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Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 39(1): 1-4, 2024. figures, tables
Artículo en Francés | AIM | ID: biblio-1554195


L''Adénofibrome est l'affection la plus fréquente des pathologies bénignes du sein. L'objectif était d'identifier les aspects clinique et thérapeutique de l'adénofibrome dans le service de gynécologie obstétrique et chirurgie générale du CHU Gabriel TOURE. Patientes et Méthodes : L'étude était descriptive avec récolte rétrospective des données du 1er juillet 2018 au 31 juillet 2021. Ont été inclus, les dossiers de patientes prises en charge pour adénofibrome selon les principes éthiques garantissant l'anonymat et la confidentialité des données. Résultats : Nous avons recensé 701 cas de pathologie mammaire parmi lesquelles nous avons retenu au total 112 cas d'adénofibrome durant la période d'étude soit 15,9%. Nous avons enregistré 682 cas de tumeur mammaire, l'adénofibrome a représenté 16,42 %. Ainsi parmi toutes les 154 tumeurs bénignes du sein, l'adénofibrome (112 cas) a représenté 72,7%. L'âge moyen était de 27 ans avec un écart type de 14,8 ans (13 ans et 62 ans). La tranche d'âge de 20 à 35 ans était la plus représentée soit 44%. La fréquence de l'adénofibrome diminuait avec l'augmentation de la gestité et de la parité. L'obésité ou le surpoids ont été retrouvés chez 63 des patientes. Le motif principal de consultation était la présence d'une tuméfaction mammaire. L'atteinte unilatérale gauche prédominait dans 46% et la localisation au quadrant supéro- externe représentait 50 %. La résection chirurgicale a représenté la modalité de prise en charge la plus fréquente avec 56,2 % des cas. Conclusion : L'adénofibrome du sein est une affection bénigne assez fréquente. Son diagnostic oblige à une surveillance. Le traitement chirurgical doit être discuté selon l'âge, la taille et la présence de facteurs de risque de malignité

Fibroadenomas are the most common benign breast disorders. The aim of this study was to identify the clinical and therapeutic aspects of fibroadenoma in the obstetric gynecology department and General Surgery of Teaching hospital Gabriel TOURE in Bamako Mali. Patients and Methods: The study was descriptive with retrospective data collection from July 1, 2018 to July 31, 2021. The records of patients treated for fibroadenoma were included in accordance with ethical principles guaranteeing anonymity and confidentiality of data. Results: A total of 112 patients were selected for the study period, representing 15. 9% of all breast pathologies. We recorded 642 cases of breast mass, with fibroadenoma accounting for 16.72% of these breast tumors. Among all 154 benign breast tumors, fibroadenoma accounted for 72%. The mean age was 27 years, with a standard deviation of 14.8 years (13 years and 62 years). The 20-35 age group was the most represented, at 44%. The frequency of fibroadenoma decreased with increasing gestational age and parity. Over 60% of patients were overweight. The main reason for consultation was the presence of breast swelling. Unilateral left breast swelling was predominant in 46% of cases, and location in the upper-outer quadrant accounted for 50%. Surgical excision was the most frequent management modality, accounting for 56,2% of cases. Conclusion: fibroadenoma of the breast are a fairly common benign condition. Diagnosis requires surveillance. Surgical treatment should be discussed according to age, size and the presence of risk factors for malignancy.

Humanos , Femenino , Fibroadenoma
Bénin Médical ; 69: 10-20, 2024.
Artículo en Francés | AIM | ID: biblio-1554437


Objectif : Déterminer la fréquence et les facteurs associés à la dénutrition en postopératoire dans deux hôpitaux universitaires publics au Bénin. Méthode : Il s'agissait d'une étude observationnelle transversale descriptive et analytique, qui s'est déroulée de mai à juillet 2022. Un recrutement exhaustif des patients devant être pris en charge chirurgicalement pour une pathologie digestive et ayant consenti à l'étude, a été effectué. Des données anthropométriques et de consommation alimentaire, des données cliniques ont été recueillies grâce à un questionnaire standardisé. Résultats : Un total de 51 patients a été inclus, avec une prédominance d'adultes âgés de moins de 50 ans (70,6%), un sex-ratio de 0,9 ; 72,5% avait un niveau d'instruction ≥ secondaire, 60,8% vivait en couple. Le niveau de revenu était inférieur au salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti (SMIG) dans 52,9% des cas. La fréquence de la dénutrition était de 29,4% à l'admission contre 54% en postopératoire. Seuls les patients dénutris avaient présenté des complications postopératoires (36%). L'évaluation de l'état nutritionnel n'avait été consignée dans aucun des dossiers médicaux. En analyse multivariée, l'insuffisance en apport protéique et un bas niveau de revenu étaient associées à la dénutrition postopératoire (p = 0,002). Conclusion : La dénutrition en chirurgie digestive est une réalité dans les hôpitaux publics du Bénin et constitue un facteur de risque de complications postopératoires. Son dépistage et sa prise en charge doivent être systématiques et consignés dans le dossier médical du malade

Objective: To determine the frequency and factors associated with postoperative undernutrition in two public teaching hospitals in Benin. Method: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional observational study conducted from May to July 2022. An exhaustive recruitment of patients to be managed surgically for a digestive pathology and who consented to the study, was carried out. Anthropometric, food consumption and clinical data were collected using a standardized questionnaire. Results: A total of 51 patients were included, with a predominance of adults under 50 years of age (70.6%), a sex ratio of 0.9; 72.5% had an educational level ≥ secondary, 60.8% were living as a couple. Income was below the guaranteed minimum wage in 52.9% of cases. The incidence of undernutrition was 29.4% on admission, compared with 54% postoperatively. Only the undernourished patients (36%) presented postoperative complications. Assessment of nutritional status was not recorded in any of the medical register. In multivariate analysis, insufficient protein intake and low income were associated with postoperative undernutrition. Conclusion: Undernutrition in digestive surgery is a reality in public hospitals in Benin, and constitutes a risk factor for postoperative complications. Its detection and management must be systematic and recorded in the patient's medical register.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Benin
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 56: e12539, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447679


Chronic stress leads to circadian disruption, with variability in sleep time and duration. This scenario increases the prevalence and incidence of cardiometabolic abnormalities. Social jetlag (SJL), a proxy of circadian disruption, has been associated with increased vulnerability to the development of metabolic syndrome, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. This research aimed to evaluate how variables associated with cardiometabolic risk are related to SJL and poor sleep among university professors. From 2018 to 2019, full-time university professors (n=103) with a mean age of 44±5.4 years were assessed for sleep quality, chronotype, SJL, metabolic components, sociodemographic characteristics, and physical evaluation. Sleep quality and weekday sleep duration were associated with stress (r=0.44 and r=-0.34) and anxiety (r=0.40), respectively. Mean sleep duration (n=65) was 7.0±1.1 h and all professors with poor sleep (41.2%; n=28) worked 40 h/week. Professors who slept less were significantly (r=-0.25) older, and teaching time (years) was positively correlated with blood glucose (r=0.42). Mean SJL was 59.8 ±4.5 min (n=68) and 48.5% of these professors had values ≤1 h and 51.4% ≥1 h. SJL and blood glucose concentration were associated (r=0.35), which reinforced that challenges to the circadian system reverberate on metabolism. In this study, professors at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte had cardiometabolic risks related to anxiety, stress, and sleep quality.

Artículo en Francés | AIM | ID: biblio-1511504


Objectif : déterminer les indications de la trachéotomie chirurgicale chez l'enfant, décrire la technique et les suites opératoires. Matériel et méthode : il s'agit d'une étude descriptive rétrospective portant sur les trachéotomies pédiatriques réalisées au CHU de Bouaké de janvier 2016 à décembre 2022. Les indications de la trachéotomie, la technique opératoire et l'évolution ont été étudiées. Le test exact de Fisher a été utilisé pour évaluer le lien entre le motif de la trachéotomie et les pathologies au seuil α de 5%. Résultats : pendant la période d'étude, 32 enfants ont été trachéotomisés. Leur âge variait entre 9 mois et 15 ans avec un âge moyen de 7,2 ans. Il s'agissait de 22 garçons et 10 filles. L'impossibilité d'intuber le patient (65,62%) et la dyspnée laryngée sévère (25%) constituaient les motifs de la trachéotomie. Les corps étrangers laryngo-trachéaux et la papillomatose laryngée représentaient respectivement 37,5% et 21,87% des pathologies. Nous n'avons pas noté de lien significatif entre le motif de la trachéotomie et les pathologies (p=1,000). L'intervention a été réalisée sous sédation dans 78,12% des cas. L'ouverture trachéale était en forme de « H ¼ et de siège sous-isthmique. Les suites opératoires étaient simples chez 93,75% des patients. La décanulation a été effective dans 24 cas (75%). Conclusion : les principaux motifs de la trachéotomie dans notre expérience sont l'impossibilité d'intuber le patient et la dyspnée laryngée sévère. Les pathologies étaient dominées par les corps étrangers laryngo-trachéaux et la papillomatose laryngée. Les suites opératoires étaient généralement satisfaisantes.

Objective: to determine the indications for surgical tracheotomy in children, to describe the technique and the postoperative course. Material and method: This is a retrospective descriptive study of pediatric tracheotomies performed at the Bouaké University Hospital from January 2016 to December 2022. The indications for tracheotomy, the operating technique and the evolution were studied. Fisher's exact test was used to assess the link between the reason for the tracheotomy and the pathologies at the α threshold of 5%. Results: during the study period, 32 children were tracheotomized. Their age varied between 9 months and 15 years with an average age of 7.2 years. They were 22 boys and 10 girls. The impossibility of intubating the patient (65.62%) and severe laryngeal dyspnea (25%) were the reasons for the tracheotomy. Laryngo-tracheal foreign bodies and laryngeal papillomatosis accounted for 37.5% and 21.87% of pathologies respectively. We did not note any significant link between the reason for the tracheotomy and the pathologies (p=1,000). The intervention was performed under sedation in 78.12% of cases. The tracheal opening was "H" shaped and sub-isthmic. The postoperative course was simple in 93.75% of patients. Decanulation was effective in 24 cases (75%). Conclusion: the main reasons for tracheotomy in our experience are the impossibility of intubating the patient and severe laryngeal dyspnea. The pathologies were dominated by laryngo-tracheal foreign bodies and laryngeal papillomatosis. The postoperative course was generally satisfactory

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 24(1): 32-44, 2023. tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1414229


Background: With the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), life expectancy of HIV-infected persons had increased and the disease is now managed as a chronic one, but the quality of life (QOL) of the patients is now a concern. Social support enhances QOL of patients with chronic illnesses. However, no study has been done to determine the QOL of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) in our environment. This study therefore assessed the QOL of PLWHA attending antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinic of Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH), Edo State of Nigeria Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. Two hundred and thirty PLWHA attending the ART clinic of ISTH, Irrua, Edo State, Nigeria, were systematically selected for the study. A structured questionnaire was interviewer-administered to collect data on sociodemographic and clinical profiles of selected participants, and the WHOQOL-HIV BREF questionnaire was used to collect data the QOL of each participant. Data were analyzed with IBM SPSS version 20.0. Results: The overall mean QOL score for the participants was 89.13±1.18 (95% CI=87.95-90.31). The scores in three of the six life domains in the WHOQOL-HIV BREF instrument were similar and high; spirituality/ religion/personal beliefs (16.33±0.36), physical health (15.83±0.28) and psychological health (15.07±0.24). Lower mean QOL scores were observed in the social relationships (13.49±0.28) and environment (13.45±0.20) domains. Clinical HIV stage, marital status, educational status and gender were significantly associated with mean QOL scores in bivariate analysis while only HIV stage 1 and 2 were significantly associated with good QOL in multivariate logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: It is pertinent that PLWHA are kept in early stages of HIV disease through combination of efforts such as prompt enrolment, commencement and monitoring compliance of HAART, and treatment of opportunistic infections, as well as public health measures including education, de-stigmatization, early diagnosis by extensive accessible screening/testing of at-risk population, social supports and economic empowerment, psychotherapy and social integration of affected individuals especially in a functional home.

Apoyo Social , Infecciones por VIH , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida , Adaptabilidad , Terapia Antirretroviral Altamente Activa , Diagnóstico , Integración Social , Calidad de Vida , Estereotipo , Terapéutica , Salud Pública , Hospitales de Enseñanza , Nigeria
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 38(1): 1-10, 2023. tables
Artículo en Francés | AIM | ID: biblio-1427096


Introduction : La forme digestive pure de la COVID-19 est possible et initialement considérée comme rare. L'objectif était d'étudier la COVID-19 en milieu chirurgical. Matériels et méthodes: L'étude était descriptive prospective de Mars 2020 à Aout 2021 (18 mois). Tous les patients qui ont été opérés, hospitalisés ou consultés dans le service, au service d'accueil des urgences (SAU) ou dans d'autres services du CHU. GT pour pathologie chirurgicale avec COVID-19 ou infecté au COVID-19 en cours d'hospitalisation étaient inclus dans l'étude. Résultats : 23 cas colligés ; représentant 8,91 % (23/258) des cas de COVID-19 recensés, une fréquence de 1,27/mois. La tranche d'âge 66-75 ans était la plus atteinte, la moyenne d'âge était de 49,13 ± 18,75ans, la prédominance était masculine (sex-ratio de 1,3). Plus de 34,78% ont été recrutés au SAU, 16 malades (69,56%) ont consultés en urgence, les signes digestifs du COVID-19 étaient : Douleur abdominale 20 cas (89,96%), anorexie 19 cas (82,61%), Vomissements 8 cas (34,78%), diarrhée 3 cas (13,04%). Les signes pulmonaires du COVID-19 étaient : Toux 18 cas (78,26%), douleur thoracique 15 cas (65,22%), dyspnée 9 cas (39,13%). Les manifestations du COVID-19 étaient : pulmonaire 9 cas, digestives 9 cas, associées 3 cas, découverte fortuite 2 cas. Le moyen diagnostic a été la TDM Thoracique (100%), le Test-PCR 14 cas (60,86%) avec un test-PCR positif dans 50% des cas. Les pathologies chirurgicales étaient des urgences chirurgicales dans 7 cas (30,43%), des cancers dans 6 cas (26,09%), manifestation digestive COVID-19(30,43%), autres 3 cas (13,04%).Plus de la moitié des malades étaient opérés 12 cas (52,17%). La mortalité globale était de 60,87% et la mortalité des malades opérés était de 41,67%. Conclusion : Les pathologies chirurgicales et COVID-19 n'étaient pas fréquentes. La plupart des malades avaient plus de 50 ans avec une présence moyenne de comorbidité. Les signes pulmonaires étaient les plus marquants, cependant les signes digestifs étaient inaugurales dans la moitié des cas de notre étude. La TDM Thoracique associée ou non au Test-PCR oro-pharyngé permet de faire le diagnostic. Le traitement peut-être médico-chirurgical ou médical. Le risque infectieux de la COVID-19 au cours de l'hospitalisation, pendant ou après la chirurgie est réel et potentiellement grave pour le malade ainsi que les soignants.

Introduction: The pure digestive form of COVID-19 is possible and initially considered rare. Our objectives were to determine the frequency of COVID-19 in patients treated in general surgery, identify the circumstances of COVID-19 discoveries in surgery, describe the post-operative complications in patients operated on COVID-1919 and describe the reorganization of post-operative COVID-19 diagnosis management.Materials and methods: We conducted a prospective descriptive study from March 2020 to August 2021 (18 months). All patients who have been operated on, hospitalized or consulted in the department, the Emergency Department (ERS) or other CHU-GT departments for surgical pathology with COVID-19 or infected with COVID-19 while hospitalized were included in the study.Results: 23 cases collected, representing 8.91% (23/258) of COVID-19 cases identified, a frequency of 1.27/month. The age group 66-75 was the most affected, the average age was 49.13 18.75 years, the predominance was male (sex ratio of 1.3). More than 34.78% were recruited at the SAU, 16 patients (69.56%) consulted in emergency, and digestive signs of COVID-19 were: Abdominal pain 20 cases (89.96%), anorexia 19 cases (82.61%), vomiting 8 cases (34.78%) and diarrhea 3 cases (13.04%). The pulmonary signs of COVID-19 were: Cough 18 cases (78.26%), chest pain 15 cases (65.22%), and dyspnea 9 cases (39.13%). Manifestations of COVID-19 were: pulmonary 9 cases, digestive 9 cases, associated 3 cases, incidental discovery 2 cases. The diagnostic mean was Thoracic CT (100%), Test-PCR 14 cases (60.86%) with a positive PCR test in 50% of cases. Surgical pathologies were surgical emergencies in 7 cases (30.43%), cancers in 6 cases (26.09%), COVID-19 digestive event (30.43%) and other 3 cases (13.04%). More than half of patients were operated on 12 cases (52.17%). The overall mortality was 60.87% and the mortality of surgical patients was 41.67%.Conclusion: The infectious risk of COVID-19 during hospitalization, during or after digestive surgery is a real and potentially serious risk for the patient and caregiver

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Signos y Síntomas Respiratorios , Cirugía General , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Servicios Médicos de Urgencia
Tropical Biomedicine ; : 444-452, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011360


@#This paper describes the occurrence of multiple parasitic infection with special reference to emerging haemotropic Mycoplasma ovis. A cross-sectional survey of four selected goat flocks was conducted to collect samples and management information. Blood samples were processed using microhaematocrit centrifugation to determine the packed cell volume (PCV). Detection and morphological identification of blood protozoa and haemotropic Mycoplasma ovis from Giemsa-stained smears were done microscopically. M. ovis infection was classified mild (1-29% infected cells), moderate (30-59% infected cells), or severe (above 60% infected cells). Faecal floatation and McMaster faecal egg count were used to detect and classify strongyle infections as negative (no eggs/oocysts), light (< 500 epg), Moderate (500 – 1000 epg), or severe (>1000 epg) and coccidia infection as light (<1800 opg), moderate (1800 – 6000 opg), or severe (>6000 opg). There were 149 goats with blood protozoa (57.98%; 95% CI: 51.87 – 63.85) and 204 goats with GI parasites (79.38%; 95% CI: 74.02 - 83.87) involved in single (15.8%; 95% CI: 11.7 – 21.0) or multiple (84.2%; 95% CI: 79.0 – 88.3) infections. The risk of Strongyles increases by 2.49 (95% CI: 1.24 – 4.99) in females versus males and 6.79 (95% CI: 3.25 – 14.18, p =0.000) in adults versus young. The risk of Eimeria species increases by 7.32 (95% CI: 3.45 – 15.50, p =0.000) in adults versus young, while M. ovis coinfection risk increases by 4.51 (95% CI: 1.40 – 14.50, p =0.000) in female versus males. Thin animals had a significantly higher (p<0.05) mean burden of Strongyle (1370.37 ± 345.49) and Eimeria (1594.12 ± 695.26) than the moderate and fat goats. The PCV was negatively associated with mean faecal egg count (FEC) (p<0.05) such that a lower PCV was recorded in animals with a higher Strongyle epg output. A severe burden of M. ovis was accompanied by an increased nematode FEC and decreased haematocrit (p<0.05). Coinfections of Strongyles, or Eimeria species involving M. ovis were associated with a higher parasitaemia compared with single infections (p<0.05). This study highlights the importance of M. ovis and Strongyle or Eimeria species coinfections among goat flocks and provides valuable data for developing and implementing an integrated herd health management program for parasite control among low-input smallholder flocks.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219605


Flavoured tobacco is mainly consumed in India and neighbouring countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nepal and the hazards are known. Considering the need to identify such flavouring ingredients and a simple analytical method was required to quantify such favouring ingredients and hazardous / allergens, we selected top brands available in India for investigation. We simply extracted the ingredients by triturating with Diethyl Ether, evaporating solvent ether and reconstituting the extract in Acetone & Ethanol for GC-MS & GC-FID work respectively. The flavour ingredients were identified, and hazardous ingredients, viz. Diethyl Phthalate was identified. It was found around 2.5% to 3.0%. The GC-MS method was validated with GC-FID analysis with Linearity, LOD & LOQ study.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216957


Introduction: COVID-19 infection caused by the SARS COV-2 virus is one of the largest pandemics and has affected every nation worldwide. The introduction of different vaccines against COVID-19 infection has bought new hope in the fight against COVID-19, which would decrease the ongoing crisis. These vaccines were approved for emergency purposes, which had fewer clinical trials involving elderly populations. Hence, this study intends to know the safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccine in the elderly population. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, we have collected data regarding the onset of symptoms within 72hrs following first dose of COVID-19 Vaccination among elderly people through a direct interview and by phone call, using a questionnaire. Results: Among 1373 elderly, 445 (32.41%) had no symptoms, while the remaining 928 (67.54%) had developed symptoms. The commonest symptoms were fever 738 (53.75%), pain at local site 536 (39.01%), and body ache 382 (27.82%). All these symptoms were relieved by taking Paracetamol 650mg tablet provided by the vaccination center. The commonest co-morbidities observed were hypertension, diabetes, and ischemic heart disease. There was no mortality. Conclusion: So far, very few studies have been conducted on the elderly population. Our study has an advantage where it has involved a large number of elderly populations. The majority of the elderly in our study received covishield vaccine. We conclude covishield and covaxin vaccines had minor side effects which were selflimiting and can be considered safe in the elderly population despite having multiple co-morbidities. This study endorses that vaccines are safe in the elderly population irrespective of co-morbidities and increasing age.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218403


Introduction: Ethambutol (EMB) is one of the first-line antituberculosis drugs that reported to cause toxic effects on the eye structure. This study aims to elucidate the histological mechanism of retinal and optic nerve damage in toxic optic neuropathy cases.Reference Sources: The literature search was conducted in the PUBMED and MEDLINE databases using the latest publication of the 2012-2022 series.Studies Selection: The observational and randomized controlled trial studies analyzing the effect of ethambutol on retinal nerve fiber layer, retinal ganglion layer, inner cell plexiform layer thickness, optic nerve tissue, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), color perception, visual evoked response, and patients' visual field were included.Data Extraction Method: Articles that met the inclusion criteria underwent a specific evaluation, whereby the main focus was the ethambutol on retinal and optic nerve tissue.Results: The results showed that ethambutol affects the thinning of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL), decreasing the amount of Ganglion Cells and changing the optic nerve's histological function by damaging the mitochondria and axonal fiber.Conclusion: It was concluded that ethambutol has adverse effects on retinal and optic nerve tissue due to several mechanisms and significantly affects the patient's visual outcome.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219562


Bacitracin is a hexapeptide antibiotic, with a substituted thiazolidine nucleus, produced by some strains of B. licheniformis. It is mainly active against Grampositive bacteria, although many differences in susceptibility exist among the bacterial species. Alpharma A.S. Norway has produced bacitracin for use in human medicine since 1954. Until 1998, the fermentation waste from the production of bacitracin was added to animal feed in some European countries, including Norway, to promote growth of pigs and domestic fowl. In 1998, fermentation waste containing bacitracin as a food additive was banned by the EU to reduce the risk of developing bacitracin-resistant bacteria in animals, and the subsequent possible transfer of such bacteria to humans via the food chain. Use of fermentation waste containing bacitracin as a feed additive has not been officially banned in Norway, but it is no longer used for this purpose. Alpharma is therefore actively seeking alternative uses for their production waste. As the waste material is rich in nutrients, the company proposes that it could be developed as a soil additive by fermenting it with chipped bark and lime. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) commissioned the Panel on Biological Hazards of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomitéen for mattrygghet) to develop a risk assessment regarding the use of composted waste material from Alpharma’s production of bacitracin, as a soil additive. In response, an ad hoc Working Group of experts was appointed with the mandate to draft a risk assessment which should include the following elements: assessment of risk to human health and/or the environment in relation to residual content of bacitracin in the finished soil additive product and assessment of the risk in relation to dissemination of the production strain and antimicrobial resistance genes. The Panel on Biological Hazards concludes that the risks to human health and the environment posed by residual bacitracin present in the finished product are minimal. Furthermore, as Bacillus licheniformis is considered essentially non-pathogenic, occurring rarely as an opportunistic pathogen, the risk posed by this bacterium to human health or the environment is very low. It is reasonable to assume that during the early composting process horizontal transfer of bacitracin and erythromycin resistance genes, from the B. licheniformis producer strain to environmental bacteria, will exceed background levels. However, this is considered to represent a low risk to human health and the environment.

West Afr. j. med ; 39(11): 1113-1118, 2022. tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1410841


BACKGROUND: The exponential rise in the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) necessitates the introduction of strategies for early diagnosis to reduce the burden of the disease. This study assessed the prevalence of prediabetes and also determined the 10-year risk of developing T2DM in Southern Nigerian rural communities by adopting the validated Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) tool. METHODS: 273 participants from 3 Southern rural communities aged 18 years and older were recruited in this cross-sectional study.Data in the FINDRISC stratification tool and Random Blood Glucose (RBG) variables were obtained for the participants. IBM SPSS version 21 was used to analyze the data with a level of significance put at p< 0.05. RESULTS: The participants' mean age was 54.20±16.61 years. The prevalence of prediabetes among the study participants based on RBG was 4.8% (3.8% of males and 6.6% of females, respectively).Most of the study participants (41%) had a low risk of developing T2DM which meant that 1 in 100 participants would become diabetic in a 10-year period, based on the FINDRISC scale. Amongst the male participants, the Total Diabetes Risk Score (TDRS) showed significant positive correlation with the RBG (r=0.315, p=0.001); similarly, a weak positive correlation between TDRS and RBG was noted among female participants. CONCLUSION: The propensity of developing T2DM in 10 years was indisputably low amongst rural dwellers in the Southern Nigerian rural communities studied. Further studies to compare the risk of developing T2DM between rural and urban communities would be required

Humanos , Enfermedad , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Estado Prediabético , Baño de Vapor , Medidas de Correlación
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468432


Mormodica charantia (Curcubitaceae) is a plant with great medicinal potential, also used as an alternative of mosquitoes control as demonstrated by previous studies. We evaluated the larvicidal activity of crude extracts of ethyl acetate, methanol and hexane from flowers and fruits of M. charantia against Aedes aegypti (Culicidae). Flowers and fruits were macerated in methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane. Bioassays were performed with application of the extracts at final concentrations of 1 - 200 µg/mL in the middle of the third instar larvae of A. aegypti (L3). The results showed high toxicity to ethyl acetate extracts from flowers and fruits at concentrations of 200 µg/mL and 100 µg/mL, with 97% and 87% of larvae mortality (L3), respectively. Hexane extract demonstrated low toxicity, while methanol extract exhibited 78% larval mortality. The data suggested that the ethyl acetate extracts of flowers and fruits of M. charantia can effectively contribute to larvicidal activity. In addition, purification of M. charantia extracts may lead to a promising larvicidal activity to control the A. aegypti population.

Mormodica charantia (Curcubitaceae) é uma planta com grande potencial medicinal, sendo também uma alternativa no controle de mosquitos conforme demonstrado por estudos prévios. Avaliou-se a atividade larvicida dos extratos brutos de acetato de etila, metanólico e hexânico das folhas, flores e frutos de M. charantia no Aedes aegypti (Culicidae). Folhas, flores e frutos foram macerados em metanol, acetato de etila e hexano. Os bioensaios foram realizados com aplicação dos extratos nas concentrações finais de 1-200 µg/mL no meio de criação das larvas de terceiro estádio de A. aegypti (L3). Os resultados obtidos apontaram alta toxicidade para os extratos de acetato de etila das flores e frutos nas concentrações de 200 µg/mL e 100 µg/mL com mortalidade em L3 de 96,7% e 87%, respectivamente. Baixa toxicidade para o extrato hexânico e o extrato metanólico apresentou mortalidade de 78% larval. Os dados sugerem que os extratos de acetato de etila das flores e frutos de M. charantia podem contribuir efetivamente para atividade larvicida no controle da população de A. aegypti.

Aedes , Larvicidas/análisis , Momordica charantia/efectos de los fármacos , Momordica charantia/toxicidad
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-4, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468444


Coccidiosis remains one of the major problems in poultry all over the world. Very limited data on anticoccidial drugs in wild pigeons is available. The current study was aimed to understand the comparative efficacy of sulfadimidine, amprolium and triquen in wild pigeons of Dir district, Pakistan suffering from coccidiosis. The faecal matter of wild pigeons were purchased from the local market for coccidian infection. Results revealed that 88.8% (16/18) were found infected with Eimeria spp. Three positive groups were treated with sulfadimidine (0.2mg/L), amprolium (25mg/L) and triquen. Sulfadimidine was most effective (45%) followed by amprolium (44.6%) while triquen (24.0%) showed less effectiveness against coccidiosis in pigeons. Number of oocysts were 79, 81 and 80 before treatment and 60, 44 and 44 after treatment with sulfadimidine, amprolium and triquen respectively. This study showed that sulphadimidine, amprolium and triquen could not significantly reduce the coccidiosis in pigeons. Further studies are required to clear the mechanism of anti-coccidial drugs in wild pigeons.

A coccidiose continua sendo um dos maiores problemas em aves de todo o mundo. Dados muito limitados sobre drogas anticoccidiais em pombos selvagens estão disponíveis. O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender a eficácia comparativa da sulfadimidina, amprólio e triquenho em pombos selvagens do distrito de Dir, no Paquistão, que sofrem de coccidiose. A matéria fecal dos pombos selvagens foi comprada no mercado local para infecção por coccídios. Os resultados revelaram que 88,8% (16/18) foram encontrados infectados com Eimeria spp. Três grupos positivos foram tratados com sulfadimidina (0,2mg / L), amprólio (25mg / L) e triquenho. A sulfadimidina foi mais eficaz (45%), seguida pelo amprólio (44,6%), enquanto o triquenho (24,0%) apresentou menor efetividade contra a coccidiose em pombos. O número de oocistos foram 79, 81 e 80 antes do tratamento e 60, 44 e 44 após o tratamento com sulfadimidina, amprólio e triquenho, respectivamente. Este estudo mostrou que sulphadimidine, amprolium e triquen não poderiam reduzir significativamente a coccidiose em pombos. Mais estudos são necessários para limpar o mecanismo de drogas anticoccidiais em pombos selvagens.

Animales , Amprolio , Coccidiosis/prevención & control , Coccidiosis/tratamiento farmacológico , Coccidiosis/veterinaria , Columbidae/parasitología , Sulfametazina , Antiinfecciosos
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-3, 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468460


A new species of the genus Lutziella (Rohde, 1966) Yamaguti, 1971 is described here and named Lutziella swatensis sp.nov. from the liver of rat (Rattus rattus L.). The new species is characterized by having body flat, smooth, longer than broad with maximum width at the level of the ovary, oral sucker with weak musculature, pharynx small; eosophagus long; caeca of irregular shape which bifurcate on the anterior border of the ovary in to unequal portions, acetabulum weakly muscular, post-testicular, testes lobed, cirrus pouch somewhat median, small in size containing winding seminal vesicle, prostatic complex and short ejaculatory duct. Genital pore median. Ovary post testicular, submedian; seminal receptacle overlapping ovary, laurer’s canal present. Vitellaria follicular extending on each side from almost the level of testes to anterior portion of posterior half of the body. Uterus filled with eggs occupying most of the body, eggs oval rather small, numerous, brownish in colour, excretory vesicle tubular with terminal pore. Lutziella swatensis n. sp. is the second species of the genus known from Pakistan as well as the second species described from murid rodents in the world.

Uma nova espécie do gênero Lutziella (Rohde, 1966) Yamaguti, 1971 é descrita aqui e denominada Lutziella swatensis sp.nov. do fígado do rato (Rattus rattus L.). A nova espécie é caracterizada por ter corpo liso, liso, mais longo que largo com largura máxima ao nível do ovário, otário oral com musculatura débil, faringe pequena; eosôfago longo; ceco de forma irregular que se bifurca na borda anterior do ovário em porções desiguais, acetábulo fracamente muscular, pós-testicular, testículos lobados, bolsa cirrus um pouco mediana, pequeno em tamanho contendo vesícula seminal sinuosa, complexo prostático e ducto ejaculatório curto. Mediana dos poros genitais. Ovário pós testicular, submediano; ovário sobreposto do receptáculo seminal, canal de laurer presente. Vitellaria folicular que se estende de cada lado de quase o nível dos testículos para a porção anterior da metade posterior do corpo. Útero cheio de ovos que ocupam a maior parte do corpo, oval ovos bastante pequenos, numerosos, de cor acastanhada, vesícula excretor tubular com poro terminal. Lutziella swatensis n. sp. é a segunda espécie do gênero conhecida do Paquistão, bem como a segunda espécie descrita de roedores do mundo.

Animales , Ratas , Trematodos/anatomía & histología , Trematodos/fisiología , Trematodos/parasitología , Ratas
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468619


Abstract Mormodica charantia (Curcubitaceae) is a plant with great medicinal potential, also used as an alternative of mosquitoes control as demonstrated by previous studies. We evaluated the larvicidal activity of crude extracts of ethyl acetate, methanol and hexane from flowers and fruits of M. charantia against Aedes aegypti (Culicidae). Flowers and fruits were macerated in methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane. Bioassays were performed with application of the extracts at final concentrations of 1 - 200 µg/mL in the middle of the third instar larvae of A. aegypti (L3). The results showed high toxicity to ethyl acetate extracts from flowers and fruits at concentrations of 200 µg/mL and 100 µg/mL, with 97% and 87% of larvae mortality (L3), respectively. Hexane extract demonstrated low toxicity, while methanol extract exhibited 78% larval mortality. The data suggested that the ethyl acetate extracts of flowers and fruits of M. charantia can effectively contribute to larvicidal activity. In addition, purification of M. charantia extracts may lead to a promising larvicidal activity to control the A. aegypti population.

Resumo Mormodica charantia (Curcubitaceae) é uma planta com grande potencial medicinal, sendo também uma alternativa no controle de mosquitos conforme demonstrado por estudos prévios. Avaliou-se a atividade larvicida dos extratos brutos de acetato de etila, metanólico e hexânico das folhas, flores e frutos de M. charantia no Aedes aegypti (Culicidae). Folhas, flores e frutos foram macerados em metanol, acetato de etila e hexano. Os bioensaios foram realizados com aplicação dos extratos nas concentrações finais de 1-200 µg/mL no meio de criação das larvas de terceiro estádio de A. aegypti (L3). Os resultados obtidos apontaram alta toxicidade para os extratos de acetato de etila das flores e frutos nas concentrações de 200 µg/mL e 100 µg/mL com mortalidade em L3 de 96,7% e 87%, respectivamente. Baixa toxicidade para o extrato hexânico e o extrato metanólico apresentou mortalidade de 78% larval. Os dados sugerem que os extratos de acetato de etila das flores e frutos de M. charantia podem contribuir efetivamente para atividade larvicida no controle da população de A. aegypti.

Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468631


Abstract Coccidiosis remains one of the major problems in poultry all over the world. Very limited data on anticoccidial drugs in wild pigeons is available. The current study was aimed to understand the comparative efficacy of sulfadimidine, amprolium and triquen in wild pigeons of Dir district, Pakistan suffering from coccidiosis. The faecal matter of wild pigeons were purchased from the local market for coccidian infection. Results revealed that 88.8% (16/18) were found infected with Eimeria spp. Three positive groups were treated with sulfadimidine (0.2mg/L), amprolium (25mg/L) and triquen. Sulfadimidine was most effective (45%) followed by amprolium (44.6%) while triquen (24.0%) showed less effectiveness against coccidiosis in pigeons. Number of oocysts were 79, 81 and 80 before treatment and 60, 44 and 44 after treatment with sulfadimidine, amprolium and triquen respectively. This study showed that sulphadimidine, amprolium and triquen could not significantly reduce the coccidiosis in pigeons. Further studies are required to clear the mechanism of anti-coccidial drugs in wild pigeons.

Resumo A coccidiose continua sendo um dos maiores problemas em aves de todo o mundo. Dados muito limitados sobre drogas anticoccidiais em pombos selvagens estão disponíveis. O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender a eficácia comparativa da sulfadimidina, amprólio e triquenho em pombos selvagens do distrito de Dir, no Paquistão, que sofrem de coccidiose. A matéria fecal dos pombos selvagens foi comprada no mercado local para infecção por coccídios. Os resultados revelaram que 88,8% (16/18) foram encontrados infectados com Eimeria spp. Três grupos positivos foram tratados com sulfadimidina (0,2mg / L), amprólio (25mg / L) e triquenho. A sulfadimidina foi mais eficaz (45%), seguida pelo amprólio (44,6%), enquanto o triquenho (24,0%) apresentou menor efetividade contra a coccidiose em pombos. O número de oocistos foram 79, 81 e 80 antes do tratamento e 60, 44 e 44 após o tratamento com sulfadimidina, amprólio e triquenho, respectivamente. Este estudo mostrou que sulphadimidine, amprolium e triquen não poderiam reduzir significativamente a coccidiose em pombos. Mais estudos são necessários para limpar o mecanismo de drogas anticoccidiais em pombos selvagens.