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Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 29-41, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975092


Background@#Data from yearly statistical reports on morbidity and mortality in Mongolia show that young adults account for approximately 20-26% of all stroke patients as opposed to 10-13% in Western countries.@*Objectives@#The aim of this study was to compare characteristics of ischemic stroke between young (20-49 years) and old (50-79 years) patients undergoing investigations and treatment according to one common protocol in a tertiary hospital.@*Material and Methods@#This hospital based prospective study included 110 young and 130 old patients with acute ischemic stroke. Data regarding the etiology of the stroke, diagnostic neuroimaging test results and degree of functional improvement of patients were examined during their observation.@*Results@#The frequency of ischemic stroke at the age of 20-49 years grows from 9.6% to 24.2% and is predominant in the male sex (17.1%), which indicates a young stroke in mongolians is not uncommon. Young adults with ischemic stroke frequently bear both traditional and specific vascular risk factorsthan elderly people (p<0.05). The most common TOAST subtype in the young and old groups was undetermined (26.4% vs.12.3%; p=0.004), other determined cause (22.7% vs. 6.9%; p<0.001), and cardioembolism (20.0% vs. 22.3%) followed by Large-artery atherosclerosis (17.3% vs. 26.2%) and small vessel occlusion (15.6% vs. 33.8%; p<0.001). Partial anterior circulation infarcts were more common among young patients (p<0.001), than in posterior circulation infarcts. Silent brain infarcts and leukoaraiosis are not uncommon brain imaging findings (<0.05) in hypertensive and migraineur patients and should not be overlooked due to their potential prognostic relevance. Outcomes in young adults with hemispheric ischemic stroke can safely be improved with Low- molecular-weight-heparin therapy (OR 1.58; 95% CI, 0.99-2.51; p=0.001).</br> There were large differences between two groups concerning the 6-month outcome which showed beneficial effect for young stroke patients (mRS:89.1% vs. 66.9%, p=0.002; BI: 84.2% vs.73.1%).@*Conclusion@#There are significant differences between young and old patients with ischemic stroke regarding to risk factors, etiological subtypes and improvement of functional deficits associated with the stroke. However, severity of stroke on admittance is similar but six weeks outcome is different among young and old patients with relatively rapid improvement of functional deficit in young stroke patients than old one (mRS: 89.1% vs. 66.9%, p=0.002; BI: 84.2% vs.73.1%).

Health Laboratory ; : 19-21, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973023


Background@#According to the report of see in 2016, 90% of adults are using mobile phones and 64% smart phones, and healthcare organizations are beginning to explore the opportunities in which mobile phones can improve and streamline care. In this study involves the risk of pathogenic virus and bacteria of mobile phones used by healthcare workers. That detected common adenovirus and influenza virus as well as streptococci and staphylococci. @*Material@#In this study was carried out in bacteriology laboratory at the "School of Biomedicine MNUMS". The research collected from the random methods and Mongolian National University of Medical Science‟s 80 students are participated and take a test sample that detected bacteria, them using smart phones. After all students from gave them a survey about usages and clean of smart phones. @*Results@#The results revealed 66% of pathogenic bacterial contamination. Our survey was detected in 33 (63,5%) S.aureus, S.pneumoniae-5 (9.4%) E.coli 2 (3.8%) Bacillus, spp-4 (7.6%) Enterococcus-6 (11.5%) Acinetobacter-2 (3.8%). HOW TO CLEAN YOUR CELL PHONE? asked to total participate in this study. They said that they cleaned up their cell phones in 55.9% once every 3-7days, 11.9% once every 10-14 days and 32.2% once a month and more than.@*Conclution@#Are participated in this survey sample have been contaminated bacteria 66%. In total samples have been detected 63,5% in S.aureus and 11.5% in Enterococcus. So students‟ mobile phones may become rick high reservoir of microorganism for infections.

Health Laboratory ; : 24-26, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973081


Introduction@#Rongalite have many names, the trade name for sodium hydroxymethylsulfinate also sodium formaldehydesulfoxylate. It causes serious side effects to human body and is forbidden to be used as food additives by law. It is still frequently used illegally in rice and flour products. Based on this study, we determination rongalite level in some friut widespread of in our country. The study was done materials used in <i>Lingonberry, Blueberry, Hippophae, Blackcurrant </i>fruits collected in Khuvsgul. To determine rongalite was followed by protocol to sanitation-laboratory of food of the school of social of health in MNUMS used for NC-860 Universal Food Safety Analyzer. The concentration in sample that were measure to 153.88- 213.85 mg/kg of <i>Lingonberry, Blueberry, Hippophae, Blackcurrant fruits weight.</i>@*Materials and methods @#The study was done materials used in a <i>Lingonberry, Blueberry, Hippophae, Blackcurrant</i> fruits collected in Khuvsgul. To determine rongalite was followed by protocol to sanitation-laboratory of food of the school of social of health in MNUMS used for NC-860 Universal Food Safety Analyzer. Weigh accurately 5.0 g of the fruit in a plastic extract bottle, add 20 ml of distilled water, extract for 10 min by centrifugated. Than filtrate into 6 time respectively test tubes through 0.45 μm membrane using remove the color. Rongalite determined in use a disposable test tube, add 1 drop of oxidizing reagent. Amount of rongalite used for NC-860 Universal Food Safety Analyzer. @*Result and discussion @#Based on the obtained result, the maximum concentration observed in <i>Blueberry</i> was 213.85 mg/kg, and the minimum concentration observed in <i>Hippophae</i> was 153.88 mg/kg, the concentration observed in<i> Lingonberry</i> was 192.8 mg/kg, the concentration observed in <i>Blackcurrant</i> was 155.29 mg/kg of contained weight respectively. The difference of rongalite concentrations in wheat powder and rice powder was 0.41 mg/kg in China. Identified to the result was higher than other research.

Innovation ; : 14-18, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686861


@#BACKGROUND: In the recent years, mesenchymal stem cells have become increasingly utilized in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering applications because of their properties for self-renewal, differentiation and immunoregulation. The use of stem cells of various clinical applications is highly expected and the production of good quality stem cells is very critical for basic studies. In the bone marrow, hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells from an unique niche in which the oxygen tension is low. Hypoxia may have a role in maintaining stem cell fate, self renewal and multi-potency. We investigated whether low oxygen culture would be beneficial for hematopoietic stem cell and mesenchymalstemcell. MATERIAL: BMCs from 8-12 week aged, 15 mice were subjected to hypoxic conditioning by culture for 8-10 days in 20%, 3%, 1% oxygen. For culture 1x105cell/ml were seeded in colony forming assay and 2x106cell/ml were seeded in L-glutamin mediain chamber slide. We counted cell colonies under different hypoxic condiontins by Olympus IX71 fluorescence microscope. After cell culture in chamber slide, we stained cells by anti-CD90 and anti-CD105 then counted positive cells by Olympus IX71 fluorescence microscope. RESULTS: Compared to normoxic cells and hypoxic cells well morphologically differentiated and counted by Olympus IX71 microscope. More colonies were observed at 3%, 1% oxygen. Statistical significances were identified with granulocytes and macrophage colony (p<0.05) in hypoxic condition. More anti-CD90 and anti-CD105 markers were observed at 3% oxygen condition. Statistical significances were identified in 3% oxygen condition with cell markers(p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggests low physiological oxygen culture could improve the stemness of macrophage and granulocytes colony and improve the differentiation of mesenchymal cells. Long term culturewith additional cell markers will be necessary to confirm whether low physiological oxygen levels also improve genomic stability

Mongolian Journal of Neurology ; : 33-36, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975951


Сэтгэцийн шалтгаант толгой эргэх зовуурь нь олон талт, нийлмэл шинж чанарыг агуулдаг тул чих хамар хоолой,мэдрэлийн болон сэтгэцийн эмчийн анхаарлыг татдаг. Толгой эргэлтийн шалтгаанд суурилсан ангиллын дагуу:1) Байршлаас хамаарах хоргүй толгой эргэлт, 2) Сэтгэцийн шалтгаант толгой эргэлт, 3) Cуурийн мигрень, 4)Вестибуляр нейронит зэрэг хэлбэрүүдэд хуваагдана. Нийт толгой эргэлтийн шалтгааны дотор 2-р байрандсэтгэцийн шалтгаант толгой эргэлт ордог. Ийнхүү энэ хэлбэрийн толгой эргэлт харьцангуй элбэг тохиолдох боловчоношлох асуудал эмч нарын дунд хангалттай биш байна. Сэтгэцийн шалтгаант толгой эргэлтийг оношлоход юуныөмнө үүдэвчийн тогтолцооны эмгэг, органик гаралтай тэнцвэрийн өөрчлөлт, ухаан алдалт, муужралт зэргийгүгүйсгэх шаардлагатай. Дараа нь тухайн зовуурь нь стресс, сэтгэл хөдлөлийн өөрчлөлт, айдас-түгшүүр, сэтгэлгутралтай холбоотой эсэхийг тодруулна. Суурь сэтгэцийн эмгэгээс хамааран эмчилгээг чиглүүлэх хэрэгтэй.Сэтгэцийн шалтгаант толгой эргэлтэнд эхний сонголтын эм нь СЭØСС антидепрессант ба цөөн тохиолдолдГЦА-г хэрэглэнэ. Сэтгэл засал эмчилгээг хийх нь үр дүнтэй.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 14-17, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975673


BackgroundHydroquinone (1,4 di-hydroxy benzene) is an aromatic organic compound with diverse biologicalfunctions that are commonly used as pigment or cosmetic additives. Its chemical structure has twohydroxyl groups bonded to a benzene ring in a para position. In the nature hydroquinone have a primaryreagent in the defensive glands of bombardier beetles, along with hydrogen peroxide, which collects in areservoir [1]. Hydroquinone glycoside form is 4-hydroxyphenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside (α- Arbutin). Arbutinis a potent inhibitor of melanin synthesis and has been reported to possess inhibitory activity on lipidperoxidation and is used in the cosmetic industry for its antibacterial and skin lightening effects [9]. It isfaster and more effictive another commonly used skin lightener, even at use very low concentrations.Material and MethodsThe in vitro glycosylation reaction was carried out as described in materials and methods. DNA wasextracted than E.coli BL 21 and E.coli JM 109 hosts were used for expression of proteins. The purifiedprotein was then analyzed by 12% SDS-PAGE than used for enzymatic recycle system. Hydroquinonereaction mixture was incubated at 37ºC for 8 and 24 hour than quenched by heating in boiling waterfor 10 min. The reactions products was first analyzed by TLC followed by HPLC analysis.ResultsThis work substrate hydroquinone for the enhancement of enzymatic recycling system glycosylation. TLCand HPLC analyses of the products were carried out to the recycled system worked and glycosylationproduct.ConclusionIn this study, hydroxyl groups of the para position of hydroquinone involved for glycosylation to comparewith standards were analysed by TLC and HPLC. When the compared 8 hour reactions obtained theapparent glycosylation and stability of the recycling system.