Resumo Os contaminantes emergentes (CE), sao substáncias químicas (fármacos, produtos de higiene pessoal, drogas ilícitas entre outros) que estao presentes no ambiente como consequéncia da atividade antrópica e a falta de adequagao dos processos convencionais de tratamento de água e esgoto que nao logram remové-los eficientemente. Na atualidade o uso disseminado e desmedido de fármacos no tratamento da pandemia de COVID 19 tem aumentado a preocupagao dos impactos decorrentes da contaminagao por fármacos em ambientes aquáticos, consequéncia da liberagao no ambiente de grandes quantidades destes compostos. Assim, estudos de ecotoxicidade aquática sao fundamentais para avaliar o efeito de substáncias químicas tóxicas nas análises de impactos ambientais, sobretudo quando utilizado organismos representativos da biota aquática local, garantindo assim, maior confiabilidade e representatividade dos resultados obtidos. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi validar a utili-dade do Dendrocephalus brasiliensis (Branchoneta) espécie autóctone do nordeste brasileiro como organismo teste para estudos de ecotoxicidade de fármacos utilizados no tratamento da COVID 19. Testes ecotoxicológicos utilizando D. brasiliensis foram realizados utilizando solugóes dos fármacos paracetamol, hidroxicloroquina, ivermectina e ibuprofeno, em concentragóes de 0,0025 até 600,0 mg/L seguindo os protocolos descritos pela Associagao Brasileira para Normas Técnicas (ABNT) para toxicidade aguda, protocolo padronizado para a realizagao do ensaio ecotoxicológicos utilizando como organismo teste a Daphnia magna, o qual foi empregada como referencia para comparar o padrao de resposta. Com os resultados obtidos foi realizado o cálculo da CL50-48h considerando como desfecho a morte dos organismos, ivermectina (< 0,0025 - < 0,0025), hidroxicloroquina (3,70 - 14,09), ibuprofeno (12,25 - 107,52), paracetamol (8,53 - 9,61), resultados CL50-48h mg/l D. magna e D. brasiliensis respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos mostraram um padrao diferenciado dependente da espécie e do fármaco analisado observando-se uma menor sensibilidade frente a exposigao da D. brasiliensis em comparagao a D. magna demonstrando a valia da D. brasiliensis como organismo teste. Pesquisas futuras dirigidas a analisar as potenciais interagóes destes fármacos em concentragóes ambientais reais sao necessárias para completar a validagao e ter uma aproximagao dos eventos acometidos em ambientes impactados por estes fármacos.
Abstract Emerging contaminants (EC) are chemical substances (pharmaceuticals, personal hygiene products, illicit drugs, among others) that are present in the environment because of human activity and the lack of adequacy of conventional water and sewage treatment processes that do not manage to remove them efficiently. Currently, the widespread and excessive use of drugs in the treatment of the COVID 19 pandemic has increased concern about the impacts resulting from contamination by drugs in aquatic environments, because of the release into the environment of large amounts of these compounds. Thus, aquatic ecotoxicity studies are essential to evaluate the effect of toxic chemical substances in the analysis of environmental impacts, especially when using representative organisms of the local aquatic biota, thus ensuring greater reliability and representativeness of the results obtained. In view of this, the objective of this work was to validate the usefulness of Dendrocephalus brasiliensis (Branchoneta), an autoch-thonous species from northeastern Brazil as a test organism for ecotoxicity studies of drugs used in the treatment of COVID 19. Ecotoxicological tests using D. brasiliensis were performed using drug solutions paracetamol, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and ibuprofen, in concentrations from 0.0025 to 600.0 mg/L following the protocols described by the Brazilian Association for Technical Norms (ABNT) for acute toxicity, standardized protocol for carrying out the ecotoxicological assay using as a test organism Daphnia magna, which was used as a reference to compare the response pattern. Based on the results obtained, the LC50-48h was calculated considering the death of organisms, ivermectin (< 0.0025 - < 0.0025), hydroxychloroquine (3.70 - 14.09), ibuprofen (12.25 - 107.52), paracetamol (8.53 - 9.61), results LC50-48h mg/l D. magna and D. brasiliensis respectively. The results obtained showed a differenti-ated pattern depending on the species and the analyzed drug, observing a lower sensitivity to exposure of D. brasiliensis compared to D. magna, demonstrating the value of D. brasiliensis as a test organism. Future research aimed at analyzing the potential interac-tions of these drugs at real environmental concentrations is necessary to complete the validation and to have an approximation of the events affected in environments impacted by these drugs.
Water Pollution, Chemical , Ibuprofen/toxicity , Toxicity Tests/methods , Acetaminophen/toxicity , AnostracaABSTRACT
We report two outbreaks of nitrate and nitrite poisoning in Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. The first, due to Pennisetum purpureum (elephant grass), and the second, due to P. purpureum and Brachiaria spp. (brachiaria grass), both occurred during a prolonged drought. In the first outbreak, the irrigation of the pastures with wastewater and sewage contributed to nitrate accumulation. The second outbreak occurred in pastures cultivated in the border of a dam, that had been submerged for long time accumulating large amounts of organic matter in the soil. Other probably risk factors for nitrate accumulation included the use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides and burning of the vegetation. In the first outbreak, four calves out of a total of 42 cattle died, and in the second outbreak 49 out of 243 cattle, including adults, yearlings, and a 2-day-old calf died. The clinical signs included dyspnea, cyanosis, ataxia, and falls, leading to death. The presence of nitrates was detected in both outbreaks using the diphenylamine test. Quantitative tests were performed in the second outbreak using a portable nitrate meter, and high nitrate concentrations were found. The characteristic macroscopic findings and absence of microscopic lesions and response to treatment with methylene blue were key to the diagnosis of poisoning by nitrates and nitrites. We conclude that poisoning by nitrates and nitrites in ruminants in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil is frequent due to the cultivation of grasses in the border of dams that had been covered by water for long periods or in areas irrigated by wastewater and/or sewage. In addition, the use of a portable measuring device is an effective alternative for the quantification of nitrates in pastures.(AU)
Relatamos dois surtos de intoxicação por nitrato e nitrito na Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. O primeiro por Pennisetum purpureum (capim-elefante), e o segundo por P. purpureum e Brachiaria spp. (capim braquiária); ambos ocorreram durante uma estiagem prolongada. No primeiro surto, a irrigação das pastagens com água poluída e esgoto contribuiu para o acúmulo de nitrato. O segundo surto ocorreu em pastagens cultivadas na borda de uma barragem, que há muito tempo ficavam submersas, acumulando grande quantidade de matéria orgânica no solo. Outros prováveis fatores de risco para o acúmulo de nitrato incluíram o uso de fertilizantes químicos e herbicidas e a queima da vegetação. No primeiro surto, quatro bezerros de um total de 42 bovinos morreram, e no segundo surto 49 de 243 bovinos, incluindo adultos, jovens de um ano e um bezerro de 2 dias de idade morreram. Os sinais clínicos incluíram dispneia, cianose, ataxia e quedas, levando à morte. A presença de nitratos foi detectada em ambos os surtos pelo teste de difenilamina. Testes quantitativos foram realizados no segundo surto usando um medidor portátil de nitrato, e altas concentrações de nitrato foram encontradas. Os achados macroscópicos característicos e a ausência de lesões microscópicas e a resposta ao tratamento com azul de metileno foram fundamentais para o diagnóstico de intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos. Concluímos que a intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos em ruminantes na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil é frequente devido ao cultivo de gramíneas nas bordas de barragens que estiveram cobertas por água por longos períodos ou em áreas irrigadas por água poluída e/ou esgoto. Além disso, o uso de medidor portátil é uma alternativa eficaz para a quantificação de nitratos em pastagens.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Plant Poisoning/etiology , Plant Poisoning/epidemiology , Brachiaria/poisoning , Pennisetum/poisoning , Nitrates/poisoning , Nitrites/poisoning , Water Pollution, Chemical/adverse effects , Pasture , Agricultural IrrigationABSTRACT
We report two outbreaks of nitrate and nitrite poisoning in Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. The first, due to Pennisetum purpureum (elephant grass), and the second, due to P. purpureum and Brachiaria spp. (brachiaria grass), both occurred during a prolonged drought. In the first outbreak, the irrigation of the pastures with wastewater and sewage contributed to nitrate accumulation. The second outbreak occurred in pastures cultivated in the border of a dam, that had been submerged for long time accumulating large amounts of organic matter in the soil. Other probably risk factors for nitrate accumulation included the use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides and burning of the vegetation. In the first outbreak, four calves out of a total of 42 cattle died, and in the second outbreak 49 out of 243 cattle, including adults, yearlings, and a 2-day-old calf died. The clinical signs included dyspnea, cyanosis, ataxia, and falls, leading to death. The presence of nitrates was detected in both outbreaks using the diphenylamine test. Quantitative tests were performed in the second outbreak using a portable nitrate meter, and high nitrate concentrations were found. The characteristic macroscopic findings and absence of microscopic lesions and response to treatment with methylene blue were key to the diagnosis of poisoning by nitrates and nitrites. We conclude that poisoning by nitrates and nitrites in ruminants in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil is frequent due to the cultivation of grasses in the border of dams that had been covered by water for long periods or in areas irrigated by wastewater and/or sewage. In addition, the use of a portable measuring device is an effective alternative for the quantification of nitrates in pastures.
Relatamos dois surtos de intoxicação por nitrato e nitrito na Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. O primeiro por Pennisetum purpureum (capim-elefante), e o segundo por P. purpureum e Brachiaria spp. (capim braquiária); ambos ocorreram durante uma estiagem prolongada. No primeiro surto, a irrigação das pastagens com água poluída e esgoto contribuiu para o acúmulo de nitrato. O segundo surto ocorreu em pastagens cultivadas na borda de uma barragem, que há muito tempo ficavam submersas, acumulando grande quantidade de matéria orgânica no solo. Outros prováveis fatores de risco para o acúmulo de nitrato incluíram o uso de fertilizantes químicos e herbicidas e a queima da vegetação. No primeiro surto, quatro bezerros de um total de 42 bovinos morreram, e no segundo surto 49 de 243 bovinos, incluindo adultos, jovens de um ano e um bezerro de 2 dias de idade morreram. Os sinais clínicos incluíram dispneia, cianose, ataxia e quedas, levando à morte. A presença de nitratos foi detectada em ambos os surtos pelo teste de difenilamina. Testes quantitativos foram realizados no segundo surto usando um medidor portátil de nitrato, e altas concentrações de nitrato foram encontradas. Os achados macroscópicos característicos e a ausência de lesões microscópicas e a resposta ao tratamento com azul de metileno foram fundamentais para o diagnóstico de intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos. Concluímos que a intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos em ruminantes na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil é frequente devido ao cultivo de gramíneas nas bordas de barragens que estiveram cobertas por água por longos períodos ou em áreas irrigadas por água poluída e/ou esgoto. Além disso, o uso de medidor portátil é uma alternativa eficaz para a quantificação de nitratos em pastagens.
Animals , Cattle , Brachiaria/poisoning , Plant Poisoning/epidemiology , Plant Poisoning/etiology , Nitrates/poisoning , Nitrites/poisoning , Pennisetum/poisoning , Agricultural Irrigation , Pasture , Water Pollution, Chemical/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Resumo O aumento da produtividade agrícola, em especial da produção canavieira, geralmente está associado ao uso de agrotóxicos. O risco de contaminação desses compostos nos recursos hídricos é uma preocupação para a saúde pública e ambiental. Nesse contexto, o estudo objetivou estimar o potencial de contaminação das águas subterrâneas e superficiais por agrotóxicos aplicados em uma área sucroalcooleira na região metropolitana de João Pessoa, município de Santa Rita/Paraíba. A análise foi realizada seguindo critérios propostos pela Environmental Protection Agency - EPA e índice de GUS (águas subterrâneas) e pelo método de GOSS (águas superficiais). Como resultados da estimativa de contaminação das águas subterrâneas, observou-se que dos 25 princípios ativos avaliados pelos métodos (EPA e GUS), 52% apresentaram tendência de contaminação potencial. Quanto ao risco de contaminação das águas superficiais, a maioria dos princípios ativos possuía uma maior tendência de transporte de suas moléculas dissolvidas em água e transportadas por meio do carreamento das águas da chuva. Assim, pode-se concluir que há a necessidade de implantação de programas de monitoramento ambiental e de medidas voltadas à proteção da saúde pública.
Abstract The increase in agricultural productivity, especially sugarcane production, is generally associated with the use of agrochemicals. The risk of contamination of these compounds in water resources is a concern for public and environmental health. In this context, the scope of this study was to estimate the contamination potential of the groundwater and surface water by agrochemicals applied in a sugar and alcohol area in the metropolitan region of João Pessoa, Santa Rita/Paraíba. Analysis was performed according to the criteria proposed by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), namely the GUS index (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) and the GOSS method (surface water). As a result of the estimate of groundwater contamination, it was observed that 52% out of 25 active compounds evaluated by the methods (EPA and GUS), showed a tendency of potential contamination. With respect to the contamination of surface waters, most of the active principles had a greater tendency to transport their molecules dissolved in water and transported them through rainwater. Thus, the conclusion drawn is that there is a need for the implementation of environmental monitoring programs and measures aimed at the protection of public health.
Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Water Pollution, Chemical/analysis , Groundwater/chemistry , Agrochemicals/analysis , Crops, Agricultural , Brazil , SaccharumABSTRACT
RESUMEN El arsénico es un elemento que se encuentra ampliamente distribuido en todo el medio ambiente. Sus compuestos se hallan principalmente en estado de oxidación pentavalente y trivalente; y en formas inorgánicas y orgánicas. Las especies arsenicales varían en su grado de toxicidad, siendo los compuestos inorgánicos más tóxicos que los orgánicos, y los compuestos trivalentes más tóxicos que los pentavalentes. Habría interconversión entre las especies menos tóxicas a otras más toxicas y los métodos de cocción y de procesamiento podrían afectarla. El arsénico es un agente carcinogénico y ocasiona múltiples efectos negativos sobre la salud humana a corto y largo plazo. La exposición humana no ocupacional al arsénico se da principalmente por agua y alimentos. La normativa es variable para cada país, y se basa en los estándares de la OMS, Codex Alimentarius y la Unión Europea. Muchos estudios se enfocan en determinar el contenido total de arsénico mas no identifican las especies arsenicales en alimentos. A nivel global, pescado y mariscos, pollo, carnes, arroz y algas marinas tienen niveles elevados de arsénico. En Perú, hay escasos estudios sobre contenido de arsénico total y especies arsenicales en alimentos a pesar que tenemos zonas con altos niveles de contaminación ambiental. El objetivo de esta revisión es discutir la exposición al arsénico a través de la ingesta de alimentos y agua, la normativa relacionada, toxicidad, consecuencias en la salud humana y principales alimentos que contribuyen a su ingesta.
ABSTRACT Arsenic is an element that is widely distributed throughout the environment. Its compounds are mainly in the state of pentavalent and trivalent oxidation; and in inorganic and organic forms. Arsenical species vary in their degree of toxicity, with inorganic compounds being more toxic than organic and trivalent compounds more toxic than pentavalent compounds. There would be interconversion between the less toxic species and other more toxic species and the cooking and processing methods could affect it. Arsenic is a carcinogenic agent and causes multiple negative effects on human health in the short and long term. Non-occupational human exposure to arsenic occurs mainly through water and food. The regulation is variable for each country and is based on WHO standards, the Codex Alimentarius, and the European Union. Many studies focus on determining the total arsenic content but do not identify arsenical species in foods. Globally, fish and seafood, chicken, meat, rice, and seaweed have high levels of arsenic. In Peru, there are few studies on total arsenic content and arsenical species in food despite the fact that we have areas with high levels of environmental contamination. The objective of this review is to discuss exposure to arsenic through food and water intake, related regulations, toxicity, consequences on human health and main foods that contribute to its intake.
Humans , Arsenic/adverse effects , Arsenic/toxicity , Water Pollution, Chemical/adverse effects , Food Contamination , Arsenic/analysis , FoodABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Currently, it is recognized that water polluted with toxic heavy metal ions may cause serious effects on human health. Therefore, the development of new materials for effective removal of heavy metal ions from water is still a widely important area. Melanin is being considered as a potential material for removal of heavy metal from water.@*METHODS@#In this study, we synthesized two melanin-embedded beads from two different melanin powder sources and named IMB (Isolated Melanin Bead originated from squid ink sac) and CMB (Commercial Melanin Bead originated from sesame seeds). These beads were of globular shape and 2-3 mm in diameter. We investigated and compared the sorption abilities of these two bead materials toward hexavalent-chromium (Cr) in water. The isotherm sorption curves were established using Langmuir and Freundlich models in the optimized conditions of pH, sorption time, solid/liquid ratio, and initial concentration of Cr. The FITR analysis was also carried out to show the differences in surface properties of these two beads.@*RESULTS@#The optimized conditions for isotherm sorption of Cr on IMB/CMB were set at pH values of 2/2, sorption times of 90/300 min, and solid-liquid ratios of 10/20 mg/mL. The maximum sorption capacities calculated based on the Langmuir model were 19.60 and 6.24 for IMB and CMB, respectively. However, the adsorption kinetic of Cr on the beads fitted the Freundlich model with R values of 0.992 for IMB and 0.989 for CMB. The deduced Freundlich constant, 1/n, in the range of 0.2-0.8 indicated that these beads are good adsorption materials. In addition, structure analysis data revealed great differences in physical and chemical properties between IMB and CMB. Interestingly, FTIR analysis results showed strong signals of -OH (3295.35 cm) and -C=O (1608.63 cm) groups harboring on the IMB but not CMB. Moreover, loading of Cr on the IMB caused a shift of broad peaks from 3295.35 cm and 1608.63 cm to 3354.21 cm and 1597.06 cm, respectively, due to -OH and -C=O stretching.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Taken together, our study suggests that IMB has great potential as a bead material for the elimination of Cr from aqueous solutions and may be highly useful for water treatment applications.
Adsorption , Chromium , Chemistry , Kinetics , Melanins , Chemistry , Waste Disposal, Fluid , Methods , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Chemistry , Water Pollution, Chemical , Water Purification , MethodsABSTRACT
ResumenLa producción agrícola de monocultivo permanente de banano y plátano en la parte media del Río Grande (Turbo - Antioquia) requiere de la aplicación de diferentes plaguicidas. Prácticas inapropiadas en la producción y cultivos de plátano realizadas en esta región a menudo conllevan a contaminación con agroquímicos que llegan a este cuerpo de agua por procesos de lixiviación y escorrentía. Los peces son los vertebrados más utilizados como especies bioindicadoras de la calidad del agua porque son muy sensibles a la presencia de contaminantes en el ambiente. El objetivo de esta investigación fue comparar la frecuencia de eritrocitos micronucleados (EMN) en sangre periférica de ejemplares de peces sabaleta (Brycon henni) procedentes de dos estaciones del Río Grande que difieren en su grado de contaminación por agroquímicos. Se evaluó la frecuencia de EMN en sangre periférica de peces B. henni procedentes de cada estación durante dos épocas de lluvia de 2010 y dos época secas de 2011. Las muestras de sangre fueron obtenidas de la vena caudal, fijadas durante 24 horas y luego teñidas con Giemsa. La frecuencia de EMN fue significativamente mayor en el área impactada por agroquímicos. La frecuencia media de EMN fue mayor en la estación con impacto directo de agroquímicos (0.15±0.18) que en la estación poco alterada (0.06±0.08). Además, la frecuencia de EMN en B. henni fue significativamente mayor en la época seca. Los resultados de este estudio indican que el análisis de las EMN en B. henni puede ser recomendada como un método adecuado para la detección in situ de agentes genotóxicos en el ambiente.
Abstract:The permanent monoculture of bananas and plantains farming in the middle of Río Grande (Turbo - Antioquia) requires the application of a variety of pesticides. Inappropriate banana production practices in this region, have often led to waterbody pollution by agrochemicals from leachate and runoff processes. Currently, fish are the most common vertebrates used as bioindicators of water quality, because they are very sensitive to the presence of contaminants. Our main goal with this study was to compare the frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes (MNE) in peripheral blood specimens of fish Brycon henni, from two locations (polluted and unpolluted) in the Rio Grande. We evaluated the frequency of MNE in peripheral blood samples of fish B. henni from each location during two rainy seasons in 2010 and two dry seasons in 2011. Blood samples were collected, fixed for 24 h, and then were stained with Giemsa. Among results, we found that the median frequency of MNE was higher in the polluted site by agrochemical discharges (0.15±0.18), than in the unimpacted site (0.06±0.08). Furthermore, the frequency of MNE in B. henni during the dry season was highly significant for both locations. The results of this study indicated that the analysis of MNE in B. henni could be recommended as a suitable method for in situ detection of environmental genotoxins. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 405-414. Epub 2017 March 01.
Animals , Water Pollution, Chemical/analysis , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Rivers/chemistry , Erythrocytes/drug effects , Characidae/blood , Pesticides/toxicity , Seasons , Time Factors , Micronucleus Tests , Colombia , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Abstract:Coral reef ecosystems are under stress of different origins, from factors including sedimentation, fragmentation, overfishing, and tourism, depending on their geographical location, depth, and proximity to recreation areas. In this study of Juluapan Lagoon, we examined the relationship between various water-quality attributes and the status indicators of the coral community at La Boquita reef. During 2011 (12 months of sampling), six monitoring stations in the Juluapan lagoon were established in order to observe the gradient of the distribution of the physicochemical parameters: three stations on the upper part, or BI, (S4 to S6) and three more in the lower part, or BII, (S1 to S3). A control station (CS) was located in the coral reef close to the lagoon channel, and where dissolved inorganic nutrients and cellular carbon content were determined. Additionally, we considered the monitoring of three of the eight largest coral structures/headlands of this community: the first was the station closest to the channel communicating with Juluapan lagoon (C1), the second was in the intermediate region with respect to that lagoon (C2), and the third was farthest from the channel (C3). Three line intercept transects (LIT) 30 m in length and perpendicular to the coast provenance were established in each station, and the parameters indicative of the status of corals were evaluated in an area of 60 m2 on each transect (180 m2 by the station). Turbidity, evidence of fishing, signs of settling, algal coverage, abundance of fish, rate of sediment, and coral health records (as for CoralWach chart) were determined in situ and from digital photographs and videos. Considering various community status indicators used in the reef area, we could recognize a state of general deterioration, which was reflected in the loss of 17% of coral coverage. The main anthropogenic disturbances in adjacent areas to La Boquita reef included wastewater discharges into the lagoon, tourist developments in the coastal zone, deforestation and erosion resulting from inappropriate development, and the runoff of nutrients from agricultural lands nearby the lagoon. All these significantly contributed to the nutrient-enriched waters of the lagoon, especially in summer, with negative effects on the coral community. Continued exposure to these factors, coupled with the lack of control over other anthropogenic components, has promoted the maintenance of a chronic stress state in the studied coral community. Our findings highlight the need for the development of appropriate coastal management and conservation policies for the coral reefs of the Mexican Pacific Coast. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 1185-1200. Epub 2016 September 01.
ResumenDependiendo de la ubicación geográfica, la profundidad, y la proximidad a zonas de recreo, algunos arrecifes de coral están bajo estrés por factores que incluyen la sedimentación, la fragmentación, la sobrepesca y el turismo. En la presente investigación, se estudian los diferentes atributos de calidad de agua de la Laguna Juluapan e indicadores del estatus de la comunidad coralina La Boquita. Durante 2011 (12 meses de muestreo), seis estaciones de monitoreo fueron establecidas dentro de la laguna de Juluapan, a fin de observar el gradiente de distribución de los parámetros fisicoquímicos: tres estaciones en la parte interna ó B1, (S4 a S6), y tres en la parte más externa, ó B2 (S1 a S3); una estación control (CS) fue ubicada en la zona coralina cercana a la comunicación con la Laguna de Juluapan, fueron determinados nutrientes inorgánicos disueltos y contenido de carbono celular. Adicionalmente se realizó el monitoreo de tres de los ocho cabezales coralinos que conforman esta comunidad. El primero de ellos fue localizado en la cercanía de la intercomunicación con la Laguna Juluapan (C1), el segundo en la región intermedia respecto a la proximidad de dicho cuerpo lagunar (C2), y el tercero totalmente alejado respeto a la intercomunicación (C3). En cada estación fueron colocadas, tres líneas de transectos de intersección (LIT) de 30 m de longitud de forma perpendicular al perfil de la costa, a partir de ello, fueron evaluados diversos parámetros de la condición coralina, cubriendo un área de 60 m2 en cada transecto (180 m2 por estación). En cada área de transecto fue evaluada la turbidez, evidencias de daños por pesca, daños por sedimentación, cobertura de algas, abundancia de peces, tasa de sedimentación, además de obtenerse registros de la salud coralina usando como indicador la tarjeta CoralWatch in situ, a partir de tomas fotográficas y videos. Considerando los diferentes indicadores del estatus de la comunidad coralina estudiada, nosotros pudimos reconocer un estado general de deterioro, reflejado en la pérdida del 17% de la cobertura de coral. Las principales alteraciones antropogénicas en las zonas adyacentes al arrecife La Boquita corresponde a descargas de aguas residuales en la laguna, desarrollos turísticos en la zona costera, la deforestación y efecto erosivo asociado al desarrollo urbano inadecuado, así como el escurrimiento de nutrientes de tierras agrícolas alrededor de la laguna. Estos factores contribuyen de manera significativa al enriquecimiento de nutrientes a la laguna, sobre todo en verano, con efectos negativos sobre la comunidad de coral. La exposición continua a estos factores, junto con la falta de control sobre otros componentes antropogénicos, promueve la existencia de un estado de estrés crónico en la comunidad coralina estudiada. Nuestros resultados destacan la necesidad de implementar políticas apropiadas de conservación para los arrecifes coralinos de la costa del Pacífico mexicano.
Water Pollution, Chemical/adverse effects , Water Quality , Coral Reefs , Phytoplankton , Seasons , Seawater/chemistry , Temperature , Time Factors , Pacific Ocean , Analysis of Variance , Bays , Conservation of Natural Resources , Geologic Sediments/chemistry , Salinity , MexicoABSTRACT
Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo obtener una bio-resina intercambiadora de cationes utilizando cáscaras de guineo o plátano, la cual reduzca la concentración de metales pesados en agua contaminada. A esta bio-resina se le realizaron pruebas fisicoquímicas: densidad seca aparente, pH y solubilidad en agua y solventes orgánicos. Se evaluó su efectividad filtrando agua contaminada con metales pesados, tales como hierro, cromo y níquel (Fe3+, Cr6+ y Ni2+), variando las condiciones de tiempo de contacto, temperatura y el tipo de cáscara. La cuantificación de la concentración de los metales en el agua filtrada se llevó a cabo por espectrofotometría visible. Se llegó a la conclusión que la bio-resina obtenida es efectiva para disminuir la concentración de metales pesados en agua, teniendo especial afinidad química por el cromo hexavalente; metal pesado que logró remover arriba del 90%. Las condiciones óptimas de operación de la bio-resina son a 30°C y 90 minutos de tiempo de contacto con la muestra. Además, las pruebas fisicoquímicas, permitieron tipificarla preliminarmente como una resina de intercambio catiónico débil con un grado de entrecruzamiento bajo.
This research aimed to obtain a cation exchange bio-resin, using plantain or banana peels, that reduces the concentration of heavy metals in contaminated water. The bio-resin underwent physico-chemical tests like apparent dry density, pH, solubility in water and organic solvents. Its effectiveness was tested by filtering contaminated water with heavy metals such as iron, chromium and nickel (Fe3+, Cr6+ y Ni2+) and by varying contact time conditions, temperature and type of peel. The measure of concentration of metals in filtered water was taken through visible spectrophotometry. We concluded that the resulting bio-resin is effective in reducing the concentration of heavy metals in water, showing special chemical affinity with hexavalent chromium, a heavy metal that was able to remove above 90%. The bio-resin optimum working conditions are 30°C and 90 minutes of contact with the sample. Also, the physico-chemical tests allowed to preliminary typify it as a weak cation exchange resin with a low degree of crosslinking.
Resins, Plant/chemistry , Cations , Water Purification/methods , Spectrophotometry , Water Pollution, Chemical/prevention & control , Water , Metals, Heavy , Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationABSTRACT
This article presents a reflection on the past and current history, uses, and significance of the Luiz Rau creek to the municipality of Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul. Its waters have always been important to the region, quenching the thirst of the local population and their livestock and providing venues for shared social interactions, but also as a destination for municipal industrial and household waste, which has polluted the waters of the creek. Our primary objective is to present and discuss these aspects with the purpose of elucidating the historical importance of this watercourse to the city of Novo Hamburgo. Toward that end, we conducted an exploratory survey to obtain the necessary inputs for such a discussion. We also employed texts from the now-defunct Jornal 5 de Abril and from Jornal NH, the highest-circulating newspaper in the region, to illustrate some situations experienced by the community. We found that municipal waste continues to be dumped into the creek, which has made it rather unloved by the local residents, but it remains firmly present in their daily lives.
Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão a respeito da história, dos usos e dos significados que o Arroio Luiz Rau teve/tem para o município de Novo Hamburgo. Suas águas, desde sempre tiveram grande importância para a região, pois serviram para suprir a sede dos moradores e seus animais, assim como para dividir espaços de sociabilidade, mas também para a liberação dos resíduos industriais e domésticos, oriundos do município, gerando poluição em suas águas. O objetivo principal, então, é apresentar esses aspectos, discuti-los, com o propósito de elucidar a importância histórica desse curso d’água para a cidade de Novo Hamburgo. Para a realização desse propósito, elaboramos uma pesquisa exploratória, a fim de termos subsídios suficientes para essa discussão. Além disso, utilizamos textos jornalísticos, do extinto, Jornal 5 de Abril e do Jornal NH, que tem a maior circulação na região, para ilustrarmos algumas situações vividas pela comunidade. O que observamos, atualmente, é que o arroio continua recebendo dejetos da cidade, tornando-se um espaço pouco querido pelos habitantes, mas ainda muito presente no cotidiano de seus moradores.
History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Cities/history , Urbanization/history , Water Pollution, Chemical/history , Brazil , Rivers , Socioeconomic Factors/history , Water Pollution, Chemical/analysisABSTRACT
A forte relação das pessoas com o Rio Doce, bem como suas enchentes regulares, representam fator contínuo de exposição ao risco de doenças hídricas. Dada sua relevância epidemiológica, este estudo analisa a associação entre percepção de contaminação e uso do rio, bem como os mecanismos heurísticos empregados na formação da percepção de risco. Utilizou-se um modelo probit ordenado com variável instrumental e análise de redes temáticas aplicados a uma base de dados primária de 352 domicílios, representativa dos moradores de Tumiritinga, Minas Gerais, Brasil, para o ano de 2012. Os resultados indicam que embora a maioria (92,6%) dos moradores de Tumiritinga perceba o risco de contrair algum tipo de doença quando nada no Rio Doce, somente 11,4% informam não entrar na água. A análise de conteúdo sugere que esse paradoxo advém da falta de compreensão populacional sobre os mecanismos de transmissão de doenças hídricas, criando viés otimista sobre as chances de contaminação. Campanhas para promoção de comportamento preventivo devem, portanto, enfatizar as formas de contrair doenças hídricas na região.
The close relationship between local residents and the Rio Doce and the river’s recurrent flooding lead to continuous exposure of the population to waterborne diseases. Given the epidemiological importance of such diseases in the region, this study analyzes the association between risk perception of contamination and river water use, as well as the heuristic mechanisms used by individuals to shape their personal perception of risk. Regression models coupled with thematic network analysis were applied to primary data from 352 households in 2012. The data are representative of urban residents of Tumiritinga, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The results show that while 92.6% of respondents perceived high risk of waterborne diseases, only 11.4% reported not making direct use of the river. This apparent paradox is explained by the lack of information on transmission mechanisms, underestimating the perception of contamination. Public campaigns to promote preventive behavior should stress how waterborne diseases are transmitted, using simple examples to reach a wider local audience.
La fuerte relación que los residentes tienen con Río Doce, así como con sus inundaciones regulares, representan factores de exposición continua para el riesgo de enfermedades transmitidas por el agua. Este estudio examina la asociación entre la percepción de la contaminación y el uso del río, así como los mecanismos heurísticos usados en la formación de la percepción del riesgo. Se utilizó un modelo probit ordenado con variable instrumental y análisis de redes temáticas aplicadas a una base de datos primaria, representativa de los residentes de Tumiritinga, Minas Gerais, Brasil, para el año 2012. Los resultados indican que, aunque la mayoría de los residentes (92,6%) se dan cuenta del riesgo de contraer algún tipo de enfermedad, cuando se nada en Río Doce, sólo el 11,4% declara no entrar en el agua. El análisis de contenido sugiere que esta paradoja se debe a la falta de comprensión de la población de los mecanismos de transmisión de enfermedades hídricas, creándose un sesgo optimista sobre las posibilidades de contaminación.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Environmental Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Rivers , Water Supply , Water Pollution, Chemical/statistics & numerical data , Waterborne Diseases/transmission , Brazil , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Risk Factors , Socioeconomic Factors , Water Pollution, Chemical/analysis , Waterborne Diseases/classification , Waterborne Diseases/epidemiologyABSTRACT
The fish fauna of the Sinos River has been subjected to severe pollution since the 1970´s. Continuous discharges of industrial and municipal sewage cause hypoxia and often even fish kills. The objectives of the present study are to assess long-term effects of pollution on the fish community over a time scale of approximately ten years and to investigate recuperation of the fish fauna after a massive fish kill in 2006. To assess the long-term impacts, seasonal sampling was conducted from September 2007 to March 2009 in four sites which were investigated in 1998/99 with the same methodology. The effects of the fish kill were investigated by comparing the present fauna in the affected river stretch with the fauna of an unaffected adjacent river stretch. The collective community properties richness and Shannon diversity changed during the ten year interval in a consistent pattern. Richness and Shannon diversity increased significantly in all sites, abundance values, however, did not. Analysis of species constancy and cluster analysis showed that the differences between the 1998/99 and 2007/09 studies were relatively small. The comparison of the reaches affected by the 2006 fish kills showed a rapid recovery within one year. Probably the Sinos fish fauna suffered the most severe impacts in the 70s of the last century, which could not be documented by this study. After an initial decline, the community displays relatively stable patterns with a tendency of recovery. After a severe fish kill, faunal recovery was rapid, probably favoured by the proximity of unpolluted source areas and physical habitat integrity of the Sinos River.
.A fauna de peixes do Rio dos Sinos vem sendo exposta a uma poluição grave desde os anos 70 do século passado. Descargas contínuas de esgotos industriais e urbanos causaram hipóxia e recorrentes mortandades de peixes. Os objetivos do presente estudo são: avaliar os efeitos de longo prazo da poluição sobre a comunidade de peixes e investigar a recuperação da ictiofauna após uma mortandade severa em 2006. Para avaliar os impactos de longo prazo, foram realizados amostragens sazonais entre setembro de 2007 a março de 2009 em quatro locais que foram investigados em 1998/99 com a mesma metodologia. Os efeitos da mortandade de peixes foram investigados comparando a fauna no trecho afetado pela mortandade com o que não foi afetado. As propriedades coletivas da comunidade íctica riqueza e diversidade de Shannon aumentaram durante o intervalo de 10 anos em todos os pontos de amostragem, porém os valores da abundância ficaram estáveis. A análise da constância das espécies e a análise de agrupamento mostraram que as diferenças encontradas entre os estudos 1998-1999 e 2007/09 são pouco expressivas. A comparação dos trechos afetados e não afetados pela mortandade de peixes mostrou uma rápida recuperação da fauna que ocorreu em um ano. A ictiofauna do Rio dos Sinos sofreu provavelmente os impactos mais graves nos anos 70 do século passado, contudo, não documentado por este estudo. Depois de um declínio inicial a comunidade exibiu padrões relativamente estáveis com tendências de recuperação. Após as mortandades de 2006 a recuperação da fauna foi rápida, provavelmente favorecida pela proximidade de áreas de fonte não poluídas e pela integridade física dos habitats do Rio dos Sinos.
Animals , Biodiversity , Fishes/physiology , Rivers/chemistry , Water Pollution, Chemical/adverse effects , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , Population Density , SeasonsABSTRACT
The objective of the present study was to describe the ecological status of ichthyofauna in an industrial district (Pará river, Amazon estuary), through the use of different environmental descriptors. To evaluate the impacts of the industrial area and cargo terminal, three areas were considered: Zone 1 (maximum impact), Zone 2 (median impact) and Zone 3 (low impact). A total of 77 species were captured. Differences in the composition of the ichthyofauna were recorded between Zones and environments (main channel and tidal channel). The ecological indices revealed clear evidence of the impact of the industrial hub and cargo terminal on the fish communities. In Zone 1, there was a reduction in the number of feeding groups (in the main channel) and larger fish and the Shannon diversity index and Margalef's richness were also significantly lower. The multivariate analysis separated the different Zones clearly into three groups, indicating marked differences in the levels of contamination in the different parts of the study area.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever o status ecológico da ictiofauna em um distrito industrial (rio Pará, estuário Amazônico), através do uso de diferentes descritores ambientais. Para avaliar o impacto da zona industrial e terminal de cargas, três áreas foram consideradas: Zona 1 (máximo impacto), Zona 2 (médio risco) e Zona 3 (baixo impacto). Um total de 77 espécies foi capturado. Diferenças na composição da ictiofauna foram encontradas em todas as zonas e ambientes (canal principal e canal de maré). Os índices ecológicos revelaram alterações da comunidade de peixes na área do distrito industrial. Na Zona 1 houve uma redução no número de categorias tróficas (no canal principal) e de peixes de grande porte e o índice de diversidade de Shannon e a riqueza de Margalef foram significativamente mais baixos. A análise multivariada separou as Zonas em três grupos, indicando diferenças marcantes no nível de contaminação nas diferentes áreas de estudo.
Animals , Biodiversity , Estuaries , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Fishes/classification , Water Pollution, Chemical , Brazil , Fishes/anatomy & histology , Industry , SeasonsABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>This study was to understand the status of pollution on drinking water, by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), among rural residents living in the basin of Huaihe River. Relationship between the morbidity, morbidity of cancers and VOCs were also explored.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>28 villages were chosen from Xuyi,Jinhu, Chuzhou along the Huaihe River, with water samples collected from ditch pond water, shallow wells, deep wells in November-December 2010. VOCs indicators were evaluated according to the Standard Quality GB 5749-2006 for Drinking Water.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Methylene chloride, chloroform, benzene and carbon tetrachloride were all detected in 76 water samples. The rates of chloroform, benzene, carbon tetrachloride which exceeding the quality standards were 3.95% , 21.05% and 22.37% , but no significant differences were found among these three water resources in chloroform, benzene or carbon tetrachloride. Results from the correlation analysis showed that benzene had positive correlation with tumor deaths (r = 0.24, P < 0.05). Results from the risk assessment on health showed that some chloroform, benzene, carbon tetrachloride products which were related to the risks of cancers were exceeding the acceptable ranges of risk, with the rates as 28.95%, 22.37% and 64.47% but with no significant differences among the three water resources (P > 0.05).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Drinking waters for rural residents along the Huaihe River were polluted while VOCs might have related to tumor incidence with potential impact and risk to the health of local residents.</p>
Humans , China , Drinking Water , Chemistry , Risk Assessment , Rural Health , Volatile Organic Compounds , Water Pollution, ChemicalABSTRACT
Establecer parámetros edafológicos e hidrogeológicos de la cuenca; y físico-químicos de fertilizantes y plaguicidas, que pudieran servir para el análisis del riesgo de su infiltración. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una investigación exploratoria de campo y gabinete para caracterizar hidrogeológicamente la cuenca. Se analizaron las concentraciones de plaguicidas y nitratos en aguas subterráneas y superficiales. Se consideraron algunas características de vulnerabilidad intrínsecas del acuífero, y otras relacionadas con la retención de contaminantes en suelos. Se determinó el coeficiente de distribución suelo/agua y el factor de retardo para seis sustancias de alto uso y se estimó su riesgo relativo hacia aguas subterráneas. Resultados: Las aguas subterráneas en zonas agrícolas muestran concentraciones de nitrato de dos a tres veces las concentraciones halladas en aguas para consumo humano. Se detectó glifosato en canales de irrigación agrícola. Los parámetros químicos del suelo más fuertemente correlacionados con la concentración de nitratos en aguas subterráneas fueron: a) capacidad de intercambio catiónico, b) relación aluminio: sílice, c) por ciento de retención de nitratos y d) pH del suelo en agua destilada. La concentración de nitratos en aguas subterráneas se relacionó directamente con el porcentaje de materiales finos (por ciento arcillas + por ciento limos) en los suelos. Discusión: Se proponen par metros para la evaluación del riesgo en acuíferos aluviales en la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica donde predomina el uso agrícola. Se considera que la terbutilazina, ametrina, carbendazim, diuron y nitratos representan amenaza importante al acuífero...
Humans , Water Pollution/analysis , Water Pollution, Chemical/analysis , Environmental Pollution , River PollutionABSTRACT
O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a contaminação de águas superficiais e de chuvas por agrotóxicos em dois municípios do estado do Mato Grosso, Lucas do Rio Verde e Campo Verde, situados entre os maiores produtores de soja, milho e algodão do estado e do país. A metodologia analítica combinou o uso de técnicas cromatográficas em amostras de água superficial e de chuva com análises ecotoxicológicas do impacto da contaminação por agrotóxicos sobre espécies bioindicadoras. Resultados das análises mostraram a presença de resíduos de diferentes agrotóxicos nas amostras de águas superficiais e de chuva coletadas nos dois municípios. Associados a estes dados, resultados das análises ecotoxicológicas mostraram a presença de anomalias em uma espécie de anfíbio anuro coletado em uma das duas localidades, compatíveis com exposição a agrotóxicos. Os resultados aqui apresentados e discutidos apontam para a degradação da qualidade de recursos hídricos da região, causada pelo uso intensivo de agrotóxicos na agricultura, incluindo fontes de água de consumo humano e de chuvas, amplificando o risco de contaminação para além das áreas de plantio.
This study sought to analyze groundwater and rainwater contamination by pesticides in two municipalities (Lucas do Rio Verde and Campo Verde) of Mato Grosso state. The area is Brazil's mid-west situated among the major soybean, corn and cotton producers in the state and the country. The analytical methodology combined chromatographic techniques on groundwater and rainwater samples with eco-toxicological analyses of the impacts of contamination by pesticide on bio-indicator species. The results revealed the presence of different pesticide residues in the groundwater and rainwater samples collected in the two municipalities. In conjunction with this data, results of the eco-toxicological tests revealed the presence of anomalies in a bio-indicator species collected in one of the two study sites compatible with exposure to pesticides. The results presented and discussed here highlight the degradation of water resources in the region, caused by the intensive use of pesticides in agriculture, including the contamination of drinking water sources and rain, broadening the risk of contamination beyond the cultivated areas.
Agriculture , Groundwater/chemistry , Pesticide Residues/analysis , Pesticides/analysis , Rain/chemistry , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Water Pollution, Chemical , BrazilABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate the influence of the polluted SY River on children's growth and sex hormones, and provide scientific data for assessment of the polluted status of the SY River.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The study areas were selected randomly from the SY River Basin. Lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), phthalates (DEP, DBP, DMP, DEHP), and bisphenol A (BPA) were measured both in the river water and in the drinking water. School children were selected by cluster sampling (n=154). Physical development indexes (height, weight, bust-circumference, and skinfold thickness) and sex hormones [testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2)] were measured for all the children.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The contents of Pb and Hg exceeded Class V standards of surface water quality in each section of the river and other indicators exceeded Class III. Compared to the control area, the concentrations of Pb, Hg, As, BPA, DEP, and DBP in the drinking water were significantly higher than in the polluted area (P<0.05). Children from the control area had significantly lower E2 and T than children from the polluted area (P<0.05). Among anthropometric results, only skinfold thickness had statistically significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05), while the other indexes showed no significant differences between the two groups (P>0.05).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The drinking water has been polluted by the SY River and affected serum sex hormone levels of children living in the polluted area.</p>
Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Adolescent Development , Child Development , China , Gonadal Steroid Hormones , Metabolism , Rivers , Chemistry , Water , Chemistry , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Toxicity , Water Pollution, Chemical , Water SupplyABSTRACT
En la actualidad el Río Sucio es uno de los ríos más contaminados en El Salvador, catalogándose la calidad de su agua como de pésima calidad, esta calificación se determina mediante la medición de parámetros como Oxigeno Disuelto, Recuento Microbiológico, Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno, Demanda Química de Oxígeno, Sólidos Totales Disueltos y Sólidos Suspendidos, Turbidez, Nitrógeno y Fósforo, encontrándose la mayoría de ellos arriba de los limites establecidos en las normas oficiales, tal y como se logró determinar en el monitoreo realizado por la Escuela de Ingeniería Química de ITCA-FEPADE durante once meses, en la zona media del Río Sucio, donde operan al menos 15 empresas agroindustriales. Se logró identificar que gran parte de la carga contaminante del río proviene de los desechos domésticos, industriales, agroindustriales y agrícolas que se han vertido en él durante las ultimas décadas.
Currently, Río Sucio is one of the most contaminated rivers in El Salvador, cataloging his water quality as bad quality. This tag is determinated by the measuring parameters like Dissolved Oxigen, Microbiological Count, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Dissolved Solids and Suspended Solids, Turbidity, Nitrogen and Phosphorus, most of them being above the limits established in the official norms, as it will seek to determine in the monitoring carried out by the Escuela de Ingeniería Química ITCA-FEPADE for once months, in the middle area of ââthe Sucio River, where at least 15 agro-industrial companies operate. It was possible to identify that a large part of the river's pollutant load comes from domestic, industrial, agro-industrial and agricultural wastes that have been dumped into it during the last decades.
Water Pollution, Chemical/analysis , Water Quality , Ocean Disposal of Hazardous Waste , Dissolved Oxygen , Dissolved Solids , Suspended Solids , Water Purification , Rivers , Environmental Pollutants , Biological Oxygen Demand AnalysisABSTRACT
As lead is an important environmental noxious waste which directly or indirectly contaminate the foods, soil water, and air thus, insects could be influenced easily by the lead. Therefore, lead was studied as lead acetate in different doses. viz 0.125 mg., 0.25 mg., 0.5 mg, 01 mg and 02 mg, on external morphology on Drosophila melanogaster at 48 hours post treatment. It was observed that under the effects of lead abnormalities and deformity were developed in the larvae of flies. Morphological changes were observed as elongated wings, de-shaped wings, elongated and folded legs, change in color of larvae, pupae and adults. Some other structural abnormalities of larvae and pupa shape were also observed. Thus the Dipterous flies could present a useful module for the quick transmission of the environmental hazards due to lead contamination, which exerts a specific physiological and morphological effect on these flies. So, in this respect, Drosophila melanogaster, could be used as a test method for heavy metals effects