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Clinics ; 76: e2182, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286065


Our systematic review evaluates surgically relevant information about corona mortis (CM), such as anatomical structure, size, laterality, incidence, and anthropometric correlations. This study aimed to provide data about anastomosis in an attempt to avoid iatrogenic damage during surgery. Articles were searched online using the descriptor "Corona Mortis" in PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Saúde [LILACS], MEDLINE, indice bibliografico espaãol en ciencias de la salud [IBECS]), and SciELO database. The time range was set between 1995 and 2020. The articles were selected according to their titles and later the abstracts' relation to our research purpose. All the selected articles were read entirely. A manual search based of the references cited in these articles was also conducted to identify other articles or books of interest. Forty references fulfilled the criteria for this review. The mean incidence of CM was 63% (the majority venous) among 3,107 hemipelvises. The incidence of bilateral CM was lower than that of unilateral variations based on the analysis of 831 pelvises. The mean caliber of the anastomosis was 2.8 mm among 1,608 hemipelvises. There is no consensus concerning the anthropometric influences in CM. Finally, we concluded that CM is not an unusual anatomical variation and that we must not underestimate the risk of encountering the anastomosis during surgery. Anatomical knowledge of CM is, therefore, essential in preventing accidents for surgeons who approach the inguinal and retropubic regions.

Pelvis , Bases de Datos Factuales
Rev Rene (Online) ; 21: e44395, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136134


RESUMO Objetivo compreender a visão de profissionais da área da saúde e do direito acerca do cuidado a idosos fragilizados que vivem sozinhos. Métodos pesquisa qualitativa, realizada por meio de entrevistas com profissionais da área da saúde e do direito, tendo como disparador uma vinheta, contendo a descrição da história de uma idosa fragilizada que vivia sozinha. Dados submetidos à técnica de análise temática. Resultados os 23 profissionais apontaram que a família deveria ser a principal responsável pelo idoso; que a institucionalização deveria ocorrer como última opção; ressaltaram a importância do trabalho multiprofissional e intersetorial; e reconheceram as limitações do Estado. Os profissionais relataram as intervenções apropriadas para o caso. Conclusão na atenção ao idoso que vive sozinho, existem limitações das famílias, dos serviços de atenção social e de saúde ao idoso, bem como do Estado, havendo necessidade de fortalecimento dos recursos legalmente garantidos.

ABSTRACT Objective to understand the perception of health and law professionals regarding care for frail elderly people who live alone. Methods qualitative research, carried out through interviews with health and law professionals, using a vignette as a trigger, presenting the description of the story of a frail elderly woman who lived alone. Data were submitted to the thematic analysis technique. Results the 23 professionals pointed out that the family members should be the responsible ones for the elderly; that institutionalization should take place as the last option; stressed the importance of multi-professional and intersectoral work; and recognized the limitations of the state. The professionals reported the appropriate interventions for the case. Conclusion in care for the elderly who live alone, there are limitations for families, social care, and health services for the elderly, as well as the State, with the need to strengthen legally guaranteed resources.

Grupo de Atención al Paciente , Derechos de los Ancianos , Envejecimiento , Anciano Frágil , Colaboración Intersectorial
RSBO (Impr.) ; 8(4): 386-389, Oct.-Dec. 2011. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-744213


Introduction: Dental caries is the most common chronic disease in childhood and a major problem for world public healthcare. For dental caries onset, the presence of dental plaque is primordial, being plaque removal one of caries preventive measures. Children younger than 3 years old depend on adults for dental plaque controlling. Objective: To assess the quality of oral hygiene of children before and after a motivational program conducted with their caregivers. Material and methods: Twelve caregivers and 16 children (from 10 to 36 months old) entered the study. The children's oral hygiene quality was assessed with the Oral Hygiene Index (OHI) of upper and lower incisors at baseline, 1 and 3 months after the instructional lecture on oral health given to the caregivers. Results: It was verified a statistical difference in OHI of upper/lower incisors between baseline and 3 months after the lecture. At 1-month assessment after the lecture, there was an improvement in OHI of the upper incisors. There was no statiscally significant difference between upper and lower incisors. All incisors OHI for the three assessments showed a statiscally significant difference between the groups at baseline and 1 month after the lecture, returning to the initial indexes after 3 months. Conclusion: Punctual health education activities are not effective. They need to be continuous to institute changes in behavior regarding oral health.