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Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134094


Background and objective : The customer,s satisfaction assessment is an essential task to learn about the performance and characteristics of the graduates in Technology in Biomedical Communications . The result to be gained is the useful information in\  regard to the improvement of the desirable graduates and quality assurance. This study aims to assess the customer,s satisfaction with the 2007\  Graduates in Technology in Biomedical Communications, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University.Methods: Prospective descriptive study in target group 21 questionnaires were self \– administered by the customers. Material and method : self \– administered questionnaires using Likert\  scale (1-5 score) (5 = excellent, 4 = good, 3 = fair, 2 = poor, and 1 = very poor, need improvement) covering 18 items in 3 aspects, viz : (1) academic/competency\  (2) performance, and (3) ethic\  were sent\  by\  mail to their customers. The SPSS for the returned questionnaires were analized statistically, percentage,\  mean and standard deviation.\ Results: The result was 100% of response rate from\  their customers. The study found\  that the customer,s satisfaction of the 2007\  graduates\  were rank at 4 (good) in all aspects : The academic/competency (4.01+0.45),\  performance\  (4.07+0.42)\  and\  ethic (4.46+0.46).Conclusion: The overall satisfaction was at high level. This study also found that the satisfaction scoring by the customers was 4.280.56. However, the study revealed some opinions about\  their customers perspectives were beneficial for the improvement Technology in Biomedical Communications Program courses with regards to the customer ciented graduates.Key Words: Satisfaction assessment, Technology in Biomedical Communications, Ranking Scale of 5\ \ 

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133833


 The purpose of this investigation was to find out the most suitable and popular programmes, their times and the length of the radio broadcasts that the villagers listened to.  The study was done in three villages in the Khon Kaen province by interviewing the heads of 193 families. The results of the study revealed that most of the families in the studied population (92%) owned at least one radio.  Three out of four had bought the radio for the purpose of listening to the news and leisure programmes.  The evening was the most popular time for them to listen to the radio.  Most of their favourite programmes were broadcast by the Radio of Thailand.  Their three most favourite programmes were the educational news, the local news and the medical and public health news respectively.  A quarter of the population suggested that there should be more broadcasting on the news and educational programmes.  One fifth found that the programmes were concentrated mostly on leisure.  Fifty-four percents complained of too much advertising. Only 9 percents listened to the medical and public health programmes everyday and 78 percents occasionally listened to them, mostly from the Radio of Thailand.  Fifty-four percents suggested that radio programmes about health problems should be broadcast 2-3 times, 16-30 minutes everyday and preferably in the everyday and preferably in the evening after work.  The most popular health programmes were conversational, informational, news or folk songs or plays about health problems.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133554


Background: Educating customer on general and health information is important for educators in order to communicate using several types of media and art to make them understand and practice properly. The present study aimed at investigating in using media, problems in using, producing and needs for using of general and health information media in the Srinagarind Hospital.Objective: To study in using media, problems in using, producing and needs for using of general and health information media in the Srinagarind Hospital.Method: A descriptive studySetting: Thirteen sections at Srinagarind HospitalSubjects: Three heads of the section and 75 heads of the unitData Collection: By rating scale questionnairesData Analysis: By SPSS for Windows to present the results in percentages.Result: A return rate of questionnaire was 97%. The most common use of general and health information media was a verbal media (39.2%). Another one was material media (21.4%). Problem in using media was a lack of consultant and advisor of media using (11.8%). Regarding problems in media production, there was no financial support (44.7%). Verbal media and material media were the first and the second ranking (32.0%, 26.4%) of need for using of general and health information media.Conclusion: Most of the units in Srinagarind Hospital used the verbal media over other types of media. There were existing problems in using, producing and needs for using general and health information media for health education to customer.Keyword: General and health Information Media, Srinagarind Hospital

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133509


Background: Achievement assessment is an essential task to the performance and characteristics of the graduates in Technology in Biomedical Communications . The result is useful information in regard to the graduates and quality assurance.Objectives : To evaluate the achievement of the 2004 Graduates in Technology in Biomedical Communications, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University.Methodology: Descriptive study design was used. The questionnaire with 1-5 Likert’s scale (5 = excellent, 4 = good, 3 = fair, 2 = poor, and 1 = very poor, need improvement) covering of 10 items in 4 aspects : (1) competency,  (2) performance, (3) ethic and (4) total achievement were conducted, sending  by mail to graduates and their employers. Data  analyses were mean, standard deviation and chi-square.Results: There were 88.24% of response rate from the graduates and 100% from their employers, respectively. Total of achievement among the graduates was at high level. This study also found the achievement scoring by the graduates at 4.3 (SD 0.61) and achievement scoring by the employers was 4.06 (SD 0.96). There were no statistically significance between  the graduate’s opinion and their employers (P\> 0.05).Conclusion: This study found achievement evaluation  of  the 2004 graduates and their employers at high level in 3 parts : competency,  performance  and total achievement. The ethics of the graduates were at the highest level and at high level from their employers. However, the study found some opinions about the graduates’  perspectives were beneficial to the Technology in Biomedical Communications Program courses improvement with regards to the qualified graduates.Key Words: Achievement Evaluation, Graduates in Technology in Biomedical Communications

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133504


Background : Medical photography is an activity involved in educational tool innovation, particularly medical teaching tool. This includes taking patient ,s photos from disease tracks, caused by pathology. The taken photos are subjected to diagnosis and medical follow-up, along with, being the teaching tool for medical students. Medical photography II is, therefore, relatively important to foster ethics for students.Objective : The study was to foster ethical in Medical Photography II. The course is designed for the 2nd year students, enrolled in Technology in Biomedical and Communication program, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, academic year 2006.Study design: Descriptive ResearchSetting: Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen UniversityMethodology : Research tools involved the following: 1) lesson plan, 2) report of group discussion after being trained on the Four Holy Abiding, 3) evaluation form of internship, and 4) opinion evaluation of the students on the lesson intervened by moral and ethic teachings. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statishics and subsequently expressed as percentage.Result:  It was found that students in Medical Photography II have more proper manner when dealt with patient on their task, after an implementation of ethical conduct. All Students (100%) didn’t show negative manner against any repulsive symptoms of the patient, such as bad smell from cancer, infective wound, etc.  Students of 95% were punctual on their work task timetable and making their final report on time.  About 75% of students expressed their politeness whenever they worked with patients.  And 70% checked their equipment preparation, ready before going to work.   Conclusion: In all, students have gained their ethical knowledge after learning from their professional class.  They can apply them for their professional practices and daily life through opinion expression, no discrimination against the patients and  polite reaction to patients.Keywords: Moral, Ethics,  Medical Photographic II.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133492


Rationale: Clinical radiology is currently the one core-course of medical curriculum and important to the fifth year medical students in order to curative planning and diagnosis. Regarding the time limitation, the fifth year medical students only have four weeks to studying clinical radiology course. Due to course improving and in line with the medical education quality assurance, therefore, this study was being held. Objectives: This study sought to determine the point of view of the fifth year medical students regarding to teaching and learning process of the 372 581 Clinical Radiology Course.Research design: Descriptive studyPopulation study: One hundred and fifty-eight of the fifth year medical students at Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University who registered in 2005 academic year. Methods: Self administered questionnaire using Likert scale (1-5 score) and quality controlled by expert content validity consultation and reliability testing (alpha 0.8). By using Microsoft Excels 2003, Epi info ver 6 for data double entry and SPSS for descriptive statistics. Results: A total 158 questionnaires were distributed at Department of Radiology with 94.93 % response rate. Males comprised 41.3% and females 58.7% of the sample, respectively. More than half of the study samples GPA were 2.0-2.9 (60.0%) and 40% of the samples were achieved GPA 3.0-4.0. The study samples reveal the teaching and learning process evaluation of this course in high level (4.16 ± 0.50). In each part of teaching and learning process, the sample also had shown high level. There were; (1) content (4.11 ± 0.58), (2) course management (4.02 ± 0.68), (3) lecturers (4.24 ±0.55), (4) learners (4.17 ± 0.53), (5) measurement and evaluation (4.17 ± 0.59), (6) instructional media and facility materials (4.23 ± 0.56).  In addition, there were no statistically significance between the teaching and learning process mean score among the fifth year medical student gender (male-female) and GPA group ( 2.0-2.99 and 3.0-4.0) (p \> 0.05).Conclusions: This study reveals that the fifth year medical student had shown high score of Likert scale in each part and all of teaching and learning process assessment of the 372 581 Clinical Radiology Course. Due to improving this course, findings of this study provide the useful information for the Department of Clinical Radiology staffs and related areas.      Keywords: Evaluation, Clinical Radiology, Medical students

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133227


Background: Assessment the curriculum is one of the essential factor in education to use the results as a feedback data to manage the education efficiently in accordance with the need of society-- in line with medical education quality assurance.Objectives: To assess the curriculum of the Bachelor of Technology Program in Biomedical Communications as perceived by the students graduating in 2005.Subject and Method: This was descriptive research using both concurrent and analytical evaluations. Seventeen of 2nd-year students  were surveyed on February 2006.   The checklist and the 1-5 Likert’s scale questionnaire were used and developed some categories as research instrument.  The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS V.11.5 and the results were presented as percentages, means and standard deviation.Result:The response rate was 100% (males 76.5%, females 23.5%) whose GPAs ranged between 2.00-2.49 (5.9%), 2.50 - 2.99 (76.5%) and 3.00 - 3.49 (17.6%).   Most students in the 1st year were  more satisfied and in the 2nd year satisfied with the instruction and the curriculum content (3.73±0.61, 3.37±0.62 respectively). The study revealed that most students were satisfied with the program’s arrangement in the general education and more satisfied with specific subject and free elective (3.34±0.70, 4.08±0.53 and 3.97±0.71 respectively). Courses that the students found inappropriate was biostatistics (2.47±1.23)Conclusion: Overall the students were satisfied with the instruction and curriculum in the general education, specific subjects and free elective.   One subject in the general education  was considered inappropriate. An effort should be made, therefore, to make these courses more useful to students of this level.   Finally, the students felt positive about the opportunities to be biomedical communications specialists.Key word: Assessment, curriculum, biomedical communications students, Likert’s scale. 

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133226


Background:  The 1999 National Educational Act stated that “in schooling, learners need to be considered as primary importance”.  In addition, to fulfill the Khon Kaen University (KKU) Council’s resolution and strategic plan on learning and teaching development, KKU is committed to developing and implementing a “learner” centered curriculum.  This commitment is one of the principal targets requiring the collaboration of all related parties adopting this approach.  In this study, the Cippa action research Model was applied, which in turn provided substantial opportunities for students and staff to hear opinions from each other. Objectives:  To investigate outcomes of learner-centered activities following implementation of the Cippa model in Medical Photography I, a course in the program leading to a Bachelor of Technology in Biomedical and Communications Methodology. Setting:  Bachelor of Technology in Biomedical and Communications Program at the Faculty of Medicine Khon Kaen University, ThailandMethodology:  This was action research. Data were collected through both qualitative and quantitative methods.  Learner-centered activities were adopted through the Cippa model.  The study required 8 sessions, including 4 lesson.  In order to improve follow-on teaching plans, information from current lesson was collected.  The learning outcome was assessed by giving students an achievement test, which was analyzed for means and percentages, based on 60% as the passing score.  Evaluation of learner-centered teaching was made every session in the class, and its outcome statistically translated. Results: The students developed a better understanding for subject contents.  Given opportunities to be practically involved in the class activities, the students enjoyed studying and were able to integrate previous with new knowledge.  The achievement test indicated that the mean score from the achievement test accounted for 77% of the mean score, and 17 students (100%) passed the specified criteria of 60%. Keywords:  1.  Lesson plan; 2.  Opinion Records from teachers; 3.  Achievement 

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134106


Rationale: Clinical radiology is currently the one core course of medical curriculum and important to the fifth year medical students in order to curative planning and diagnosis. Regarding the time limitation, the fifth year medical students only have four weeks to studying clinical radiology course. Due to course improving and in line with the medical education quality assurance, therefore, this study was being held.Objectives: This study sought to determine the point of view of the fifth year medical students regarding to teaching and learning process of the 372 581 Clinical Radiology Course.Research design: Descriptive studyPopulation study: One hundred and thirty-four of the fifth year medical students at Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University who registered in 2006 academic year.Methods: Self administered questionnaire using Likert scale (1-5 score) and quality controlled by expert content validity consultation and reliability testing (alpha 0.8). By using Microsoft Excels 2003, Epi info V.6 for data double entry and SPSS for descriptive statistics. Results: A total 134 questionnaires were distributed at Department of Radiology with 97.00 % response rate. Males comprised 48.50% and females 51.50% of the sample, respectively. More than half of the study samples GPA were 3.00-4.00 (56.20%) and 43.90% of the samples were achieved GPA 2.00-2.99. The study samples reveal the teaching and learning process evaluation of this course in high level (4.29 + 0.38). In each part of teaching and learning process, the sample also had shown high level. There were; (1) content (4.29 + 0.47), (2) course management (4.19 + 0.50), (3) lecturers (4.45 + 0.44), (4) learners (4.31 + 0.40), (5) measurement and evaluation (4.21 + 0.48), (6) instructional media and facility materials (4.31+ 0.51). In addition, there were no statistically significance between the teaching and learning process mean score among the fifth year medical student GPA group ( 2.00-2.99 and 3.00-4.00) (p \> 0.05). However, there were statistically significance between the teaching and learning process mean score among the fifth year medical student gender (male-female) in part of instructional media and facility materials (p

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134017


Abstract not available

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133828


Background: The customer’s satisfaction assessment is an essential task to learn about the performance and characteristics of the graduates in Technology in Biomedical Communications. The result gained is the useful information in regard to the improvement of the desirable graduates and quality assurance.Objective: To assess the customer’s satisfaction with the 2006 graduates in Technology in Biomedical Communications, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University.Methods: Descriptive study design was used. The questionnaires with 1-5 Likert’s scale (5 = excellent, 4 = good, 3 = fair, 2 = poor, and 1 = very poor, need improvement) covering 10 items in 4 aspects, viz : (1) competency (2) performance, (3) ethic and (4) overall achievement were sent by mail to their customers. The returned questionnaires were analized statistically, percentage, mean and standard deviation.Results: The result was 100% of response rate from their customers. The overall satisfaction was at high level. This study also found that the satisfaction scoring by the customers was 4.20+0.41.Conclusion: This study found that the customer’s satisfaction of the 2006 graduates was at the highest rank (5 = excellent) in the aspect of ethics. The other three aspects, competency, performance and overall achievement were rank at 4 (good). However, the study revealed some opinions about their customer’s perspectives were beneficial for the improvement Technology in Biomedical Communications Program courses with regards to the customer ciented graduates.Key Words: Satisfaction assessment, Technology in Biomedical Communications, Ranking Scale of 5 

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133806


Background: Clinical radiology is currently the one core-course of medical curriculum and important to the fifth year medical students in order to do the curative planning and diagnosis. Regarding the time limitation, the fifth year medical students only have four weeks to study clinical radiology course. Due to the course improving and in line with the medical education quality assurance, therefore, this study was carrying out. We compare teaching and learning process assessment of clinical radiology among the fifth year medical students, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University between the year 2006 and 2007.Objectives: This study is sought to determine the point of view of the fifth year medical students regarding the teaching and learning process of the 372 581 Clinical Radiology course, compare between the year 2006 and 2007.Research design: Prospective descriptive studyPopulation studied: One hundred and thirty questionnaires were sell-administered by students the year 2006 and 119 questionnaires in the year 2007 by the fifth year medical students at Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University.Methods: Self administered questionnaire using Likert scale (1-5 score) and quality controlled by expert content validity consultation and reliability testing (alpha 0.8) were employed. The Microsoft Excels 2003, Epi info ver 6 for data double entry and SPSS for descriptive and independent sample t-test statistics were used in this study.Results: The answers of 130 self administered questionnaires in 2006 and 119 questionnaires in 2007 were thoroughly compared. The response rate was 97.74% and 90.15% respectively. The study samples ranked the teaching and learning process evaluation of this course at the level of all aspects. There were; (1) content, (2) course management, (3) lecturers, (4) learners, (5) measurement and evaluation and (6) instructional media and facilitating materials. There were no statistically significant difference between the teaching and learning process mean score in both groups of students. The best mean score is in the lecturer category (4.28 VS. 4.29) followed by instructional media and facilitating materials category (4.30 VS. 4.29), content category (3.98 VS. 4.09), respectively.Conclusions: This study reveals that the fifth year medical students had judged at high score of Likert scale in each part and all of teaching and learning process assessment of the 372 581 for the Clinical Radiology Course. There was no statistically significant difference of the teaching and learning process mean score between the year 2006 and 2007. For improving of this course, findings of this study provide the useful information for the Department of Clinical Radiology staffs and related areas.Keywords: Evaluation, Clinical Radiology, Medical students

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133417


Background and Objective: Basic science for educational media technology is important basic course for the students in order to study another subjects. Due to improving the course and in line with the medical education quality assurance, therefore, this study was out. We compared teaching and learning process assessmentof basic science for educational media technology in the first year medical illustration and audio visual technology students between the year 2007 and 2008. This study aims to compare the point of view of the first year medical illustration and audio visual technology Students in 2007 and 2008 regarding the teaching and learning process of the basic science for educational media technology course.Methods: Prospective descriptive study in farget group 20 and 21 questionnaires were self-administered by the first year medical illustration and audio visual technology students in the year 2007 and 2008. Material and methods: Self administered questionnaire using Likert scale (1-5 score) and quality control by expert content validity consultation and reliability testing (alpha 0.92) were employed. The Microsoft Excels 2003, Epi info ver 6 for data double entry and SPSS for descriptive and independent sample t-test statistics were used in this study.Results: The answers of all questionnaires in 2007 and 2008 were thoroughly compared. The study samples ranked the teaching and learning process evaluation of this course at the high level of all aspects. There were; (1) content, (2) course management, (3) lecturers, (4) learners, (5) measurement and evaluation and (6) instructional media and facilitating materials. The best mean score is in the instructional media and facilitating materials category (4.0, SD 0.25) in 2007 and measurement and evaluation category (4.10,SD 0.32) in 2008. There were statistically significant difference between the teaching and learning process mean score in course management category and all category (p \< 0.05)Conclusions: The first year medical illustration and audio visual technology students in 2007 and 2008 had judged at high score in all parts of teaching and learning process assessment of the Basic Science for Educational Media Technology Course and there was statistically difference mean score in all aspects.Keywords: Assessment, Basic Science for Educational Media Technology, Medical Illustration and Audio Visual Technology Students, Ranking Scale of 5