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Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0015, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431667


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate if participants, subjected to whole-body vibration, two different types of media (paper versus tablet) and two lighting environments (fluorescent versus LED), present a difference in eye-movement parameters during reading tasks. Methods: Fourteen adults silently read two different texts in each one of the eight randomized testing conditions (whole-body vibration versus media versus lighting), resulting in 16 different texts read per individual. Whole-body vibration was applied in the vertical direction, 5Hz and 0.8 m/s2 root-mean-square amplitude, a condition similar to those experienced by forklift truck drivers. Participants were in a sitting position with a backrest. An eye-tracker evaluated the eye-movements during the reading task. Results: Whole-body vibration significantly reduced the number of ocular fixations, and cross-correlation; and increased the reading efficiency, fixation duration, directional attack, and binocular anomalies. Neither the type of media nor the lighting environment interfered significantly with the eye-movements, both in situations with and without vibration. Conclusion: The results indicate that whole-body vibration interfered in the eye-movements during the reading task. This may impose a difficulty to process the visual information and to synchronously coordinate the binocular movements under vibration environments.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar se participantes submetidos à vibração de corpo inteiro, a dois tipos diferentes de mídia (papel versus tablet) e a dois ambientes de iluminação (fluorescente versus LED) apresentam diferença nos parâmetros de movimento dos olhos durante tarefas de leitura. Métodos: Quatorze adultos leram silenciosamente dois textos diferentes em cada uma das oito condições de teste (vibração de corpo inteiro versus mídia versus iluminação), de forma aleatória, resultando em 16 textos diferentes lidos por indivíduo. A vibração de corpo inteiro foi aplicada no sentido vertical, com amplitude de 5Hz e 0,8m/s² da raiz do valor quadrático médio, em condição semelhante às vivenciadas pelos motoristas de empilhadeiras. Os participantes permaneceram em postura sentada com encosto. Um rastreador ocular avaliou os movimentos oculares durante a leitura. Resultados: A vibração de corpo inteiro reduziu significativamente o número de fixações oculares e a correlação cruzada entre os olhos e aumentou a eficiência de leitura, duração da fixação, ataque direcional e anomalias binoculares. Nem o tipo de mídia nem as condições de ambientes de iluminação interferiram significativamente nos movimentos oculares, tanto em situações com ou sem vibração. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam que a Vibração de Corpo Inteiro pode interferir nos movimentos oculares durante a leitura. Isso pode impor uma dificuldade no processamento da informação visual e na coordenação síncrona dos movimentos binoculares em ambientes de vibração.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Reading , Vibration , Lighting , Computers, Handheld , Eye Movements/physiology , Prospective Studies , Fixation, Ocular/physiology , Light
Rev. ADM ; 79(3): 165-176, mayo-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378976


Introducción: El hueso, reservorio de minerales y moléculas orgánicas, es un tejido dinámico que detecta y se adapta a las cargas mecánicas de los órganos y tejidos del cuerpo, el cual mantiene la estructura ósea del esqueleto durante el crecimiento y a través de la vida del ser humano. Las células óseas son sensibles a las cargas mecánicas y microvibra- ciones que recibe el esqueleto. Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática acerca de los efectos que ejerce la microvibración de alta frecuencia-baja intensidad, en osteocitos cultivados in vitro sobre la síntesis de factores solubles, con el propósito de entender si la microvibración tiene influencia en la aceleración del movimiento dentario. Material y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos de revisión de osteocitos y otras células óseas in vitro, a través de la estrategia PICO (Paciente, Intervención, Comparación, Resultado [Outcome]), con el empleo de palabras clave como: «os- teocitos¼, «microvibración¼, «remodelación¼, «osteoclastogénesis¼, «citocinas¼ y «osteoblastos¼. Se estructuró por medio de PRISMA (informe de revisiones sistemáticas y meta-análisis). La captación de datos finales se hizo por medio del método de puntuación de calidad Jadad y Cochrane (modelo de correlación) como herramientas para evaluar el riesgo de sesgo de cada uno de los artículos. Se incluyeron 11 artículos con alta calidad metodológica. Resultados: La mayoría de los experimentos in vitro demostraron que la microvibración tuvo un aumento estadísticamente significativo en la proliferación y dife- renciación de las células madre mesenquimales (MSC), en osteoblastos (MC3T3-E1), en la expresión de proteínas para inducir osteogénesis y en los osteocitos (MLO-Y4). Asimismo, sobrerregularon la expresión de osteoprotegerina (OPG), prostaglandina (PGE2) y óxido nitroso (NO) al alterar y regular los factores solubles como las citocinas, factores de crecimiento y quimiocinas, de las demás células, además de mostrar una disminución en la actividad de los osteoclastos (RAW246.7) en la resorción ósea. Conclusión: La microvibración induce remodelación ósea. Los osteocitos son sensibles a los estímulos mecánicos y producen factores solubles para inducir la remodelación ósea, razón por la cual se emplea la microvibración como una terapia innovadora y prometedora, no invasiva y no farmacológica en la estimulación de la formación ósea de la superficie del hueso (AU)

Humans , Osteogenesis , Vibration , Bone Remodeling , Osteocytes , Bone Resorption , Analysis of Variance , Cytokines , Culture Media , RANK Ligand
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 23(especial): 1-10, jun. 2022. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404099


RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos do exercício de vibração de corpo inteiro sobre os níveis de força nos membros inferiores de idosos. A amostra foi composta por 15 homens fisicamente ativos (idade: 62,5 ± 2,62 anos). Foram realizadas oito semanas de treinamento com plataforma vibratória, com sessões de 20 minutos de vibração utilizando frequências crescentes de 15 a 30 Hz, com exposição de 30 segundos de vibração e 30 segundos de descanso. A cada dois minutos houve um aumento de frequência de 1 Hz. Os indivíduos foram instruídos a ficar em pé, com os pés afastados na largura dos ombros, joelhos flexionados a 130°, braços estendidos, segurando firmemente a máquina. O procedimento foi realizado duas vezes por semana com intervalo de um dia. A força foi avaliada usando um dinamômetro dorsal em exercícios de extensão de joelho e extensão de coluna lombar. Os testes de força foram realizados na quarta e oitava semana após a última sessão de treinamento. Resultados: Ao final de oito semanas, foi possível observar ganhos significativos de força nos músculos envolvidos no exercício de extensão do joelho (p = 0,01) e na extensão da coluna lombar (p = 0,031). Conclusão: observou-se que o treinamento com vibrações de corpo inteiro promoveu melhora nos níveis de força nos membros inferiores dos idosos participantes do estudo.

RESUMEN El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los efectos del ejercicio de vibración de todo el cuerpo sobre los niveles de fuerza en los miembros inferiores de adultos mayores. La muestra estuvo formada por 15 hombres físicamente activos (edad: 62,5 ± 2,62 años). Se realizaron ocho semanas de entrenamiento con plataforma vibratoria, con sesiones de 20 minutos de vibración utilizando frecuencias crecientes de 15 a 30 Hz, con exposición de 30 segundos de vibración y 30 segundos de descanso. Cada dos minutos había un aumento de frecuencia de 1 Hz. Se indicó a los individuos que permanecieran de pie con los pies separados a la altura de los hombros, las rodillas flexionadas a 130º y los brazos extendidos sujetando firmemente los apoyamanos de la máquina. El procedimiento se realizó dos veces por semana con un intervalo de un día. La fuerza se evaluó mediante un dinamómetro dorsal en los ejercicios de extensión de rodilla y extensión de columna lumbar. Las pruebas de fuerza se realizaron en la cuarta y octava semana después de la última sesión de entrenamiento. Resultados: Al final de las ocho semanas, fue posible observar ganancias significativas en la fuerza en los músculos involucrados en el ejercicio de extensión de rodilla (p = 0,01) y en la extensión de columna lumbar (p = 0.031). Conclusión: se pudo observar que el entrenamiento con vibraciones de todo el cuerpo promovió una mejora en los niveles de fuerza en los miembros inferiores de los adultos mayores participantes del estudio.

ABSTRACT The present study was to analyze the effects of whole-body vibration exercise on strength levels in the lower limbs in elderly subjects. The sample consisted of 15 physically active individuals (62.5±2.62 years old). All volunteers were male gender. They were submitted to eight weeks of training with a vibrating platform were carried out, with sessions of 20 minutes of vibration using increasing frequencies from 15 to 30 Hz, with exposure of 30 seconds of vibration and 30 seconds of rest. Every two minutes there was an increase in the frequency of 1 Hz. The individuals were instructed to stay in the standing position with their feet shoulder-width apart, knees flexed at 130º, arms outstretched holding firmly on the machine's hand rests. The procedure was performed twice a week with an interval of one day. Strength was assessed using a dorsal dynamometer in the knee extension and lumbar spine extension exercises. Strength tests were performed in the fourth and eighth weeks after the last training session. Results: At the end of eight weeks, it was possible to observe significant gains in strength in the muscles involved in the knee extension exercise (p = 0.0001) and in the lumbar spine extension (p = 0.031) after the eight weeks of intervention. Conclusion: It was possible to observe that the whole-body vibration training promoted an improvement in the strength levels of the elderly participants in the study.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Vibration/therapeutic use , Aged , Exercise , Lower Extremity , Spine , Muscle Development , Men , Muscles
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 12(1)jan., 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1373677


INTRODUÇÃO: O treinamento com vibração de corpo inteiro (WBV, do inglês Whole Body Vibration) foi recentemente proposto como um método de treinamento com potencial para melhorar a composição corporal e prevenir osteoporose e perda de massa óssea.18 Nos últimos anos, alguns estudos mostraram que o WBV pode ser um modo de treinamento benéfico na força, resistência física, atividades relacionadas à mobilidade (transferência, equilíbrio e caminhada) em pacientes com esclerose múltipla19, diabetes tipo 220, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica21 e receptores de transplante cardíaco.22 Torna-se relevante em razão ao alto impacto na funcionalidade e consequentemente qualidade de vida dos pacientes hospitalizados. OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da vibração de corpo inteiro no paciente hospitalizado. MÉTODOS: Revisão de ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados (ECR) e estudo piloto nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library, Medline e PEDro. As pesquisas nas bases de dados foram realizadas através de combinações (utilizando os conectores "AND" e "OR") através das estratégias de pesquisa PICOS pacientes hospitalizados, vibração de corpo inteiro, fisioterapia, e seus respectivos correlatos em inglês: "hospitalized patients", "whole body vibration", "physiotherapy". Utilizou-se a escala PEDro com o ponto de corte ≥5 para análise da qualidade metodológica. Os critérios de elegibilidade; incluiu pacientes adultos (com idade ≥18 anos); um desenho de ensaio clínico controlado randomizado e estudo piloto; pacientes que utilizaram a vibração de corpo inteiro no âmbito hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 6 artigos, publicados entre os anos 2014 e 2018, a terapia mostrou-se eficaz em pacientes hospitalizados, havendo significância em alguns desfechos TC6- 167,9 ± 117,46m para 263,45±22124,13m; p<0,001 e VEF1- 32,71 ±13,18% pred. para 3,71± 13,89%, entretanto não houve diferença estatística na PA e FC. CONCLUSÃO: O uso da vibração de corpo inteiro mostrou-se segura e viável em pacientes hospitalizados. O TC6 e o VEF1 apresentado em todos os artigos demonstraram significantes, entretanto não houve diferença estatística na PA e FC. Portanto, é necessário ensaios clínicos randomizados para investigar a eficácia e os efeitos adversos dessa terapia. Embora efeitos positivos tenham sido relatados, sugerimos outras investigações em maior escala com parâmetros controlados e protocolos bem elaborados.

INTRODUCTION: Whole Body Vibration (WBV) training was recently proposed as a training method with the potential to improve body composition and prevent osteoporosis and bone loss.18 In recent years, some studies have shown that WBV can be a beneficial training mode in strength, physical endurance, mobilityrelated activities (transfer, balance, and walking) in patients with multiple sclerosis19, type 2 diabetes20, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease21, and recipients of heart transplantation.22 It becomes relevant due to the high impact on the functionality and consequently the quality of life of hospitalized patients. OBJECTIVE: To verify the effect of whole-body vibration in hospitalized patients. METHODS: Review randomized controlled clinical trials (RCT) and a pilot study in PubMed, Cochrane Library, Medline, and PEDro databases. The searches in the databases were carried out through combinations (using the "AND" and "OR" connectors) through the search strategies PICOS hospitalized patients, whole-body vibration, physiotherapy, and their respective counterparts in English: "hospitalized patients" "whole-body vibration," "physiotherapy. The PEDro scale with a cutoff point ≥5 was used to analyze the methodological quality. Eligibility criteria; included adult patients (aged ≥18 years); a randomized controlled clinical trial and pilot study design; patients who used whole-body vibration in the hospital setting. RESULTS: Six articles published between 2014 and 2018 were included. The therapy proved to be effective in hospitalized patients, with significance in some outcomes 6MWT- 167.9 ± 117.46m to 263.45 ±22124.13m; p<0.001 and FEV1-32.71 ±13.18% pred. for 3.71 ± 13.89%, however, there was no statistical difference in BP and HR. CONCLUSION: The use of whole-body vibration proved safe and viable in hospitalized patients. The 6MWT and FEV1 presented in all articles were significant. However, there was no statistical difference in BP and HR. Therefore, randomized clinical trials are needed to investigate this therapy's efficacy and adverse effects. Although positive effects have been reported, we suggest further investigations with controlled parameters and well-designed protocols on a larger scale.

Patients , Vibration , Physical Therapy Modalities
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935735


Objective: To study the effects of vibration on the expression of mitochondrial fusion and fission genes and ultrastructure of skeletal muscle in rabbits. Methods: Thirty-two 3.5-month-old New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into low-intensity group, medium-intensity group, high-intensity group and control group, with 8 rabbits in each group. The rabbits in the experimental group were subjected to hind limb vibration load test for 45 days. The vibration intensity of the high intensity group was 12.26 m/s(2), the medium intensity group was 6.13 m/s(2), and the low intensity group was 3.02 m/s(2) according to the effective value of weighted acceleration[a(hw (4))] for 4 hours of equal energy frequency. The control group was exposed to noise only in the same experimental environment as the medium-intensity group. The noise levels of each group were measured during the vibration load experiment. After the test, the mRNA expression of mitochondrial fusion gene (Mfn1/Mfn2) and fission gene (Fis1, Drp1) by RT-PCR in the skeletal muscles were measured and the ultrastructure of the skeletal muscles were observed in high intensity group. Results: The mRNA expression of mitochondrial in the skeletal muscle tissues of control group, low intensity group, medium intensity group and high intensity group were Mfn1: 3.25±1.36, 3.85±1.90, 4.53±2.31 and 11.63±7.68; Mfn2: 0.68±0.25, 1.02±0.40, 0.94±0.33 and 1.40±0.45; Fis1: 1.05±0.62, 1.15±0.59, 1.53±1.06 and 2.46±1.51 and Drp1: 3.72±1.76, 2.91±1.63, 3.27±2.01 and 4.21±2.46, respectively. Compared with the control group, the expressions of Mfn1 mRNA, Mfn2 mRNA and Fis1 mRNA in the high-intensity group increased significantly (P<0.05) , and the expressions of Mfn2 mRNA in the medium-intensity group and the low-intensity group increased significantly (P<0.05) . Compared with the control group, the ultrastructure of skeletal muscle of high intensity group showed mitochondrial focal accumulation, cristae membrane damage, vacuole-like changes; Z-line irregularity of muscle fibers, and deficiency of sarcomere. Conclusion: Vibration must be lead to the abnormal mitochondrial morphology and structure and the disorder of energy metabolism due to the expression imbalance of mitochondrial fusion and fission genes in skeletal muscles of rabbits, which may be an important target of vibration-induced skeletal muscle injury.

Animals , Rabbits , Hindlimb/metabolism , Mitochondria/metabolism , Mitochondrial Dynamics , Mitochondrial Proteins/pharmacology , Muscle, Skeletal , Vibration/adverse effects
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939808


OBJECTIVES@#Stroke patients may have various sensory-motor disorders, such as spasticity, muscle weakness or sensory damage. Spasticity affects 20% to 40% of stroke patients. Patients with spasticity may have problems such as pain, motor function damage, and the decreased range of motion, which leads to decline of activity and quality of daily life. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a technique that can improve post-stroke spasticity. Whole body vibration (WBV), as a passive neuromuscular muscle stimulation technique, can improve the posture control, muscle strength, and muscle work of different people. At present, there are still few studies using WBV combined with ESWT for the treatment of hemiplegic patients with stroke. This study aims to explore the effects of WBV combined with ESWT on spasticity of the affected lower limb and gait function in stroke patients.@*METHODS@#From March 2020 to March 2021, 50 hemiplegic patients with stroke were treated in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the First Hospital of Changsha and they were assigned into a control group and a combined group, 25 cases per group. Both groups carried out conventional treatment, while the control group undertook the ESWT and fake WBV based on conventional treatment, and the combined group undertook ESWT after WBV and conventional treatment. Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), Lower Extremity portion of the Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment (FMA-LE), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and parameters of three-dimensional gait analysis including kinematic parameters (peak value of hip flexion and knee flexion) and spatiotemporal parameters (velocity, cadence and stride length) were assessed before and after 4-week treatment between the 2 groups.@*RESULTS@#After 4 weeks of treatment, MAS scores in 2 groups were lower than before (both P<0.05), and the combined group was lower than the control group (P<0.001); BBS and FMA-LE scores were higher than those before treatment (both P<0.05), and the combined group was higher than the control group (both P<0.001); in the control group, the walking speed, stride frequency, and stride length were higher than those before treatment (all P<0.05), and there was no significant difference between the peak value of flexion hip and peak value of flexion knee (both P<0.05); the peak value of hip flexion, peak value of knee flexion, step speed, step frequency, and stride length in the combined group were higher than those before treatment (all P<0.05), and were higher than those in control group (P<0.05 or P<0.001).@*CONCLUSIONS@#WBV combined with ESWT can improve the spasticity and motor function of the affected lower extremity, balance, and gait in hemiplegic patients with stroke.

Humans , Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy , Gait , Hemiplegia/therapy , Muscle Spasticity/therapy , Stroke/complications , Stroke Rehabilitation/methods , Treatment Outcome , Vibration/therapeutic use
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927895


Objective: To investigate the repair effect and JNK/NF-κB,SOX9 mechanisms of vibration exercise with different frequencies on articular cartilage in rats with early knee osteoarthritis. Methods: Forty-eight adult male SD rats were randomly divided into six groups(n=8):model control group(MC),high frequency vibration group 1 (GP1,60 Hz),high frequency vibration 2 group (GP2,40 Hz),medium frequency vibration group (ZP,20 Hz),minor frequency group(DP,10 Hz)and normal control group(NC). Except for NC group,the rats in each group were made into early knee osteoarthritis model after six weeks of knee joint cavity injection of papain solution and 2% mixture l-cysteine on the 1st,4 th and 7th day. Each exercise group was subjected vibration to 40 minutes a day with amplitude of 2~5 mm and 5 days a week. Four weeks later, the articular cartilage of the lateral femoral condyle of the both back leg knee joints were detected by HE staining,serine O staining and Mankin scores for morphological observation. The expression levels of JNK,NF-κB p65 and Sox9 mRNA in articular cartilage of the medial femoral condyle were detected by RT-qPCR,and the protein expressions of JNK,NF-κB p65 and Sox9 were detected by Western blot. Results: Compared with the NC group,the Mankin score in other groups was significantly higher (P<0.01). Compared with the MC group,the Mankin score of each vibration group was significantly lower(P<0.05),the mRNA and protein expressions of JNK and NF-κB p65 in each vibration training group were significantly lower (P<0.01),the expressions of Sox9 mRNA and protein in vibration training group were increased significantly (P<0.01). Compared with the higher frequency group,the Mankin score,the mRNA and protein expressions of JNK and NF-κB p65 of lower frequency group were significantly lower (P<0.05 or P<0.01). But the expressions of Sox9 mRNA and protein were significantly higher (P< 0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion: Vibration exercise of different frequencies may present varying degrees of cartilage repair impact in rats with early knee osteoarthritis,and the cartilage repair by low-frequency vibration training is better than that by high-frequency vibration. This can be one of the mechanisms on controlling collagen synthesis by down-regulating JNK/NF-κB expression and increasing SOX9 activity of OA articular cartilage.

Animals , Male , Rats , Cartilage, Articular/metabolism , MAP Kinase Kinase 4 , NF-kappa B/metabolism , Osteoarthritis, Knee/therapy , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , SOX9 Transcription Factor , Vibration
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928048


The present study explored the drying effect of new spiral vibration drying technology on Chinese medicinal pills with Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Zhuanggu Guanjie Pills, and Muxiang Shunqi Pills as model drugs. With the drying uniformity, drying time, energy consumption, pill split, dissolution time, and change of index components as evaluation indicators, the drying effect of spiral vibration drying technology on model drugs was evaluated and compared with traditional drying methods, such as hot air drying and vacuum drying in the oven. The dynamic changes of moisture in Liuwei Dihuang Pills with different drying time were investigated. Compared with the traditional drying methods in the oven(hot air drying and vacuum drying) at 80 ℃, the spiral vibration drying only took 80 min, shortened by 80%, with 10%-13% energy consumed. The results showed that the moisture of Liuwei Dihuang Pills was negatively related to the drying time. By virtue of multi-layer countercurrent drying and super resonant fluidization techniques, the new spiral vibration drying technology can significantly improve the drying quality of Chinese medicinal pills, improve the drying efficiency, and enhance the manufacturing capacity of Chinese medicinal pills. This study is expected to provide references for the innovation and development of new drying technology of Chinese medicinal pills.

China , Desiccation , Physical Therapy Modalities , Technology , Vibration
Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 265-273, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929220


OBJECTIVE@#It has been reported that local vibration therapy can benefit recovery after peripheral nerve injury, but the optimized parameters and effective mechanism were unclear. In the present study, we investigated the effect of local vibration therapy of different amplitudes on the recovery of nerve function in rats with sciatic nerve injury (SNI).@*METHODS@#Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to SNI and then randomly divided into 5 groups: sham group, SNI group, SNI + A-1 mm group, SNI + A-2 mm group, and SNI + A-4 mm group (A refers to the amplitude; n = 10 per group). Starting on the 7th day after model initiation, local vibration therapy was given for 21 consecutive days with a frequency of 10 Hz and an amplitude of 1, 2 or 4 mm for 5 min. The sciatic function index (SFI) was assessed before surgery and on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days after surgery. Tissues were harvested on the 28th day after surgery for morphological, immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the SNI group, on the 28th day after surgery, the SFIs of the treatment groups were increased; the difference in the SNI + A-2 mm group was the most obvious (95% confidence interval [CI]: [5.86, 27.09], P < 0.001), and the cross-sectional areas of myocytes in all of the treatment groups were improved. The G-ratios in the SNI + A-1 mm group and SNI + A-2 mm group were reduced significantly (95% CI: [-0.12, -0.02], P = 0.007; 95% CI: [-0.15, -0.06], P < 0.001). In addition, the expressions of S100 and nerve growth factor proteins in the treatment groups were increased; the phosphorylation expressions of ERK1/2 protein in the SNI + A-2 mm group and SNI + A-4 mm group were upregulated (95% CI: [0.03, 0.96], P = 0.038; 95% CI: [0.01, 0.94], P = 0.047, respectively), and the phosphorylation expression of Akt in the SNI + A-1 mm group was upregulated (95% CI: [0.11, 2.07], P = 0.031).@*CONCLUSION@#Local vibration therapy, especially with medium amplitude, was able to promote the recovery of nerve function in rats with SNI; this result was linked to the proliferation of Schwann cells and the activation of the ERK1/2 and Akt signaling pathways.

Animals , Male , Rats , Peripheral Nerve Injuries/therapy , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt/pharmacology , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Sciatic Nerve/metabolism , Sciatic Neuropathy/metabolism , Vibration/therapeutic use
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921825


The human spine injury and various lumbar spine diseases caused by vibration have attracted extensive attention at home and abroad. To explore the biomechanical characteristics of different approaches for lumbar interbody fusion surgery combined with an interspinous internal fixator, device for intervertebral assisted motion (DIAM), finite element models of anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF), transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) and lateral lumbar interbody fusion (LLIF) are created by simulating clinical operation based on a three-dimensional finite element model of normal human whole lumbar spine. The fusion level is at L4-L5, and the DIAM is implanted between spinous process of L4 and L5. Transient dynamic analysis is conducted on the ALIF, TLIF and LLIF models, respectively, to compute and compare their stress responses to an axial cyclic load. The results show that compared with those in ALIF and TILF models, contact forces between endplate and cage are higher in LLIF model, where the von-Mises stress in endplate and DIAM is lower. This implies that the LLIF have a better biomechanical performance under vibration. After bony fusion between vertebrae, the endplate and DIAM stresses for all the three surgical models are decreased. It is expected that this study can provide references for selection of surgical approaches in the fusion surgery and vibration protection for the postsurgical lumbar spine.

Humans , Biomechanical Phenomena , Finite Element Analysis , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Pedicle Screws , Range of Motion, Articular , Spinal Fusion , Vibration
CoDAS ; 33(3): e20200095, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249625


ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate and compare the parameters of Digital kymography obtained through the High-speed Videolaryngoscopy of women without laryngeal disorders, of women with vocal fold nodules and of women with vocal cysts. Methods A cross-sectional observational study in which 60 women aged 18 years and 45 years were selected. Three study groups were formed: 20 women without laryngeal disorder forming the control group (Group 1), 20 women with diagnosis of vocal fold nodules forming Group 2 and 20 women with diagnosis of vocal cysts forming Group 3. Subsequently the participants were evaluated by High-speed Videolaryngoscopy for analysis and comparison of laryngeal images using Digital kymography. The laryngeal parameters processed by the program KIPS® were: minimum, maximum and mean opening; dominant amplitude of the left and right vocal folds; dominant frequency of the right and left vocal folds; and close. Results The analysis of Digital kymography suggests that the presence of the vocal fold nodules and the vocal cysts tend to restrict more to the maximum and minimum opening of the vocal fold and the dominant amplitude of the opening variation in the middle region of the glottis. Conclusion Digital kymography parameters were similar in the presence of vocal fold nodules and vocal cysts lesions.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar e comparar os parâmetros da videoquimografia digital obtidos pela videolaringoscopia de alta velocidade de mulheres sem alterações laríngeas, de mulheres com nódulos de prega vocal e de mulheres com cistos vocais. Método Estudo observacional transversal, no qual foram selecionadas 60 mulheres com idade entre 18 e 45 anos. Três grupos foram formados: 20 mulheres sem alterações laríngeas formando o grupo controle (Grupo 1), 20 mulheres com diagnóstico de nódulos nas pregas vocais formando o Grupo 2 e 20 mulheres com diagnóstico de cistos vocais formando o Grupo 3. Posteriormente, os participantes foram avaliados por Videolaringoscopia de alta velocidade para análise e comparação de imagens da laringe usando videoquimografia digital. Os parâmetros videoquimográficos avaliados pelo programa KIPS® foram: aberturas mínima, máxima e média; amplitudes da prega vocal direita e esquerda; frequências da abertura da prega vocal direita e esquerda; e fechamento. Resultados A análise da videoquimografia digital sugere que a presença dos nódulos e dos cistos de pregas vocais tendem a restringir a abertura máxima e média da prega vocal e a amplitude dominante da variação de abertura na região média da glote. Conclusão Os parâmetros da videoquimografia digital foram semelhantes na presença de nódulos nas pregas vocais e lesões de cistos vocais.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Phonation , Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Vibration , Video Recording , Vocal Cords/diagnostic imaging , Cross-Sectional Studies , Kymography
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 34(3)2021. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292127


Resumo Historicamente, o papel do ecocardiograma de estresse físico no manejo da cardiomiopatia hipertrófica tem sido negligenciado na prática clínica, de acordo com a análise das diretrizes do American College of Cardiology/ American Heart Association de 2002, que recomendavam cautela no uso dessa metodologia, em portadores de cardiomiopatia hipertrófica, devido ao risco de possível ocorrência tanto de arritmia cardíaca, como de colapso hemodinâmico no esforço. Atualmente, o estresse físico na cardiomiopatia hipertrófica integra a avaliação rotineira de pacientes sintomáticos com ou sem gradiente da via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo < 50 mmHg, em repouso. Para este grupo, é um método seguro e confiável para medir o gradiente da via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo durante o esforço e sólido diferenciador de pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica não obstrutivos (gradiente ausente, tanto em repouso quanto no esforço) daqueles com gradientes lábeis (gradiente ausente no repouso e presente no esforço). Portanto, na avaliação da cardiomiopatia hipertrófica, o estresse físico é igualmente útil na quantificação do grau de regurgitação mitral, nas alterações da contratilidade segmentar do ventrículo esquerdo e na avaliação da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo, diante do esforço, sendo capaz de predizer o futuro desenvolvimento de sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca. O método é também importante na determinação das diferentes estratégias de tratamento para cada paciente, desde a miomectomia cirúrgica ou a ablação septal alcoólica, para aqueles com gradiente lábil, com sintomas limitantes e refratários ao tratamento medicamentoso versus transplante cardíaco para aqueles sem gradiente.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Atrial Fibrillation/complications , Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular/congenital , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic, Familial , Heart Failure/complications , Mitral Valve , Stress, Physiological , Vibration/adverse effects , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/methods , Ergometry/methods , Death, Sudden, Cardiac/etiology , Echocardiography, Stress/methods , Electrocardiography/methods , Ablation Techniques
Braz. dent. sci ; 24(1): 1-6, 2021. tab
Article in English | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1145511


Objective: The present study aimed to assess theinfluence of vibration effect on microshear bond strength (µSBS) of flowable composite to enamel. Material and Methods: Sixty non-cariousextracted human premolar teeth were collected and randomly divided into six groups (n = 10) after being trimmed to produce a smooth flat surface: Flowable composites [Wave (SDI), Wave HV (SDI) and Grandioflow (Voco)] were used as bonding agents without or with vibration using an ultrasonic scaler (Mini Piezon, EMS, Switzerland). Composite resin, with an internal diameter of 0.7mm and height of 1mm, was cured on the substrate. The specimens' µSBS was tested by a microtensile tester (Bisco, USA) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The bond strength values were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey test (p < 0.05). Results:Vibrationdid not lead to any significant difference in the µSBS values of Wave, Wave HV, and Grandio Flow µSBS values (P=0.690, P=1.000 and P=0.947, respectively). No significant difference was found between flowable composites in terms of micro shear bond strength to enamel (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The application of ultrasonicvibration might not be advantageous in terms of improving the shear bond strength of flowable composites to enamel. (AU)

Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de microcisalhamento com efeito de vibração na resistência de união (µSBS) de compósito fluido ao esmalte. Material e Métodos: Sessenta dentes pré-molares humanos extraídos não cariados foram coletados e divididos aleatoriamente em seis grupos (n = 10) após serem desgastados para produzir uma superfície lisa e plana: Compósitos fluidos [Wave (SDI), Wave HV (SDI) e Grandioflow (Voco)] foram usados como agentes adesivos sem e com vibração através de um aparelho ultrassônico (Mini Piezon, EMS, Switzerland). Uma resina composta, com diâmetro interno de 0,7 mm e peso de 1 mm, foi polimerizada no substrato. Os espécimes de µSBS foram submetidos a teste de microtração (Bisco, USA) em uma velocidade de 0.5 mm/min. Os valores de resistência adesiva foram analisados através de testes de ANOVA a um critério e de Tukey post hoc (p < 0.05). Resultados: A vibração não levou a nenhuma diferença significativa nos valores de µSBS entre Wave, Wave HV, e Grandio Flow (P=0.690, P=1.000 e P=0.947, respectivamente). Não foi encontrada nenhuma diferença significativa entre os compósitos fluidos quanto à resistência de união ao esmalte quando sob microcisalhamento (p >0.05). Conclusões: A aplicação de vibração ultrassônica pode não ser vantajosa para uma melhora na resistência adesiva de compósitos fluidos ao esmalte frente a cisalhamento. (AU)

Humans , Vibration , Bicuspid , Composite Resins , Dental Enamel
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 9(5): 405-413, oct. 31, 2020. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1179032


Introduction: This study evaluated the influence of sonic vibration and thermocycling on the bond strength of fiberglass posts using conventional dual-cured and self-adhesive resin cements. Material and Methods: Ninety-six single-rooted endodontically treated teeth were divided randomly into eight groups according to the cement used (dual-cured or self-adhesive resin cement), use of sonic vibration during post accommodation, and aging conditions (24h in distilled water or 5,000 thermal cycles). The fiberglass posts (White Post DC1, FGM) were cleaned with alcohol, treated with silane and cemented with dual-cured (Allcem Core, FGM) or with self-adhesive resin cement (seT, SDI). For groups in which sonic vibration was used, the posts were accommodated, and sonic vibration was applied for 10 s using a special tip placed on top of the post (Sonic Smart Device, FGM). Pull-out tests were performed after storage in distilled water for 24h at 37°C or after thermocycling (5000 cycles, at 5°C and 55°C). The results were evaluated using three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Results: Significant differences were not observed between the bond strengths of dual-cured (87.93±41.81 N) and self-adhesive cement (82.53±41.43 N). Bond strength for the sonic vibration groups (100.36±42.35 N) was significantly higher than for groups without sonic vibration (70.13±34.90 N). There were significant differences between specimens subjected to thermocycling (98.33±39.42 N) and those stored for 24h in distilled water (72.16±39.67 N). Conclusion: It can be concluded that both sonic vibration and thermocycling significantly improved bond strength of fiberglass posts with the two evaluated resin cements.

Introducción: Este estudio evaluó la influencia de la vibración sónica y el termociclado en la fuerza de unión de los postes de fibra de vidrio utilizando cementos de resina autoadhesivos y de curado dual convencionales Material y Métodos: Se dividieron aleatoriamente noventa y seis dientes tratados endodónticamente de raíz única en ocho grupos según el cemento utilizado (cemento de resina de curado dual o autoadhesivo), el uso de vibración sónica durante la acomodación posterior y las condiciones de envejecimiento (24 horas agua destilada o 5.000 ciclos térmicos). Los postes de fibra de vidrio (White Post DC1, FGM) se limpiaron con alcohol, se trataron con silano y se cementaron con cemento de curado dual (Allcem Core, FGM) o con cemento de resina autoadhesivo (seT, SDI). Para los grupos en los que se utilizó vibración sónica, se acomodaron los postes y se aplicó la vibración sónica durante 10 s utilizando una punta especial colocada en la parte superior del poste (Sonic Smart Device, FGM). Las pruebas de extracción se realizaron después del almacenamiento en agua destilada durante 24 horas a 37ºC o después del termociclado (5000 ciclos, a 5ºC y 55ºC). Los resultados se evaluaron mediante ANOVA de tres vías y la prueba de Tukey (α = 0.05). Resultados: No se observaron diferencias significativas entre las resistencias de adhesión del cemento de curado dual (87,93 ± 41,81 N) y el cemento autoadhesivo (82,53 ± 41,43 N). La fuerza de unión para los grupos de vibración sónica (100,36 ± 42,35 N) fue significativamente mayor que para los grupos sin vibración sónica (70,13 ± 34,90 N). Hubo diferencias significativas entre los especímenes sometidos a termociclado (98,33 ± 39,42 N) y los almacenados durante 24 h en agua destilada (72,16 ± 39,67 N). Conclusión: Se puede concluir que tanto la vibración sónica como el termociclado mejoraron significativamente la fuerza de unión de los postes de fibra de vidrio con los dos cementos de resina evaluados.

Humans , Vibration , Post and Core Technique/instrumentation , Resin Cements/chemistry , Flexural Strength , Glass , Sonication/methods , Tooth Root , Dental Bonding , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Dentin/chemistry , Ultrasonic Waves
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(2): 311-317, set 24, 2020. fig, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358279


Introdução: fraturas ósseas extensas representam grande causa de morbidade e geram custos para o serviço de saúde. A vibração de baixa magnitude e alta frequência foi proposta como um tratamento alternativo para aumentar a massa óssea. Objetivo: Avaliar histomorfologicamente o reparo inicial de defeitos ósseos críticos após aplicação de ondas mecânicas vibratórias Metodologia: foram utilizados 10 Rattus norvegicus. Confeccionou-se defeitos críticos de 8,5 mm de diâmetro na calvária dos ratos. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo Controle de Defeito Ósseo (GCDO) e Grupo Experimental de Vibração Imediata (GEVI). Animais do GEVI foram submetidos a ondas vibratórias de 60 Hz e aceleração vertical de 0,3 g; elas foram aplicadas três vezes/ semana, durante vinte minutos. Após quinze dias do ato operatório, os animais foram eutanasiados para a mensuração da extensão do defeito. Considerando que estes defeitos tinham o mesmo diâmetro inicial, admitiu-se como indicador indireto de deposição osteóide, a redução da extensão linear final dos mesmos. Resultados: observou-se neoformação de matriz osteoide, restrita às bordas ósseas, em ambos os grupos. A média de extensão linear, em milímetros, do defeito ósseo do GEVI foi de 5,83 (DP=0,79) e no GCDO, foi de 6,62 (DP= 0,63). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as médias (U=8,00, z=-1,604, p=0,132). Conclusão: evidenciou-se resposta osteogênica a partir da utilização da terapêutica vibratória, contudo de forma estatisticamente não-significante. Deste modo, o presente estudo demonstrou que a utilização das ondas vibratórias não favoreceu um reparo ósseo estatisticamente significante, no período e regime vibratório estudados.

Introduction: extensive bone fractures represent a major cause of morbidity and generate costs for the health service. Vibration of low magnitude and high frequency has been proposed as an alternative treatment to increase bone mass. Objective: to evaluate histomorphologically the initial repair of critical bone defects after application of vibrating mechanical waves. Methodology: 10 Rattus norvegicus were used. Critical defects of 8.5 mm in diameter were made in the calvaria of the rats. The animals were divided into two groups: Bone Defect Control Group (GCDO) and Experimental Immediate Vibration Group (GEVI). GEVI animals were submitted to 60 Hz vibrating waves and 0.3 g vertical acceleration; they were applied three times/week, for twenty minutes. Fifteen days after the surgery, the animals were euthanized to measure the extent of the defect. Considering that these defects had the same initial diameter, a reduction in their final linear extension was admitted as an indirect indicator of osteoid deposition. Results: neoformation of an osteoid matrix, restricted to bone borders, was observed in both groups. The mean linear extension, in millimeters, of the GEVI bone defect was 5.83 (SD = 0.79) and in the GCDO, it was 6.62 (SD = 0.63). There was no statistically significant difference between the means (U = 8.00, z = -1.604, p = 0.132). Conclusion: an osteogenic response was evidenced from the use of vibratory therapy, however in a statistically non-significant way. Thus, the present study demonstrated that the use of vibrating waves did not favor a statistically significant bone repair, during the studied period and vibration regime

Animals , Male , Rats , Osteogenesis , Rats , Vibration , Bone Regeneration , Rats, Wistar , Fractures, Bone , Animal Experimentation
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(2): 230-235, June 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090679


La estabilidad primaria es un requisito importante para la supervivencia y éxito de los implantes durante la osteointegración. En los últimos años, los implantes inmediatos postextracción han demostrado ser una opción de tratamiento exitosa y predecible para la reposición de dientes con mal pronóstico, pero surge la duda de si dichos implantes alcanzan valores de estabilidad primaria comparables a aquellos colocados en hueso maduro. Comparar la estabilidad primaria de implantes inmediatos colocados en alveolos postextracción con la de implantes colocados en hueso maduro. Se llevó a cabo un estudio clínico retrospectivo, con los datos recogidos sobre 175 implantes, colocados en 175 pacientes. Todos los implantes colocados pertenecían al modelo Essential Cone (Klockner Implant System) y se dividieron en dos grupos: implantes inmediatos (Grupo A, n=31) e implantes colocados en hueso maduro (Grupo B, n=144). La estabilidad primaria de todos los implantes se midió mediante torque de inserción y análisis de frecuencia de resonancia con Osstell ISQ. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto a la estabilidad medida a través del torque de inserción (26,29+10,07 Vs 25,76+9,72 N/cm) pero sí que se encontraron diferencias significativas en la medida de la estabilidad primaria mediante AFR, siendo inferiores los valores correspondientes a los implantes colocados en los alveolos post exodoncia (60,74 ± 6,17 en sentido VL y 62,19 ± 7.64 en sentido MD frente a 68,34 ± 6.26 en sentido VL y 69,29 ± 7.98 en sentido MD obtenidos en los implantes colocados en hueso maduro). El torque de inserción de los implantes inmediatos es similar al de los implantes colocados en hueso maduro, pero sus valores ISQ son significativamente inferiores, lo que demuestra un mayor grado de micromovimiento, y por consiguiente, un mayor riesgo de fracaso durante el período de osteointegración.

Primary stability is an important requirement for the survival and success of implants during osseointegration. In recent years, immediate post-extraction implants have proven to be a successful and predictable treatment option for the replacement of teeth with a poor prognosis, but the question arises as to whether these implants reach primary stability values comparable to those placed in mature bone. The objective of the study was to compare the primary stability of immediate implants placed in post-extraction alveoli with that of implants placed in mature bone. A retrospective clinical study was carried out, with data collected on 175 implants, placed in 175 patients. All implants placed belonged to the Essential Cone model (Klockner Implant System) and were divided into two groups: immediate implants (Group A, n = 31) and implants placed in mature bone (Group B, n = 144). The primary stability of all implants was measured by insertion torque and resonance frequency analysis with Osstell ISQ. No statistically significant differences were found regarding the stability measured through the insertion torque (26.29 + 10.07 Vs 25.76 + 9.72 N / cm) but significant differences were found in the measurement of primary stability by means of AFR, the values corresponding to implants placed in the post-exodontic alveoli being lower (60.74 ± 6.17 in the VL direction and 62.19 ± 7.64 in the MD direction versus 68.34 ± 6.26 in the VL direction and 69.29 ± 7.98 in the MD direction obtained in implants placed in mature bone). The insertion torque of immediate implants is similar to that of implants placed in mature bone, but their ISQ values are significantly lower, which demonstrates a higher degree of micromotion, and therefore, a greater risk of failure during the period of osseointegration.

Dental Prosthesis Retention , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Tooth Extraction , Vibration , Case-Control Studies , Retrospective Studies , Osseointegration , Torque , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Resonance Frequency Analysis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 305-311, Mar./Apr. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1128167


The effects of two vibration platform (VP) exercise protocols on stifle and rectal temperatures were evaluated. Eleven animals participated in two exercise protocols, different in duration in each exercise. Exercise protocol 1 (EP1) took 30 seconds and EP2, 60 seconds, with different vibratory levels in both cases (L1 = acceleration ≅ 1g, L4 = acceleration ≅ 2.5g, and L7 = acceleration ≅ 5g). The animals were evaluated before and 1 minute after the exercise, using infrared thermography to obtain stifle temperatures. The rectal temperature (RT) was also checked at each moment. The dogs had higher stifle temperatures in EP1 at all vibratory levels compared to the time before the exercise; EP2 resulted in higher temperature only at maximum vibration intensity (L7). Increase in TR was observed only in EP2. The results suggested that the short duration protocol (EP1) increased the muscular and peripheral vascular activities of the joint, regardless of the vibration intensity. The long duration protocol (EP2) with maximum vibration intensity increased the RT, demonstrating activity beyond the stifle muscle group. It is concluded that exercises on the VP can be used as complementary therapy for low-impact muscle activity in dogs and may be adequate for efficient energy consumption.(AU)

Foram avaliados os efeitos de dois protocolos de exercício em plataforma vibratória (PV) sobre as temperaturas dos joelhos e retais. Onze animais participaram de dois protocolos de exercício, diferentes na duração de cada exercício. O protocolo de exercício 1 (PE1) foi de 30 segundos e o PE2 foi de 60 segundos, com diferentes níveis vibratórios em ambos (L1 = aceleração ≅ 1g; L4 = aceleração ≅ 2,5g; e L7 = aceleração ≅ 5g). Os animais foram avaliados antes e um minuto após os exercícios, por meio de termografia infravermelha para a obtenção das temperaturas dos joelhos. A temperatura retal (TR) foi aferida em cada momento. Os cães apresentaram temperaturas dos joelhos mais elevadas em PE1, em todos os níveis vibratórios, em comparação a antes do exercício; o PE2 resultou em temperatura mais alta apenas na intensidade máxima de vibração (L7). Aumento na TR foi observado apenas no PE2. Os resultados sugerem que o protocolo de curta duração (PE1) aumentou as atividades muscular e vascular periférica da articulação, independentemente da intensidade da vibração; o protocolo de longa duração (PE2) com intensidade máxima de vibração aumentou a TR demonstrando atividade além do grupo muscular do joelho. Conclui-se que os exercícios na PV podem ser utilizados como terapia complementar para atividade muscular de baixo impacto em cães e pode ser adequada para o consumo eficiente de energia.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Perfusion/veterinary , Rectum/physiology , Vibration , Knee Joint/blood supply , Body Temperature , Thermography/veterinary , Exercise
Fisioter. Bras ; 21(1): 77-85, mar 8, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282728


Abstract Introduction: Several technologies have been developed and optimized for the treatment of unaesthetic disorders. Among them is the oscillatory vibration therapy, a novel form of treatment based on the mechanical and physiological fundamentals of the vibration platform. Objective: The present study evaluated the efficacy of the oscillatory vibration therapy in the improvement of body contour remodeling and in the aspect of cellulite in women. Methods: This is a prospective longitudinal comparative study, in which the following evaluation tools are used: anthropometry, perimetry, adipometry, evaluation of skin viscoelasticity with Cutometer®, evaluation of the thickness of the hypodermis with diagnostic ultrasound and analysis of severity of cellulite (CSS). The evaluations occurred at the start and 1 week after the end of ten oscillatory vibration therapy. The results were analyzing using a paired student's t-test with interval confidence of 95% (PValue <0.05). Results: Thirty women took part in the research, with age of 33 ± 9 years, weight of 62 ± 11 kg, height of 1.66 ± 0.06 m, BMI of 22 ± 2 kg/m2. The measurements of perimetry, adipometry, analysis of subcutaneous tissue thickness by means of diagnostic ultrasound and analysis of skin viscoelasticity did not present significant alterations. However, the CSS variable of the right gluteus (7.3 ± 1.8 to 5.8 ± 1.6 ≤ 0.0001), left gluteus (7.2 ± 1.9 to 5.8 ± 1.6= 0.0001), right thigh (6.9 ± 1.9 to 5.6 ± 1.4 = 0.0004), left thigh (6.9 ± 1.9 to 5.6 ± 1.3 = 0.0004) and Celluqol® (59 ± 16 to 49 ± 16 = 0.022) presented significant difference. Conclusion: The multi-directional oscillatory vibration therapy is an effective and efficient therapy for the treatment of cellulite; however, for the treatment of body remodeling, it must be further evaluated and studied. (AU)

Introdução: Várias tecnologias vêm sendo desenvolvidas e otimizadas para o tratamento das afecções inestéticas. Dentre elas está a terapia vibro-oscilatória, uma nova forma de tratamento baseada na fundamentação mecânica e fisiológica da plataforma vibratória Objetivo: O presente estudo avaliou a eficácia da terapia vibro-oscilatória para melhora do remodelamento corporal e aspecto de celulite em mulheres. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo clínico longitudinal prospectivo e comparativo, no qual se utilizaram as seguintes ferramentas de avaliação: antropometria, perímetria, adipometria, avaliação da viscoelasticidade da pele com Cutometer®, avaliação da espessura da hipoderme com ultrassom diagnóstico e análise da escala de severidade da celulite (CSS). As avaliações ocorreram no início e após 1 semana de término das dez sessões da terapia vibro-oscilatória. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas com o software Bioestat 5.0, utilizando o teste de normalidade de Lilliefor (P-valor > 0,05), teste paramétrico e teste T-Student da amostra pareada. Resultados: Trinta mulheres participaram da pesquisa, com média de idade de 33 ± 9 anos, peso médio de 62 ± 11 kg, altura média de 1,66 ± 0,06 metros, IMC médio de 22 ± 2 kg/m2 . As medidas de perímetria, adipometria, análise da espessura do tecido subcutâneo por meio de ultrassom diagnóstico e análise da viscoelasticidade da pele não apresentaram alterações significativas. Entretanto as variáveis de CSS glúteo direito (7,3 ± 1,8 para 5,8 ± 1,6 ≤ 0,0001), glúteo esquerdo (7, 2 ± 1,9 para 5,8 ± 1,6 = 0,0001), coxa direita (6,9 ± 1,9 para 5,6 ± 1,4 = 0,0004), coxa esquerda (6.9 ± 1,9 para 5,6 ± 1,3 = 0,0004) e Celluqol® (59 ± 16 para 49 ± 16 = 0,022), apresentaram diferença significativa. Conclusão: A terapia vibro-oscilatória multidirecional é uma terapia efetiva e eficaz para o tratamento da celulite, porém para o tratamento de remodelamento corporal ela deve ser mais bem avaliada e estudada. (AU)

Humans , Cellulite , Body Contouring , Vibration , Esthetics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828163


In order to reduce the impact caused by the contact between the foot and the ground when wearing the lower extremity exoskeleton under the condition of high load, this paper proposed an exoskeleton foot mechanism for improving the foot comfort, and optimized the key index of its influence on the comfort. Firstly, the physical model of foot mechanism was established based on the characteristics of foot stress in gait period, and then the mathematical model of vibration was abstracted. The correctness of the model was verified by the finite element analysis software ANSYS. Then, this paper analyzed the influence of vibration parameters on absolute transmissibility based on vibration mathematical model, and optimized vibration parameters with MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox. Finally, this paper took white noise to simulate the road elevation as the vibration input, and used the visual simulation tool Simulink in MATLAB and the vibration equation to construct the acceleration simulation model, and then calculated the vibration weighted root mean square acceleration value of the foot. The results of this study show that this foot comfort mechanism can meet the comfort indexes of vibration absorption and plantar pressure, and this paper provides a relatively complete method for the design of exoskeleton foot mechanism, which has reference significance for the design of other exoskeleton foot and ankle joint rehabilitation mechanism.

Humans , Acceleration , Ankle Joint , Biomechanical Phenomena , Exoskeleton Device , Finite Element Analysis , Foot , Gait , Lower Extremity , Models, Theoretical , Vibration
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-781776


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the therapeutic effect of thunder-fire moxibustion combined with vibration training and simple vibration training on low back pain of primary osteoporosis by 's modulus of ultrasonic wave, and seek an objective evaluating method.@*METHODS@#A total of 60 patients were randomized into an observation group and a control group, 30 cases in each one. The patients in the two groups were treated with vibration training using whole body vibration treatment bed. In the observation group, thunder-fire moxibustion was applied at Yaoyangguan (GV 3), Mingmen (GV 4), Ganshu (BL 18), Shenshu (BL 23) and Dachangshu (BL 25). The treatment was given once every other day, 3 times a week for 4 weeks. The visual analogue score (VAS), real-time shear wave elastography (RTSWE) and medical outcomes study 36-item short-form hearth survey (SF-36) were used to evaluate pain intensity, multifidus muscle tone ('s modulus) and quality of life before treatment, after 4-week treatment and 1 month after treatment.@*RESULTS@#Compared before treatment, the VAS scores, 's modulus of multifidus muscle and 5 dimensions of SF-36 (physical condition, body pain, general health, social function and mental health) after 4-week treatment and 1 month after treatment were significantly improved in the two groups (all <0.05), the physiological role in the observation group after 4-week treatment and 1 month after treatment were improved (both <0.05). In the observation group, the VAS scores, 's modulus of multifidus muscle and 3 dimensions of SF-36 (physiological role, body pain and general health) after 4-week treatment and 1 month after treatment were superior to the control group (all <0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The therapeutic effect of thunder-fire moxibustion combined with vibration training is superior to simple vibration training in relieving low back pain intensity and multifidus muscle tone, and improving quality of life for primary osteoporosis. RTSWE technique can be an objective examination method to evaluate pain.

Humans , Acupuncture Points , Low Back Pain , Therapeutics , Moxibustion , Osteoporosis , Quality of Life , Treatment Outcome , Vibration