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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(4): 409-414, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560343


El vértigo posicional paroxístico benigno (VPPB) es un síndrome vestibular episódico (SVE) que es reconocido por ser el trastorno más frecuente observado en la clínica, siendo de buena y pronta resolución en la gran mayoría de los casos. Sin embargo, pueden presentarse variantes muy poco habituales o atípicas, donde el canalith jam es una de las formas más resistentes al tratamiento mediante maniobras de reposición, y por lo mismo, el reconocimiento adecuado de este cuadro es esencial para su correcto abordaje. Se presentan dos casos de VPPB con canalith jam en el CSC horizontal y se proponen cinco criterios diagnósticos para su identificación.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is an episodic vestibular syndrome (EVS) that is recognized for being the most frequent disorder observed in the clinic, with good and prompt resolution in the vast majority of cases. However, very unusual or atypical variants can occur, where the canalith jam is one of the forms most resistant to treatment by means of repositioning maneuvers, and for the same reason, the adequate recognition of this condition is essential for its correct approach. Two cases of BPPV with canalith jam in the horizontal semicircular canal and five diagnostic criteria for its identification are presented.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/therapy , Semicircular Canals/pathology , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/diagnosis , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/therapy
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(1): 100-107, mar. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431944


La migraña vestibular es una de las etiologías más frecuentes del síndrome vestibular episódico a nivel mundial. Presenta varias hipótesis de patofisiología, principalmente a nivel de sistema vestibular central y genético. Su diagnóstico es fundamentalmente clínico, pero se han observado alteraciones a nivel de la función vestibular y de las pruebas oculomotoras. Los hallazgos clínicos no solo están presentes en el momento de la crisis, sino también se han observado en intervalos asintomáticos. La paresia unilateral en la prueba calórica suele ser más frecuente que una ganancia baja del reflejo vestíbulo-ocular del canal lateral en la videonistagmografía, sin embargo, existe una tasa elevada de discordancia entre ambas pruebas. Respecto a la prueba de estudio del movimiento ocular, se han observado alteraciones en el seguimiento pendular, movimiento sacádico, nistagmo optocinético, nistagmo evocado por la mirada, nistagmo espontáneo y nistagmo posicional. Es frecuente observar que el nistagmo provocado por cambios posicionales presenta características centrales durante la crisis de migraña vestibular, pero también se pueden presentar en periodos libres de síntomas en este grupo de pacientes.

Vestibular migraine is one of the most frequent etiologies of episodic vestibular syndrome worldwide. It presents several pathophysiology hypotheses, mainly at the central vestibular system and genetic level. Its diagnosis is fundamentally clinical, but changes in vestibular function and oculomotor tests have been observed. Clinical findings are present not only during the crisis, but also have been seen in the symptom-free interval. Unilateral paresis on caloric testing is usually more common than low gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the lateral canal on videonystagmography, however, there is a high rate of discrepancy between these tests. Regarding the eye movement study test, alterations have been seen in pendulum tracking, saccadic movement, optokinetic nystagmus, gaze-evoked nystagmus, spontaneous nystagmus and positional nystagmus. It is common to observe that nystagmus caused by positional changes has central features during vestibular migraine attacks, but it can also be seen in the symptom-free interval in this group of patients.

Humans , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Head Impulse Test/methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982757


Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness(PPPD) is the most common chronic vestibular disease, the clinical manifestation is dizziness, unstable and non-rotational dizziness for three months or more. And the symptom is exacerbated by upright posture, active or passive movement, and complex visual stimuli. In addition, PPPD is a functional disease, so routine vestibular function tests and imaging tests are often negative. According to the diagnostic criteria established by the Barany Association, the diagnosis of PPPD often relies on history. This article provides a review of PPPD-related questionnaires.

Humans , Dizziness/diagnosis , Vertigo/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982759


Isolated otolith dysfunction(iOD) involves a group of unexplained vestibular syndromes that manifest clinically as a sense of translation, tilting or floating, and blurred vision with head movement, with normal semicircular canal function but abnormal otolith function on laboratory vestibular testing. As vestibular medicine has gained widespread popularity in recent years, increasing attention has also been paid to iOD and case reports, clinical studies and diagnostic criteria have been published. However, there is no consensus document to guide the diagnosis of this disease in China. In this context, the Special Committee on Vertigo of China Medical Education Association organized a group of domestic experts in vestibular medicine and formulated this diagnostic consensus after thorough discussion based on the latest evidence in China and abroad, in order to promote the best clinical practice for iOD.

Humans , Otolithic Membrane , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vertigo/diagnosis , Vestibule, Labyrinth , Semicircular Canals
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982770


Objective:To investigate the classification of head shaking nystagmus(HSN) and its clinical value in vestibular peripheral diseases. Methods:Clinical data of 198 patients with peripheral vestibular disorders presenting with HSN were retrospectively analyzed. Video Nystagmograph(VNG) was applied to detect spontaneous nystagmus(SN), HSN, and Caloric Test(CT). The intensity and direction of SN and HSN as well as the unilateral weakness(UW) and direction preponderance(DP) values in caloric test was analyzed in patients. Results:Among the 198 patients with vestibular peripheral disease, there were 105 males and 93 females, with an average age of(49.1±14.4) years (range: 14-87 years). One hundred and thirty seven patients were diagnosed as Vestibular Neuritis(VN), 12 as Meniere's Disease(MD), 41 as sudden deafness(SD) and 8 as Hunt's syndrome accompanied by vertigo. Among them, there were 116 patients in the acute phase, including 68 cases(58.6%) with decreased HSN, 4 cases(3.4%) with increased HSN, 5 cases(4.3%) with biphasic HSN, 38 cases(32.8%) with unchanged HSN, and 1 case(0.9%) with perverted HSN. There were 82 cases in the non-acute phase, 51 cases(62.2%) with decreased HSN, 3 cases(3.6%) with increased HSN, 9 cases(11.0%) with biphasic HSN, and 19 cases(23.2%) with unchanged HSN. In biphasic HSN, the intensity of phase I nystagmus was usually greater than that of phase II, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01). There was no correlation between HSN type and course of disease or DP value. The intensity of HSN was negatively correlated with the course of disease(r=-0.320, P<0.001) and positively correlated with DP value(r=0.364, P<0.001), respectively. The intensity of unchanged nystagmus and spontaneous nystagmus were(8.0±5.7) °/s and(8.5±6.4)°/s, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the intensity of nystagmus before and after shaking the head. Conclusion:HSN can be classified into five types and could be regarded as a potential SN within a specific frequency range (mid-frequency). Similarly, SN could also be considered as a common sign of unilateral vestibular impairment at different frequencies. HSN intensity can reflect the dynamic process of vestibular compensation, and is valuable for assessing the frequency of damage in peripheral vestibular diseases and monitoring the progress of vestibular rehabilitation.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Vestibular Function Tests , Retrospective Studies , Nystagmus, Pathologic/diagnosis , Vertigo/diagnosis , Electronystagmography , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis
Distúrb. comun ; 34(2): e55278, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396702


Introdução: a literatura relata a associação entre o desequilíbrio e o comprometimento cogntivo, porém não é clara sobre quais habilidades cognitivas estão envolvidas com o sistema vestibular. Objetivo: avaliar quais habilidades cognitivas então envolvidas na avaliação e reabilitação vestibular em indivíduos jovens adultos e idosos. Estratégia de pesquisa: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura realizada entre julho e outubro de 2020, os artigos foram selecionados por meio das principais bases de dados da saúde MEDLINE via PubMed, LILACS via Portal Regional da BVS; Cochrane, Scopus, Web of Science, e CINAHL acesso via Portal CAPES, utilizando os descritores "Cognition" OR "Cognitive Dysfunction" AND "Vestibular Function Tests" AND "Vertigo" AND "Vestibular Rehabilitation" e seus correlatos em português e espanhol. Critérios de seleção: Foram incluídos artigos publicados até 2020 que investigaram a cognição com avaliação e reabilitação vestibular (tradicional e/ou com tecnologias) em indivíduos acima de 18 anos. Foram excluídos artigos que não possuíam texto completo disponível ou que utilizaram outra forma de tratamento. Resultados: dos 6965 artigos resultantes da busca inicial, 16 foram incluídos na presente revisão por satisfazerem os critérios de inclusão. Destes, 12 são estudos transversais, e quatro, estudos longitudinais. Conclusão: observou-se relação entre disfunção vestibular uni e bilateral com a memória de trabalho, funções executivas, navegação espacial e atenção. Nos estudos que realizaram a reabilitação vestibular encontrou-se melhora das habilidades cognitivas em geral, capacidade visuoespacial, atenção, funções executivas, memória de trabalho espacial, aumento do ganho do reflexo vestíbulo-ocular, do controle postural e uma diminuição do sofrimento psicológico.

Introduction: The literature reports an association between imbalance and cognitive impairment. However, it is not yet clear which cognitive skills are involved with the vestibular system. Objective: To evaluate which cognitive skills are involved in vestibular assessment and rehabilitation in young and older adults. Research strategy: This is an integrative review of the literature, conducted between July and October 2020. The articles were selected through search in the main health databases - MEDLINE via PubMed, LILACS via Regional Portal of VHL, Cochrane, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL, accessed via Portal CAPES, using the following descriptors "Cognition" OR "Cognitive Dysfunction" AND "Vestibular Function Tests" AND "Vertigo" AND "Vestibular Rehabilitation", and their equivalent terms in Portuguese and Spanish. Selection criteria: Articles published until 2020, investigating cognition with vestibular assessment or traditional and/or technology rehabilitation in subjects aged 18 years or older were included. Articles not available in full text or that used other types of treatment were excluded. Results: 16 out of the 6,965 articles initially retrieved met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review; 12 of them are cross-sectional, and four longitudinal studies. Conclusion: There was a relationship between uni- and bilateral vestibular dysfunction and working memory, executive functions, spatial navigation, and attention. The studies that conducted vestibular rehabilitation found improved overall cognitive skills, visuospatial capacity, attention, executive functions, spatial working memory, increased vestibulo-ocular reflex, postural control gains, and diminished psychological suffering.

Introducción: la literatura reporta la asociación entre desequilibrio y deterioro cognitivo, pero no está claro qué habilidades cognitivas están involucradas con el sistema vestibular. Objetivo: evaluar qué habilidades cognitivas están involucradas en la evaluación y rehabilitación vestibular en adultos jóvenes y ancianos. Estrategia de búsqueda: se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura realizada entre julio y octubre de 2020, los artículos fueron seleccionados a través de las principales bases de datos en salud MEDLINE vía PubMed, LILACS vía Portal Regional BVS; Acceso a Cochrane, Scopus, Web of Science y CINAHL a través del Portal CAPES, utilizando los descriptores "Cognición" O "Disfunción cognitiva" Y "Pruebas de función vestibular" Y "Vértigo" Y "Rehabilitación vestibular" y sus correlatos en portugués y español. Criterios de selección: Se incluyeron artículos publicados hasta 2020 que investigaban la cognición con valoración vestibular y rehabilitación (tradicional y / o con tecnologías) en mayores de 18 años. Se excluyeron los artículos que no tenían el texto completo disponible o que usaban otra forma de tratamiento. Resultados: de los 6965 artículos resultantes de la búsqueda inicial, 16 se incluyeron en esta revisión por cumplir con los criterios de inclusión. De estos, 12 son estudios transversales y cuatro estudios longitudinales. Conclusión: hubo relación entre la disfunción vestibular uni y bilateral con la memoria de trabajo, funciones ejecutivas, navegación espacial y atención. En estudios que realizaron rehabilitación vestibular se encontró una mejora en las habilidades cognitivas en general, capacidad visuoespacial, atención, funciones ejecutivas, memoria de trabajo espacial, aumento de ganancia en el reflejo vestibular-ocular, control postural y una disminución del malestar psicológico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/rehabilitation , Cognition , Vestibular Function Tests , Vertigo , Cognitive Dysfunction
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(2): 181-186, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374724


Abstract Introduction: Bilateral vestibulopathy is a rare chronic condition with multiple etiologies. Bilateral vestibulopathy is characterized mainly by unsteadiness when walking or standing, which worsens in darkness, as well as oscillopsia. The degree of handicap caused by bilateral vestibulopathy is variable and remains controversial. Objectives: To determine the value of the video Head Impulse Test in quantifying vestibular deficit and to establish its impact on the quality of life. Methods: Twenty patients (mean age, 41.9 years; range 14-80 years) fulfilling the recent Barany criteria of bilateral vestibulopathy, responded to the Situational Vertigo Questionnaire and underwent vestibular examination including fixation, positional tests, oculomotor test battery and video head impulse test. Results: The relation between each of the video head impulse test parameters and the scores from the questionnaire were statistically analyzed. We observed that patients with covert saccades on the video head impulse test were more likely to have a better quality of life than those with both covert and overt saccades, regardless of the vestibulo-ocular reflex gain in each semicircular canal. The presence of covert saccades was found to be associated with an improved quality of life regardless of the severity of vestibule ocular reflex-deficit. Our conclusion was that vestibule ocular reflex gain, measured by video head impulse test, does not quantify the severity of affection of quality of life in patients with bilateral vestibulopathy. Conclusion: Covert saccades are strategies aiming at minimizing the blurring of vision during head movement, that is an adaptive mechanism that improves quality of life. Therefore, we recommend that video head impulse test should be a part of the routine diagnostic workup of bilateral vestibulopathy.

Resumo Introdução: A vestibulopatia bilateral é uma condição crônica rara, com múltiplas etiologias. É caracterizada principalmente por instabilidade ao caminhar ou ficar de pé, que piora na escuridão, e oscilopsia. O grau de deficiência causado pela vestibulopatia bilateral é variável e permanece controverso. Objetivos: Determinar o valor do teste do impulso cefálico na quantificação do déficit vestibular e estabelecer seu impacto na qualidade de vida. Método: Vinte pacientes (média de 41,9 anos; variação de 14 a 80) que atendiam aos critérios recentes da Bárány Society de vestibulopatia bilateral responderam ao Situational Vertigo Questionnaire e foram submetidos a exame vestibular, inclusive fixação, testes posicionais, bateria de testes oculomotores e teste do impulso cefálico com vídeo. Resultados: A relação entre cada um dos parâmetros do teste do impulso cefálico com vídeo e os escores do questionário foram analisados estatisticamente. Observamos que pacientes com sacadas corretivas cobertas do tipo covert no teste de impulso cefálico com vídeo tinham maior probabilidade de ter melhor qualidade de vida do que aqueles com ambas sacadas corretivas cobertas e sacadas corretivas abertas do tipo overt, independentemente do ganho no reflexo vestíbulo-ocular em cada canal semicircular. Verificou-se que a presença de sacadas corretivas do tipo covert está associada a uma melhor qualidade de vida, independentemente da gravidade do déficit no reflexo vestibulo-ocular. Concluímos que o ganho no reflexo vestíbulo-ocular, medido pelo teste do impulso cefálico com vídeo, não quantifica a gravidade do comprometimento da qualidade de vida em pacientes com vestibulopatia bilateral. Conclusão: As sacadas corretivas do tipo covert são estratégias que visam minimizar o embaçamento da visão durante o movimento da cabeça, ou seja, um mecanismo adaptativo que melhora a qualidade de vida. Portanto, recomendamos que o teste do impulso cefálico com vídeo faça parte da rotina de diagnóstico da vestibulopatia bilateral.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Bilateral Vestibulopathy , Quality of Life , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular , Head Impulse Test , Middle Aged
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 87(6): 733-741, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350336


Abstract Introduction: Caloric testing is the most frequently used test to assess peripheral vestibular function since the beginning of the 20th century. However, the video head impulse test, vHIT, has gained prominence in the field of neurotology, as it is a faster examination, easier to perform and less uncomfortable for the patient. Objective: To compare, through systematic review and meta-analysis, the proportion of altered cases between vHIT tests and caloric testing in patients with chronic dizziness, in addition to assessing the sensitivity and specificity of vHIT, with caloric testing as the gold standard. Methods: The literature search was carried out in the PubMed, Scopus, BVS-Bireme, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane and ProQuest indexed databases, with no restrictions regarding the publication period. All articles that contained the results of the two tests were included in the evaluation of patients with dizziness. Two researchers independently conducted data selection and extraction from the studies, strictly following the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined in the research protocol. In case of disagreement during the selection, a discussion was carried out with a third evaluator. Results: Eleven of the 1293 initial articles met the eligibility criteria and were analyzed. 2670 patients were evaluated, of which 1112 (41.6%) were males and 1558 (58.4%) females, with a mean age of 51.6 years. The proportion of altered results in the vHIT was 21% (95%CI 9% --33%), and 55% in the caloric testing (95%CI 43% --67%). Conclusion: The vHIT does not substitute for caloric testing. The tests are complementary in assessing the patient with dizziness, as they describe the tonotopy of the ampullary crest at different frequency ranges of stimulation. In chronic cases, the vHIT has a low sensitivity and high diagnostic specificity in comparison to caloric testing.

Resumo Introdução: A prova calórica é o exame mais usado para avaliação da função vestibular periférica desde os primórdios do século XX. Porém, o vídeo teste de impulso cefálico, vHIT, tem ganhado destaque no campo da otoneurologia por ser um exame mais rápido, de fácil execução e menos desconfortável para o paciente. Objetivo: Comparar, através de revisão sistemática e metanálise, a proporção de casos alterados entre os exames vHIT e prova calórica nos pacientes com tontura crônica, além de avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade do vHIT, tendo a prova calórica como padrão-ouro. Método: A busca na literatura foi feita nas bases de dados indexadas PubMed, Scopus, BVS-Bireme, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane e ProQuest, sem restrições quanto ao período da publicação. Foram incluídos todos os artigos que tivessem os resultados dos dois exames na avaliação de pacientes com tontura. Dois pesquisadores conduziram de forma independente a seleção e extração de dados dos estudos, obedeceram rigorosamente os critérios de inclusão e exclusão definidos no protocolo de pesquisa. Em caso de discordância na seleção, fez-se discussão com um terceiro avaliador. Resultados: Onze dos 1.293 artigos iniciais preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade e foram analisados. Foram avaliados 2.670 pacientes, 1.112 (41,6%) do sexo masculino e 1.558 (58,4%) do feminino, com média de 51,6 anos. A proporção de exames alterados no vHIT foi de 21% (95% IC 9%-33%) e na prova calórica foi de 55% (95% IC 43%-67%). Conclusão: O vHIT não substitui a prova calórica. Ambos os testes são complementares na avaliação do paciente com tontura, pois descrevem a tonotopia da crista ampular em diferentes faixas de frequência de estimulação. Nos quadros crônicos, o vHIT tem baixa sensibilidade e alta especificidade diagnóstica em relação à prova calórica.

Humans , Male , Female , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Head Impulse Test , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular , Caloric Tests , Dizziness/diagnosis , Middle Aged
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 87(1): 35-41, Jan.-Feb. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153584


Abstract Introduction: Vestibular migraine is a condition that associates headache and vestibular symptoms. Objective: To evaluate body-balance with virtual reality posturography in vestibular migraine. Methods: A total of 26 patients in the intercritical period of vestibular migraine were compared by means of the Balance Rehabilitation UnitMT (Medical/Interacoustics) posturography with 30 controls, paired for age and gender. Results: There was no significant statistical difference (p = 0.121) in the limit of stability area (cm2) between the experimental group and the control group values. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the values of sway velocity (cm/s) in nine of ten evaluated sensory conditions and in the pressure center displacement area (cm2) values in eight of those ten sensory conditions in the comparison between the control group and the experimental group. Conclusion: Posturography with virtual reality can identify changes in the sway velocity and the pressure center displacement area, characterizing the inability to maintain postural control with and without visual deprivation in situations of visual conflict and vestibulovisual interaction,in the intercritical period of the vestibular migraine.

Resumo Introdução: A migrânea vestibular é um quadro clínico que associa cefaleia migranosa e sintomas vestibulares. Objetivo: Avaliar o controle postural à posturografia com realidade virtual no período intercrítico da migrânea vestibular. Método: Um total de 26 pacientes com migrânea vestibular no período intercrítico da afecção foram comparados comparados à posturografia do Balance Rehabilitation UnitTM (Medical/Interacoustics) a um grupo controle com 30 indivíduos hígidos pareados por idade e sexo. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,102) entre os valores da área do limite de estabilidade (cm2) entre o grupo experimental e o controle. Houve diferença significante (p < 0,05) nos valores da velocidade de oscilação (cm/s) em nove de dez condições sensoriais avaliadas e nos valores da área de deslocamento do centro de pressão (cm2) em oito destas dez condições sensoriais em comparação entre os grupos controle e experimental. Conclusão: A posturografia com realidade virtual pode identificar alterações da velocidade de oscilação e da área de deslocamento do centro de pressão, o que caracteriza a inabilidade para manter o controle postural com e sem privação da visão, em situações de conflito visual e interação vestibulovisual, no período intercrítico da migrânea vestibular.

Humans , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Virtual Reality , Migraine Disorders/diagnosis , Vertigo/diagnosis , Sensation Disorders , Postural Balance
Distúrb. comun ; 32(3): 406-413, set. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397554


Introdução: a avaliação vestibular é realizada tradicionalmente por meio da prova calórica para avaliação do labirinto em indivíduos com tonturas, porém este exame não avalia toda a via vestibular. Os potenciais evocados miogênicos vestibulares (VEMP) consistem em um exame de rápida execução, considerado método de escolha para avaliação dos órgãos otolíticos e do nervo vestibular. Objetivo: analisar as respostas do exame VEMP cervical (cVEMP) e ocular (oVEMP) em indivíduos com doenças vestibulares e compará-las àquelas obtidas em indivíduos de mesma faixa etária e sexo sem queixas de tontura pregressas e atuais. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal e analítico. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo com tontura (GT), composto por indivíduos com diversas doenças vestibulares e o grupo sem queixa de tontura (GC). Ambos os grupos foram submetidos à meatoscopia, ao VEMP cervical e ocular. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 45 indivíduos com a idade entre 23 e 68 anos, sendo 27 indivíduos do grupo GC e 18 do grupo GT. No exame cVEMP as latências, amplitudes, índice de assimetria e o índice de assimetria corrigido foram iguais no GT quando comparado com o GC. No exame oVEMP encontrou-se a amplitude esquerda maior e a latência N10 menor estatisticamente no grupo GT quando comparado ao grupo GC. Dentre as doenças do grupo GT os indivíduos com deiscência de canal superior tiveram valores maiores na amplitude esquerda, o que pode ter interferido nos resultados. Conclusão: Não foram evidenciadas diferenças nas respostas do cVEMP entre os grupos neste estudo. Encontrou-se aumento da amplitude esquerda e o valor menor da latência N10 direita no grupo com tontura na análise do exame oVEMP. Acredita-se que a heterogeneidade de doenças vestibulares no grupo com tontura e o reduzido número de participantes em ambos os grupos tenham contribuído para esse desfecho.

Introduction: The vestibular assessment is traditionally carried out with the caloric test to evaluate the labyrinth in individuals with dizziness. However, this examination does not evaluate the entire vestibular pathway. The vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) are a quick test, considered a choice method to assess the otolith organs and the vestibular nerve. Purpose: To analyze the responses of the cervical (cVEMP) and ocular VEMP (oVEMP) examinations in individuals with vestibular diseases and compare them with the results obtained in individuals of the same age group and gender without previous and current complaints of dizziness. Methods: In this observational, cross-sectional, analytical study, the participants were divided into two groups: the dizziness group (DG), composed of individuals with several vestibular diseases, and the group without complaints of dizziness (CG). Both groups underwent meatoscopy, and cervical and ocular VEMP. Results: The sample comprised 45 individuals aged 23 to 68 years ­ 27 individuals in the CG and 18 in the DG. In the cVEMP exam, the latencies, amplitudes, asymmetry index, and the corrected asymmetry index were the same in the GT when compared to the GC. In the cVEMP examination, the latencies, amplitudes, asymmetry index, and corrected asymmetry index were equal in the DG when compared with the CG. In the oVEMP examination, the left amplitude was statistically greater and the N10 latency, smaller in the DG when compared with the CG. Of the diseases in the DG, individuals with superior canal dehiscence had higher left amplitude values, which may have interfered with the results.Conclusion: There were no differences in cVEMP responses between the groups in this study. An increase in the left amplitude and the lower value in the right N10 latency were found in the DG in the analysis of the oVEMP examination. It is believed that the heterogeneity of vestibular diseases in the DG and the small number of participants in both groups have contributed to this outcome.

Introducción: La evaluación vestibular se lleva a cabo tradicionalmente a través de la prueba calórica para evaluar el laberinto en individuos con mareos, sin embargo, este examen no evalúa toda la vía vestibular. Los potenciales miogénicos evocados vestibulares (VEMP) consisten en una prueba de funcionamiento rápido, considerada el método de elección para evaluar los órganos otolíticos y el nervio vestibular. Objetivo: Analizar las respuestas del examen VEMP cervical y ocular en individuos con enfermedades vestibulares y compararlas con las obtenidas en individuos del mismo grupo de edad y sexo sin quejas de mareos previas y actuales. Métodos:Estudio observacional, transversal y analítico. Los participantes se dividieron en dos grupos: grupo con mareos (GT), compuesto por individuos con varias enfermedades vestibulares y el grupo sin quejas de mareos (CG). Ambos grupos se sometieron a meatoscopia, VEMP cervical y ocular. Resultados: La muestra consistió en 45 individuos con edades comprendidas entre 23 y 68 años, 27 individuos del grupo GC y 18 del grupo GT. En el examen cVEMP, las latencias, amplitudes, índice de asimetría y el índice de asimetría corregido fueron los mismos en el GT en comparación con el CG. En el examen oVEMP, la amplitud izquierda fue mayor y la latencia N10 fue estadísticamente menor en el grupo GT en comparación con el grupo CG. Entre las enfermedades en el grupo GT, los individuos con dehiscencia del canal superior tenían valores más altos en la amplitud izquierda, lo que puede haber interferido con los resultados. Conclusión: No hubo diferencias en las respuestas de cVEMP entre los grupos en este estudio. Se encontró un aumento en la amplitud izquierda y un valor más bajo de la latencia N10 derecha en el grupo con mareos en el análisis del examen oVEMP. Se cree que la heterogeneidad de las enfermedades vestibulares en el grupo de mareos y el pequeño número de participantes en ambos grupos contribuyeron a este resultado.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Dizziness/diagnosis , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials , Vestibular Function Tests , Cross-Sectional Studies , Age and Sex Distribution
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 86(2): 139-148, March-Apr. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132582


Abstract Introduction: Neurotology is a rapidly expanding field of knowledge. The study of the vestibular system has advanced so much that even basic definitions, such as the meaning of vestibular symptoms, have only recently been standardized. Objective: To present a review of the main subjects of neurotology, including concepts, diagnosis and treatment of Neurotology, defining current scientific evidence to facilitate decision-making and to point out the most evidence-lacking areas to stimulate further new research. Methods: This text is the result of the I Brazilian Forum of Neurotology, which brought together the foremost Brazilian researchers in this area for a literature review. In all, there will be three review papers to be published. This first review will address definitions and therapies, the second one will address diagnostic tools, and the third will define the main diseases diagnoses. Each author performed a bibliographic search in the LILACS, SciELO, PubMed and MEDLINE databases on a given subject. The text was then submitted to the other Forum participants for a period of 30 days for analysis. A special chapter, on the definition of vestibular symptoms, was translated by an official translation service, and equally submitted to the other stages of the process. There was then a in-person meeting in which all the texts were orally presented, and there was a discussion among the participants to define a consensual text for each chapter. The consensual texts were then submitted to a final review by four professors of neurotology disciplines from three Brazilian universities and finally concluded. Based on the full text, available on the website of the Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery, this summary version was written as a review article. Result: The text presents the official translation into Portuguese of the definition of vestibular symptoms proposed by the Bárány Society and brings together the main scientific evidence for each of the main existing therapies for neurotological diseases. Conclusion: This text rationally grouped the main topics of knowledge regarding the definitions and therapies of Neurotology, allowing the reader a broad view of the approach of neurotological patients based on scientific evidence and national experience, which should assist them in clinical decision-making, and show the most evidence-lacking topics to stimulate further study.

Resumo Introdução: A otoneurologia é uma área de conhecimento que tem se expandido muito rapidamente. O estudo do sistema vestibular tem avançado tanto que mesmo definições básicas, como o significado dos sintomas vestibulares, foram apenas recentemente padronizadas. Objetivo: Apresentar uma revisão dos principais assuntos da otoneurologia, inclusive conceitos, diagnóstico e tratamento da otoneurologia, definir a evidência científica atual para facilitar a tomada de decisões e demonstrar as áreas mais carentes de evidência para estimular novas pesquisas. Método: Este texto é fruto do I Fórum Brasileiro de Otoneurologia, que reuniu os principais pesquisadores brasileiros dessa área para uma revisão da literatura. Serão feitos três trabalhos de revisão a serem publicados. Este primeiro abordou as definições e as terapias, o segundo abordará as ferramentas diagnósticas e o terceiro definirá os principais diagnósticos. Cada autor fez um levantamento bibliográfico na base de dados da Lilacs, SciELO, Pubmed e Medline de um determinado assunto. O seu texto foi então submetido aos demais participantes do Fórum por 30 dias para análise. Um capítulo especial, da definição dos sintomas vestibulares, foi traduzido por serviço de tradução oficial e igualmente submetido às demais etapas do processo. Houve então uma reunião presencial em que todos os textos foram apresentados oralmente e houve uma discussão entre os participantes para a definição de um texto consensual para cada capítulo. Os textos consensuais foram então submetidos a uma revisão final por quatro professores de otoneurologia de três universidades brasileiras e, por fim, finalizado. A partir do texto completo, publicado no site da Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial, foi escrita esta versão-resumo como artigo de revisão. Resultado: O texto apresenta a tradução oficial para o português da definição dos sintomas vestibulares propostos pela Barany Society e agrupa as principais evidências científicas para cada um das principais terapias existentes para as doenças otoneurológicas. Conclusão: Este texto agrupou de forma racional os principais tópicos de conhecimento a respeito das definições e terapias da otoneurologia, permite ao leitor uma visão ampla da abordagem dos pacientes otoneurológicos baseada em evidências científicas e experiência nacional, que deverá auxiliá-lo na tomada de decisões clínicas, e mostra os assuntos mais carentes de evidência para estimular novos estudos.

Humans , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/therapy , Evidence-Based Medicine , Societies, Medical , Acute Disease , Chronic Disease , Neurotology
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 24(1): 5-10, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090555


Abstract Introduction The cochlea and the vestibular receptors are closely related in terms of anatomy and phylogeny. Patients with moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss (MPSHL) should have their vestibular organ functions tested. Objective To evaluate the incidence of vestibular abnormalities in patients with MPSHL and to study the correlation between the etiology of hearing loss (HL) and a possible damage to the labyrinth. Methods A case-control retrospective study was performed. In the case group, 20 adults with MPSHL of known etiology were included. The control group was composed of 15 adults with normal hearing. The case group was divided into 4 subgroups based on the etiology (bacterial meningitis, virus, vascular disease, congenital). Cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs) were used to rate the saccular function and lower vestibular nerve. Results The study was performed in 70 ears, and it highlighted the presence of early biphasic P1-N1 complex in 29 (71.5%) out of 40 ears in the study group, and in all of the 30 ears in the control group (p = 0.001). Regarding the presence or absence of cVEMPs among the four subgroups of patients with MPSHL, the data were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The comparison between the latencies and amplitude of P1-N1 in case and control groups from other studies and in the four subgroups of cases in the present study did not detect statistically significant differences. Conclusion The present study demonstrates that patients with MPSHL have a high incidence of damage to the labyrinthine organs, and it increases the current knowledge about the etiopathogenesis of sensorineural HL, which is often of unknown nature.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/diagnosis , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiology , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/physiopathology , Audiometry, Pure-Tone , Vascular Diseases/complications , Virus Diseases/complications , Case-Control Studies , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Meningitis, Bacterial/complications , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/congenital , Labyrinth Diseases/diagnosis , Labyrinth Diseases/physiopathology , Labyrinth Diseases/epidemiology
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 389-395, Out.-Dez. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1024150


Introduction: Agrochemicals, also known as pesticides, are widely used in agriculture and in public health. They are organic and inorganic chemical substances with a high level of toxicity not only for the environment, but also for human health. Objective: To verify findings on labyrinthine assessment in endemic disease control agents, and to recommend the inclusion of the vestibular exam in the set of tests for pesticide-exposed populations. Methods: Descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional study with a sample comprising 15 endemic disease control agents, males, mean age of 51.6 years old (standard deviation [SD] = 5.9). All of the participants were submitted to anamnesis, otorhinolaryngological screening, and vestibular assessment. Results: Regarding the most reported complaints, dizziness (73.4%), headache (60%), and tingling in the extremities (53.4%) were observed. The findings of the vestibular exams were normal in 53.3%, while 46.7% showed peripheral vestibular disorder, of which 26.7% were of deficitary type, and 20% of the irritative type. Conclusions: Alteration in the vestibular system was verified in 50% of the workers, with a greater prevalence in the caloric testing. Several disorders related to pesticides intoxication are scientifically known. Actions promoting knowledge and qualification of this population for the proper handling of chemicals are suggested, in addition to the elaboration and inclusion of protocols of vestibular assessment in hearing health programs for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vestibular disorders (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Occupational Exposure , Pesticide Exposure , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/chemically induced , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Agrochemicals/adverse effects , Nervous System Diseases/diagnosis , Nervous System Diseases/chemically induced
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(3): 374-380, set. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058710


RESUMEN Los sistemas vestibular, visual y somatosensorial coordinan el control postural y se adaptan a las actividades cotidianas en diferentes contextos, sin embargo, cuando existe un cuadro clínico con sintomatología vestibular, las ponderaciones de estos sistemas cambian mayoritariamente al sistema visual, creando una dependencia visual. El cerebelo, que es el principal encargado de generar una compensación vestibular en casos de hipofunción vestibular, juega un rol destacado en el aprendizaje motor generando comportamientos adaptativos que se transforman en puntos claves en la rehabilitación vestibular. Este artículo pretende exponer lo que la literatura informa en relación a la dependencia visual en pacientes con hipofunción vestibular.

ABSTRACT The vestibular, visual and somatosensory systems coordinate postural control and adapt to daily activities in different contexts, however, when there is a clinical picture with vestibular symptoms, the weights of these systems change mainly to the visual system, creating a visual dependence. The cerebellum, which is the main responsible for generating vestibular compensation in cases of vestibular hypofunction, plays a prominent role in motor learning generating adaptive behaviors that become key points in vestibular rehabilitation. This article aims to expose what the literature reports in relation to visual dependence in patients with vestibular hypofunction.

Humans , Visual Perception/physiology , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , Vestibular Diseases/rehabilitation , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vertigo , Motion Sickness , Postural Balance , Neurotology
Clinics ; 74: e786, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-989641


OBJECTIVES: Currently, cochlear implant procedures are becoming increasingly broad and have greatly expanded. Bilateral cochlear implants and cochlear implants are more frequently applied in children. Our hypothesis is that the video head impulse test may be more sensitive than the caloric test in detecting abnormal vestibular function before cochlear implant surgery. The objective of this study was to compare the video head impulse test and caloric test results of patients selected for cochlear implant procedures before surgery. METHODS: The patients selected for cochlear implant surgery were submitted to a bithermal caloric test and video head impulse test. RESULTS: By comparing angular slow phase velocity values below 5° in the bithermal caloric test (hypofunction) and video head impulse test with a gain lower than 0.8, we identified 37 (64.9%) patients with vestibular hypofunction or canal paresis and 21 (36.8%) patients with abnormal video head impulse test gain before the cochlear implant procedure. Of the 37 patients with caloric test vestibular hypofunction, 20 (54%) patients exhibited an abnormal gain in the video head impulse test. CONCLUSION: The caloric test is more sensitive than the video head impulse test (Fisher's exact test, p=0.0002) in detecting the impaired ear before cochlear implant delivery. The proportion of caloric test/video head impulse test positive identification of abnormal vestibular function or caloric test/video head impulse test sensitivity was 1.8:1.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Caloric Tests/methods , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Sensitivity and Specificity , Cochlear Implants , Head Impulse Test/methods , Paresis/diagnosis , Video Recording , Preoperative Care/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Predictive Value of Tests
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 76(8): 563-565, Aug. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950572


ABSTRACT The main objective of this manuscript is to describe some personal and professional aspects of two outstanding researchers and pioneers in neuro-otology. Among other achievements, Margaret Ruth Dix, and Charles Skinner Hallpike, designed the most-used provocative test for positional nystagmus for the diagnosis of lithiasis in the vestibular posterior semicircular canal.

RESUMO O principal objetivo desse manuscrito diz respeito a alguns aspectos pessoais e profissionais de dois excelentes pesquisadores e pioneiros da neuro-otologia. Entre outras descrições, Margaret Ruth Dix e Charles Skinner Hallpike descreveram o teste provocativo mais utilizado de nistagmo posicional para o diagnóstico de litíase no canal semicircular posterior do sistema vestibular.

History, 20th Century , Neurotology/history , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/history , Vestibular Diseases/therapy , Lithiasis/diagnosis , Lithiasis/history , Patient Positioning/history , Patient Positioning/methods , London
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 22(3): 197-202, July-Sept. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-975587


Abstract Introduction Cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs) are difficult to test in toddlers who cannot follow instructions or stay calm. Objective Due to the growing need for vestibular testing in very young children as a part of a delayed walking assessment battery, this study aimed to provide a solution to this problem by recording the cVEMPs in toddlers during sedation. Method The cVEMPs measures were assessed in 30 toddlers aged 12 to 36 months with normal motormilestones. They were sedated with chloral hydrate. Then, the head was retracted ~ 30° backward with a pillow under the shoulders, and turned 45° contralateral to the side of stimulation to put the sternocleidomastoid (SCM)muscle in a state of tension. Results The P13 and N23 waves of the cVEMPs were recordable in all sedated toddlers. The cVEMPs measures resulted in the following: P13 latency of 17.5 ± 1.41 milliseconds, N23 latency of 25.58 ± 2.02 milliseconds, and peak-topeak amplitude of 15.39 ± 3.45 μV. One-sample t-test revealed statistically significant longer latencies and smaller amplitude of the toddlers' cVEMPs relative to the normative data for adults. Conclusions The difficulty of cVEMPs testing in toddlers can be overcome by sedating them and attaining a position that contracts the SCM muscle. However, the toddlers' recordings revealed delayed latencies and smaller amplitudes than those of adults.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Chloral Hydrate/administration & dosage , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials , Reaction Time , Reference Values , Auditory Threshold , Chloral Hydrate/adverse effects , Saccule and Utricle/physiology , Reproducibility of Results , Otoscopy , Ear, Middle/physiology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 76(3): 131-138, Mar. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888369


ABSTRACT Objective To describe and compare the vestibular findings most evident among the hereditary ataxias, as well as correlate their clinical features with the nervous structures affected in this disease. Methods Seventy-five patients were evaluated and underwent a case history, otorhinolaryngological and vestibular assessments. Results Clinically, the patients commonly had symptoms of gait disturbances (67.1%), dizziness (47.3%), dysarthria (46%) and dysphagia (36.8%). In vestibular testing, alterations were predominantly evident in caloric testing (79%), testing for saccadic dysmetria (51%) and rotational chair testing (47%). The presence of alterations occurred in 87% of these patients. A majority of the alterations were from central vestibular dysfunction (69.3%). Conclusion This underscores the importance of the contribution of topodiagnostic labyrinthine evaluations for neurodegenerative diseases as, in most cases, the initial symptoms are otoneurological; and these evaluations should also be included in the selection of procedures to be performed in clinical and therapeutic monitoring.

RESUMO Objetivo Descrever e comparar os achados vestibulares mais evidentes entre a ataxia hereditária, bem como correlacionar seus aspectos clínicos com o estudo das estruturas nervosas afetadas nesta doença. Métodos 75 pacientes foram avaliados e submetidos aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, avaliação otorrinolaringológica e vestibular. Resultados Clinicamente, os pacientes apresentaram sintomas de distúrbios da marcha (67,1%), tonturas (47,3%), disartria (46%) e disfagia (36,8%). No teste vestibular, as alterações foram predominantemente evidentes no teste calórico (79%), dismetria sacádicas (51%) e no teste rotatório (47%). A presença de alterações ocorreu em 87% dos pacientes. A maioria das alterações observadas foram da disfunção vestibular central (69,3%). Conclusão O estudo ressalta a importância da contribuição da avaliação labiríntica no topodiagnóstico para doenças neurodegenerativas, uma vez que, na maioria dos casos, os sintomas iniciais são otoneurológicos, e essas avaliações também devem ser incluídas na seleção de procedimentos a serem realizados no monitoramento clínico e terapêutico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/diagnosis , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/epidemiology , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/epidemiology , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Brazil/epidemiology , Deglutition Disorders/physiopathology , Deglutition Disorders/epidemiology , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/physiopathology , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/genetics , Nystagmus, Pathologic/physiopathology , Nystagmus, Pathologic/epidemiology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Gait Disorders, Neurologic/physiopathology , Gait Disorders, Neurologic/epidemiology , Dizziness/physiopathology , Dizziness/epidemiology , Dysarthria/physiopathology , Dysarthria/epidemiology , Mutation
CoDAS ; 30(2): e20160260, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890838


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a via auditiva em nível de tronco encefálico e cortical em indivíduos com disfunção vestibular periférica. Método Participaram do estudo 19 indivíduos, com idade entre 20 e 80 anos que possuíam exames vestibulares sugestivos de Disfunção Vestibular Periférica Deficitária (DVPD) ou Disfunção Vestibular (DV). Os participantes realizaram avaliação da via auditiva por meio dos Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Tronco Encefálico (curta latência) e dos potenciais P1, N1, P2, N2 e P300 (longa latência). Resultados Nove indivíduos apresentaram diagnóstico de Disfunção Vestibular e 10 de Disfunção Vestibular Periférica Deficitária. A média geral dos potenciais de longa latência dos participantes ficou dentro da normalidade e no de curta latência houve uma média aumentada na latência das ondas III e V da orelha esquerda, bem como no intervalo interpico I-III de ambas as orelhas. Ao relacionar os potenciais auditivos com DV e DVPD, houve significância estatística apenas no intervalo interpico III-V no potencial de curta latência da orelha direita. Ao comparar longa e curta latência nos grupos, houve diferenças nas latências entre DV e DVPD, sem significância estatística. Conclusão Não houve relação significativa de DV e DVPD com os potenciais auditivos, porém, nos potenciais de longa latência, os indivíduos com Disfunção Vestibular apresentaram maior latência em P1, N1, P2, N2 e os indivíduos com Disfunção Vestibular Periférica Deficitária, maior latência no P300. No potencial de curta latência, houve um aumento nas latências absolutas no grupo Disfunção Vestibular e nos intervalos interpicos em Disfunção Vestibular Periférica Deficitária.

ABSTRACT Purpose Evaluate the auditory pathway at the brainstem and cortical levels in individuals with peripheral vestibular dysfunction. Methods The study sample was composed 19 individuals aged 20-80 years that presented exam results suggestive of Peripheral Vestibular Disorder (PVD) or Vestibular Dysfunction (VD). Participants underwent evaluation of the auditory pathway through Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEP) (short latency) and P1, N1, P2, N2, and P300 cortical potentials (long latency). Results Nine individuals presented diagnosis of VD and 10 participants were diagnosed with PVD. The overall average of the long latency potentials of the participants was within the normal range, whereas an increased mean was observed in the short latency of waves III and V of the left ear, as well as in the I - III interpeak interval of both ears. Association of the auditory potentials with VD and PVD showed statistically significant correlation only in the III - V interpeak interval of the right ear for short latency. Comparison between the long and short latencies in the groups showed differences between VD and PVD, but without statistical significance. Conclusion No statistically significant correlation was observed between VD/PVD and the auditory evoked potentials; however, for the long latency potentials, individuals with VD presented higher latency in P1, N1, P2, and N2, where as participants with PVD showed higher latency in P300. In the short latency potentials, there was an increase in the absolute latencies in the VD group and in the interpeak intervals in the PVD group.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem/physiology , Reaction Time , Acoustic Stimulation , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Middle Aged