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Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(4): e20230565, abr.2024. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557048


Resumo A doença veno-oclusiva pulmonar (DVOP) e a hemangiomatose capilar pulmonar são tipos raros de substratos histopatológicos dentro do espectro da hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) com prognóstico muito ruim. Caracterizam-se por um processo fibroproliferativo generalizado das veias e/ou capilares de pequeno calibre com preservação das veias maiores, resultando em um fenótipo de hipertensão pulmonar pré-capilar. A apresentação clínica é inespecífica e semelhante a outras etiologias de HAP. O diagnóstico definitivo é obtido por meio de análise histológica, embora a biópsia pulmonar não seja aconselhada devido ao maior risco de complicações. No entanto, alguns achados adicionais podem permitir um diagnóstico clínico presuntivo de DVOP, especialmente história de tabagismo, uso de drogas quimioterápicas, exposição a solventes orgânicos (particularmente tricloroetileno), baixa capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono (DLCO), dessaturação ao esforço e evidências de doença venosa sem doença cardíaca esquerda no exame de imagem, manifestada por uma tríade clássica de opacidades em vidro fosco, linhas septais, e linfadenopatias. O transplante pulmonar é o único tratamento eficaz e os pacientes devem ser encaminhados no momento do diagnóstico, devido à rápida progressão da doença e ao prognóstico ruim. Apresentamos o caso de um homem de 58 anos com HAP com características de envolvimento venoso/capilar em que a suspeita clínica, o pronto diagnóstico e o encaminhamento precoce para transplante pulmonar foram determinantes para um bom desfecho.

Abstract Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) and pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis are rare types of histopathological substrates within the spectrum of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) with a very poor prognosis. They are characterized by a widespread fibroproliferative process of the small caliber veins and/or capillaries with sparing of the larger veins, resulting in a pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension phenotype. Clinical presentation is unspecific and similar to other PAH etiologies. Definitive diagnosis is obtained through histological analysis, although lung biopsy is not advised due to a higher risk of complications. However, some additional findings may allow a presumptive clinical diagnosis of PVOD, particularly a history of smoking, chemotherapy drug use, exposure to organic solvents (particularly trichloroethylene), low diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO), exercise induced desaturation, and evidence of venous congestion without left heart disease on imaging, manifested by a classical triad of ground glass opacities, septal lines, and lymphadenopathies. Lung transplant is the only effective treatment, and patients should be referred at the time of diagnosis due to the rapid progression of the disease and associated poor prognosis. We present a case of a 58-year-old man with PAH with features of venous/capillary involvement in which clinical suspicion, prompt diagnosis, and early referral for lung transplantation were determinant factors for the successful outcome.

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 37: e20230129, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550295


Abstract We report the case of a patient with symptomatic pulmonary hypertension (PH) associated with diffuse systemic sclerosis (SSc) whose initial assessment suggested a group 3 (clinical classification) PH. The patient had a history of drugs/toxins consumption, which contributed to the development of intrinsic pulmonary vascular disease. This changed the panorama towards the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), with important therapeutic and prognostic implications. In fact, the excellent clinical, laboratory and hemodynamic response to therapy confirmed the hypothesis of a case of drug-associated PAH (DPAH) in a patient with diffuse SSc and lung disease. Considering the presence of DPAH, it was deemed necessary to assess acute vasoreactivity during right heart catheterization (RHC). If criteria were met, the clinical scenario may change towards a favorable and sustained clinical and hemodynamic response with oral calcium channel blockers. However, the response to inhaled nitric oxide was negative in our patient and the therapeutic strategy with dual oral combination therapy with tadalafil and ambrisentan was continued. After six-months of therapy the patient significantly improved, from a high to a low risk of one-year mortality.