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Rev. bras. entomol ; 66(3): e20220016, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407490


ABSTRACT The garden fleahopper, Microtechnites bractatus (Say) (Hemiptera: Miridae), is associated with several cultivated plant species and, despite its economic importance, little is known about its development and performance in such hosts. We described here, the morphology of immature stages, and evaluated the biology of M. bractatus in beans, potatoes, white clover, alfalfa, and wheat. The bioassays were carried out in the laboratory under controlled temperature (25±2ºC), humidity (UR70±15%), and photoperiod (12L:12D). The eggs of M. bractatus are elongated and slightly curved, without respiratory projections and light yellow in color, becoming dark at the end of the incubation period. Nymphs present an oval-shaped body, a reddish color that intensifies along with the development and dimorphic wing pads in the fifth instar. In the bioassays, the host plants influenced the biological aspects of M. bractatus, both in the immature and adult stages. Nymph survival was higher in clover and alfalfa, while in wheat, it was lower. Clover-fed insects had the longest longevity. The fecundity parameters and egg viability were favored in insects that fed on clover and alfalfa. The fertility life table showed that feeding M. bractatus with clover provides a higher net reproduction rate (R0) and a higher finite ratio of population increase (ʎ). This study contributes to bioecological and behavioral studies on M. bractatus and provides data for the recognition and characterization of individuals in the immature stage.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 81(2): 140-144, abr.-jun. 2014. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1004998


A traça Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) é o inseto-praga que mais compromete a produção do tomateiro. Basear o seu controle no uso de inseticidas sintéticos pode comprometer a cultura em termos econômicos e ambientais. Como alternativa de controle, o óleo de nim foi aplicado em folhas de tomateiro, avaliando os efeitos inseticida e antialimentar por ação sistêmica e translaminar. No ensaio para avaliar a ação translaminar, o óleo diluído em água foi aplicado na superfície adaxial dos folíolos, em concentrações de 0,5, 1, 5 e 10%. A mortalidade observada variou entre 49 e 100%, e o tamanho médio das minas, entre 1,62 e 0,34 cm. Nos tratamentos representados por água e água + emulsificante (5%), a mortalidade não ultrapassou 20%, com tamanho médio das minas de 1,63 cm. O estudo da ação sistêmica foi realizado ao aplicar o óleo de nim na superfície adaxial e abaxial de todas as folhas das plantas, à exceção daquelas em que as lagartas foram infestadas. Neste ensaio, o óleo foi aplicado nas concentrações de 1, 2,5 e 5%, diluídos em água e emulsificante. Observou-se que a mortalidade foi maior que 90% quando o óleo foi aplicado nas concentrações de 2,5 e 5%, sendo o tamanho médio das minas inferior a 1,0 cm. Não ocorreu mortalidade nos tratamentos controle, mas o tamanho das minas foi, em média, de 1,96 cm. Desta maneira ficou evidenciado que o óleo de nim apresenta efeito inseticida e antialimentar sobre lagartas de T. absoluta, com a propriedade de ser incorporado e translocado através das folhas de tomateiro.(AU)

The leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is the pest that mostly jeopardizes tomato production. The use of synthetic pesticides for its control can affect the crop economically and environmentally. As an alternative form of control, neem oil was applied on tomato leaves in order to assess antifeedant and insecticidal effects by systemic and translaminar action. In experiment for translaminar action, oil diluted in water was applied to the adaxial surface of leaflets at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 5 and 10%. The mortality rate ranged between 49 and 100%, and the average size of the mines, between 1.62 and 0.34 cm. In treatments represented by water and water + emulsifier (5%), mortality did not surpass 20%, with the average size of mines reaching 1.63 cm. The study of systemic action was performed by applying neem oil to the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of all leaves, except those that were infested by caterpillars. In this assay, the oil was applied at concentrations of 1, 2.5 and 5%, being diluted in water and emulsifiers. We observed that the mortality rate exceeded 90% when the oil was applied at concentrations of 2.5 and 5%, and the average size of mines was smaller than 1.0 cm. There was no mortality in the control treatments, but the mine size was on average 1.96 cm. Therefore, it is clear that the neem oil has an insecticidal and anti-food effect on T. absoluta caterpillars, and is possible to be incorporated and applied on tomato leaves.(AU)

Solanum lycopersicum , Azadirachta , Lepisma , Insecticidas , Control de Plagas , Insectos