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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975593


IntroductionA hangover is the experience of various unpleasant physiological and psychological effects followingconsumption of alcohol beverages, which can last for more than 24 hours. Common symptoms ofhangover are headache, gastrointestinal complaints, sweating, hyper-excitability, dry mouth, anorexia,diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue and vertigo. Alcohol or ethanol gets metabolized to an intermediate product,acetaldehyde, by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), and then acetaldehyde is converted toacetate by a second enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). Acetaldehyde causes toxic effects,such as high pulse, rate, sweating and vomiting. In most people, ALDH metabolizes acetaldehydequickly and effi ciently, so that this intermediate metabolite does not accumulate in high concentrations.Many treatments are described to prevent hangover, shorten its duration, and reduce the severity of itssymptoms, including innumerable folk remedies and recommendations.GoalThis study was conducted to investigate whether anti-hangover preparation has a protective effectagainst acute alcohol induced hangover in Wistar rats.Materials and MethodsMale and female Wistar line rats, weighing 180-210g were used for hangover model or ethanolmetabolism experiment. Rats were administered orally ethanol as 38% aqueous solution with feedingneedle, 1 ml/200g body weight. The anti-hangover preparation was administered 1 hour before ethanolconsumption. Blood was collected from the tail vein for the measurement of serum acetate andacetaldehyde at just before and 8, 16, 24 hour after ethanol administration.Statistical analysis: All value expressed as mean S.E obtained from n number of experiments.ResultFrom this study results summarize that the anti-hangover preparations decreased blood serum acetateand acetaldehyde levels as compared to control. Anti-hangover preparations enhanced acetaldehydeand acetate metabolism.Conclusion: These fi ndings indicate that anti-hangover preparations may exert benefi cial role inthe treatment of alcohol hangover without any toxicity. Therefore, the content of acetaldehyde wasdecreasing and increasing through repeating 8 hours within 24 hours.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975604


AbstractIntroduction: In recent years, researchers have paid attention to the biological active products fromraw materials of animal origin. Lyophilized bovine bile and bovine liver hydrolyze and varieties ofplants have been used for increase secretion of bile in traditional systems of medicine of variouscountries. We investigated that beneficial effects of new product particularly its treatment liverdamage, improve regeneration process of damaged liver cell, effects on bile secretion, bile bilirubin,and bile cholesterol and plasma cholesterol levels. Moreover, we investigate physical, chemicalcapacity and drafted a MNS document.Goal: To complete pharmacological, technological and standardization study of Sillichol biologicalactive product.Material and MethodsSeveral biochemical methods were used for determination of chemical compounds in liverhydrolysate and lyophilized bile. The product was formed in combined powder form by dried stirringmethod and it was capsuled by NJP-1200 capsule machine. Litchfield-Wilcoxon’s method was usedto study the acute toxicity effect. The median lethal dose (LD50) value was calculated using themethod of Pearson and toxicity level of was determined according to classification of Sidorov K.K(1973). Human equivalent dose (effective dose) was calculated with according to FDA guidancefor drug-dose conversion. Acute hepatitis – Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver damage inrats (Skakun et al, 1984); Bile secretion effect was determined by method of Rozuet Jousse, 1980.All value expressed as mean S.E obtained from n number of experiments. The Student’s t-testfor unpaired observation between control and experimental samples was carried out for statisticalevaluation of a difference; p values of 0.05 or less were considered as statistically significant.ResultsTotal nitrogen, amino nitrogen, fat, ash and solution index were measured in liver hydrolysate.The results were accepted standard requirements of MNS 6484:2014. Bovine bile was dried byLabconco freezone L12 freeze drier in Drug Research Institute. The product named Sillichol wasformed combined powder form and capsuled №0 capsule. From the result of preclinical study, ourinvestigational new product is included in practically non-toxic class according to toxicity classificationby Sidorov (1750 mg/kg). Sillichol biological active product was increase bile level which is producedin liver cells and decreased bile cholesterol levels by 2.3-8.0% in the test group compared with thecontrol and reference groups.Conclusion: The biological active product was improving regeneration process of liver cells,normalize cell structure, effect to the anti-inflammatory in damaged liver cells.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975956


Varieties of plants and lyophilized bovine bile have been used for increase secretion of bile in traditional systems of medicine of various countries. Following many articles note on the benefi cial effects of lyophilized bovine bile particularly on the wound healing and gastric protection effects, there is paucity of reports in literature on its effects on a bile secretion, a bile bilirubin, bile cholesterol and a plasma cholesterol levels. Sillichol contains lyophilizedbovine bile, liver hydrolisate, yarrow extract and silymarin. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of bile fl ow, bile bilirubin concentration bile cholesterol level and hepatoprotective of Sillichol. Sixteen adult male wistar rats (weighing between 200-250 gr) were used in the study. They were randomly assigned into control and sillichol group comprising 4 in each group. Thereafter, they were weighed and anaesthetized with ketamine (2ml/200gr body weight) muscle leg and quickly pinned to a dissecting board. Laparotomy was performed and liver lobes were defl ected anterolaterally to expose the common bile duct. The common bile duct was cannulated with a portex cannula (0.5 mm diameter) after a semitransection was made on the bile duct. The cannuls was held in place with thread tied over it and around the bile duct.The bile was collected for 8 hours from each rat studied according to method of Rozuet Jousse. The rate of bile fl ow was noted, the volume of bilirubin, bile cholesterol levels were determined in the control and test groups. Moreover, total of 18 wistar rats (200-250 gr) were obtainedfrom laboratory house of Drug research institute and acclimated for 10 days before starting the experiment. Liver toxicity was induced by the subcutaneous injection of carbon tetrachloride (CCL4, 0.4 ml/100gr), 1:1 diluted with paraffi n oil, for four successive days of the experiment (N.P.Scakun et al, 1983). The rats were divided randomly into 3 groups comprising 6 rats in each group and fed the same diet throughout the experimental period. Mean values of bile cholesterol and bilirubinlevels, rate of bile secretion in the control and sillichol group. Bile cholesterol levels were signifi cantly decreased in the sillichol group compared with the control group (60.3±0.88 mg/dl vs 62.6±1.21mg/dl, p<0.05). Rate of bile secretion was signifi cantly increased in the experimental compared with the control group(10.21±0.25 ml/8hr vs 4.18±0.25 ml/8hr, p<0.05). Total bilirubin, conjugated and unconjugatedbilirubin concentrations in both sillichol and control groups were not signifi cantly different (p<0.01). The activities of GOT, GPT and ALP were estimated in serum samples as the liver function biomarkers using biochemical diagnostic test. The CCL4 treatment markedly affected the liverspecifi c enzymes. It was found that a signifi cant (p<0.05) increase in serum GOT, GPT and ALP activities of CCL4 treated rats. After the treats, hepatic biomarkers were elevated in the serum due to release of the enzymes from damaged liver. GOT (69.8±1.5), GPT (103.9±1.2), ALP (23.8±0.2) and Cholesterol (67.7±13.6) andtriglyceride (64.0±3.3) levels weredecreasedsignifi cantly (p<0.05) in the sillichol groupcompared with the control group. Silichol is decreasing concentration of cholesterol and bilirubin’s level in bile, constantly after administration of drug. Also, liverpreparation is increasing bile acid secretion in hepatocytes and a speed of secretion.From the results of pharmacological study concluded that involves CCL4 induced acute toxic hepatitis, liver preparation has hepatoprotective effect by protecting the liver cells from injury, improving the regeneration process and by correcting metabolic functions of the liver.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631071


BACKGROUND: A recent day is one of a rare drug plant, which use in traditional medicine a long time ago. Therefore based on nature resource of traditional medicine, on the base of evaluating pharmacological and biological action to develop a new drug of plant origin is important not only for treatment, but also has a economic significance. This plant has profound medicinal use and is a proved antipyretic, analgesic anti inflammatory and anti-cancer. No detail report was found in literature to evaluate renal damage experimentally in rats. The present study was hence designed to determine protective effect (Saposhnikovia divaricate (Turcz) Schischk) kanamycin-induced nephrotoxicy in rats. In addition, we attempted to test and compare the possible action of Saposhnikovia divaricate (Turcz) Schischk) kanamycin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experimental animals A dry extract of SDS is root was prepared by the lyophilization method and used in the study. Threemonth old Wistar albino rats of either sex weighing 150-250 g were used for the study. The animals were placed at random and allocated to treatment groups in polypropylene cages with paddy husk as bedding. Animals were housed at a temperature of 24 ± 2⁰C and relative humidity of 30-70%. A 12/12 h light and dark cycle was followed. All animals were fed on standard balanced diet and provided with water ad libitum. All the experimental procedures and protocols used in the study were reviewed and approved by the Bio-Medical Ethical Committee of Mongolian National University of Mongolia. Biochemical estimation At the end of experimental period, rats were anaesthetized with ether. The pathological model of kidney we use lipid peroxidation in the process of kidney inflammation kidney tissue, blood serum, erythrocyte MDA of membrane amount on 3, 7, 14 day by using spectrophotometer apparatus of “Shimadzu” firm of Japan and measured absorption at 535 nm. Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis of data was performed by SPSS 16.0 program and analyzed statistically using criteria of Student t test. RESULTS: When we studied effect of extract of SDS preparation to condition of lipid peroxidation activation in the process of kidney inflammation by the indices of MDA which contains in blood plasma and erythrocyte membrane, MDA amount in renal tissue, amount of MDA decreased and it showed effect of decreasing lipid peroxidation MDA of plasma. CONCLUSION: The extract of Saposhnikoviadivaricata (Turcz) Schischk) has action of protecting kidney and decreasing lipid per oxidation.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975681


IntroductionNumber of kidney acute and chronic disease is increasing rapidly in the world and becoming the majorcause of death even population employment capacity is invalid. Statistical report of Mongolian Ministryof Health last 5 years statistic kidney disease is in the 3rd of non-contagious disease Synthetic andchemical medicines used for this sort of disease would have side effects in some cases. Plants, animalsand minerals biologically active substances, side effects need to produce new drugs, has attracted theattention of researches.GoalIdentifying pharmacology act of new granule medicine preparation.Material and Methods: The effects of the medicinal substances were investigated on “WISTAR” linesof white rat. Pathological model of nephritis was formed by injected the rats with kanamycin sulfate(Mondodoev.A.J, Lameza.S.B, Bartonov.E.A, 1988). The experimental animals were given any of thenew granular herbal medicine and compared to the rats given Nefromon. After treatment the creatinine,urea acid and MDA in the serum were determined. MDA is identified by an amount of concentration andmethod (Stalinaya. I.D. 1977).ResultCreatinine amount of disease model group of kidney illness created by kanamycin sulfate is comparedwith healthy group animals and 1.64 times, carbamide amount is 4.25 times, rest of the azote’s 2.73are increased and comparing the experiment group creatinine amount is 1.65 creatinine amount is 1.65decreased comparing with disease model group.ConclusionWhen compound ingredients preparation creates experiment animal kanamycin sulfate oxidantdominates, intensify the kidney cell active, decrease the carbamide and creatinine and decrease thekidney cell necrosis.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975682


BackgroundMonos Pharm LLC has been started production of Dentamon which is an elixir medicine for gumtissues and a oral cavity inflammation and consumer product has been under appreciated today since1998. Now days, as the technology develops, improved levels of consumer demand for consumptionand they want the product easier to use. In this study, sustainable refers to both the technology andstandardization characteristics of gel medicine for a new Dentamon or Dentos gels were prepared using20% ethanol extract for mixture of Chamaenerion angustifolium L, Stellera chamajasme L and Oxytropispseudoglandulosa which are pharmacological active for gum tissues and a oral cavity inflammation.GoalThe aim of this work was to standardize of Dentamon elixir gel medicine and make technological studyof Dentamon.Materials and MethodsThe present study included plant species which were Chamaenerion angustifolium L, Stellerachamajasme L and Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa. Those three medicinal plants were collected fromdifferent regions of Mongolia and samples their upper part of ground. The plants were used for thepurpose of their phytochemical analysis and technological study of gel formulation. For the contentof flavonoids, total coumarin and tannin in the gel and extract of those plants were determined byspectrophotometric method. The direct measurement of the microbiological climacteric was determinedin extract by according to Mongolian National Pharmacopeia and the viscosity property of gel medicinewas identified using viscometer.ResultsThis study has revealed the presence of photochemical considered as active medicinal chemicalconstituents. Chemical tests of the screening and identification of main active components in the plantsunder study were carried out in the ethanol extract (20, 40, 70%) and aqueous extract using generalextraction method. The tannin content of the upper part in water and three different concentrated ethanolextract was found to be (2.16±0.04%, 1.73±0.04%, 2.58±0.04% and 1.74±0.02%), respectively. Thetannin content of upper part in 40% of ethanol extract of the plants was 7.40±0.21% and coumarin contentwas 3.01+0.09% and the total flavanoids content were 0.70+0.03%. There were not detected Esherichiacoli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in plant extracts. The gelmedicine was prepared from concentrated plant extract using dispersion method and and gel formingmaterial selection using 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% of carbomer. The results from gel formulation assay,the 0.5% of the gel was turbid liquid state, and 1% of the gel was a colorless, clear liquid state, 1.5% gelwas colorless, created very clear and 2% gel was colorless but it was very dense. The pH condition ofthe 1% of Dentos gel was 7.6 and the viscosity property was 7400000 mPa/sec, the flavonoid contentwas 0.165%, the total coumarin content was 0.69 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcusaureus, Enterobacteriaceae did not detected. Dentos 1% gel was compared its pharmacological trialwith Hi Ora gel which is produced by Himalaya LLC. On the treatment 14 days, Dentos gel more reduced45.9% of wound area index than Hi Ora gel.ConclusionThe 40% ethanolic extracts of the studied plants contained many bioactive chemical constituentsincluding alkoloids, flavonoids, tannin and coumarin. The 1.5% of carbomer was most effectivefor make a new Dentos gel and also new generated gel was most effective against Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae. The new generated gel was standardizedby its appearance, viscosity property and content of coumarin, alkaliod, flavonoids and microbiologicalpurity characteristics.