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Acta Medica Philippina ; : 0-2.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959554


This paper presented a study on the incidence of absent palmaris longus and plantaris tendons among Filipinos. The results are as follows: 1. Palmaris longus tendon (1,000 males/1,000 females)-Overall incidence of absence: 12.45%-Males-10.0%Females-14.9%-Bilateral absence:4.30%-Unilateral absence:8.15%-Right-2.90%-Left:-5.25%2. Plantaris tendon (46 males/34 female cadavers)-overall incidence of absence: 12.50%Male-10.86%Females-14.70%-Bilateral absence:6.25%-Unilateral absence:6.25%Right-2.50%Left-3.75%A review of the literature on the palmaris longus and the plantaris was undertaken and presentedIt is hope of the authors that the results of this study will be put to good use by the countrys surgeons in general and the associations members in particular as a guide in forming a decision during tendon grafting procedures. (Summary)

Journal of the Philippine Medical Association ; : 0-2.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963793


During the Japanese Occupation, several laborers assigned to clean underground gasoline tanks from two to five hours a day, fell sick. Five of them died in the hospital: three in the Japanese Naval Hospital; two others in the San Lazaro HospitalThe most prominent symptoms of the acute cases were: salivation, marked redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, profuse sweating, diplopia, unsteady gait, hesitance in movement, tremors of the hands, twitching of facial muscles, euphoria, dysarthic speech. In the later stage, the patient talked incoherently, his pulse grew rapid, his eyes rolled upwards, and his temperature went very high suggestive of lead, encephalitis. Before death, the patient developed unconcsciousness, cyanosis of lips and fingers, and Chyne-Stokes respiration. In one case, leucocytes went down to 4,100The best treatment is blood transfusion and the administration of liver extract. Other treatments are only symptomaticAs a preventive measure it is important that gasoline vapor be reduced to less than 500 parts per milion of air. The use of respirators is recommended. (Summary)

Journal of the Philippine Medical Association ; : 0-2.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963651


It is to be noticed that the chromium-plating business in the City of Manila is only on a small scale, and that the majority of the plants are small shops, some of which managed by the platers themselves on little capital. The platers have engaged in this line of work from seven months to 24 years; but they have suffered almost no injury, except slight inflammations of the nasal mucosa - and that by only one third of themThe imposition of rigid requirements - such as better shops and costly control measures - will adversely affect most of them. With the growth of this industry, however, improvement of the shops and provisions of elaborate control measures will be necessary. As it is now, those establishments with concentration of chromic acid slightly higher than the maximum allowable, per cubic meter of air, need to provide local exhaust ventilation to their chromium-plating tanks, protective ointments to the nasal tissues of the platers as often as necessary. There is also the necessity of improving some of the shops to correct overcrowding and defects in ventilationFor prevention and treatment, the following may be mentioned: 1. Local exhaust ventilation, with ducts along one or more sides of the bath, at the top of the tank, with the level of the plating solution to be at least eight inches below the top of the tank2. Application of vaseline or mentholatum salve, several times daily, to the nasal tissues, to protect the platers from injury3. Use of rubber boots, gloves, and aprons, to prevent contact of any broken skin with chromic acid4. When gloves are not used, the hands should be washed with water frequently; and cuts and abrasions should be greased with three parts of vaseline mixed with one part of lanolin5. Treatment of skin and nose affections which includes the use of bisulphite, ammonium polysulphide or thiosulphate solution for washing, the application of an ointment, etc. (Conclusion and Recommendation)

Journal of the Philippine Medical Association ; : 0-2.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963321


1. This investigation has removed definitely our apprehension that gasoline and naphtha, which are potential hazards in the three convas-rubber shoe factories, might be a real danger. The highest concentration of gasoline vapor found was only 460 p.p.m, which is lower than the maximum allowable concentration-500 p.p.m2. The statistical analysis of the blood pressure by age group did not show any significant difference between the exposed and unexposed groups of workers, indicating no appreciable effects of the gasoline and naphtha vapors3. The symptoms found among the workers were also analyzed and were found to be not due to the solvent. There were, however, some individuals who showed more susceptibility or sensitiveness to gasoline vapor; and these individuals should be transferred to other departments of the factories free from such vapor4. The psychrometric findings showed that there is need of rearrangement of electric fans in one factory to promote air circulation, and opening of more windows in the two others to correct deficient temperature. Regarding Kata value (cooling power of air) and wind velocity in the different sections of the factories, the following standards are recommended: wind velocity of 50-100 feet per minute where there is no gasoline vapor; not less than 200 feet per minute where gasoline vapor is present; and Kata cooling power of not less than five where the temperature is more than 85 degrees F5. For preventive measures, it is recommended that exhaoust ventilation systems be provided in the vicinity of the canvas-rubber shoe making tables and in the rubber cement mixers. The factories should also be inspected at least twice a year to determine the concentration of solvent vapor in the different working areas. (Conclusions and recommendations)

Journal of the Philippine Medical Association ; : 0-2.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962821


A review of the clinical case records and x-ray films of workers in sugar cane and mining industries was presentedBagassosis and silicosis are occupational diseases of the lungs in which fibrosis is a prominent x-ray finding. They are often confused with bilateral miliary tuberculosis. Bagassosis is contracted by inhalation of dust particles from dry fermented sugar cane bagasse while silicosis is produced by the inhalation of dust containing free silicaThe incidence of silicosis in the particular mining company under study was 0.44 of the total number of workers with exposure to silica dust. (Summary)

Journal of the Philippine Medical Association ; : 0-2.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962778


An observation on 15 individuals with exposure to mercury was made to see if there was any correlation between mercury levels in blood and urine. The data in this study have been subjected to statistical tests to support scientifically the validity of the results. (Summary)The Spearman coefficient of P = 0.015 and a correlation coefficient of 0.580 indicate a good correlation between the blood and urine levels on a group basis, although individually, there is no close correlation in any individual case. (Conclusion)