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Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);44(1): 54-66, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1574071


Introducción. Durante el desarrollo de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en Antioquia se presentaron picos epidemiológicos relacionados con las variantes α, É£, ß, µ, ƛ y δ, donde δ tuvo la mayor incidencia y prevalencia. Este linaje se considera una variante de preocupación dadas las manifestaciones clínicas que desencadena y sus características epidemiológicas. Se han informado 253 sublinajes δ en la base de datos PANGOLIN. La identificación de estos sublinajes mediante análisis genómico ha permitido rastrear su evolución y propagación. Objetivo. Caracterizar la diversidad genética de los diferentes sublinajes δ de SARSCoV-2 en Antioquia y determinar su prevalencia. Materiales y métodos. Se recopiló información sociodemográfica de 2.675 muestras y de 1.115 genomas del repositorio GISAID entre el 12 de julio de 2021 y el 18 de enero de 2022. Se seleccionaron 501 por su alto porcentaje de cobertura (>90 %) para realizar análisis filogenéticos e inferencia de frecuencias alélicas de mutaciones de interés. Resultados. Se caracterizaron 24 sublinajes donde el más prevalente fue AY.25. En este sublinaje se identificaron mutaciones de interés como L452R, P681R y P681H, que comprendían una frecuencia cercana a 0,99. Conclusiones. Este estudio permitió identificar que el sublinaje AY.25 tiene una ventaja de transmisión en comparación con los otros sublinajes δ. Esto puede estar relacionado con la presencia de las mutaciones L452R y P681R que en otros estudios se han visto asociadas con una mayor transmisibilidad, evasión del sistema inmunitario y menor eficacia de los medicamentos contra SARS-CoV-2.

Introduction. During the development of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Antioquia, we experienced epidemiological peaks related to the α, É£, ß, µ, ƛ, and δ variants. δ had the highest incidence and prevalence. This lineage is of concern due to its clinical manifestations and epidemiological characteristics. A total of 253 δ sublineages have been reported in the PANGOLIN database. The sublineage identification through genomic analysis has made it possible to trace their evolution and propagation. Objective. To characterize the genetic diversity of the different SARS-CoV-2 δ sublineages in Antioquia and to describe its prevalence. Materials and methods. We collected sociodemographic information from 2,675 samples, and obtained 1,115 genomes from the GISAID database between July 12th, 2021, and January 18th, 2022. From the analyzed genomes, 515 were selected because of their high coverage values (>90%) to perform phylogenetic analysis and to infer allele frequencies of mutations of interest. Results. We characterized 24 sublineages. The most prevalent was AY.25. Mutations of interest as L452R, P681R, and P681H were identified in this sublineage, comprising a frequency close to 0.99. Conclusions. This study identified that the AY.25 sublineage has a transmission advantage compared to the other δ sublineages. This attribute may be related to the presence of the L452R and P681R mutations associated in other studies with higher evasion of the immune system and less efficacy of drugs against SARS-CoV-2.

Humans , Base Sequence , Epidemiology , Whole Genome Sequencing , SARS-CoV-2 , Phylogeny , Public Health Surveillance , Mutation
Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi ; Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi;(12): 1161-1169, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009864


OBJECTIVES@#To explore the molecular characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in children, and to compare the molecular characteristics of different types of strains (infection and colonization strains) so as to reveal pathogenic molecular markers of S. aureus.@*METHODS@#A cross-sectional study design was used to conduct nasopharyngeal swab sampling from healthy children in the community and clinical samples from infected children in the hospital. Whole genome sequencing was used to detect antibiotic resistance genes and virulence genes. A random forest method to used to screen pathogenic markers.@*RESULTS@#A total of 512 S. aureus strains were detected, including 272 infection strains and 240 colonization strains. For virulence genes, the carrying rates of enterotoxin genes (seb and sep), extracellular enzyme coding genes (splA, splB, splE and edinC), leukocytotoxin genes (lukD, lukE, lukF-PV and lukS-PV) and epidermal exfoliating genes (eta and etb) in infection strains were higher than those in colonization strains. But the carrying rates of enterotoxin genes (sec, sec3, seg, seh, sei, sel, sem, sen, seo and seu) were lower in infection strains than in colonization strains (P<0.05). For antibiotic resistance genes, the carrying rates of lnuA, lnuG, aadD, tetK and dfrG were significantly higher in infection strains than in colonization strains (P<0.05). The accuracy of cross-validation of the random forest model for screening pathogenic markers of S. aureus before and after screening was 69% and 68%, respectively, and the area under the curve was 0.75 and 0.70, respectively. The random forest model finally screened out 16 pathogenic markers (sem, etb, splE, sep, ser, mecA, lnuA, sea, blaZ, cat(pC233), blaTEm-1A, aph(3')-III, ermB, ermA, ant(9)-Ia and ant(6)-Ia). The top five variables in the variable importance ranking were sem (OR=0.40), etb (OR=3.95), splE (OR=1.68), sep (OR=3.97), and ser (OR=1.68).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The random forest model can screen out pathogenic markers of S. aureus and exhibits a superior predictive performance, providing genetic evidence for tracing highly pathogenic S. aureus and conducting precise targeted interventions.

Child , Humans , Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Enterotoxins/genetics , Staphylococcal Infections , Whole Genome Sequencing
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 52-59, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970501


This study investigated the choroplast genome sequence of wild Atractylodes lancea from Yuexi in Anhui province by high-throughput sequencing, followed by characterization of the genome structure, which laid a foundation for the species identification, analysis of genetic diversity, and resource conservation of A. lancea. To be specific, the total genomic DNA was extracted from the leaves of A. lancea with the improved CTAB method. The chloroplast genome of A. lancea was sequenced by the high-throughput sequencing technology, followed by assembling by metaSPAdes and annotation by CPGAVAS2. Bioiformatics methods were employed for the analysis of simple sequence repeats(SSRs), inverted repeat(IR) border, codon bias, and phylogeny. The results showed that the whole chloroplast genome of A. lancea was 153 178 bp, with an 84 226 bp large single copy(LSC) and a 18 658 bp small single copy(SSC) separated by a pair of IRs(25 147 bp). The genome had the GC content of 37.7% and 124 genes: 87 protein-coding genes, 8 rRNA genes, and 29 tRNA genes. It had 26 287 codons and encoded 20 amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Atractylodes species clustered into one clade and that A. lancea had close genetic relationship with A. koreana. This study established a method for sequencing the chloroplast genome of A. lancea and enriched the genetic resources of Compositae. The findings are expected to lay a foundation for species identification, analysis of genetic diversity, and resource conservation of A. lancea.

Phylogeny , Atractylodes/genetics , Genome, Chloroplast , Whole Genome Sequencing , Microsatellite Repeats , Lamiales
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2954-2964, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981243


Incarvillea younghusbandii Sprague is a traditional tonic herb. The roots are used as herbal medicine for nourishing and strengthening, as well as treating postpartum milk deficiency and weakness. In this study, the chloroplast genome of I. younghusbandii was sequenced and assembled by the high-throughput sequencing technology. The sequence characteristics, sequence repeats, codon usage bias, phylogenetic relationships and estimated divergence time of I. younghusbandii were analyzed. The 159 323 bp sequence contained a large single copy (80 197 bp), a small single copy (9 030 bp) and two inverted repeat sequences (35 048 bp). It contained 120 genes, including 77 protein coding genes, 8 ribosomal RNA genes and 35 transfer RNA genes. AAA was the most frequent codon in the chloroplast coding sequence of I. younghusbandii. A total of 42 simple sequence repeats were identified in the chloroplast genome. Phylogenetic analysis revealed I. younghusbandii was mostly like its taxonomically close relative Incarvillea compacta. The divergence between I. younghusbandii and I. compacta was dated to 4.66 million years ago. This study was significant for the scientific conservation and development of resources related to I. compacta. It also provides a basic genetic resource for the subsequent species identification of the genus Incarvillea, and the population genetic diversity study of Bignoniaceae.

Phylogeny , Molecular Sequence Annotation , Genome, Chloroplast , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Whole Genome Sequencing
Sci Rep ; 13(1)2023.
Article in English | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, SESSP-IALPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1417868


This study analyzes the genomic findings of the first report of Salmonella isolate carrying the blaCTX-M-55 gene, recovered from a bacteremic patient from Brazil. A bacterial isolate positive for the blaCTX-M-55 gene was submitted to antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disk diffusion and epsilometric test. Whole genome sequencing was performed using Illumina technology. Conjugation assay was performed; plasmid sizes determined by S1-PFGE and plasmid content were investigated by hybrid assembly after MinION long reads sequencing. Isolate 288_18 was identified as sequence type ST13, resistant to ampicillin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, cefepime, ceftriaxone, and aztreonam. A transferable IncFII plasmid sized approximately 67 kb was found to carry the blaTEM-1 and blaCTX-M-55 in a module consisting of IS26-blaTEM-1B-WbuC-blaCTX-M-55-IS26. In addition, an 117 kb IncI1plasmid was also identified in the 288_18 isolate, but without additional resistance genes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of blaCTX-M-55 in Salmonella isolated from human infection in Brazil. The occurrence of blaCTX-M-55 in the IncFII epidemic plasmid in a relevant clinical human isolate of Salmonella Agona underscores the urgent need for enhanced and effective continuous surveillance for controlling its dissemination.

Ceftazidime , Sequence Analysis , Whole Genome Sequencing , Ampicillin
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 108 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1580544


Listeria monocytogenes é um patógeno de origem alimentar que pode causar infecções graves em humanos, especialmente em grupos vulneráveis, como gestantes, recém-nascidos e imunocomprometidos. Neste estudo, um total de 72 cepas desta espécie foram obtidas de vários produtos alimentícios, ambientes de processamento de alimentos e fontes clínicas. As análises realizadas foram baseadas no sequenciamento do genoma total das cepas, permitindo verificar a composição do viruloma, as relações filogenéticas e a determinação do complexo clonal (CC) por Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). O estudo revelou a presença de 11 CC com a predominância do Complexo Clonal 3 (18 cepas), seguidos dos CCs: CC1 (15), CC2 (11), CC218 (10), CC9 (9), CC59 (2), CC155 (2), CC8 (2), CC7 (1), CC4 (1) e CC315 (1). Os complexos clonais CC1, CC3 e CC218 foram encontrados predominantemente em cepas oriundas de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro. Constituídos por cepas que apresentavam íntima relação filogenética, os CC3 e CC218 estavam envolvidos em surtos de listeriose hospitalar no RJ (2008) e SP (1992 e 1997), respectivamente. Também foi observada íntima relação filogenética no CC2, entre a cepa CLIST 4774 (sangue) e CLIST 4775 (queijo tipo ricota), ambas isoladas no mesmo ano e estado (RJ/2021). Duas cepas isoladas no Rio de Janeiro foram respectivamente caracterizadas como novos ST descritos no presente estudo e validados pelo Instituto Pasteur. A cepa CLIST 3980 pertence ao CC155 e ST 1434, já CLIST 2088 pertence ao CC3 e ST 1435, essa última estava envolvida no surto de listeriose hospitalar ocorrido em 2008 no Estado. A análise do viruloma revelou que L. monocytogenes possui um vasto repertório de genes de virulência. Neste estudo, os genes inlG e inlL foram característicos da linhagem II. A ilha de patogenicidade-1 (LIPI-1) foi observada em todas as cepas do estudo, enquanto a LIPI-3, LIPI-4 e gene comK foram observados majoritariamente nas cepas linhagem I que compõem 80% (58) das cepas do estudo e foram representadas pelos CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC59, CC218 e CC315, revelando potencial de virulência superior ao observado nas cepas da linhagem II do estudo. Duas cepas da linhagem I apresentaram a LIPI-4, uma cepa do CC4 (ralo do ambiente de processamento de alimentos/2014/RS) e a outra cepa pertencia ao CC315 (alface/2010/SP), mostrando a presença de cepas de L. monocytogenes com tropismo pelo sistema nervoso central e placenta nos alimentos. Esse estudo evidenciou que diversas cepas dos complexos clonais CC1, CC2, CC3, CC9 e CC218 foram observadas e algumas delas apresentaram íntima relação filogenética mesmo quando isoladas em diferentes anos e estados.(AU)

Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne pathogen that can cause severe infections in humans, especially in vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, newborns and immunocompromised. In this study, a total of 72 strains of this species were obtained from various food products, food processing environments and clinical sources. The analyses were based on the whole genome sequencing, allowing to verify the virulome characteristics, phylogenetic relationships and the determination of the clonal complex (CC) by Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). The study revealed the presence of 11 CC with the predominance of Clonal Complex 3 (18 strains), followed by CC: CC1 (15), CC2 (11), CC218 (10), CC9 (9), CC59 (2), CC155 (2), CC8 (2), CC7 (1), CC1 (1). The clonal complexes CC1, CC3 and CC218 were predominantly found in strains from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Consisting of strains that had an intimate phylogenetic relationship, CC3 and CC218 were involved in outbreaks of hospital listeriosis in RJ (2008) and SP (1992 and 1997), respectively. A close phylogenetic relationship was also observed in CC2, between the strain CLIST 4774 (blood) and CLIST 4775 (ricotta cheese), both isolated in the same year and state (RJ/2021). Two strains isolated in Rio de Janeiro were respectively characterized as new ST described in this study and validated by the Pasteur Institute. The CLIST 3980 strain belongs to CC155 and ST 1434, while CLIST 2088 belongs to CC3 and ST 1435, the latter was involved in the outbreak in 2008. Virulome analysis revealed that L. monocytogenes has a vast repertoire of virulence genes. In this study, inlG and inlL genes were characteristic of lineage II. The pathogenicity-1 island (LIPI-1) was observed in all strains of the study, while LIPI-3, LIPI-4 and comK gene were observed mostly in strains I that make up 80% (58) of the strains of the study and were represented by CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC59, CC218 and CC315 potential of virulence higher than that observed in strains of lineage II. Two lineage I strains showed LIPI-4, one strain of CC4 (food processing environment drain/2014/RS) and the other strain belonged to CC315 (lettuce/2010/SP) showing the presence of L. monocytogenes strains with tropism by the central nervous system and placenta isolated from food. This study showed that several strains of the clonal complexes CC1, CC2, CC3, CC9 and CC218 were observed and some of them showed close phylogenetic relationships even when isolated in different years and states.(AU)

Brazil , Food Contamination , Whole Genome Sequencing , Listeriosis , Listeria monocytogenes , Listeria monocytogenes/genetics , Listeria monocytogenes/pathogenicity
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);43(Supl. 1): 278-287, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533902


Candida auris has been recognized as an emerging multidrug-resistant pathogen with a significant public health burden, causing cases of invasive infection and colonization due to its persistence on inanimate surfaces, ability to colonize skin of some patients, and high transmissibility in healthcare settings. The first sporadic report of the isolation of this species from the ear canal of a patient in Asia was in 2009 and reports from other regions of the world soon followed. However, it was not until 2015 that global epidemiological alerts were communicated as a result of an increasing number of reports of invasive infections caused by C. auris in several countries. Colombia was soon added to this list in 2016 after an unusual increase in the number of C. haemulonii isolates was reported, later confirmed as C. auris. Since the issuing of a national alert by the Colombian National Institute of Health together with the Ministry of Health in 2016, the number of cases reported reached over 2,000 by 2022. Colombian isolates have not shown pan resistance to available antifungals, unlike C. auris strains reported in other regions of the world, which leaves patients in Colombia with therapeutic options for these infections. However, increasing fluconazole resistance is being observed. Whole-genome sequencing of Colombian C. auris isolates has enhanced molecular epidemiological data, grouping Colombian isolates in clade IV together with other South American isolates. Data from Colombia showed that public health authorities, scientific community, and the general public need to be aware of fungal diseases as they present an often-deadly threat to patients.

Candida auris ha sido reconocido como un agente patógeno multirresistente emergente con una carga significativa en la salud pública. Genera casos de infección invasiva y colonización debido a su persistencia en superficies inanimadas, su capacidad para colonizar fácilmente la piel de algunos pacientes y su alta transmisibilidad en el ambiente hospitalario. El primer reporte esporádico de esta especie fue en Asia en el 2009 cuando se realizó su aislamiento a partir del conducto auditivo de un paciente, y pronto le siguieron reportes en otras regiones del mundo. Sin embargo, no fue hasta 2015 que se conocieron las alertas epidemiológicas a nivel mundial debido a un aumento en el número de casos de infecciones causadas por C. auris en varios países. Colombia se sumó a la lista en 2016 luego de un aumento inusual en el número de aislamientos de C. haemulonii informados, que luego se confirmaron como C. auris. Desde que el Instituto Nacional de Salud junto con el Ministerio de Salud emitieron la Alerta Nacional en el 2016, el número de casos reportados superó los 2.000 en el 2022. Los aislamientos colombianos no han mostrado resistencia generalizada a los antifúngicos disponibles, contrario a lo reportado para cepas de C. auris en algunas regiones del mundo, por lo que los pacientes en Colombia aún cuentan con opciones terapéuticas para estas infecciones. No obstante, se ha observado un aumento en la resistencia al fluconazol. La secuenciación del genoma completo agrupó los aislamientos colombianos en el Ciado IV, junto con otros sudamericanos de C. auris, y aportó al conocimiento de los datos epidemiológicos moleculares de esta especie. Los datos de Colombia evidencian que las autoridades de salud pública, la comunidad científica y el público en general deben ser conscientes de las enfermedades fúngicas, ya que a menudo representan una amenaza mortal para los pacientes.

Candida auris , Drug Resistance , Colombia , Whole Genome Sequencing , Fungi , Infections
São Paulo; s.n; 2022. 115 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396864


A medicina de precisão trata-se de uma área tem avançado rapidamente nos últimos anos, juntamente com o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de diagnóstico e tratamento, levando à minimização de efeitos colaterais relacionados ao tratamento melhoras nos resultados clínicos de forma geral. A pesquisa em farmacogenômica (PGx) desempenha um importante papel na área da medicina de precisão, ao investigar as variantes genéticas que modulam a resposta a fármacos, por meio de alterações em sua farmacocinética (PK) ou farmacodinâmica (PD). A distribuição de variantes de farmacogenes difere consideravelmente entre as populações e o sequenciamento genético completo em populações diversas (WGS, do inglês whole-genome sequencing) desempenha um papel importante como uma abordagem de sequenciamento abrangente para detectar variantes comuns e raras. Objetivo: Os objetivos gerais foram: i) verificar o panorama dos estudos brasileiros na área da PGx, em termos de metodologia de estudo e oportunidades potenciais na área de pesquisa no Brasil, e ii) avaliar a frequência de marcadores farmacogenéticos em idosos da cidade de São Paulo e avaliar a proporção de indivíduos potencialmente em alto risco de interações farmacogenéticas no ano de 2010. Métodos: Na primeira parte do trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática que buscou estudos brasileiros na área da PGx que analisaram a associação entre fármaco(s) e gene(s) que apresentam interesse especial na área da farmacogenética (VIPs, do inglês Very Important Pharmacogenes); foram incluídos 97 estudos para análise do texto completo. Na segunda parte do trabalho, a ferramenta Stargazer foi utilizada para identificar star alleles de 38 farmacogenes, utilizando o banco de dados de WGS de 1.171 indivíduos não-relacionado do estudo SABE (Estudo de Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento). Resultados: Na revisão da literatura, 32 dos 65 VIPs foram analisados por estudos de associação na população brasileira. Noventa e seis eram estudos de genes candidatos e um era GWAS (do inglês, genome-wide association study). Agentes antitrombóticos, fármacos que atuam no sistema nervoso e no sistema cardiovascular foram as classes mais estudadas. Em geral, 68% eram estudos observacionais e 24% eram ensaios clínicos. A análise dos marcadores farmacogenéticos na coorte SABE mostrou que 352 haplótipos ou star alleles únicos foram observados em todos os 38 farmacogenes avaliados. Destes, 255 apresentaram frequência < 0,05 e 199 apresentaram frequência < 0,01; 70,1% dos star alleles foram classificados como tendo perda ou diminuição de função, ou função desconhecida. Para os onze farmacogenes com alto nível de evidência de interação com medicamentos (1A) segundo o Consórcio de Implementação de Farmacogenética Clínica (CPIC, do inglês Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium), verificou-se que mais de 99% dos indivíduos carregavam pelo menos um genótipo de alto risco. Segundo o registro de medicamentos da coorte, 22,5% dos indivíduos que utilizavam um medicamento com nível de evidência do 1A (CPIC) estavam potencialmente em risco de uma interação farmacogenética por possuírem um fenótipo predito que interage com o medicamento em uso. Conclusão: Populações miscigenadas ainda estão sub-representadas em grandes estudos genômicos, e este projeto pode contribuir com dados adicionais de para PGx na população brasileira.

The area of precision medicine is growing rapidly with advances in diagnostic and treatment options, leading to improvements in clinical outcomes and minimization of unnecessary side effects. Pharmacogenomics (PGx) plays an important role in precision medicine and deals with the variation of drug response due to genetic factors. Research in the field of PGx aims to identify genetic variants that modulate the response to drugs, through alterations in their pharmacokinetics (PK) or pharmacodynamics (PD). The distribution of PGx variants differs considerably among populations, and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) performed on diverse populations plays a major role as a comprehensive sequencing approach to detect both common and rare variants. Objective: This study evaluated i) the landscape of Brazilian PGx studies in terms of study methodology and potential opportunities in this research area in Brazil, and ii) the frequency PGx markers in a cohort of elderly individuals from the city of São Paulo, and the proportion of individuals at a potential high-risk for PGx interaction in 2010. Methods: In the first part of this research, a systematic review was performed to find Brazilian studies in the area of PGx which analyzed the association between drugs and very important pharmacogenes (VIP); 97 studies were included for full-texts review. In the second part, the tool Stargazer was used to call star alleles from 38 pharmacogenes using data from the Health, Well-Being, and Aging Study (SABE), which includes variants from whole-genome sequences of 1,171 unrelated individuals. Results: In the literature review, 32 out of 65 VIPs were analyzed by association studies in the Brazilian population. Ninety-six were candidate gene studies and one was GWAS. Antithrombotic agents, drugs that act on the nervous system, and the cardiovascular system were the most studied dugs. In general, 68% comprised observational studies and interventional clinical trials accounted for 24%. The analysis of PGx markers in the SABE cohort showed 352 unique star alleles or haplotypes in all 38 pharmacogenes assessed. Among these, 255 and 199 had a frequency < 0.05 and < 0.01, respectively, with decreased/ loss-of-function/ unknown function corresponding to 70.1%. For eleven pharmacogenes with high level of evidence (1A) supporting the association with drugs according to CPIC (Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium), more than 99% of the individuals carried at least one high risk genotype. According to cohort medication register from 2010 round of data collection, 22.5% of individuals using CPIC level 1A drugs were potentially at high risk for a pharmacogenetic interaction because they also had a predicted phenotype which interacts with the drug taken. Conclusion: Admixed populations are still underrepresented in large genomic studies, and this project could provide insights to PGx in those populations.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pharmacogenetics , Biomarkers , Epidemiology , Whole Genome Sequencing
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 116: e200517, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154877


Molecular-typing can help in unraveling epidemiological scenarios and improvement for disease control strategies. A literature review of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in Brazil through genotyping on 56 studies published from 1996-2019 was performed. The clustering rate for mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units - variable tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTR) of 1,613 isolates were: 73%, 33% and 28% based on 12, 15 and 24-loci, respectively; while for RFLP-IS6110 were: 84% among prison population in Rio de Janeiro, 69% among multidrug-resistant isolates in Rio Grande do Sul, and 56.2% in general population in São Paulo. These findings could improve tuberculosis (TB) surveillance and set up a solid basis to build a database of Mycobacterium genomes.

Humans , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length/genetics , Minisatellite Repeats/genetics , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genetics , Brazil/epidemiology , Bacterial Typing Techniques , Molecular Epidemiology , Whole Genome Sequencing , Genotype , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/isolation & purification
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879619


OBJECTIVE@#To study the correlation between DNA methylation patterns and gene expression in Down syndrome (DS).@*METHODS@#Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from normal controls and DS patients were subjected to whole genome bisulfite sequencing and differentially methylated region (DMR) screening. Statistical analysis for chromosomal and gene element distribution were carried out for DMR. Gene ontology (GO) and enrichment-based cluster analysis were used to explore the molecular function of differentially expressed genes.@*RESULTS@#A total of 1569 DMR were identified in iPSCs derived from DS patients, for which the proportion of hypermethylation in promoter regions was significantly greater than that of the genebody. No DMR enrichment was noted on chromosome 21. Hypermethylation of the promoter and genebody was predicted to be inhibitory for gene expression. Functional clustering revealed the pathways related to neurodevelopmental, stem cell pluripotency and organ size regulation to be significantly correlated with differentially methylated genes.@*CONCLUSION@#Extensive and stochastic anomalies of genome-wide DNA methylation has been discovered in iPSCs derived from DS patients, for which the pattern and molecular regulation of methylation were significantly different from those of normal controls. Above findings suggested that DNA methylation pattern may play a vital role in both the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders and other phenotypic abnormalities during early embryonic development.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , DNA Methylation , Down Syndrome/genetics , Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Whole Genome Sequencing
Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi ; Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi;(12): 433-437, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879872


Pediatric patients in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) have a high incidence rate of genetic diseases, and early rapid etiological diagnosis and targeted interventions can help to reduce mortality or improve prognosis. Whole-genome sequencing covers more comprehensive information including point mutation, copy number, and structural and rearrangement variations in the intron region and has become one of the powerful diagnostic tools for genetic diseases. Sequencing data require highly professional judgment and interpretation and are returned for clinical application after several weeks, which cannot meet the need for the diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases in children. This article introduces the clinical application of rapid whole-genome sequencing in the NICU/PICU and briefly describes related techniques of artificial intelligence-rapid whole-genome sequencing diagnostic system, a rapid high-throughput automated platform for the diagnosis of genetic diseases. The diagnostic system introduces artificial intelligence into the processing of data after whole-genome sequencing and can solve the problems of long time and professional interpretation required for routine genome sequencing and provide a rapid diagnostic regimen for critically ill children suspected of genetic diseases within 24 hours, and therefore, it holds promise for clinical application.

Child , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Artificial Intelligence , Critical Illness , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Whole Genome Sequencing
Biomed. environ. sci ; Biomed. environ. sci;(12): 616-622, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887737


Objective@#To evaluate multidrug resistant loop-mediated isothermal amplification (MDR-LAMP) assay for the early diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and to compare the mutation patterns associated with the @*Methods@#MDR-LAMP assay was evaluated using 100 @*Results@#The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of MDR-LAMP were 85.5%, 93.6%, 96.7%, and 74.4% for the detection of resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin, respectively, and 80.5%, 92.3%, 98.6%, and 41.4% for the detection of @*Conclusion@#MDR-LAMP is a rapid and accessible assay for the laboratory identification of rifampicin and isoniazid resistance of

Antitubercular Agents , Bacterial Proteins/genetics , Catalase/genetics , DNA, Bacterial/analysis , DNA-Directed RNA Polymerases/genetics , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial/genetics , Isoniazid , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques/methods , Mutation , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/isolation & purification , Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques/methods , Oxidoreductases/genetics , Phenotype , Rifampin , Whole Genome Sequencing
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(6): 2020-2028, 01-11-2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1148292


Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae is a bacterial pathogen of kiwifruit. Based on the results of the pathogenicity assay, we sequenced the strain Pseudomonas syringae (Psa3) P155 which possesses a series of virulence and resistance genes, CRISPR candidate elements, prophage related sequences, methylation modifications, genomic islands as well as one plasmid. Most importantly, the copper resistance genes copA, copB, copC, copD, and copZ as well as aminoglycoside resistance gene ksgA were identified in strain P155, which would pose a threat to kiwifruit production. The complete sequence we reported here will provide valuable information for a better understanding of the genetic structure and pathogenic characteristics of the genome of P155.

Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae agente causal do cancro bacteriano do kiwi. Com base nos resultados do teste de patogenicidade, foi sequenciado um isolado de Pseudomonas syringae (Psa3) P155, que abriga a uma série de genes de virulência e resistência, elementos candidatos CRISPR, sequências relacionadas a profagos, modificações na metilação, ilhas genômicas, e também um plasmídeo. O mais importante foram os genes de resistência ao cobre, copA, copB, copC, copD e copZ, bem como, o gene de resistência aminoglicosídea ksgA identificados na estirpe P155, os quais representariam uma ameaça à produção de kiwi. A sequência completa relatada fornecerá informações valiosas para uma melhor compreensão da estrutura genética e as características patogênicas do genoma de P155.

Virulence , Actinidia , Pseudomonas syringae , Whole Genome Sequencing
Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 36(3): e1243, jul.-set. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1156443


Las neoplasias hematológicas se caracterizan por un gran número y complejidad de alteraciones genéticas, desde la formación de genes de fusión a partir de translocaciones e inversiones cromosómicas hasta mutaciones génicas y alteraciones epigenéticas que han permitido la identificación de nuevos oncogenes y genes supresores de tumores responsables de su etiología. Al abordar el estudio genético de las leucemias se utilizan múltiples técnicas como la citogenética convencional, citogenética molecular (hibridaciónin situ por fluorescencia (FISH), esta última con una mayor sensibilidad, especificidad y rapidez que permiten el diagnóstico, la estratificación pronóstica y seguimiento de la enfermedad. Las técnicas anteriores se integran con técnicas de biología molecular, secuenciación génica, entre otras, que permiten el hallazgo de nuevos marcadores genéticos con una mejor caracterización de las hemopatías malignas y la posibilidad del desarrollo de nuevos fármacos específicos que actúen sobre la diana molecular. El objetivo fue revisar la utilidad de la citogenética y la secuenciación génica en el estudio de la leucemia mieloide aguda y la leucemia linfocítica crónica. Ante las ventajas, desventajas y limitaciones de estas técnicas genéticas es necesario utilizarlas de forma complementaria y nunca excluyente(AU)

Hematological neoplasms are characterized by a large number and great complexity of genetic disorders, from the formation of fusion genes after chromosomal translocations and inversions to gene mutation and epigenetic disorders that have permitted the identification of new oncogenes and tumor-suppressing genes responsible for their etiology. When addressing the genetic study of leukemias, multiple techniques are used, such as conventional cytogenetics, molecular cytogenetics, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the latter having the higher degree of sensitivity, specificity and speed, which allow diagnosis, prognostic stratification and follow-up of the disease. The previous techniques are integrated with molecular biology techniques, gene sequencing, among others, which allow discovery of new genetic markers with better characterization of malignant hemopathies and the possibility of developing new specific drugs against the molecular target. The objective was to review the usefulness of cytogenetics and gene sequencing in the study of acute myeloid leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Given the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of these genetic techniques, it is necessary to use them in as complementary but never exclusive management ways(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Oncogenes , Genetic Markers , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence/methods , Hematologic Neoplasms/genetics , Cytogenetics , Epigenomics , Genetic Diseases, Inborn , Molecular Biology , Whole Genome Sequencing/methods
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 37(2): 270-275, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127129


RESUMEN Con el objetivo de determinar la diversidad de variantes patogénicas de Vibrio parahaemolyticus en el Perú durante el periodo 1995-2017, se analizaron 102 genomas peruanos (97 clínicos y 5 ambientales) empleando el esquema de tipificación multilocus y BLASTn para la búsqueda de genes de virulencia. Se identificaron 15 tipos de secuencia diferentes, encontrándose que el genotipo ST3, perteneciente al clon pandémico, fue el más abundante, con 52% (n=53); seguido por el ST120, con 23,5% (n=24); y el complejo clonal CC345, con 11,8% (n=12). Un total de 89 cepas analizadas presentaron genes que codifican la isla de patogenicidad VpaI-7 (87,3%), mientras que 96 presentaron el gen tdh (94,1%), y 6, el trh (5,9%). Durante el periodo evaluado, se resalta la predominancia del ST3, causante de un importante brote en el pasado del Perú, además de otros genotipos patógenos que representan un riesgo latente en salud pública asociado al consumo de alimentos marinos.

ABSTRACT During the period from 1995 to 2017, in order to determine the diversity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus pathogenic variants in Peru, 102 Peruvian genomes (97 from a hospital setting and 5 from an out-of-hospital setting) were analyzed using the multilocus typification scheme and BLASTn in the search for virulence genes. Fifteen different sequence types were identified. It was found that the ST3 genotype, which is found in the pandemic clone, was the most abundant, with 52% (n=53); followed by ST120, with 23.5% (n=24); and the CC345 clonal complex, with 11.8% (n=12). A total of 89 analyzed strains presented genes encoding the pathogenicity island VpaI-7 (87.3%), while 96 presented the tdh gene (94.1%), and 6 the trh gene (5.9%). The ST3 genotype was the predominant one during the evaluated period, this genotype was the cause of a major outbreak in Peru's past history. Other pathogenic genotypes found represent a latent public health risk associated with seafood consumption.

Humans , Peru , Vibrio Infections , Vibrio parahaemolyticus , Disease Outbreaks , Molecular Typing , Whole Genome Sequencing , Peru/epidemiology , Vibrio Infections/microbiology , Vibrio Infections/epidemiology , Vibrio parahaemolyticus/genetics , Vibrio parahaemolyticus/pathogenicity , Virulence/genetics , Public Health , Epidemiological Monitoring , Genotype
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;42: e52272, fev. 2020. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460946


Soybean loss due to pests and pathogens is a serious problem worldwide. Soybean producers have few options to manage diseases caused by general pathogens where major genes for full resistance have not been discovered. The innate defense of soybean plants could be enhanced by improving content and composition of lignin by genetic engineering of the phenylpropanoid pathway.We used a novel technique of germ-line genetic transformation of soybean plants via natural pollen tubes as vectors. This technique uses Agrobacterium tumefaciensto mediate transfer of genes of interest to the zygote to introduce the key lignification genes (PtMYB4, PAL5, F5H, CAD1) into soybean genome. We observed 5.6% average transformation efficiency in the first generation of transgenic plants and in the second generation the presence of the transgene constructs was confirmed in more than 50% (for CsVMV/PtMYB4sens, 35SVTM/PAL5, C4H/F5H, CsVMV/CAD1constructs) transgenic soybean lines. We confirmed the expression of the introduced genes at transcriptional level using RT-PCR and Northern blot. Functional analysis using lignin content determination and the activity of PAL5 and CAD1 enzymes demonstrated that the transgenes perform their function in planta. The proposed technique is effectiveand inexpensive and can be used to create novel stress and disease resistant soybean genotypes.

Genetic Engineering , Genome , Metabolism , Whole Genome Sequencing
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 115: e200520, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154871


BACKGROUND The evaluation of procedures for drug susceptibility prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis based on genomic data against the conventional reference method test based on culture is realistic considering the scenario of growing number of tools proposals based on whole-genome sequences (WGS). OBJECTIVES This study aimed to evaluate drug susceptibility testing (DST) outcome based on WGS tools and the phenotypic methods performed on isolates of M. tuberculosis Lineage 1 from the state of Pará, Brazil, generally associated with low levels of drug resistance. METHODOLOGY Culture based DST was performed using the Proportion Method in Löwenstein-Jensen medium on 71 isolates that had been submitted to WGS. We analysed the seven main genome sequence-based tools for resistance and lineage prediction applied to M. tuberculosis and for comparison evaluation we have used the Kappa concordance test. FINDINGS When comparing the WGS-based tools against the DST, we observed the highest level of agreement using TB-profiler. Among the tools, TB-profiler, KvarQ and Mykrobe were those which identified the largest number of TB-MDR cases. Comparing the four most sensitive tools regarding resistance prediction, agreement was observed for 43 genomes. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Drug resistance profiling using next-generation sequencing offers rapid assessment of resistance-associated mutations, therefore facilitating rapid access to effective treatment.

Humans , Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant/genetics , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial/genetics , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/drug effects , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genetics , Antitubercular Agents/pharmacology , Brazil , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant/drug therapy , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial/drug effects , Whole Genome Sequencing , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/isolation & purification , Antitubercular Agents/therapeutic use
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880486


Scutellaria baicalensis (S. baicalensis) and Scutellaria barbata (S. barbata) are common medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family. Both produce specific flavonoid compounds, including baicalein, scutellarein, norwogonin, and wogonin, as well as their glycosides, which exhibit antioxidant and antitumor activities. Here, we report chromosome-level genome assemblies of S. baicalensis and S. barbata with quantitative chromosomal variation (2n = 18 and 2n = 26, respectively). The divergence of S. baicalensis and S. barbata occurred far earlier than previously reported, and a whole-genome duplication (WGD) event was identified. The insertion of long terminal repeat elements after speciation might be responsible for the observed chromosomal expansion and rearrangement. Comparative genome analysis of the congeneric species revealed the species-specific evolution of chrysin and apigenin biosynthetic genes, such as the S. baicalensis-specific tandem duplication of genes encoding phenylalanine ammonia lyase and chalcone synthase, and the S. barbata-specific duplication of genes encoding 4-CoA ligase. In addition, the paralogous duplication, colinearity, and expression diversity of CYP82D subfamily members revealed the functional divergence of genes encoding flavone hydroxylase between S. baicalensis and S. barbata. Analyzing these Scutellaria genomes reveals the common and species-specific evolution of flavone biosynthetic genes. Thus, these findings would facilitate the development of molecular breeding and studies of biosynthesis and regulation of bioactive compounds.

Evolution, Molecular , Flavonoids/biosynthesis , Genome, Plant , Plant Extracts/genetics , Scutellaria/metabolism , Whole Genome Sequencing
Biol. Res ; 53: 21, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124206


BACKGROUND: Liriodendron chinense ranges widely in subtropical China and northern Vietnam; however, it inhabits several small, isolated populations and is now an endangered species due to its limited seed production. The objective of this study was to develop a set of nuclear SSR (simple sequence repeats) and multiple chloroplast genome markers for genetic studies in L. chinense and their characterization in diverse germplasm. RESULTS: We performed low-coverage whole genome sequencing of the L. chinense from four genotypes, assembled the chloroplast genome and identified nuclear SSR loci by searching in contigs for SSR motifs. Comparative analysis of the four chloroplast genomes of L. chinense revealed 45 SNPs, 17 indels, 49 polymorphic SSR loci, and five small inversions. Most chloroplast intraspecific polymorphisms were located in the interspaces of single-copy regions. In total, 6147 SSR markers were isolated from low-coverage whole genome sequences. The most common SSR motifs were dinucleotide (70.09%), followed by trinucleotide motifs (23.10%). The motif AG/TC (33.51%) was the most abundant, followed by TC/AG (25.53%). A set of 13 SSR primer combinations were tested for amplification and their ability to detect polymorphisms in a set of 109 L. chinense individuals, representing distinct varieties or germplasm. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 8 to 28 with an average of 21 alleles. The expected heterozygosity (He) varied from 0.19 to 0.93 and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.11 to 0.79. CONCLUSIONS: The genetic resources characterized and tested in this study provide a valuable tool to detect polymorphisms in L. chinense for future genetic studies and breeding programs.

Polymorphism, Genetic/genetics , Genome, Plant/genetics , Liriodendron/genetics , Genome, Chloroplast/genetics , DNA Primers/genetics , DNA, Plant/genetics , Microsatellite Repeats , Alleles , Whole Genome Sequencing , Genotype