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J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(3): 242-249, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558323


Abstract Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of linezolid and vancomycin for the treatment of nosocomial infections in children under 12 years old. Data sources: This is a systematic review in which five randomized clinical trials about the effectiveness of linezolid and vancomycin, involving a total of 429 children with nosocomial infections, were evaluated. They were searched in scientific databases: PubMed, Bvs, and SciELO. Summary of findings: The main nosocomial infections that affected children were bacteremia, skin, and soft tissue infections followed by nosocomial pneumonia. Most infections were caused by Gram-positive bacteria, which all studies showed infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus, with methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci strains being isolated. Both linezolid and vancomycin showed high therapeutic efficacy against different types of nosocomial infections, ranging from 84.4% to 94% for linezolid and 76.9% to 90% for vancomycin. Patients receiving linezolid had lower rates of rash and red man syndrome compared to those receiving vancomycin. However, despite the adverse reactions, antimicrobials can be safely administered to children to treat nosocomial infections caused by resistant Gram-positive bacteria. Conclusion: Both linezolid and vancomycin showed good efficacy in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by resistant Gram-positive bacteria in hospitalized children. However, linezolid stands out regarding its pharmacological safety. Importantly, to strengthen this conclusion, further clinical trials are needed to provide additional evidence.

Multimed (Granma) ; 26(4): e2151, jul.-ago. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406112


RESUMEN En el estudio actual de las patologías cardíacas se consideran cada vez más los factores psicológicos por el papel relevante que poseen en la evolución de estas enfermedades. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los principales factores psicológicos protectores y desestabilizadores que se manifiestan en los pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en los pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica atendidos en el servicio de cardiología del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico "Celia Sánchez Manduley", del municipio Manzanillo, en el período octubre- diciembre del 2019. El universo estuvo constituido por 60 pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica. En el estudio el 78,33% de los pacientes tenían más de 60 años, 40 pacientes eran hombres y el 75% pertenecía a la zona urbana. Los principales factores psicológicos protectores presentes fueron el apoyo social reportado por todos los participantes y el cumplimiento terapéutico en el 91,67% de la población estudiada. Dentro de los factores psicológicos desestabilizadores el de mayor reporte fue la ansiedad presente en el 66,66% de los pacientes incluidos en el estudio. Se deben tomar en cuenta tanto los factores psicológicos protectores para poder potenciarlos y generar un mejor estado general del paciente, como los factores psicológicos desestabilizadores que generan descompensación y deben ser atendidos con intencionalidad una vez identificados.

ABSTRACT In the current study of cardiac pathologies, psychological factors are increasingly considered due to the relevant role they have in the evolution of these diseases. The objective of this work was to determine the main protective and destabilizing psychological factors that manifest themselves in patients with ischemic heart disease. To this end, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in patients with ischemic heart disease treated in the cardiology service of the "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Clinical Surgical Hospital, in the municipality of Manzanillo, in the period October-December 2019.The universe consisted of 60 patients with ischemic heart disease. In the study, 78.33% of the patients were over 60 years old, 40 patients were men and 75% belonged to the urban area. The main protective psychological factors present were social support reported by all participants and therapeutic compliance in 91.67% of the studied population. Among the destabilizing psychological factors, the one with the highest report was the anxiety present in 66.66% of the patients included in the study. Both the protective psychological factors must be taken into account in order to enhance them and generate a better general condition of the patient, as well as the destabilizing psychological factors that generate decompensation and must be addressed with intentionality once identified.

RESUMO No presente estudo das patologias cardíacas, fatores psicológicos são cada vez mais considerados devido ao papel relevante que têm na evolução dessas doenças. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os principais fatores psicológicos protetores e desestabilizadores que se manifestam em pacientes com doença isquêmica do coração. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo transversal descritivo em pacientes com doença isquêmica do coração tratada no serviço de cardiologia do Hospital Cirúrgico Clínico "Celia Sánchez Manduley", no município de Manzanillo, no período de outubro a dezembro de 2019.O universo era composto por 60 pacientes com doença isquêmica do coração. No estudo, 78,33% dos pacientes tinham mais de 60 anos, 40 eram homens e 75% pertenciam à área urbana. Os principais fatores psicológicos protetores presentes foram o apoio social relatado por todos os participantes e o cumprimento terapêutico em 91,67% da população estudada. Entre os fatores psicológicos desestabilizadores, o com maior relato foi a ansiedade presente em 66,66% dos pacientes incluídos no estudo. Tanto os fatores psicológicos protetores devem ser levados em conta para melhorantá-los e gerar uma melhor condição geral do paciente, bem como os fatores psicológicos desestabilizadores que geram descompensação e devem ser tratados com intencionalidade uma vez identificados.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(1)mar. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405617


RESUMEN Introducción: La estrategia trombolítica no solo mejora la esperanza de supervivencia del infarto, sino que también reduce la mortalidad general a un mes en los pacientes que reciben este tratamiento. Objetivo: Caracterizar los pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST tratados con estreptoquinasa recombinante en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente «Celia Sánchez Manduley». Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo en 94 pacientes que recibieron tratamiento trombolítico desde diciembre de 2018 a noviembre de 2020. Las variables utilizadas fueron: edad, sexo, comorbilidades, tiempo de ventana terapéutica, causas de suspensión temporal, complicaciones, topografía, criterios de reperfusión clínico, eléctrico y enzimático y mortalidad. Se calculó la frecuencia absoluta y relativa, y la media aritmética con desviación estándar. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino y el grupo de edad entre 61 - 70 años. Prevalecieron los pacientes con antecedentes de hipertensión y diabetes. La hipotensión arterial fue la causa de suspensión más frecuente. El 69,1 % fueron trombolizados pasadas las 6 horas. Solo 27 pacientes sufrieron complicaciones, de las cuales, el bloqueo auriculoventricular y Killip - Kimball II fueron las más vistas. Por otra parte, 9 pacientes no presentaron criterios de reperfusión, y solo el 7,4 % fallecieron. Conclusiones: La trombolisis se realiza en una minoría de los pacientes aun en período de ventana terapéutica. La hipotensión fue la causa más frecuente de suspensión temporal de la trombolisis, y la letalidad fue inferior a la letalidad general por infarto agudo de miocardio.

ABSTRACT Introduction: thrombolytic strategy not only improves survival expectancy after infarction, but also reduces overall one-month mortality in patients receiving this treatment. Objective: to characterize patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction treated with recombinant streptokinase at "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Clinical and Surgical Teaching Hospital. Methods: a descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study was conducted in 94 patients who received thrombolytic treatment from December 2018 to November 2020. Age, gender, comorbidities, time-related therapeutic window, causes of temporary suspension, complications, topography, clinical, electrical and enzymatic reperfusion criteria as well as mortality were the variables used in this study. Absolute and relative frequency and arithmetic mean with standard deviation were calculated. Results: male gender and group aged 61-70 years predominated. Patients with a history of hypertension and diabetes predominated. Arterial hypotension was the most frequent cause of thrombolysis discontinuation. The 69.1 % were thrombolyzed after 6 hours. Only 27 patients suffered complications; atrioventricular block and Killip-Kimball II were the most frequently seen complications. On the other hand, 9 patients did not show reperfusion criteria and only 7.4 % died. Conclusions: thrombolysis is performed in a minority of patients even in the therapeutic window period. Hypotension was the most frequent cause of temporary suspension of thrombolysis, and case fatality was lower than the overall case fatality for acute myocardial infarction.

Terapia Trombolítica , Infarto del Miocardio con Elevación del ST/terapia
Rev. medica electron ; 43(4): 970-986, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341529


RESUMEN Introducción: los sistemas sanitarios de la mayoría de los países, responden a la pandemia de enfermedad respiratoria aguda (covid-19) causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2. Esta se presenta de forma más severa en adultos mayores y, sobre todo, en aquellos que padecen otras patologías. Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de una intervención educativa en el nivel de conocimientos de adultos mayores cardiópatas sobre covid-19. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental sin grupo control, de tipo intervención comunitaria, en adultos mayores cardiópatas pertenecientes al Consultorio Médico de la Familia 1, del Policlínico Docente Francisca Rivero Arocha, del municipio Manzanillo, en Granma, entre abril y junio de 2020. Se trabajó con una población de 108 adultos mayores y una muestra de 98 pacientes. Se calcularon las frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Para las variables cualitativas se aplicó la prueba de chi cuadrado. Para comparar los datos antes y después de la intervención, se empleó el test de McNemar, con nivel de significación del 5 %. Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino y los pacientes entre 60 y 69 años. Prevaleció la hipertensión y la cardiopatía isquémica. La mayoría de los pacientes mostró un nivel inadecuado de conocimientos sobre generalidades de la covid-19, lo que se logró reducir. Se incrementó el nivel de conocimientos adecuados en los adultos mayores cardiópatas sobre epidemiología, aspectos clínicos y medidas de protección y autocuidado. Conclusiones: la intervención educativa permitió modificar los conocimientos de adultos mayores cardiópatas sobre el nuevo coronavirus, pero aún es necesario el trabajo con la información de todo lo relacionado con la covid-19 (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: the health systems of most of the countries are facing the pandemic of the acute respiratory disease (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. It occurs in a more acute way in elder people and, above all, in those affected by other pathologies. Objective: to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention at the level of knowledge of cardiopathic elder people on COVID-19. Materials and methods: a quasi-experimental, community-intervention type study without control group was carried out in cardiopathic elder people belonging to the Family Physician Office 1, of the polyclinic Francisco Rivero Arocha, of the Manzanillo municipality, province of Granma, in the period April-June 2020. We worked with a population of 108 elder people and a sample of 98 patients. Absolute and relative frequencies were worked out. The chi-square test was used for qualitative variables. To compare data before and after intervention, the McNemar test was used, with a significance level of 5 %. Results: female sex and patients aged 60-69 years. Hypertension and ischemic heart disease prevailed. Most of patients showed an inadequate level of knowledge on COVID-19 generalities, a fact that was reduced at the end. The adequate level of knowledge of cardiopathic elder people on epidemiology, clinical aspects and protection and self-care measures was increased. Conclusions: the educational intervention allowed modifying the knowledge of cardiopathic elder people on the novel coronavirus, but it is still necessary to work on the information of everything related to COVID-19 (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Educación/métodos , Anciano , Conocimiento , Cardiopatías/complicaciones
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 25(3): e4909, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289129


RESUMEN Introducción: la endocarditis infecciosa es una enfermedad mortal. A pesar de las mejoras en su manejo, se asocia a una elevada mortalidad y complicaciones graves. Objetivo: caracterizar los pacientes diagnosticados con EI en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Celia Sánchez Manduley, en el período de enero de 2015 a diciembre de 2020. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Celia Sánchez Manduley, en el período de enero de 2015 a diciembre de 2020. La población en estudio la constituyeron los 34 pacientes diagnosticados según los criterios de Duke modificados. Las variables utilizadas fueron: edad, sexo, válvula afectada, localización, estado al egreso, manifestaciones clínicas y exámenes complementarios practicados. Mediante la estadística descriptiva se realizó el cálculo de frecuencia absoluta, media aritmética con desviación estándar y cálculo porcentual. Las variables cuantitativas fueron comparadas según la t de Student. Resultados: el grupo etario más afectado fue el de 61 - 70, sin diferencias entre sexos. Los casos asociados a dispositivos intracardiacos prevalecieron. Se determinaron valores de hemoglobina (105,2g/dL DE±13,0), leucograma (16,8mmol/L DE±0,2), Proteína C reactiva (96,2mg/L DE±3,2), eritrosedimentación (101,0 mm/h DE±20,1), y creatinina (149,0 mmol/L DE±24,3). En el 59 % de los casos no se pudo determinar agente causal. Conclusiones: la endocarditis infecciosa es más frecuente en adultos mayores sin distinción de sexos. Predominan los casos con dispositivos intracardiacos, los cuales en su mayoría presentan valores elevados de leucograma eritrosedimentación, creatinina y de Proteína C reactiva. En la mayoría, los hemocultivos resultaron negativos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: infective endocarditis is a fatal disease. Despite improvements in its management, it is still associated with high mortality rate and severe complications. Objective: to characterize patients diagnosed with infective endocarditis. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study was conducted at Celia Sanchez Manduley Clinical-surgical Teaching Hospital, in the period from January 2015 to December 2020. The study population comprised 34 patients diagnosed according to the modified Duke criteria. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, affected valve, and location, status at discharge, clinical manifestations and complementary examinations performed. Descriptive statistics was applied to calculate absolute frequency, arithmetic mean with standard deviation and percentage calculation. Quantitative variables were compared according to Student's t test. Results: the most affected age group was 61 - 70, with no differences between sexes. Cases associated with intracardiac devices prevailed. Hemoglobin (105,2g/dL DE±13,0), leukogram (16,8mmol/L DE±0,2), C-reactive protein (96,2mg/L DE±3.2), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (101,0 mm/h DE±20,1), and creatinine (149,0 mmol/L DE±24,3) were determined. In 59 % of the cases no causative agent could be determined. Conclusions: infective endocarditis is more frequent in older adults without distinction of sex. Cases with Intracardiac devices predominate, most of them presenting elevated values of leukogram, erythrocyte sedimentation, creatinine and C-reactive protein. Blood cultures were negative in most cases.

Rev. inf. cient ; 100(1): 1-11, ene.-feb. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156704


RESUMEN Introducción: La cardiopatía isquémica, a pesar de que la mortalidad ha disminuido en casi todas las regiones del mundo, continúa siendo un problema de salud. Objetivo: Identificar los factores pronósticos de mortalidad intrahospitalaria en pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio con elevación del segmento ST. Método: Se realizó un estudio analítico, de casos y controles, de 347 pacientes diagnosticados con infarto agudo del miocardio con elevación del segmento ST tipo I, desde enero de 2018 a diciembre de 2019 en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente "Celia Sánchez Manduley", de Manzanillo, Granma. El grupo de estudio lo integraron 46 fallecidos y por cada paciente de este grupo se escogieron, aleatoriamente, 2 egresados vivos, constituyendo los controles. Se utilizó la prueba de la Chi cuadrado para variables cualitativas y la de la t de Student para las cuantitativas. Para determinar los factores pronósticos de mortalidad se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística. Resultados: Se determinó una media de edad de 73,7 años (DE ±8,0). Prevalecieron los antecedentes de tabaquismo, diabetes mellitus e hipertensión arterial. Resultaron factores de riesgos de mortalidad el antecedente de insuficiencia cardiaca (OR: 5,4 IC 95 % 1,226-23,97), presentarse con insuficiencia cardiaca mayor que I según Killip-Kimball (OR: 12,6 IC 95 % 3,245-49,30), valores de glucemia mayores de 10 mmol/L (OR: 4,7 IC 95 % 1,149-19,79) y de creatinfosfoquinasa MB mayores de 160 UI (OR: 17,7 IC 95 % 3,992-79,07). Conclusiones: Existen variables epidemiológicas, clínicas y analíticas capaces de predecir mortalidad en pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Despite the fact that the mortality has decreased in almost all regions of the world, ischemic heart disease continues to be a health problem. Objective: To identify prognostic factors for in-hospital mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Method: An analytical study of cases and controls was carried out, out of 347 patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation type I, from January 2018 to December 2019 at the Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente "Celia Sánchez Manduley" in Manzanillo, Granma. The study group was made up of 46 deceased, and for each deceased patient in this group, 2 living discharged patients were randomly chosen, constituting the control group. The Chi-square test was used for qualitative variables and the Student's T-test for quantitative variables. To determine the prognostic factors of mortality, a logistic regression model was used. Results: A mean age of 73.7 years (SD ± 8.0) was determined. History of smoking, diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension prevailed. The mortality risk factors were: history of heart failure (OR: 5.4 95% CI 1,226-23.97); heart failure higher than I according to Killip-Kimball (OR: 12.6 95% CI 3,245-49 , 30); blood glucose values higher than 10 mmol / L (OR: 4.7 95% CI 1.149-19.79) and creatine phosphokinase MB higher than 160 IU (OR: 17.7 95% CI 3.992-79.07). Conclusions: There are epidemiological, clinical and analytical variables capable of predicting mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

RESUMO Introdução: A doença isquêmica do coração, apesar de a mortalidade ter diminuído em quase todas as regiões do mundo, continua sendo um problema de saúde. Objetivo: Identificar fatores prognósticos para mortalidade intra-hospitalar em pacientes com infarto do miocárdio com elevação do segmento ST. Método: Foi realizado um estudo analítico, de casos e controles, de 347 pacientes com diagnóstico de infarto agudo do miocárdio com elevação do segmento ST tipo I, de janeiro de 2018 a dezembro de 2019, no Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente "Celia Sánchez Manduley", Manzanillo, Granma. O grupo de estudo foi composto por 46 falecidos e para cada paciente deste grupo foram escolhidos aleatoriamente 2 que receberam alta vivos, constituindo os controles. O teste Qui-quadrado foi usado para variáveis qualitativas e o teste t de Student para variáveis quantitativas. Para determinar os fatores prognósticos de mortalidade, foi utilizado um modelo de regressão logística. Resultados: Foi determinada uma média de idade de 73,7 anos (DP ± 8,0). Prevaleceu história de tabagismo, diabetes mellitus e hipertensão arterial. Fatores de risco de mortalidade foram história de insuficiência cardíaca (OR: 5,4 IC 95% 1,226-23,97), apresentando-se com insuficiência cardíaca maior que I de acordo com Killip-Kimball (OR: 12,6 IC 95% 3,245-49,30), valores de glicose no sangue maior que 10 mmol/L (OR: 4,7 95% CI 1,149-19,79) e creatina fosfoquinase MB maior que 160 UI (OR: 17,7 95% CI 3,992-79,07). Conclusões: Existem variáveis epidemiológicas, clínicas e analíticas capazes de predizer mortalidade em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio.

Humanos , Pronóstico , Mortalidad Hospitalaria , Infarto del Miocardio con Elevación del ST/diagnóstico , Estudios de Casos y Controles
Rev. Finlay ; 10(4): 355-362, oct.-dic. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155440


RESUMEN Fundamento: aunque los avances en el tratamiento del infarto agudo de miocardio han provocado una reducción en el riesgo de muerte súbita a largo plazo, este sigue siendo elevado en ciertos subgrupos de pacientes. Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo de muerte súbita cardiaca intrahospitalaria en pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio con elevación del segmento ST. Métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico de casos y controles en el Servicio de Cardiología del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Provincial Celia Sánchez Manduley de Manzanillo, provincia Granma de 2016 a 2019. Se estudiaron 41 casos definidos. Por cada uno se escogieron aleatoriamente 2 egresados vivos. Se estudiaron variables dependientes del paciente, de exámenes y tratamiento practicados. Se realizó el cálculo de frecuencias absoluta y relativa. Se determinó la media aritmética con desviación estándar y se compararon mediante la prueba de la T de Student. Se utilizó para variables cualitativas, la prueba de Chi-cuadrado. Se determinaron los factores de riesgos mediante un modelo de regresión logística. Resultados: prevaleció el sexo masculino (56 %) y la media de edad fue de 73,3 años. Como factores de riesgo se determinaron: el antecedente de insuficiencia cardiaca, presentar la clasificación III-IV de Killip Kimball, así como cifras de primera glucemia en ayuna mayores de 10 mmol/L y de creatinfosfoquinasa mayores de 180 UI. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo que más predominaron fueron: la hipertensión arterial, el hábito de fumar, así como la insuficiencia arterial periférica, la presencia de diabetes y la obesidad.

ABSTRACT Background: although advances in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction have led to a reduction in the risk of sudden death in the long term, it remains high in certain subgroups of patients. Objective: to identify the risk factors for sudden in-hospital cardiac death in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction. Methods: an analytical study of cases and controls was carried out in the Cardiology service of the Celia Sánchez Manduley Provincial Clinical Surgical Hospital in Manzanillo, Granma province from 2016 to 2019. 41 defined cases were studied. For each one 2 living graduates were randomly chosen. Variables dependent on the patient, examinations and treatment performed were studied. The absolute and relative frequency calculation was performed. The arithmetic mean with standard deviation was determined and compared using the Student's t test. The Chi-square test was used for qualitative variables. Risk factors were determined using a logistic regression model. Results: male sex prevailed (56 %) and the mean age was 73.3 years. As risk factors, the following were determined: a history of heart failure, presenting the Killip Kimball classification III-IV, as well as fasting first glycemic levels greater than 10 mmol / L and creatine phosphokinase greater than 180 IU. Conclusions the most prevalent risk factors were: arterial hypertension, smoking, as well as peripheral arterial insufficiency, the presence of diabetes and obesity.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 24(3): e4378, mayo.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126213


RESUMEN Introducción: el implante de marcapasos permanente sigue una tendencia al alza en los últimos años. El aumento de la esperanza de vida implica una mayor incidencia de enfermedades degenerativas, que implican la mayoría de los implantes. Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a los pacientes con implantación de marcapasos permanente en el servicio de Cardiología del Hospital General Docente o Clínico Quirúrgico Docente "Celia Sánchez Manduley", de enero 2017 - diciembre 2018. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo en pacientes a los cuales se les realizó implantación de marcapasos. La población en estudio la constituyeron los 132 pacientes sometidos al proceder. Se calculó la frecuencia absoluta, media aritmética con desviación estándar y cálculo porcentual. Resultados: el grupo etario más afectado fue el de 81 - 90 (38,6 %) y el sexo masculino (52,2 %). Se realizó por vena cefálica el 52,2 %, en tiempo quirúrgico predominante de una a dos horas (60,5 %). Prevalecieron los pacientes con síncope, (58,3 %). El 31,8% de las indicaciones fue por bloqueo auriculoventricular de tercer grado. La complicación más frecuente fue la infección (52,2 %). Conclusiones: la implantación de marcapasos fue más frecuente en hombres y en pacientes con edad entre 81 y 90 años. La vía más empleada fue la vena cefálica. Se emplearon de una a dos horas en el proceder. La mayoría de los pacientes acudieron por síncope. La principal indicación fue el bloqueo auriculoventricular de tercer grado. La infección fue la más frecuente de las complicaciones.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the implantation of permanent pacemakers follows an upward trend in recent years. The increase in life expectancy implies a higher incidence of degenerative diseases, which cause most implants. Objective: to characterize clinical and epidemiologically patients with permanent pacemaker implantation in Cardiology Service at Celia Sánchez Manduley Hospital from January 2017 - December 2018. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study in patients with permanent pacemakers implantations in the Cardiology Service at Celia Sánchez Manduley Hospital from January 2017 to December 2018. The study population comprised 132 patients who underwent this procedure. Absolute frequency, arithmetic mean with standard deviation and percentage calculation were performed. Results: the most affected age group was 81-90 (38,6 %) and male sex (52,2 %). The most used route was cephalic vein dissection (52,2 %) and the predominant surgical time was 1 to 2 hours in 60,5 %. There was a prevalence of patients with syncope (58,3%). Thirty-one percent of the indications were for third-degree atrioventricular block. The most frequent complication was infection. Conclusions: permanent pacemakers was more frequent implanted in men and in patients between 81 and 90 years old. The most used route was the cephalic vein. The procedure lasted one to two hours. The most frequent cause for admission was syncope. The main indication was in the third degree atrioventricular block. Infection was the most frequent of the complications.

Medisan ; 24(3)mayo.-jun. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1125120


Introducción: La mayor expectativa de vida en la población general ha aumentado la prevalencia de las enfermedades del sistema eléctrico de conducción cardíaca y, con ello, la indicación e implante de marcapasos. Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo de infección tras la implantación de marcapasos permanente. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico, de casos y controles, de los 192 pacientes, a los cuales se les implantó marcapasos permanente entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2019 en el Servicio de Cardiología del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente Celia Sánchez Manduley de la provincia de Granma. El grupo de estudio estuvo integrado por los 38 que presentaron infección tras ese proceder y por cada paciente de este grupo se escogieron 2, que también recibieron este dispositivo y no tuvieron infección, que formaron parte de los controles. Se estudiaron variables dependientes del paciente, del dispositivo, del proceder y de los exámenes practicados. Se utilizaron el test de Fisher y la prueba de la X2 para variables cualitativas, según correspondiera y la prueba de la T de Student para las cuantitativas. Para determinar los factores de riesgo de infección se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística. Resultados: Prevaleció el sexo masculino (60,5 %) y la media de edad fue de 76,1 años. Como factores de riesgo predominaron el uso de antiagregantes y anticoagulantes, el antecedente de diabetes mellitus y las cifras de glucemia mayores de 8,0 mmol/L. Conclusiones: Existen factores de riesgo de infección modificables, por lo que constituye un gran reto médico actuar sobre estos para prevenir complicaciones letales para la vida.

Introduction: The higher life expectancy in the general population has increased the prevalence of diseases of the heart conduction of electric system and, with it, the indication and implant of pacemaker. Objective: To identify the risk factors of infection after the permanent pacemaker implantation Methods: A cases and controls analytic study of 192 patients, to whom a permanent pacemaker was implanted between January, 2017 and December, 2019 was carried out in the Cardiology Service of Celia Sánchez Manduley Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital from Granma. The study group was integrated by the 38 patients that presented infection after that procedure and every each patient of this group 2 were chosen that also received this device and had no infection that were part of the control group. The variables dependent on the patient, the device, the procedure and the exams were studied. The Fisher test and the chi-square test were used for qualitative variables, as corresponded and the Student t test for the quantitative variables. To determine the risk factors of infection a model of logistical regression was used. Results: The male sex prevailed (60.5 %) and the mean age was of 76.1 years. As risk factors the use of antiagregants and anticoagulants, history of diabetes mellitus and glucemia figures higher than 8.0 mmol/L prevailed. Conclusions: There are modifiable risk factors of infection, what constitutes a great challenge in medicine to influence on these factors to prevent lethal complications for life.

Marcapaso Artificial , Infecciones Relacionadas con Catéteres , Infección de la Herida Quirúrgica , Factores de Riesgo
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20200515, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | SES-SP, ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143861


Abstract INTRODUCTION The Integrated Program of Leprosy Control was initiated in 2003 in the municipality of Buriticupu, Maranhão, Brazil, an area considered hyperendemic for leprosy. Here, we present the evolution of the indicators of leprosy within the established period in children aged <15 years. METHODS: This is a descriptive study based on an active search for cases and spontaneous healthcare demand for leprosy, with an evolutionary analysis of the detection coefficient of new cases. We considered individuals aged <15 years diagnosed with leprosy from January 2003 to December 2015. To evaluate the factors associated with clinical and operational forms, Chi-square, Fisher's exact, or Fisher-Freeman-Halton tests were performed. RESULTS A total of 61 new cases were detected (6.9% of the total leprosy cases diagnosed in the municipality during the study period), and the majority was found in males (62.3%). The most frequent operational classification was paucibacillary (67.2%), and this association increased with age. The tuberculoid clinical form was the most prevalent in both sexes and in the age range of 10 to <15 years. There was a reduction in the detection coefficient from 21.84/100,000 inhabitants in 2003 to 2.79/100,000 in 2015. CONCLUSIONS Despite the progress in the control of leprosy, this historical series shows that it is necessary to strengthen educational measures and implement control actions, so that the disease ceases to be a public health problem in the population aged <15 years.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Enfermedades Endémicas , Lepra/diagnóstico , Lepra/epidemiología , Brasil/epidemiología , Salud Pública , Escolaridad
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(9): e20190760, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133323


ABSTRACT: The present study was conducted to investigate in 20 extensive sheep farms for the seroprevalence of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (n=402) and Toxoplasma gondii (n=228). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used for the detection of antibodies to C. pseudotuberculosis/T. gondii. It was observed that C. pseudotuberculosis showed the highest prevalence in the region (34.07%) with statistically significant presence (p<0.05) in ewes. Antibodies to T. gondii was reported in 14.91% of the animals studied. About C. pseudotuberculosis/T. gondii coinfection the categories of rams showed significant (p<0.05) differences, suggesting that this gender could perpetuate the diseases in the flocks. It was concluded that the knowledge about the diseases in the region under study would facilitate the execution of prophylactic measures, especially against the diseases that pose risks to the public health and cause damages to the producer.

RESUMO: O presente estudo foi conduzido para investigar a soroprevalência em 20 fazendas de criação extensiva de ovinos quanto à presença de anticorpos para Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (n=402) e Toxoplasma gondii (n=228). Ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimático (ELISA) foi utilizado para a detecção de anticorpos contra C. pseudotuberculosis/T. gondii. Observou-se que C. pseudotuberculosis apresentou a maior prevalência na região (34,07%), com presença estatisticamente significante (p <0,05) nas categorias de ovelha. Anticorpos contra T. gondii foram encontrados em 14,91% dos animais estudados. Sobre a coinfecção de C. pseudotuberculosis/T. gondii, as categorias carneiro apresentaram diferenças significativas (p <0,05), sugerindo que esse gênero poderia perpetuar as doenças nos rebanhos. Concluiu-se que o conhecimento sobre as doenças na região em estudo facilitaria a execução de medidas profiláticas, principalmente contra as doenças que apresentam riscos à saúde pública e causam danos ao produtor.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 51(6): 789-794, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-977096


Abstract INTRODUCTION: The Integrated Program of Leprosy Control was initiated in the municipality of Buriticupu, Maranhão, Brazil, an area considered hyperendemic for leprosy in 2003. It aims at assessing the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the disease to reduce the detection rate of new cases until 2015. Here, we present the evolution of the indicators of leprosy within the period from 2003 to 2015. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive analytical study based on the active search for and voluntary referral of cases of leprosy. The detection rate of new cases was analyzed over time. We included individuals diagnosed with leprosy between January 2003 and December 2015. The association between categorical variables was assessed using the chi-square test of independence, considering a level of significance of 5%. When the association was significant, the detection rate (with a confidence interval of 95%) was calculated. RESULTS: Overall, 879 new leprosy cases were detected; the majority of the affected individuals were men (65.9%). Multibacillary leprosy was the most common type of the disease, according to the operational classification (55.5%); it showed the strongest association with an age ≥60 years. We also detected an association between the male sex and both, lepromatous and multibacillary leprosy. The detection rate reduced from 211.09/100,000 population in 2003 to 50.26/100,000 population in 2015. CONCLUSIONS: We found an improvement in leprosy control, with a reduction in the detection rate and the absolute number of cases. Strengthening of disease control measures should be prioritized to eliminate leprosy as a public health concern in this municipality.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Lepra Multibacilar/epidemiología , Lepra Paucibacilar/epidemiología , Brasil/epidemiología , Educación en Salud , Incidencia , Lepra Multibacilar/prevención & control , Lepra Paucibacilar/prevención & control , Persona de Mediana Edad
Rev. patol. trop ; 45(1): 33-41, fev. 2016. tb
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-912768


O estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução da malária no estado do Maranhão no período de 2009 a 2013. Números absolutos de casos e incidência parasitária anual (IPA) das cinco regiões geográficas do estado, nas 19 Unidades Regionais de Saúde (URS) e nos 10 municípios com maior registro da doença, foram avaliados com base nos registros do Departamento de Endemias da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde. Foram notificados 16.847 casos no período do estudo. No ano de 2009, a Incidência Parasitária Anual era de 0,86/1.000 habitantes, já em 2013 este indicador chegou a 0,08/1.000 habitantes no estado, o que corresponde a um percentual de redução de 90,6%. Houve aumento moderado do número de casos na região norte no ano de 2011 e na região centro nos anos de 2010 e 2011. No ano de 2010, verificou-se aumento desses valores em sete unidades regionais de saúde; em 2011, em seis e, em 2012, em duas. No ano de 2013, houve maior registro de casos, em relação a 2012, na unidade regional de Codó. Entre os municípios que registraram a doença, destacam-se Centro Novo do Maranhão, Cândido Mendes, Alcântara, Amapá do Maranhão, Presidente Sarney e Guimarães, os quais apresentaram indicador de médio risco em diferentes momentos no período de estudo. Houve redução da incidência de casos, com a incidência parasitária anual menor que 10 casos /1.000 habitantes (baixo risco), no ano de 2013, em todas as áreas estudadas.

Malaria , Ecosistema Amazónico
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 113(3): 213-220, jun. 2015. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-750466


Introducción. Las escalas pronósticas son de utilidad para el médico que ejerce en las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales. Existen escalas neonatales validadas, en su mayoría para neonatos de bajo peso al nacer. El objetivo fue crear y validar una escala predictora de mortalidad en neonatos que incluyera nuevas variables pronósticas. Población y métodos. Se realizó el estudio en un hospital materno-infantil de la ciudad de México, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. En la primera fase, se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte (neonatos ingresados con criterios de gravedad durante el primer día de vida), en el que se identificó y construyó una escala con parámetros graduales de puntuación acumulativa de nueve variables independientes para predecir muerte: peso, acidemia metabólica, lactato, paO2/FiO2, p(A-a) O2, A/a, plaquetas y glucosa sérica. La validación se realizó en una cohorte prospectiva, de las mismas características, tomando como variable de desenlace la mortalidad hasta el séptimo día. Resultados. La cohorte incipiente estuvo conformada por 424 neonatos. Se seleccionaron 22 casos y 132 controles, y se identificaron 9 variables, que conformaron la escala nombrada escala de mortalidad neonatal-9 México. La cohorte de validación estuvo integrada por 227 neonatos. Se registraron 44 (19%) defunciones, con un área bajo la curva de 0,92. Con una puntuación de entre 16 y 18, se reportó un hazard ratio de 85 (11-102), una especificidad de 99%, un valor predictivo positivo de 71% y un valor predictivo negativo de 90%. Conclusiones. La escala propuesta es un instrumento fiable para predecir la gravedad en neonatos.

Introduction. Prognostic scales or scores are useful for physicians who work in neonatal intensive care units. There are several validated neonatal scores but they are mostly applicable to low birth weight infants. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a mortality prognostic score in newborn infants, that would include new prognostic outcome measures. Population and Methods. The study was conducted in a mother and child hospital in the city of Mexico, part of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Mexican Institute of Social Security). In the first phase of the study, a nested case-control study was designed (newborn infants admitted on the basis of severity criteria during the first day of life), in which a scale was identified and developed with gradual parameters of cumulative score consisting of nine independent outcome measures to predict death, as follows: weight, metabolic acidemia, lactate, PaO2/FiO2, p(A-a) O2, A/a, platelets and serum glucose.Validation was performed in a matched prospective cohort, using 7-day mortality as an endpoint. Results. The initial cohort consisted of 424 newborn infants. Twenty-two cases and 132 controls were selected; and 9 outcome measures were identified, making up the scale named neonatal mortality score-9 Mexico. The validation cohort consisted of 227 newborn infants. Forty-four (19%) deaths were recorded, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.92. With a score between 16 and 18, an 85 (11-102) hazard ratio, 99% specificity, 71% positive predictive value and 90% negative predictive value were reported. Conclusions .The proposed scale is a reliable tool to predict severity in newborn infants.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal , Mortalidad Infantil , Factores de Riesgo , México
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 28(4): 205-210, oct.-dic. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-744104


La enfermedad de Huntington (EH) es una condición neurodegenerativa de origen genético por la expansión de repetidos de trinucleótidos que codifican tractos de poliglutamina. Tiene un modelo de herencia autosómico dominante, de inicio en la vida adulta, que suele presentarse entre los 37 y 55 años, con una esperanza de vida de 15 años después de iniciados los síntomas. Se encuentra asociada a la generación de movimientos involuntarios, desarrollo de alteraciones psiquiátricas y deterioro cognitivo. El diagnóstico es clínico y molecular, una vez iniciados los síntomas. Existen dos maneras de realizar una detección temprana en aquellas parejas con sospecha o con diagnóstico confirmatorio de alguno de sus miembros: mediante el abordaje prenatal y preimplantación. La postura actual sobre la realización del diagnóstico antenatal sólo se realiza en aquellas parejas que desean interrumpir el embarazo. En el presente ensayo, se analiza esta postura mediante el principialismo médico, concluyendo lo siguiente: en cuestión de autonomía, no se respeta la integridad del ser humano portador de la enfermedad. No es justo realizar una prueba para determinar la conducta de interrumpir el embarazo cuando existen otras enfermedades con pronósticos similares que no cuentan con la misma oportunidad de diagnóstico. Se viola la beneficencia y la no maleficencia al promover la muerte. Sugerimos que la participación del médico debe impulsar la mejor situación para ofrecer la noticia de la confirmación diagnóstica, preparando a la familia y al paciente en los aspectos emocional, físico y nutricional para el momento en que se inicien los síntomas.

Huntington disease is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by expanded trinucleotides which encode polyglutamine tracts. The disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with onset in adult life, normally between 37 to 55 years. Once the symptoms have started, life expectancy will be 15 years. The diagnosis is clinical and molecular after the establishment of the symptomatology. It is characterized by involuntary movements, psychiatric illness and cognitive impairment. There are two ways to approach the antenatal diagnosis in couples with familial background: prenatal and preimplantation. The current posture related to antenatal diagnosis is only for couples that desire termination of the pregnancy. This essay discusses this situation through medical principlism, and arrives to the following conclusions: regarding the principles of autonomy and integrity of the human being, the carrier of the disease is not respected. It does not seem fair to perform a test to determine the behavior of ending a life during pregnancy, while there are other diseases with similar prognosis that do not have the same diagnostic possibilities. This violates the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, promoting death. We suggest that medical participation must promote the best conditions to confirm the diagnosis, and prepare both family and patient concerning the emotional, physical and nutritional aspects for the moment of the onset of the symptomatology.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 46(6): 741-745, Nov-Dec/2013. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-698050


Introduction The relationship between severe clinical manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and immune response profiles has not yet been clarified, despite numerous studies on the subject. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cytokine profiles and the presence of immunological markers associated with clinical manifestations and, particularly, signs of severity, as defined in a protocol drafted by the Ministry of Health (Brazil). Methods We conducted a prospective, descriptive study between May 2008 and December 2009. This study was based on an assessment of all pediatric patients with VL who were observed in a reference hospital in Maranhão. Results Among 27 children, 55.5% presented with more than one sign of severity or warning sign. Patients without signs of severity or warning signs and patients with only one warning sign had the highest interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) levels, although their interleukin 10 (IL-10) levels were also elevated. In contrast, patients with the features of severe disease had the lowest IFN-γ levels. Three patients who presented with more than two signs of severe disease died; these patients had undetectable interleukin 2 (IL-2) and IFN-γ levels and low IL-10 levels, which varied between 0 and 36.8pg/mL. Conclusions Our results showed that disease severity was associated with low IFN-γ levels and elevated IL-10 levels. However, further studies with larger samples are needed to better characterize the relationship between disease severity and cytokine levels, with the aim of identifying immunological markers of active-disease severity. .

Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Interferón gamma/sangre , /sangre , /sangre , Leishmaniasis Visceral/inmunología , Biomarcadores/sangre , Leishmaniasis Visceral/sangre , Estudios Prospectivos , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad
Rev. bras. cardiol. (Impr.) ; 26(3): 193-199, mai.-jun. 2013. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-704387


Fundamentos: A alta morbidade pós-operatória e os elevados índices de mortalidade dos pacientes submetidos à revascularização cirúrgica (RM) na fase aguda do infarto do miocárdio podem induzir o adiamento do procedimento. Objetivos: Identificar variáveis relacionadas à mortalidade, bem como os fatores de risco para o óbito de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada no período de setembro 2011 a maio 2012, no Hospital de Clínicas Gaspar Vianna, Belém, PA, Brasil. Foram utilizados prontuários de 240 pacientes, tendo sido aproveitados 223 (17 excluídos), referentes a pacientes internados no período de janeiro 2008 até dezembro 2011. Inicialmente foi calculada a frequência dos óbitos e, em seguida, a frequência das variáveis pré, intra e pós-operatórias e respectivos intervalos de confiança para caracterizar a população de estudo. Resultados: Dos 223 pacientes, 12 (5,4 %) foram a óbito. A variável no período pré-operatório mais significativa para o estudo foi a idade. No período intraoperatório, são os procedimentos cirúrgicos de urgência/emergência e, no pós-operatório, a transfusão sanguínea.Conclusão: No pós-operatório, as complicações cardiovasculares e as transfusões são fatores de risco, e a UTI se tornou um fator de proteção contra o óbito.

Background: High postoperative morbidity and mortality rates among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) during the acute phase of myocardial infarction may lead to the post ponement of these procedures.Objectives: To identify variables linked to o mortality and risk factors related to death among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery.Methods: The survey was conducted from September 2011 to May 2012 at the Hospital de Clinicas Gaspar Vianna in Belém, Pará State, Brazil, using the medical records of 240 patients (223 assessed and 17 excluded) admitted from January 2008 through December 2011. Initially, the death frequency was caculated, followed by the pre-, intra- and post-operative variable frequencies and their respective confidence intervals, in order to characterize the study population. Results: Among all 223 patients, 12 (5,4%) died, with age being the most significant varible in the pre-operative period. During the intra-operative stage, this was urgente or emergency surgical procedures, followed by post-operative blood transfusions. Conclusion: During the post-operative stage, cardiovascular complications and transfusions are risk factors, with the ICU constituting a protection fator against death.

Factores de Riesgo , Mortalidad Hospitalaria , Revascularización Miocárdica/efectos adversos , Revascularización Miocárdica/mortalidad , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/complicaciones , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/mortalidad , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos/efectos adversos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos/mortalidad
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 46(1): 67-72, Jan.-Feb. 2013. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-666797


INTRODUCTION: Malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax species has shown signs of severity, recorded with increasing frequency in the medical literature. This study aimed to characterize the signs of severe malaria by Plasmodium vivax in the State of Maranhão, Brazil. METHODS: A descriptive cohort study of patients assisted in the field and a historical and concurrent study of a series of cases among hospitalized patients were undertaken to identify the clinical and laboratory signs of severity. RESULTS: A total of 153 patients were included in the study, 13 of whom were hospitalized. Males made up the majority, numbering 103 (67.3%). The age of the patients ranged from 10 to 70 years, 92.2% were natives of the State of Maranhão, and 65% of the patients had had malaria before. The average time elapsed between symptom onset and diagnosis among outpatients was three days, while among hospitalized patients this average reached 15.5 days, a statistically significant difference (p=0.001). The parasitemia ranged from 500 to 10,000 parasites/µl in 92.8% of cases. The clinical and laboratory manifestations of severity were vomiting and diarrhea, jaundice, drowsiness, mental confusion, seizures, loss of consciousness, agitation, bleeding, pale skin, coughing and dyspnea, thrombocytopenia, anemia, elevation of nitrogenous compounds, and elevated transaminases and bilirubin. CONCLUSIONS: The monitoring of malaria patients with Plasmodium vivax showed the possibility of aggravation, the intensity of which varied in different circumstances, especially the interval time between falling ill and diagnostic confirmation.

Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Malaria Vivax/complicaciones , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Brasil/epidemiología , Malaria Vivax/epidemiología , Parasitemia/parasitología , Factores de Riesgo
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 45(3): 385-389, May-June 2012. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-640440


INTRODUCTION: The study aimed to show the situation of paracoccidioidomycosis in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. METHODS: This study is a descriptive case series developed in two stages. First, a survey of cases originating from the state of Maranhão at the Instituto de Doenças Tropicais Natan Portela, Piauí (IDTNP) from 1997 to 2007, and second, the clinical description of 29 cases diagnosed in the Centro de Referências em Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias, Maranhão (CREDIP) from 2004 to 2010. RESULTS: Two hundred and sixteen cases have been cataloged at the IDTNP. West, east, and central regions of the state of Maranhão recorded 90.3% of cases proving to be important areas for study. The western region, with a prevalence of 10.8/100,000 inhabitants, has a significantly higher proportion of cases than the northern, southern, and eastern regions (p < 0.05). The occurrence was higher in men with 89.3% of cases, and the male-to-female ratio was 8.4:1. The majority of patients were older than 20 years, lived in rural areas, and had farming or soil management as main occupation (73.8%). At CREDIP, 29 cases were diagnosed, of which 26 (89.6%) had multifocal manifestations. Mucous tissues were involved more (75.8%) frequently, followed by lymph nodes, skin, and lungs with 65.5%, 39% and 37.9 %, respectively. The diagnosis was made by combining direct examination, culture, and histopathology. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows the geographical distribution and the epidemiological and clinical aspects of paracoccidioidomycosis, revealing the significance of the disease to the state of Maranhão.

INTRODUÇÃO: O estudo teve o objetivo de mostrar a situação da paracoccidioidomicose no Estado do Maranhão, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo do tipo série de casos, desenvolvido em duas etapas: na primeira, levantamento de casos originários do Maranhão, atendidos no Instituto de Doenças Tropicais Natan Portela, Piauí (IDTNP), de 1997 a 2007; na segunda, descrição clínica de 29 casos diagnosticados no Centro de Referência em Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias, Maranhão (CREDIP), no período de 2004 a 2010. RESULTADOS: Foram catalogados 216 casos no IDTNP. As regiões Oeste, Leste e Centro do Maranhão registraram 90,3% destes casos, demonstrando serem áreas importantes para estudo. A região oeste, com prevalência de 10,8/100.000 habitantes, apresenta proporção de casos significativamente maior que as regiões Norte, Sul e Leste (p<0,05). A ocorrência foi maior em indivíduos do sexo masculino (89,3% dos casos), sendo a proporção entre homens e mulheres de 8,4:1. A maioria dos acometidos possuía mais de 20 anos, residia na zona rural e tinha como principal ocupação a lavoura ou o manejo do solo (73,8%). Foram diagnosticados 29 casos no CREDIP, dos quais 26 (89,6) tinham manifestações multifocais. O acometimento mais comum foi de mucosas (75,8%), seguindo-se gânglios, pele e pulmões com 62%, 39% e 34,7%, respectivamente. A confirmação do diagnóstico foi feita pela combinação de exame micológico direto, cultura e histopatológico. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo mostra a distribuição geográfica, os aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos da paracoccidioidomicose, revelando a importância da doença no Estado do Maranhão.

Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Paracoccidioidomicosis/epidemiología , Brasil/epidemiología , Geografía Médica , Prevalencia , Factores de Riesgo , Población Rural
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 45(2): 199-202, Mar.-Apr. 2012. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-625176


INTRODUCTION: This study was developed to evaluate the situation of leprosy in the general population of the municipality of Buriticupu, State of Maranhão, Brazil. METHODS: We used the method of active search to identify new cases from 2008 to 2010. Bacilloscopy of intradermal scrapings was performed in all patients with skin lesions compatible with leprosy, and histopathological examination in those who had doubts on the definition of the clinical form. RESULTS: The study included 19,104 individuals, with 42 patients diagnosed with leprosy after clinical examination, representing a detection rate of 219.84 per 100,000 inhabitants. The predominant clinical presentation was tuberculoid with 24 (57.1%) cases, followed by borderline with 11, indeterminate with four, and lepromatous with three cases. The study also allowed the identification of 81 patients with a history of leprosy and other skin diseases, such as pityriasis versicolor, dermatophytosis, scabies, vitiligo, and skin carcinoma. The binomial test showed that the proportion of cases in the headquarters was significantly higher than that in the villages (p = 0.04), and the generalized exact test showed that there was no association between age and clinical form (p = 0.438) and between age and gender (p = 0.083). CONCLUSIONS: The elevated detection rate defines the city as hyperendemic for leprosy; the active search for cases, as well as the organization of health services, is an important method for disease control.

INTRODUÇÃO: O estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a situação da hanseníase na população geral do município de Buriticupu, Estado do Maranhão, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi empregado o método de busca ativa na identificação de casos novos, de 2008 a 2010. Baciloscopia de raspado intradérmico foi feita em todos os pacientes com lesões de pele compatíveis com hanseníase e exame histopatológico, naqueles em que havia dúvidas na definição da forma clínica. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 19.104 indivíduos, sendo que o exame clínico definiu o diagnóstico de hanseníase em 42 pacientes, o que representa um coeficiente de detecção de 219,84/100.000 habitantes. A forma clínica predominante foi a tuberculóide com 24 (57,1%) casos, seguindo-se da dimorfa, com 11, da indeterminada, com 4 e da virchowiana com 3 casos. O estudo permitiu, ainda, a identificação de 81 pacientes com passado de hanseníase, além de outras doenças da pele, tais como pitiríase versicolor, dermatofitose, escabiose, vitiligo e carcinoma de pele. O teste binomial mostrou que a proporção de casos na sede foi significativamente maior que a dos povoados, p= 0,04 e o teste exato generalizado que não há associação entre faixa etária e forma clínica (p=0,438), bem como entre faixa etária e sexo (p=0,083). CONCLUSÕES: O elevado coeficiente de detecção define o município como hiperendêmico para a hanseníase; a busca ativa de casos é um método importante, bem como a organização dos serviços de saúde, para o controle da doença.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Enfermedades Endémicas , Lepra/epidemiología , Brasil/epidemiología , Lepra/diagnóstico