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Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 20(1): 29-36, 2016. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-789702


Comparar a condição periodontal em gestantes e os fatoresrelacionados aos serviços de saúde prestados a estas, bem comorelacionar a condição periodontal e de higiene bucal aos trimestresgestacionais. Material e Métodos: Selecionou-se aleatoriamente 150gestantes, distribuídas entre um hospital público (SPU) e um privado(SPI), localizados no município de Imperatriz – Maranhão, Brasil. Asgestantes foram informadas a respeito dos objetivos do trabalho,autorizando a participação mediante a assinatura do Termo deConsentimento Livre e Esclarecido. As pacientes foram submetidasa exame clínico para aferição da condição de higiene bucal (IHOS) edoença periodontal (CPI). Os resultados foram analisados pelos testesMann-Whitney e Correlação de Spearman (á<0,05). Resultados: Entreas gestantes avaliadas, a gengivite foi diagnosticada para 21,3% doSPU e 25,3% do SPI, enquanto a presença de cálculo foi observadapara 10,7% e 5,3% do SPU e SPI, respectivamente. A condiçãosatisfatória de higiene oral foi observada em 26,7% no SPU e 42,7%para SPI. Os valores médios de IHOS observados para SPU e SPIforam, respectivamente, 1,33 ± 0,10 e 0,68 ± 0,08 com diferençaestatisticamente significante entre as médias (p<0,01). Não seobservou diferença estatisticamente significante (p>0,05) entre acondição periodontal de gestantes assistidas no serviço público (SPU)e privado (SPI). O trimestre gestacional não apresentou correlaçãoestatisticamente significante com a higiene oral e condição periodontaldas gestantes (p>0,05). Conclusão: Embora a condição de higieneoral das gestantes assistidas por SPU e SPI tenha diferido entre si, adoença periodontal é um fator prevalente e comum aos dois grupos,independentemente do trimestre gestacional...

To compare the periodontal status in pregnant women andaspects related to their health assistance, as well as to correlateperiodontal status and oral hygiene with pregnancy trimester. Materialand Methods: A total of 150 pregnant women were randomly selectedfrom a public (SPU) and private hospital (SPI) located in the city ofImperatriz, Maranhão, Brazil. The pregnant women were informed aboutthe objectives of the study and consented their participation by signinga consent form. Participants underwent clinical examination to measuretheir oral hygiene status (S-OHI) and periodontal condition (CPI). Theresults were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Spearman’s correlationtest (á<0.05). Results: Among the pregnant women evaluated, gingivitiswas diagnosed in 21.3% of subjects from SPU and 25.3% from SPI,while the presence of calculus was identified in 10.7% and 5.3%,respectively. A satisfactory oral hygiene condition was identified in26.7% of SPU subjects and 42.7% of SPI ones. The average valuesof S-OHI identified in SPU and SPI pregnant women were 1.33±0.10and 0.68±0.08, respectively, with a statistically a significant difference(p <0.01). There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05)between the periodontal status of pregnant women attending the public(SPU) and the private service (SPI). The pregnancy trimester did notshow a significant correlation with oral hygiene and periodontal statusin the pregnant women (p>0.05). Conclusion: Although a significantdifference concerning oral hygiene of pregnant women was observedbetween SPU and SPI services, periodontal disease was found to bea prevalent, common factor to both groups regardless of the pregnancytrimester...

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Gingivitis , Higiene Bucal , Mujeres Embarazadas
Braz. j. oral sci ; 11(1): 62-66, jan.-mar. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-638405


Aim: To describe the prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis in schoolchildren from two differenttowns in São Paulo State, Brazil, 2007 - town A (water fluoridation since 1971) and town B (waterfluoridation since 1997) - and to compare current prevalence rates with previous surveys, intown A, for dental caries (1971-2005) and for dental fluorosis (1991-2001), and in town B, fordental caries and dental fluorosis (1991-2004). Methods: The sample consisted of 724schoolchildren aged 12 years from public and private schools (town A) and 197 schoolchildrenfrom public schools (town B). The schoolchildren were examined under natural light by a dentist,using CPI probes and oral mirrors. The mean number of decayed, missing and filled permanentteeth (DMFT), and Significant Caries (SiC) Index were determined for dental caries and theThylstrup and Fejerskov index (T-F) for fluorosis. Results: The DMFT was 0.85 and 1.02; SiCindex was 2.52 and 2.83 in towns A and B, respectively. Fluorosis prevalence was 29.4% (townA) and 25.4% (town B). In both towns, a significant dental caries reduction has been observed.Concerning fluorosis prevalence, an increase of 44.1% was noted in town A and 1170% in townB. Conclusions: Results show continuous decrease in dental caries experience in both towns.Regarding fluorosis prevalence, stabilization trends were observed in town A. In town B, however,a constant increase was noted.

Caries Dental , Índice CPO , Fluorosis Dental , Salud Bucal