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ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 37(1): e20230072-e20230072, jan. 2024. ilus.
Article in Portuguese | CONASS, SES-SP, LILACS, SESSP-IDPCPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1527034


Relato de caso: Paciente masculino, 70 anos, hipertenso, diabético, dislipidêmico e ex-tabagista. Apresentou infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST de parede anterior, sendo submetido à angioplastia da artéria descendente anterior em julho de 2022. Em setembro de 2022, foi admitido em serviço de emergência de hospital geral com quadro de dor torácica ventilatório-dependente e dispneia. Ao exame físico, seu quadro era estável hemodinamicamente.

Humans , Male , Aged , Heart Aneurysm/surgery , Myocardial Infarction , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 35(2): 220-229, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364988


Abstract Background Cardiotoxicity is the main complication related to cancer therapy. Studies indicate that global longitudinal strain is an early detector of subclinical dysfunction of the left ventricle, preceding the decline in ejection fraction (EF). However, the reproducibility of such methodology has not been tested outside specialized centers. Objectives To assess the frequency of subclinical cardiotoxicity and to compare global longitudinal strain and EF measurements during the clinical course of patients undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Methods This was an observational prospective study of 78 adult women who underwent serial echocardiograms (baseline and 1, 3, and 6 months after the beginning of chemotherapy), to evaluate biplane and 3D EF and global longitudinal strain. Cardiotoxicity and subclinical dysfunction were defined according to American Society of Echocardiography/European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging criteria. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results The mean age of the patients was 50.1 ± 11.48 years. The frequency of subclinical cardiotoxicity (defined by global longitudinal strain) was 14.9% after 30 days of chemotherapy, 16.7% after 3 months, and 19.7% after 6 months, compared to 4.5%, 3%, and 6.6%, respectively, when clinical cardiotoxicity was determined according to EF. The group that developed subclinical cardiotoxicity by 30 days (group A) had a higher frequency of clinical cardiotoxicity at 3 months (p=0.028) and a lower mean biplane EF after 30 days (p= 0.036) than the group that showed no evidence of subclinical cardiotoxicity (group B). Conclusion Subclinical cardiotoxicity was frequent and began early, being associated with a drop in EF during the clinical course.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/etiology , Cardiotoxicity/etiology , Stroke Volume/drug effects , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Cardiotoxicity/diagnostic imaging , Antineoplastic Agents/adverse effects
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 118(3): 634-645, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364356


Resumo Fundamento Embora se saiba que a fração de ejeção (FE) do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) medida por eletrocardiograma seja preservada em pacientes com acromegalia, não há informação suficiente sobre deformação longitudinal global e deformação do átrio esquerdo (SLG-VE e SAE). Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as funções do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e do átrio esquerdo (AE) por ecocardiograma strain (ES) em pacientes com acromegalia. Métodos Este estudo incluiu 50 pacientes com acromegalia na forma ativa da doença e 50 controles saudáveis com idade, sexo e área de superfície corporal similares. Além dos ecocardiogramas de rotina, medições de SLG-VE e SAE foram realizadas com o ES. Resultados Os valores dos SAE e SLG-VE foram significativamente mais baixos em pacientes com acromegalia (p<0,05 para todos). Na análise bivariada, a pressão arterial sistólica, o pró-hormônio N-terminal do peptídeo natriurético cerebral, o fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo 1, e detectou-se que os níveis de IMVE tinham correlação positiva com SAE e SLG-VE (p<0,05). O nível de IGF-1 tinha forte correlação com SAE e SLG-VE (p<0,001 e β=0,5 vs. p<0,001 e β=0,626, respectivamente); 48% dos pacientes com acromegalia têm SLG-VE reduzido (<20%). O índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo (IMVE) determina independentemente a presença de SLG-VE reduzido, e cada 1g/m2 de aumento no nível de IMVE aumenta a probabilidade de redução de SLG-VE em 6%. Conclusão Embora a fração de ejeção de VE seja normal em pacientes com acromegalia, os valores de SAE e SLG-VE são significativamente mais baixos. Além do aumento em IMVE, outro achado do envolvimento cardíaco pode ser a redução de SAE e SLG-VE. Portanto, além do ecocardiograma de rotina, SAE e SLG-VE podem ser úteis para avaliar os sinais iniciais de envolvimento cardíaco antes da ocorrência de alterações cardíacas irreversíveis.

Abstract Background Although it is known that the left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) measured by echocardiography is preserved in patients with acromegaly, there is not enough information about the LV and left atrial strain (LV-GLS and LAS). Objective This study aimed to evaluate the left ventricular (LV) and left atrial (LA) functions with strain echocardiography (SE) in patients with acromegaly. Methods This study included 50 acromegaly patients with active disease and 50 healthy controls with similar age, gender, and body surface area. In addition to routine echocardiography examinations, LV-GLS and LAS measurements were performed with SE. Results LAS and LV-GLS values were significantly lower in patients with acromegaly (p<0.05 for all). In bivariate analysis, systolic blood pressure, N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide, Insulin-like growth factor-1, LA diastolic diameter, and LVMI levels were found to be positively correlated with both LAS and LV-GLS (p <0.05). IGF-1 level was strongly correlated with LAS and LV-GLS (p<0.001 and β=0.5 vs. p<0.001 and β=0.626, respectively); 48% of patients with acromegaly have reduced LV-GLS (<20%). Left ventricular mass-index (LVMI) independently determines the presence of reduced LV-GLS and each 1g/m2increase in LVMI level increases the likelihood of reduced LV-GLS by 6%. Conclusion Although LV ejection fraction is normal in patients with acromegaly, LAS and LV-GLS values were significantly reduced. Apart from LVMI increase, another finding of cardiac involvement may be LAS and LV-GLS decrease. Therefore, in addition to routine echocardiography, LAS and LV-GLS may be useful to evaluate early signs of cardiac involvement before the occurrence of irreversible cardiac changes.

Humans , Acromegaly/complications , Acromegaly/diagnostic imaging , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/etiology , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Stroke Volume/physiology , Echocardiography , Ventricular Function, Left/physiology
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 35(4): eabc340, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425564


Fundamento: A cardiotoxicidade induzida por quimioterapia (CiC) é uma complicação importante entre os pacientes que recebem antraciclinas. Biomarcadores e parâmetros de imagem têm sido estudados por sua capacidade de identificar pacientes com risco de desenvolver essa complicação. O strain longitudinal global do ventrículo esquerdo (SLG-VE) tem sido descrito como um parâmetro sensível para detectar disfunção sistólica, mesmo na presença de fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) preservada. Objetivo: avaliar o papel do SLG-VE como preditor de CiC. Métodos: O presente estudo consiste em uma análise post-hoc do estudo CECCY (Carvedilol for Prevention of ChemotherapyRelated Cardiotoxicity [Carvedilol para Prevenção da Cardiotoxicidade Relacionada à Quimioterapia]), que avaliou a prevenção primária de cardiotoxicidade com carvedilol durante quimioterapia com doxorrubicina em uma população com câncer de mama. Definiu-se cardiotoxicidade como uma redução >10% na FEVE. O SLG-VE foi obtido antes da quimioterapia em pacientes sem doença cardiovascular prévia ou anormalidades no ecocardiograma. Resultados: Trinta e um pacientes submetidos a estudo ecocardiográfico completo incluindo avaliação de SLG-VE antes da quimioterapia foram incluídos nesta análise. Um SLG-VE absoluto <16,9% antes da quimioterapia mostrou 100% de sensibilidade e 73% de especificidade para predizer cardiotoxicidade (AUC=0,85; IC 95% 0,680­0,959, p<0,001). Nesta população, os valores de FEVE antes da quimioterapia não foram preditores de CiC (IC 95% 0,478 a -0,842, p=0,17). A associação de baixos níveis séricos de SLG-VE (<17%) e BNP (>17 pg/mL) dois meses após a quimioterapia aumentou a precisão para detectar CiC de início precoce (100% de sensibilidade, 88% de especificidade, AUC=0,94; IC 95% 0,7810,995, p<0,0001). Conclusões: Nossos dados sugerem que o SLG-VE é um possível preditor de cardiotoxicidade induzida por quimioterapia. São necessários estudos maiores para confirmar a relevância clínica desse parâmetro ecocardiográfico nesse cenário clínico. (AU)

Background: Chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity (ChC) is an important complication among patients receiving anthracyclines. Biomarkers and imaging parameters have been studied for their ability to identify patients at risk of developing ChC. Left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LV-GLS) is a sensitive parameter for detecting systolic dysfunction despite the presence of preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Objective: To evaluate the role of the LV-GLS as a predictor of ChC. Methods: This was a post-hoc analysis of the Carvedilol for Prevention of Chemotherapy-Related Cardiotoxicity trial, which evaluated the primary prevention of cardiotoxicity with carvedilol during doxorubicin chemotherapy in a population of patients with breast cancer. Cardiotoxicity was defined as a reduction ≥10% in LVEF. LV-GLS was determined before chemotherapy in patients with no prior cardiovascular disease or echocardiogram abnormalities. Results: Thirty-one patients for whom a complete echocardiography study including measurement of LV-GLS was performed before chemotherapy were included in this analysis. An absolute LV-GLS<16.9% before chemotherapy showed 100% sensitivity and 73% specificity for predicting cardiotoxicity (area under the curve [AUC], 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.680­0.959; p<0.001). In this population, LVEF values before chemotherapy did not predict ChC (95% CI, 0.478 to -0.842; p=0.17). The association of low LV-GLS (<17%) and brain-type natriuretic peptide serum levels (>17 pg/mL) at 2 months after chemotherapy increased the accuracy for detecting early-onset ChC (100% sensitivity, 88% specificity; AUC, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.781­0.995; p<0.0001). Conclusions: Our data suggest that LV-GLS is a potential predictor of ChC. Larger studies are needed to confirm its clinical relevance in this clinical setting. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Stroke Volume/drug effects , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Cardiotoxicity/complications , Global Longitudinal Strain/drug effects , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Echocardiography/methods , Biomarkers/analysis , Doxorubicin/therapeutic use , Anthracyclines/administration & dosage , Drug Therapy/methods , Carvedilol/toxicity , Heart Failure/prevention & control
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 35(1): eabc245, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369683


Introdução: A excursão sistólica do anel tricúspide e a do anel mitral são parâmetros utilizados para se avaliar a função contrátil do ventrículo direito e do ventrículo esquerdo, respectivamente. Pouco se conhece sobre sua relação com a função diastólica ventricular esquerda. Objetivo: Avaliar se os valores de excursão sistólica do anel tricúspide e do anel mitral se correlacionam com parâmetros utilizados na avaliação da função diastólica ventricular esquerda. Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal. Foram selecionados 219 indivíduos, sendo 116 mulheres, com função sistólica preservada de ambos os ventrículos. As análises foram feitas separadamente para os sexos masculino e feminino, por meio dos coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e de Sperman. Foram obtidos: excursão sistólica do anel tricúspide, excursão sistólica do anel mitral, volumes atriais e medidas relacionadas à avaliação da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo ao ecocardiograma transtorácico. Resultados: No sexo feminino, a excursão sistólica do anel mitral se correlacionou positivamente com o e' lateral (coeficiente de correlação de Sperman de 0,22; p=0,016) e a excursão sistólica do anel tricúspide se correlacionou positivamente com a relação E/A (coeficiente de correlação de Sperman de 0,23, p=0,037), com o e' lateral (coeficiente de correlação de Sperman de 0,28; p=0,012), com o e' septal (coeficiente de correlação de Sperman de 0,28; p=0,012) e negativamente com a relação E/e' (coeficiente de correlação de Pearson de -0,27; p=0,018) e onda A (coeficiente de correlação de Pearson de -0,29; p= 0,009). No sexo masculino, apenas a excursão sistólica do anel mitral se correlacionou positivamente com a onda E (coeficiente de correlação de Pearson de 0,21; p=0,037), e' lateral (coeficiente de correlação de Sperman de 0,34; p <0,001) e e' septal (coeficiente de correlação de Sperman de 0,26; p=0,008). Não houve correlação entre excursão sistólica do anel mitral e do anel tricúspide e volumes atriais. A presença de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e diabetes melito influenciou nos valores de excursão sistólica do anel tricúspide e do anel mitral correlacionados a ondas E e A, relação E/A, ondas e' septal e lateral e relação E/e'. Conclusão: No presente estudo, os valores da excursão sistólica do anel mitral e do anel tricúspide apresentaram correlação significativa com algumas variáveis da função diastólica ventricular esquerda com maior evidência no sexo feminino.(AU)

Introduction: Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion and mitral annular systolic excursion are parameters used to assess the systolic function of the right ventricle and left ventricle, respectively. Little is known about its relationship with left ventricular diastolic function. Objective: To assess whether the values of mitral annular systolic excursion and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion correlate with parameters used in the evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function. Method: Observational cross-sectional study. Two hundred nine individuals were selected, 116 women, with both ventricles normal systolic function. The analyzes were performed for men and women, through Pearson correlation coefficient and Sperman correlation coefficient. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, mitral annular systolic excursion, atrial volumes and left ventricular diastolic function parameters on transthoracic echocardiogram were obtained. Results: In women, mitral annular systolic excursion was positively correlated with lateral e '(Sperman correlation coefficient of 0.22; p=0.016) and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion was positively correlated with E / A ratio (Sperman correlation coefficient of 0.23; p=0.037), lateral e' (Sperman correlation coefficient of 0.28; p=0.012), and septal e' (Sperman correlation coefficient of 0.28; p=0.012), and negatively with the E/e' ratio (Pearson correlation coefficient of -0.27; p=0.018), and A wave (Pearson correlation coefficient of -0.29; p=0.009). In men, only mitral annular systolic excursion correlated positively with E wave (Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.21; p=0.037), lateral e' (Sperman correlation coefficient of 0.34; p <0.001) and the septal e' (Sperman correlation coefficient of 0.26; p=0.008). There was no correlation between mitral annular systolic excursion E and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion and atrial volumes. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus influenced tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion and mitral annular systolic excursion values correlated to E and A waves, E/A ratio, septal and lateral e' waves, and E/e' ratio. Conclusion: In the present study, mitral annular systolic excursion and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion values showed a significant correlation with some parameters of left ventricular diastolic function, with stronger evidence on female sex.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Tricuspid Valve/anatomy & histology , Ventricular Function, Left/physiology , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/complications , Mitral Valve/anatomy & histology , Echocardiography/methods , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Diabetes Mellitus/etiology , Heart Ventricles/physiopathology , Hypertension/complications
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 1191-1197, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-941421


Objective: To explore the value of tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) combined with two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging (2D-STI) at rest on evaluating microcirculation dysfunction and left ventricular dysfunction in patients with angina and no obstructive coronary artery disease(ANOCA). Methods: This retrospective study recruited 78 ANOCA patients, who hospitalized in the People's Hospital of Liaoning Province from August 2019 to July 2021. These patients underwent conventional echocardiography examination, including TDI and 2D-STI, to evaluate the left ventricular dysfunction, and adenosine stress echocardiography (SE) to evaluate the coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR). ANOCA patients were divided into coronary microcirculation dysfunction CMD group (CFVR<2) and control group (CFVR≥2) according to CFVR. Clinical data, routine echocardiographic parameters, TDI parameters including isovolumic contraction time (IVCT), isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), ejection time (ET), and STI parameters including global longitudinal peak strain (GLS), time to peak (TTP); peak strain dispersion (PSD) were compared between the two groups. Binary logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors of CMD and the predictive value of each parameter to construct a joint prediction model for the diagnosis of CMD in this patient cohort. Results: The mean age was (55.5±11.2) years, 43 (55%) patients were females in this patient cohort, 38 (49%) patienst were didvided into the CMD group and 40 (51%) into the control group. Age, prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and smokers were significantly higher in the CMD group than in the control group (all P<0.05). Tei index was higher, IVCT and TTP were longer, PSD was higher, ET was shorter, and absolute GLS was lower in the CMD group than in the control group (all P<0.05). The results of logistic regression analysis showed that longer IVCT, higher Tei index, higher time to PSD and lower absolute GLS were the independent risk factors of CMD. The ROC curve revealed that the predicting efficacy on CMD was satisfactiory with the combined predictors: AUC=0.884, sensitivity of 82% and specificity of 80%. Conclusions: TDI combined with 2D-STI is associated with a good diagnostic value on the diagnosis of CMD and left ventricular dysfunction in patients with ANOCA, which provides a feasible non-invasive tool for the diagnosis of CMD and risk stratification of patients with ANOCA.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Angina Pectoris , Blood Flow Velocity , Microcirculation , Retrospective Studies , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 34(2)2021. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283771


Fundamento: A elevação das pressões de enchimento secundária à disfunção diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo ocupa papel central na fisiopatologia da insuficiência cardíaca. Mesmo assim, as diretrizes internacionais falham em detectar a disfunção diastólica em uma parte dos casos. Objetivo: Avaliar a função de reserva do átrio esquerdo, estimada pelo strain longitudinal de pico do átrio esquerdo, nos casos de função diastólica indeterminada. Método: Estudo observacional com indivíduos em ritmo sinusal e fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo preservada, submetidos ao ecocardiograma e divididos em três grupos conforme a análise conjunta da relação E/e´ e do volume de átrio esquerdo indexado: Grupo 1, se pressões de enchimento normais; Grupo 2, se pressões de enchimento elevadas e Grupo 3, se pressões de enchimento indeterminadas. Speckle tracking bidimensional foi empregado para medir o strain longitudinal de pico do átrio esquerdo. Análise de variância, teste t Student e curva receptor-operador (ROC) foram empregados na análise estatística. Resultado: Foram incluídos 58 pacientes, com 61 ± 14 anos, sendo 57% mulheres, com fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo de 62 ± 7%. Os Grupos 2 e 3 tiveram strain longitudinal de pico do átrio esquerdo menor que o Grupo 1 (20 ± 5% versus 22 ± 6% versus 30 ± 8%, respectivamente, p=0,004), mas não diferiram entre si (p=0,93). O strain longitudinal de pico do átrio esquerdo foi preditor de pressões de enchimento elevadas (p=0,026, área sob a curva=0,80), obtendo-se sensibilidade de 60% e especificidade de 80% com valor de corte ≤ 20%. Conclusão: A função de reserva do átrio esquerdo dos indivíduos com função diastólica indeterminada é similar à dos indivíduos com disfunção diastólica avançada, conferindo ao strain longitudinal de pico do átrio esquerdo o potencial de auxiliar na reclassificação da função diastólica indeterminada.(AU)

Background: Elevation of left ventricular filling pressures secondary to diastolic dysfunction plays a central role in the pathophysiology of heart failure. However, international guidelines still fail to diagnose diastolic dysfunction in some cases. Objective: To evaluate left atrial reservoir function in indeterminate diastolic function Method: Observational study with individuals in sinus rhythm and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction, submitted to echocardiogram and divided into three groups according to the combined analysis of E/e´ ratio and indexed left atrium volume: Group 1, if normal left ventricular filling pressures; Group 2, if increased left ventricular filling pressures and Group 3, if indeterminate left ventricular filling pressures. Twodimensional speckle tracking was used to measure peak left atrial strain (LAS). Analysis of variance, Student's t test and receiver-operator curve (ROC) were used in the statistical analysis. Results: We included 58 patients who had 61 ± 14 years old, 57% of whom were women, and had average left ventricular ejection fraction 62 ± 7%. Groups 2 and 3 had lower LAS than Group 1 (20 ± 5% versus 22 ± 6% versus 30 ± 8%, respectively, p = 0.004), but did not differ between them (p = 0.93). LAS was a good predictor of elevated left ventricular filling pressures (p = 0.026; area under the curve = 0.80), obtaining sensitivity of 60% and specificity of 80% with a cut-off value ≤ 20%. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the left atrial reservoir function of individuals with indeterminate diastolic function is similar to that of individuals with advanced diastolic dysfunction, rendering LAS the potential to support the reclassification of indeterminate diastolic function.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Heart Atria/diagnostic imaging , Heart Failure/physiopathology , Echocardiography, Doppler , Comorbidity , Observational Study
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 33(4): eabc101, 20200000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146298


Fundamento: O acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) é prevalente no mundo. Reconhecimento precoce da doença cardiovascular subclínica pode predizer um primeiro episódio de AVE isquêmico; o speckle tracking associado à ecocardiografia (STE) permite detecção precoce da disfunção miocárdica subclínica. Objetivo: Provar a associação entre deformação miocárdica avaliada pelo STE e primeiro episódio de AVE em indivíduos saudáveis. Método: Incluímos participantes entre 40-80 anos com primeiro episódio de AVE isquêmico sem cardiopatia conhecida, pareados por sexo, idade e hipertensão com grupo controle saudável na proporção 1:2. STE avaliou strain longitudinal (SL) do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), e ecocardiografia tradicional foi realizada. Análises univariada e multivariada avaliaram as relações do AVE com fatores de risco cardiovasculares e parâmetros derivados da ecocardiografia. Resultado: 29 casos e 62 controles foram incluídos. Média etária foi 60 ± 12 anos; 54% eram homens. Tabagismo foi mais prevalente em casos do que em controles (34% vs. 9%; p=0.001). Nenhum outro fator de risco evidenciou diferença estatística. Casos tiveram menor deformação miocárdica comparados aos controles (SL -16.7 ± 3.4% vs. -19.2 ± 2.8%; p < 0.001). Não houve diferença em relação aos parâmetros ecocardiográficos tradicionais. Após ajuste para tabagismo e hiperlipidemia, SL manteve-se independentemente associado com AVE (OR=1.3; 95% CI, 1.1 ­ 1.6; p=0.005). A área abaixo à curva ROC para AVE aumentou significativamente após adicionar SL ao tabagismo (0.65 para 0.78, respectivamente; p=0.009). Conclusão: SL tem independente associação com o primeiro episódio de AVE isquêmico em adultos de média idade com corações geralmente normais. SL pode ser potencial marcador de risco nesta população

Background: Stroke is prevalent worldwide, and early recognition of subclinical cardiovascular (CV) disease could predict a first ischemic stroke (IS) episode. Speckle-tracking echocardiography (STE) allows the detection of early subclinical myocardial dysfunction. Aim: To examine the association between myocardial deformation, evaluated by STE, and first episode of IS in a sample of otherwise healthy patients. Methods: We included individuals between 40­80 years old, with a first incidence of IS, with no known CV disease, matched to healthy controls by sex, age, and hypertension at a 1:2 ratio. STE was used to assess LV global longitudinal strain (GLS), and traditional echocardiography was performed. Univariate and multivariable analyses were performed to assess the relationship among stroke, CV risk factors, and echocardiographyderived parameters. Results: A total of 29 cases and 62 controls were included. The mean age of the patients was 60 ± 12 y/o, and 54% were males. Smoking was more prevalent in cases compared to controls (34% vs. 9%; p = 0.001), and there were no significant differences in the other examined risk factors. Cases had less myocardial deformation compared to controls (GLS: -16.7% ± 3.4% vs. -19.2 ± 2.8%; p < 0.001), and there was no

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Cardiovascular Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Hypoxia, Brain/diagnostic imaging , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Stroke/diagnostic imaging , Risk Factors , Longitudinal Studies
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 90(4): 406-414, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152814


Resumen Introducción y objetivos: La insuficiencia valvular mitral provoca el vaciado simultáneo hacia la aorta y la aurícula izquierda durante la sístole ventricular, lo que produce una disminución del volumen hacia la circulación sistémica. En este estudio se busca obtener un dato preciso del porcentaje de volumen expulsado en sentido anterógrado en pacientes con insuficiencia mitral. Métodos: Se aplica una fórmula ecocardiográfica de “corrección” de la fracción de expulsión del ventrículo izquierdo (FEVI) en 114 pacientes con insuficiencia mitral, con base en la medición de la fracción regurgitante. Resultados: La corrección de la FEVI demostró que el 44.7% de los casos (n = 51) debe reclasificarse en cuanto a la calidad de su función sistólica ventricular izquierda. De 79 sujetos con FEVI normal (≥ 50%) sólo se mantuvieron 32 en la misma categoría; en el grupo con FEVI moderadamente reducida (intervalo intermedio, 40-49.9%) se pasó de 6 a 23 casos y, en aquéllos con FEVI reducida (< 40%), el grupo aumentó de 29 a 59; el subgrupo de pacientes con FEVI < 30% se incrementó de 21 a 41 sujetos. Conclusiones: Puesto que en la mayoría de las guías de tratamiento la FEVI se usa para estratificar riesgos e indicaciones terapéuticas, los autores creen que la ponderación de la insuficiencia mitral puede incrementar la precisión del tratamiento y la posibilidad de incluir a pacientes que no están considerados en esos tratamientos en el momento actual.

Abstract Introduction and objectives: Mitral valve regurgitation causes simultaneous emptying to the aorta and left atrium during ventricular systole, generating a decrease in volume supply to the systemic circulation. In this study we seek to obtain an accurate data on the percentage of volume expelled in the anterograde direction in patients with mitral regurgitation. Methods: An echocardiographic formula for “correction” of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was applied in 114 patients with mitral regurgitation, based on the measurement of the regurgitant fraction. Results: Correction of the LVEF showed that 44.7% of cases (n = 51) should be reclassified in terms of the quality of their left ventricular systolic function. Of 79 subjects with normal LVEF (≥ 50%) only 32 remained in the same category; in the group with moderately reduced LVEF (medium range, 40-49.9%) it went from 6 to 23 cases and, in those with reduced LVEF (< 40%), the group increased from 29 to 59; the subgroup of patients with LVEF < 30% increased from 21 to 41 subjects. Conclusions: Given that in most treatment guidelines LVEF is used to stratify risks and therapeutic indications, the authors believe that the weighting of mitral regurgitation can increase the accuracy of treatment, and the possibility of including patients who, at this current moment, are not considered for these therapies.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Stroke Volume/physiology , Echocardiography , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Mitral Valve Insufficiency/physiopathology , Ventricular Function, Left/physiology , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/physiopathology , Mitral Valve Insufficiency/diagnostic imaging
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 66(12): 1750-1756, Dec. 2020. graf
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143664


SUMMARY Cardiovascular diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality in the course of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Diastolic dysfunction (DD) may progress with the clinical manifestation of heart failure, known as heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, a condition that precedes systolic dysfunction. The early identification of DD by echocardiography at the point-of-care before the appearance of symptoms and signs of pulmonary congestion and the implementation of appropriate treatment can improve the prognosis of CKD. This review article briefly addresses DD in kidney disease and presents a practical approach to the echocardiographic diagnosis of DD at the point of care.

SUMÁRIO As doenças cardiovasculares são causa importante de morbidade e mortalidade no curso da doença renal crônica (DRC). A disfunção diastólica (DD) pode evoluir com insuficiência cardíaca manifesta clinicamente, denominada insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção preservada, e precede a disfunção sistólica. A identificação precoce da DD pela ecocardiografia "point of care", antes do aparecimento dos sintomas e sinais de congestão pulmonar, e a implementação de tratamento adequado podem melhorar o prognóstico da DRC. Este artigo de revisão aborda brevemente a DD na doença renal e apresenta uma abordagem prática para o diagnóstico ecocardiográfico da DD à beira do leito

Humans , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Heart Failure/therapy , Heart Failure/diagnostic imaging , Stroke Volume , Point-of-Care Systems , Diastole , Nephrologists
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 90(3): 328-335, Jul.-Sep. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131051


Resumen La estimulación apical permanente del ventrículo derecho (VD) puede producir asincronía del ventrículo izquierdo (VI) desde los puntos de vista eléctrico y mecánico. Este fenómeno es efecto de una alteración de la activación normal del VI que lleva al deterioro de la función sistólica y la aparición de insuficiencia cardíaca y sus efectos deletéreos relacionados. Para el estudio de la asincronía eléctrica del VI se ha propuesto en fecha reciente el nuevo sistema electrocardiográfico no invasivo Synchromax, que puede cuantificar el grado de asincronía eléctrica que causa una subsecuente asincronía mecánica. Esta última se ha estudiado casi siempre mediante la ecocardiografía transtorácica bidimensional (ETT2D) a través del Doppler tisular y la deformación miocárdica y ahora con la ecocardiografía tridimensional transtorácica en tiempo real (E3DTR). La relación entre estos fenómenos ha sido motivo de estudio a fin de identificar a los pacientes que se benefician de la transición a un tratamiento de resincronización cardíaca. Conclusiones: La estimulación artificial permanente del VD produce asincronía eléctrica del VI que puede cuantificarse mediante el nuevo sistema electrocardiográfico Synchromax y desencadenar asincronía mecánica estudiada mediante la ecocardiografía transtorácica para reconocer a los pacientes que pueden beneficiarse de un tratamiento de resincronización cardíaca.

Abstract Permanent apical pacing of right ventricle (RV) can produce dyssynchrony of the left ventricle (LV) from an electrical and mechanical point of view. This phenomenon is caused by an alteration in the normal activation of LV leading to a deterioration of systolic function and the appearance of heart failure and its associated deleterious effects. For the study of the electrical asynchrony of the LV, a new noninvasive electrocardiographic system Synchromax has recently been proposed, being able to quantify the degree of electrical asynchrony that leads to a subsequent mechanical dyssynchrony. The latter has been traditionally studied by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography (2DTTE) through tissue Doppler and myocardial deformation and lately by real-time 3-dimensional echocardiography (RT3DE). The relationship between these phenomena has been the subject of study to predict those patients who benefit from an “upgrade” to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Conclusions: Permanent apical pacing of the RV produces electrical dyssynchrony of the LV that can be quantified using a new electrocardiographic system Synchromax and trigger mechanical asynchrony studied through transthoracic echocardiography allowing to predict those patients who benefit from cardiac resynchronization therapy.

Humans , Cardiac Pacing, Artificial/adverse effects , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/etiology , Echocardiography , Cardiac Pacing, Artificial/methods , Echocardiography, Doppler , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional , Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy/methods
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 114(2): 284-292, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088875


Abstract Background: Diastolic dysfunction, commonly evaluated by echocardiography, is an important early finding in many cardiomyopathies. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) often requires specialized sequences that extends the test time. Recently, feature-tracking imaging has been made available, but still requires expensive software and lacks clinical validation. Objective: To assess diastolic function in patients with aortic valve disease (AVD) and compare it with normal controls by evaluating left ventricular (LV) longitudinal displacement by CMR. Methods: We compared 26 AVD patients with 19 normal controls. Diastolic function was evaluated as LV longitudinal displacement in 4-chamber view cine-CMR images using steady state free precession (SSFP) sequence during the entire cardiac cycle with temporal resolution < 50 ms. The resulting plot of atrioventricular junction (AVJ) position versus time generated variables of AVJ motion. Significance level of p < 0.05 was used. Results: Maximum longitudinal displacement (0.12 vs. 0.17 cm), maximum velocity during early diastole (MVED, 0.6 vs. 1.4s-1), slope of the best-fit line of displacement in diastasis (VDS, 0.22 vs. 0.03s-1), and VDS/MVED ratio (0.35 vs. 0.02) were significantly reduced in AVD patients compared with controls, respectively. Aortic regurgitation showed significantly worse longitudinal LV shortening compared with aortic stenosis. Higher LV mass indicated worse diastolic dysfunction. Conclusions: A simple linear measurement detected significant differences on LV diastolic function between AVD patients and controls. LV mass was the only independent predictor of diastolic dysfunction in these patients. This method can help in the evaluation of diastolic dysfunction, improving cardiomyopathy detection by CMR, without prolonging exam time or depending on expensive software.

Resumo Fundamentos: A disfunção diastólica, comumente avaliada por ecocardiografia, é um importante achado precoce na maioria das cardiomiopatias. A ressonância magnética cardíaca (RMC) frequentemente requer sequências específicas que prolongam o tempo de exame. Recentemente, métodos de imagens com monitoramento de dados (feature-tracking) foram desenvolvidos, mas ainda requerem softwares caros e carecem de validação clínica. Objetivos: Avaliar a função diastólica em pacientes com doença valvar aórtica (DVA) e compará-la a controles normais pela medida do deslocamento longitudinal do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) por RMC. Métodos: Nós comparamos 26 pacientes com DVA com 19 controles normais. A função diastólica foi avaliada como uma medida do deslocamento longitudinal do VE nas imagens de cine-RMC no plano quatro câmaras usando a sequência steady state free precession (SSFP) durante todo o ciclo cardíaco com resolução temporal < 50 ms. O gráfico resultante da posição da junção atrioventricular versus tempo gerou variáveis de movimento da junção atrioventricular. Utilizamos nível de significância de p < 0,005. Resultados: Deslocamento longitudinal máximo (0,12 vs. 0,17 cm), velocidade máxima em início de diástole (0,6 vs. 1,4s-1), velocidade máxima na diástase (0,22 vs. 0,03s-1) e a razão entre a velocidade máxima na diástase e a velocidade máxima em diástole inicial (0,35 vs. 0,02) foram significativamente menores nos pacientes com DVA em comparação aos controles normais, respectivamente. Pacientes com insuficiência aórtica apresentaram medidas de encurtamento longitudinal do VE significativamente piores em comparação aqueles com estenose aórtica. O aumento da massa ventricular esquerda indicou pior disfunção diastólica. Conclusões: Esta simples medida linear detectou diferenças significativas na função diastólica do VE entre pacientes com DVA e controles normais. A massa ventricular esquerda foi o único preditor independente de disfunção diastólica nesses pacientes. Este método pode auxiliar na avaliação da disfunção diastólica, melhorando a detecção de cardiomiopatias por RMC sem prolongar o tempo de exame ou depender de caros softwares.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aortic Valve Insufficiency/physiopathology , Aortic Valve Stenosis/physiopathology , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/physiopathology , Diastole/physiology , Aortic Valve Insufficiency/diagnostic imaging , Aortic Valve Stenosis/diagnostic imaging , Reference Values , Atrioventricular Node/physiopathology , Atrioventricular Node/diagnostic imaging , Time Factors , Bundle of His/physiopathology , Bundle of His/diagnostic imaging , Case-Control Studies , Linear Models , Retrospective Studies , Ventricular Function, Left/physiology , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Statistics, Nonparametric , Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cine/methods