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Rev. panam. salud pública ; 42: e29, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-961752


ABSTRACT Objective To estimate the association between stature in Mexican adults and some sociodemographic factors. Methods We studied a sample of 30 970 subjects, using anthropometric data from the 2012 National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT 2012). The first quartile was used as the cutoff to define short stature. We analyzed differences among stature strata for sociodemographic variables by using the Kruskal-Wallis test. We estimated odds ratios to measure the association between stature and sociodemographic variables, controlling for potential confounders. Results Persons from the southern region of the country were some three times as likely to be of short stature than were subjects in the northern region. The stature difference between the Mexican states with the highest and the lowest average stature was larger than the average difference in stature between Mexico and the United States of America. Adults who had had less than six years of schooling presented the highest prevalence of short stature, regardless of sex, region of the country, place of residence (rural or urban), or the proportion of indigenous language speakers in a state. In addition, the stratum with the highest marginalization (percentage of the population lacking education and services, with a low income, and living in a small community) showed the highest prevalence of short stature. Conclusion In Mexico, adults who are of short stature have unequal living conditions when compared to those of average or high stature, and this could drive increases in health inequity.

RESUMEN Objetivo Establecer la asociación entre la estatura de los mexicanos adultos y algunos factores sociodemográficos. Métodos Sobre la base de datos antropométricos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición de 2012 (ENSANUT 2012), estudiamos una muestra de 30 970 sujetos. Para definir la estatura baja, el umbral se estableció en el primer cuartil. Analizamos las diferencias entre los distintos estratos de estatura en relación con variables sociodemográficas utilizando la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. Calculamos las razones de posibilidades para medir la asociación entre la estatura y las variables sociodemográficas, con control de posibles factores de confusión. Resultados Las personas de la zona meridional del país tenían alrededor de tres veces más probabilidades de ser de estatura baja que las personas de la zona septentrional. La diferencia entre los estados mexicanos con la estatura promedio más alta y la estatura promedio más baja fue mayor que la diferencia promedio respecto de la estatura entre México y los Estados Unidos de América. La prevalencia más alta de estatura baja se registró en los adultos con menos de seis años de escolaridad, independientemente del sexo, la zona del país, el lugar de residencia (rural o urbano) y la proporción de hablantes de lenguas indígenas en un estado. Además, la prevalencia más alta de estatura baja se observó en el estrato de población más marginada (porcentaje de habitantes sin escolaridad ni servicios, con ingresos bajos y que vivían una comunidad pequeña). Conclusiones En México, las condiciones de vida de los adultos de estatura baja son más desfavorables que las de los adultos de estatura media o alta, y esto podría contribuir a aumentar la inequidad en materia de salud.

RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a associação entre a estatura em adultos mexicanos e fatores sociodemográficos. Métodos Foi estudada uma amostra de 30.970 indivíduos com base em dados antropométricos obtidos da Pesquisa Nacional sobre Saúde e Nutrição de 2012 (ENSANUT 2012). O primeiro quartil foi usado como valor de corte para definir baixa estatura. Foram analisadas as diferenças entre os estratos de estatura para as variáveis sociodemográficas com o uso do teste de Kruskal- Wallis. Foram estimados os odds ratios para medir a associação entre a estatura e as variáveis sociodemográficas, controlando-se os potenciais fatores de confusão. Resultados Os indivíduos da região sul do país apresentaram uma chance quase três vezes maior de ter baixa estatura em comparação aos indivíduos da região norte. A diferença de estatura entre os estados mexicanos com a estatura média maior e a estatura média menor foi maior que a diferença média em estatura entre o México e os Estados Unidos. Os adultos com menos de seis anos de escolaridade apresentaram a prevalência mais elevada de baixa estatura, independentemente do sexo, região do país, zona de residência (rural ou urbana) ou proporção de falantes de línguas indígenas em um estado. Além disso, o estrato com maior marginação (porcentagem de habitantes com carência de educação e serviços, de baixa renda e vivendo em uma pequena comunidade) apresentou a prevalência mais elevada de baixa estatura. Conclusão No México, os adultos com baixa estatura têm condições de vida desiguais comparados aos adultos com estatura média ou alta, contribuindo para maior iniquidade em saúde.

Humanos , Factores Socioeconómicos , Estatura , Adulto , Grupos de Población , México
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 41: e29, 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-961693


ABSTRACT Objective To describe the association between collective violence and the health of older adults in Mexico. Methods The data analyzed were taken from a Mexican population-based national survey of health and nutrition that included a representative sample of adults over 60 years of age and from an index of violence for each of the states of Mexico that was compiled by a major research center. Five of the most common geriatric ailments (weight loss, depressive symptoms, falls, positive affectivity, and disability) were crossed with the violence index score assigned to each state. Results A total of 7 108 older adults were included in the analysis. Among the five geriatric health problems, weight loss had the strongest association with violence, even when an adjusted model was used. For weight loss, that association increased as the level of collective violence rose. With the adjusted model, there was also an association of severe collective violence with disability and with low positive affectivity. Conclusions Our results show that there is an association of collective violence with weight loss and other geriatric problems. Collective violence could indirectly affect individuals' health, especially older persons and other vulnerable groups.

RESUMEN Objetivo Describir la asociación entre la violencia colectiva y la salud de los adultos mayores en México. Métodos Los datos analizados se tomaron de una encuesta nacional de salud y nutrición de la población mexicana que incluía una muestra representativa de adultos mayores de 60 años y de un índice de violencia para cada uno de los estados de México, compilado por un importante centro de investigación. Se cruzaron cinco de las dolencias geriátricas más frecuentes (pérdida de peso, síntomas depresivos, caídas, afectividad positiva baja y discapacidad) con la puntuación del índice de violencia de cada estado. Resultados En el análisis se incluyó un total de 7 108 adultos mayores. De los cinco problemas de salud geriátricos, la pérdida de peso reveló la asociación más fuerte con la violencia, incluso cuando se utilizó un modelo ajustado. Esa asociación aumentaba a medida que se elevaba el nivel de violencia colectiva. Con el modelo ajustado también se observó una asociación de la violencia colectiva grave con la discapacidad y con una afectividad positiva baja. Conclusiones Nuestros resultados indican que existe una asociación entre la violencia colectiva y la pérdida de peso y otros problemas geriátricos. La violencia colectiva podría afectar indirectamente la salud de las personas, especialmente los adultos mayores y las personas de otros grupos vulnerables.

RESUMO Objetivo Descrever a associação entre a violência coletiva e a saúde do idoso no México. Métodos Os dados analisados foram obtidos de um inquérito nacional de base populacional de saúde e nutrição conduzido no México com uma amostra representativa da população adulta acima de 60 anos de idade e com base em estimativas dos índices de violência dos estados mexicanos fornecidas por um grande centro de pesquisa. Cinco problemas geriátricos mais comuns (perda de peso, sintomas depressivos, quedas, afetividade positiva e incapacidade) foram examinados em relação ao índice de violência de cada estado. Resultados A análise incluiu uma amostra de 7.108 idosos. Dentre os cinco problemas geriátricos, a perda de peso teve a associação mais expressiva com a violência, mesmo após o uso de um modelo ajustado. Esta associação aumentou com o nível de violência coletiva. No modelo ajustado, verificou-se também a associação de alto nível de violência coletiva com incapacidade e baixa afetividade positiva. Conclusões Este estudo demonstra existir uma associação entre violência coletiva e perda de peso e outros problemas geriátricos. A violência coletiva possivelmente exerceria uma influência indireta na saúde da população, sobretudo de idosos e outros grupos vulneráveis.

Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Envejecimiento , Salud del Anciano , Exposición a la Violencia/prevención & control , México
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164316


Background: Locally, experienced dietitians have been teaching carbohydrate counting (CHOC) and associated insulin dose adjustment as per nationally recognised structured patient education programmes for people with type 1 diabetes since 2005. In 2007, the BDA suggested a protocol with organisational approval was best practice to ratify this extended role1. As organisations have a responsibility to ensure competency of staff there is sometimes, understandably, a reluctance to give local agreement without a legal framework to underpin this practice. Dietitians are currently not eligible to do the nonmedical prescribers course2. Methods: People with type 1 diabetes who do not wish to attend secondary care, sit within the level 3 diabetes service in primary care. Following completion of a CHOC workshop, they often opt for e-consultation. This involves submitting electronic charts detailing blood glucose (BG), carbohydrate (CHO) loads and insulin doses for advice. All insulin dose adjustment advice by a dietitian is cross-checked by a prescriber (Diabetes Specialist Nurse DSN) prior to email response. Three case reviews illustrate this process. Discussion: Waiting for a prescriber to okay insulin dose adjustment advice from the dietitian delays email response to patient by an average of 38 hours. A regulatory framework such as a patient group directive or protocol would enable a dietitian to provide this advice in a timely manner. Without organisational support locally, dietitians have been refused this mechanism. Conclusion: This brief abstract provides evidence of on-going safe working of a dietitian in an extended insulin dose adjustment role and reinforces the need for a legal framework to underpin this practice.

Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 2006; 5 (4): 167-175
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-167352


The number and function of human natural killer [NK] cells are generally assessed to monitor the baseline of immune function, the effect of treatment, the progress of malignancy or metastases and diseases. NK cells recognise and kill target cells in the absence of prior sensitisation and are able to defend the host from infection of prevent the progression of a disease. Human NK cells express CD16 and CD56 which are [massively] being used as a major hallmark for the NK cell. The purpose of this study was to identify the unique subsets of peripheral blood mononuclear cells [PBMC] [%CD3[-] CD56[+] cells] by flow cytometry and to determine whether there is any correlation with functionally mature progeny of [NKp] precursor after five days of culture. The correlation was analysed using samples obtained from 120 Caucasian patietns. 20-30ml of whole blood was collected in sterile tube containing preservative free sodium heparin and a similar sample was obtained after five days. Maturation of NKp required the continuous presence of recombinant interleukin 2 [rIL-2], or interleukin 15 [rIL-15] and functional maturity of NK cells was determined by their ability to lyse target cells from the K562 cell line. The NK precursor frequency was measured by limiting dilution analysis [LDA], which the NKpf assay was set up with a range of cell dilution from 40,000 to 625 per 100 micro l/well in 96 [Eu-K562] was added and Eu release measured in culture supernatants using time-resolved fluorometry. The PBMC were set up in parallel cultures under various conditions. On day five cells were collected from culture plates and adjusted to 1x10 cells/ml and then mixed. The mixture was incubated and anti CD3 and anti CD56 were added. NK cells were enumerated in 120 patients by doubel staining with a combination of anti-CD[3]- and anti-CD56[+]. The results of these Immunophenotyping studies by flow cytometry showed no correlation between the NKpf [natural killer percursor frequency] and the percent of CD3[-]CD56[+] cell expressed after five days confirming that CD56 was inadequate as a unique marker for functional NK cells

West Indian med. j ; 41(1): 15-8, Mar. 1992.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-107503


The main features of the Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS), a complication of neuroleptic therapy, are fever, muscle rigidity, autonomic dysfunction, and an alteration in consciousness level. We describe five cases of NMS comprising 0.6 per cent of acute neuroleptically-treated admissions to a psychiatric hospital over a one-year period. All patients, four females aged 26 to 63 years, and one male, aged 65 years, were of African origin and received multiple neuroleptic drugs, at least one of which was a depot preparation. Four were being treated for functional psychiatric disorders while one had dementia. All patients had fever and depressed consciousness level while four had rigidity and autonomic dysfunction. Serum creatine phosphokinase was elevated in 4 cases, and there was indirect evidence of myoglobinuria in 3 cases suggested by a positive urine dipstick test for blood despite the absence of red cells on microscopy. Rhabdomyolysis was associated with renal failure in one case. Both bromocriptine mesylate and dantrolene sodium were given in two cases. Three patients died in hospital, one with persistent rigidity and progressive decubitus ulceration, one from peritonitis following dialysis, and another suddenly. Early recognition of NMS is important; it should be considered in any patient on neuroleptic therapy who develops fever, rigidity or alteration in consciousness level.

Antipsicóticos/complicaciones , Síndrome Neuroléptico Maligno , Medición de Riesgo , Síndrome Neuroléptico Maligno/complicaciones , Síndrome Neuroléptico Maligno/diagnóstico , Síndrome Neuroléptico Maligno/etiología
In. Fraser, Henry S; Hoyos, Michael D. Problems in adolescent medicine in the Caribbean. St. Michael, University of the West Indies (Cave Hill). Faculty of Medical Sciences, 1983. p.53-4.
Monografía en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-142886