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Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 27: 1-5, fev. 2022. fig
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382095


Evidence demonstrates the importance of physical activity (PA) promotion strategies in primary health care (PHC) as well as the lack of professional qualification in this area. We aimed to report the experience of a basic training course to conduct group classes in a pilot study of the Program Brasil em Movimento from Brazilian Ministry of Health (PBM). The course covered eight topics within 22 hours delivered remotely. In 21 days of publicity, 630 people signed up, with an average of 439 views for each class. Students evaluated the course positively (95%) and would recommend it (93%). We observed that: 1- the number of subscribers and off-line classes views demonstrate the existence of a demand for this type of qualification; 2- the remote course offering was adequate to reach professionals from all regions of Brazil; 3- offering this type of training seems essential, given the background heterogeneity of the target audience.

Evidências demonstram a importância de estratégias de promoção da atividade física no contexto da atenção primária à saúde (APS) e a carência de qualificação profissional específica nesta área. Objetivou-se relatar a experiência de um curso básico de capacitação para condução de aulas coletivas junto ao estudo piloto do Programa Brasil em Movimento, do Ministério da Saúde (PBM). O curso abrangeu oito temas com carga de 22 horas oferecidas remotamente. Em 21 dias de divulgação inscreveram-se 630 pessoas, com média de 439 visualizações das aulas. Os discentes avaliaram o curso positivamente (95%) e o recomendariam (93%). Observou-se que: 1- o número de inscritos e de visualizações das aulas indicam interesse por este tipo de qualificação; 2- a oferta do curso de modo remoto foi adequada para atingir interessados de todas regiões do Brasil; 3- a oferta desse tipo de capacitação parece ser fundamental, frente à heterogeneidade de formação do público alvo

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Atención Primaria de Salud , Curriculum , Educación Continua , Capacitación de Recursos Humanos en Salud
Rev. bras. eng. biomed ; 30(4): 312-321, Oct.-Dec. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-732830


INTRODUCTION: In the study of human biomechanics, it is often desirable to evaluate fatigue in the muscles that are involved in performing a particular task. Identifying the phenomena responsible for this condition is a problem that in most cases is complex and requires appropriate research mechanisms. Isokinetic dynamometry (ID) and surface electromyography (SEMG) are two techniques widely used in studies on strength and muscle fatigue. Their effectiveness is conditioned upon a good understanding of their limitations and the adoption of procedures to fully exploit the potential of each one. The main goal of the present study is to verify whether the electromyographic parameters, especially the conduction velocity (CV), are sensitive to the fatigue instauration process within sets of maximal isokinetic contractions. CV is a basic physiological parameter directly related to muscle activity and still little explored in experiments combining ID and SEMG. METHODS: Instrumentation architecture that combines ID and SEMG was used to estimate electromyographic and biomechanical parameters in protocols of maximum intensity isokinetic knee extension exercises. This architecture allows for limiting the parameter estimates to a specific region of isokinetic exercise, called the isokinetic load range (ILR), where one can consider that the angular velocity is constant and the SEMG signals are cyclo-stationary. Electromyographic signals were acquired using an array of electrodes. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that CV and the other SEMG parameters, including amplitude and frequency descriptors, are sensitive to detect a fatigue process only in protocols that restrict the analysis to ILR and that also bring the subject to a state of fatigue quickly.