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Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(3): 201-205, dic. 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528741


Objective: To evaluate the degree of perception among lay people of different age groups about black spaces between lower incisors. Methodology: digital changes were performed in a frontal photograph of a smiling 30 year-old patient, simulating different dimensions of black spaces. The images were printed on photographic paper and applied with a questionnaire in order to evaluate the attractiveness using as tool a visual analogue scale (VAS). The participants were divided into 6 groups, considering race (Caucasian and Negroid) and age (15-19 years, 35-44 years and 65-74 years old). The differences between the examiners were checked by the Mann-Whitney test and the significance level was 5% (α = 0.05) for all analyzes. Results: The photographs that did not have black spaces were better graded and the ones that had larger black spaces scored worse. The older age group and the Negroid race group graded better the photograph with the largest black spaces, compared to the younger age groups and the group of Caucasians. Conclusion: black spaces between lower incisors are esthetically unattractive and their perception decreases with aging, besides being less relevant to older and Negroid people.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Sonrisa , Etnicidad , Estética Dental , Incisivo , Grupos de Edad
Acta fisiátrica ; 30(3): 166-172, set. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531048


Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre indicadores espirométricos e a incidência da síndrome de fragilidade em pessoas idosas. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo com delineamento longitudinal realizado em 2014-2019, com uma amostra de estudo de 104 pessoas idosas. A variável dependente foi a síndrome de fragilidade, avaliada por meio do fenótipo de Fried et al. e as variáveis independentes foram os indicadores espirométricos, sendo eles a Capacidade Vital Forçada (CVF), Pico de Fluxo Expiratório (PFE), Volume Expiratório Forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), relação VEF1/CVF e o Fluxo Expiratório Forçado 25%-75% (FEF25-75%). Resultados: A incidência de pessoas idosas frágeis foi de 16,3% em ambos os sexos, sendo que o sexo masculino apresentou melhores indicadores de função pulmonar que as mulheres. Apesar disso, observamos que não houve associação entre a síndrome de fragilidade e os indicadores espirométricos (p>0,05). Conclusão: Os indicadores espirométricos não são preditores de fragilidade em pessoas idosas residentes na comunidade, após cinco anos de seguimento.

Objective: To verify the association between spirometric indicators and the incidence of frailty syndrome in elderly people. Methods: This is a study with a longitudinal design carried out in 2014-2019, with a study sample of 104 elderly people. The dependent variable was the frailty syndrome, assessed using the phenotype of Fried et al. and the independent variables were the spirometric indicators, namely Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1), FEV1/FVC ratio and Forced Expiratory Flow 25%-75 % (FEF25-75%). Results: The incidence of frail elderly people was 16.3% in both genders, with males presenting better lung function indicators than females. Despite this, we observed that there was no association between the frailty syndrome and the spirometric indicators (p>0.05). Conclusion: Spirometric indicators are not predictors of frailty in community-dwelling elderly people after five years of follow-up.

Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 8(1): 28-34, Jan.-Apr 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1512079


Objetivo: avaliar alterações dimensionais em marcas de mordidas simuladas em um tipo de queijo e de goiabada com o decorrer do tempo. Materiais e Métodos: mordidas foram simuladas em 20 amostras-padrão formato retangular nas medidas 30 x 60 mm e espessura de 20 mm de queijo tipo muçarela (n=10) e goiabada (n=10) com a utilização de um manequim odontológico montado em oclusão normal e acoplado à máquina universal de ensaios mecânicos. Amostras foram mantidas em superfície de vidro em ambiente com temperatura e umidade controladas seguida da aferição das distâncias intercaninas das marcas a cada hora com auxílio de paquímetro digital, durante 120 horas de experimentação. A temperatura e umidade mantiveram-se constantes durante todo período. As medidas obtidas foram estatisticamente analisadas por meio dos testes de Friedman, de Wilcoxon, coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e a partir da análise de regressão linear simples. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: os alimentos testados mantiveram o padrão das medidas lineares nas primeiras quatro horas (p>0,05). Após esse período, ocorreu uma deformação progressiva, levando ao aumento significativo das medidas (p<0,05). Conclusão: a marca de mordida em queijo tipo muçarela e goiabada apresentou-se dimensionalmente estável nas primeiras quatro horas, pós mordida. Após esse período, as marcas já não apresentaram características favoráveis para serem utilizadas como registro para fins de comparação.

Objective: to evaluate dimensional changes in simulated bite marks in a type of cheese and guava paste over time. Materials and Methods: Bites were simulated on 20 standard rectangular samples. in the measures 30 x 60 mm and thickness of 20 mm of mozzarella cheese (n=10) and guava paste (n=10) using a dental manikin mounted on normal occlusion and coupled to the universal mechanical testing machine. The samples were kept on a glass surface in an environment with controlled temperature and humidity , followed by the measurement of intercanine distances of the marks, every hour, with the aid of a caliper digital, during 120 hours of experimentation. The temperature and humidity remained constant throughout the period. The measurements obtained were statistically analyzed using the Friedman, Wilcoxon, Spearman's correlation coefficient and from the linear regression analysis simple (IBM SPSS. 21.0, 2012, Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.). The level of significance adopted was 5%. Results: the foods tested maintained the pattern of linear measurements in the first four hours (p>0.05). After this period, a progressive deformation occurred, leading to the significant increase in measurements (p<0.05). Conclusion: the bite mark in mozzarella cheese and guava paste it was dimensionally stable in the first four hours, post-bite. After this period, brands no longer have favorable characteristics to be used as a record for comparison purposes.

Humanos , Mordeduras Humanas , Registro de la Relación Maxilomandibular , Alimentos , Odontología Forense
Arq. odontol ; 59: 253-265, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1552565


Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade e a confiabilidade do conteúdo de vídeos sobre Odontologia do Sono no YouTube™. Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca no YouTube™, utilizando o termo "Odontologia do Sono", na qual selecionou-se os 100 primeiros vídeos para análise realizada por dois pesquisadores. Foram incluídos vídeos sobre o tema, na língua portuguesa brasileira, com no máximo 24 minutos. Foram extraídos: título, data, duração, visualização, curtida, fonte, público-alvo, objetivo e assunto. A qualidade foi avaliada através da Escala de Qualidade Global (EQG), e a confiabilidade, através da adaptação de um índice previamente publicado, ambos pontuando até 5 pontos, onde mais pontos significavam maior qualidade e confiabilidade. Foram realizados os testes de Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis e a correlação de Spearman (p < 0,05). Resultados: 58 vídeos foram incluídos, cuja mediana da duração foi 2,4 ± 7,6 minutos. A maioria dos vídeos era produzida por cirurgiões-dentistas (CD) (75,9%; n = 44), sobre apneia (96,6%; n = 56), com o objetivo educacional/informativo (65,5%; n = 38) e direcionado para leigos (58,6%; n = 34). A maioria apresentou mediana baixa de 2,0 ± 1,0 na EQG (41,4%; n = 24), e na escala de confiabilidade, a mediana de 3,0 ± 1,0 (60,3%; n = 35). Houve correlação moderada da EQG (p = 0,62; p < 0,01) e da confiabilidade (ρ = 0,41; p < 0,01) com a duração do vídeo, e também entre EQG e confiabilidade (ρ = 0,66; p < 0,01). Vídeos educacionais/informativos, produzidos por CD, e direcionados a leigos, apresentaram uma maior EQG e confiabilidade (p < 0,01). Vídeos que incluíam bruxismo tinham maior EQG (p = 0,01). Programas de televisão e vídeos que não eram comerciais apresentaram maior confiabilidade (p < 0,05). Conclusão:A maioria dos vídeos possuía qualidade baixa e confiabilidade moderada. Vídeos educacionais/informativos, feitos por CD, direcionados a leigos, que incluíam bruxismo, programas de televisão e que não eram comerciais, apresentaram maior qualidade e confiabilidade.

Aim: To assess the quality and reliability of video content on Dental Sleep Medicine on YouTube™. Methods: A search was performed on YouTube™ using the term "Dental Sleep Medicine". The first 100 videos were selected for analysis by two researchers. Videos on the subject were included, in Brazilian Portuguese with a maximum of 24 minutes. The following data were extracted: title, date, duration, views, likes, source, target audience, objective and subject. Quality was assessed using the Global Quality Scale (GQS), and reliability using a previously published index adapted, both ranging from 1 to 5 points, where more points meant greater quality and reliability. Spearman correlation, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.05) were performed. Results: 58 videos were included, with a median duration of 2.4 ± 7.6 minutes. Most of the videos were produced by dentists (75.9%; n = 44), about apnea (96.6%; n = 56), with an educational/informational objective (65.5%; n =38), and aimed at laypeople (58.6%; n = 34). Most had a low median of 2.0 ± 1.0 on the GQS (41.4%; n = 24), and on the reliability scale, the median was 3.0 ± 1.0 (60.3%; n = 35). There was a moderate correlation between both GQS (ρ = 0.62; p < 0.01) and reliability (ρ = 0.41; p < 0.01) with video duration, and also between GQS and reliability (ρ = 0 .66; p < 0.01). Educational/informational videos, produced by dentists, and aimed at laypeople showed higher GQS and reliability (p < 0.01). Videos that included bruxism had higher GQS (p = 0.01). Television programs and non-commercial videos were more reliable (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Most videos had low quality and moderate reliability. Educational/informational videos, made by dentists, aimed at laypeople, that included bruxism, television programs, and that were not commercials, presented higher quality and reliability.

Odontología , Medicina del Sueño , Difusión por la Web , Medios de Comunicación Sociales , Calidad del Sueño
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(8): 3249-3260, ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384468


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a associação entre a Pressão Inspiratória Máxima (PImáx) e Pressão Expiratória Máxima (PEmáx) com a incidência da síndrome de fragilidade (SF), além de testar a capacidade preditiva da PImáx e PEmáx em discriminar a SF em idosos, de acordo com o sexo. Estudo longitudinal com cinco anos de seguimento (2014-2019), realizado com 104 idosos cadastrados na Estratégia Saúde da Família de um município da Bahia. A incidência da síndrome de fragilidade foi diagnosticada de acordo os critérios propostos por Fried et al., utilizando dados de 2019, após cinco anos de seguimento. A PImáx e PEmáx foram avaliadas conforme recomendações da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia em 2014 (linha de base). A incidência total da SF foi de 16,3% (IC95%: 9,2-23,6), sendo 13,6% (IC95%: 4,56-22,55) no sexo feminino e 20,0% (IC95%: 7,85-32,15) no sexo masculino. Os valores médios da PImáx e PEmáx foram, respectivamente, 60,8±21,2 cmH2O e 76,7±23,1 cmH2O no sexo feminino, e 79,5±27,0 cmH2Oe 114,7±29,8 cmH2O no sexo masculino. A SF esteve associada à PEmáx em idosos do sexo masculino (RR ajustado: 0,96; IC95%: 0,95-0,98; p-valor: 0,002), indicando que o aumento de 1 cmH2O da PEmáx reduz em 4% o risco de desenvolver a síndrome de fragilidade.

Abstract This article aims to investigate the association between maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) with the incidence of frailty syndrome (FS), in addition to testing the predictive ability of MIP and MEP to discriminate FS in elderly adults, according to sex. It is a longitudinal study with a five-year follow-up period (2014-2019), carried out with 104 elderly adults registered in the Family Health Strategy of a municipality in Bahia. The incidence of frailty syndrome was diagnosed according to criteria proposed by Fried et al., using data from 2019, after a five-year follow-up. The MIP and MEP were evaluated according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Society of Pulmonology and Phthisiology data in 2014 (baseline data). The total incidence of frailty syndrome was 16.3% (95%CI: 9.2-23.6), with 13.6% (95%CI: 4.56-22.55) in women and 20% (95%CI: 7.85-32.15) in men. The mean values of MIP and MEP were, respectively, 60,8±21,2 cmH2O and 76,7±23,1 cmH2O in women, and 79,5±27,0 cmH2O and 114,7±29,8 cmH2O in men. The frailty syndrome was associated with MEP in elderly adult men (adjusted RR: 0.96; 95%CI: 0.95-0.98; P-value: 0.002), indicating that the increase of 1cmH2O in MEP reduces by 4% the risk of developing the syndrome.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 36: e106, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1394171


Abstract This study aimed to characterize the profile of dental anxiety in pediatric patients, identifying the effect exerted by socioeconomic factors using dental data. A cross-sectional study design with a sample of 120 children aged 7-12 years old was used. Data relating to anxiety levels prior to dental care, socioeconomic aspects (family income, education level, child's school type), and child's dental history (previous dental appointments, previous treatment, caries experience) were collected. Additionally, participants completed the Brazilian version of the Children's Fear Survey Schedule- Dental Subscale (B-CFSS-DS) to assess dental anxiety. Descriptive analyses, chi-squared (X 2 ) tests, and Mann-Whitney U tests were performed, with a significance level of 5%. A total of 51 boys (42.5%) and 69 girls (57.5%) were included. There was no significant difference in dental anxiety between them. However, younger children had higher mean B-CFSS-DS scores (p = 0.036, Mann-Whitney). A higher prevalence of dental anxiety was found in participants from low-income families (p = 0.012, X 2 ) and in patients who did not receive endodontic treatment (p=0.034, X 2 ). Higher mean B-CFSS-DS scores were also observed in participants who did not receive endodontic treatment (p=0.001, Mann-Whitney) compared with those that did receive endodontic treatment. No relationship was found between education level, patient school type, first dental appointment, caries experience, and dental anxiety data. Younger children presented a profile of greater dental anxiety. Socioeconomic factors and dental data exerted some effect on dental anxiety, where children from low-income families and those not subjected to endodontic treatment displayed higher rates of dental anxiety.

J. bras. pneumol ; 48(1): e20210335, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360538


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare maximum respiratory pressures and spirometric parameters among elderly individuals classified as having no sarcopenia, probable sarcopenia, and confirmed sarcopenia, and to test the ability of these variables to discriminate sarcopenia in a community-dwelling elderly population. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 221 elderly (≥ 60 years of age) individuals of both sexes. Sarcopenia was diagnosed in accordance with the new consensus of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. Maximum respiratory pressures and spirometry parameters were assessed. Results: The prevalences of probable sarcopenia and confirmed sarcopenia were 20.4% and 4.1%, respectively. Regardless of the sex, those with confirmed sarcopenia had significantly lower MEP than those with no sarcopenia and probable sarcopenia, whereas only males with confirmed sarcopenia presented with significantly lower MIP than did the other individuals. There was an inverse association of MIP and MEP with sarcopenia, indicating that the decrease by 1 cmH2O in these parameters increases the chance of sarcopenia by 8% and 7%, respectively. Spirometric parameters were not associated with sarcopenia. Cutoff points for MIP and MEP, respectively, were ≤ 46 cmH2O and ≤ 50 cmH2O for elderly women, whereas they were ≤ 63 cmH2O and ≤ 92 cmH2O for elderly men, and both were identified as predictors of sarcopenia (area under the ROC curve > 0.70). Conclusions: Sarcopenia was associated with lower maximum respiratory pressures, but not with spirometric parameters. Maximum respiratory pressures can be used as markers of sarcopenia in a community-dwelling elderly population regardless of the sex.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar as pressões respiratórias máximas e parâmetros espirométricos entre idosos classificados como sem sarcopenia, sarcopenia provável e sarcopenia confirmada e testar a capacidade dessas variáveis de discriminar sarcopenia em idosos residentes em comunidade. Métodos: Estudo transversal envolvendo 221 idosos (≥ 60 anos) de ambos os sexos. Sarcopenia foi diagnosticada de acordo com o novo consenso do Grupo de Trabalho Europeu sobre Sarcopenia em Pessoas Idosas. As pressões respiratórias máximas e parâmetros espirométricos foram avaliados. Resultados: As prevalências de sarcopenia provável e sarcopenia confirmada foram de 20,4% e 4,1%, respectivamente. Independentemente do sexo, aqueles com sarcopenia confirmada apresentaram PEmáx significativamente menor do que aqueles sem sarcopenia e provável sarcopenia, enquanto apenas os homens com sarcopenia confirmada apresentaram PImáx significativamente menor do que os outros indivíduos. Houve uma associação inversa de PImáx e PEmáx com sarcopenia, indicando que a diminuição de 1 cmH2O nesses parâmetros aumenta a chance de sarcopenia em 8% e 7%, respectivamente. Os parâmetros espirométricos não foram associados à sarcopenia. Os pontos de corte para PImáx e PEmáx, respectivamente, foram ≤ 46 cmH2O e ≤ 50 cmH2O para mulheres idosas, enquanto foram ≤ 63 cmH2O e ≤ 92 cmH2O para homens idosos, e ambas foram identificadas como preditores de sarcopenia (ASC ROC > 0,70). Conclusões: A sarcopenia associou-se a pressões respiratórias máximas mais baixas, mas não a parâmetros espirométricos. As pressões respiratórias máximas podem ser usadas como marcadores de sarcopenia em idosos residentes em comunidade, independentemente do sexo.

Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; 26(1): 211-222, nov.2021. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1417574


During aging, an increase in sedentary behaviour and a decrease in physical activity levels are observed. These factors may increase abdominal adiposity and triglyceride levels, which characterizes the hypertriglyceridemic waist (HW) phenotype, providing a high risk for cardiometabolic diseases. This study aimed to analyze the association between hypertriglyceridemic waist, physical activity level and sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling elderly. A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out, involving 316 elderlies (≥ 60 years) of both genders. The hypertriglyceridemic waist was diagnosed using high triglycerides (≥ 150 mg/dl) and increased waist circumference ≥ 88 and ≥ 102 cm values for women and men, respectively. The physical activity level and sedentary behaviour were evaluated using the IPAQ. The study included 173 women (54.7%) and 143 men (45.3%), with a mean age of 74.2 ± 9.8 years. The prevalence of HW was 27.1%, 47.7% insufficiently active and 24.1% high sedentary behaviour. The insufficiently active elderly (OR= 2.48; 95% CI: 1.31 - 4.71; p= 0.005) and with high sedentary behaviour (OR= 2.21; 95% CI: 1.04 - 4.32; p= 0.038) were associated positively with HW, indicating that elderly with insufficient physical activity levels and high sedentary behaviour showed themselves to approximately 2.5 and 2.2 times more likely to develop HW, respectively. Low physical activity level and high sedentary behaviour are associated with hypertriglyceridemic waist in community-dwelling elderly.(AU)

Durante o envelhecimento, observa-se aumento do comportamento sedentário e diminuições dos níveis de atividade física. Esses fatore podem aumentar a adiposidade abdominal e os níveis de triglicerídeos, o que caracteriza o fenótipo cintura hipertrigliceridêmica (CH), proporcionando um elevado risco para doenças cardiometabólicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a associação entre cintura hiper- trigliceridêmica, nível de atividade física e comportamento sedentário em idosos. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, com delineamento transversal, de base populacional e domiciliar, realizado com 316 idosos (≥ 60 anos) de ambos os sexos. A cintura hipertrigliceridêmica foi definida a partir dos triglicérideos elevados (≥ 150 mg/dl) e circunferência da cintura alterada (≥ 88 cm para mulheres e ≥ 102 cm para homens). O nível de atividade física e o comportamento sedentário foram avaliados por meio do Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ). Participaram do estudo 173 mulheres (54,7%) e 143 homens (45,3%) com idade média de 74,2 ± 9,8 anos. A prevalência de CH foi 27,1%, 47,7% eram insuficientemente ativos e 24,1% tinham elevado comportamento sedentário. Os idosos insuficientemente ativos (OR= 2,48; IC95%:1,31 - 4,71; p= 0,005) e com elevado comportamento sedentário (OR= 2,21; IC95%:1,04 - 4,32; p= 0,038) foram positivamente associados à CH, indicando que os idosos com níveis de atividade física insuficientes e com elevado comportamento sedentário apresentaram, aproximadamente, 2,5 e 2,2 vezes mais chances de desenvolverem a CH, respectivamente. A inatividade física e o elevado comportamento sedentário estiveram associados à CH em idosos residentes em comunidade.(AU)

Envejecimiento , Ejercicio Físico , Hipertrigliceridemia , Conducta Sedentaria
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e084, 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1285728


Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship between factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and depression, anxiety, and stress (DAS) in dentists. Factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic were evaluated using a questionnaire and scores of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales-21 were measured. The differences between the DAS scores based on the factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic were tested through the successive application of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA, α = 0.05). After a sample size calculation, 998 participants with a mean age of 39.39 (± 11.69) years were included. The effect size indicated that changes in sleep quality (η2 = 0.161), eating habits (η2 = 0.057), and physical health (η2 = 0.051) were the ones that most negatively affected DAS scores. The highest DAS scores were observed in professionals who lived with someone at high-risk for COVID-19 (p < 0.001) and in those who did not engage in leisure activities during the pandemic (p < 0.001). Dentists who worked on the frontline against COVID-19 had higher scores of anxiety and stress (p = 0.029). The highest scores for anxiety, depression, and/or stress were seen in dentists living with someone at high-risk for COVID-19, who acts on the frontline, who does not practice in leisure activities during the pandemic, who completely changed eating habits, quality of sleep and physical health during the pandemic. In general, DAS levels of dentists were associated with factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Humanos , Adulto , Pandemias , COVID-19 , Ansiedad/epidemiología , Odontólogos , Depresión/epidemiología , SARS-CoV-2 , Persona de Mediana Edad
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e110, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1350371


Abstract To evaluate the knowledge of Brazilian dentists of sports doping through the development, validation and application of the Brazilian Knowledge Scale about Sports Doping in Dentistry (B-KSSDD). A scale with 12 items was developed to assess a dentist's ability to determine whether the use of a medication characterised sports doping according to the World Anti-Doping Agency. A preliminary study to validate the B-KSSDD was carried out with 135 dentists, allowing the evaluation of ceiling and floor effects, convergent and discriminant validity, test-retest reliability and internal consistency of the instrument. A sample size calculation using the results of the preliminary study and the B-KSSDD was completed online using SurveyMonkey® by 270 participants from all regions of the country. The B-KSSDD showed evidence of convergent and discriminant validity, good temporal stability (ICC = 0.75) and internal consistency (alpha = 0.89). In the main study, the participants obtained an average score of 4.19/12 points on the B-KSSDD, suggesting that these professionals have insufficient knowledge about sports doping. The age of participants showed a negative association with knowledge about doping, while frequency of treating athletes and frequency of performing surgeries showed positive associations with knowledge about doping. The dentists had insufficient knowledge of the subject. Age of participants and frequency with which they attend to athletes are associated with knowledge about sports doping. Professional updating and education policies on doping are necessary for dentists, as athlete patients are at risk for severe sporting and financial penalties.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 34: e049, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1132727


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate adolescents' aesthetic perceptions and their social judgments regarding different enamel opacities. Sample size was calculated and resulted in the inclusion of 100 adolescents (aged 10 to 15 years) from a public school in Jequié, Bahia, Brazil. Images of enamel opacities were manipulated to create aesthetic enamel defects, such as enamel color changes (unilateral and bilateral white opacity, unilateral and bilateral yellowish opacity, and unilateral and bilateral yellowish opacity with loss of structure). The images of the opacities were based on Fédération Dentaire Internationale's Developmental Defects of Enamel (DDE) Index. Aesthetic perception and social judgments were evaluated using a validated questionnaire with 12 questions (six positive and six negative points) on social aspects, considering the six manipulated images and the control. The photographic analyses were projected one-by-one by computer to adolescents individually in a classroom. Participants had one minute to observe each image and answer the questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptions, and the Friedman Wilcoxon test (p < 0.05). The results indicate that all opacities negatively impacted social judgment (p < 0.001). The enamel aesthetic defects most affecting an individual's perception were bilateral yellow opacity with or without loss of structure (p < 0.001). Regarding social judgment, all participants showed a negative perception of all the tested opacity types (p < 0.001). In conclusion, even opacities presenting only a color change caused aesthetic dissatisfaction to the individuals and changes in their social judgment toward others. Color changes in dental enamel have several aesthetic consequences.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Percepción Social , Decoloración de Dientes/psicología , Estética Dental/psicología , Juicio , Valores de Referencia , Factores Sexuales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Conducta del Adolescente/fisiología , Esmalte Dental
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(5): 1614-1621, sept./oct. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049068


To evaluate the influence of mesofacial, brachyfacial and dolichofacial facial patterns on giving an individual the profile of a crime suspect in the eyes of public security agents.This study had a cross-sectional design, conducted with public security agents of both sexes (n=100), where images of facial composites (police sketches) of individuals with different facial patterns (mesofacial, brachyfacial and dolichofacial) were used. With these images in hand, a questionnaire was created, divided into three parts: the first in which all the images were presented together, allowing comparison among them; the second, in which each image was evaluated separately followed by questions and the third that consisted on a visual analog scale that presented a bar with marks going from 0 to 100, where 0 represented the untrustworthy individual, 50 the individual who could be trusted, and 100 a very trustworthy individual. When all the data had been obtained statistical analyses were performed using the Chi-square and Friedman tests. The level of significance adopted was 5% (α=0.05). The dolichofacial individual was associated with security agents as the most prone to commit crimes and became more insecure and distrustful when compared to the mesofacial and brachyfacial individuals (p <0.001). The dolichofacial profile had a negative influence on the judgment of security agents who attributed to it, a character suspected of a crime and a low level of trustworthiness

Avaliar a influência dos padrões faciais mesofacial, braquifacial e dolicofacial em conceder um perfil de suspeito a cometer crimes aos olhos dos agentes de segurança pública. Este estudo teve delineamento transversal, realizado com agentes de segurança pública de ambos os sexos (n = 100), onde imagens de retratos- falados de indivíduos com diferentes padrões faciais (mesofacial, braquifacial e dolicofacial) foram utilizadas. De posse dessas imagens, foi criado um questionário, dividido em três partes: a primeira em que todas as imagens foram apresentadas juntas, permitindo a comparação entre elas; a segunda, em que cada imagem foi avaliada separadamente seguida de perguntas e a terceira consistiu em uma escala analógica visual que apresentava uma barra com marcações de 0 a 100, onde 0 representava o indivíduo não confiável, 50 o indivíduo em quem se podia confiar, e 100 um indivíduo muito confiável. Após a obtenção dos dados, foram realizadas análises estatísticas utilizando os testes Qui-quadrado e Friedman. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (α = 0,05). O indivíduo dolicofacial foi associado pelos agentes de segurança como o mais propenso a cometer crimes e passou mais insegurança e desconfiança, quando comparado aos indivíduos mesofacial e braquifacial (p<0,001). O perfil dolicofacial influenciou negativamente no julgamento dos agentes de segurança que atribuíram-lhe caráter suspeito a cometer crimes e baixo grau de confiabilidade.

Percepción Social , Crimen , Cara , Juicio
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 27(1): 11-17, jan.-mar.2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-997640


A Força de Preensão Manual (FPM) é uma medida bastante utilizada na prática clínica como um indicador de saúde, por representar a força muscular global. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os coeficientes de concordância entre dinamometria e diferentes equações antropométricas preditoras da força de preensão manual em idosos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal baseado nos dados da pesquisa epidemiológica de base populacional e domiciliar. Participaram do estudo 283 (85,8%) idosos, residentes na zona urbana do município de Lafaiete Coutinho, com idade > 60 anos. A força de preensão manual foi mensurada por meio da dinamometria e estimada por diferentes equações antropométricas: Tveter et al., Novaes et al., e Fortes et al. As medidas antropométricas utilizadas no estudo foram: peso e estatura. O coeficiente de Lin e os gráficos de Bland Altman foram usados para observar concordância da FPM entre as equações. A média de idade dos idosos foi de 73,8±8,9 anos, peso corporal 60,11 ± 12,54 Kg, estatura média foi 154,83 ± 9,1 cm e IMC 25,05 ± 4,7 kg/m2 . Para os coeficientes houve moderada concordância nas equações antropométricas de Fortes 0,62 (0,55 ­ 0,68), Novaes 0,60 (0,53 ­ 0,66) e Tveter 0,60 (0,53 ­ 0,65) comparada a dinamometria, respectivamente. As equações antropométricas utilizadas para estimar a força de preensão manual apresentaram moderada concordância com o método padrão ouro (dinamometria)....(AU)

The handgrip strength (HGS) is a measure widely used in clinical practice as a health indicator, to represent the overall muscle strength. The aim this study was to analyze the concordance coefficients between dynamometry and different anthropometric equations predictor handgrip strength of elderly. This is a cross-sectional study that analyzed data from epidemiological research of a home and population-based epidemiological survey. Participated in the study 283 (85,8%) elderly people, living in the urban área of the municipality of Lafaiete Coutinho, aged > 60 years. Handgrip strength was measured using dynamometry and different anthropometric equations: Tveter et al., Novaes et al., and Fortes et al. Anthropometric measurements used in the study were: weight and height. The Lin coefficient and the Bland Altman graphics were used to observe the HGS concordance between the different equations. The mean age of the elderly was 73.8 ± 8.9 years, mean body weight was 60.11 ± 12.54 kg, mean height was 154.83 ± 9.1 cm and BMI 25.05 ± 4.7 kg/m2 . For the coefficients there was moderate concordance in the anthropometric equations of Fortes 0,62 (0,55 ­ 0,68), Novaes 0,60 (0,53 ­ 0,66) e Tveter 0,60 (0,53 ­ 0,65) compared to dynamometry, respectively. The anthropometric equations used to estimate the handgrip strength showed moderate concordance with the gold standard test (dynamometry)....(AU)

Humanos , Anciano , Antropometría , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico
Braz. dent. sci ; 22(2): 190-196, 2019. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-996380


Objective: was to evaluate the influence of mentoplasty on esthetic perception of dental surgeons, dental students and lay persons. In addition, to determine whether the outstanding chin affects the perceived desire for orthognathic surgery. Material and Methods: An image of an ideal silhouette was created. This image was manipulated to create another six images with different degrees of retrogenia and progenia in increments, advancing and receding the chin on a scale of 5 mm (from +15 to -15 mm) in the anteroposterior and vertical directions. Once the images were obtained, a questionnaire was created, which was evaluated by lay persons, dental surgeons and dental students (n = 50). The evaluators used a visual analog scale to analyze the images, establishing a score ranging from 0 to 10. Associated with the scale, the evaluators were asked whether they wished to have some surgical correction performed if the image in question were a representation of their own facial profile. Results: demonstrated that image H (0 mm) was ranked as the most attractive by the dental surgeons, while the dental students and lay persons scored B (-5 mm) as the best image. In general, images A (+15 mm) and D (-15 mm) were those that most induced a desire for corrective surgery. Conclusion: the prognathic and retrognathic facial profiles were unpleasant and perceptible to the dentist, dental student and lay person. The more projected and retracted the chin was, the greater was the desire to have orthognathic surgery performed. (AU)

Objetivo: avaliar a influência da mentoplastia na percepção estética de cirurgiões-dentistas, estudantes de Odontologia e leigos. Além de determinar se o destaque do mento afeta o desejo percebido ORIGINAL ARTICLE Effect of mentoplasty on esthetic perception of dental surgeons, dental students and lay persons Efeito da mentoplastia na percepção estética de cirurgiões-dentistas, estudantes de odontologia e leigos Matheus Melo PITHON1 , Diego Oliveira GUEDES1 , Solane Domingues LEAL1 ,Maria Luiza Anselmo da SILVA1 , Raphaela Rodrigues DANTAS1 , Ketlly Cruz da Cunha PELEGRINI1 , Raildo da Silva COQUEIRO2 1 - Southwest Bahia State University ( UESB) - Vitória da Conquista ­ BA - Brazil. 2 - Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) - Florianópolis ­ SC - Brazil. doi: 10.14295/bds.2019.v22i2.1687 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA "JÚLIO DE MESQUITA FILHO" Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia Campus de São José dos Campos Ciência Odontológica Brasileira por cirurgia ortognática. Material e Métodos: a imagem de uma silhueta ideal foi manipulada para criar outras seis imagens com diferentes graus de retrogenia e progenia em incrementos, avançando e recuando o mento numa escala de 5 mm (de +15 a -15 mm) nos sentidos ântero-posterior e vertical. De posse dessas imagens criou-se um questionario que foi avaliado por leigos, Cirurgiões-Dentistas e estudantes de Odontologia (n = 50). Os avaliados utilizaram uma escala visual analógica para analisar as imagens, estabelecendo nota que variam de 0 a 10. Associado a escala os avaliadores foram questionados se eles teriam vontade de realizar alguma correção cirúrgica caso aquela imagem representasse o seu próprio perfil facial. Resultados: demostraram que a imagem H (0 mm) foi ranqueada como a mais atratativa pelos cirurgiões dentistas, enquanto os estudantes de odontologia e pessoas leigas pontuaram a B (-5 mm) como a melhor. De forma geral, as imagens A (+15 mm) e D (-15 mm) foram as que mais induziram o desejo por cirurgia corretiva. Conclusão: o perfil facial prognata e retrognata é desagradável e perceptível para o dentista, o estudante de odontologia e o leigo. Quanto mais projetado e retruido for o mento maior o desejo pela realização de cirurgia ortognática. (AU)

Estética Dental , Cara , Mentoplastia
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 4(3): 43-53, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1052430


Introduction: To evaluate the quality of life related to oral health is of paramountimportance, since there are few studies evaluating the OHRQoL (Oral health relatedquality of life) in children of 5 and 6 years. This study aimed to evaluate the impactof caries disease and traumatic dental injuries (TDI) on oral health related qualityof life (OHRQoL) in children of 5 and 6 years of age according to the self reportand the secondary report of the parents, as well as ascertain the agreementbetween them. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 238 children and theircaregivers attended at health units and public schools in the municipality ofJequié (BA), Brazil. After an interview, the children were submitted to oral clinicalexamination to investigate the presence or absence of caries experience and TDI.For data collection, the Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children (B-SOHO-5) and a sociodemographic questionnaire were used. Differences in OHRQoLscores between sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were comparedusing the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The agreement of the responsesbetween children and parents was compared using Kappa statistics (> 0.60). Thedifference between the total scores of the children and the parents was examinedwith the Wilcoxon test; the Lin coefficient of agreement and the Bland and Altmanmethod were used as measures of agreement. A significance level of 5% ( = 0.05)was adopted. Results:There was a significant association (p< 0.05) between cariesand TDI with OHRQoL according to the children's perception. There was significantmismatch / mismatch between the reports of the child-father and the mother-child pairs in relation to the child's OHRQoL. Conclusion: Caries disease and TDIshave a negative impact on OHRQoL according to the perception of only thechildren. Research has pointed out that parents are not reliable sources forassessing their child's OHRQoL.

Introdução: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde bucal é de sumaimportância, visto que são escassos os estudos que avaliam a QVRSB (Qualidadede vida relacionada a saúde bucal) em crianças de 5 e 6 anos. Este estudo tevecomo objetivo avaliar o impacto da doença cárie e das lesões dentáriastraumáticas (TDI) na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) emcrianças de 5 e 6 anos de idade de acordo com o autorrelatoe o relato secundáriodos pais, assim como averiguar a concordância entre eles. Métodos: Estudotransversal, realizado com 238 crianças e seus responsáveis atendidos em unidadesde saúde e escolas da rede pública do município de Jequié (BA), Brazil. Após aentrevista, as crianças foram submetidas a exame clínico oral para investigar apresença ou ausência de experiência de cárie e IDT. Para a coleta de dados foramusados a Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children (B-SOHO-5) e umquestionário sóciodemográfico. As diferenças nos escores de QVRSB entre ascaracterísticas sociodemográficas e clínicas foram comparadas por meio dostestes Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis. Comparou-se a concordância das respostasentre crianças e pais por meio da estatística Kappa (> 0,60). A diferença entre osescores totais das crianças e dos pais foi examinada com o teste de Wilcoxon; ocoeficiente de concordância de Lin e o método de Bland e Altman foram usadoscomo medidas de concordância. Foi adotado nível de significância de 5% ( =0,05). Resultados: Houve associação significativa (p< 0,05) entre a cárie e a TDIde acordo a percepção das crianças. Ocorreu discordância/pobre concordânciasignificativa entre os relatos dos pares criança-pai e criança-mãe com relação àQVRSB da criança. Conclusão: A doença cárie e as TDI causam impacto negativona QVRSB de acordo com a percepção apenas das crianças. A pesquisa apontouque os pais não são fontes confiáveis para avaliar a saúde bucal do seu filho.

Salud Bucal , Calidad de Vida , Preescolar , Traumatismos de los Dientes , Caries Dental
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 3(3): 62-66, Sept.-Dec. 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1022032


Introduction: To evaluate the influence of the vertical position of the lower anterior teeth in the aesthetic perception of the smile of Afro-descendent laypeople from different age groups. Materials and Methods: A standard smile was constructed from intraoral photographs of an afro-descendent individual. The vertical position of the lower anterior teeth was gradually changed by moving the teeth up and down within the lip frame in 0.5 mm increments ranging from -1.5 mm to 2.0 mm, regarding point zero. Using a visual analog scale, 150 Afro-descendent Brazilian lay individuals from three different age groups (15-19, 35-44 and 65-74) rated the attractiveness in relation to 8 smiles with altered gingival exposure. Results: There were no significant differences (p>0.05) between male and female raters for the three groups. All the age groups assigned higher scores for the smiles with 0.5 mm coverage of the lower lip on the lower central incisors. However, for the less attractive smiles, there were differences in the opinions of the age groups (p<0,05). Conclusions: the age groups shared similar preferences regarding the most pleasant smile regarding the vertical positions of the lower anterior teeth.

Introdução: Avaliar a influência da posição vertical dos dentes anteriores inferiores na percepção estética do sorriso de leigos afrodescendentes de diferentes faixas etárias. Materiais e Métodos: Um sorriso padrão foi construído a partir de fotografias intraorais de um indivíduo afro-descendente. A posição vertical dos dentes anteriores inferiores foi gradualmente alterada, movendo os dentes para cima e para baixo dentro da moldura do lábio em incrementos de 0,5 mm variando de -1,5 mm a 2,0 mm, em relação ao ponto zero. Utilizando uma escala analógica visual, 150 indivíduos leigos afrodescendentes brasileiros de três diferentes faixas etárias (15-19, 35-44 e 65-74) classificaram a atratividade em relação a 8 sorrisos com exposição gengival alterada. Resultados: Não houve diferenças significativas (p> 0,05) entre os avaliadores masculino e feminino para os três grupos. Todos os grupos etários atribuíram pontuações mais altas para os sorrisos com cobertura de 0,5 mm do lábio inferior nos incisivos centrais inferiores. No entanto, para os sorrisos menos atraentes, houve diferenças nas opiniões dos grupos etários (p <0,05). Conclusão: os grupos etários compartilhavam preferências semelhantes quanto ao sorriso mais agradável em relação às posições verticais dos dentes anteriores inferiores.

Estética Dental , Percepción , Sonrisa , Población Negra
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 23(5): 65-74, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-975017


ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of perception of attractiveness of the smile among dentists, dental students, and lay persons in cases of agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisors replaced by canines for space closure. Methods: A smiling front view extraoral photograph of a 20-year-old woman was digitally altered simulating agenesis and its treatment, by means of: repositioning, reshaping or bleaching the canine, and gingival contour. A questionnaire was distributed to individuals of the three groups (n= 150), with a view to evaluating their degree of esthetic perception. An attractiveness scale was also used, with '0' representing unattractive and '10', very attractive. Results: In the comparative evaluation among all the photographs, the original image obtained the highest level of acceptance. Photograph 'i' (agenesis of both lateral incisors treated with reposition and reshaping of the canines) was ranked as the least attractive by the dentists, whereas the student and lay persons ranked photograph 'f' (agenesis of both lateral incisors treated with reposition of the canines, gingival contour, bleaching and reshaping) as the worst. Conclusion: The methods of treatment most accepted among the dentists and students were those that involved changes in the gingival contour, whereas among lay persons, they were those that involved only reshaping.

RESUMO Objetivo: o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o grau de percepção da atratividade do sorriso por dentistas, estudantes de Odontologia e leigos, em casos de agenesia dos incisivos laterais superiores substituídos por caninos, para fechamento do espaço. Métodos: uma fotografia extrabucal frontal do sorriso de uma mulher com 20 anos de idade foi alterada simulando agenesia e seu tratamento por meio de: reposicionamento do canino, remodelação, clareamento ou contorno gengival. Um questionário foi distribuído aos indivíduos dos três grupos (n= 150), com o objetivo de avaliar o grau de percepção estética. Uma escala de atratividade também foi usada, com '0' representando pouco atraente e '10', muito atraente. Resultados: na avaliação comparativa entre as fotografias, a imagem original obteve o maior nível de aceitação. A fotografia "i" (agenesia de ambos os incisivos laterais tratada com reposição e remodelação dos caninos) foi classificada como a menos atraente pelos dentistas, enquanto os estudantes e os leigos classificaram a "f" (agenesia de ambos os incisivos laterais tratada com reposição dos caninos, contorno gengival, clareamento e remodelação) como a pior. Conclusão: os métodos de tratamento mais aceitos entre dentistas e estudantes foram aqueles que envolviam mudanças no contorno gengival, enquanto entre os leigos foram aqueles que envolviam apenas remodelação.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Cierre del Espacio Ortodóncico/psicología , Diente Canino/anatomía & histología , Estética Dental/psicología , Sonrisa , Belleza , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Corona del Diente/anatomía & histología , Fotografía Dental , Incisivo/anomalías , Anodoncia/terapia
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 607-616, Fev. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-890511


Abstract To identify the prevalence and factors associated with hypertriglyceridemic waist (HW) in community-dwelling elderly people in northeast Brazil. Population-based cross-sectional study. Some 316 elderly (≥ 60 years) people of both sexes participated in this study. Data were collected using a questionnaire, based on that used in the Health, Welfare and Aging Study (SABE), in addition to blood tests, blood pressure measurements and anthropometric measurements. The hypertriglyceridemic waist condition was diagnosed using high values of triglycerides (≥ 150 mg/dl) and waist circumference increased ≥ 88 and ≥ 102 cm for women and men, respectively. Logistic regression analysis was used to compare the hypertriglyceridemic waist and associated factors, significance level of 5%. The prevalence of hypertriglyceridemic waist (HW) was 27.1%. The logistic regression model (OR) adjusted showed the condition of HW associated to the feminine sex (OR 4.19), to the insufficiently active elderly (OR 2.41) and with overweight (OR 4.06). A high prevalence (27.1%) of hypertriglyceridemic waist was observed, indicating the female sex, physical inactivity and overweight as key factors associated with hypertriglyceridemic waist in community-dwelling elderly people.

Resumo Identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à cintura hipertrigliceridêmica em idosos residentes em uma comunidade no nordeste do Brasil. Estudo populacional com delineamento transversal. Participaram do estudo 316 idosos com idade ≥ 60 anos, de ambos os sexos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um formulário próprio, baseado no questionário usado na Pesquisa Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento, além dos exames sanguíneos, aferição da pressão arterial e medidas antropométricas. A cintura hipertrigliceridêmica (CH) foi diagnosticada quando os níveis de triglicerídeos apresentaram valores (≥ 150 mg/dl) e a circunferência da cintura ≥ 88cm para as mulheres e 102 para os homens. Para identificar os fatores associados a CH foi utilizado a análise de regressão logística, com nível de significância 5%. A prevalência de cintura hipertrigliceridêmica foi 27,1%. O modelo de regressão logística (OR) ajustado mostrou a condição de CH associada ao sexo feminino (OR 4.19), aos idosos insuficientemente ativos (OR 2.41) e com sobrepeso (OR 4.06). Foi observada uma alta prevalência de cintura hipertrigliceridêmica em idosos residentes em comunidade, apontando o sexo feminino, a inatividade física e o sobrepeso/obesidade como fatores associados.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Sobrepeso/epidemiología , Circunferencia de la Cintura , Cintura Hipertrigliceridémica/epidemiología , Brasil/epidemiología , Modelos Logísticos , Factores Sexuales , Prevalencia , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Factores de Riesgo , Conducta Sedentaria , Persona de Mediana Edad
Clinics ; 73: e374, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-952789


OBJECTIVES: The goal was to identify predictors of poor-quality spirometry in community-dwelling older adults and their respective cutoffs. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional population-based study involving 245 elderly subjects (age≥60 years). The spirometric data were categorized as good or poor quality, and cognitive status was assessed using an adapted version (scaled to have a maximum of 19 points) of the Mini-Mental State Examination. Multivariate analysis was used to assess the association between poor-quality spirometry and sociodemographic, behavioral and health characteristics. The best cutoff points for predicting poor-quality spirometry were evaluated by the receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: In this population, 61 (24.9%) subjects with poor-quality spirometry were identified. After multiple logistic regression analysis, only age and Mini-Mental State Examination score were still associated with poor-quality spirometry (p≤0.05). The cutoff for the Mini-Mental State Examination score was 15 points, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.628 (p=0.0017), sensitivity of 74.5% and specificity of 49.5%; for age, the cutoff was 78 years, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.718 (p=0.0001), sensitivity of 57.4% and specificity of 79.9%. CONCLUSION: Age and Mini-Mental State Examination score together are good predictors of poor-quality spirometry and can contribute to the screening of community-dwelling older adults unable to meet the minimum quality criteria for a spirometric test.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Espirometría , Disnea/diagnóstico , Escala del Estado Mental , Factores Socioeconómicos , Brasil/epidemiología , Métodos Epidemiológicos , Disnea/psicología , Disnea/epidemiología
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(10): 3393-3401, Out. 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-974684


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a incidência e fatores de risco para a redução da capacidade funcional de idosos residentes em comunidade. Foi conduzido estudo de coorte prospectivo em duas fases, 2011 e 2014. A população do estudo foi composta por 202 idosos inicialmente independentes para as atividades básicas da vida diária. Utilizou-se como medida de associação o risco relativo (RR) e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC) 95%, que foram estimados por regressão log-binomial com variância robusta. A incidência da redução de capacidade funcional foi de 15,3%. Os fatores de risco para o declínio funcional foram: estado civil sem união (RR aj = 2,75; IC95%: 1,15 - 6,57) e presença de sintomas de depressão (RR aj = 2,41; IC95%: 1,15 - 5,06), mesmo após ajuste por sexo, faixa etária, renda familiar per capita, diabetes, uso de medicamentos e nível de atividade física. A elevada incidência da redução de capacidade funcional e sua associação com aspectos da relação conjugal e de saúde mental revela a necessidade de considerar tais fatores no planejamento de ações em saúde voltadas à manutenção e recuperação da capacidade funcional dos idosos.

Abstract This study aimed to identify the incidence and risk factors for the reduced functional capacity of community-dwelling elderly. A prospective, two-stage cohort study was conducted in 2011 and 2014. The study population consisted of 202 initially independent older adults for the basic activities of daily living. The relative risk (RR) and its respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used as a measure of association and were estimated by log-binomial regression with robust variance. The incidence of lower functional capacity was 15.3%. The risk factors for the functional decline were unmarried status (RRadj = 2.75; 95%CI: 1.15-6.57) and depressive symptoms (RRadj = 2.41; 95%CI: 1.15-5.06), even after adjusting for gender, age group, per capita household income, diabetes, use of medication and level of physical activity. The high incidence of reduced functional capacity and its association with marital status and mental health aspects reveals the need to consider such factors in the planning of health actions aimed at maintaining and restoring the functional capacity of the seniors.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Actividades Cotidianas , Salud Mental , Personas con Discapacidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Vida Independiente , Incidencia , Estudios Prospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Estudios de Cohortes , Estudios Longitudinales , Estado Civil , Depresión/epidemiología , Persona de Mediana Edad