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Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-149049


Prolonged exogenous corticosteroid aclministration may cause Cushingi syndrome. Howeve7 the development of Cushing's syndrome from topical corlico,sleroid therapy is rare. A 7%-year- old boy has sufferedfrom psoriasis vulgaris since the age of nvo. He was treated by a dermatologist with a mixlure of 3'% salicylic acid, 50% liquor carbonis delergens, 10 grams of 0.1% mometasonefuroate ointment, ancl 5 grams combination cream consisting of 0.1% gentamycin sulphate and 0.0250 Àfiuocinolone acetonide. The parents continued the treatment without the doctorb supervision. They applied it lo all over the patient's body three times dailyfor 3% years. The patient showed milcl hypertension, moonface, btffilo hump, obesity, multiple striae, and suppression of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. The bone minerttl density and bone age examinations revealed normal results. Children are more prone to develop systemic side fficts of topical medicalion beccntse o/'their higher ratio of btal body surface area to body weight. Corticosteroid must be used with great care, especially in children. It is very important to inform the parents abott polential side effects of corticosteroid.

Síndrome de Cushing , Corticoesteroides
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-149304


Until now the pathologic mechanisms of prurigo Hebra (PH) is still understood. Earlier study the genetic inheritance of PH showed the multifactorial pattern. Considering the genetic inheritance and the existence of allergic reaction to insects bite in all patients, might be the mechanisms followed hypersensitivity reactions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the general and specific local inflammatory features of early and late lesions of prurigo Hebra (PH). Fifty biopsy specimens of early and late lesions of prurigo Hebra patients were processed with haematoxylin-eosin (HE) and immunoperoryde (lP) staining using monoclonal antibodies against specific inflammatory cells namely B cells, T cells, helper T (CD4+) cells, supressor T (CD8+) cells, Langerhans cells, and antigen presenting cells (APC) that expressed HLA-DR antigen. HE-stained specimens: In early lesions, PMN cells were few, while eosinophils were present in great quantity and independent of mast cells and plasma cells; this feature was similar to that of insect bite reaction. IP-stained specimens: In late lesions, the amounts of lympho-histiocytic infiltration consisting of T cells, CD8+ cells, HLA-DR-expressing APCs were greater than those of early lesions, although it was not statistically significant. An exception was for the CD4+ cells, whose number in early lesions was significantly higher. The ratio of CD4+ to CD8+ in early lesions was higher than in late lesions (3/1: 2/1). This suggested that CD4+ cells were predominant. B cells, which were normally absent, appeared in small quantity in both early and late Lesions. The presence of B cells was not statistically correlated with T cells or eosinophils. The number of Langerhans cells in late lesions was higher than in early lesions. There was a strong correlation (r=0.39) between T cells and HLA-DR-expressing antigen-presenting cells (APCs/HLA-DR). Those cells found in great qunntity suggested that PH patients usually expose to extrinsic factors. In some cases with severe condition, the presence of eosinophils was more profound and was statistically significant. It is conclude that immunohistopathological mechanisms of PH follow the mixed types (one and IV) hypersensitivity reaction.

Hipersensibilidad , Eosinófilos