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Medicina UPB ; 41(1): 3-11, mar. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1362378


Objetivo: este estudio busca describir los individuos evaluados por sobredosis de acetaminofén entre 2019 y 2020 en un centro de referencia de trasplante hepático en Colombia. Metodología: estudio derivado del análisis secundario de historias clínicas entre el 1.º de enero de 2019 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Los criterios de inclusión abarcan individuos con ingestión aguda y voluntaria de dosis tóxicas de acetaminofén (>4 g/día). Resultados: sesenta y tres casos, 68% mujeres, 67% menores de 18 años y 54% estudiantes. Reportó historia personal de enfermedad psiquiátrica el 60% y el 35% al menos un intento de suicidio previo. La mediana de dosis de acetaminofén fue 15g, 46% refirieron co-ingesta de otras sustancias y 13% estaba bajo efecto de sustancias psicoactivas. El 57% tenía la intención clara de suicidarse, así como 81% vomitó antes de acudir al servicio de urgencias, 22% recibió medidas de descontaminación y 10% no recibió N - acetilcisteína. Quince individuos desarrollaron lesión hepática aguda, nueve con criterios de severidad. Conclusiones: la población era predominantemente joven, la historia de enfermedad psiquiátrica fue muy prevalente y la mayoría refirieron un evento vital que explicara el comportamiento impulsivo de consumo. Ninguno desarrolló criterios para trasplante hepático, lo cual podría explicarse por la edad de los individuos, los episodios de vómito temprano, y la ausencia de enfermedad hepática crónica o de consumo de sustancias hepatotóxicas.

Objective: this study aims to describe patients with overdose intake of acetaminophen between 2019 and 2020 at a reference center for liver transplantation in Colombia. Methodology: study derived from a secondary analysis of the clinical records between January 1st, 2019, to December 31st, 2020. Inclusion criteria were individuals with voluntary acute ingestion of toxic doses of acetaminophen (>4 g/day). Results: sixty-three cases, 68% women, 67% <18-year-old, and 54% students. 60% had personal history of psychiatric illness and 35% reported at least one previous suicide attempt. The median dose of acetaminophen was 15g, 46% referred to co-ingestion with other substances and 13% were under the effect of any psychoactive substance. 57% had a clear intention of suicide. 81% vomited before the arrival to the emergency room, 22% received decontamination intervention with gastric lavage or activated charcoal, and 10% did not receive any dose of N-Acetylcysteine. Fifteen individuals developed an acute liver injury, nine with severity criteria. Conclusions: the population was predominantly young, the personal history of psychiatric disease was highly prevalent, and most of the cases referred a vital event that explains the impulsive behavior in acetaminophen consumption. None developed criteria for liver transplantation, and this could be explained by the young age of the individuals, the episodes of early vomiting, and the absence of chronic liver disease or hepatotoxic substance consumption.

Objetivo:este estudo busca descrever os indivíduos avaliados por sobredose de acetaminofen entre 2019 e 2020 num centro de referência de transplante hepático na Colômbia. Metodologia: estudo derivado da análise secundário de histórias clínicas entre o dia 1.º de janeiro de 2019 e 31 de dezembro de 2020. Os critérios de inclusão abrangem indivíduos com ingestão aguda e voluntária de dose tóxicas de acetaminofen (>4 g/dia).Resultados:sessenta e três casos, 68% mulheres, 67% menores de 18 anos e 54% estudantes. Reportou história pessoal de doença psiquiátrica, 60% e 35% pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio prévio. A média de dose de acetaminofen foi de 15g, 46% referiram com ingestão de outras sustâncias e 13% estava sob efeito de sustâncias psicoativas. 57% tinham a intenção clara de suicidar-se, assim como 81% vomitou antes de acudir ao serviço de urgências, 22% receberam medidas de descontaminação e 10% não recebeu N - acetilcisteína. Quinze indivíduos desenvolveram lesão hepática aguda, nove com critérios de severidade. Conclusões: a população era predominantemente jovem, a história de doençapsiquiátrica foi muito prevalente e a maioria referiram um evento vital que explicasse o comportamento impulsivo de consumo. Nenhum desenvolveu critérios para transplantehepático, o qual se poderia explicar pela idade dos indivíduos, os episódios de vómito precoce, e a ausência de doença hepática crónica ou de consumo de sustâncias hepatotóxicas.

Humans , Acetaminophen , Acetylcysteine , Suicide, Attempted , Vomiting, Anticipatory , Charcoal , Decontamination , Emergency Service, Hospital , Dosage , Gastric Lavage , Liver Diseases , Mental Disorders
Tehran University Medical Journal [TUMJ]. 2013; 71 (6): 395-403
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-133048


Chemotherapy-induced nausea [CIN] in the anticipatory and acute phase is the most common side effect in cancer therapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ginger capsules on the alleviation of this problem. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was performed on 80 women with breast cancer between August till December 2009 in Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran. These patients underwent one-day chemotherapy regime and suffering from chemotherapy-induced nausea. After obtaining written consent, samples were randomly assigned into intervention and control groups. Two groups were matched based on the age and emetic effects of chemotherapy drugs used. The intervention group received ginger capsules [250 mg, orally] four times a day [1 gr/d] and the same samples from the placebo group received starch capsules [250 mg, orally] for three days before to three days after chemotherapy. To measure the effect of capsules a three-part questionnaire was used, so the samples filled every night out these tools. After collecting the information, the gathered data were analyzed by statistical tests like Fisher's exact, Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square using version 8 of STATA software. The mean +/- SD of age in the intervention and placebo groups were 41.8 +/- 8.4 and 45.1 +/- 10 years, respectively. Results indicated that the severity and number of nausea in the anticipatory phase were significantly lower in the ginger group compared with placebo group [P=0.0008, P=0.0007, respectively]. Also, the intensity [P=0.0001] and number [P=0.0001] of nausea in the acute phase were significantly lower in the ginger group. On the other hand, taking ginger capsules compared with placebo did not result in any major complications. Consuming ginger root powder capsules [1 gr/d] from three days before chemotherapy till three days after it in combination with the standard anti-emetic regimen can help to reduce the anticipatory and acute nausea.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Nausea , Vomiting , Double-Blind Method , Antineoplastic Agents , Vomiting, Anticipatory
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-168407


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to identify influences of stress, anxiety, depression, and personality trait on nausea, vomiting, and retching of breast cancer patients perceiving chemotherapy. METHODS: Breast cancer patients who were admitted to Ewha Womans University Cancer Center for women to receive chemotherapy participated in the study. In addition to sociodemographic and clinical factors, self-reported questionnaires, including Type D personality Scale 14, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Global Assessment of Recent Stress scale were used to evaluate psychological factors of the subjects. For examination of anticipatory and post chemotherapy nausea, vomiting, and retching, the subjects filled out the Rhodes Index of Nausea, Vomiting, and Retching and Visual Analogue Scale. RESULTS: No significant influence of type D personality, anxiety, or depression on nausea, vomiting, and retching was observed. If the patient experienced more severe stress, higher scores for anticipatory and post chemotherapy nausea, vomiting, and retching were recorded. The tendency was retained after adjusting for the cycle number of chemotherapy, the emetic risk of the chemotherapy regimen, type D personality, anxiety, and depression. Specifically, financial problems, unusual happenings, ordinary daily stress, and general stress were significantly related to nausea, vomiting, and retching. CONCLUSION: Assessment of life stress, especially for financial problems, unusual happenings, and ordinary daily stress of patients receiving cancer chemotherapy can be used as an effective way to reduce the risk of nausea, vomiting, and retching related during chemotherapy.

Female , Humans , Anxiety , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Depression , Drug Therapy , Nausea , Surveys and Questionnaires , Stress, Psychological , Vomiting , Vomiting, Anticipatory
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-244855


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>The efficacies of the selective 5-hydroxytryptamine3 (5-HT3) antagonists--ramosetron (0.3 mg) and granisetron (3 mg) in treating acute chemotherapy-induced digestive system dysunction were compared.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>A total of 111 patients were enrolled in a single-blind, randomised crossover study; with data from 98 were used to assess efficacy and data from 110 to assess the safety profile. Ramosetron or granisetron was given intraveneously 15 min befire chemotherpy.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The ability of ramosetron to prevent emesis, nausea and anorexia was similar to granisetron during the first 6 h following the administration of chemotherapy, ciplatin or doxorubicin. However, during the first 24 h after chemotherapy, significant differences between ramosetron and granisetron appeared: emetic episode (P = 0.068), nausea (P = 0.006), and anorexia (P = 0.048) remained lower in ramosetron-treated patients. The safety profile of ramosetron was similar to that of granisetron and adverse events in both groups were generally mild and transient.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Ramosetron is more potent and longer-lasting than granisetron in preventing chemotherapy-induced digestive disturbances.</p>

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anorexia , Drug Therapy , Antiemetics , Therapeutic Uses , Antineoplastic Agents , Benzimidazoles , Therapeutic Uses , Cisplatin , Cross-Over Studies , Doxorubicin , Granisetron , Therapeutic Uses , Lung Neoplasms , Drug Therapy , Nausea , Serotonin Antagonists , Therapeutic Uses , Single-Blind Method , Vomiting, Anticipatory
JCPSP-Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2001; 11 (6): 349-351
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-57050


To determine whether post-traumatic vomiting can predict risk of a skull fracture in minor head injury patients. Design: A non-interventional study, carried out prospectively. Place and Duration of Study: The Neurosurgical Centre, CMH Rawalpindi over a period of 06 months from November, 1999 to April, 2000. Subjects and All the patients of head injury presenting at our centre over a period of 06 months were included in our study. We collected the data related to a consecutive series of 142 head injury patients. Data included age, sex, mechanism of injury, level of consciousness on initial examination, incidence of skull fracture and the presence and frequency of post-traumatic vomiting.Radiographs of skull[AP, Lateral and Towne's view] were obtained for all the patients diagnosed as having a minor head injury [Glasgow Coma Score Scale 14-15]. Post-traumatic vomiting in patients with minor head injury was encountered in 36.23% adults and 65.85% children.In patients with a skull fracture, vomiting was encountered in 81.81% adults and76.92% children. Post-traumatic vomiting was associated with a significant [p=0.79] increase in the relative risk for a skull fracture. Conclusions: It was concluded that a question about vomiting should be included in the guidelines for skull radiography. Patients found to have a skull fracture can thus be admitted for neuro-observation and computed tomography if indicated

Humans , Male , Female , Vomiting/etiology , Vomiting, Anticipatory/etiology , Trauma Severity Indices , Glasgow Coma Scale