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Korean Medical Education Review ; (3): 174-183, 2023.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1041670


Educational evaluation involves data collection and the analysis of various education-related factors to make decisions that improve educational quality. Systematic educational evaluation is essential for enhancing the quality of education. This study reports a case of student-conducted process evaluation of a medical school’s student support system and the procedure for devising improvement plans. Sixteen Inje University College of Medicine students participated in the Education Evaluation Committee (IUCM-EEC) to understand the educational improvement process as learners and actively achieve improvement. The Quality Improvement Committee of the Inje University College of Medicine (IUCM-QIC) decided to reform its student support system based on a previous educational evaluation in 2019. The evaluation of the student support system was conducted for 10 months in 2021 by the student subcommittee, under the guidance of the IUCM-EEC. The CIPP (context-input-process-product) evaluation model was used for a systematic evaluation. Accordingly, the subcommittee developed evaluation criteria and indicators, and analyzed relevant data collected from surveys and the previous literature. For further recommendations and revision ideas, the student subcommittee members interviewed faculty members from six other medical schools and also conducted a focus group interview with the dean and vice deans of IUCM. Finally, the student subcommittee submitted a report to the IUCM-QIC. Communication with various stakeholders is essential for a successful evaluation process. In this case, students, as key stakeholders in education, evaluated the student support system. Their active participation helped improve their understanding of the evaluation process.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-916619


Hepatic pseudolymphoma is a rare benign liver mass that is characterized by proliferation of non-neoplastic lymphocytes extranodally. To the best of our knowledge, only 46 cases have been reported in the English literature. We described the case of a 75-year-old woman with hepatic pseudolymphoma mimicking a hypervascular tumor. After the histological confirmation of the rectal neuroendocrine tumor, CT scan revealed a 1.0 cm-sized, poorly-defined and low-density nodule in the liver. On MRI, the hepatic nodule showed an arterial enhancement and a low-signal intensity on the hepatobiliary phase. On diffusion-weighted imaging, the hepatic nodule showed a high signal intensity on a high b-value. On fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/CT, it revealed a high standardized uptake value nodule. The US showed the hypoechoic nodule and the US-guided biopsy confirmed the hepatic pseudolymphoma.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-916712


Soft fibromas are benign skin lesions that primarily occur in the neck, axillae, and groin locations. The occurrence of soft fibroma lesions in the nipple is extremely rare. Herein, we present two cases of soft fibroma of the nipple, which occurred in a 51-year-old woman (Case 1) and a 32-year-old woman (Case 2). The mammographic and ultrasonographic features of each case are described in this report. Mammography revealed an oval-shaped isodense mass in Case 1 and an irregular-shaped isodense mass in Case 2. On ultrasonography, Case 1 showed an oval-shaped hypoechoic mass with increased vascularity, whereas Case 2 presented a microlobulated, irregular-shaped, iso- to hypo-echoic mass with subtly increased vascularity at the stalk. In both cases, surgical excision was performed and pathological examination revealed soft fibroma.