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Journal of Surgery ; : 57-59, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975557


Introduction: In Mongolia laparoscopicsurgery starts 25 years ago, in our center /NCMCH/ we start laparoscopic surgery fromOctober 2013.Materials and metods: The articleanalyzes the results of treatment of 2patients 16 years old girl and 14 yearsold boy, who underwent laparoscopicechinococcectomy. Abdominal ultrasoundshowed solitary echinococcosis in VII liversegment, diameters is 9.8cm and 7.4cm.The echinococcus cysts were removed bylaparoscopy. In residual cavity of echinococcuscyst was performed laparoscopic coagulationof the inner wall of the fibrous capsulewithout drainage. After laparoscopic liverechinococcectomy postoperative period wasmuch more favorable than after traditionalechinococcectomy.Results: to evaluate the therapeutictactics and ways to improve the eliminationof residual cavities after laparoscopicechinococcectomy of liver in children.Conclusions: The hospital stay in thepostoperative period was 3 bed days.Laparoscopic echinococcectomy is goingwithout postoperative complications,without residuals, reduce the duration ofpostoperative hospital stays.

Journal of Surgery ; : 29-32, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975550


Introduction: The aim of this study was tostudy the pattern of foreign-body aspiration inthe tracheobronchial tree as well as the successrate of rigid bronchoscopy in children admittedto the National Center for Maternal and ChildHealth, Mongolia during 2012-2016.Materials and Methods: In this crosssectionaldescriptive study, the required datawere collected from the medical reports ofall children under the age of 13 years withsuspected foreign-body aspiration who wereadmitted and underwent explorative flexibleand rigid bronchoscopy during 2012-2016. Thedata was retrospective viewed.Results: Among 40 patients with aconfirmed aspiration, 57.5% (23) were malesand 42.5% (17) were females. 42.5% were1-3 years old. The most common complaints(symptoms) of patients were non-productivecough (82.5%), wheezing (52.5%) andrespiratory distress (22.5%). The mostfrequently aspirated foreign bodies were nuts(peanuts). In total, 57.5% of foreign bodieswere lodged in the right bronchial tree. In 100%of cases, the foreign body was completelyextracted by bronchoscope. The majority ofcases were admitted more than 24 hours afterthe occurrence of aspiration, and pneumoniawas the most common complication. In X-rayfindings Golitsknyekhta Yakobsona’s symptomswere in 10 /25%/ cases.Conclusion: Patient history, especiallyinitial suspicion of aspiration, coughing,wheezing and respiratory distress, can behelpful in the diagnosis of foreign-bodyaspiration. All foreign bodies were removed bybronchoscope /100%/ without complications.In X-ray findings Golitsknyekhta Yakobsona’ssymptoms were in 10 /25%/ cases.