El agua es esencial para la supervivencia de todos los organismos vivos. Por lo tanto, la reutilización de aguas residuales domésticas para fines de agua no potable es una probable solución para las áreas más necesitadas en agua en todo el mundo. La descarga de aguas residuales domésticas e industriales en los recursos hídricos superficiales y subterráneos es extremadamente dañina para el medio ambiente. La tecnología de biofiltración es una plataforma de tratamiento versátil que se aplica para el tratamiento de agua potable. Se logra cuando los desinfectantes no pueden pasar por un filtro, los microbios crecen y se desarrollan en medios granulares y finalmente conlleva a la aparición de biopelículas activas. El objetivo del siguiente artículo es ofrecer al distrito de Huancayo, Perú una alternativa para reciclar las aguas residuales en esta localidad. Los resultados de este trabajo permitieron el diseño de biofiltro para el tratamiento de agua servidas de la ciudad de Huancayo, en Perú para ser utilizado en el cementerio ecológico de dicha ciudad. El caudal a ser manejado durante el tratamiento de aguas servidas fue de 0,35L/s; esto permitió un bioflitro con las siguientes características: 13,78m de largo y 6,89m de largo con una profundidad de 0,8m adecuados para el tratamiento de estas aguas servidas. Los cálculos de degradación de materia orgánica según los parámetros de DBO y DQO permitieron una remoción de la carga orgánica de 78mg/m2 al día. Estos resultados fueron excelentes para poder mantener la calidad de vida del ecosistema(AU)
Water is essential for the survival of all living organisms. Therefore, the reuse of domestic wastewater for non-potable water purposes is a likely solution for the areas most in need of water throughout the world. The discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater into surface and groundwater resources is extremely harmful to the environment. Biofiltration technology is a versatile treatment platform that is applied for the treatment of drinking water. It is achieved when disinfectants cannot pass through a filter, microbes grow and thrive in granular media, and ultimately leads to the appearance of active biofilms. The objective of the following article is to offer the district of Huancayo, Peru an alternative to recycle wastewater in this town. The results of this work allowed the design of a biofilter for the treatment of wastewater from the city of Huancayo, in Peru to be used in the ecological cemetery of said city. The flow to be managed during the sewage treatment was 0.35 L/s; this allowed a biofliter with the following characteristics: 13.78 m long and 6.89 m long with a depth of 0.8 m suitable for the treatment of these sewage. The organic matter degradation calculations according to the BOD and COD parameters allowed a removal of the organic load of 78 mg/m2 per day. These results were excellent to be able to maintain the quality of life of the ecosystem(AU)
Humans , Biological Filters , Water Purification/methods , PeruABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: In hemodialysis, patients are exposed to a large volume of water, which may lead to fatal risks if not meeting quality standards. This study aimed to validate an alternative method for monitoring microbiological quality of treated water and assess its applicability in dialysis and dialysate analysis, to allow corrective actions in real-time. Methods: Validation and applicability were analyzed by conventional and alternative methods. For validation, E. coli standard endotoxin was diluted with apyrogenic water in five concentrations. For the applicability analysis, treated water for dialysis was collected from different points in the treatment system (reverse osmosis, drainage canalization at the storage tank bottom, reuse, and loop), and dialysate was collected from four machines located in different rooms in the hemodialysis sector. Results: The validation results were in accordance with the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia acceptance criteria, except for the last two concentrations analyzed. In addition, the ruggedness criterion performed under the US Pharmacopoeia was in agreement with the results. Discussion: A limiting factor in the applicability analysis was the absence of the endotoxin maximum permitted level in dialysate by the Brazilian legislation. When comparing the analysis time, the alternative method was more time-consuming than the conventional one. This suggests that the alternative method is effective in the case of few analyses, that is, real-time analyses, favoring corrective actions promptly. On the other hand, it does not support the implementation of the alternative method in a laboratory routine due to the high demand for analyses.
RESUMO Introdução: Na hemodiálise, os pacientes são expostos a um grande volume de água, o que pode levar a riscos fatais se não cumprir com padrões de qualidade. Este estudo teve como objetivo validar um método alternativo para monitorar a qualidade microbiológica da água tratada e avaliar sua aplicabilidade em análises de diálise e dialisato, para permitir ações corretivas em tempo real. Métodos: A validação e aplicabilidade foram analisadas por métodos convencionais e alternativos. Para validação, a endotoxina padrão de E. coli foi diluída com água apirogênica em cinco concentrações. Para a análise de aplicabilidade, a água tratada para diálise foi coletada em diferentes pontos do sistema de tratamento (osmose reversa, canalização de drenagem no fundo do tanque de armazenamento, reutilização e circuito) e o dialisato foi coletado em quatro máquinas localizadas em diferentes salas do setor de hemodiálise. Resultados: Os resultados da validação obedeceram aos critérios de aceitação da Farmacopeia Brasileira, com exceção das duas últimas concentrações analisadas. Além disso, o critério de robustez realizado sob a Farmacopeia dos EUA estava de acordo com os resultados. Discussão: Um fator limitante na análise de aplicabilidade foi a ausência do nível máximo permitido de endotoxina no dialisato pela legislação brasileira. Ao comparar o tempo de análise, o método alternativo consumiu mais tempo que o convencional. Isso sugere que o método alternativo é eficaz no caso de poucas análises, ou seja, análises em tempo real, favorecendo ações corretivas imediatamente. Por outro lado, não suporta a implementação do método alternativo em uma rotina de laboratório devido à alta demanda por análises.
Humans , Water Quality/standards , Water/adverse effects , Dialysis Solutions/analysis , Renal Dialysis/standards , Pharmacopoeias as Topic , Water Microbiology/standards , Brazil/epidemiology , Water/chemistry , Dialysis Solutions/chemistry , Renal Dialysis/statistics & numerical data , Water Purification/methods , Endotoxins/analysis , Escherichia coli/growth & developmentABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Improved water sources are not equally available in all geographical regions. Populations dependent on unsafe water sources are recommended to treat their water at point-of-use using adequate methods to reduce associated health problems. In Ethiopia, the spatial distribution of households using unimproved water sources have been incomplete or ignored in most of the studies. Moreover, evidence on the point-of-use water treatment practice of households dependent on such water sources is scarce. Therefore, the current study is intended to analyze the spatial distribution of unimproved water sources by wealth quintiles at country level and point-of-use treatment (POU) practices using nationally representative data.@*METHOD@#The data of 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) conducted on 16650 households from 643 clusters were used for the analysis. For spatial analysis, the raw and spatially smoothed coverage data was joined to the geographic coordinates based on EDHS cluster identification code. Global spatial autocorrelation was performed to analyze whether the pattern of unimproved water coverage is clustered, dispersed, or random across the study areas. Once a positive global autocorrelation was confirmed, a local spatial autocorrelation analysis was applied to detect local clusters. The POU water treatment is analyzed based on reported use of either boiling, chlorine (bleach), filtration, or solar disinfection (SODIS).@*RESULTS@#There were 5005 households using unimproved water sources for drinking purposes. Spatial variation of unimproved water coverage was observed with high coverage observed at Amhara, Afar, Southern Nations Nationalities and People and Somalia regions. Disparity in unimproved water coverage between wealth quintiles was also observed. The reported point-of-use water treatment practice among these households is only 6.24%. The odds of POU water treatment among household heads with higher education status is 2.5 times higher (95% CI = 1.43-4.36) compared to those who did not attend education.@*CONCLUSION@#An apparent clustering trend with high unimproved water coverage was observed between regions and among wealth quintiles hence indicates priority areas for future resource allocation and the need for regional and national policies to address the issue. Promoting households to treat water prior to drinking is essential to reduce health problems.
Drinking Water/analysis , Ethiopia , Socioeconomic Factors , Spatial Analysis , Water Purification/methods , Water Supply/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Abstract Color removal from textile effluents was evaluated using a laboratory-combined process based on an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor followed by a shallow polishing pond (SPP). The anaerobic reactor was fed with a real textile effluent, diluted 10-times in a 350 mg/L solution of pre-treated residual yeast extract from a brewery industry as nutrient source. The parameters color, COD, N-NH3 and toxicity were monitored throughout 45 days of operation. According to the results, decolorization and COD removal were highest in the anaerobic step, whereas the effluent was polished in the SPP unit. The overall efficiency of the complete UASB-SPP system for COD and color were 88 and 62%, respectively. Moreover, the N-NH3 generated by the residual yeast extract ammonification was below 5 mg/L for the final effluent. Finally, no toxicity was detected after the treatment steps, as shown by the Vibrio fischeri microscale assay.
Animals , Textiles/toxicity , Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods , Water Purification/methods , Yeasts , Toxicity Tests , Bioreactors , Aliivibrio fischeri , AnaerobiosisABSTRACT
dirigido a trabajadores de salud, trabajadores de otras organizaciones comunitarias, voluntarios, líderes y lideresas comunitarios a nivel nacional, con el fin de facilitarles algunas herramientas para su trabajo por la prevención de la propagación del Coronavirus (COVID-19). Por ello, se dan recomendaciones y sugerencias para poder acercarse a las comunidades y ayudarlas. Entre las recomendaciones y/o estrategias, está la de buscar a líderes o personas de confianza de cada comunidad. Aborda el tema de los mitos y rumores sobre las enfermedades, especialmente el COVID-19 Identificar los mitos o rumores de la comunidad a la que se acercan. Especialmente promueve la interacción con la comunidad, instándola a participar activamente. Enfatiza especialmente la utilidad de las radios comunitarias como canales de comunicación segura y efectiva. Propone como medio alterno y en sectores donde se sabe que hay una buena cantidad de celulares, mensajes de texto con información relevante; habla además de las ventajas de la radio como medio de información. En palabras sencillas y con comics, explica qué es el virus del COVID-19
Humans , Male , Female , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Communication , Community Participation/psychology , Culturally Competent Care/organization & administration , Health Behavior , Water Purification/methods , Emotions/classification , Pandemics/prevention & control , Guatemala , House Calls/trendsABSTRACT
A água é essencial para a manutenção da vida, porém pessoas que residem em comunidades rurais consomem água não potável. Como uma alternativa para o tratamento tem-se a Moringa que possui propriedade antimicrobiana. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas da água, antes e após o tratamento com esta semente, nos tempos: zero, uma, duas e quatro horas. Os percentuais de redução foram de até 99% para coliformes totais e termotolerantes e 92% para E. coli. Os índices de gás carbônico, turbidez e temperatura aumentaram evidenciando a ação antimicrobiana. Por fim, foi elaborada uma cartilha com os resultados desse trabalho e foi possível concluir que a semente da Moringa pode ser utilizada no tratamento da água, sendo uma alternativa barata e de fácil acessibilidade.
Chemical Phenomena , Moringa , Water Purification/methods , Microbiological Techniques , Water MicrobiologyABSTRACT
Resumo: Dados de saneamento para 2008 indicavam que 74,4% dos municípios com mais de 50 mil habitantes recebiam água fluoretada, entretanto, critérios para a validação desta informação não foram adotados. O estudo objetivou verificar a acurácia da informação sobre a fluoretação da água, tomando-se por referência dados de vigilância da água em municípios com mais de 50 mil habitantes no ano de 2008 e no período de 2010-2015. Dados de diferentes fontes foram empregados comparando-se as informações relativas ao período. Amostras da água foram coletadas e a concentração de fluoreto foi obtida pelo método eletrométrico. O processo de verificação ocorreu pela confrontação dos dados obtidos por diferentes fontes. Seiscentos e um municípios (97,9%) tiveram os dados confrontados. A taxa de municípios que realizam vigilância com base no heterocontrole passou de 39,4% para 48,5%. Observou-se elevada taxa de falsos positivos ou negativos (15,1%) em relação aos dados de 2008. A cobertura municipal foi de 70,2%, 4,2 pontos abaixo da estimativa (74,4%) divulgada para 2008. Registros da prática da vigilância foram observados em 54,3% dos municípios fluoretados, cuja cobertura populacional alcança 50% ou mais da população que recebe água tratada. Houve sensível melhoria nos dados de vigilância em relação ao fluoreto, embora com porcentual importante de falsos positivos e negativos. Ainda são largas as diferenças inter-regionais relacionadas tanto à provisão da fluoretação da água quanto à implementação da vigilância nos municípios pesquisados, trazendo importantes desafios para a saúde pública.
Abstract: Sanitation data for 2008 indicated that 74.4% of Brazilian municipalities (counties) with more than 50,000 inhabitants were receiving fluoridated water, but no criteria were adopted to validate the information. The study aimed to verify the accuracy of information on water fluoridation, using as the reference water surveillance data from municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants in 2008 and during 2010-2015. Data from different sources were used, comparing the information pertaining to the period. Water samples were collected, and fluoride concentration was obtained by the electrometric method. Verification was performed by comparing the data obtained from different sources. Data were compared for 601 (97.9%) municipalities. The proportion of municipalities that performed surveillance based on external control increased from 39.4% to 48.5%. There was a high rate of false positives and false negatives (15.1%) in the data for 2008. Municipal coverage was 70.2%, or 4.2 percentage points below the published estimate (74.4%) for 2008. Surveillance records were observed in 54.3% of the fluoridated municipalities whose population coverage reached at least 50% of the population receiving treated water. There was an important improvement in fluoridation surveillance data, despite a high percentage of false positives and negatives. There are still wide interregional differences in the surveillance of water fluoridation in this sample of Brazilian municipalities, raising important public health challenges.
Resumen: Los datos de saneamiento en 2008 indicaban que un 74,4% de los municipios con más de 50 mil habitantes recibían agua fluorada, no obstante, no se adoptaron criterios para la validación de esta información. El estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar la exactitud de la información sobre la fluorización del agua, tomando como referencia datos de vigilancia del agua en municipios con más de 50 mil habitantes en el año 2008, y durante el período de 2010-2015. Se emplearon datos de diferentes fuentes comparando la información relativa a este período. Se recogieron muestras de agua y la concentración de fluoruro se obtuvo mediante un método electrométrico. El proceso de verificación se produjo por el contraste de datos obtenidos de diferentes fuentes. Se compararon los datos de 601 (97,9%) municipios. La tasa de municipios que realizan vigilancia en base al heterocontrol pasó de un 39,4% a un 48,5%. Se observó una elevada tasa de falsos positivos o negativos (15,1%), en relación con los datos de 2008. La cobertura municipal fue de un 70,2%, 4,2 puntos por debajo de la estimativa (74,4%) divulgada en 2008. Se observaron registros de la práctica de vigilancia en un 54,3% de los municipios fluorados, cuya cobertura poblacional alcanza a un 50% o más de la población que recibe agua tratada. Hubo una sensible mejoría en los datos de vigilancia respecto al fluoruro, a pesar de que había un porcentaje importante de falsos positivos y negativos. Todavía son grandes las diferencias interregionales relacionadas tanto respecto a la fluorización del agua, como a la implementación de vigilancia en los municipios investigados, implicando importantes desafíos para la salud pública.
Humans , Fluoridation/statistics & numerical data , Water Purification/methods , Data Accuracy , Public Policy , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Residence Characteristics , Sanitation , Public Health , Data CollectionABSTRACT
Background: Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology is used in various applications such as wastewater treatment with the production of electrical energy. The objective of this study was to estimate the biodepuration of oils and fats, the elimination of blue dye brl and bioelectro-characterization in MFCs with Chlorella vulgaris and bacterial community. Results: The operation of MFCs at 32 d showed an increase in bioelectrogenic activity (from 23.17 to 327.67 mW/m2 ) and in the potential (from 200 to 954 mV), with biodepuration of fats and oils (95%) in the microalgal cathode, and a removal of the chemical oxygen demand COD (anode, 71%, cathode, 78.6%) and the blue dye brl (73%) at the anode, here biofilms were formed by the bacterial community consisting of Actinobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria. Conclusions: These findings suggest that MFCs with C. vulgaris and bacterial community have a simultaneous efficiency in the production of bioelectricity and bioremediation processes, becoming an important source of bioenergy in the future.
Bacteria/metabolism , Bioelectric Energy Sources/microbiology , Water Purification/methods , Chlorella vulgaris/metabolism , Bacteria/chemistry , Biofilms , Chlorella vulgaris/chemistry , Electricity , Electrodes , Microalgae , Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis , WastewaterABSTRACT
The effects of two different external carbon sources (acetate and ethanol) and electron acceptors (dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and nitrite) were investigated under aerobic and anoxic conditions with non-acclimated process biomass from a full-scale biological nutrient removal-activated sludge system. When acetate was added as an external carbon source, phosphate release was observed even in the presence of electron acceptors. The release rates were 1.7, 7.8, and 3.5 mg P/(g MLVSS·h) (MLVSS: mixed liquor volatile suspended solids), respectively, for dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and nitrite. In the case of ethanol, no phosphate release was observed in the presence of electron acceptors. Results of the experiments with nitrite showed that approximately 25 mg NO2-N/L of nitrite inhibited anoxic phosphorus uptake regardless of the concentration of the tested external carbon sources. Furthermore, higher denitrification rates were obtained with acetate (1.4 and 0.8 mg N/(g MLVSS·h)) compared to ethanol (1.1 and 0.7 mg N/ (g MLVSS·h)) for both anoxic electron acceptors (nitrate and nitrite).
Biomass , Bioreactors , Carbon/chemistry , Denitrification , Electrons , Nitrates , Nitrites , Oxygen , Phosphates , Phosphorus/chemistry , Sewage , Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods , Wastewater , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Water Purification/methodsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivo Proponer un prototipo de sistema de tratamiento de agua para zonas rurales colombianas. Materiales y Métodos El prototipo consta de cuatro compartimientos en los cuales se adelantan procesos de clarificación del agua con piedra de alumbre y filtración, utilizando materiales granulares como: arenas de distinta granulometría, piedra pómez, carbón activado y gravilla. El agua problema se emuló siguiendo las características del agua encontrada en la zona rural del país y su monitoreo se realizó siguiendo la normatividad vigente en Colombia. Resultados Hubo reducción en coliformes fecales y totales del 99,9 %, turbiedad del 98 % y color del 83 %. En todos los casos los registros obtenidos permiten catalogar el agua tratada como apta para el consumo humano. El pH presentó un ligero aumento debido a la presencia de piedra pómez y otras calizas en el material filtrante, pero el valor medido, está dentro del límite máximo aceptado para agua potable. Conclusiones El sistema de tratamiento (purificación) evaluado en el presente estudio, produjo un agua apta para consumo humano a partir de agua con características promedio de zonas rurales semi-templadas del país. La tecnología propuesta es de fácil adaptación y difusión, y permite el control de enfermedades de origen hídrico en zonas desprovistas de sistemas de acueducto.(AU)
ABSTRACT Objective Propose a prototype system for safe water treatment in Colombian rural areas. Materials and Methods The prototype consists of four chambers working on a water -clarification process using alum stone, also working on a filtration processes using granular materials such as different grain sizes of sand, pumice stone, activated carbon and gravel. The water problem was emulated based on the average water features found in the countryside and its monitoring mechanism tracked the current regulations in Colombia. Results There was a reduction of the fecal and total coliform of the 99.9 %, a reduction of the 98 % of turbidity, and of an 83 % of color. In all the cases, the records obtained enable to catalog the treated water as fit for human consumption. The pH, presented a slight increment due to the presence of pumice and other limestone in the filter material, but the measured value was included under the upper limit accepted for potable water. Conclusions The treatment (purification) system evaluated in this study produced suitable water for human consumption obtained from countryside average water. The proposed technology is easy for adoption and diffusion and contributes to prevent water-borne diseases in areas without water systems.(AU)
Humans , Social Planning , Drinking Water/standards , Rural Areas , Water Purification/methods , ColombiaABSTRACT
The biotechnology sector is continually seeking sustainable and more economical bioprocesses. Fermentation media produced with cheap components or wastes reduce production costs. Moreover, if wastes are used, they contribute to avoid environmental pollution. In this work, microbial growth media based on molasses or acidified glycerol as carbon sources and fertilizer as nitrogen source were tested for the production of a whole-cell catalyst that could be used in Cr(VI)-containing wastewater treatments. Results showed that the highest biomass production yield was obtained with a medium containing acidified glycerol 5% v/v and fertilizer 0.6% v/v. The biomass produced using this medium was immobilized in calcium alginate beads and used as catalyst in the biotransformation of Cr(VI) into Cr(III). The catalyst could be efficiently used for 5 reduction cycles of 40 mg/l Cr(VI) each. Cr(III) retention assays were performed to determine whether Cr(III) could be retained by the catalyst avoiding its solubilization in the supernatants. The retention capacity of the catalyst at 32 °C and pH 3.0 was 3 mg Cr(III)/g. Both an alternative and economical fermentation medium is here proposed for the optimization of Cr(VI)-containing wastewater treatment.
El sector industrial biotecnológico continuamente busca bioprocesos más económicos y sustentables. El uso de medios de cultivo producidos con componentes de bajo costo o con residuos reduce el presupuesto global del proceso y, particularmente si se utilizan residuos, se contribuye, además, a evitar la contaminación ambiental. En este trabajo se probaron medios de cultivo basados en melaza de caña o glicerol ácido como fuentes de carbono y energía, y fertilizante como fuente de nitrógeno, para la producción de un biocatalizador que podría ser usado para el tratamiento de aguas residuales que contienen Cr(VI). Los resultados mostraron que el mayor rendimiento de producción de biomasa se obtuvo con un medio que contenía 5% v/v de glicerol ácido y 0,6% v/v de fertilizante. Utilizando este medio se produjo la biomasa suficiente para la biotransformación de Cr(VI) a Cr(III), luego de ser inmovilizada en alginato de calcio. El proceso pudo ser aplicado eficientemente durante 5 ciclos de reducción de 40 mg/l de Cr(VI) cada uno. Además, se realizaron ensayos de retención de Cr(III) para determinar si esta especie química podría ser removida de la solución por interacción con el biocatalizador. La capacidad de retención obtenida por el biocatalizador a 32 °C y pH 3 fue de 3 mg de Cr(III)/g. De esta manera, se propone un medio de cultivo alternativo y económico para la efectivización de un tratamiento de aguas residuales que contengan Cr(VI).
Biotransformation , Water Purification/methods , Low Cost Technology/economics , Biocatalysis , Wastewater/microbiology , Chromium/analysis , Water Purification/economicsABSTRACT
Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo obtener una bio-resina intercambiadora de cationes utilizando cáscaras de guineo o plátano, la cual reduzca la concentración de metales pesados en agua contaminada. A esta bio-resina se le realizaron pruebas fisicoquímicas: densidad seca aparente, pH y solubilidad en agua y solventes orgánicos. Se evaluó su efectividad filtrando agua contaminada con metales pesados, tales como hierro, cromo y níquel (Fe3+, Cr6+ y Ni2+), variando las condiciones de tiempo de contacto, temperatura y el tipo de cáscara. La cuantificación de la concentración de los metales en el agua filtrada se llevó a cabo por espectrofotometría visible. Se llegó a la conclusión que la bio-resina obtenida es efectiva para disminuir la concentración de metales pesados en agua, teniendo especial afinidad química por el cromo hexavalente; metal pesado que logró remover arriba del 90%. Las condiciones óptimas de operación de la bio-resina son a 30°C y 90 minutos de tiempo de contacto con la muestra. Además, las pruebas fisicoquímicas, permitieron tipificarla preliminarmente como una resina de intercambio catiónico débil con un grado de entrecruzamiento bajo.
This research aimed to obtain a cation exchange bio-resin, using plantain or banana peels, that reduces the concentration of heavy metals in contaminated water. The bio-resin underwent physico-chemical tests like apparent dry density, pH, solubility in water and organic solvents. Its effectiveness was tested by filtering contaminated water with heavy metals such as iron, chromium and nickel (Fe3+, Cr6+ y Ni2+) and by varying contact time conditions, temperature and type of peel. The measure of concentration of metals in filtered water was taken through visible spectrophotometry. We concluded that the resulting bio-resin is effective in reducing the concentration of heavy metals in water, showing special chemical affinity with hexavalent chromium, a heavy metal that was able to remove above 90%. The bio-resin optimum working conditions are 30°C and 90 minutes of contact with the sample. Also, the physico-chemical tests allowed to preliminary typify it as a weak cation exchange resin with a low degree of crosslinking.
Resins, Plant/chemistry , Cations , Water Purification/methods , Spectrophotometry , Water Pollution, Chemical/prevention & control , Water , Metals, Heavy , Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationABSTRACT
The present study analyzed the efficiency of the photo-electro-oxidation process as a method for degradation and inactivation of adenovirus in water. The experimental design employed a solution prepared from sterile water containing 5.107 genomic copies/L (gc/L) of a standard strain of human adenovirus type 5 (HAdV-5) divided into two equal parts, one to serve as control and one treated by photo-electro-oxidation (PEO) for 3 hours and with a 5A current. Samples collected throughout the exposure process were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for viral genome identification and quantitation. Prior to gene extraction, a parallel DNAse treatment step was carried out to assess the integrity of viral particles. Integrated cell culture (ICC) analyses assessed the viability of infection in a cell culture. The tested process proved effective for viral degradation, with a 7 log10 reduction in viral load after 60 minutes of treatment. The DNAse-treated samples exhibited complete reduction of viral load after a 75 minute exposure to the process, and ICC analyses showed completely non-viable viral particles at 30 minutes of treatment.
Resumo O presente estudo analisou a eficiência do processo de fotoeletrooxidação como metodologia para a degradação e inativação de adenovírus em água. A concepção experimental emprega uma solução preparada a partir de água estéril contendo 5,107 cópias genômicas/L (gc/L) de uma amostra padrão de adenovírus humano tipo 5 (HAdV-5), dividida em duas partes iguais, uma para servir como controle e outra tratada por fotoeletrooxidação (PEO) durante 3 horas e com uma corrente de 5A. As amostras recolhidas durante o processo de exposição foram analisadas por PCR quantitativo em tempo real (qPCR) para identificação e quantificação do genoma viral. Antes da extração de ácidos nucleicos, um passo de tratamento com DNAse paralelo foi realizado para avaliar a integridade das partículas virais. Um ensaio de qPCR integrado à cultura de células (ICC-qPCR) permitiu analisar a viabilidade de infecção em uma cultura de células. O processo mostrou-se eficaz testada para a degradação viral, com uma redução de 7 log10 da carga viral após 60 minutos de tratamento. As amostras tratadas com DNAse exibiram redução completa da carga viral após uma exposição de 75 minutos ao processo, e a análise de ICC-qPCR mostrou partículas virais completamente não-viáveis em 30 minutos de tratamento.
Adenoviruses, Human/isolation & purification , Virus Inactivation , Waste Disposal, Fluid/methods , Water Purification/methods , Electrochemical Techniques , Oxidation-Reduction , Photolysis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
Dyes are the most difficult constituents to remove by conventional biological wastewater treatment. Colored wastewater is mainly eliminated by physical and chemical procedures, which are very expensive and have drawbacks. Therefore, the advantage of using biological processes, such as the biotransformation of dyes, is that they may lead to complete mineralization or formation of less toxic products. To prove the possibility of using fungal processes for decolorization and other applications, the analysis of the toxicity of the processes' products is required. The decolorization of the mixture of two dyes from different classes - triphenylmethane brilliant green and azo Evans blue (GB - total concentration 0.08 g/L, proportion 1:1 w/w) - by Pleurotus ostreatus (BWPH and MB), Gloeophyllum odoratum (DCa), RWP17 (Polyporus picipes) and Fusarium oxysporum (G1) was studied. Zootoxicity (Daphnia magna) and phytotoxicity (Lemna minor) changes were estimated at the end of the experiment. The mixture of dyes was significantly removed by all the strains that were tested with 96 h of experimental time. However, differences among strains from the same species (P. ostreatus) were noted. Shaking improved the efficacy and rate of the dye removal. In static samples, the removal of the mixture reached more than 51.9% and in shaken samples, more than 79.2%. Tests using the dead biomass of the fungi only adsorbed up to 37% of the dye mixture (strain BWPH), which suggests that the process with the living biomass involves the biotransformation of the dyes. The best results were reached for the MB strain, which removed 90% of the tested mixture under shaking conditions. Regardless of the efficacy of the dye removal, toxicity decreased from class V to class III in tests with D. magna. Tests with L. minor control samples were classified as class IV, and samples with certain strains were non-toxic. The highest phytotoxicity decrease was noted in shaken samples where the elimination of dye mixture was the best.
Animals , Basidiomycota/growth & development , Basidiomycota/metabolism , Evans Blue/metabolism , Fusarium/growth & development , Fusarium/metabolism , Rosaniline Dyes/metabolism , Wastewater/microbiology , Araceae/drug effects , Araceae/physiology , Biotransformation , Cell Survival/drug effects , Daphnia/drug effects , Daphnia/physiology , Evans Blue/toxicity , Rosaniline Dyes/toxicity , Water Purification/methodsABSTRACT
The discharge of sewage and industrial effluents containing high concentrations of pollutants in water bodies increases eutrophication. Cyanobacteria, some of the organisms whose growth is promoted by high nutrient concentrations, are resistant and produce several types of toxins, known as cyanotoxins, highly harmful to human beings. Current water treatment systems for the public water supply are not efficient in degradation of toxins. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) have been tested for the removal of cyanotoxins, and the results have been positive. This study examines the application of photoelectrooxidation in the degradation of cyanotoxins (microcystins). The performance of the oxidative processes involved was evaluated separately: Photocatalysis, Electrolysis and Photoelectrooxidation. Results showed that the electrical current and UV radiation were directly associated with toxin degradation. The PEO system is efficient in removing cyanotoxins, and the reduction rate reached 99%. The final concentration of toxin was less than 1 µg/L of microcystin in the treated solution.
.A descarga de esgotos e efluentes industriais contendo altas concentrações de poluentes nos corpos d'água aumenta a eutrofização. As cianobactérias, são organismos cujo crescimento é promovido por concentrações elevadas de nutrientes, são resistentes e produzem vários tipos de toxinas conhecidas, como cianotoxinas, altamente prejudiciais para os seres humanos. Os sistemas atuais de tratamento de água para o abastecimento público de água não são eficientes na degradação destas toxinas. Processos oxidativos avançados (POA) foram testados para a remoção de cianotoxinas, e os resultados têm sido positivos. Este estudo avalia o processo de fotoeletrooxidação (FEO) na degradação de cianotoxinas (microcistinas). Foi avaliado o desempenho dos processos envolvidos separadamente: fotocatalisis, eletrólise e fotoeletrooxidação. Os resultados mostram que a potencia da radiação UV e da corrente elétrica estão diretamente associados com a degradação de toxinas. O sistema de FEO é eficiente na remoção de cianotoxinas e a redução foi de 99%. A concentração final de toxina foi inferior a 1 g / L de microcistina na solução tratada.
Bacterial Toxins/chemistry , Drinking Water/chemistry , Microcystins/chemistry , Microcystis/chemistry , Water Purification/methods , Electrolysis , Oxidation-Reduction , PhotolysisABSTRACT
Mollusks are some of the most important, abundant and diverse organisms inhabiting not only aquatic ecosystems, but also terrestrial environments. Recently, they have been used for bioremediation of aquaculture effluents; nevertheless, for that purpose it is necessary to analyze the capacity of a particular species. In this context, an experimental investigation was developed to evaluate the performance of two bivalves C. gnidia and D. ponderosa, collected from areas with or without shrimp aquaculture effluents. For this, the filtration capacity (as clearance rate) as well as the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates were measured following standard methods. The clearance rate was significantly higher for D. ponderosa from impacted areas, when com- pared to C. gnidia, from both areas. Contrarily, the oxygen consumption was greater for C. gnidia from impacted areas compared to D. ponderosa from both areas. The same tendency was observed for the ammonia excretion with the highest rates observed for C. gnidia from impacted areas, whereas no differences were observed among D. ponderosa from both areas. The results suggest that both species developed different strategies to thrive and survive under the impacted conditions; D. ponderosa improved its filtration efficiency, while C. gnidia modified its oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion. We concluded that both species, and particularly D. ponderosa, can be used for bioremediation purposes.
Los moluscos son algunos de los organismos más importantes, abundantes y diversos que habitan no solo ecosistemas acuáticos sino también terrestres. Recientemente ellos han sido utilizados para la biorremediación de efluentes acuícolas; para este propósito, es necesario conocer la capacidad de especies particulares que funcionan como biorremediadores. En este contexto, se evaluó la eficiencia de filtración (medida como tasa de clarificación), así como las tasas de consumo de oxígeno y excreción amoniacal en los bivalvos D. pon- derosa y C. gnidia recolectados en áreas impactadas y no impactadas por efluentes de granjas camaroneras. La tasa de clarificación fue mayor para D. ponderosa procedente de áreas impactadas, comparada con la de C. fluctifraga en las dos áreas de recolecta. Contrariamente, la tasa de consumo de oxígeno fue superior en C. gnidia en las áreas impactadas al compararla con organismos de áreas no impactadas y con D. ponderosa de las dos áreas de recolecta. La tasa de excreción amoniacal siguió una tendencia similar con valores más altos para C. gnidia en áreas impactadas, mientras que no se observaron diferencias para D. ponderosa entre las áreas de recolecta. Los resultados sugieren que ambas especies desarrollan diferentes estrategias para adaptarse y sobrevivir bajo condiciones de impacto; D. ponderosa mejora su eficiencia de filtración y C. gnidia modifica su consumo de oxígeno y excreción amoniacal. Se concluye que ambas especies, pero sobre todo D. ponderosa pueden ser utilizadas con propósitos de biorremediación.
Animals , Ammonium Compounds/metabolism , Aquaculture/methods , Bivalvia/physiology , Oxygen Consumption/physiology , Penaeidae/growth & development , Biodegradation, Environmental , Bivalvia/classification , Water Purification/methodsABSTRACT
Specimens of Pistia stratiotes were subjected to five concentrations of arsenic (As) for seven days. Growth, As absorption, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, photosynthetic pigments, enzymatic activities, amino acids content and anatomical changes were assessed. Plant arsenic accumulation increased with increasing metalloid in the solution, while growth rate and photosynthetic pigment content decreased. The MDA content increased, indicating oxidative stress. Enzymatic activity and amino acids content increased at the lower doses of As, subsequently declining in the higher concentrations. Chlorosis and necrosis were observed in the leaves. Leaves showed starch accumulation and increased thickness of the mesophyll. In the root system, there was a loss and darkening of roots. Cell layers formed at the insertion points on the root stems may have been responsible for the loss of roots. These results indicate that water lettuce shows potential for bioindication and phytoremediation of As-contaminated aquatic environments.
Espécimes de Pistia stratiotes foram submetidos a cinco concentrações de arsênio (As), durante sete dias. Crescimento, absorção de As, concentração de malondialdeído (MDA), pigmentos fotossintéticos, atividades enzimáticas, concentração de aminoácidos e alterações anatômicas foram avaliadas. O acúmulo de As pelas plantas aumentou com o incremento do metaloide na solução, enquanto que a taxa de crescimento e o teor de pigmentos fotossintéticos diminuiu. O conteúdo MDA aumentou, indicando estresse oxidativo. A atividade de enzimas antioxidantes e os teores de aminoácidos aumentaram nas doses mais baixas de As, declinando nas concentrações mais elevadas. Nas folhas foram observados clorose e necrose. As folhas apresentaram acumulação de amido e aumento da espessura do mesofilo. No sistema radicular houve perda e escurecimento das raízes. Camadas de células formadas nos pontos de inserção da raiz podem ter sido responsáveis pela queda das raízes. Estes resultados indicam que a alface da água apresenta potencial para bioindicação e fitorremediação de ambientes aquáticos contaminados com As.
Araceae/metabolism , Arsenic/metabolism , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Water Pollutants, Chemical/metabolism , Biodegradation, Environmental , Time Factors , Water Purification/methodsABSTRACT
Se presenta un estudio transdisciplinario que focaliza aspectos de la salud ambiental de las comunidades tobas (qom) en relación con la problemática hídrico-sanitaria de la región del Impenetrable chaqueño. Se obtuvo información mediante métodos de investigación participativa, observación en el ámbito doméstico, y documentación etnobotánica de especies relacionadas al manejo y uso del agua. Se registraron términos vernáculos referidos a la aptitud y el sabor del agua, así como las representaciones, actitudes y prácticas en relación con las prácticas de obtención y depuración. Asimismo se realizó una exploración microbiológica y físico-química, la que se cotejó con las categorías perceptuales. Se observó que los aspectos perceptuales estarían en tensión con la calidad higiénica del agua. Se documentaron plantas freatófitas, indicadoras de presencia agua, acuíferas, floculantes, refrescantes y mejoradoras del sabor. Los resultados de esta investigación se discuten en relación con el enfoque ecosistémico y la formulación de propuestas de intervención.
We present a transdisciplinary study centering on aspects of environmental health of the Toba (qom) communities that relate to water and health problems of the Impenetrable Chaco region. Information was obtained through the methods and tools of participatory research, household participant observation, and ethnobotanical documentation of species related to water management and use. Vernacular terms referring to the suitability and taste of the water, as well as representations, attitudes and practices related to water collection and purification were recorded. In addition, a microbiological and physicochemical analysis of the water was performed and compared with the perceptual categories. It was observed that perceptual aspects were in tension with the hygienic quality of water. We documented phreatophyte plants, indicative of the presence of water, as well as plants that store water, act as flocculants, refresh the water or improve taste. The results of this research are discussed from an ecosystem approach and its relationship to the development of proposals for intervention.
Humans , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice/ethnology , Indians, South American , Rural Health/ethnology , Water Purification/methods , Water Quality , Water Supply/methods , Argentina/epidemiology , Community-Based Participatory Research , Ethnobotany , Interviews as TopicABSTRACT
Las aguas que se utilizan en las clínicas odontológicas deberían estar libres de contaminantes y aceites, para asegurar la calidad en los trabajos realizados. Objetivo: Determinar el contaminante en el agua del sistema de las sillas odontológicas en la UNAH-VS. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal, cualitativo y cuantitativo, realizado del 18 de marzo al 4 de abril 2014. Exámenes realizados con la ayuda de un laboratorio privado mediante técnicas de recolección de aguas, utilizando previamente métodos de asepsias para eliminar todo microorganismo proveniente del exterior y no del agua específicamente del grifo, mangueras y ozonificador para mayor certeza del estudio. Las muestras fueron tomadas en el lavador de la clínica grande de la facultad de odontología, ozonificador colocado arriba del mismo y silla odontológica contigua al mismo lavador. Resultados: Los exámenes demostraron que el agua del grifo contiene 47% de recuento total bacteriano y 86.13% de dureza; en el ozonificador se encontró 15% de recuento total bacteriano y 81.17% de dureza total y el agua de la silla odontológica refleja 100% en recuento total bacteriano y 83.95% de dureza total del agua. Conclusiones: El grado de contaminación del agua de las clínicas odontológicas es mayor cuando sale por las mangueras de las sillas odontológicas, la cual va directamente a la boca del paciente. El ozonificador realiza un trabajo eficiente al reducir la dureza del agua así como también el recuento bacteriano...(AU)
Humans , Asepsis/methods , Dental Clinics , Water Pollutants/isolation & purification , Water Purification/methodsABSTRACT
Water bacteriology is an important component of providing safe and potable water supply. Surveillance of drinking water helps in identifying possible sources of water contamination. The present study was done in DRPGMC Tanda campus to monitor the quality of water samples. A total of 79 water samples were collected and tested over a period of two and a half years. About 33 % of these were found to be not fit for drinking. The findings of the study underscore the importance of following the steps of water purification.