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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975469


INTRODUCTION:Alcohol (EtOH) use disorders (AUDs) represent a substantial public health problem worldwide. Over 76million people present with AUDs 2.5 million deaths were attributed to alcohol (World Health Organization,2010). Channadshelshi has been used for treatment of alcohol-related, liver disease and intoxication intraditional medicine.GOAL:To determine effect of channadshelshi on voluntary alcoholic wistar rats.MATERIALS AND METHODS:To examine acute toxicity of Channadselshi were used V.P.Prozorovsky express method (1978) andOECD (2001).Voluntary EtoH consumption measurement (two-bottle choice, intermittent access to EtOH paradigm inwistar rats). Water and 20% ethanol were presented in 200 mlgraduated plastic cylinders with stainlesssteeldrinking spouts.The experiment period was 10 weeks total. EtOH consumption was expressed asgrams of EtOH consumed per kilogram of body weight/day.Elevated plus maze. Anxiety associated with EtoH withdrawalwas measured on EPM The mazewaselevated 1 m above the floor and contained four 50 cm long, 10 cmwidearms arranged at rightangles. The closed arms had opaque walls 30cm high, extending the length of the arm. At the time of thetest, eachanimal was placed in the center of the maze facing an open arm andallowed to explore for a5 min session. During this 5 min test session, theanimal’s number of arm entries and time spent in eacharm per entry was recorded on a camera.Pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) 100 mg/kg dose used in this study was determined as the dose that inducedseizures and protection against mortality in miceThe experimental protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the MNUMS. (№ 14-11/1À)RESULTS:LD50 of Channadselshi extract was found to be LD50=2.58 (2.1-3.2) gr/kg by V.P.Prozorovsky expressmethod (1978). Channadselshi was no acute toxic by OECD (2001).Ten and four weeks oral administration of Channadselshi (200 mg/kg) significantly (P<0.01) decreasedthe consumption of ethanol and significantly (P<0.01) increased time spent in open arm (EPM) involuntary alcoholic wistar rat compare to control.The time (sec) of latency the generalized convulsion were significantly (P<0.01) increased ofChannadselshi compare to control. The percent of protection against mortality were 80% in PTZinduced seizure in mice.CONCLUSIONS:1. Our study showed that Channadselshi hasreduced consumption of ethanol in voluntary alcoholicwistar rat.2. Channadselshi has central nervous system protection effect against PTZ induced seizure in mice.