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Hacia promoc. salud ; 26(1): 84-97, ene.-jun. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286669


Resumen La ansiedad es definida como la anticipación a una futura amenaza, con una prevalencia que alcanza el 8% en las personas jóvenes a nivel mundial. Objetivo. El propósito de este trabajo fue identificar los efectos de la exposición a música sobre la ansiedad en una muestra de individuos adolescentes entre 10 y 14 años de ambos sexos. Materiales y métodos. Cada uno de los participantes completó un test estandarizado para evaluar su ansiedad. De modo previo a los tratamientos, los participantes completaron las escalas de estado y rasgo del STAI, luego escucharon estímulos sonoros (música relajante, activante o ruido blanco) y finalmente completaron la escala de estado de ansiedad. Resultados. Los resultados indicaron que el estímulo musical con características activantes generó un efecto ansiogénico en los participantes. Conclusiones. Estos datos son relevantes para el campo de la musicoterapia, disciplina que utiliza la música con fines terapéuticos y que aborda los trastornos de ansiedad en diferentes poblaciones.

Abstract Anxiety is defined as the anticipation of a future threat with a prevalence that reaches 8% in young people around the world. Objective. The purpose of this work was to identify the effects of exposure to music on anxiety in a sample of adolescents between 10 and 14 years of age of both sexes. Materials and methods. Each of the participants completed a standardized test to assess their anxiety. Prior to the treatments, the participants completed the STAI status and trait scales, then listened to sound stimuli (relaxing, activating music, or white noise) and finally completed the anxiety status scale. Results. The results indicated that the musical stimulus with activating characteristics generated an anxiogenic effect in the participants. Conclusion. These data are relevant to the field of music therapy, a discipline that uses music with therapeutic purposes and that addresses anxiety disorders in different populations.

Resumo A ansiedade é definida como a antecipação a uma futura ameaça, com uma prevalência que alcança o 8% nas personas jovens a nível mundial. Objetivo. O propósito deste trabalho foi identificar os efeitos da exposição a música sobre a ansiedade em uma amostra de indivíduos adolescentes entre 10 e 14 anos de ambos sexos. Materiais e métodos. Cada um dos participantes completou um teste padronizado para avaliar sua ansiedade. De modo prévio aos tratamentos, os participantes completaram as escadas de estado e rasgo do STAI, depois escutaram estímulos sonoros (música relaxante, ativante ou barulho branco) e finalmente completaram a escada de estado de ansiedade. Resultados. Os resultados indicaram que o estímulo musical com características ativantes gerou um efeito antigênico nos participantes. Conclusões. Estes dados são relevantes para o campo da musicoterapia, disciplina que utiliza a música com fins terapêuticos e que aborda os transtornos de ansiedade em diferentes populações.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 41-52, ene. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149379


Resumen La música provoca respuestas emocionales que se ven reflejadas en los cambios fisiológicos y cognitivos de los oyentes. Es una temática de estudio en común entre distintas disciplinas como la psicología de la música, la musicoterapia, la antropología de la música y la la neuropsicología, entre otras. Entender de qué manera la música puede incidir en el estado de ánimo de las personas permite contribuir al conocimiento sobre el efecto comportamental y a la creación de nuevas técnicas orientadas para regular las emociones mediante la música. Teniendo en cuenta estos antecedentes, se realizó un estudio con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de la percepción de una pieza musical con características activantes (grupo experimental) versus ruido blanco (grupo control) como modulador del estado de ánimo, desde la perspectiva de las neurociencias, contando con la participación de adultos de entre 18 a 40 años. La inducción emocional de los participantes se realizó a través de la observación de imágenes con valencia emocional negativa. Posteriormente, y bajo una distribución al azar, un grupo de voluntarios escuchó la pieza musical activante y otro grupo escuchó el ruido blanco; ambos estímulos auditivos duraron 3 minutos. Se evaluó el estado emocional antes y después de la percepción auditiva. Los resultados analizados a través de pruebas no paramétricas (test de Wilcoxon) indicaron que la música con características activantes moduló emociones de tristeza y ansiedad, disminuyéndolas significativamente. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la percepción musical presenta potencialidades para la reducción del estrés, así como la ansiedad, brindando evidencia desde un enfoque neurocognitivo.

Abstract Music, from its several possibilities, induces emotional responses, which are reflected in the physiological and cognitive changes of the listeners, this is a thematic of study in common among different disciplines: music psychology, music therapy, music anthropology, neuropsychology, among others. At the neuroanatomical level, neuroimaging studies have shown that music can modulate the activity of limbic and paralimbic structures, that is, structures that are especially involved in the initiation, generation, maintenance, completion and modulation of emotions. Being able to understand how music can affect the mood of people allow us to contribute to the creation of new techniques oriented to emotional regulation through music. The current study was develop with the aim of evaluating the effect of perception of a musical piece, with activating characteristics (experimental group) vs. white noise (control group), as mood modulator, from a neurosientific perspective. Participated 29 young adults (55 % man), between 18 to 40 years old (. = 22.07, SD = .43), with no presence of neurological diseases or amusia, nor consumption of medications at the time of the study. The selection of the musical piece with activating characteristics was evaluated in a preliminary study, which counted with the participation of 24 young adults, who valued three pieces of music in terms of valence (emotion that the piece generated) and arousal (activation level). The 3 pieces were: "Tika Tika Walk" by Carlos D'alessio; "Leafmen" by Danny Elfman and "Define Dancing" by Thomas Newman. From this preliminary study, the activating stimulus that would be used for emotional modulation was selected ("Leafmen" by Danny Elfman). The emotional induction of the participants was carried out through the observation of 24 images with negative emotional valence (extracted from International Affective Picture System). About procedure, the study consisted of a single session of activity, divided into the following five phases: (1) information phase: participants signed the informed consent and completed the socio demographic questionnaire, (2) emotional induction phase: participants observed 24 negative images, and they had to rate each image from 0 to 10 (not arousing/emotional at all to highly arousing/emotional), (3) pre- measurement phase: participants completed a scale of mood, instrument used to measure transient moods, (4) perception phase: under a random distribution, a group of volunteers listened the activating music piece and another group listened the white noise (both for 3 minutes), and finally (5) post-measurement phase: participants completed a scale of mood after music or white noise perception. We analyzed the assumptions of normality and homogeneity of the sample using the statistics of Levenne and Shapiro Wilk. The results analyzed through non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon test, with a . value of .05). In the pre- measurement of mood, no significant differences were found between groups. Results of post- measurement phase indicated that music with activating characteristics, modulated the emotions of sadness and anxiety, decreasing them significantly. The results obtained indicate that music, specifically selected, aided as a modulator of emotions. It is important not to generalize the results obtained to the whole population, in this sense and thinking in future research, it would be necessary to expand the sample to a larger ., as well as to investigate this effect in other samples. The results obtained allow to open new paths in terms of the intrinsic qualities of music and its elements to promote relief of anxiety and stress, regulate moods and, promote motivation or enable the development of mechanisms to adapt to situations new and/or traumatic. Finally, it could be assumed that music constitutes an effective stimulus to modulate emotional responses, which are reflected in the mood changes of the listeners.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 33(127)dic. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR, PsiArg | ID: biblio-1383465


Resumen El envejecimiento se define como un conjunto de procesos que conllevan cambios biológicos, fisiológicos, psicosociales y funcionales, caracterizados por la manifestación de un deterioro cognitivo gradual y progresivo. Actualmente, hay un fuerte interés en identificar qué factores promueven un envejecimiento cognitivo saludable, así como en identificar qué intervenciones y estrategias brindan protección contra enfermedades neurodegenerativas relacionadas con la edad. Objetivo. El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática es presentar las investigaciones que usan a la música o la actividad física como intervenciones que modulan aspectos fisiológicos y cognitivos del proceso de envejecimiento. Método. Se incluyeron estudios desde el año 2007 al 2018, cuya búsqueda se realizó en bases de datos (Redalyc, Scielo, Science Direct, PubMed, Taylor, & Francis) y en la que se obtuvieron 34 artículos empíricos (17 relacionados con música y 17 con ejercicio físico). Conclusión. La principal conclusión es que se halla un desempeño cognitivo mejorado en los adultos mayores fruto de este tipo de intervenciones.

Abstract Aging is defined as a set of biological processes genetically determined, that are characterized by the manifestation of gradual and progressive cognitive deterioration. Currently, there is a strong interest to identify which factors promote healthy cognitive aging, and the interventions and strategies that protect against age-related neurodegenerative diseases. The aim of this systematic review is to outline non-pharmacological interventions that included music or physical activity programs for older adults. Studies published between the years of 2007 and 2018 in major databases (Redalyc, Scielo, Science Direct, PubMed, Taylor, & Francis) were included in this review, obtaining 34 empirical articles (17 related with music and 17 with physical activity). The main conclusion is that an enhanced cognitive performance is found in older adults who were exposed to these interventions.

Humanos , Ejercicio Físico , Envejecimiento Saludable , Música
Rev. CES psicol ; 12(3): 35-49, sep.-dic. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057158


Resumen En el campo de las neurociencias, la creatividad es la capacidad de generar soluciones, ideas nuevas y útiles, o asociaciones múltiples, alternativas y variadas a un problema o estímulo dado. A esta capacidad de creación e innovación subyace una red neuronal cortical y subcortical que soporta la interacción dinámica y constante de funciones cognitivas superiores. Existen diferentes modelos cognitivos que explican cómo funciona nuestra capacidad de crear y diferentes factores asociados al rendimiento creativo como, por ejemplo, el sexo, la personalidad o el entrenamiento. El objetivo del presente trabajo está orientado a revisar los antecedentes científicos en torno a los sustratos neuroanatómicos y funcionales de la creatividad, y el efecto modulador que ejercen los aspectos biológicos, psicológicos y ambientales sobre esta capacidad del ser humano.

Abstract In the field of neuroscience, creativity is the ability to generate solutions, multiple ideas or alternative and varied associations to a given problem or stimulus. It can be understood as a set of cognitive processes that support the generation of new and useful ideas. Behind this capacity for creation and innovation lies a whole cortical and subcortical neural network that supports the dynamic and constant interaction of superior cognitive functions, and different cognitive models that explain how our ability to create works. However, there are also different factors which are associated with creative performance, such as sex, personality or musical training. The aim of this article is to review the background around the neuroanatomical and functional substrates of creativity, as well as the modulating effect exerted by the biological, psychological and environmental aspects about this human being´s ability.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 17(3): 9-19, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1058218


Abstract Introduction: Aging is a complex, universal and irreversible process, with gradual changes that fluctu-ate from one person to another due to several factors (physiological, biological, environmental, social etc.). There are precedents for the potential effect of music therapy on psychological and social aspects which are characteristic of the elderly. In this sense, the aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy in improving the quality of life of older adults. Materials and Methods: A quality of life inventory was administered, comparing a group that attended a music therapy stimulation and a control group that did not have this type of stimulus. Results: Music therapy attendees had higher scores in terms of total quality of life and subcomponents of the inventory (religion, creativity, recreation and love). Conclusión: The music therapy approach, with its non-invasive techniques, presents a proposal with potential benefits to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

Resumen Introducción: El envejecimiento es un proceso complejo, universal e irreversible, con cambios graduales que fluctúan de un individuo a otro por diversos factores (fisiológicos, biológicos, ambientales, sociales, etc.). Existen antecedentes del efecto potencial de la musicoterapia sobre aspectos psicológicos y sociales característicos de las personas de la tercera edad. En ese sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la eficacia de la musicoterapia para mejorar la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores. Materiales y métodos: Se administró un inventario de calidad de vida, comparando un grupo que asistía a un taller de musicoterapia y un grupo control que no tenía este tipo de estimulación. Resultados: Los asistentes a musicoterapia presentaron mayores puntajes en lo que refiere a la calidad de vida total y en subcomponentes del inventario (religión, creatividad, recreación y amor). Conclusión: El abordaje musicoterapéutico, con sus técnicas no invasivas, presenta una propuesta con potenciales beneficios para mejorar la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores.

Resumo Introdução: O envelhecimento é um processo complexo, universal e irreversível, com mudanças graduais que flutuam de um indivíduo a outro por diversos fatores (fisiológicos, biológicos, ambientais, sociais, etc.). Existem antecedentes do efeito potencial da musicoterapia sobre aspetos psicológicos e sociais característicos das pessoas idosas. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a eficácia da musicoterapia para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos idosos. Materiais e métodos: Se administrou um inventário de qualidade de vida, comparando um grupo que assistia a um curso de musicoterapia e um grupo controle que não tinha este tipo de estimulação. Resultados: Os assistentes à musicoterapia apresentaram maiores pontuações no que refere à qualidade de vida total e em subcomponentes do inventário (religião, criatividade, recreação e amor). Conclusão: A abordagem musico-terapêutica, com suas técnicas não invasivas, apresenta uma proposta com potenciais benefícios para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos idosos.

Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Musicoterapia , Calidad de Vida , Anciano , Envejecimiento , Impactos de la Polución en la Salud
Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 12(2): 39-50, 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253280


La memoria es una función cognitiva que permite al ser humano adquirir, almacenar y recuperar información. Dentro de la literatura se identifican diversos factores que tienen la capacidad de modificar la capacidad mnémica, así como también afectar las diferentes fases de formación de la memoria. En este sentido el objetivo del presente artículo de revisión sistemática estuvo orientado a presentar los antecedentes en cuanto al efecto de la música, como entrenamiento musical prolongado, así como intervención focal, sobre esta función cognitiva. Se seleccionaron 39 artículos de investigación empírica extraídos de diversas bases de datos. A través de la evidencia presentada se concluye que las propuestas musicales representan una potencial herramienta para abordar no sólo el estudio de la memoria, sino también para la estimulación y rehabilitación de la misma

Memory is a cognitive function that allows the human being to acquire, storage and recovery information. Within the literature there are several factors that had the ability to modify the mnemonic capacity, and to interfere with the different phases of memory. In this sense, the goal of this systematic review was oriented to present the antecedents related to the effect of music, as long-term musical training and also focal acute intervention, on this cognitive function. Thirty-nine articles were selected from several databases. Through the evidence presented it is concluded that musical interventions are a potential tool to approach the study of memory, its stimulation and rehabilitation as well.

Humanos , Cognición , Memoria , Música , Aptitud , Terapéutica , Investigación Empírica , Objetivos
Interdisciplinaria ; 34(1): 141-156, June 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-893323


La musicoterapia es una disciplina que progresivamente está ampliando su campo de abordaje. Dentro de las nuevas intervenciones se pueden mencionar las implementadas en pacientes con estado alterado de conciencia y cuadros patológicos, producto de lesiones neuronales adquiridas que involucran al sistema reticular. La formación reticular es una red neuronal que establece conexiones con gran parte del sistema nervioso, regulando el alerta general, la dirección de la atención y la transición entre sueño y vigilia. A partir de esto, el trabajo que se informa está centrado en una descripción general de los diferentes estados alterados de conciencia y las intervenciones de una disciplina científica, con técnicas no invasivas que utiliza el sonido y sus elementos específicamente en el diagnóstico y abordaje terapéutico de pacientes en estado de mínima conciencia y su efecto en la formación reticular, teniendo como objetivo principal la rehabilitación del paciente y el aumento de sus niveles de alerta. Las técnicas en musicoterapia se basan en los resultados positivos del efecto de ciertos parámetros sonoros tales como la melodía, los aspectos temporales, la armonía, sobre indicadores fisiológicos (frecuencia respiratoria y cardíaca, conductancia de la piel, niveles de cortisol, etc.), que proporcionan un marco organizativo. A través de dicho marco las personas pueden responder e interactuar por medio de las propuestas musicales, determinadas por características, tales como la simplicidad, la utilización de la voz sin acompañamiento, improvisando vocales, melodías repetitivas, música de baja densidad cronométrica unida a la velocidad respiratoria del paciente y que pertenezca a su entorno familiar.

Music-therapy is a scientific discipline that in the last years has extended its work fields, to multiple populations and pathologies. Among the new interventions is the one related to altered conscious states, which are pathological disorders product of acquired neuronal lesions that involved the reticular system. Currently, there are different and varied models music-therapy that works with patients with altered consciousness states and the pathologies associated to those disorders. Parallel to the cognitive rehabilitation a branch emerged called neurological music-therapy, which is based in the neuroscientific model of musical production and perception and it is defined as the therapeutic application of music and theirs discursive elements in people who suffered motor, cognitive and sensorial deficits caused by neurological diseases. The reticular system is a neuronal network, known as a complex area due to its anatomy and functional heterogeneity. This network stablish connections with a large portion of the nervous system, acts as a filter system as it is responsible for separating incoming stimuli, discriminating between those relevant and not relevant, and it regulates the general alert, direction of attention, transition between awake, and sleep states. The lesions and deficits that involved the reticular system had been a point of scientific interest for many years. There are two main components related to conscience: the arousal or wakefulness (be aware) and the awareness (the content of conscience). The arousal is considered a preparation state to action that consists in primitive behaviors to the environment, i.e. involuntary behaviors. To maintain the arousal intervenes the ascendant reticular system. While awareness involved a complex process, a cognitive elaboration of thought. Such elaboration encompasses the process of information that is received through the senses and environmental demands. When these processes are interrupted because of traumas or anomalies could generated a coma or states where the content of conscious are affected. After the brain injury, the patients are in a coma state and from there they could emerged with different long-term results: Post-traumatic amnesia, Minimal conscious state, vegetative state or death. The music-therapy techniques used with this population are descripted in this work from a neurological model, which is based in empirical evidence. This evidence is result of the effect of specific sound parameters (as melody, rhythm, harmony) upon physiological indicators (as heart rate, respiratory frequency, skin conductance, cortisol levels, among others), as well as the use of familiar music for the patient, detecting physiological indicators during musical experiences. The music-therapy techniques provide and motivate an organizational framework through which patients with severe disorders of their expressive and receptive linguistic abilities could respond and interact through musical applications. These techniques are possible because music is an innate ability of all human beings, also because the auditive system is the first sense that develops in the intrauterine level. The characteristics of music-therapy techniques are defined for simplicity, the use of the voice, where repetitive melodies are improvised, without breaking the laws of musical expectation, with low chronometric density music; this type of music go along with the respiratory speed of the patient. Also the musical history of the patient is taken into account to enable a familiar environment. With this background, the current work focuses in a general description of the different conscious states, the implication of reticular system and the interventions of music-therapy as a scientific discipline that offers non-invasive techniques that used the sound and their elements to test, to diagnostic and to treat patients in a minimal state of conscious. This technique has the ultimate goal of rehabilitate the cognitive functions and enhance the alert levels, besides providing a reinforcement for the interdisciplinary approach.

Suma psicol ; 19(2): 97-108, jul.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-675388


A lo largo de este trabajo, se revisaron las principales investigaciones que dan cuenta del efecto del entrenamiento musical tanto del cerebro adulto como en desarrollo. La música realiza demandas únicas al sistema nervioso. Esto llamó la atención de muchos investigadores provocando, en los últimos años, un incremento en las investigaciones en relación a la temática. Este aumento se vio beneficiado por el surgimiento de nuevas técnicas de neuroimagen y que posiciona a la música como una herramienta de investigación de la cognición humana y los mecanismos cerebrales superiores. La percepción y la producción musical son funciones particulares del cerebro humano que dependen de una amplia red neural córtico-subcortical distribuida en ambos hemisferios cerebrales y cerebelo. Los hallazgos en relación al tema indicarían que se encuentran diferencias tanto en la estructura como en el funcionamiento de los cerebros de adultos y de niños debido al entrenamiento musical, y que esto tiene más relevancia que las propiedades innatas de los sujetos. Existe una plasticidad cerebral que se debe a procesos adaptativos fruto de la estimulación ambiental.

The main research about the effect of musical training in adult and childhood brain was revised in this work. The music realizes unique demands to our nervous system. This call the attention of several researchers causing, in the past years, an enhancement of the exploration about this topic; this increment was beneft for the emergence of new neuroimaging techniques, the music positioned as an investigation tool of human cognition and superior brain mechanisms. The musical perception and production are specific functions of the human brain that depend of a wide cortical-subcortical neural net distributed across both hemi-spheres and cerebellum. The main findings in this area indicated structural and functional differences in the adult and child brain due to musical training, and this is more relevant that innate properties of the subject. There is brain plasticity due to adaptive processes product of the environmental stimulation.