential diagnosis between several VAs.

As anomalias vasculares (AVs) incluem um grupo de lesões distintas, como as más formações congênitas e os tumores vasculares benignos ou malignos. Estas lesões podem apresentar características clínicas e histopatológicas semelhantes, ocasionando equívocos diagnósticos e terapêuticos. Uma investigação precisa e o uso de terminologia adequada são fundamentais para as decisões do profissional responsável pelo acompanhamento da evolução de uma AV. A isoforma 1 da proteína humana transportadora de glicose (GLUT1) tem sido proposta como uma ferramenta auxiliar para o estabelecimento de diagnóstico diferencial entre AVs, uma vez que representa um marcador sensível e específico para a identificação de hemangiomas da infância de qualquer órgão. Este estudo objetiva fazer uma revisão da literatura acerca desta proteína como ferramenta eficaz na identificação e no possível diagnóstico diferencial entre as diversas AVs.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Cardiovascular Abnormalities/diagnosis , Cardiovascular Abnormalities/therapy , Diagnosis, Differential , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Hemangioma/physiopathology , Glucose , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Heart Neoplasms/physiopathology , Blood Vessels/abnormalities
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 12(2): 181-186, Apr-Jun/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-713008


Objective This retrospective study evaluated the results of sclerotherapy with low doses of ethanol for treatment of head and neck venous malformations. Methods We treated 51 patients, 37 females. Median age was 23 years. Patients were treated with percutaneous intralesional injection of alcohol every two weeks and followed up prospectively for a median period of 18 months. Most lesions affected the face and cosmetic disfigurement was the most frequent complaint. Results We performed a median of 7 sessions of sclerotherapy. Complete resolution or improvement was observed in 48 patients presented. Five cases of small skin ulceration, two cases of hyperpigmentation and two of paresthesia were documented; all of them were treated conservatively. Conclusion Percutaneous sclerotherapy with low doses of ethanol is a safe and effective treatment modality for venous malformations affecting the head and neck. .

Objetivo Estudo retrospectivo que analisou os resultados da escleroterapia, com doses baixas de etanol, realizada sob anestesia local para tratamento de malformações venosas na cabeça e pescoço. Métodos Foram tratados 51 pacientes, sendo 37 do gênero feminino. A mediana de idade foi de 23 anos. Os pacientes foram tratados com injeções alcoólicas nas lesões, por via percutânea, em sessões quinzenais, e acompanhados prospectivamente por um período mediano de 18 meses. A maioria das lesões acometia a face e a queixa principal mais frequente foi deformidade estética. Resultados Foram realizadas, em média, sete sessões de escleroterapia. Resolução completa ou melhora foi observada em 48 pacientes. Cinco pacientes apresentaram pequena úlcera cutânea, dois hiperpigmentação e dois parestesia, sendo todos tratados conservadoramente. Conclusão A escleroterapia percutânea com doses baixas de etanol é um método seguro e eficaz para tratar malformações venosas na cabeça e pescoço. .

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Ethanol/therapeutic use , Head/blood supply , Neck/blood supply , Sclerosing Solutions/therapeutic use , Sclerotherapy/methods , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Anesthesia, Local , Injections, Intralesional , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Rev. pediatr. electrón ; 10(1)abr. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-718966


Las anomalías vasculares incluyen un amplio número de enfermedades de la red vascular que tiene similitudes en su manifestación clínica, esto ha llevado por años a una confusión en la nomenclatura, diagnóstico y tratamiento. A continuación se presenta una revisión del tema que pretende describir la nomenclatura y clasificación vigente así como revisar la sintomatología, complicaciones y manejo actualizado.

Humans , Vascular Malformations/classification , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Vascular Neoplasms/classification , Vascular Neoplasms/therapy , Vascular Malformations/diagnosis , Vascular Neoplasms/diagnosis
Rev. argent. radiol ; 76(4): 301-313, dic. 2012. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-740650


Las malformaciones vasculares son enfermedades raras ocasionadas por errores en el desarrollo embriológico de los vasos sanguíneos. Estas lesiones, junto con los tumores vasculares, constituyen las anomalías vasculares. En el caso de las malformaciones vasculares, éstas se denominan de acuerdo al vaso que conforma la lesión y se clasifican según las características del flujo en malformaciones de bajo o alto flujo. Si bien la mayor parte son diagnosticadas según criterios clínicos, algunas lesiones requieren de estudios complementarios tanto para el establecimiento de un correcto diagnóstico como para la evaluación de su extensión. La ecografía Doppler suele ser el estudio inicial para conocer las características hemodinámicas y contribuir al diagnóstico diferencial entre un tumor y una malformación vascular. La resonancia magnética (RM) es el mejor método para evaluar la extensión de las lesiones y su relación con estructuras adyacentes. El diagnóstico preciso del tipo de malformación vascular es importante por su pronóstico y tratamiento diferentes. La Radiología Intervencionista constituye uno de los pilares fundamentales en el manejo terapéutico. Es altamente recomendable un abordaje multidisciplinario dada la complejidad de estas lesiones, particularmente en la elección de las opciones terapéuticas y en el seguimiento clínico de los pacientes.

Vascular malformations: diagnostic clues for the radiologist. Vascular malformations are rare conditions resulting from the abnormal development of blood vessels. These lesions, together with vascular tumors, represent the vascular anomalies. Vascular malformations are named according to which type of vessel is affected and are classified into high- or low-flow malformations on the basis of flow characteristics. Most vascular malformations are diagnosed according to clinical criteria. However, some require imaging studies to confirm the diagnosis or assess its extension. Doppler ultrasound is the usual initial study for hemodynamic assessment and forits contribution to differential diagnosis between vascular tumors and malformations. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) is the best technique for evaluating the extent of the lesions and their relationship with adjacent structures. An accurate diagnosis of the type of vascular malformation is of importance because of the different prognosis and treatment. Interventional radiology is one of the cornerstones in the therapeutic management. A multidisciplinary approach is highly recommended given the complexity of these lesions, particularly for selecting therapeutic options and for the patient clinical follow-up.

Humans , Hemangioma , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Vascular Malformations/diagnosis , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Ultrasonography , Vascular Neoplasms
Rev. chil. radiol ; 17(2): 85-89, 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-603055


Background: Vascular anomalies are prevalent in the general population and may produce significant impairment in quality of life. In recent years, minimally invasive interventional radiology techniques have become an efficient alternative for the treatment of these patients. The aim of this study was to present our experience in the management of vascular malformations with such techniques at Clínica Alemana in Santiago, Chile, and assess the satisfaction of patients with this management. Material and Methods: Evaluation of the follow-up of patients with vascular malformations treated in the Interventional Radiology Unit at our center since June - 2006 to June - 2009. Patients were classified according to the hemodynamics of the lesions (high vs low-flow). Complications and patient satisfaction with the treatment were assessed. Results: Eighty-seven patients (253 procedures) were included in the study, 36 men and 51 women, all with complete follow-up during the period of the study. Their average age was 20.6 years. In over 50 percent of the patients the vascular anomaly was located on the face or the lower extremities. Twenty-eight percent (25 patients) had a high-flow malformation (pure or mixed) and 62 (72 percent) had a low-flow lesion (vascular malformation, lymphangioma or mixed). On average, each patient underwent 2.9 procedures (1-10). There were 4 major complications (1.65 percent), one of which was predominantly cosmetic with necrosis in the area of the lesion. The average satisfaction rate was 7.95 (on a rating scale of 1 to 10). Satisfaction was significantly higher in patients with low-flow malformations (8.27) than in those with high-flow lesions (7.16). (p < 0.05) Discussion: Treatment of vascular malformations using interventional radiology techniques is an effective alternative, with good prospects of clinical improvement, patient satisfaction and low complication rates.

Introducción: Las anomalías vasculares son una patología frecuente en la población general, y son causa de deterioro de la calidad de vida de los pacientes que las padecen. En los últimos años, las técnicas mínimamente invasivas de radiología intervencional se han convertido en una alternativa eficaz para el tratamiento de estos pacientes. El objetivo del presente estudio es mostrar nuestra experiencia en el manejo de malformaciones vasculares con estas técnicas en la Clínica Alemana de Santiago y evaluar la satisfacción de los pacientes con este manejo. Material y Métodos: Evaluación del seguimiento de todos los pacientes con malformaciones vasculares tratados en la Unidad de Radiología Intervencional desde el año 2006 hasta junio del año 2009. Los pacientes fueron clasificados en base a la hemodinamia de la malformación vascular (alto flujo vs. bajo flujo). Se evaluaron las complicaciones, y se realizó una encuesta sobre la satisfacción de los pacientes con el tratamiento. Resultados: Ochenta y siete pacientes (253 procedimientos) fueron incluidos en el estudio, 36 hombres y 51 mujeres, todos con seguimiento completo en este periodo. La edad promedio de ellos fue de 20,6 años. En más del 50 por ciento de los pacientes la anomalía vascular se ubicó en la cara o extremidades inferiores. Un 28 por ciento (25 pacientes) presentó malformación de alto flujo (pura o mixta) y 72 por ciento (62 pacientes) de bajo flujo (malformaciones vasculares, linfangiomas o mixtas). En promedio, cada paciente se realizó 2,9 procedimientos (1-10). Del total de procedimientos realizados, hubo 4 complicaciones mayores (1,65 por ciento), una de ellas con secuelas estéticas producto de necrosis de la zona. El promedio de satisfacción fue de un 7,95 en una escala de 1 a 10, siendo significativamente mayor en pacientes con malformaciones de bajo flujo (8,27) que en los de alto flujo (7,16) (p < 0.05)...

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Middle Aged , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Radiology, Interventional/methods , Follow-Up Studies , Hemodynamics , Vascular Malformations/complications , Data Collection , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction
Clinics ; Clinics;65(9): 837-840, 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-562824


INTRODUCTION: Venous malformations are the most frequent vascular malformation. Deep venous malformations are located in subcutaneous tissue or in the muscles. Percutaneous sclerotherapy is the treatment of choice, and the use of ethanol at low doses has not yet been described. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of treating Deep venous malformations patients with low doses of ethanol. METHODS: Thirty-nine patients treated between July 1995 and June 2007 were followed up prospectively over a median period of 18 months. Twenty-nine were female (74.4 percent) and 10 were male (25.6 percent), with ages ranging from 11 to 59 years (median of 24 years). All of the lesions affected limbs, and the main symptom reported was pain (97.4 percent). Each patient underwent fortnightly alcohol application sessions under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. The lesions were classified into three groups according to size using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging: small, up to 3 cm (4 patients); medium, between 3 and 15 cm (27 patients); and large, greater than 15 cm (8 patients). RESULTS: The symptoms completely disappeared in 14 patients (35.9 percent) and improved in 24 (61.5 percent). The lesion size reduced to zero in 6 patients (15.4 percent) and decreased in 32 (82 percent). The median number of sessions was 7. There were no complications in 32 patients (82 percent), while 3 presented local paresthesia (7.7 percent), 2 superficial trombophlebites (5.1 percent), 1 skin ulcer (2.6 percent), and 1 case of hyperpigmentation (2.6 percent). CONCLUSION: Outpatient treatment for Deep venous malformations patients using ethanol at low doses was effective, with a low complication rate.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Ethanol/therapeutic use , Sclerosing Solutions/therapeutic use , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Anesthesia, Local , Follow-Up Studies , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Prospective Studies , Severity of Illness Index , Sclerotherapy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Young Adult
Indian J Pediatr ; 2009 Oct; 76(10): 1059-1060
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142405


Congenital intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt (IHPSVS) is rare vascular anomaly. We present one case of a 14- month male child who presented with global developmental delay. Child had high ammonia levels with low glutamine and high bile salts on the previous investigations and had history of neonatal seizures since day 13 of life. On admission, serum ammonia levels were elevated to 112μmol/L. Other laboratory investigations including liver and renal function test, and electrolytes were normal. He was, diagnosed to have IHPSVS on the basis of Doppler and CT, and treated by embolization with n-butyl cyanoacrylate (glue). A brief review of diagnostic modalities and endovascular management for the IHPSVS is presented including the present case.

Embolization, Therapeutic/methods , Enbucrilate/pharmacology , Follow-Up Studies , Hepatic Veins/abnormalities , Humans , Hyperammonemia/congenital , Hyperammonemia/diagnosis , Hyperammonemia/therapy , Infant , Magnetic Resonance Angiography , Male , Portal Vein/abnormalities , Risk Assessment , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Treatment Outcome , Vascular Fistula/congenital , Vascular Fistula/diagnostic imaging , Vascular Fistula/therapy , Vascular Malformations/physiopathology , Vascular Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Vascular Malformations/therapy
Korean j. radiol ; Korean j. radiol;: 269-276, 2009.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-101653


OBJECTIVE: We wanted to evaluate the safety and feasibility of ethanol sclerotherapy for treating craniofacial venous malformations (CVMs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: From May 1998 to April 2007, 87 patients (40 men and 47 women; age range, 2-68 years) with CVMs underwent staged ethanol sclerotherapy (range, 1-21 sessions; median number of sessions, 2) by the direct puncture technique. Clinical follow up (range, 0-120 months; mean follow up, 35 months; median follow up, 28 months) was performed for all the patients. Therapeutic outcomes were established by evaluating the clinical outcome of the signs and symptoms in all patients, as well as the degree of devascularization, which was determined on the follow-up imaging, in 71 patients. RESULTS: A total of 305 procedures with the use of ethanol were performed in 87 patients. Follow-up imaging studies were performed for 71 of 87 patients. Twenty-three (32%) of the 71 patients showed excellent outcomes, 37 patients (52%) showed good outcomes and 11 patients (16%) showed poor outcomes. Ethanol sclerotherapy was considered effective for 60 patients. All the minor complications such as bulla (n = 5) healed with only wound dressing and observation. Any major complication such as skin necrosis did not develop. CONCLUSION: Percutaneous ethanol sclerotherapy is an effective, safe treatment for CVMs.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Analgesics/administration & dosage , Anti-Infective Agents, Local/adverse effects , Craniofacial Abnormalities/therapy , Ethanol/adverse effects , Feasibility Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Pain/drug therapy , Retrospective Studies , Sclerosing Solutions/adverse effects , Sclerotherapy/adverse effects , Treatment Outcome , Vascular Malformations/therapy
Tunisie Medicale [La]. 2009; 87 (4): 283-284
in French | IMEMR | ID: emr-103073


Vascular malformations are heterogenous angiodysplasias. The aim of this work is to study the epidemiological and clinical features of venous malformations [VM] as well as their multidisciplinary management. It is a retrospective study of patients having simple VM, seen at the multidisciplinary consultation of angiodysplasias of our hospital, over a 10 year period. This study included 99 patients having VM. A female predominance was noticed. Average age was 18.5 years. VM had mainly cephalic location. All VM were treated with percutaneous sclerotherapy. Aesthetic results were excellent in the cases of small VM size. VM are most frequent in cephalic region and cause aesthetic and functional handicaps. Percutaneous sclerotherapy is the treatment of choice for such a venous malformations, especially for small VM. VM are anomalies which can have serious complications. Their management has to be multidisciplinary in order to better precise the diagnosis and to take the adequate therapeutic decision

Humans , Male , Female , Vascular Malformations/therapy , Veins/abnormalities , Disease Management , Sclerotherapy , Retrospective Studies