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Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 29(5): 582-590, Sept.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057828


Abstract The species Waltheria viscosissima A.St.-Hil, Malvaceae, which is known as 'malva-branca', is traditionally used in the Brazilian northeast for the treatment of coughs. This research looks towards reporting the isolation of phytoconstituents of W. viscosissima, as well as the quantification of its phenolics, total flavonoid content, and free radical scavenging potential, along with an evaluation of its larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti larvae. Chromatographic techniques were used to isolate the compounds and a structural elucidation was performed by 1D and 2D NMR. The quantification of total phenolics and flavonoids and the DPPH˙ radical scavenging activity was determined through spectrophotometric methods. Consequently, the phytochemical investigation led to the identification of fourteen compounds from the aerial parts of the W. viscosissima: steroids, triterpenes, alkaloids, and eight flavonoids previously reported in the literature. The quantification of compounds showed that the aerial parts extract possessed high concentration of flavonoids, while the roots extract were rich in other phenolic compounds. At the DPPH˙ free radical scavenging assay, the roots extract presented EC50 = 77.32 ± 4.37 µg/ml and the aerial parts extracts showed EC50 = 118.10 ± 1.21 µg/ml. W. viscosissima roots extract showed the most potent larvicidal activity against Ae. aegypti (LC50 = 4.78 mg/ml), with the potential of being used in effective and economically viable preparations that can be catered for domestic use towards controlling the vector insect of severe diseases, such as dengue and Zika.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 28(4): 383-392, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-958893


Abstract Bauhinia L. and Schnella (Raddi.) Wund. are popularly known in Brazil as "mororó". The leaves and stem bark are used in folk medicine for various purposes, especially against diabetes. Morphoanatomical studies of the leaves of Bauhinia cheilantha (Bong.) Steud., B. pentandra (Bong.) Steud., B. ungulata L. and Schnella outimouta (Aublet) Wund., tribe Cercidae, subtribe Bauhiniinae (Benth.) Walp., were carried out as subsidies to the quality control of their etnodrugs and their derivatives, as well as an additional support to their taxonomy. The morphological and anatomical studies employed traditional techniques of stereo- and light microscopy. All species showed bifoliate leaves, a dorsiventral mesophyll, epidermis with a papillose abaxial surface, anomocytic stomata at the level of the epidermis, and tector trichomes. Schnella outimouta showed leaf characters distinctive from the three species of Bauhinia: indument puberulous on the abaxial surface, leaves hypostomatic, midrib with two collateral bundles, and a cylindrical petiole. The species of Bauhinia have a sericeous-pubescent indument, amphistomatic leaves with boat-shaped glands, midrib with a single bundle, and a canaliculate petiole with lateral projections. Our results provide leaf morphological and anatomical parameters, useful to distinguish the four species studied, which support the quality control of its ethnodrugs.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 26(2): 135-146, Jan.-Apr. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-779004


ABSTRACT Cissampelos pareira L., belonging to Menispermaceae family, has worldwide distribution, occurring in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, Africa and Asia. It is the most popular species of Cissampelos, known for its medicinal uses of leaves and roots. The study aims to find distinctive leaf anatomical characters, and also demonstrate the importance of spectral data to identify C. pareira samples, in order to contribute to its taxonomy and quality control of its drugs. Anatomical leaf analyses were performed by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The spectral profile was obtained from methanolic extracts of C. pareira samples from Brazil and Africa, with application of UV–vis spectrophotometry data, which were analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA). Some anatomical characters such as leaf epidermal cells walls, stomata, trichomes, mesophyll, features of midrib and petiole, and the spectral profile within the wavelength ranging between 770 and 240 nm (eight bands) differs between Brazilian and African samples. The results represent an additional support to the taxonomy of C. pareira, and the quality control of their leaf drugs, mainly in relation to misidentified samples.

Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 51(4): 861-867, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-778407


abstract Sidastrum micranthum (A. St.-Hil.) Fryxell, a member of the Malvaceae family, is called malva preta in Brazil. As this species is commonly used to treat bronchitis, cough, and asthma, better knowledge of its chemical compounds is important. The phytochemical study of its hexane extract, using chromatographic techniques, led to isolation of six compounds: the triterpene isoarborinol, a mixture of sitosterol and stigmasterol, sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, pheophytin a, and 132-hydroxy-(132-S)-pheophytin a. Structural identification of these compounds was carried out using spectroscopic methods such as IR and 1D and 2D NMR (HOMOCOSY, HMQC, HMBC, and NOESY). Compounds isolated from S. micranthum were screened for their in vitro antifungal and antibacterial activity against twenty fungal and bacterial standard strains. Pheophytin a exhibited antimicrobial action against all microorganisms tested.

resumo Sidastrum micranthum (A. St.-Hil.) Fryxell, pertencente à família Malvaceae, é conhecida no Brasil como "malva preta". A espécie é popularmente usada contra bronquite, tosse e asma, mostrando a relevância de conhecer melhor sua composição química. O estudo fitoquímico do extrato hexânico da espécie, utilizando técnicas cromatográficas, conduziu ao isolamento de seis compostos: o triterpeno isoarborinol, mistura de sitosterol e estigmasterol, sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glicopiranosídeo, feofitina a e de 132-hidroxi-(132-S)-feofitina a. A identificação estrutural destes compostos foi realizada com base em métodos espectroscópicos, tais como IV, RMN 1D e 2D (HOMOCOSY, HMQC, HMBC e NOESY). As substâncias isoladas de Sidastrum micranthum foram avaliadas quanto às suas atividades antimicrobianas in vitro, contra vinte cepas fúngicas e bacterianas. A feofitina a mostrou ação antimicrobiana contra todos os microrganismos testados.

Feofitinas/análisis , Malvaceae/clasificación , Compuestos Químicos/análisis , Fitoquímicos/análisis , Antiinfecciosos/farmacocinética
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 25(4): 363-368, July-Aug. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-763199


AbstractSidastrum paniculatum (L.) Fryxell, Malvaceae, is popularly known in Brazil as “malva-roxa” or “malvavisco”. The species is found mainly in Northeast region where it is used by locals to treat spider bites and bee stings. Aiming to identify the chemical compounds from S. paniculatum secondary metabolism and to contribute to the chemotaxonomic knowledge of Malvaceae family, a phytochemical study of S. paniculatum was carried out. Besides that, the isolated compounds were evaluated for antileishmanial activity against promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis. By using chromatographic techniques the study resulted the isolation of eight compounds: 3-oxo-21β-H-hop-22(29)-ene; sebiferic acid; sitosterol 3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside/stigmasterol 3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside; phaeophytin a; 132(S)-hydroxyphaeophytin a; 132(S)-hydroxy-(173)-ethoxyphaeophorbide a and 7,4′-di-O-methylisoescutellarein. The structure of all isolated compounds was elucidated by spectroscopic analysis, including two-dimensional NMR techniques. In addition, the isolated compounds phaeophytin a; 132(S)-hydroxyphaeophytin a; 132(S)-hydroxy-(173)-ethoxyphaeophorbide a and 7,4′-di-O-methylisoescutellarein exhibited antileishmanial activity against promastigotes of L. braziliensis.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 22(1): 131-136, Jan.-Feb. 2012. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-607594


Several species of Solanum are used in folk medicine to treat diarrhea. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate and compare possible antidiarrheal activity of methanol extracts from roots (Sast-MeOH R) and leaves (Sast-MeOH L) of Solanum asterophorum Mart., Solanaceae, in mice. Sast-MeOH R was shown to significantly and dose-relatedly inhibit the frequency of both solid (ED50 309.6±28.5 mg/kg) and liquid (ED50 152.1±32.5 mg/kg) stools. Conversely, Sast-MeOH L significantly inhibited solid stool frequency only when dosed at 500 and 750 mg/kg (48.7±7.4 and 42.3±9.8 percent, respectively), but also significantly and dose-relatedly inhibited liquid stools (ED50 268.4±35.2 mg/kg). Thus, Sast-MeOH R was twice as potent as Sast-MeOH L in diarrhea inhibition. Neither extracts (when dosed up to 500 mg/kg) inhibited intestinal transit. However, both extracts significantly and dose-relatedly inhibited intestinal fluids, and Sast-MeOH R (ED50 38.3±10.4 mg/kg) was again twice as potent as Sast-MeOH L (ED50 78.6±6.4 mg/kg). Results suggest that antidiarrheal effects of Sast-MeOH R and Sast-MeOH L involve changes on intestinal secretion. In addition, active metabolites with antidiarrheal activity may be more concentrated in the roots of this species. However further studies are needed to elucidate the action mechanism involved in this activity.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 21(4): 568-574, jul.-ago. 2011. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-596223


In this work, a morpho-anatomical study of the leaves, stems and roots of Solanum torvum Sw. was performed with the objective of providing a macroscopical and microscopical morphodiagnosis for its characterization. The species is popularly called "jurubeba-branca" in the Northeastern Brazil and is used in folk medicine to treat liver diseases, tuberculosis, and as antianemic. Anatomical studies were done by paradermic sections of the leaf blade (adaxial and abaxial surfaces), and cross sections of leaves (blade and petiole), stems and roots. The sections were clarified and stained with safranin and/ or astrablue, observed and photographed on light microscope. Histochemical tests were carried out in cross sections of leaves, stems and roots and assayed for specific reagents. The leaves are chartaceous, ovate to elliptic, with lobed margins, oblique at the base. The leaf is amphistomatic with anisocytic and anomocytic stomata simultaneously, and the epidermal cells, in face view, have anticlinal walls sinuate on the upper surface and wavy on the lower surface. The mesophyll is dorsiventral; the midrib has a central bicollateral vascular bundle; and the petiole has three or fourone. The stem shows external phloem, xylem, internal phloem and a parenchymatic pith. The root is axial and striate longitudinally and the secondary xylem is a massive cylinder. The macroscopical and microscopical vegetative characters constitute a set of diagnostic parameters to the studied species.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 20(5): 682-685, Oct.-Nov. 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-567410


The phytochemical analysis of aerial parts of Cordia globosa, collected in the Municipality of Picuí, State of Paraíba, Brazil, resulted in the isolation and structural identification of narigenin-4',7-dimethyl ether (0.025 g) and eriodictyol (0.015 g). These compounds are the first flavanones aglycones isolated from the genus Cordia.

A análise fitoquímica das partes aéreas de Cordia globosa, coletadas no município de Picuí, PB, Brasil, resultou no isolamento e identificação estrutural da 7,4'-dimetilnarigenina (0,025 g) e eriodictiol (0,015 g). Estas duas flavanonas são as primeiras agliconas, desta classe, isoladas no gênero Cordia.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 20(5): 666-674, Oct.-Nov. 2010. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-567417


Neste trabalho realizou-se um estudo farmacobotânico de Solanum crinitum Lam., Solanum gomphodes Dunal e Solanum lycocarpum A. St-Hil, espécies pertencentes à Solanum sect. Crinitum Child, com o objetivo de efetuar morfodiagnoses macroscópicas e microscópicas que possibilitem suas caracterizações. As três espécies são conhecidas popularmente como "jurubeba", fruta-de-lobo" e "lobeira" e usadas na medicina popular contra o diabetes e também para outros fins. Essas espécies compartilham vários caracteres morfológicos, dentre os quais se destacam o hábito arbustivo a arbóreo, o indumento velutino às vezes cerdoso, a corola é pentagonal-estrelada, roxa a púrpura, e o fruto globoso acima de 5 cm de diâmetro. Entretanto, apesar da grande semelhança morfológica entre as espécies estudadas, destacaram-se como parâmetros distintivos: a morfologia do pecíolo, a base do limbo, o indumento da face adaxial, a anatomia do mesofilo, os tipos de estômatos e a morfologia do bordo foliar.

In this work, a pharmacobotanical study of Solanum crinitum Lam., S. gomphodes Dunal and S. lycocarpum A. St-Hil., all belonging to the Solanum sect. Crinitum Child. has been realized with the objective of providing a macroscopical and microscopical morphodiagnosis for their characterizations. The three species are commonly named "jurubeba", "fruta-de-lobo" and "lobeira", and they are used in the folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes and others diseases. The three species studied share various morphological characters, like shrub and tree forms, the velutinous abaxial indument, the presence of bristles, the flower with stellate-pentagonal corollas ranging from violet to purple, and the fruit reaching up to 5 cm in diameter. The principal parameters to distinct the three species studied were the morphology of petiole and base of the blade leaf, the indument of adaxial surface, the anatomy of mesophyll, the types of stomata and the leaf margin.

An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 81(2): 173-178, June 2009. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-514651


Stingless bees in Brazil are indigenous and found all over the country. Bee pollen is used for its nutritional value in the human diet. It is made up of natural flower pollen mixed with nectar and bee secretions. In order to evaluate the chemical composition, free radical scavenging activity, and botanical origin, sample of pollen loads from stingless bee, Melipona rufiventris (Uruçu amarela) was studied. The EtOAc extract of pollen of Melipona rufiventris yielded the following compounds: p-hydroxycinnamic acid, dihydroquercetin, isorhamnetin, isorhamnetin3-O-(6"-O-E-p-coumaroyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside, luteolin, and quercetin. This is the first report of the isolation of isorhamnetin3-O-(6"O-E-p-coumaroyl)β-D-glucopyranoside from pollen. The free radicalscavenging activities of different solvent extracts of pollen were determined using DPPH assay. This activity decreases in the order: EtOAc>EtOH>Hexane extract. It appears that the EtOAc extract of the pollen is a good scavenger of active oxygen species. The botanical evaluation of pollen loads showed the composition by two pollen types, with the dominant type (97.3 percent) being Scopariadulcis (L.) (Scrophulariaceae) and the minor one Senna obtusifolia (L.) Irwin & Barneby (Fabaceae). This suggests a specific foraging behavior in Melipona rufiventris bees, even in an environment with such a rich botanical diversity as the Northeastern Brazil.

As abelhas sem ferrão são espécies indígenas encontradas em todo o Brasil. Seu pólen é utilizado devido ao seu valor nutricional na dieta humana. É produzido a partir de pólen floral misturado com néctar e líquidos secretados pelas abelhas. Visando avaliar a composição química, a atividade sequestradora de radicais livres e a origem botânica foi estudado o pólencoletado pela abelha sem ferrão Melipona rufiventris (Uruçu-amarela). Do extrato acetato de etila foram isolados os compostos: ácido phidroxicinâmico, dihidroquercetina, isoramnetina, 3O(6"OEpcoumaroil)βDglicopiranosideoisoramnetina, luteolina e quercetina. Esta é a primeira vez que a 3O(6"OEpcoumaroil)βDglicopiranosideoisoramnetina é isolada de pólen apícola. A atividade sequestradora de radicais livres de vários extratos com solventes diferentes foi determinada pelo teste com DPPH (difenilpicrilhidrazida). A atividade mostrou a ordem decrescente para os extratos AcOEt>EtOH>Hexano. O extrato AcOEt apresenta melhor atividade sequestradora de radicais. A avaliação botânica palinológicamostrou que o pólen era composto de dois tipos, um majoritário(97.3 por cento) proveniente de Scoparia dulcis (L.) (Scrophulariaceae) e outro minoritário proveniente de Senna obtusifolia (L.) Irwin& Barneby (Fabaceae). Estes resultados sugerem o comportamento de forragem bastante específico exibido pela abelha Melipona rufiventris, mesmo em um ambiente tão rico em diversidade vegetal como o Nordeste do Brasil.

Animales , Abejas/fisiología , Polen/química , Scoparia , Senna , Depuradores de Radicales Libres/análisis
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 19(1b): 249-254, Jan.-Mar. 2009. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-523104


O extrato metanólico bruto (EMeOH) das partes aéreas da Herissantia crispa (L.) Brizicky, planta rica em flavonóides e que não possui estudos farmacológicos, foi testada para avaliar sua atividade sob os parâmetros comportamentais e determinar a dose letal 50 (DL50) em camundongos; atividade antimicrobiana e antiulcerogênica. O EMeOH (5000 mg/kg, v.o. ou 2000 mg/kg i.p.) não alterou os parâmetros comportamentais e não causou mortes nos animais. A amostra vegetal em estudo inibiu o crescimento bacteriano. O EMeOH (750 mg/kg) apresentou atividade anti-diarréica. O EMeOH (250, 500 e 750 mg/kg) foi capaz de inibir as lesões gástricas induzidas pelo 0,3 M HCl/etanol 60 por cento em camundongos. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que a planta em estudo apresenta atividade antiulcerogênica, entretanto, se faz necessário avaliar tal atividade através de modelos mais específicos e estudar o mecanismo de ação pelo qual a amostra vegetal protege a mucosa gástrica.

The crude methanol extract (EMeOH) of the aerial parts of Herissantia crispa (L.) Brizicky, plant riches in flavonoids and without pharmacological studies, was tested to value its activity under the behaviour parameters and to determine the lethal dose (LD50) in mice; antimicrobial and antiulcerogenic activities. The EMeOH (5,000 mg/kg, v.o. or 2,000 mg/kg i.p.) did not alter the behaviour parameters and there were not mice deaths. The extract inhibited the bacterial growth. The EMeOH (750 mg/kg) showed anti-diarroeal activity. The EMeOH (250, 500 and 750 mg/kg) decreased the gastric lesions induced by 0.3 M HCl/ethanol 60 percent in mice. In conclusion, the EMeOH presents anti-ulcerogenic activity;, however it is necessary to value the antiulcerogenic activity in more specific models and to study the action mechanism by which the vegetable sample protects the gastric mucosa.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 18(supl): 718-723, Dec. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-509451


Mimosa paraibana Barneby foi submetida a um estudo fitoquímico para o isolamento de seus constituintes químicos, através de métodos cromatográficos usuais, e posterior identificação estrutural, utilizando-se métodos espectroscópicos de RMN ¹H e 13C uni e bidimensionais, além de comparações com modelos da literatura. Deste estudo pioneiro, foram isolados e identificados cinco constituintes da fase clorofórmica: uma mistura dos esteróides, β-sitosterol e estigmasterol, a 15¹-hidroxi-feofitina A, a 5,7-dihidroxiflavanona, o 3,4,5-trihidroxibenzoato de etila e o ácido p-cumárico. A atividade antioxidante das fases hexânica, clorofórmica e acetato de etila foi avaliada utilizando o radical estável DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-picril-hidrazil) e os resultados comparados com o padrão ácido ascórbico. A avaliação da citotoxicidade das fases foi realizada empregando-se o ensaio de letalidade contra Artemia salina. Dos extratos avaliados, somente o hexânico mostrou baixa toxicidade.

The phytochemical study of Mimosa paraibana Barneby led to the isolation of its chemical constituents, through the usual chromatographic methods, and further structural identification, using ¹H and 13C NMR spectroscopic methods based on one and two-dimensional techniques, in addition to comparison with literature data. From this pioneering investigation with M. paraibana, five constituents were isolated and identified from the chloroform extract: a mixture of β-sitosterol and stigmasterol, 15¹-hydroxy-phaeophytin A, 5,7-dihydroxyflavanone, ethyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate and p-coumaric acid. The antioxidant activity of the hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of M. paraibana were measured using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay and the results compared with standard ascorbic acid. The toxicity activity of the extracts were performed using the bioassay of Artemia salina.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 18(3): 441-446, jul.-set. 2008. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-496120


Maytenus obtusifolia é utilizada na medicina popular para o tratamento de úlceras graves, inflamações gerais e câncer. Apesar da importância etnofarmacológica desta espécie, nenhum estudo foi realizado para avaliar a sua toxicidade e atividade antiulcerogênica. Neste estudo, nós avaliamos a toxicidade e propriedade antiulcera do extrato etanólico das folhas de Maytenus obtusifolia (MO-EtOH). O MO-EtOH (10-1000 µg/mL) mostrou baixa toxicidade para as larvas de A. salina com CL50 maior que 1000 µg/mL. O MO-EtOH (2000 mg/kg, p.o.) nγo alterou o peso corporal e peso dos órgãos dos camundongos, mas foi observado um aumento no consumo de água dos machos e uma diminuição do consumo alimentar das fêmeas. Durante o estudo não foram observadas mortes e nem alterações macroscópicas nos órgãos dos camundongos. MO-EtOH (62,5, 125, 250 e 500 mg/kg) e lansoprazol (30 mg/kg) reduziram significativamente o índice ulcerativo para 65,58 ± 8,74, 43,00 ± 9,53, 15,50 ± 7,56, 54,75 ± 8,88 e 36,13 ± 9,55, respectivamente, em comparação com salina 82,13 ± 12,48. Em conclusão, o MO-EtOH apresentou baixa toxicidade e atividade antiulcerogênica, o que confirma o uso popular de M. obtusifolia.

Maytenus obtusifolia is used in folk medicine for the treatment of serious ulcers, general inflammations and cancer. Despite of the ethnopharmacological importance of this species, no study was conducted to evaluate its toxicity and antiulcerogenic activity. In this study, we evaluated the toxicity and antiulcerogenic property of the ethanol extract of the leaves of Maytenus obtusifolia (MO-EtOH). The MO-EtOH (10-1000 µg/mL) showed low toxicity for larvae of A. salina with LC50 higher than 1000 µg/mL. The MO-EtOH (2000 mg/kg, p.o.) did not change the body and organs weight of the mice, but it was observed an increase in the water consumption of males and a decrease in the food consumption of females. During the study no deaths and no macroscopic changes in the organs were observed in the mice. MO-EtOH (62.5, 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg) and lansoprazole (30 mg/kg) significantly reduced the ulcerative index for 65.58 ± 8.74, 43.00 ± 9.53, 15.50 ± 7.56, 54.75 ± 8.88 and 36.13 ± 9.55, respectively, in comparison with saline 82.13 ± 12.48. In conclusion, the MO-EtOH showed low toxicity and antiulcerogenic activity, confirming the popular use of M. obtusifolia.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 18(3): 472-508, jul.-set. 2008. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-496123


Este trabalho teve como objetivo um levantamento das plantas e dos seus usos como medicinais, as quais são utilizadas com fins terapêuticos na região Nordeste do Brasil. A área de estudo é reconhecida por uma rica biodiversidade, principalmente de plantas e de hábitats, abrangendo desde a Floresta Amazônica, Floresta Atlântica, sistemas de mangues e dunas costeiras, até florestas secas e savanas. Como resultados, foram registrados um total de 650 espécies pertencentes a 407 gêneros e 111 famílias, e suas informações etnomedicinais. A diversidade florística é dominada por vegetais superiores e apenas cinco espécies das famílias Aspleniaceae, Cyatheaceae, Equisetaceae, Polypodiaceae e Selaginellaceae pertencem ao grupo das Pteridófitas, que corresconde a menos que 1 por cento do total das espécies registradas. Este estudo sugere a grande importância da investigação das espécies farmacologicamente ainda não estudadas, uma vez que seus usos populares estão registrados.

This work has the objective a survey of the species of plants and their uses as medicinal, which are utilized for therapeutic purposes in Northeast region of Brazil. The area of study is recognized by a rich diversity of species of plants and habitats that ranges from Rainforest, Atlantic Forest, coastal dunes systems and mangroves, to dry forests and savannas. As results, a total of 650 species belonging to 407 genera and 111 families were recorded and also their ethnomedicinal information. The floristic diversity is dominated by higher plants and only five species belonging to the families Aspleniaceae, Cyatheaceae, Equisetaceae, Polypodiaceae and Selaginellaceae were reported belonging to the Ferns group, which correspond to less than 1 percent of the total of the registered species. This study aims at emphasizing the greatest importance of investigation of those species that have not been subject of pharmacological study, although their popular uses have already been reported.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 18(1): 47-52, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-480837


Amongst the different forms of therapy to prevent and cure illnesses, plants have been, undoubtedly, the most utilized ones since the beginning of mankind. Brazil has a great diversity on plants that possess non-researched medicinal potential and are promising sources of therapeutic and pharmacological innovations. The Rubiaceae family is considered the biggest one of the order Gentianales, presenting around 637 genera and 10,700 species. Richardia grandiflora (Cham. & Schltdl.) Steud., known popularly as "ervanço", "poaia" or "ipeca-mirim", has ethnopharmacological indications to use as decoction against hemorrhoids and as vermifuge. Aiming at contributing to the chemotaxonomic study of the family Rubiaceae and considering the absence of data in literature about the chemical constitution of the species Richardia grandiflora, the latter was submitted to a phytochemical study to isolate its chemical constituents, through usual chromatographic methods, and after identifying them by means of spectroscopic methods such as ÕH and 13C NMR, with the add of two-dimensional techniques, besides comparison with literature data. Five constituents were isolated through this first phytochemical study with R. grandiflora: a mixture of the steroids beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol, o-hydroxy-benzoic acid, m-methoxy-p-hydroxy-benzoic acid and phaeophitin A, all of them isolated for the first time from the genus Richardia.

Dentre as diversas formas de terapia para a prevenção e cura de doenças, as plantas foram, indubitavelmente, as mais amplamente utilizadas desde o início da humanidade. O Brasil tem grande diversidade de plantas com potenciais medicinais, ainda não pesquisados, e que são promissoras fontes de inovações terapêuticas e farmacológicas. A família Rubiaceae, considerada a maior da ordem Gentianales, possui cerca de 637 gêneros e 10.700 espécies. Richardia grandiflora (Cham. & Schltdl.) Steud., conhecida popularmente como ervanço, poaia ou ipeca-mirim, tem indicações etnofarmacológicas para uso contra hemorróidas e como vermífugo na forma de decocto. Visando a contribuir com o estudo quimiotaxonômico da família Rubiaceae e tendo em vista a ausência de dados na literatura acerca da constituição química de Richardia grandiflora, esta foi submetida a um estudo fitoquímico para o isolamento de seus constituintes químicos, através dos métodos cromatográficos usuais, e posterior identificação estrutural dos mesmos, utilizando-se os métodos espectroscópicos de RMN ÕH e 13C uni e bidimensionais, além de comparações com modelos da literatura. Deste estudo pioneiro com R. grandiflora foram isolados e identificados cinco constituintes: uma mistura dos esteróides beta-sitosterol e estigmasterol, o ácido o-hidroxibenzóico, o ácido m-metoxi-p-hidroxi-benzóico e a feofitina A, todos inéditos no gênero Richardia.

Estigmasterol/aislamiento & purificación , Estigmasterol/química , Feofitinas/aislamiento & purificación , Feofitinas/química , Hidroxibenzoatos , Rubiaceae/química
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 18(1): 102-107, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-480845


Cissampelos sympodialis Eichl. é uma espécie empregada na medicina popular do Nordeste do Brasil, cujos estudos farmacológicos são bastantes promissores no tratamento de doenças do trato respiratório. Neste trabalho realizou-se um estudo farmacobotânico de suas folhas, com o objetivo de elaborar morfodiagnoses macroscópicas e microscópicas que auxiliem sua caracterização. Realizaram-se secções paradérmicas (lâminas) e transversais de folhas (lâmina e pecíolo), posteriormente clarificadas e coradas com safranina e safrablue, respectivamente, e observadas ao microscópio óptico. Cissampelos sympodialis caracteriza-se pelas folhas peltadas, com as lâminas deltóides, nervação actinodroma-broquidodroma, e o pecíolo espessado nas extremidades. A epiderme é hipoestomática, com células de paredes anticlinais ondeadas na face adaxial e irregularmente sinuosa a ondeada na abaxial. O mesofilo é dorsiventral e o sistema vascular do pecíolo é formado de um anel de feixes isolados colaterais. Esparsos idioblastos de cristais prismáticos foram observados no parênquima peciolar. A morfologia foliar em conjunto com a anatomia da epiderme são caracteres distintivos para Cissampelos sympodialis.

Cissampelos sympodialis Eichl. is a plant species used in popular medicine in Northeast of Brazil, whose pharmacological studies are very promising in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract. In this work, a pharmacobotanical study of the leaves was performed with the objective to elaborate a macroscopical and microscopical morphodiagnosis to support its characterization. The microscopical morphodiagnosis was done with paradermic sections on the blades and cross sections on the blades and petioles followed by clarification and coloring with safranin and safrablue, respectively, and examined by optical microscopy. Cissampelos sympodialis has peltate leaves with deltoid blades with actinodromous -brochidodromous nervation, and the petioles are swollen at the extremities. The epidermis is hipostomatic with anticlinal walls of epidermal cells waved in the upper surface and irregularly sinuate to wavy on the lower surface. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and the vascular system of the petiole is formed by a ring of 6-7 free collateral bundles. Sparce idioblasts of prismatic crystals in parenchyma of petiole were observed. The morphology of the leaves and the anatomy of epidermis are distinguishing characters of Cissampelos sympodialis.

Cissampelos/anatomía & histología , Menispermaceae/anatomía & histología , Plantas Medicinales
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 17(3): 336-342, jul.-set. 2007. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-465471


The crude ethanol extract (EEOH) of the bark of Maytenus rigida Mart (Celastraceae) a plant used in Brazil herbal traditional medicine, was tested for anti-inflammatory, antiulcer and antidiarrhoeal activities in animal models. No acute toxicological sign was observed in animals treated with the highest dose (5000 mg/kg, p.o. or 2000 mg/kg i.p.) of EEOH. The extract doses of 250, 500 or 750 mg/kg revealed a significant inhibitory effect (P < 0,01) in carrageenin-induced rat paw oedema and exhibited ulcer-protective properties against ethanol-induced ulceration in rats. An anti-diarrhoeal activity (P < 0.01) was also observed in castor-oil-induced diarrhoeal in mice. The intestinal transit was significantly (P < 0.01) reduced, however the pretreatment did not reduce the weight of intestinal contents. These results support the popular applications of Maytenus rigida for the treatment of inflammation, ulcer and diarrhoea in Brazil herbal traditional medicine.

O extrato etanólico bruto (EEOH) da casca de Maytenus rigida Mart (Celastraceae) uma planta da medicina popular do Brasil, foi testado para a atividade antiinflamatória, antiúlcera e antidiarréica em modelos animais. Não foi observado sinal de toxicidade aguda nos animais tratados com doses elevadas do EEOH (5000 mg/kg, v.o. ou 2000 mg/kg i.p.). O extrato nas doses de 250, 500 e 750 mg/kg mostrou um significante efeito inibitório (P < 0,01) no edema de pata induzido por carragenina e exibiu propriedade protetora contra a ulceração induzida por etanol em ratos. Também uma atividade antidiarréica (P < 0,01) foi observada na diarréia induzida por óleo de rícino em camundongos. O trânsito intestinal foi reduzido significativamente (P < 0.01), porém o pré-tratamento não reduziu o peso do conteúdo intestinal em ratos. Os resultados dão suporte à utilização de Maytenus rigida na medicina popular do Brasil para o tratamento da inflamação, da úlcera e da diarréia.

Animales , Ratones , Ratas , Antiinflamatorios , Celastraceae , Maytenus , Plantas Medicinales
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 17(3): 396-413, jul.-set. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-465481


Neste trabalho realizou-se um estudo farmacobotânico comparativo entre as folhas de Turnera chamaedrifolia Cambess. e Turnera subulata Sm. (Turneraceae), espécies cujas folhas são usadas na medicina popular. As identificações botânicas e as morfodiagnoses macroscópicas foram realizadas após estudos morfológicos. Para as morfodiagnoses microscópicas realizaram-se secções paradérmicas e transversais de folhas (lâmina e pecíolo), que foram posteriormente clarificadas em hipoclorito (1 por cento) e coradas com safranina hidroalcoólica e safrablue. As duas espécies compartilham o mesmo tipo de estômato, paracítico, entretanto, T. chamaedrifolia possui folhas com a epiderme hipoestomática, com células de paredes ondeadas; o mesofilo dorsiventral; e a vascularização do pecíolo com três feixes nas porções distal e mediana, e apenas um feixe na proximal. Em T. subulata a epiderme é anfi-hipoestomática, com paredes sinuosas; mesofilo isobilateral; e a vascularização do pecíolo possui um feixe na porção distal e três feixes nas porções mediana e proximal. A morfologia das estruturas vegetativas e reprodutivas associada à anatomia foliar são caracteres distintivos para estas espécies.

This work is a comparative pharmacobotanical study between the leaves of Turnera chamaedrifolia Cambess. and Turnera subulata Sm. (Turneraceae), which are used in folk medicine. The botanical identifications and macroscopical morphodiagnosis were done after morphological studies. The microscopical morphodiagnosis was carried out by paradermic and transversal cuts of the leaves (blade and petiole), clarified and coloured with safranin and astrablue. The leaves of T. chamaedrifolia have hypostomatics epidermis, with wavy cells walls; the mesophyll is dorsiventral; and the vascular system of the peciole has three vascular bundles in the distal and medium portions, and only one, in the proximal portion. T. subulata has amphihypostomatic epidermis, with sinuous cells walls; the mesophyll is isobilateral; and the vascular system of the petiole has only one vascular bundle in the distal portion and three in the medium and proximal portions. The vegetative and reproductive morphologies associated to the leaf anatomy constitute a set of distinctive characters for these species.

Botánica , Turnera/anatomía & histología
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 17(1): 114-140, jan.-mar. 2007.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-476066


The objetive of this work is a survey of the species of plants and their alleged therapeutic uses which are utilizedin Northeast region of Brazil. The area of this study is well known for itsrich diversityof species of plants and habitats, which range from rainforest, atlantic forest, coastal dunes systems and mangroves, to dry forest and savannas. A total of 483 species belonging to 79 families along with their ethnomedicinal information have been recorded. This study aims at emphasizing the greatest importance of investigating those species of plants which have not been the subject of any pharmacological study, although their popular uses have been reported.

"Sinopse das plantas conhecidas como medicinais e venenosas no Nordeste do Brasil". Este trabalho teve como objetivo um levantamento das plantas e dos seus usos como medicinais, às quais são utilizadas com fins terapêuticos na região nordeste do Brasil. A área de estudo é reconhecida por uma rica biodiversidade, principalmente de plantas e de habitates, abrangendo desde a Floresta Amazônica, Floresta Atlântica, sistemas de mangues e dunas costeiras, até florestas secas e savanas. Como resultados, foram registrados um total de 483 espécies pertencentes a 79 famílias e sua informações etnomedicinais. Este estudo sugere para a grande importância para a investigação das espécies farmacologicamente ainda não estudadas, uma vez que seus usos populares estão registrados.

Etnobotánica , Medicina Tradicional , Plantas Medicinales , Plantas Tóxicas
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 16(2): 170-177, abr.-jun. 2006. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-570975


Este trabalho teve como objetivo um estudo farmacobotânico das folhas de Tocoyena formosa (Cham. & Schltdl.) K. Schum., espécie usada na medicina popular do Nordeste do Brasil no tratamento das dores reumáticas. Realizaram-se estudos morfológicos para a identificação da espécie e para a morfodiagnose macroscópica. Cortes paradérmicos e transversais do pecíolo e da lâmina foliar, à mão livre, foram corados com safranina ou com uma mistura de safranina e azul de astra para a morfodiagnose microscópica. A lâmina foliar é subcoriácea, oblongo-lanceolada a elíptica, densamente tomentosa na face abaxial. T. formosa possui folhas hipoestomáticas, com estômatos do tipo paracítico; epiderme unisseriada com células de paredes poligonais; mesofilo dorsiventral com idioblastos cristalíferos, esparsos, isolados ou aos pares, no estrato superior do parênquima paliçádico; tricomas simples são evidentes na epiderme, em ambas faces. A vascularização é formada por dois feixes assessórios na posição adaxial e um feixe central em arco com as terminações invaginadas, na porção proximal do pecíolo, ou em forma de "V-fechado" na porção distal e na nervura principal. A morfologia das estruturas vegetativas e reprodutivas associada à anatomia do mesofilo e do sistema vascular, em conjunto, são caracteres distintivos para esta espécie.

This work constitutes a pharmacobotanical study of Tocoyena formosa (Cham. & Schltdl.) K. Schum., a species used in folk medicine for rheumatic pains in Northeastern Brazil. The botanical identification and macroscopical morphodiagnosis were carried out by morphological studies. The microscopical morphodiagnosis were realized byparadermic and transversal cuts of the leaves (blades and petiole) and stained with safranin or mixture of safranin and astrablue. The blade leaf is subcoriaceous and oblong-lanceolate to elliptic, densely tomentose in the abaxial surface. T. formosa has hypostomatic leaves with stomata of the paracitic type; unisseriate epidermis with polygonal cells; the mesophyll is dorsiventral and the parenchyma palisade has sparse idioblasts crystallifer, isolated or paired; trichomes simple were evident in the epidermis of both faces. The vascular system was formed by two accessories bundles in the adaxial surface and by one central vascular bundle in arc with invaginate extremities on the proximal portion of petiole, and in shape of "V-closed" on distal portion of the petiole and main vein. The vegetative and reproductive morphologies associate to the anatomy of mesophyll and vascular system constitute a set of characters distinctive for this species.