Resumo Objetivo Avaliar os fatores associados ao ganho de peso interdialítico em usuários de serviços de hemodiálise em uma Região Metropolitana do Brasil. Métodos Estudo epidemiológico transversal envolvendo 1.024 indivíduos com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise no Brasil. O ganho de peso interdialítico foi avaliado pelo percentual de ganho de peso entre uma sessão de hemodiálise e outra. As variáveis incluídas na análise de regressão logística binária foram selecionadas considerando p< 0,10 no teste bivariado. Resultados Demonstramos que ter mais anos de estudo (OR=0,537;IC 95% = 0,310-0,931; p=0,027) e sobrepeso (OR=0,661;IC 95% = 0,461-0,948; p=0,024) ou obesidade ( OR=0,387;IC 95% = 0,246-0,608; p=<0,001) reduziu as chances de os usuários apresentarem alto ganho de peso interdialítico. Usuários sem trabalho remunerado (OR=2,025; IC 95% = 1,218-3,365; p=0,007) e que não adotavam medidas para reduzir o sal (OR=1,694; IC 95% = 1,085-2,645; p=0,020) tiveram maiores chances de ganho de peso interdialítico. Conclusão Os resultados apontam para associação entre o aumento do ganho de peso interdialítico e a ausência de trabalho remunerado e a não adoção de medidas para reduzir a ingestão de sal na dieta. Portanto, o conhecimento sobre esses fatores associados pode ser uma alternativa importante para o direcionamento individualizado dessa população.
Resumen Objetivo Evaluar los factores asociados al aumento de peso interdialítico en usuarios de servicios de hemodiálisis en una región metropolitana de Brasil. Métodos Estudio epidemiológico transversal que incluyó 1.024 individuos con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis en Brasil. El aumento de peso interdialítico se evaluó mediante el porcentaje de aumento de peso entre una sesión de hemodiálisis y otra. Las variables incluidas en el análisis de regresión logística binaria fueron seleccionadas considerando p< 0,10 en la prueba bivariada. Resultados Se demostró que tener más años de estudio (OR=0,537;IC 95 % = 0,310-0,931; p=0,027) y sobrepeso (OR=0,661;IC 95 % = 0,461-0,948; p=0,024) u obesidad ( OR=0,387;IC 95 % = 0,246-0,608; p=<0,001) redujo las chances de que los usuarios presenten un elevado aumento de peso interdialítico. Usuarios sin trabajo remunerado (OR=2,025; IC 95 % = 1,218-3,365; p=0,007) y que no adoptaban medidas para reducir la sal (OR=1,694; IC 95 % = 1,085-2,645; p=0,020) tuvieron más chances de aumento de peso interdialítico. Conclusión Los resultados señalan una relación entre el aumento de peso interdialítico y la ausencia de trabajo remunerado y la no adopción de medidas para reducir la ingesta de sal en la dieta. Por lo tanto, el conocimiento sobre estos factores asociados puede ser una alternativa importante para la orientación individualizada de esta población.
Abstract Objectives The study aimed to evaluate the factors associated with interdialytic weight gain in users of haemodialysis services in a metropolitan region of Brazil. Methods This is an cross-sectional epidemiological study with 1,024 individuals with chronic kidney disease on haemodialysis in Brazil. Interdialytic weight gain was evaluated by the percentage weight gain between one haemodialysis session and another. The variables included in the binary logistic regression analysis were selected by considering p< 0.10 in the bivariate test. Results We demonstrated that having more years of study (OR=0.537;CI 95% = 0.310-0.931; p=0.027) and be overweight (OR=0.661;CI 95% = 0.461-0.948; p=0.024) or obese (OR=0.387;CI 95% = 0.246-0.608; p=<0.001) reduced the chances of users having high interdialytic weight gain. Those who did not have paid work (OR=2.025;CI 95% = 1.218-3.365; p=0.007) and not adopting measures to reduce salt increased (OR=1.694;CI 95% = 1.085-2.645; p=0.020) increased the chances of interdialytic weight. Conclusion The results point to an association between the increase in interdialytic weight gain and the absence of paid work and the non-adoption of measures to reduce salt intake in the diet. Therefore, the need for knowledge about these associated factors can be an important alternative for the individual targeting of this population.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Body Weights and Measures , Weight Gain , Nutritional Status , Renal Dialysis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Feeding Behavior , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Introducción: COVID-19 no solamente tuvo efectos en la salud física de las personas, se sumó a una serie de otras problemáticas que afectarán la salud de las personas a mediano y largo plazo. El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar la percepción del nivel de actividad física, calidad de vida y bienestar psicológico de trabajadores y trabajadoras de una comunidad universitaria chilena durante la pandemia COVID-19. Se aplicó una encuesta online durante los meses de junio y julio de 2022 a285 sujetos, 65% mujeres y 35% hombres, de estamentos, administrativo y académicos (64% y 36% respectivamente). Los resultados indican que un 58% disminuyó su actividad física durante la pandemia en el 2020 y un 51% durante el año 2021. Un 52% señala que aumentó de peso corporal durante el 2020 y un 46% durante el 2021. En relación a su bienestar psicológico, un 49% percibe que empeoró durante el año 2020 y un 36% declara lo mismo para el año 2021.Conclusiones: La pandemia por COVID-19, generó efectos negativos en la actividad física, calidad de vida y bienestar psicológico de las personas. El desafío para las instituciones de educación superior es desarrollar programas para fomentar la promoción y prevención en salud para la comunidad universitaria en un contexto postpandémico(AU)
Introduction: COVID-19 not only had effects on people's physical health, it added to a series of other problems that will affect people's health in the medium and long term. The objective was to identify the perception of the level of physical activity, quality of life and psychological wellbeing of workers in a Chilean university community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was developed under a quantitative paradigm, it was descriptive cross-sectional. An online survey was applied during the months of June and July 2022 to 285 subjects, 65% women and 35% men, from estates, administrative and academic (64% and 36% respectively). The results indicate that 58% decreased their physical activity during the pandemic in 2020 and 51% during 2021. 52% say they increased body weight during 2020 and 46% during 2021. In relation to their psychological well-being, 49% perceive that it worsened during the year 2020, and 36% declare the same for the year 2021.Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic generated negative effects on people's physical activity, quality of life and psychological well-being. The challenge for higher education institutions is to develop programs to foster health promotion and prevention for the university community in a post-pandemic context(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , COVID-19 , Psychological Well-Being/psychology , Perception , Universities , Body Weight , Weight Gain , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational GroupsABSTRACT
A Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional é uma das diretrizes da Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição, sendo considerada essencial para a atenção nutrição e monitoramento do estado nutricional e das práticas de consumo alimentar, possibilitando o reconhecimento de alimentos ou comportamentos que se relacionam à alimentação saudável e não saudável para fornecer subsídios para o planejamento e organização do cuidado. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o consumo alimentar e o estado nutricional de crianças de 0 a 23 meses que residem na Comunidade Quilombola de Córrego dos Iús-CE. O percurso metodológico trata-se de um estudo do tipo pesquisa- intervenção, que consistiu em uma tendência das pesquisas participativas que busca compreender a vida de coletividades na sua diversidade qualitativa. Identificamos 11 crianças, menores de dois anos na comunidade. Devido às perdas, às recusas ou à ausência do responsável no domicílio, a amostra estudada foi composta por 9 participantes. A partir da avaliação antropométrica, verificamos os agravos nutricionais mais importantes foram o peso elevado para idade (44.4%), risco de sobrepeso para estatura e obesidade para estatura apresentaram respectivamente (11.1%), sobrepeso para IMC por idade (11.1%). Os achados sugerem que a população estudada esteja passando por uma transição nutricional. Nossa pesquisa nos permitiu perceber que as crianças pertencem as famílias de baixo poder econômico. É necessário a consolidação de políticas públicas para melhorar a saúde da comunidade estudada.
Food and Nutrition Surveillance is one of the guidelines of the National Food and Nutrition Policy, and is considered essential for nutritional care and monitoring of nutritional status and food consumption practices, enabling the recognition of foods or behaviors that are related to healthy eating and unhealthy to provide subsidies for the planning and organization of care. The objective of this study was to evaluate the food consumption and nutritional status of children aged 0 to 23 months living in the Quilombola Community of Córrego dos Iús-CE. The methodological course is a research- intervention type study, which consisted of a trend of participatory research that seeks to understand the life of collectivities in its qualitative diversity. We identified 11 children under two years of age in the community. Due to losses, refusals or the absence of the responsible person at home, the studied sample consisted of 9 participants. From the anthropometric assessment, we verified the most important nutritional problems were high weight for age (44.4%), risk of overweight for height and obesity for height presented respectively (11.1%), overweight for BMI for age (11.1%). The findings suggest that the studied population is going through a nutritional transition. Our research allowed us to realize that children belong to families with low economic power. It is necessary to consolidate public policies to improve the health of the studied community. KEYWORDS: Health Education; Nutritional Status; Group with Ancestors from the African Continent; Public health.
La Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional es una de las directrices de la Política Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición, y se considera esencial para la atención nutricional y el seguimiento del estado nutricional y las prácticas de consumo de alimentos, lo que permite el reconocimiento de los alimentos o comportamientos que están relacionados con la alimentación saludable y no saludable para proporcionar subsidios para la planificación y organización de la atención. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el consumo de alimentos y el estado nutricional de los niños de 0 a 23 meses que viven en la Comunidad Quilombola de Córrego dos Iús-CE. El curso metodológico es un estudio de tipo investigación-intervención, que consistió en una tendencia de investigación participativa que busca comprender la vida de las colectividades en su diversidad cualitativa. Identificamos 11 niños menores de dos años en la comunidad. Debido a pérdidas, negativas o ausencia del responsable en el domicilio, la muestra estudiada quedó constituida por 9 participantes. A partir de la evaluación antropométrica, verificamos que los problemas nutricionales más importantes fueron peso elevado para la edad (44,4%), riesgo de sobrepeso para la estatura y obesidad para la estatura presentados respectivamente (11,1%), sobrepeso para el IMC para la edad (11,1%). Los hallazgos sugieren que la población estudiada está pasando por una transición nutricional. Nuestra investigación nos permitió constatar que los niños pertenecen a familias de bajo poder económico. Es necesario consolidar políticas públicas para mejorar la salud de la comunidad estudiada.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child , Quilombola Communities , Body Weight , Breast Feeding , Weight Gain , ObesityABSTRACT
To analyze the trend of abnormal birth weight of full-term newborns and its correlation with parental reproductive age in Chongqing municipality from 2010 to 2022. Based on the Chongqing Birth Certificate System, full-term newborns born from January 2010 to December 2022 were selected. Parental information and birth weight were abstracted from the system. The joinpoint regression model was used to assess the trend of incidence of low birth weight (LBW) and macrosomia in the offspring from 2010 to 2022. The logistic regression model was utilized to analyze the association between parental reproduction age and birth weight of newborns. The average birth weight of 3 155 542 newborns was (3 305.8±410.5) g. The joinpoint regression model showed a decreasing trend for the incidence of LBW from 2010 to 2016 (APC=-4.26%, P<0.05), and an increasing trend from 2020 to 2022 (APC=8.99%, P<0.05). The incidence of macrosomia exhibited a decreasing trend from 2015 to 2022 (APC=-3.37%, P<0.05). The logistic regression model showed that, compared to the group with parents aged 20-34 years, the risk of LBW increased in other age groups. The risk of macrosomia decreased when either parent was aged<20 years, and increased when both parents were aged≥20 years. In conclusion, from 2010 to 2022, the incidence of LBW in full-term offspring in Chongqing municipality decreased first and then increased, and the incidence of macrosomia increased first and then decreased. Both young and advanced parental age were associated with an increased risk of LBW in offspring, and advanced parental age was also associated with an increased risk of macrosomia in offspring. Attention should be paid to the effects of advanced maternal and paternal age on offspring birth weight. Further efforts to control childbearing at a young age were needed.
Female , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Birth Weight , Fetal Macrosomia/epidemiology , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Reproduction , Weight Gain , ParentsABSTRACT
To analyze the trend of abnormal birth weight of full-term newborns and its correlation with parental reproductive age in Chongqing municipality from 2010 to 2022. Based on the Chongqing Birth Certificate System, full-term newborns born from January 2010 to December 2022 were selected. Parental information and birth weight were abstracted from the system. The joinpoint regression model was used to assess the trend of incidence of low birth weight (LBW) and macrosomia in the offspring from 2010 to 2022. The logistic regression model was utilized to analyze the association between parental reproduction age and birth weight of newborns. The average birth weight of 3 155 542 newborns was (3 305.8±410.5) g. The joinpoint regression model showed a decreasing trend for the incidence of LBW from 2010 to 2016 (APC=-4.26%, P<0.05), and an increasing trend from 2020 to 2022 (APC=8.99%, P<0.05). The incidence of macrosomia exhibited a decreasing trend from 2015 to 2022 (APC=-3.37%, P<0.05). The logistic regression model showed that, compared to the group with parents aged 20-34 years, the risk of LBW increased in other age groups. The risk of macrosomia decreased when either parent was aged<20 years, and increased when both parents were aged≥20 years. In conclusion, from 2010 to 2022, the incidence of LBW in full-term offspring in Chongqing municipality decreased first and then increased, and the incidence of macrosomia increased first and then decreased. Both young and advanced parental age were associated with an increased risk of LBW in offspring, and advanced parental age was also associated with an increased risk of macrosomia in offspring. Attention should be paid to the effects of advanced maternal and paternal age on offspring birth weight. Further efforts to control childbearing at a young age were needed.
Female , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Birth Weight , Fetal Macrosomia/epidemiology , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Reproduction , Weight Gain , ParentsABSTRACT
Objective:To compare the perioperative efficacy and safety of postoperative oral glucocorticoid and glucocorticoid stent implantation in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps(CRSwNP) undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery(FESS). Methods:Sixty patients with bilateral CRSwNP with similar degree of lesions were selected and divided into three groups: conventional surgical treatment group(20 cases), glucocorticoid stent group(20 cases), and oral glucocorticoid group(20 cases). All three groups underwent routine FESS, patients in the sinus glucocorticoid stent group receiving sinus glucocorticoid stent placed in the ethmoid sinuses(one on each side) during surgery, and patients in the oral glucocorticoid group received postoperative oral methylprednisolone at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg per day for 7 days, followed by a tapering of 8 mg per week to 8 mg followed by maintenance therapy for 1 week, for a total of 3-4 weeks. Visual analog scale(VAS) scores were used to evaluate nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, olfaction, and facial pressure symptoms before surgery, as well as at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery. Nasal endoscopic Lund-Kennedy scores were recorded, and adverse reactions such as stent detachment, stent-related allergic reactions, sleep disorders, edema, gastrointestinal symptoms, rash/acne, behavioral/cognitive changes, weight gain, limb pain, and infection risk were documented. Results:The nasal congestion symptom scores at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery were significantly lower than those before operationin all three groups, and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). The sinus glucocorticoid stent group exhibited significantly lower nasal congestion symptom scores at 4 and 8 weeks after surgery compared to the conventional surgical treatment group. The rhinorrhea symptom scores at 2, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery were significantly lower than preoperative scores in all three groups. Additionally, the sinus glucocorticoid stent group had significantly lower rhinorrhea scores than the conventional surgical treatment group at 2 weeks postoperatively. Concerning olfaction, the sinus glucocorticoid stent group showed a significant reduction in scores at 12 weeks postoperatively, while the oral glucocorticoid group exhibited significant improvement starting from 8 weeks after surgery. There were no statistically significant differences in nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, facial pressure, and olfaction scores between the sinus glucocorticoid stent and oral glucocorticoid groups at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks postoperatively. Nasal endoscopy scores revealed lower polyp scores and edema at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks postoperatively for all three groups compared to preoperative scores. The conventional surgical treatment group exhibited a significant reduction in nasal secretion scores starting from 8 weeks after surgery, while both the sinus glucocorticoid stent and oral glucocorticoid groups showed significant reductions starting from 2 weeks postoperatively, with scores significantly lower than those of the conventional surgical treatment group at 2 weeks. Scab/scar scores in the conventional surgical treatment group significantly decreased from 8 weeks after surgery, while both the sinus glucocorticoid stent and oral glucocorticoid groups exhibited significant reductions starting from 4 weeks. No statistically significant differences were observed in endoscopy scores(including polyps, edema, nasal secretion, scars, and scabs) between the sinus glucocorticoid stent and oral glucocorticoid groups at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks postoperatively. Regarding adverse reactions, no postoperative complications related to sinus glucocorticoid stent were observed in the sinus glucocorticoid stent group. In the oral glucocorticoid group,1 patient experienced irritability, and 1 patient experienced weight gain. Conclusion:The glucocorticoid stent implantation has comparable effects to oral glucocorticoid in improving postoperative nasal symptoms, reducing nasal mucosal edema, scar formation, and nasal secretion in patients with CRSwNP undergoing FESS, with a better safety profile.
Humans , Nasal Polyps/complications , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Cicatrix/complications , Sinusitis/complications , Postoperative Period , Endoscopy , Rhinorrhea , Edema/complications , Weight Gain , Chronic Disease , Rhinitis/complications , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Introduction@#The demanding nature of medical school causes students to experience stress, anxiety, and depressive episodes that may cause students to gain or lose weight. This study aimed to determine the association of weight changes and stress levels among a private medical school students.@*Methods@#Data were collected two times with an interval of 30 days through on-site measurement of the students’ anthropometrics using a stadiometer and utilization of online survey questionnaires accessed via QR code. Demographics and disease states were identified in the first round of data collection while the Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10) and identification of stressors was integrated in the second round of data collection. @*Results@#Among the 212 individuals, 69.8% were categorized into having perceived moderate stress levels, 22.2% with high stress, and 8% with low stress. Of the 212 cases, 86 gained weight, 91 lost weight, and 35 had no change in weight. Fear of failure, poor motivation, and difficulty understanding lectures are among the top overall stressors. The study noted that there is a moderate association between stress and weight changes but it is not enough to reach statistical significance (0.161), as the sample size was not reached. The study revealed that the prevailing diseases were Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Hypothyroidism, and Hypertension, which have varying degrees of impact on weight change. @*Conclusion@#There is an association between weight changes and stress levels among first to fourth year medical students of a private medical school from A.Y. 2023-2024.
Weight Gain , Weight Loss , Students, MedicalABSTRACT
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been reported to be associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. The amygdala may have an important role in regulating cardiovascular function. This study aims to explore the effect of amygdala glutamate receptors (GluRs) on cardiovascular activity in a rat model of PTSD. A compound stress method combining electrical stimulation and single prolonged stress was used to prepare the PTSD model, and the difference of weight gain before and after modeling and the elevated plus maze were used to assess the PTSD model. In addition, the distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons was observed using the FluoroGold (FG) retrograde tracking technique. Western blot was used to analyze the changes of amygdala GluRs content. To further investigate the effects, artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF), non-selective GluR blocker kynurenic acid (KYN) and AMPA receptor blocker CNQX were microinjected into the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) in the PTSD rats, respectively. The changes in various indices following the injection were observed using in vivo multi-channel synchronous recording technology. The results indicated that, compared with the control group, the PTSD group exhibited significantly lower weight gain (P < 0.01) and significantly decreased ratio of open arm time (OT%) (P < 0.05). Retrograde labeling of neurons was observed in the CeA after microinjection of 0.5 µL FG in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM). The content of AMPA receptor in the PTSD group was lower than that in the control group (P < 0.05), while there was no significant differences in RVLM neuron firing frequency and heart rate (P > 0.05) following ACSF injection. However, increases in RVLM neuron firing frequency and heart rate were observed after the injection of KYN or CNQX into the CeA (P < 0.05) in the PTSD group. These findings suggest that AMPA receptors in the amygdala are engaged in the regulation of cardiovascular activity in PTSD rats, possibly by acting on inhibitory pathways.
Rats , Animals , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Receptors, AMPA , 6-Cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione/pharmacology , Receptors, Glutamate/metabolism , Amygdala , Weight Gain , Medulla Oblongata/physiology , Blood PressureABSTRACT
Uma vez que o estresse crônico pode estimular o sistema nervoso simpático, diminuindo a resposta imune, favorecendo a perda óssea frente a um processo inflamatório, os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1) Avaliar os efeitos de modelos de indução de estresse no desenvolvimento da periodontite apical (P.a) e avaliar o nível de estresse gerado pelos mesmos; 2) A partir do melhor protocolo de estresse obtido foi avaliado o perfil inflamatório da PA induzida em animais sob condições de estresse, utilizando sistemicamente a Sinvastatina, Propranolol e a Sinvastatina associada ao propranolol. Na primeira parte foram utilizados 32 ratos Wistar (N=8) divididos aleatoriamente em: SE: sem estresse, sem periodontite apical (P.a); SE+P.a: sem estresse, com P.A; EP+P.a: Estresse previsível + P.a; EI+P.a: estresse imprevisível + P.a. Os animais foram submetidos ao estresse crônico por 42 dias sendo que no dia 21 foi induzida a P.a. Para comprovação do estresse foram utilizadas análises de peso e comportamentais de campo aberto (CA) e labirinto em y (Y). Foram realizadas análises micro tomográfica e histológica para avaliar o efeito de ambas as metodologias sobre a progressão da P.a. Os dados foram avaliados estatisticamente. Observou-se que não houve diferença no ganho de peso entre os animais SE e SE+P.a. Em relação aos grupos estressados o grupo estresse imprevisível apresentou menor ganho de peso quando comparado ao grupo sem estresse. Nos testes comportamentais, Y e CA observou-se um mesmo padrão de comportamento nos animais do grupo SE e SE+P.a (p>0.05). Verificou-se diferenças entre os grupos SE+P.a e EI +P.a no volume da lesão periapical, mas não houve diferença entre os protocolos de estresse. A Análise histológica mostrou maior área de P.a nos animais do grupo EI+P.a o que também foi observado pela análise microtomográfica. Na segunda etapa foram utilizados 48 animais divididos em 5 grupos (N=8): SE+P.a: sem estresse e com P.a; E+SS: Estresse + Periodontite Apical + soro; E+SN: Estresse + Periodontite Apical + Sinvastatina; E+P: Estresse + Periodontite Apical + Propranolol e S+SN+P: Estresse + Periodontite Apical + Sinvastatina + Propranolol. O protocolo de estresse utilizado foi o estresse crônico imprevisível por 42 dias. Realizou-se análises de peso e comportamentais de labirinto em y e campo aberto. Após a eutanásia foram realizadas as análises microtomográfica e a análise histológica e histomorfométrica. Os valores obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente.Observouse que todos os grupos medicados apresentaram ganho de peso maior do que o grupo solução salina. No grupo Sinvastatina e no grupo Propranolol, os animais apresentaram maior atividade locomotora do que no grupo Solução salina. O volume da P.a foi significativamente menor nos grupos Sinvastatina e Propranolol quando comparado ao grupo solução salina. Na análise histológica observou-se que a área da lesão foi significativamente menor nos animais do grupo Sinvastatina quando comparado ao da solução salina, bem como menor intensidade e extensão do infiltrado inflamatório. Concluindo-se que o estresse crônico imprevisível aumenta a perda óssea periapical em animais com PA induzida. Além disso, concluiu-se que tanto a Sinvastatina quanto o Propranolol reduze o estresse crônico, reduzindo a perda óssea nestes animias (AU)
Since chronic stress can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, decreasing the immune response, favoring bone loss in the face of an inflammatory process, the objectives of this study were: 1) To evaluate the effects of stress induction models on the development of apical periodontitis (P.a) and assess the level of stress generated by them; 2) Based on the best stress protocol obtained, the inflammatory profile of BP induced in animals under stress conditions was evaluated, systemically using Simvastatin, Propranolol and Simvastatin associated with propranolol. In the first part, 32 Wistar rats (N=8) were randomly divided into: SE: without stress, without apical periodontitis (P.a); SE+P.a: without stress, with P.A; EP+P.a: Predictable stress + P.a; EI+P.a: unpredictable stress + P.a. The animals were subjected to chronic stress for 42 days, and on the 21st, P.a. To prove the stress, weight and behavioral analyzes of open field (CA) and maze in y (Y) were used. Micro tomographic and histological analyzes were performed to evaluate the effect of both methodologies on the progression of P.a. Data were statistically evaluated. It was observed that there was no difference in weight gain between SE and SE+P.a animals. In relation to the stressed groups, the unpredictable stress group showed less weight gain when compared to the non-stress group. In the behavioral tests, Y and CA, the same pattern of behavior was observed in animals from the SE and SE+P.a groups (p>0.05). There were differences between groups SE+P.a and EI +P.a in the volume of the periapical lesion, but there was no difference between the stress protocols. The histological analysis showed a greater area of P.a in the animals from the EI+P.a group, which was also observed by the microtomographic analysis. In the second stage, 48 animals were divided into 5 groups (N=8): SE+P.a: without stress and with P.a; E+SS: Stress + Apical Periodontitis + serum; E+SN: Stress + Apical Periodontitis + Simvastatin; E+P: Stress + Apical Periodontitis + Propranolol and S+SN+P: Stress + Apical Periodontitis + Simvastatin + Propranolol. The stress protocol used was unpredictable chronic stress for 42 days. Weight and behavioral analyzes of y-maze and open field were performed. After euthanasia, microtomographic analysis and histological and histomorphometric analysis were performed. The values obtained were statistically analyzed. It was observed that all medicated groups had greater weight gain than the saline group. In the Simvastatin group and in the Propranolol group, the animals showed greater locomotor activity than in the Saline group. The BP volume was significantly lower in the Simvastatin and Propranolol groups when compared to the saline group. In the histological analysis, it was observed that the area of the lesion was significantly smaller in the animals of the Simvastatin group when compared to the saline solution, as well as lower intensity and extension of the inflammatory infiltrate. Concluding that unpredictable chronic stress increases periapical bone loss in animals with induced AP. In addition, it was concluded that both Simvastatin and Propranolol reduce chronic stress, reducing bone loss in these animals. (AU)
Animals , Rats , Periapical Periodontitis , Sympathetic Nervous System , Weight Gain , SimvastatinABSTRACT
Acetato de Megestrol (AM). Indicação: Tratamento da Síndrome anorexia-caquexia (SAC) em doentes crônicos em fase de cuidados paliativos. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança do uso do AM em doentes crônicos sob cuidados paliativos. Métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão rápida de revisões sistemáticas, com levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS, BVS, Cochrane Library, Web Of Science e em registros de revisões sistemáticas e ensaios clínicos. A qualidade metodológica dos estudos incluídos foi avaliada com a ferramenta AMSTAR-2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Resultados: A busca recuperou um total de 2.370 após exclusão das duplicatas; 1003 estudos foram triados pelo título e resumo, de acordo com os critérios de inclusão previamente estabelecidos. Dezesseis RSs foram selecionadas para leitura completa, sendo que, destas, apenas 1 RS foi classificado com alta qualidade metodológica. Após a análise dos ECR das RSs excluídas, um ECR foi incluído considerando os critérios de inclusão. Dois estudos adicionais publicados posteriormente a RS de Ruiz-Garcia et al. Conclusão: Com base nas evidências disponíveis, o AM proporciona leve ganho de peso e melhora o apetite, porém esses resultados não refletem melhoria na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, além de haver risco considerável de desenvolver fenômenos tromboembólicos
Megestrol acetate (MA). Indication: treatment of anorexia-cachexia syndrome (ACS) in chronic diseases patients, under palliative care. Objective: Evaluate the efficacy and safety of the use of Megestrol Acetate to treat ACS in patients under palliative care. Methods: Rapid review protocol of Systematic Reviews and Clinical Trials. A literature Search was performed in PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS, BVS, Cochrane Library, Web of Science databases and in clinical trials records, following a predefined strategy. The methodological quality of the selected articles was assessed through AMSTAR-2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2) tool. Results: the search resulted in 2,370 articles, after the duplicates exclusion. 1003 were analyzed by tittle and abstracts according the inclusion criteria. 16 were selected for full text reading, and only one considered to have high methodological quality. After the analyses of the Randomized Clinical Trials of the excluded Systematic Reviews, one RCT was included. Two additional studies published after the SR of Ruiz-Garcia et al were also included. Conclusion: based on available evidence, the MA promoted a small gain in body weight and a slight appetite improvement, although these results did not imply an enhancement in their quality of life. Moreover, there is a considerable risk of causing thromboembolic disorders
Humans , Male , Female , Megestrol Acetate/adverse effects , Weight Gain/drug effectsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To investigate birth-to-childhood tracking of linear growth and weight gain across the distribution of length/height and weight for age z-scores and according to household wealth. METHODS: Data from 614 children from the MINA-Brazil Study with repeated anthropometric measurements at birth and up to age five years were used. Z-scores were calculated for length/height (HAZ) and weight (WAZ) according to international standards. Birth-to-childhood tracking was separately estimated using quantile regression models for HAZ and WAZ, extracting coefficients and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) at the 25th, 50th, and 75th quantiles. In a subgroup analysis, we estimated tracking between birth and age two years, and between ages two and five years. To investigate disparities in tracking, interaction terms between household wealth indexes (at birth and age five years) and newborn size z-scores were included in the models. RESULTS: Tracking coefficients were significant and had similar magnitude across the distribution of anthropometric indices at age five years (HAZ, 50th quantile: 0.23, 95%CI: 0.11 to 0.35; WAZ, 50th quantile: 0.31, 95%CI: 0.19 to 0.43). Greater tracking was observed between ages two and five years, with coefficients above 0.82. Significantly higher tracking of linear growth was observed among children from wealthier households, both at birth, at the lower bounds of HAZ distribution (25th quantile: 0.30, 95%CI: 0.13 to 0.56), and during childhood, in the entire HAZ distribution at five years. For weight gain, stronger tracking was observed at the upper bounds of WAZ distribution at age five years among children from wealthier households at birth (75th quantile: 0.59, 95%CI: 0.35 to 0.83) and during childhood (75th quantile: 0.54, 95%CI: 0.15 to 0.93). CONCLUSION: There was significant tracking of HAZ and WAZ since birth, with indication of substantial stability of nutritional status between ages two and five years. Differential tracking according to household wealth should be considered for planning early interventions for preventing malnutrition.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Investigar a autocorrelação do crescimento linear e ganho de peso do nascimento até a infância considerando a distribuição de escores z de comprimento/estatura e peso por idade e de acordo com a riqueza domiciliar. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados de 614 crianças do Estudo MINA-Brasil com medições antropométricas realizadas do nascimento até os cinco anos de idade. Escores z foram calculados para comprimento/estatura (HAZ) e peso (WAZ) seguindo padrões internacionais. A autocorrelação ou estabilidade da adequação do estado nutricional do nascimento à infância foi estimada por meio de modelos de regressão quantílica para HAZ e WAZ, separadamente, extraindo-se coeficientes e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) nos quantis 25, 50 e 75. Em uma análise de subgrupo, estimou-se a autocorrelação entre o nascimento até os dois anos de idade, e entre dois e cinco anos de idade. Para investigar disparidades na autocorrelação, termos de interação entre índices de riqueza familiar (ao nascer e aos cinco anos de idade) e escores z de tamanho do recém-nascido foram incluídos nos modelos. RESULTADOS: Os coeficientes de autocorrelação foram significantes e tiveram magnitude semelhante ao longo da distribuição dos índices antropométricos aos cinco anos de idade (HAZ, quantil 50: 0,23, IC95%: 0,11 a 0,35; WAZ, quantil 50: 0,31, IC95%: 0,19 a 0,43). Maior estabilidade do estado nutricional foi observada entre dois e cinco anos, com coeficientes acima de 0,82. Autocorrelação significantemente maior do crescimento linear foi observada entre as crianças de domicílios mais ricos, tanto ao nascer, nos limites inferiores da distribuição HAZ (quantil 25: 0,30, IC95%: 0,13 a 0,56) e durante a infância, em toda a distribuição HAZ aos cinco anos. Para o ganho de peso, observou-se uma autocorrelação mais forte nos limites superiores da distribuição do WAZ aos cinco anos de idade entre as crianças de domicílios mais ricos ao nascer (quantil 75: 0,59, IC95%: 0,35 a 0,83) e durante a infância (quantil 75: 0,54, IC95%: 0,15 a 0,93). CONCLUSÃO: Houve autocorrelação significante de HAZ e WAZ desde o nascimento, com indicação de substancial estabilidade do estado nutricional entre os dois e cinco anos de idade. A autocorrelação diferencial de acordo com a riqueza domiciliar deve ser considerada para o planejamento de intervenções precoces para prevenir a má nutrição.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Socioeconomic Factors , Weight Gain , Child , Nutritional Status , Birth Cohort , GrowthABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Weight regain in the postoperative period after bariatric surgery is directly related to the relapse of preoperative comorbidities and a negative impact on the patients' biochemical profile. AIMS: To assess the metabolic impact of weight regain on preoperative comorbidities and on patients' biochemical profiles, in order to show the impact of the complications on the metabolic outcomes of bariatric surgery. METHODS: A retrospective study was carried out with 75 women in the late postoperative period of bariatric surgery who presented pathological weight regain (≥20% of the maximum weight loss). Data of interest consisted of glycemic, lipid, and inflammatory profile measurements at three different moments of evaluation: preoperative period, at the weight nadir (minimum weight), and after weight regain. A multivariate analysis was performed. RESULTS: The mean age was 46.39±12.09 years. Preoperative body mass index was 40.10±4.11 kg/m2. There was an overall increase of 3.36 points in the mean body mass index between the nadir and after regain: from 26.30±3.9 kg/m2 to 29.66±4.66 kg/m2. The mean time to reach the nadir was 18±7.6 months, with an average percentage of excess weight loss of 91.08±11.8%. The median time for pathological weight regain was 48 months, and the mean regain amongst the sample was 8.85±5.65 kg. There was a significant correlation between pathological weight regain and levels of insulin (r=0.351; p<0.011), C-peptide (r=0.303; p<0.011), C-reactive protein (r=0.402; p<0.001), and vitamin D (r=-0.435; p<0.001), the last two being the most influenced by the percentage of weight regained. CONCLUSIONS: The pathological weight regain in the postoperative period of bariatric surgery results in losses in the patients' metabolic and inflammatory profiles. However, the biochemical benefits are sustained up to the preoperative levels of the parameters analyzed.
RESUMO RACIONAL: Reganho de peso no pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica está diretamente relacionado à recidiva das comorbidades pré-operatórias e a um impacto negativo no perfil bioquímico desses pacientes. OBJETIVOS: avaliar o impacto metabólico do reganho de peso nas comorbidades pré-operatórias e no perfil bioquímico desses pacientes, a fim de mostrar o impacto das complicações nos desfechos metabólicos finais da cirurgia bariátrica. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo que analisou 75 mulheres no pós-operatório tardio de cirurgia bariátrica que apresentaram reganho patológico de peso (=20% do máximo de peso perdido). Foram coletados dados referentes às medidas dos perfis glicêmico, lipídico e inflamatório em três momentos distintos de avaliação: no pré-operatório, no nadir de peso (menor peso) e após o reganho ponderal. Foi realizada uma análise multivariada. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi 46.39±12.09 anos. IMC médio pré-operatório foi 40.10±4.11 kg/m2. Houve um aumento de 3,36 pontos no IMC médio entre o nadir e após reganho: de 26.30±3.9 Kg/m2 para 29.66±4.66 Kg/m2. O tempo médio para atingir o nadir foi de 18±7.6 meses, com uma %PEP de 91.08±11.8%. O tempo médio para o reganho patológico foi de 48 meses, e a média de reganho foi 8.85±5.65 kg. Houve correlação significativa entre o reganho patológico e os níveis de insulina (r=0.351; p<0.011), peptídeo C (r=0.303; p<0.011), proteína C reativa (r=0.402; p<0.001) e vitamina D (r=-0.435; p<0.001), sendo os dois últimos os mais influenciados pela porcentagem de reganho de peso. CONCLUSÕES: O reganho de peso patológico no pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica resulta em prejuízos ao perfil metabólico e inflamatório dos pacientes. No entanto, os benefícios bioquímicos perduram em relação aos níveis pré-operatórios dos parâmetros analisados
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Postoperative Complications/metabolism , Obesity, Morbid/surgery , Weight Gain , Bariatric Surgery , Weight Loss , Body Mass Index , Nutritional Status , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Comprehensive Metabolic PanelABSTRACT
No período de pós Transplante Renal (TxR) o uso de imunossupressores é indicado. Seu uso crônico se associa a alterações endocrinometabólicas e do estado nutricional. Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional de pacientes com Doenças Renais Crônicas (DRC) submetidos ao transplante renal. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com pessoas que vivem com a DRC, submetidas ao TxR, no período mínimo de 6 (seis) meses. Coletou-se dados socioeconômicos, demográficos, antecedentes clínicos e antropométricos. Feita análise estatística dos dados e determinada a média e desvio padrão das variáveis numéricas. Verificou-se a normalidade dos dados pelo teste de Shapiro Wilk. Para variáveis não-paramétricas, foi aplicado teste de U-Mann-Whitney. Para variáveis categóricas, foi realizada análise descritiva. A comparação foi feita por Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou teste Exato de Fisher. Foi adotado p<0,05. Resultados: Ao avaliar 52 pacientes observou-se interação significativa entre o sexo feminino e o ganho de peso (p=0,02). A eutrofia foi prevalente segundo o Índice de massa corporal IMC (48,08%), entretanto, a adequação da CB, CMB e AMBC apontou relevantes percentuais de desnutrição. Aumento da incidência de diabetes (5,77% vs 30,77%) e de dislipidemia (3,85% vs 17,31%) no período pós TxR. Conclusão: O ganho de peso se associou significativamente ao sexo feminino. Verificou-se que mesmo diante da prevalência de eutrofia ao avaliar o IMC, a desnutrição foi presente ao se classificar as adequações das circunferências corporais
In the period after Renal Transplantation (KTx) the use of immunosuppressants is indicated, their chronic use is associated with endocrine-metabolic alterations and nutritional status. Objective: Evaluate the nutritional status of patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) after kidney transplantation. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, carried out with people living with CKD, submitted to KTx, for a minimum period of 6 (six) months. Data on socioeconomic, demographic, clinical and anthropometric background were collected. Statistical analysis of the data was performed and the mean and standard deviation of numerical variables were determined. Data normality was verified by the Shapiro Wilk test. For non-parametric variables, U-Mann-Whitney´s test was applied. For categorical variables, descriptive analysis was performed. Comparison was performed using Pearson's chi-square or Fisher's test. The results were discussed at the 5% level of significance. Results: When assessing 52 patients, a significant interaction was observed between female gender and weight gain. (p=0,02). Eutrophy was prevalent according to BMI(48,08%) However, the adequacy of the MAC, MAMC and AMA presented relevant percentages of malnutrition. Increased incidence of diabetes (5,77% vs 30,77%) and dyslipidemia (3,85% vs 17,31%) in the period after KTx. Conclusion: The weight gain was significantly associated with female gender. It was found that even in the face of the prevalence of eutrophy when assessing BMI, malnutrition was present when classifying the adequacy of body circumferences
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Kidney Transplantation , Postoperative Period , Weight Gain , Malnutrition/epidemiology , Immunosuppressive Agents/adverse effectsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Overweight during pregnancy has increased in Chile. In the region of La Araucanía it occurs in 67% of pregnancies, which exceeds the national indicators. AIM: To analyze the secular trend during eight years of the nutritional status at the beginning of gestation, the excessive weight gain during pregnancy, and its association with individual factors in pregnant women cared the public health system of two Southern Chilean neighboring cities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional and longitudinal trend design. We used an anonymized database with 17,270 reproductive data of urban pregnant women who were cared between 2009 and 2016. Trend analysis was performed to evaluate secular changes (nptrend < 0.05) in nutritional indicators and logistic regression to determine the association with individual characteristics. RESULTS: In the study period, overweight at the beginning of pregnancy increased by 13.1 percentage points. Forty percent of pregnant women with normal initial body mass index, were overweight or obese at the end of pregnancy. The excessive weight gain decreased slightly (z=-3.33, p = 0.001), but unevenly in both cities. Adolescent pregnancy, a low education and low socio-economic level of household together with previous overweight and a family or personal history of chronic diseases are associated with excessive gestational weight gain. Conclusions: The results show social inequality. Female malnutrition by excess is a problem that must be addressed through a robust public policy, centered on primary health care level and with a focus on social determinants. Prenatal care provides a window of opportunity to intervene.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Overweight/complications , Overweight/epidemiology , Pregnancy , Weight Gain , Body Mass Index , Chile/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: to assess the prevalence of rapid weight gain (RWG) in children born with normal weight and its association with overweight (OW) in four Latin America countries. Methods: cross-sectional study in children aged 0 to 5 from the Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher in Brazil and the Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru,using a birth weight ≥2,500g. The outcome variable was OW, the exposure was RWG and breastfeeding (BF) was the adjustment variable. Prevalence, odds ratio and 95% confidence intervalwere estimated using multivariate logistic regression model. Results: there was a greater prevalence of RWG and BF at less than 6 months in Brazil, and a greater prevalence of OW in Brazil and Bolivia. The chances of OW when RWG was present and adjusted for BF were 6.1 times (CI95% = 3.8-9.7) in Brazil, 4.4 times (CI95% = 3.6-5.3) in Bolivia, 6.7 times (CI95% = 5.5-8.2) in Colombia, and 12.2 times in Peru (CI95% = 9.4-15.7) with a p < 0.001 for all countries. Conclusions: RWG in children with normal birth weight was associated with a greater chance of being OW in the four observed Latin America countries.
Resumo Objetivos: avaliar a prevalência do ganho rápido de peso (GRP) em crianças nascidas com peso normal e sua associação com o excesso de peso (EP) em quatro países da América Latina. Métodos: estudo transversal de inquéritos populacionais com crianças de 0 a 5 anos da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher no Brasil e da Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud da Bolívia, Colômbia e Peru, selecionadas pelo peso ao nascer ≥2.500 gramas. A variável desfecho foi o EP; de exposição o GRP; e de ajuste a amamentação. Foram estimadas as prevalências, odds ratio e intervalo de confiança de 95% por regressão logística multivariada. Resultados: observou-se maior prevalência de GRP e tempo de amamentação menor do que 6 meses no Brasil e maior prevalência de EP no Brasil e Bolívia. As chances de EP quando GRP presente e ajustado por amamentação foram de 6,1 vezes (IC95% = 3,8-9,7) no Brasil; 4,4 vezes (IC95% = 3,6-5,3) na Bolívia; 6,7 vezes (IC95% = 5,5-8,2) na Colômbia; 12,2 vezes no Peru (IC95% = 9,4-15,7) e p<0,001 nos quatro países. Conclusões: o GRP em crianças nascidas com peso normal foi associado a maior chance de EP infantil nos quatro países da América Latina.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Weight Gain , Overweight/epidemiology , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Latin America/epidemiologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The present work aimed to study the effect of replacing fish meal (FM) in the fish diet with shrimp by-product meal (SBM) on the growth performance parameters of the Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. A total of 200 specimens of monosex O. niloticus fries were obtained from a private fish farm at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate. They were transported to the fish laboratory at the Animal House of Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University. After two weeks for acclimation, the fish were divided into 5 groups, 2 replicates for each group (20 fish in each replicate). The five experimental diets were: C: control group with20 % fish meal (FM) and 0 % shrimp by-product meal (SM); T1, T2, T3, and T4 FM was replaced with SBM as 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 %, respectively. Results indicated that the highest final length, growth in length, length gain, daily length gain and other growth performance parameters including the relationship between length and weight and condition factors of O. niloticus were recorded in T4 group (fed diet in which fish meal was completely replaced with shrimp by-product meal); while, their lowest values were recorded in control group. On the other hand, feed utilization parameters (feed intake, food conversion ratio, the maximum values of feed efficiency ratio and protein efficiency ratio) were recorded in T4 group and the minimum values were recorded in T3 group (fed diet in which 75 % of fish meal was replaced with shrimp by-product meal).
RESUMEN: El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo estudiar el efecto de sustituir la harina de pescado (HP) en la dieta del pescado por harina de subproductos de camarón (HSC) sobre los parámetros de rendimiento de crecimiento de la Tilapia del Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus. Se obtuvieron un total de 200 especímenes de monosexo de O. niloticus de una piscifactoría privada en la gobernación de Kafr El-Sheikh. Fueron transportados al laboratorio de peces en el Departamento de Zoología de la Facultad de Ciencias, de la Universidad Al-Azhar. Después de dos semanas de aclimatación, los peces se dividieron en 5 grupos: Se realizaron dos repeticiones para cada grupo (20 peces en cada repetición). Las cinco dietas experimentales fueron: C: grupo control con 20 % de harina de pescado (HP) y 0 % de harina de subproductos de camarón (HSC); T1, T2, T3 y T4 FM se reemplazó con HSC con 25 %, 50 %, 75 % y 100 %, respectivamente. Los resultados indicaron que la longitud final más alta, el crecimiento en longitud, la ganancia de longitud, la ganancia de longitud diaria y otros parámetros de rendimiento del crecimiento, como además la relación entre la longitud y el peso, y los factores de condición de O. niloticus, se registraron en el grupo T4 (con una dieta reemplazada con harina de subproducto de camarón); mientras que, sus valores más bajos se registraron en el grupo control. Por otro lado, los parámetros de utilización del alimento (ingesta de alimento, índice de conversión de alimento, los valores máximos de índice de eficiencia alimenticia e índice de eficiencia proteica) se registraron en el grupo T4 y los valores mínimos se registraron en el grupo T3 (alimentación con dieta en la que el 75 % de la harina de pescado fue reemplazada por harina de subproductos de camarón).
Animals , Cichlids/anatomy & histology , Animal Feed , Weight Gain , Seafood , Cichlids/growth & development , Penaeidae , Diet , Fish FlourABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the number of prenatal care visits and the occurrence of adverse perinatal outcomes in an average city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: This was a prospective and observational study. The variables analyzed were obtained through a questionnaire administered to postpartum women (between 1 and 48 h postpartum) and information contained in prenatal cards. The pregnant women were classified into three groups: Group I, <3 prenatal care visits; Group II, 3-5 prenatal care visits; and Group III, ≥6 prenatal care visits. RESULTS: Group I had a lower median weight (57.0 vs. 64.0 kg, p<0.001), body mass index (22.1 vs. 24.3 kg/m2, p<0.001), and weight gain (9.0 vs. 12 kg, p=0.002) than Group III. The prevalence of admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (11.6 vs. 4.2%, p=0.02) and the newborn mortality rate within the first 72 h of life (2.3 vs. 0%, p<0.001) were higher in Group I than in Group III. Group II had a higher prevalence of admission to the adult intensive care unit (5.7 vs. 0.6%, p<0.001) and a higher newborn mortality rate within the first 72 h of life (1.6% vs. 0%, p<0.001) than Group III. CONCLUSIONS: Having ≥6 prenatal care visits was associated with lower rates of admission to the neonatal and adult intensive care unit, as well as a lower newborn mortality rate within the first 72 h of life.
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Prenatal Care , Pregnancy Outcome/epidemiology , Weight Gain , Prospective Studies , Postpartum PeriodABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the association between serum high sensitivity C-reaction protein (hsCRP) in early pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) among twin pregnant women, and to explore the effects of the pre-pregnant body mass index (BMI) and gestational weight gain (GWG) status on such association.@*METHODS@#Twin pregnant women with pre-pregnant BMI greater than or equal to 18.5 kg/m2 were recruited at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Peking University Third Hospital from March 2017 to December 2020. Serum samples collected in early pregnancy were analyzed for hsCRP using particle-enhanced immunoturbidimetric method. In the following visits, the information about GWG and GDM were prospectively collected in every trimester. The association effect between hsCRP tertiles and GDM were estimated using Logistic regression, and further converted into risk ratio (RR). Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test and mediation analysis were used to explore the effects of BMI and GWG status on the association.@*RESULTS@#Among the included 570 twin pregnant women, 31.6% deve-loped GDM, 26.1% were pre-pregnant overweight or obesity, and 49.5% with GWG out of referenced range. After adjustment for confounding factors, risk of developing GDM in twin gestations with the middle tertile and highest tertile of serum hsCRP in early pregnancy were 1.42 fold (95%CI: 1.02-1.89) and 1.54 fold (95%CI: 1.12-2.02), respectively, compared with the lowest tertile of serum hsCRP, and there existed significantly linear trend (P=0.022). Findings from mediation analysis illustrated that pre-pregnant BMI had partial mediating effect on the association, and BMI accounted for 23.84% (P < 0.001) of the increasing GDM risks with elevated hsCRP. Joint analysis with hsCRP and GWG found that those who were with GWG out of referenced range accompanied with the higher hsCRP tertiles (>1.21 mg/L) had significantly 2.31 fold increased risk according to those who were with GWG in the referenced range accompanied with the lowest hsCRP tertile (≤1.21 mg/L, P < 0.01).@*CONCLUSION@#Elevated hsCRP in early pregnancy significantly increased GDM risk among twin pregnant women. The hsCRP-GDM association was dependent on GWG status, and pre-pregnant BMI had partial mediating effect on such association. It is suggested that twin pregnant women should consider systemic inflammation and gestational weight at the same time to reduce GDM risk.
Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Body Mass Index , C-Reactive Protein/metabolism , Cohort Studies , Diabetes, Gestational/blood , Gestational Weight Gain , Pregnancy, Twin/blood , Weight GainABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe the working and health conditions of physical education teachers in public basic education in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cross-sectional study, carried out from August to September 2020, via digital form and had the support of the Minas Gerais State Department of Education. The instrument presented variables related to the sociodemographic profile, work and health conditions during the pandemic. The prevalences of the variables were presented. 1,016 physical education teachers participated in the study. Of these, 61.4% were female, 65.8% aged 21 to 40 years and 15.3% worked in the countryside. In relation to working conditions during the pandemic, 99% performed remote activities, 35.7% were dissatisfied with their work, 37% worked much more than they used to and 81.2% presented the interest of students/parents in classes as a difficulty. As for health conditions during the pandemic, 10.3% increased their consumption of alcoholic beverages, 26.1% did not practice physical exercise, 56.5% had increased body weight and 37.8% reported a lot of fear of COVID-19. Physical education teachers of basic education in the state of Minas Gerais were significantly affected by the pandemic, so it is important to implement support strategies.
RESUMO Este estudo objetivou descrever as condições de trabalho e saúde dos professores de educação física da educação básica pública do estado de Minas Gerais - Brasil durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Estudo transversal, realizado de agosto a setembro de 2020, via formulário digital e contou com o apoio da Secretaria de Estado de Educação de Minas Gerais. O instrumento apresentou variáveis referentes ao perfil sociodemográfico, condições de trabalho e saúde durante a pandemia. Foram apresentadas as prevalências das variáveis. Participaram do estudo 1.016 professores de educação física. Destes, 61,4% eram mulheres, 65,8% com idade de 21 a 40 anos e 15,3% trabalhavam na zona rural. Em relação às condições de trabalho durante a pandemia, 99% realizaram atividades remotas, 35,7% estavam insatisfeitos com o trabalho, 37% trabalharam muito mais que costumavam e 81,2% apresentaram como dificuldade o interesse dos alunos/pais pelas aulas. Quanto às condições de saúde durante a pandemia, 10,3% aumentaram o consumo de bebidas alcóolicas, 26,1% não praticaram exercício físico, 56,5% tiveram aumento de peso corporal e 37,8% relataram muito medo da COVID-19. Os professores de educação física da educação básica do estado de Minas Gerais foram significativamente afetados pela pandemia, portanto é importante implementação de estratégias de apoio.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Physical Education and Training/methods , Coronavirus , Faculty/education , Pandemics/prevention & control , COVID-19/prevention & control , Students , Alcohol Drinking/psychology , Exercise , Weight Gain , Health Status , Epidemiology/education , Cross-Sectional Studies , Occupational Health/education , Education, Primary and Secondary , Fear/psychology , Teleworking/trends , Sociodemographic Factors , Life StyleABSTRACT
Background: Parity has been associated with both short- and long-term weight gain in women. However, it is not clear if timing of parity across the reproductive age has different associations with BMI. Methods: To prospectively assess the association between age at childbirth and maternal change in BMI, we analyzed data from the ongoing INCAP Longitudinal Study, which started in 1969 in four villages in Guatemala. Cohort women (n=778) provided information on reproductive history and anthropometric measures were measured in 1988-89 (adolescence, 15 to 25y), 2002-04 (early adulthood, 26 to 36y) and 2015-17 (mid adulthood, 37 to 55y). We evaluated the associations of number of live births in the period preceding each study wave (1969-77 to 1988-89, 1988-89 to 2002-04 and 2002-04 to 2015-17) with BMI change in the same period using multivariable linear regression models. Results: Number of live births between 1988 and 89 and 2002-04 was positively associated with increased BMI, while there was not an association between number of live births and BMI in the other intervals. Women who had one, two, or three or more children between 1988 and 89 and 2002-04 had 0.90 (kg/m2, 95% CI: -0.55, 2.35), 2.39 (kg/m2, 95% CI: 1.09, 3.70) and 2.54 (kg/m2, 95% CI: 1.26, 3.82) higher BMI, respectively, than women who did not give birth in the same period. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that women who had three or more children during early adulthood gained more weight compared to women who had no children in the same period. In contrast, women who had children earlier or later in their reproductive lives did not gain additional weight compared to those who did not have children during that period. Childbirth may have different