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Interdisciplinaria ; 38(3): 117-138, jun. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356331


Resumen Las familias, en la actualidad, enfrentan nuevos retos y cambios que comprometen su capacidad de adaptación y su bienestar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir y comparar indicadores de resiliencia familiar y bienestar familiar de 442 familias colombianas ubicadas geográficamente en Bogotá (n = 196), Santa Marta (n = 81) y Cali-Palmira (n = 145). El diseño fue analítico transversal. Las familias diligenciaron el Índice Familiar de Regeneración y Adaptación (FIRA-G) para valorar la resiliencia y el Índice de Bienestar de los miembros de la Familia (FMWB). Los resultados demostraron relaciones significativas y positivas entre bienestar familiar y resiliencia familiar al igual que una relación inversa y significativa entre indicadores de resiliencia negativos como tensión, distrés y tensión familiar con indicadores positivos de resiliencia familiar tales como coherencia, fortaleza y apoyo social. La comparación entre ciudades evidenció divergencias entre las familias de Bogotá y Cali-Palmira, en los niveles de bienestar familiar, estresores familiares y apoyo de parientes y amigos. En el caso de la ciudad de Santa Marta se encuentran diferencias en los estresores familiares con Cali-Palmira y en apoyo social comunitario con Bogotá. La discusión se orienta a mostrar que la resiliencia familiar es resultado de la participación de varios elementos: los recursos familiares adaptativos positivos que le permiten a las familias reducir el estrés y enfrentar las demandas del ambiente, la presencia de los dos padres en familias sin indicadores clínicos que hace que la carga de estrés sea compartida -lo cual abona el terreno para la resiliencia familiar-, y el apoyo social manifestado en ayudas externas al núcleo familiar por parte de la comunidad, los parientes y los amigos.

Abstract Currently, modern families are coping with different stressful situations. The family studies are focused on the conceptual perspective, political perspective and methodological topic and they leave aside the familiar dynamics and functioning. This paper was interested in describing and comparing indicators of family resilience and family welfare of 442 Colombian families. This study had three hypotheses: The first one is focused on differences in well-being family dimension per location; the second hypothesis was focused on significant differences in family resilience per location, and the third one was interested in significant relations in family resilience and family well-being. The theoretical support to this research is the McCubbin and Patterson's resilience model called Double ABCX and Family Adaptation and Adjust Response Model by Patterson. The family well-being is considered a result of internal family functioning and is measured by the family member perception about the concern about health problems, fears, anger and sadness. Family resilience is understood as the capacity to recover from adversity. This capacity strengthens families and improves their resources. In this theoretic resilience approach the resilience is a dynamic result to the adaptation phase and the family well-being is the final adjustment. The design was cross-sectional analytical with a convenience sample. The families were interviewed in their homes, from each family both parents and a child between 9 and 17 years old participated. They are located geographically in Bogotá (n = 196), Santa Marta (n = 81) and Cali-Palmira (n = 145). Families completed the Family Member Well-being Index (FMWB) and the Family Regeneration and Adaptation Index (FIRA-G) to assess resilience. Families residing in Bogotá showed significant differences with those of Cali-Palmira in the dimension of family well-being, family stress and support from friends and family. While families located in Santa Marta showed differences with respect to the families located in Cali-Palmira in family stress and in community and social support. The father correlations between the family resilience index and the well-being family index is strong and inverse with the family stress and the family well-being summarized. The mother well-being family perception is significant associated with family resilience, and these correlations was strongest with family well-being summarized. The family stress index, strains and distress exposed moderate and inverse relations with the positive resilience family summarized. The discussion deals with family resilience as a product of the dynamic interaction in the hole family system and is oriented to the fact that the presence of support from family and friends reduces the burden of family stress, promotes support in the face of crisis and, in general, improves the well-being and family adaptation. In general, the differences reflect varied resilience trajectories that depend on the challenges posed by the close context of the city where they live. An approach to this result leads us to think as a hypothesis not yet widely explored, in the mobility factor of cities, which limits contact with close family networks. In big cities like Bogotá, its internal mobility compromises the times and spaces of daily life, and thus allows or prevents families from organizing their relationships in the different areas of their social life. Resilience occurs through positive adaptive family resources that included social support and family coherence and allow families to reduce stress and meet the demands of the environment. On the other hand, the presence of the two parents in families without clinical indicators shows that the burden of shared stress helps family resilience, which is also fed by the presence of external aids to the family nucleus, such as the support of the community, family and friends.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 17(2): 193-217, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043049


Resumen (descriptivo) Este artículo explora las diferentes concepciones de niño y las formas de relación que tienen los profesionales y los cuidadores de niños y adolescentes en una institución de protección en Colombia. Se parte del supuesto que tanto las concepciones de sujeto, como los modos de relación orientan las prácticas de los cuidadores en la institución. Durante el estudio se analizan 13 entrevistas realizadas a cuidadores y profesionales de la institución de protección, observaciones participantes y documentos. Emergen tres concepciones de niño: el niño como hijo de Bienestar, el niño resiliente, y el niño en carencia. Los profesionales y cuidadores se encuentran en tensión entre su labor profesional de restitución de derechos y la labor de crianza tradicionalmente desempeñada por las familias.

Abstract (descriptive) This article explores the different conceptions of children and the ways of relating between caregivers and professionals and children and adolescents in a protection institution in Colombia. It is assumed that both the conceptions of children and the different ways that adults have of relating to them guide the caregivers' practices in the institution. During the study, 13 interviews with caregivers and professionals of from protection institution were conducted along with participant observation and documents analysis. Three conceptions of the child subject emerged: the child as a son/daughter of the welfare system, the resilient child and the child in need. Professionals and caregivers face tension between their professional work to facilitate the restitution of these children's rights and the parenting role traditionally carried out by families.

Resumo (descritivo) Este artigo considera as diferentes concepções de crianças e os tipos de relacionamento que profissionais e cuidadores de crianças e adolescentes têm em uma instituição de proteção na Colômbia. Parte-se do suposto que tanto as concepções de sujeito, como os modos de relacionamento orientam as práticas dos cuidadores em uma instituição. Neste estudo, analisam-se 13 entrevistas realizadas a cuidadores e profissionais da instituição de proteção, observações participantes e documentos. Emergem três concepções de criança: a criança como filho de bem-estar, a criança resiliente, e a criança em carência. Os profissionais e cuidadores encontram-se em tensão entre o seu labor profissional de restituição de direitos e o labor de criação tradicionalmente desempenhado pelas famílias.

Defensa del Niño , Protección a la Infancia
Psicol. Caribe ; 34(3): 219-229, sep.-dic. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-955587


Resumen En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio exploratorio sobre las trayectorias de agenciamiento de 16 bebés (58 % niñas; M=11 meses, DE=2 meses) en interacciones con maestras y con objetos durante situaciones pedagógicas. La investigación se realizó en dos jardines infantiles públicos en la ciudad de Cali (Colombia). Se realizaron registros fílmicos durante cinco mañanas para capturar las rutinas de los jardines; posteriormente se identificaron y codificaron cualitativamente las secuencias de interacción en las que participó cada niño, utilizando el sistema de video-anotación ANVIL 5.0. Cada secuencia de interacción inicia con la búsqueda de un objeto, el encuentro con el mismo, su exploración y el abandono del objeto, que denominamos cierre de la secuencia. Finalmente, se analizaron las trayectorias de agenciamiento de los niños utilizando el paquete estadístico STATA 12.0. Los resultados sugieren la existencia de cuatro trayectorias, solo una de ellas con resultados favorecedores para el desarrollo de la agencia de los niños. Se discute el lugar de las prácticas educativas en contextos institucionales en momentos tempranos del desarrollo y sus implicaciones sobre la constitución de los niños/as pequeños/as como agentes de sus experiencias.

Abstract This paper aims to explore the agency trajectories in 16 babies (58 % girls; M= 11 months, SD=2) during their interactions with teachers and objects, while they are engaged in pedagogical events. This research was conducted in two public preschools in Cali, Colombia. We used a mixed methods approach to analyze filmic records videotaped for five mornings, capturing preschools' routines. Afterwards, we qualitatively coded interaction sequences for each participating child, using the video annotation coding system ANVIL 5.0. We defined an interaction sequence as a process initiating with a searching behavior, the access to the object, its exploration and abandonment, closing each sequence. Finally, we estimated agency trajectories using STATA 12.O. Our results suggest four agency trajectories, only one of them having favorable results for children agency development. We discuss the role of educational practices in institutional contexts during early development and its implications on children's agency.