RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o controle postural na doença de Menière. Métodos 34 pacientes com doença de Menière definida (grupo experimental) e 34 indivíduos hígidos (grupo controle), homogêneos quanto à idade e ao gênero, foram submetidos à posturografia do Tetrax Interactive Balance System (Tetrax IBS TM) em oito condições sensoriais. Índice de estabilidade, índice de distribuição de peso, índice de sincronização da oscilação postural direita/esquerda e dedos/calcanhar, frequência de oscilação postural e índice de risco de queda foram analisados. Resultados O índice de estabilidade foi maior no grupo experimental, com diferença significativa entre os grupos, em todas as condições sensoriais testadas. O risco de queda foi maior no grupo experimental do que no grupo controle. A oscilação postural foi maior no grupo experimental em todas as faixas de frequência, com diferença significativa em algumas delas. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos nos índices de distribuição de peso e de sincronização, nas oito condições sensoriais avaliadas. Conclusão Pacientes com doença de Menière apresentam comprometimento do controle postural, caracterizado por alterações do índice de estabilidade, em frequências de oscilação postural e no índice de risco de queda.
ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate postural control in Menière's disease. Methods 34 patients with Menière's disease (experimental group) and 34 healthy individuals (control group) were submitted to Tetrax Interactive Balance System posturography under eight sensory conditions. Stability, weight distribution, synchronization, risk of falling and postural oscillation frequency were analyzed. Results Stability index was higher in the experimental group with significant difference between the groups in all sensory conditions. Risk of falling was higher in the experimental group than in the control. Postural oscillation was higher in the experimental group in all frequency ranges, with significant difference in some of them. There was no significant difference between the groups in the weight distribution and synchronization indexes. Conclusion In this study, Menière's disease patients presented impaired postural control, characterized by postural instability and oscillation and risk of falling.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Sensation Disorders , Postural Balance , Posturology , Meniere DiseaseABSTRACT
Introdução: os potenciais evocados miogênicos vestibulares (VEMP) são respostas eletrofisiológicas que conseguem fornecer informações dos órgãos otolíticos sáculo, utrículo e do nervo vestibular. O VEMP é um exame complementar à avaliação vestibular, consistindo num exame rápido, de fácil aplicação e objetivo. Objetivo: analisar os parâmetros de latência, amplitude, limiar e índice de assimetria das respostas do VEMP cervical (cVEMP) e ocular (oVEMP) de indivíduos sem queixas vestibulares. Métodos: estudo transversal realizado com 53 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, sem queixas auditivas e vestibulares. Resultados: encontrou-se simetria de respostas nas latências, amplitudes e limiares de respostas do exame cVEMP. Entretanto, verificou-se diferença entre orelhas da latência P15 do exame oVEMP, sendo maior à direita no sexo feminino. Conclusão: Encontrou-se simetria nas respostas de todos os parâmetros avaliados do cVEMP. Houve assimetria apenas na latência de P15 do oVEMP no sexo feminino. Os limiares de resposta encontrados nos exames cVEMP e oVEMP foram iguais ou maiores que 75 dBNA.
Introduction: Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) are electrophysiological responses that can provide information on the otolithic organs saccule, utricle and of the vestibular nerve. VEMP is a complementary exam to the vestibular assessment; it is a quick exam, easy to apply and objective. Purpose: to analyze the parameters of latency, amplitude, threshold and asymmetry index of the cervical (cVEMP) and ocular VEMP (oVEMP) responses of individuals without vestibular complaints. Methods: cross-sectional study carried out with 53 individuals of both genders without hearing and vestibular complaints. Results: response symmetry was found in the latencies, amplitudes and thresholds of cVEMP test responses. However, there was a difference between the ears of the P15 latency of the oVEMP exam, and this was greater on the right ear in females. Conclusion: symmetry was found in the responses of all cVEMP evaluated parameters. There was asymmetry in oVEMP P15 latency only in female patients. The response thresholds found in the cVEMP and oVEMP tests were equal or greater than 75 dBHL.
Introducción: los potenciales miogénicos evocados vestibulares (VEMP) son respuestas electrofisiológicas que pueden proporcionar información sobre los órganos otolíticos el sáculo, el utrículo y el nervio vestibular. El VEMP es un examen complementario a la evaluación vestibular; es un examen rápido, fácil de aplicar y objetivo. Objetivo: analizar los parámetros de latencia, amplitud, umbral e índice de asimetría de las respuestas VEMP cervical (cVEMP) y ocular (oVEMP) de individuos sin quejas vestibulares. Métodos: estudio transversal realizado con 53 individuos de ambos sexos, sin quejas auditivas y vestibulares. Resultados: Se encontró simetría de respuestas en las latencias, amplitudes y umbrales de respuestas en el examen cVEMP. Sin embargo, hubo una diferencia entre los oídos de la latencia P15 del examen oVEMP, siendo mayor a la derecha en el sexo femenino . Conclusión: se encontró simetría en las respuestas de todos los parámetros evaluados de cVEMP. Hubo asimetría solo en la latencia P15 de oVEMP en el sexo femenino. Los umbrales de respuesta encontrados en las pruebas cVEMP y oVEMP fueron iguales o superiores a 75 dBHL.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials/physiology , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Ear, InnerABSTRACT
La pandemia por el virus SARS-CoV-2 causante de la enfermedad COVID-19 se ha expandido rápidamente a nivel mundial. Las autoridades de salud pública han recomendado limitar las prestaciones de salud no esenciales, buscando el equilibrio entre el riesgo del retraso en el tratamiento y la potencial exposición al virus. En la mayoría de las prestaciones en las áreas de audiología y otoneurología no es posible cumplir con el distanciamiento físico recomendado y la duración de la atención puede superar los 45 minutos, factores que aumentan el riesgo de contagio para el profesional. El objetivo de la presente revisión es describir la evidencia actual sobre las recomendaciones de atención para las áreas de audiología y otoneurología en contexto COVID-19. Además de la búsqueda de artículos científicos en diversas bases de datos, se revisaron las recomendaciones emitidas por las principales asociaciones en el área. La información obtenida se organizó considerando cuatro aspectos clínicos relevantes: prestaciones, procedimientos, elementos de protección personal y limpieza de equipamiento e insumos. La evidencia científica y las sugerencias de las asociaciones están en constante actualización y algunos temas se han desarrollado escasamente. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones coinciden en priorizar la atención a distancia, extremar el uso de elementos de protección personal, implementar protocolos de higiene de manos y limpieza de equipos e insumos. También, se sugiere incorporar estrategias de comunicación alternativas al lenguaje oral con las personas con hipoacusia para facilitar la discriminación de la palabra.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has rapidly spread worldwide. Public health authorities have recommended limiting non-essential healthcare, in search of a balance between the risk of delaying treatment and the potential exposure to the virus. Most services in the audiology and otoneurologyareas can easily exceed 45 minutes and it is not possible to keep the recommended physical distancing. Both factors increase the risk of professionals being infected. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to describe the current evidence about recommendations in audiology and otoneurology care in the context of COVID-19. In addition to the search of scientific articles in various databases, recommendations issued by the mainassociations in the area were consulted. The information was gathered considering four relevant clinical aspects: health careservices, procedures, personal protective equipment and the cleaning of equipment and supplies. Scientific evidence and suggestions made by associations are being constantly updated, and therefore there is limited content on some topics. However, the recommendations agree on prioritizing remote health care, increasing the use of personal protective equipment, implementing protocols for hand hygiene and for the cleaning of equipment and supplies. The incorporation communication strategies other than oral language to interact with people with hearing lossto facilitate speech discrimination is also recommended.
Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Audiology/standards , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/standards , Neurotology/standards , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Vestibular Function Tests/standards , Hygiene , Audiology/methods , Infection Control , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/methods , Pandemics/prevention & control , Neurotology/methods , Personal Protective Equipment , BetacoronavirusABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo analisar a ocorrência do diagnóstico psiquiátrico e o uso de psicotrópicos em sujeitos com queixas vestibulares e relacionar a presença dessas condições aos resultados da vestibulometria. Método estudo quantitativo, observacional, transversal, com 131 pacientes, atendidos em um hospital universitário. Foram submetidos à anamnese, inspeção visual do meato acústico externo, provas de equilíbrio estático e dinâmico, Posturografia dinâmica foam laser e vectoeletronistagmografia computadorizada. Resultados amostra composta por 109 mulheres e 22 homens, com média de idade de 55 anos e nove meses. O tipo de tontura mais frequente foi vertigem, com presença de sintomas neurovegetativos. Observou-se expressiva porcentagem de queixa/diagnóstico psiquiátrico, bem como uso de psicotrópicos, sendo principalmente inibidores seletivos da recaptação da serotonina, seguidos dos benzodiazepínicos. Houve relação entre a presença de condições psiquiátricas e mulheres, alterações do equilíbrio estático e alterações nas posições III e VI do Teste de Organização Sensorial. Na vectoeletronistagmografia, houve relação entre a idade e a presença de nistagmo espontâneo de olhos fechados. Conclusão Constatou-se alta ocorrência de condições psiquiátricas entre pacientes com tontura, com uso de psicotrópicos maior que na população geral. Destaca-se a associação entre ansiedade/depressão e alterações nas posições de sobrecarga visual da posturografia dinâmica foam laser. No entanto, não foi observada relação entre essas condições e alterações nas provas da vectoeletronistagmografia.
ABSTRACT Purpose to analyze the occurrence of psychiatric diagnosis and the use of psychotropics medications in subjects with vestibular complaints and to relate the presence of these conditions to the results of vestibulometry. Methods quantitative, observational, cross-sectional study with 131 patients, treated in a university hospital. They were submitted to anamnesis, visual inspection of the external ear canal, static and dynamic balance tests, Foam laser dynamic posturography and Computerized Vectoelectronystagmography. Results sample composed of 109 women and 22 men, with average age of 55 years and nine months. The most common type of dizziness was vertigo, with the presence of neurovegetative signals. A significant percentage of psychiatric complaint/diagnosis was observed, as well as the use of psychotropic medications, mainly serotonin uptake inhibitors, followed by benzodiazepines. There was a relation between the presence of psychiatric complaints with the female gender, alterations of the static balance and alterations in the Sensorial Organization Test positions III and VI. In the Vectoelectronystagmography, there was a relation between age and the presence of spontaneous nystagmus. Conclusion There was a high occurrence of psychiatric complaint/diagnosis among patients with dizziness, with use of psychotropic medications substantially greater than the general population. The evaluation of postural balance revealed an association between anxiety/depression and alterations visual overload positions in the foam laser dynamic posturography. However, no relationship was found between these conditions and alterations in the Vectoelectronystagmography tests.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Psychotropic Drugs/adverse effects , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Vertigo/chemically induced , Mood Disorders/drug therapy , Dizziness/chemically induced , Postural Balance/drug effects , Psychotropic Drugs/classification , Retrospective Studies , Mood Disorders/complicationsABSTRACT
A pesar de los avances en la tecnología para preservar la dentición, aún se requiere la rehabilitación del sistema masticatorio en pacientes desdentados parcial o totalmente, lo que resulta difícil y frustrante -- tanto para los afectados como para los protesistas -- si existe atrofia grave del hueso alveolar. Este problema se puede solucionar mediante una intervención quirúrgica denominada profundización del vestíbulo, dirigida a lograr el aumento de la cresta alveolar y, con ello, el soporte de las prótesis dentales. A tal efecto, en el presente trabajo se propone y describe una nueva opción terapéutica: la técnica de Alemán y Pico, para la profundización del surco vestibular inferior, la cual no es tan invasiva y resulta factible cuando no se cuenta con las condiciones necesarias para colocar implantes, ya sea por escasez de recursos materiales o por situaciones propias del paciente
In spite of the advances in technology to preserve the eruption of teeth, the rehabilitation of the masticatory system is still required in partial or totally toothless patients, what is difficult and frustrating -- either for those affected patients or for the prosthesists -- if serious atrophy of the alveolar bone exists. This problem can be solved by means of a surgical procedure denominated deepening of the vestibule directed to achieve the increase of the alveolar crest and, with it, the support of the dental prosthesis. To such an effect, this work intends and describes a new therapeutic option: the Alemán and Pico technique, for deepening of the inferior vestibular edge, which is not so invasive and it is feasible when the necessary conditions to place an implant are not available, either due to shortage of material resources or due to situations of the patients themselves
Humans , Male , Female , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Vestibuloplasty , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Alveolar Process/physiopathology , Therapeutics , Alveolar Ridge AugmentationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To describe and compare the vestibular findings most evident among the hereditary ataxias, as well as correlate their clinical features with the nervous structures affected in this disease. Methods Seventy-five patients were evaluated and underwent a case history, otorhinolaryngological and vestibular assessments. Results Clinically, the patients commonly had symptoms of gait disturbances (67.1%), dizziness (47.3%), dysarthria (46%) and dysphagia (36.8%). In vestibular testing, alterations were predominantly evident in caloric testing (79%), testing for saccadic dysmetria (51%) and rotational chair testing (47%). The presence of alterations occurred in 87% of these patients. A majority of the alterations were from central vestibular dysfunction (69.3%). Conclusion This underscores the importance of the contribution of topodiagnostic labyrinthine evaluations for neurodegenerative diseases as, in most cases, the initial symptoms are otoneurological; and these evaluations should also be included in the selection of procedures to be performed in clinical and therapeutic monitoring.
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever e comparar os achados vestibulares mais evidentes entre a ataxia hereditária, bem como correlacionar seus aspectos clínicos com o estudo das estruturas nervosas afetadas nesta doença. Métodos 75 pacientes foram avaliados e submetidos aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, avaliação otorrinolaringológica e vestibular. Resultados Clinicamente, os pacientes apresentaram sintomas de distúrbios da marcha (67,1%), tonturas (47,3%), disartria (46%) e disfagia (36,8%). No teste vestibular, as alterações foram predominantemente evidentes no teste calórico (79%), dismetria sacádicas (51%) e no teste rotatório (47%). A presença de alterações ocorreu em 87% dos pacientes. A maioria das alterações observadas foram da disfunção vestibular central (69,3%). Conclusão O estudo ressalta a importância da contribuição da avaliação labiríntica no topodiagnóstico para doenças neurodegenerativas, uma vez que, na maioria dos casos, os sintomas iniciais são otoneurológicos, e essas avaliações também devem ser incluídas na seleção de procedimentos a serem realizados no monitoramento clínico e terapêutico.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/diagnosis , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/epidemiology , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/epidemiology , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Brazil/epidemiology , Deglutition Disorders/physiopathology , Deglutition Disorders/epidemiology , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/physiopathology , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/genetics , Nystagmus, Pathologic/physiopathology , Nystagmus, Pathologic/epidemiology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Gait Disorders, Neurologic/physiopathology , Gait Disorders, Neurologic/epidemiology , Dizziness/physiopathology , Dizziness/epidemiology , Dysarthria/physiopathology , Dysarthria/epidemiology , MutationABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Otolith function can be studied by testing the subjective visual vertical, because the tilt of the vertical line beyond the normal range is a sign of vestibular dysfunction. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is a disorder of one or more labyrinthine semicircular canals caused by fractions of otoliths derived from the utricular macula. Objective: To compare the subjective visual vertical with the bucket test before and immediately after the particle repositioning maneuver in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Methods: We evaluated 20 patients. The estimated position where a fluorescent line within a bucket reached the vertical position was measured before and immediately after the particle repositioning maneuver. Data were tabulated and statistically analyzed. Results: Before repositioning maneuver, 9 patients (45.0%) had absolute values of the subjective visual vertical above the reference standard and 2 (10.0%) after the maneuver; the mean of the absolute values of the vertical deviation was significantly lower after the intervention (p < 0.001). Conclusion: There is a reduction of the deviations of the subjective visual vertical, evaluated by the bucket test, immediately after the particle repositioning maneuver in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
Resumo Introdução: A função do otólito pode ser estudada por meio de testes da vertical visual subjetiva, porque a inclinação da linha vertical além da faixa normal é um sinal de disfunção vestibular. A vertigem postural paroxística benigna é um distúrbio de um ou mais canais semicirculares labirínticos causado por frações de otólitos derivados da mácula utricular. Objetivo: Comparar a vertical visual subjetiva com o teste do balde antes e imediatamente após a manobra de reposicionamento de partículas em pacientes com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna. Método: Foram avaliados 20 pacientes. A posição estimada, onde uma linha de fluorescência dentro de um balde atingia a posição vertical, foi medida antes e imediatamente após a manobra de reposicionamento de partículas. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados estatisticamente. Resultados: Antes da manobra de reposicionamento, nove pacientes (45%) apresentaram valores absolutos de vertical visual subjetiva acima da referência padrão e dois (10%) depois da manobra; a média dos valores absolutos do desvio vertical foi significativamente mais baixa depois da intervenção (p < 0,001). Conclusão: Há uma redução dos desvios da vertical visual subjetiva, avaliada pelo teste do balde, imediatamente após a manobra de reposicionamento de partículas em pacientes com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Visual Perception/physiology , Patient Positioning/methods , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/physiopathology , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/therapy , Posture/physiology , Reference Standards , Reference Values , Otolithic Membrane/physiopathology , Semicircular Canals/physiopathology , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Orientation, Spatial/physiologyABSTRACT
Introducción: La prueba Visual Subjetiva Vertical (SVV por sus siglas en inglés) corresponde a una prueba de bajo costo y complejidad que permite el estudio de la función vestibular "estática". En el año 2009 se valida la Prueba del Balde con igual confianza, sensibilidad y especificidad, que la prueba de domo. Sin embargo, diversos factores impresionan disminuir su precisión. Objetivo: Proponer un nuevo método utilizando un programa computacional y una interfaz pantalla-paciente, que permita disminuir la influencia de variables y aumentar la precisión de la evaluación. Material y método: En 43 voluntarios sin historia de patología vestibular y en 32 pacientes con patología vestibular se compararon los resultados de la aplicación de SVV en dos modalidades: prueba del balde tradicionalyuna prueba computarizada propuesta en el presente artículo. Resultados: En nuestro estudio el SVV con balde muestra 57% de sensibilidad y 90% de especificidad, mientras el SVV digital tiene 74% de sensibilidad y 93% de especificidad, el cual también presentó significativamente una menor desviación estándar. Conclusión: En suma, el SVV computarizado arroja un resultado más preciso que SVV con balde, con mejor utilidad clínica al tener mayor de discriminación con mejores perfiles de sensibilidad/especificidad.
Background: Subjective Visual Vertical Test (SVV) is a low-cost and simple evaluation that allows the physician to study the static vestibular function of a patient. In 2009 the Bucket Test was validated as a high confidence, sensitivity and specificity comparable to the hemispheric dome testing device. Although, its result can be affected by multiple variables. Aim: To propose a new method to evaluate SVV using a computer software interface, that allows a reduction ofvariables therefore increasing its precision. Material and method: In a sample of 43 volunteers with no previous history of vestibular pathologies and 32 patients with diagnosed vestibular pathologies we compared the results of 2 different modules of SVV testing: a traditional bucket test and a computerized test proposed in the present article. Results: Bucket test SVV for this research showed a sensitivity of 57% and a specificity of 90%, meanwhile Computerized SVV had a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 93%, which also presented a significant smaller standard deviation. Conclusion: In summary, digital SVV testing grants more accurate result in comparison to the Bucket Test, with a better clinical performance due to an improved discriminatory capacity with better Sensitivity/Specificity profiles.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Software , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Visual Perception , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and SpecificityABSTRACT
ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The capacity of a healthy individual to estimate the true vertical in relation to the Earth when a fluorescent line is aligned in a completely dark room is called the subjective visual vertical. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate subjective visual vertical using the bucket method in healthy Brazilian individuals. METHODS: Binocular subjective visual vertical was measured in 100 healthy volunteers, 50 females and 50 males. The volunteers indicated the estimated position in which a fluorescent line inside a bucket reached the vertical position. A total of ten repetitions were performed, five clockwise and five counterclockwise. Data were tabulated and analyzed statistically. RESULTS: It was observed that the highest concentration of absolute values of vertical deviation was present up to 3°, regardless of gender, and the vertical deviation did not increase with age. The analysis of the mean of the absolute values of deviations from the vertical of 90% of the sample showed a maximum value of 2.6°, and at the analysis of 95%, the maximum value was 3.4° deviation from the vertical. CONCLUSION: The bucket method is easy to perform and interpret when assessing the deviation of the subjective visual vertical in relation to the true vertical in healthy Brazilian individuals.
Resumo Introdução: A capacidade que um indivíduo hígido tem em estimar a vertical verdadeira em relação à Terra, quando alinha uma linha fluorescente em uma sala completamente escura é denominada de Vertical Visual Subjetiva (VVS). Objetivo: Avaliar a VVS com o método do balde em indivíduos brasileiros hígidos. Método: A VVS binocular foi medida em 100 voluntários hígidos, 50 do gênero feminino e 50 do masculino. Os voluntários indicaram a posição estimada em que uma linha fluorescente no interior de um balde alcançou a posição vertical. Foram realizadas 10 repetições, cinco no sentido horário e cinco no anti-horário. Os dados foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística. Resultados: Observou-se que a maior concentração dos valores absolutos dos desvios da vertical esteve presente até 3º, independente do gênero e o desvio da vertical não aumentou conforme a idade. À análise da média dos valores absolutos dos desvios da vertical de 90% da amostra, foi encontrado o valor máximo de 2,6º e à análise de 95% o valor máximo foi de 3,4 de desvio da vertical. Conclusão: O método do balde é fácil de realizar e de interpretar na avaliação do desvio da vertical visual subjetiva em relação à vertical verdadeira de indivíduos brasileiros hígidos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Space Perception/physiology , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Visual Perception/physiology , Postural Balance/physiology , Reference Values , Brazil , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Moedas, chaves e copos são objetos simples que podem ser utilizadosem uma avaliação neurológica de rotina. Recentemente, um balde de plástico tornou-se parte desse arsenal como instrumento para testar a vertical visual subjetiva à beira do leito. O principal empenho deste manuscrito é ressaltar a utilidade do teste do balde no exame à beira do leito visando demonstrar desvios da percepção da verticalidade em doenças comuns na prática neurotológica tais como: acidente vascular cerebral, doença de Parkinson, parkinsonismo, lesão vestibular unilateral e enxaqueca.
Coins, keys or glasses are simple objects that can be used in a routineneurological evaluation. Recently, a plastic bucket became part of the arsenal as a tool for bedside test of the subjective visual vertical. The main effort of this manuscript is to emphasize the usefulness of the bedside bucket test seeking to show verticality perception deviations in common neurologic diseases such as: stroke, Parkinson disease, parkinsonism, unilateral vestibular lesion, and migraine.
Humans , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Visual Perception , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Head Movements , Neurologic Examination/methods , Parkinson Disease/diagnosis , Stroke/diagnosisABSTRACT
Os potenciais miogênicos evocados vestibulares (VEMP) vêm sendo empregados como exame complementar para estudos otoneurológicos, ainda pouco explorados clinicamente. Esse potencial avalia a função vestibular, especificamente do sáculo, nervo vestibular inferior e/ou núcleo vestibular. OBJETIVO: Verificar a maior taxa de estímulos possível (e confiável) na obtenção do VEMP. MÉTODO: Foi registrado o potencial em 18 sujeitos, variando-se a taxa de estímulos entre 5,1 e 40,8 estímulos/s. Forma de estudo: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. RESULTADOS: As latências se mantiveram constantes e as amplitudes foram progressivamente reduzidas com o aumento da taxa de estimulação. Contudo, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os parâmetros simultaneamente, quando aplicados os testes ANOVA e Kruskal-Wallis. Os dados obtidos nesta pesquisa demonstraram que, quando comparadas as taxas de estimulação de 5,1 e 10,2 estímulos/s, houve ausência de diferença estatisticamente significativas para o parâmetro latência. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que a maior taxa de estimulação confiável é a de 10,2 estímulos/s, para a amostra estudada de adultos jovens ouvintes normais. .
Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) have been used in complementary otoneurological assessment, but the use of VEMP in clinical settings is limited. VEMPs can be used to assess vestibular function, particularly of the saccule, the inferior vestibular nerve, and/or the vestibular nucleus. OBJECTIVE: To verify the highest possible - and reliable - stimulation rate to obtain VEMPs. METHOD: The VEMPs of 18 subjects were acquired using stimulation rates ranging between 5.1 and 40.8 stimuli per second. Study design: cross-sectional contemporary cohort study. RESULTS: Latencies were kept unaltered and amplitudes were progressively reduced as stimulation rates were increased. However, ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis test failed to find statistically significant differences between the tested parameters. The study further indicated that when stimulation rates of 5.1 and 10.2 stimuli per second were compared, no statistically significant differences were observed in latency. CONCLUSION: The highest reliable stimulation rate observed in the group of young adults with normal hearing included in this study was 10.2 stimuli per second. .
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Acoustic Stimulation/methods , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials/physiology , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Acoustic Stimulation/standards , Cohort Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reaction Time , Reproducibility of ResultsABSTRACT
En la historia de la evaluación clínica vestibular, siempre se ha buscado la manera de medir en forma individual los seis canales semicirculares y los cuatro órganos otolíticos. Basados en el conocimiento de la fisiología vestibular, en 1988 Halmagyi y Curthoys describieron la Prueba de Impulso Cefálico o Head Impulse Test (HIT) como un método diagnóstico para evaluar la efectividad del reflejo vestíbulo oculomotor en pacientes con sintomatología vestibular. Esta revisión pretende dar a conocer las bases fisiológicas del HIT y su evolución hasta el video HIT (vHIT) actual.
In the history of vestibular clinical evaluation, it has always been sought the way to measure individually each of the six semicircular canals and the four otolith organs. Based on vestibular physiology, in 1988 Halmagyi and Curthoys described the Head impulse test (HIT) as a diagnostic method to evaluate the effectiveness of the vestibulo-oculomotor reflex in patients with vestibular symptoms. This review shows the physiological basis for HIT and its evolution towards nowdays video HIT (vHIT).
Humans , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular/physiology , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Head Impulse Test/methods , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Video Recording , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , Semicircular Canals , Eye MovementsABSTRACT
Os autores ressaltam a importância da manobra de sacudir a cabeça(MSC) paramentada com óculos Frenzel (vídeo) infravermelhoscomo um proveitoso recurso de beira de leito em duas situações:para o diagnóstico do desequilíbrio dinâmico da função vestibular ecomo opção terapêutica sensível na cupulolitíase do canal semicircularhorizontal...
The authors emphasize the importance of the Head Shaking Maneuverwith infrared video Frenzel goggles as a useful resource in twobedside situations: for diagnosing dynamic imbalance of vestibularfunction and as a sensitive therapeutic option for benign paroxysmalpositional vertigo of the horizontal canal cupulolithiasis...
Humans , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/therapy , Head Movements , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular , Vestibular Function Tests/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: La prueba de impulso cefálico consiste en un examen rápido, sencillo para evaluar la función vestibular angular. Clásicamente se utiliza para el canal horizontal, pero puede implementarse para evaluar los canales semicirculares anteriores y posteriores. Objetivo: Explorar la sensibilidad y especificidad de esta prueba para los canales verticales a ojo desnudo en nuestro medio, en relación a la prueba calórica. Material y método: Estudio prospectivo de evaluación de test diagnóstico. Se realizó prueba de impulso cefálico para todos los canales semicirculares a pacientes con indicación de evaluación funcional de VIII par. Resultados: Se evaluaron 118 pacientes, donde 49,2% presentó una prueba calórica clásica alterada. La sensibilidad del impulso cefálico para el canal posterior fue 13,1(0)% (y 3,2%% para el canal anterior) con una especificidad de 100%% para ambos. Para el canal horizontal la sensibilidad fue de 63,9%% y la especificidad de 100%%. Discusión: La prueba de impulso cefálico para los canales anteriores y posteriores a ojo desnudo es altamente específico, pero muy poco sensible, teniendo una utilidad relativa dentro de la clínica, a diferencia de la misma prueba para el canal horizontal que con la misma especificidad pero con una sensibilidad aceptable representa un examen rápido y de simple ejecución.
Introduction: The Head Impulse Head test represents a quick and simple technique for perioheral vestibular function assessment, by means of exploring the vestíbulo-ocular reflex. It is usually períormed on the horizontal semicircular canals planes, but it can also explore the anterior and posterior canals. Aim: To assess the head impulse test's sensitivity and specificity for the anterior and posterior canals on a bedside scenario, taking the classic caloric test as gold standard. Material and method: Prospective test-assessment study. A head impulse test for every semicircular canal was períormed on patients with indication of vestibular study with caloric test. Results: 118 patients were evaluated, where 49,2%% presente an abnormal caloric test. The head impulse test's sensitivity for the posterior canal canal was 13,1%% (3,2%% for the anterior canal). The test's specificity was 100%% for both vertical canals. On the horizontal plane, sensitivity reached 63,9%%, while specificity was 100%% Discussion: The head impulse test for vertical (anterior and posterior) canal on a bedside scenario is highly specific but poorly sensitive, thus having a relatively low clinical utility. On the contrary the test for the horizontal canal remains a quick and simple tool, with acceptable sensitivy and great sensitivity for assessing vestibular function loss.
Humans , Male , Female , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular/physiology , Caloric Tests , Semicircular Canals/physiology , Predictive Value of Tests , Prospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Head Movements/physiology , Head Impulse Test/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To quantify the posture control ability of patients with peripheral vertigo by computed dynamic posturography (CDP).@*METHODS@#Ninety-one subjects diagnosed with peripheral vertigo by caloric test were divided into unilateral vestibular dysfunction group (unilateral group) and bilateral vestibular disorder dysfunction group (bilateral group). CDP tests including sensory organization test (SOT) and motor control test (MCT) were performed on all subjects. The CDP results were compared with the normal data by t-test.@*RESULTS@#In unilateral group, there was no statistically significant difference in SOT compared with normal data (P > 0.05). In bilateral group, the composite equilibrium score was lower than the normal data, especially during the moving of the platform and the changes of visual stimulation (P < 0.05). In MCT test, the latencies of both groups showed no statistically significant difference compared with normal data (P > 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#During the non-acute period of peripheral vertigo, patients could maintain static equilibrium. Compared with normal people, dynamic equilibrium function is normal in patients with unilateral vestibular dysfunction, but declined in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction.
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Electronystagmography , Motor Activity/physiology , Photic Stimulation , Postural Balance/physiology , Posture/physiology , Vertigo/physiopathology , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , Vestibular Function Tests/methodsABSTRACT
The authors highlights the importance of the vestibulo-ocular reflex examination through the head impulse test as a diagnostic method for vestibular dysfunction as well as, and primarily, a bedside semiotic resource capable of differentiating between acute peripheral vestibulopathy and a cerebellar or brainstem infarction in emergency rooms.
Os autores ressaltam a importância do exame do reflexo vestíbulo-ocular por meio do teste do impulso da cabeça como método diagnóstico de hipofunção vestibular. Este método é também - e principalmente - um instrumento semiótico de beira do leito capaz de auxiliar no diagnóstico diferencial entre a vestibulopatia periférica aguda e o infarto cerebelar ou do tronco cerebral na sala de emergência.
Humans , Cerebellar Diseases/diagnosis , Cerebral Infarction/diagnosis , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular/physiology , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , EmergenciesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the subjective visual vertical in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction and to propose a new method to analyze subjective visual vertical data in these patients. METHODS: Static subjective visual vertical tests were performed in 40 subjects split into two groups. Group A consisted of 20 healthy volunteers, and Group B consisted of 20 patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction. Each patient performed six measurements of the subjective visual vertical test, and the mean values were calculated and analyzed. RESULTS: Analyses of the numerical values of subjective visual vertical deviations (the conventional method of analysis) showed that the mean deviation was 0.326±1.13º in Group A and 0.301±1.87º in Group B. However, by analyzing the absolute values of the subjective visual vertical (the new method of analysis proposed), the mean deviation became 1.35±0.48º in Group A and 2.152±0.93º in Group B. The difference in subjective visual vertical deviations between groups was statistically significant (p,<0.05) only when the absolute values and the range of deviations were considered. CONCLUSION: An analysis of the absolute values of the subjective visual vertical more accurately reflected the visual vertical misperception in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Visual Perception/physiology , Epidemiologic Methods , Postural Balance/physiology , Reference Values , Space Perception/physiology , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibule, Labyrinth/physiopathologyABSTRACT
A posturografia tem sido utilizada na avaliação de pacientes com vestibulopatias. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o equilíbrio corporal à posturografia do Balance Rehabilitation Unit (BRU TM) em pacientes com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna (VPPB). Desenho de Estudo: Caso controle prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo transversal controlado em 45 pacientes com VPPB e por um grupo controle homogêneo constituído de 45 indivíduos hígidos. Os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação otoneurológica, incluindo a posturografia do Balance Rehabilitation Unit (BRU TM). RESULTADOS: A média dos valores da área de elipse e da velocidade de oscilação no grupo experimental foi significantemente maior (p < 0,05) do que a do grupo controle em todas as condições avaliadas, com exceção da velocidade de oscilação em superfície firme e estimulação sacádica (p = 0,060). CONCLUSÃO: A posturografia do Balance Rehabilitation Unit (BRU TM) possibilita a identificação de anormalidades do controle postural em pacientes com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna.
Posturography has been used in the evaluation of patients with vestibular disorders. AIM: To evaluate balance control with the Balance Rehabilitation Unit (BRU TM) posturography in patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Study design: Prospective case-control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional controlled study was carried out in 45 patients with BPPV, and a homogeneous control group consisting of 45 healthy individuals. Patients were submitted to a balance function evaluation by means of the Balance Rehabilitation Unit (BRU TM) posturography. RESULTS: The mean values of the ellipse area and the sway velocity in a firm surface and saccadic stimulation (p = 0.060). CONCLUSION: The Balance Rehabilitation Unit (BRU TM) posturography enables to identify postural control abnormalities in patients with BPPV.
Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Postural Balance/physiology , Vertigo/physiopathology , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Case-Control Studies , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Introducción: Dentro del estudio de la función del equilibrio, la prueba de impulso cefálico representa una herramienta rápida, sencilla y de fácil interpretación, que explora la indemnidad del reflejo óculo-vestibular. Este examen ha cobrado relevancia reciente como complemento a la prueba calórica en diversos contextos y no ha sido explorado en nuestro país. Objetivo: Explorar sensibilidad y especificidad de esta prueba en nuestro contexto local, junto con contribuir a la difusión de una herramienta de creciente relevancia en otoneurología. Material y método: Estudio prospectivo, ciego, de evaluación de test diagnóstico. En una muestra de pacientes consultando por vértigo agudo se realizó prueba de impulso cefálico al momento de la consulta inicial, y al momento de realizar prueba funcional de VIII par. Resultados: Se evaluaron 52 pacientes, 44 por ciento de ellos con disfunción vestibular según prueba calórica clásica como patrón de oro. La sensibilidad de la prueba de impulso cefálico fue de 47,6 por ciento y su especificidad de 83,9 por ciento, con un valor predictivo positivo y negativo de 66,7 por ciento y 70,3 por ciento. El acuerdo del examen entre dos evaluadores independientes fue alto (Kappa = 0,84). Discusiones: A pesar de una baja sensibilidad por sí sola, la prueba de impulso cuenta con una alta especificidad y un valor predictivo positivo razonable. Es además altamente reproducible, realizable en menos de un minuto y no genera náuseas u otros síntomas en el paciente. Consideramos este examen como un complemento al estudio de la función vestibular, con implicaciones prácticas en el inicio precoz de terapia y con importantes potencialidades en diversos ámbitos de la otoneurología.
Introduction: In balance function evaluation, head impulse test is a fast, simple and easy to interpret test, which explores the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Having gained in the last decade growing importance as a complement to traditional caloric test, this test hasn't been explored in our context yet. Aim: To assess sensitivity and specificity of this test in our context, along with contributing to the spread of an increasingly important tool in otoneurology Material and method: A prospective, blinded, diagnostic test assessment. In a sample of patients consulting for acute vertigo, head impulse test was performed at the time of initial consultation, and at the time of VIII nerve functional testing. Results: We evaluated 52 patients, 44 percent with vestibular dysfunction as shown in caloric test results as gold standard. Sensitivity of the head impulse test was 47.6 percent, its specificity 83.9 percent, with positive and negative predictive value of 66.7 percent and 70.3 percent respectively. Agreement between two independent examiners was high (Kappa = 0.84). Discussion: Despite its low sensitivity, impulse test showed a high specificity and a reasonable positive predictive value. It was also highly reproductible, and generates no nausea or other symptoms in the patient. We consider this test as a complement to vestibular function evaluation, with clinical applicationssupportingearly onset of therapy. We believe this test to withhold significant potential in various otoneurological developing applications.
Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Vestibular Function Tests/methods , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular/physiology , Vertigo/physiopathology , Acute Disease , Prospective Studies , Eye Movements/physiology , Head Movements/physiology , Single-Blind Method , Reflex, Abnormal , Sensitivity and Specificity , Predictive Value of Tests , Vertigo/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introducción: En el examen vestibular de un paciente vertiginoso juegan un rol muy importante las pruebas calóricas, pero la realización de éstas, unida a las nuevas pruebas que ha traído el avance tecnológico y computacional de la medicina, ha significado que el examen vestibular se ha convertido en la práctica diaria en un estudio muy largo y oneroso, por tal motivo parece útil la realización de un examen vestibular abreviado preliminar hecho en la misma consulta del médico que permita dar una orientación diagnóstica de bases sólidas. Objetivos: El propósito de este estudio es la descripción, interpretación y análisis crítico del llamado "examen vestibular de 10 minutos del paciente mareado"y que permita llegar a conclusiones sobre la sensibilidad y especificidad de este examen abreviado. Material y método: En este estudio, se describen, interpretan y analizan, según la información bibliográfica disponible, particularmente aquellos estudios de la medicina basada en evidencias las siguientes pruebas propuestas en el examen vestibular abreviado: Búsqueda del nistagmus espontáneo, búsqueda del nistagmus de mirada excéntrica, estudio de los movimientos oculares lentos o de rastreo ocular, estudio de los movimientos oculares rápidos o sacadas, test de Halmagyi, test de agitación cefálica, test de agudeza visual dinámica, test de inhibición de la fijación del nistagmus, maniobra de Dix y Hallpike, test de otoscopía neumática, estudio cerebeloso, estudio de la sensibilidad profunda, prueba de Romberg y estudio de la marcha. Debido a que varias de estas pruebas se efectúan en la prueba vestibular clásica sólo se analizan y discuten aquellas que no se efectúan de rutina en este examen. Resultados: Las pruebas analizadas del examen vestibular abreviado revelan en su gran mayoría baja sensibilidad, menor de 50 por ciento, pero una buena especificidad...
Introduction: Caloric tests play a very important role in a patient's vestibular exam. But these exams, along with the new test brought about by both technology and computing in Medicine, have turned these examinations into very long and expensive procedures. Taking all this into account, it seems suitable the realization of a preliminary vestibular exam performed in the doctor's consultation office. This will allow a diagnostic guideline with solid foundations. Aim: To describe, interpret, and carry out a critical analysis of the so called "10 minute vestibular examination of the dizzy patient" in order to get to some conclusions about sensitivity and specificity of this short exam. Material and method: Using the available bibliography, particularly medical studies based on evidence, the following test are described, interpreted and analyzed : spontaneous nystagmus, gaze nystagmus, smooth pursuit, saccades, Halmagyi test, head shake test, , dynamic visual acuity test, fixation suppression test, Dix-Hallpike maneuver, aural pressure/sound test, cerebellar limbs, somato-sensation test, Romberg test, and gait test. Since most of these tests are performed in the classic vestibular examination, only non-routine ones are analyzed and discussed. Results: Most analyzed test show low sensitivity, under 50 percent percent, but good specificity. With some basic training they are easy to carry out, and they require a short length of time, but over 10 minutes. Discussion: Taking into consideration the long time the specialist needs for a vestibular examination, a basic vestibular study is highly necessary to guide the dizzy patient's clinical investigation. The tests suggested in this examination have a low sensitivity individually considered. But carrying out all of these together, added to a solid anamnesis with a pre-established structured questionnaire, gives the study strength and reliability...